HOLE IN ONE or LOSE! (Golf It)

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there is an angry golfer running towards us right now with their golf bat they're gonna try and hit us with it that's not good quickly press like to get rid of that golfer otherwise he's gonna get close to us uh-oh he's coming quickly oh oh you just got crushed by a like button wow I guess you guys really did click like thank you today we're playing golf it today's a little bit special though we're doing a hole-in-one course so let's see if we can get some awesome all-in-ones to them anyway let's get into the video roller coaster guys holy wow I'm so confused where did you guys go no way you actually cheated you used the roller coaster well how else are we supposed to do it I don't know I thought we were supposed to go dairy you guys going what is this didn't see the roller coaster I thought that was where we were had to go now I'm struggling see this is how it usually goes dodge probably already played really yeah but he knows where to go I didn't even know you could go down here so don't blame me for that right dad seriously on five it's about those points no you always say that it's not a funny joke anymore that's true you know you know that this is a hole-in-one map right you can hold him on every level okay so I said oh oh hold him one oh no way that was I got it in the hole it landed in the hole guys I'm not even yeah oh oh Jenny got it so I thought that was a secret hole for a second okay holding one for me guys I mean you're already shot once Oh land here you can't even this is a different hole this is a difficult yeah it's just gotta aim it straight why do you guys struggle with it being straight there we go really top three in three all right I guess I'm still the worst hey it actually feels good to have somebody here finally in the sucks of the game jelly jelly you're still still losing and then it's it's okay alright went over this one no more whole new ones for me I guess yes Billy Josh where do you have to hit me I do what you spawn next to me jelly just hit it softer okay I'm going to tell you oh come on it mean if you didn't make it it's not really perfect is it yes I so need shot what about you Josh yeah you guys so good I got it Rayner is winning that's illegal new people aren't allowed to win oh oh that was a very possible hole-in-one nice oh you got a nice jetty nice nice nice I might actually catch up with Craner now oh it's actually happening slowly what do you think Josh is we have to troll Josh where do you think were supposed to hit this one shot from jelly where what's going on there though I'm not sure Josh are you guys kidding me right now you both before me you need to work on how hard you're shooting Craner I feel I'm just not good at that okay I have a very strong arm come on why are you shooting that way you're shooting at angles it's gonna happen Josh now it's time for you to start feeling and then we've equaled it out that's good wait what that whoa no I'm not okay trusting guys I coulda done it course he's done eh whoa where it is I need really difficult it was actually way easier right guys how low can we go I could go real low oh I thought it meant like kind of slow I guess not I guess not no we have to go back second shot whoa I'm already back down speed boost sky I've got time wait what yeah I was like rolling bag three got me the blue skies easy easy oh that one's so easy okay place I see you in first place amine cleaner have this same amount of points yeah equally bad jelly I thought you could get him from the beginning high up into the sky hit me man oh okay this is that she's kind of a tough shot okay granny got it I got a birdie cranek he's getting always shot in - what do you mean oh oh what how is that not it you must have cheated right Josh I've fallen into the booster thing wait I'm on a different course hang on jelly is really hearing loss sounds like you're getting a bit upset that was really high up there really happy I did try crane 11 team squeeze the jelly somebody's mad I'm so important it is actually insane no I don't need to I just know of the body seven all right and we go alright I don't think I can do this one crane has put me into the side yeah this distracted me on your I call make it cuz Creina hit me off the center now yeah how do you make it over there man Oh jelly hit me I can do all workers fine yes Josh Thank You Betty mucho gosh almost made it okay now I just gotta shoot I gotta go dive into them yes yes Oh mr. slow go man in five shots Josh I believe this one I gotta be honest yeah with a different access yeah okay twelve that's andhere are you joking Lehigh I was supposed to catch up with you other guys off 3.0 memory link oh all right when you hit go both ways wait I came back yeah that didn't work for me but when I looked at first is the better one oh gosh speaking okay Josh this one is tough man but I might fall off this oh no I did it he's obviously done he's obviously got it he actually did it upset they do the same thing why why would I not get upset Josh whoa I mean you know you're not gonna beat me toward failing Jenni you're not gonna be me there's silly trying baby