Golf It With The ULTIMATE HIDDEN Troll Hole!

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this gold flip map is made for us and if we can complete it we get a cupcake that would be pretty cool although unfortunately this is probably one of the hardest levels we've ever played hole one reset problems guys this map is made especially for jelly SoCo and Crainer because you're the last forever V is allowed this is the first map that this guy has ever oh I already see it I already see it what what what's the problem what oh I see it how do I open it I have to go in the hole first no Josh move out the way bud I can't make it in there guys how do you go and hold your seat oh what's in the scam did I just open it guys I'm really confused oh my God I see it oh I said no no it's not possible oh guys we're getting scammed we're getting in trouble we have one minute and 30 seconds left on this first map I made it in there so how do you do it not it are you kidding me it was this one no because this is made for us I think it's gonna troll us more than anything are you saying they're in my psychology yes okay so there's a hallway right near us but I'm suspicious I'm not suspicious of that it's this one yeah that's that one it is that one huh there's no way it's not that one it's probably just the end move out the way oh never mind we're starting to be a yeah yes Josh this is probably against that one portal guys by the way oh no I literally just had to start oh I know I failed wait we just assumed this one wouldn't work this is a fake box oh it blocked it we could have got that one B is not allowed oh V is not allowed oh hey I wonder if it's open for you guys oh jelly move up you can make that jelly I think second home all right guys I go wait there's yes I don't know where I went in guys yeah which one did we go in is this hard the Crainer together yeah I don't know where I am now back here is this a hole oh my goodness oh I made it whoa Josh made it yeah cradle where are you I'm coming back to spawn because where am I when I was on it's very pain is trapped no where am I going man ma'am where are you trying to just reset Crainer where are you trying to go figure it out I hate Josh's luck Joe I'm just better at a troll map I guess what you gotta do is you gotta hit this Nail First hole hard you guys you know just just read it oh okay Jelly's on a roll get it yeah I get it because he's a golf ball this is kind of where I went I think jelly oh never mind he got a reset kind of just reset oh my goodness where are you I'm somewhere else now but this is like a different course oh why is it not going in there anymore I am confused I'm on 12 Strokes why didn't you just go straight exactly just because when you go straight you're always getting the failed one I don't know that's true I really don't know what's this then Josh what's up you've run out of and you know you haven't I don't like this look I'm getting a beer Josh I hate you for even letting me try that you keep doing that Charlie oh hey I don't know what game Ukraine is playing choose okay okay that was a bad shot oh it's behind us it's behind us jelly I'm guessing that was a lie how do we get back truth it's right up there it's up there yeah I don't really understand how we gotta crack The Rock uh me neither maybe hit it hot okay Josh line yourself up with The Rock hey sorry time to dnf guys time to dnf um I'm happy that Josh didn't find it otherwise you know that would have been a a giant leap I mean you guys have to smack to the Rock right you've just yes yes but trying to smack it hotter but then once you smacked it does it open oh we will never know hold six holes okay I mean what did you expect guys okay why did I go after Jelly oh thanks but then and then he kind of watched you try and then he decided to do it himself I mean I don't I can't defend my own actions oh oh there's a hole down the well oh God dang it stop hitting me of your life you know I don't do it that often yeah he does do it every second but it's pretty often I can hit it from here hey you're not allowed oh sorry [Laughter] curiously you fell I I you pushed me off bro this is the toughest map ever hey oh I see something what what there's a lot of holes in the well guys what is that well it's a hole I just need to go back to you guys how do I do something I haven't seen what is it there it's blocked what's it what is it you guys haven't seen come on buddy Josh you you picked the most impossible map ever yeah it's made for us yeah it's made for Maniacs like mostly you Josh oh I see There's a Hole by the tree well done Crainer welcome but there was also one at the Bell well if you guys listen oh I'm so close I'm I oh wait there's one right oh never mind that one's figure try one a hundred times but the one right here I'll try that 100 times he'll try it 100 I mean you tried it only got 17 hits oh this one right there behind you try the whale try the will no the whale the will there's a whale a whale or a well never mind it's hard for me to say the W's in English oh the bucket it's a barrel thank you oh