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we're gonna be golfing of the alphabet every single letter is a hole and me and jelly gonna see who's the best at our ABCs jelly do you uh notice anything about this it's an a Josh we're gonna be doing all of our ABCs today jelly no way yeah we only have 18 holes no no no no no no no no no we've got more than 18 holes today jelly we've got to get through everything yep all right time for b b for I'm the best dust B4 best then yeah not for I'm I'm the best uh wait did you just fall in already it's only on B oh no how are you fine I'm struggling I'm stressing already why jelly it's literally V it's not that deep have you seen the other end no that's I didn't see it that's kind of difficult in the middle stop the ball boom this is all right I could wait and try to hit you off oh you did it you oh you little sneeze yeah try hit me off jelly try hit me off all right well I am behind but it's only level C anything can still happen to me okay D so D seems to be similar Level D 's got a house oh oh okay don't go too hard I guess or too soft somewhere hold him one okay that one's actually pretty easy harder and harder oh that was awesome stay on stay on stay on I listen to me stay on this is difficult so I'm guessing if you hit that perfectly it could take you all the way down but oh well right right all right [Music] interesting okay talking you're not making it any worse yeah but now I'm in your way and now I could just wait you can just hit oh I could just wait what do you mean I could just stay here forever no Josh listen we have four minutes on the um oh that could have been it I hit that was way too many strikes all right both wait you got eight as well are you serious yeah yeah I was struggling Wait f f oh yeah this is an f f for failure Josh well we'll see about that slope oh slowly oh okay okay what's this yeah they're not wrong about it being slow you thought you were good okay the levels are definitely getting more complex though it's level G Josh my alphabet isn't that great right I'm just kidding I know the alphabet yeah it's because you don't speak English right what's up G what's up G wait where is Josh you're actually making a joke but it's true that other countries have different alphabets no I don't know what you're talking about I don't know what you're talking about they just put silly symbols on top of letters yeah right yeah yeah right whole eight so we've actually got some looping action here but is there a right there's two different variables oh doing hey who caught up who's stressing who's stressing come on Logo is getting stressed I was doing a cool trick shot and it just didn't work okay oh oh 12 Strokes we'll just pretend that didn't happen what is this the setback oh yeah but I squished it oh like I actually swish but I switched it Julie I thought you were cool it was sick what are you talking about let's do the switch all right all right all right hole ten it's the J for jelly that was cool right now I'm gonna lie I think I was cool but J for jealous no one's talking about my corner so whatever J for jelly yeah yeah whatever j4 just go away there we go all right I'm doing so well that day definitely okay gotta do some work to catch up well you got it my way dude I didn't get in your way I did oh line it up line it up line it up foreign I had a shot to spare to be honest yeah if I get it I haven't wasted anything never mind I still want to invest in you still got it in less and I'll take this because I messed you up all right it's level what l okay this one this one's easy dude uh-huh tell me more about how easy it is jelly you didn't you're literally at the beginning excuse me just get it in the hole all right I've still got pet like you even though it's an L I've got plenty more letters it's an m what well this is an M yeah but the other one why is there a Target what does that do oh nice jelly nice shot Nice Shot jelly I don't really know why that happened uh-huh you're right all right all right all right just line it up getting in the hole just wanted to line up a bit better yeah right it's perfectly lined up just get it in the hole mate all right I will oh Josh thought he was catching up all right it's n n four with n neighbor yeah that what else get in the corner right okay this is this is whoa I thought there would be angry plants dude angry plant isn't that game if anything I kind of made it more difficult for you just saying I'll take it I'll take it at least we're equal all right Dodge we are quite equal the last three rounds now we've got oh for oh no you're gonna die give us a give us a word with the letter O orange I don't know a single one obese why why was that the word I'm just thinking letter B oh I mean hey thanks mate you're welcome and three do we have another hole to why is that wood there pee but we don't actually we've got to get it in a barrel by the looks of it or a chest Ray which oh that's new that's new but if you go