you know yeah I don't know about that jelly oh you got it though yes you somehow you could you could keep on failing a little bit more so I can catch up some more point you need a full boys difference you know did you know on ice it goes faster right you have to shoot slower I didn't eventually 15 seconds left maybe check out and easily get seven your stroke currently have jelly stop stop crap talking right now I got this oh he's got it blink I'm fine three two what I think it counts yeah seems such an L before wait what the heck guys saw KK what experience of my life number one Oh well I'm below it whoa come on keep rolling Craner you got so lucky there what is this about in two strokes come on yeah Josh I love with you what are you doing come on Josh look at look at your score and then look at mine and crater score come on I got 68 I can I can be an F and be fine whoa under pressure oh you're not doing it hot enough Josh's asking me if get it second got a fun little DNF it'll be fine it was good fun just relax know what that's what I'm talking about when he does bad he doesn't do his bad a sauce the exact right well how great was this I'm actually 13 points behind are I can still catch up yeah oh this is cool I like this yeah how is here we go how would this be a hole-in-one though I'm not too sure about that either oh wait Wagner why do I keep jumping over it really am I stuck here that's not good come on whoa okay I wanna know how that was ahold of one because that is technically still a hole-in-one just don't look at my points guys oh there was a jump and you bounced off with the things oh did we miss it yeah we missed a dang it off call right it's not possible cuz you're not as good as me sweet I mean I guess it is if Josh just fails every single hole from now on jelly yeah that'd be good yeah I mean that's that's what if I totally take probably I mean the match hey I hit that and then that okay okay jelly isn't fair yeah and Creina urine in front of me um technically inside of you right yeah but you're also a millimeter in front of me so you have to go first go first I'm just going this way boys later Wow why would you do how'd that work out for you or any good say I'm just I'm going around I'm going around to I'm gonna try it I can do this in my fourth shot boy so nearly got it my second one I got it you teach her you didn't even go eat I went under the hole and it counted see this is just proof of Josh's endless luck oh this one should be easy right guys it's just straightforward you got spawn in front of me every time happy with it okay I can do it I can do it that was that was an awful shock what did I do okay nothing changed it's possible okay guys this is the same thing okay we can do it really good oh my god oh well actually made it so I just need to get it course Josh made it you know that's it's just life for us trainer fake saying we should really hate on him I hate you Josh don't that hit me then no g-force boys I [Applause] was like centimeters away from it Josh didn't get it what a loser hey Doc just trying to help you guys out loser man whoa sorry guys wait to pipe Josh different pipe okay moving out the way sorry whoa if you could struggle at this one like a lot they'll be really funny ah oh thanks crane uh hey guys Josh okay let's see you Crenna can hit me in though the amount of luck Josh's get it's it's guild jelly you been kept by Craner to make it as definitely your skills uh-huh I had to line myself perfectly to get hit can you hurry up so I get hit in the hole please come on okay he's gonna take too long see yeah crater if you could just you know like DNS or something that was the last level black hole okay guys um Craner could still catch up with me yes where do we go that's my plan - what is this wait you can one-shot it into the sky oh wait there's it did he do it oh that's not an easy shot I just made it in the nice shot wait did you yeah yeah I did yeah see I'm really good at doing nice shots I'm going way too far horrible and now down oh oh I need he made that oh it did break it bring me where Josh I'm a nice shot as well cue I mean that's fine I'm giving up on the nice shot that is way too difficult I'm not sure where I'm going John I'm in a journey this is a really long tube and I'm going super slow yeah I'm going oh I guess am I gonna catch up you have a quick look Wow okay I think I might make this who Josh you're going a lot faster no I'm not not really not doing okay guys I'm not gonna have time to finish this oh I'm going down is it a random Charles I made it what is happening this is so weird 100 - me too - yes right I guess I'm the winner yeah I think kratom might where even are you I'm going to this you actually merely made that is this the first time you've seen somebody with a skull for 100 oh no jelly's done way higher than that don't worry [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Slogo
Views: 5,175,429
Rating: 4.9460831 out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, golf, golf it, golf with friends, jelly, crainer, troll, hole in one
Id: cf6JLdDfQuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 04 2019
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