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"But chef, we always make sweets to sell and to gift, how about those who wants something savory? " So today, let's spread the love by creating delicious spreads which is very nice to sell, to gift, or simply to prepare and eat this coming holiday season or if you want to make any day special. So today, let's make, first, Chicken Salad Spread and Four Cheese Pimiento Spread. So let's start here. In my mixing bowl, I have here 1 kl of chicken breast fillet that I've ordered from Fresh Options. We let it boil for around five to six minutes in water with a bit of salt and when it's cooked and become cold, we shred it off, so there it is. Okay. You can prepare this in advance, actually and then, this is just very quick to make. So first, you put Pimientos. About half a cup of Chopped Pimientos. Red onions. Since red onions are more pungent so we're putting red onions. Pickles. Chopped pickles. You put good mayonnaise. Cream cheese. So the cream cheese has to be at room temperature. If the cream cheese is cool, then put it in the microwave for a while so that it will soften and then you put around 2 tablespoons of good condensed milk. If you wanted sweeter, you can add it more. I put a bit of hot sauce, just a bit of hot sauce to balance the flavor and a bit of white vinegar, just a splash of white vinegar. I have here salt and pepper but it's to taste already, so I'll just mix this first. Just put all the ingredients and then just mix it, just combine it. This is very delicious. You may bottle this, later I'll show you some packaging tips. Okay. You just blend them all together. "Chef, the one my mother- in-law makes has raisins" "The one I watched has cranberries." You know what? You drop all you want to drop on it. If it makes you happy, you can put raisins. Just drop your raisins on that. Cranberries, drop your cranberries on it. Walnuts, drop your walnuts on it. Just don't fall on a wrong person. So there it is, it's just like that. If what makes you happy, then drop that on it. Just to be honest because anyway this is your chicken salad, others would even actually put apples. The only problem with apples is that it discolors. It's shelf life is shorter. So there it is, you can see that it is very creamy like this. Do not overmix it because if you overmix it, then it would be like too mushy. You put some black pepper and a little bit of salt. Okay. Some tips, all the ingredients you'll use here has cooled down especially the chicken, do not use the chicken while it's still warm because it will produce moisture and there's a chance that your chicken spread would be easily damaged. So I'm going to put this inside the fridge. Well of course, I know you'll say that, "Why haven't he taste it?" So let's taste it, I can't find the spoon. Let's just use this since the spoon is too far. Okay. If what's near with you, If what's accessible with you, then you choose that one. It's good, so I'm going to put this inside the fridge but of course, before you put it inside the fridge, you need to cover it. So I'm going to get clean wrap. To prevent cross-contamination, then you need to cover it and when you cover items like this, don't cover it like that. I cover it directly onto the surface so that it would not form moisture. The condensation, the producing- fluid because if it may happen, your spread would be dripped with moisture, then it would be quickly destroyed or spoiled. "I don't want to use plastic." You can use parchment paper or wax paper to cover it. So this goes inside the fridge and then I'm going to show you later, the packaging tips. So now, let's prepare another favorite. This is Four Cheese Pimiento Spread. "God chef!, that's a lot of cheese, it's even 4 types." "We may be dazed on finding that cheese." Don't worry, If you wanted to have two types of cheese only, The Keso De Bola, substitute it with cream cheese or make it processed cheese also. It would just depend on you, okay? Just fill your spread with cheese and with love. So we start with, half a cup of good mayonnaise. Just combine it all together on your mixing bowl. 1 cup of cream cheese. When you buy cream cheese that is packed like this, this is already 1 cup. You don't need to measure that on your measuring cup anymore. 