I mean of course it is to be fair of course it is we're not supposed to go that way it's the wet Lake oh I can go this way Josh do you not remember oh it's a it's a tough angle oh yeah it's like right here isn't it yeah not too fast you shouldn't have said anything jelly what jellyfish I will he it was right behind here right ah oh why did I why did I even where did he see it don't worry you've got this you've got this maybe that preview preview like the one we managers now oh I see yeah I think that was crazy correct jelly what were you doing roll yeah roll roll not there no no not into them like that yeah I bounce off the right yeah yeah literally like you've had no success and you keep going left the only success you've ever had oh that's a good Landing oh no I ran out of Strokes again nice very nice man oh don't failed this I really think I was mean with the holes back there so I decided to give you something easier don't fill this fun fact I even started to hate some tracks but I made some new fun ones oh no wonder you hated them they were really crappy and annoying Karina don't be me now there's no one will ever make them for us again literally no one has ever made a map for us uh don't worry this is our first time guys and it's been great we've been enjoying it this is a fun time enjoying it so much hold eight hole in one holy what is it why is it crossed out and say disaster it says disaster yeah uh it's oh oh no don't kill that don't click r [Music] I'm in a Halloween map do they all disappear they do guys oh I nearly got it jelly what off ah I did it nice what Crainer did it actually I've been trying to tell you guys where to go you never listen yeah I used that thing to bounce off of and then I went yeah but it doesn't function for us anymore oh you guys see something I don't see on my screen that's not there no we didn't see anything okay anything I won hey there's invisible walls oh this is a scam there's invisible it's not my fault okay I just gotta oh yeah oh yeah wait look at the look at the wall that's where the walls are oh I don't care because I'm still winning okay I'm not gonna I can't he just jumped it I think because he was first yeah I jumped at all I thought they were gonna make funnel levels this is just painful wait look it's another Halloween map guys okay it's my first one actually yeah I had one right we've both failed that oh no uh high five there must be a hole if you don't I will suck you in the face that's not ideal like that you see down there wait there's a there's a skull crack in the ram skull and there's a hole there yeah well I'm too committed now like down here like right there oh oh jelly what stop the ball kill it ah there we go oh I did it you did it ah don't roll it off to you butt face a little bit louder a little bit a little bit softer get a lot bit softer yeah there we go finally V is allowed not doing too hot here as long as you guys fail as bad as me oh this is sewn oh wait what you got you guys it says shoot here but I well you go a little too far up it just resets you how do you do this I hate this you can't give up jelly oh oh never mind yeah yeah you could give up Josh what is this I don't know come on bro oh it's a lie my life has been scammed you gotta go up the Tuesday you said don't you see that I assumed so my life is a scam come on that's a shame come on oh like I'm not the only one wait if I bounced off the wall it would have never mind all right Crainer good luck good luck I'm trying my bestest never mind you fell we all failed I'm done with this map seriously it's this map's too long sometimes the yeah crane has found something he's been real quiet because I just failed you okay I like this one no I don't know where I'm going it's like clearly this is this is the wrong one so it must be right did you manage to get it trainer which way did jelly go follow me to paradise buddy okay you're just resetting what the hole 11 part two secret Lake right yeah are you at the secret Lake yeah I think so whoa secret area well it made me fall off it's like people don't listen to me no no we don't trust you it's failing to get in there though Crainer yeah it's pretty difficult there we go it doesn't let me through wow can I make this in three I mean if you're lucky there's a hole here there's a hole here a hundred percent you've got 17 Strokes come on there's a hole here I mean I'm not gonna make it anyway so I might as well look and whoops never mind it wasn't that one but it was this one never mind actually I changed my mind it is in fact okay come on Josh get it over with this one never mind okay there wasn't a hole here trust this will trust this hole okay okay can we do something how do I know which way to go can I get to the back hole I think there must be a puzzle right yeah I know it I I just move out of the way Josh what now I'm out here no you told me then okay stay jelly no I did it finally hey hey there we go okay holding my lead no walls to trust what are you saying I said no walls don't fall back down don't fall back down you better move jelly oh whoa the