Touch LASERS = You LOSE! (Golf It)

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it's golf it time the game in which me and jelly go head to head and crane is there but he sucks the aim is to get the ball into the hole why am i explaining that you guys already know what golf is you know what is important head over there right now to check out some really cool merch also click this like button if you think crainer is lame at golf should be quite a few likes anyway let's get into the video um is that a rap guy let's go no all right i haven't really done it good i think we got to shoot a little bit guys okay we gotta shoot a little bit faster no points wins wait what's happening oh the platform's moving i only just realized wait really you didn't see i think i just made it oh in three things going up and down jelly you need to you need to get your uh eyesight checked where are you oh crainer's gone no all right jelly big one all right i'm gonna do this big one from jellybeans big one from the small jelly okay chris guys you need to hit a lot faster than that yay kratom made it what about jeffy wait why does it not tell me how many strokes i'm on uh eight eight you're a nine actually now yeah nine nine straight what is that jelly that's probably your worst attempt yet i'm gonna put my back into it watch this yeah put it oh yes well not better than me though jelly sorry about that why are all of these dumb why is this dumb josh what have you chosen for us this is dogs yeah because then it oh oh come on why did that happen this ain't too bad yeah it's easy you got to be kidding me crainer you are really bad and down we go guys i'm good i think i'm going to be full josh you suck look i did it better than you yeah yeah but i'm also still beating you jelly so don't try me what is it yes that way you see that yes that was such a waste of shots but i made it in a way cooler way than you guys kind of failing multiple times then getting it isn't cool it's cheese jelly's going to be really good at this one he loves cheese i don't think that loving cheese makes a better golf oh i think i could make this [Applause] oh rip jelly crane that's going to really waste time for you bud that's not going to get you anywhere in life no wait same strokes as jelly hey wow you guys are really behind today huh get into the hole in the middle right is that a secret hole whoa whoa it's all the way over here guys secret hole i almost yeah are you okay secret hole is not easy to get oh into oh oh oh oh oh no this couch is this couch no way i made it are you serious i made it oh oh jelly try to come what are you guys doing kelly's like hey can i borrow your homework trainer i'll change it up you literally went i gotta do it fifth shot guys i made it by hitting the uh the roof like the the red oh i see you're bouncing out yeah oh come on what's up are you just gonna beat me holy i am officially better than you josh is on eight hits okay but still winning this still winning it's a forcefield i bounced off the back oh that was sick it's got its own gravitational pull like dilly okay well down we go really weird wait now now where do we go okay stop the ball stop the ball oh oh i made it okay then we go up here and then wait josh you made that one yeah that was easy i don't know i just did it and uh okay down we go no big knife thing i don't like this one this one is going to put me behind a lot yeah same here i don't like it of course josh likes this one oh oh oh yeah i mean i'm just doing it i have to just bounce it where i should go with this how do you do it oh guys oh yeah insects jelly you've got some waste oh that actually works i didn't know i was supposed to go yeah jenny's gonna get it in eight maybe do i gotta go to the barrels yeah uh you're in them jelly fast okay i think this is where uh definitely yeah i don't think you've got it jelly no where's karina craig you're here how do you make it on the next one john yeah it's easy see whoa look i did it okay finally crain now more ahead of me than i thought i mean i was always ahead but yeah i'm more ahead now josh stop flexing all right i'm not flexing i'm just dropping facts all right create a big hit and you can get to the end it is a big knife aim it okay [Music] doesn't matter josh well i'm winning look at this it's a big twisty twist twist oh there's a boost oh where am i going at the booze all right all right oh there's a boostie oh i didn't get to the boost oh josh you gotta make it uh i don't think i'm gonna boost oh i have aces hey come on man i didn't make it oh no i'm gonna sneeze oh no i'm gonna sneeze i don't think those holes are gone so we have to avoid those holes it's either easy you can go you can go in i failed that's what's up that's what's up oh oh wait i'm actually making this the last one last one's bad right whoa check this out jelly look it's me i'm doing it oh no am i gonna make it bad are you kidding me what are you talking about jelly are you talking about hey josh oh come on can it not be a little bit more difficult hey how many did you get five five dang it wait i beat you what josh is on 37 i'm on 40. you guys are kind of lame today the goal is right behind us oh oh oh oh oh oh jen this was that's okay no okay well i can still are you kidding me man oh oh oh oh yay check this one out josh check this out