1 cup of grated Keso De Bola. 1 cup of grated processed cheese, those cheese that you can buy on supermarket. Buy any type of brand you want. half a cup of grated Parmesan cheese. If you don't like this, then substitute it with processed cheese. If you don't like cream cheese, then substitute it with processed cheese also. No problem. Good butter. You put around half a cup to 3/4 cup of good butter. This is salted butter, of course. So that it would really be tasty, so that's around 3/4 cup and then you put condensed milk. 2 to 4 tablespoons. If you want it sweeter, you can add more condensed milk. So I'm going to mix this first, before I put the Pimientos. So I'm going to use a hand mixer, low speed first. I'm going to break the cream cheese. So you just beat it until it's very smooth and fluffy. Okay, and now I'm going to turn off the mixer. I'm just going to put a pinch of Cayenne pepper. Right? Not to incorporate it with spiciness but just a kick. Right? Because again, the acidity of your pepper, it would be the one that cut through the feeling of being fed up on the creamy dishes. Not necessarily to make the dish spicy but to remove the feeling of being fed up. So I mix it again. And then, I'm going to put my chopped Pimientos. And then, I mix it again. So just like your bake products, this spread is also more delicious on the following day. Rest it on the refrigerator. Because resting it inside the fridge will let all the essential oils of your cheeses, of your milk to combine together and to intensify. That's why now, it's already delicious but it's more delicious the next day. If you want to put more Pimientos, then you may add it additional. So this is your Four Cheese Pimiento Spread or if you want to make it Three Cheese, Two Cheese, Five Cheese, on where you are happy. So next, I'm going to show you how to properly pack it. So to properly pack your delicious spreads, you have many options. So of course, the most popular is, you may put that on your microwavable container. It's Cheese Pimiento, right? If you're gonna sell or gift this, you may put it on this container and then of course, after putting it into the container, you pack it. Okay. So that it would be compact and then put the cover and what's the most important tip that I always give to you? It needs to have a label. There it is, so you put your label on top It won't remove. Okay. So this is Four Cheese Pimiento. You put it there, right? When I make a label, blank just like that and then I write it, so that it would really be personalized, it really feels homemade and of course, if you want it more sophisticated then you may put it on bottles like this. So when you buy your bottle, make sure to wash it thoroughly with soap and water. Dry it properly and the inside should be is, it really needs to be dry. There shouldn't be any water left or moisture to avoid the spread on being damaged easily and make sure that everything is well sanitized, right? including your hands. So when you're gonna pack already, you must really use alcohol to the max, right? To make sure that there would be no cross-contamination that would happen on your bottling right? especially this one is a dairy product. So next, get a piping bag and you put your spread here. So now, I'm doing the Cheese Pimiento. We're doing this technique to make sure that your bottle is clean. The feel of your packaging looks so professional and then just cut it, the whole is a bit big and then pipe it onto your bottle. After that, to make sure that the air bubbles that traps aren't present, you have a rubber, just like this. This is just, what do you call this one? Dislodger, right? I forgot what is this called, this is what you put for the table to be not heated So there, just dislodge it and then you'll see that the top is just really flat. Maybe you can add more pimientos because they don't like too much pimientos here in the house. But of course, this is your spread. You may add it more so that there would be more red colors, Christmas effect and then you cover it. Put it on the fridge already, of course, you put the label. This would last on the fridge for about 1-2 weeks. The chicken one, the shelf life is much shorter. One week. You put the label and then you may also put 'Keep refrigerated' So there it is, right? So this is you chicken spread, the way of packaging it is also like before. You may put it on a bottle like this, you may put it on a microwavable or when you're just gonna eat that in house, where should we put that? Then on the bottle of mayonnaise that has been used, right? You thought the inside is mayonnaise but it's really Cheese Pimiento. It's more impressive, right? So now, let's try it with the cracker. You can put it with pandesal also. So this is your Cheese Pimiento. The balance of the different cheeses that we've used, it removes the saltiness of the Keso De Bola, the creaminess of the cream cheese. It does balance it all, it's really really good. But again, if you want to use any cheese then you may use that. This is the Chicken Spread. You want to turn it into a bundle. You can do it Cheesy Chicken Spread. Why not, right? You may joint it together, bundle. It's really good. Even it's not Christmas at all, it's very nice as snack, as gift and as to sell. So make yours already and I look forward, to seeing your spreads and or seeing you spread the love through this spreads. Keep safe and see you :)
Channel: Chef RV Manabat
Views: 393,926
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0P80yBJlPM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 28sec (928 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 05 2020
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