Golden Girls funny 3 :)

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[Music] glad honey aren't you forgetting something oh no I never wear underwear I'm free single at 80 I was moving I was gonna give each one of you gift but I want you to have them anyway why Sophia oh ma this is so lovely I'm so familiar this is mine I thought the cleaner lost it I told you the cleaner lost it I took it I needed something to go with my black sweater this is my black sweater I know it goes great with my pearls Wow enjoy and be healthy I wonder if she's seen my umbrella with the duck handle you know I haven't been able to find my ankle bracelet come on I think it's time to search her room again actually that first night I was kind of well appalled I guess but Charlie was very patient it was really very nice once I understood that that's what you were supposed to do wasn't some colossal joke you know you have done some good work Dorothy but not enough people like you does he have a friend for Dorothy we know this is last minute so we'll take short bald fat I'm sorry Sophia but I've already pawned rose off on his fat friend anyhow my first was Billy oh I remember it so well just like it was yesterday that night under the dogwood trees the air thick with perfume and me with Billy's her Bobby yeah Bob yeah was Bob or was it Ben anyway it started with a babe are you a diamond ring and your pearl necklace and your Jade bracelet are you planning to come back it's a gift certificate for a complete makeover at Elizabeth Arden maybe now you can get a date you look gorgeous oh really yeah goodness I didn't even have time to put on my makeup huh would you mind waiting out in the van duck I'll be with you in just a minute sure I do believe the man said gorgeous I'm gonna live forever not outside of an institution Oh Dorothy can I make a little suggestion when you go for your makeover sure what is it don't expect a miracle [Music] you can go straight to a chi double hockey sticks double hockey sticks yeah but I don't want to come out the only peace and quiet I've had in two days Blanche thinks she's Peter Pan and Rose is turning into Mommy Dearest that's nothing you think you're Joseph finger plumber I say does at least $50 good between that and what I lost at the track your even you know you don't look good I'm short and I'm all what did you expect princess die who's gonna keep after us and make us linguine and tell us stories about Sicily I don't know Rose maybe Mary Poppins has an Italian cousin decided to overlook that minor detail and succumb to the Vesuvius of passion that is about to erupt from me stand back we're gonna get something on us I've only felt this once before it was during my 17th summer and I was working behind the cosmetics counter at the Rexall drugstore I was stocking the Maybelline display when I I heard this booming boy say excuse me ma'am where are the cuticle scissors as locked and for one brief moment there was nobody else on earth but the two of us please Blanche Sidney Sheldon tells shorter stories I know in my heart if I just followed my feelings that day at the Rexall drugstore today I would be mrs. Andy Griffith I'm not gonna make the same mistake with Dirk but I'm able to Andy didn't she tell us that story before yes but the last time it was Woolworths a toenail clipper and John Cameron Swayze you're sitting on top of me I open my eyes I see pores like that I think I'm on the moon I love all my children even Phil sure but don't tell him I want to borrow money d'Arthur where's my heating pad how should I go but this isn't it I'd like to know what other electrical appliance you're using under that blanket in your head I'd like to cash in now let's see these are worth $1 apiece I have 20 to 30 pretzel sticks here now you got pretzel dust don't be a sore loser now you are $30 you're absolutely right Dorothy I stand corrected pay huh got a part in Macbeth but I'm afraid it isn't the part you were hoping for what part did I get which number three he picked you over me listen I hate having to turn dollars Arthur this is a joke isn't it he didn't really pick you over but oh but I didn't even want the part but Jason said I have presents listen I really have to go - can I take you over me I do not believe this I have been had I know you still didn't get the part of course they just worshipped me because I'm blond and feminine and young with a great body what Mara do you use was named Lindstrom I used to make it for him on his birthday and other holiday about it your last name was Lindstrom you named your cat Lindstrom Lindstrom yes it was less confusing for him that's good give me one of those right there stop where shall I hide it in your brassiere Rose your Scandinavian what do you know a thousand ways to make herring not a thousand but Allah and I'm famous for my Lindstrom surprise the world is higher herring pie this surprise is you think it's pie like apple you know but when you bite into it it's herring
Channel: smile today
Views: 3,674,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Golden Girls, Golden Girls, funny, funny moments, funny scenes, have fun
Id: OuLww2SnKKs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 7sec (487 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 05 2018
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