crainer go down the middle what are you doing take this out hold on hold on one means you have to hit once hold it and i go back up why did i fall oh wait yeah i went down and then up again this is really interesting hello where do we go from here continue oh i'm so lucky i got that there's a portal there okay you got to put your back into it like this you got to be kidding me why do i reset all the way guys okay okay i'm in the water now that's bad what's the one daughter what's going on come on is it f yes lying for fail no i'll put you all the way back i know oh come on oh my goodness wait a minute [Music] hey wait i'm in i'm moving six all right in eight no that's seven this one seems easy yeah this one's easy oh oh that was close in nine yeah i did it in two better than josh i am catching up is nobody looking at me doing this no one cares about ukraine [Applause] [Laughter] it wouldn't have been a hole in one but it oh you ran out of strokes okay hole in 15. all right and that we might have to go to oh whoa where am i going oh that was too fast um almost had a hole in one though oh we gotta cross the treacherous waters guys wait whoa somebody hit me and that worked really well for me thanks julie yeah i'm gonna try to cheat this one sec definitely do it oh [Music] where am i going oh my goodness no you guys got to try that press r and go back no all right look at this josh shot buddy this is how we do it it's good oh it's good that was a good shot okay jenny's in first by one point why am i not in first no one likes you no oh bye guys have fun okay and i'll just continue have you guys figured out a cheat on this one yet ah because i haven't okay oh it's this me and jelly just making noises oh why would i do that i'm your friendly neighborhood and then back again oh no oh and perfect okay oh am i in am i in am i in hey got it in nine i think i'm gonna get in front of jelly on this guys why is it when i don't do it well it's not unlucky it's bad but when jelly does it we can all agree that you suck one of these days i'll beat you both in gold again yeah you should be like i'm sorry mate i'm sorry i said that i'd be amazed if you ever beat us in golf well i will i'm going out one day one of these days i shall beat everybody in golf okay the hole's there all right oh come on guys that was unfortunately spin it up it wasn't anything special come on that's just the double is bad check this out spinning is bad there we go okay don't teach about the english language it's too complicated but never mind oh no that's bad is this another where am i all right i'm going to the finish line excuse me [Music] you got to be kidding me man if you fall down [Music] [Music] apparently hey crainer hit him and i'll give you 20 bucks oh there it is too bad oh craney you could just quit honestly no okay i'm in last place all right so it's one of those lucky ones yes no i think i'm going towards the no help help i'm going towards the ass i'm in an ocean i went to the normal are you kidding me okay jelly's just lucky it's not even funny no this is not luck when it's skill it's why am i bouncing to the no come on come on yes oh give me give me give me give me give me give me give me yes oh i think he's got it he's got it four what yeah it took me a while to be lucky dilly uh in the morning oh i got it is there you get your own have you got your own boat there yeah you do right i got my own boat now boys okay i'm on my second shot hey josh she's gonna you might not be up there buddy why don't you go back to the portal oh what's this about guys what are you asking oh come on that was so close no i thought maybe i could shoot nicely done crainer hit him up i pay you 200 bucks no i did say hit him off that doesn't count hit him now hit him yes i was just respawning yes but now we're equal oh man i heard you like crane there like a lot of money you guys just used me in this no is this good this is so intense mess them up i'll give you a hundred bucks this time well i'm making money i don't think anyone's gonna actually have secrets is that good whoa i don't know no yo where is this hole at though i'm going ah going josh and we go if i go josh is rude and it's good then maybe i'll be able to do it better than him okey dokey what what trainer what do you want from me [Music] okay i won i've won i've won i've got there's no way that you can get this there's no way that you can get this oh well conor you gotta bounce me through the hole please he's coming i'm letting my ankle out of you no hey i thought maybe i could just give up but look at him you gotta you gotta make the walk of shame look at this little loser 40 points oh loser loser jenny can you get dnf and he'll still beat you great nice look at this guy with the turret on his head what are you a turret brain idiot oh how did you miss that thanks for watching the video head over to right now for some cool stuff trust me also if you want some even cooler stuff i don't know how that's even possible click one of the videos on the screen and watch another video
Channel: Slogo
Views: 780,522
Rating: 4.9432707 out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, slogo, golf it, golf, jelly, crainer, troll, hole in one
Id: MlM7kZFfc34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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