Finish was there where are we now it's right ahead of us go past it it's right oh yeah it's right wait no no no no no no no no no we've Fallen past it jelly we fell apart right there it's literally right here like wait what hey can you push me oh come on oh no it's a trick it's a fly I'll get it I mean that was a scam that was a scam oh that was that was a scam this is the most evil map I don't like the sound of that okay you just have to hit it jelly why do you talk like I'm not here by the way huh what'd you say Karina it glued me in a little bit of conversation be here with you anyway I'm forced to play this dumb map because you guys thought it was a good idea don't go in there and we'll reset you at least have a bit of something just trust me it will literally reset you okay what it's resetting you are you dumb oh [Music] no oh why is this so bloody tough oh my gosh I saw it but why is it fake that's the question I mean there is one here somewhere but but which hmm which is it wait Charlie did it didn't even see it did you just got scared by yourself or something oh it's right there yeah I see it now oh I just hate it I hate it that I can't you could have just waited a bit longer I should also don't go uh give it away it was like oh wait this one's Gonna Change I think this one has got to reset get in get in never mind but excuse me I did it no I figured out to pass away hey man come on Josh do the past line what is the puzzle at you what you what am I is am I you're being a silly pooper there you go goopy that was weird catch up spree is still oh man I don't even like chess [Music] you know are you kidding me guys holding one well that was a scam it was a one-time thing jelly yeah goodbye losers this one's gonna be painful Jetty I can tell yeah I think so as well uh ah Iceland I mean the Iceland one's gone right we're asking me these type of questions like am I did I just mess myself up by going for this one you guys should have just gone away I did oh my goodness wait am I in first place not definitely not I thought I was killing it why am I not you thought you were doing there's definitely a hidden hole somewhere as well I'm chilly wait what is the wool here have you hit this jelly to the right yes is that a lie where are you going with this dude it's it's lit right there I haven't looked okay chill chill chill oh jelly no way did I just hit you into that I no I I hit myself all right come on please keep missing as soon as you say that short but hard all right just like jelly wait what we call Jelly hard yeah I don't know about that like hardcore hardcore jelly hey that's what they call him can call me loud oh I see it don't worry this is not troll this is YouTuber mode the next song whole might have copyrighted what on why would you put copyrighted in There's Something About Me turning off copyright music on the next hole how do you do that I do not have to go in the right hole I don't know [Music] six yeah I made the short hard one [Music] soft there is no troll I went in I mean it was never gonna be the truth you really think trust you with all at all yeah you're a bit ahead of us jelly but yeah yeah don't worry my friend what's gonna happen here okay two brawl oh no no oh we're playing go sorry whoa okay well I'm gonna make it I'm Gonna Make It come on I am somewhere weird slap me in there slap me in there this guy is actually really good at making Maps I was just hating a little bit I'm sorry about that that's actually a good map lingo if I could get hit I went back to the beginning ah kidding me stop am I supposed to be here are you guys also somewhere completely different right now oh so close no no I'm supposed to be your butt oh where am I I'm in a pond I gotta be honest I think I got it yes I got it wait you got an 11 in 11. uh where did I go I went into one of those tubes I'm still uh vibing out Jelly's only on five Strokes we're never gonna finish this go faster jelly dude I'm just doing what the map requires me oh there you go I just had to choose one oh come on jelly I I can only probably do one more oh whoa I'm getting which one do I choose I chose the middle one no jelly jelly pick one uh pick one pick one Josh pick one Josh or what I thought you finished it so did I hey take a good pipe pick a good pipe Josh no yesterday can you not read oh we got one second left okay oh god well the moment I stand still I'm done then I dnf okay just press F then yes jelly if you were to get it you would have won by the way wait so who won did I win no you lost you got joined the second guys so you guys are joint losers well done thanks for watching uh create more maps we want to play him and head over to for the merch click the video on screen to watch more right now
Channel: Slogo
Views: 2,083,030
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, slogo, golf, golf it, jelly, crainer, custom map, troll hole, hidden hole
Id: _kzsqLcJKVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 49sec (1189 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 02 2022
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