too slow oh into the barrel we go into shots oh and Josh is of course struggling oh wow Josh that is embarrassing that is absolutely we've got letter what is this uh Josh I'm lost wait oh it is no it's not oh p is it isn't it supposed to be an s is it Q oh I haven't been keeping track of where we even are yeah right yeah you just don't know the alphabet Jenny you're the one that didn't know what are you even talking about I'm just looking at the for this thing and I'm kind of confused oh wow oh wow I'll keep getting it in lower shots than me oh my goodness I thought I wasn't gonna get this in two shots hole 18. all right oh wow no tremendous shot what a tremendous shot I can't believe I just did that Josh how are you guys you didn't even like you didn't even go to school and you're still getting this alphabet down like what yeah yeah which was that q s right no this is the S oh my God is that the r Wait this doesn't make any sense all right I'm I'm losing track of which ones we have and haven't done foreign there we go all right line it up just enough we're gonna get it in four shots or not if I hit you in I would have been kicking and screaming yeah I understand oh nice kicking and screaming all right just need jelly to continuously fail this all right yeah you're catching up with a point so that's pretty good Josh I mean I'll take it wait 11 points behind am I actually 11 behind I didn't no we've got lettered I really got messed up by that dnf wow I don't understand what it's saying elevator oh did that work for you did I miss the elevator I missed the elevator that was wait what is this well there's that slow oh and steady wins the race did you get that into yeah yeah oh no no you're already on an extra shot look here messing this up what the heck is going on all right in four I thought that that was the hole but we've got another shot to take oh oh wow the tea is interesting isn't it so does that move again give us a word with the letter T I say t okay I got it is that gonna move away again or what is that is the hole moving into position for you yeah wow it's saying wow I got it in three if you could pick up a couple more shots there's one oh God okay all right all right I'll take it okay so Josh is catching up an eight point difference we've got a few more letters to go letter U let's take a second to it you suck I thought I helped you that give me a word with the letter U universe you are my universe jelly I'm not sure you spell you with the letter U you you don't that's not okay all right you you've got toxic mentality and I'm not sure that I should be around you ah okay I'm doing this very efficiently like I'm picking up like another Point yeah I'm slowly picking shots up [Music] I need you to mess up one more time Josh just need you to mess up no no no no uh this might have been a little bit of setback to be honest like that that doesn't set me yeah but I needed to line up like I'm still in I'm still in oh it did mess me up all right nice nice nice you'd like to see it then what yes indeed indeed where are we going now oh boom let's go five wait were you gonna have five as well I thought I did that quite efficiently oh oh still seven points ahead of Josh oh it felt good to do okay I got it as well I got it as well all right Josh what's up dude you had so it was that the shortcut okay I think we got that hole in one oh please push me up yes thank you I actually got stuck there but he helped me okay are we both gonna get a hole in one Josh you're gonna really struggle here oh oh let's go come on catch up [Applause] it's good you just got lucky there this can you go over that letter is this oh it's an ax it's a cross you know the cross can we get over that or yeah foreign very difficult yeah I think that's how you do it magnificent shot magnificent shot there's no way Josh is doing it in three wait did you get that in one no like the bounce over downstairs in mate bounced it straight in that's impressive seven point difference two more holes to go could you dnf on this all right what letter is this then um I'm lost T yeah but don't ask questions jelly don't ask questions all right I've gotta hope that C is for some reason really crazy you mean zed z yeah that's what I said Zed oh my god look simple we've got a zed we've got a Zen there's a literal Dragon jelly where there oh my God it's spitting fire what is it gonna mean what could it mean we enjoyed it I sure did I'm not sure about you well that depends on oh come on nothing literally nothing oh you good I'm stuck in something hey I got it in first that means first place right did you fail that oh my god oh jaw at the Alphabet game and I didn't even go to school unreal
Channel: Slogo
Views: 446,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, slogo, We BEAT ALL The LETTERS In Golf It!, golf, golf it, word game, jelly
Id: cTVu-pIdPx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Thu May 11 2023
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