Dorothy Zbornak Quotes - Season 1 (Part 2)

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Hey terrific sex is better than nothing there's two terrific sex and the dumb blonde is not gonna get any Oh Dorothy could I please borrow your diamond ring and your pearl necklace and you Jade bracelet are you planning to come back what people there trust me I got this part in the sack she means in the day no honey she means in the sad like me oh I know for a fact my parents like my sister's better than they did me Oh Blanche that's silly how could you know a thing like that they told me Blanche I can't believe that your parents told you that I don't care if they are from the south my parents always made each of us feel like we were the favorite they loved all nine of us equally please have the best Christmas Eves daddy sit at grandma's old player piano and he'd play Christmas carols and the children at sing along and mother bring in some homemade eggnog and snickerdoodles and then we decorate the tree and after daddy had hung a star the fairy top of the tree we'd all join hands and pray and then Daddy tell us a story and can you send our feather who was your father Rose Michael Landon this reminds me of when we were little and you used to tell me bedtime stories oh yeah yeah the boogeyman and the little girl the zombie in the hamper cannibal parents Dorothy why don't you ever come to California to visit me not easy you know I have my job I have responsibilities I've never been invited really have to go to the a shall I take you over me I do not believe this I have been hired I know you still didn't get the part something bothering you of course not what makes you say that do you want to talk about it no yes you come each one of you skip but I want you to have them anyway why so for your house honey you shouldn't here oh ma this is so lovely and so familiar this is mine hello I'm dr. Jonathan Newman are you absolutely sure yes may I come in oh please please please [ __ ] please and may I take your high hat you must be Dorothy Rose has told me all about you I wish I could say the same why don't we just start dinner oh good what do we have it short ribs I mean how big a man is should make or break a relationship not a word Blanche I couldn't leave it because of all the things about look I don't want to hear it that oh my god I'm storming out to the bathroom no sale it never seemed to warrant one yeah do you talk I've always wanted to but at that point it seems that nobody is ever interested in conversation you know I abstained after Stan and I split up but it wasn't a very different experience from when Stan and I were together oh yeah taste it but is it oh it's my special maple syrup honey brown sugar molasses Rice Krispies log how practical a snack you can pal your den with some people put flour in it but I think that makes you too handy my kids always like it this way tell me rose don't even kid still have their own teeth no it's a loose doing this week oh my granddaughter's never been to Florida before so I thought I'd taken the SeaWorld and Gator world reptile world and Thurid village what the parents don't get a world this is outrageous oh boy I'd love to put some surprises in my will like leaving a small remembrance to each of the man who has brought some special joy or pleasure to my life where would they read that world large the Astrodome Dorothy listen before Rose gets here can I ask you something sure you don't have to answer if you don't want to what is it if you think it's none of my business just say Blanche is none of your business look Blanche you caught me one night sneaking out of the kitchen naked with an Oreo in my mouth and we have no secrets now ask your damn question have you noticed that Rose has been acting peculiar yes Blanche from the first day I met her astronaut cam there's a camp for astronauts as it comes five down Blanche it's a maple syrup honey brown sugar molasses Rice Krispies one for each of you how sweet how incredibly sweet what are you gonna do with yours it's a log I'm going to burn it where is it used to we just came to help no actually you were gone so long we were afraid you two were making another log I'm taking my bed back fine rose get into bed ma get out of here and take your teeth with you don't make fun of your mother if I didn't wake up tomorrow you'd never forgive yourself I'll risk it Dorothy you're sleeping with a liar but don't worry about it Rose most of the people I've slept with were liars Dorothy I want you to know that having friends like you really helps me get through times like this you sleep well and and I'll see you in the morning I love you thank God I thought you'd never shut up this afternoon where's Charlie on the lanai my mother is trying to help her put Barbie's hair back on with Poligrip fussing Oh wrap it with a cute little mouth Rose it doesn't wear white gloves and work at Disneyland just got here and Blanche you always said if you've got a stallion eating oats out of your hand best clothes gate for you give him the sugar you said that Rakesh if I could just manage to wrote myself a doctor that easily honey I don't think there's enough sugar left in the bowl he's back I saw him running across my dresser who's back Oh Jay Simpson rode the rack is back Rose do you have any idea how weird you are I cringe at some of the stunts I pulled when I was going through my rebellious stage like what Rose squeezing the cows too hard sure doors to my house the mouse Rosalie promised this mouse is an odd duck Rose how many head bones have you mice trivia I've never met anyone so sort and for a policeman you've led a very sheltered life good night ed we're going to go home now and I want you to know we'll all sleep a lot better knowing you're off duty Jennifer now one of the doctor really say he said I have to have surgery huh surgery for what for kicks Rose I don't like hospitals nobody likes hospitals but there's nothing to be scared of oh really Rose what about blood what about death what about those nighties that don't close up in the bag we see the first thing in the morning honey I hope I can say the same exercising doesn't bother you no not at all what is it some kind of therapy you have to do no I just like to stay healthy I have to break this to you Bonnie you're in a hospital the exercises aren't working
Channel: TheFreddyPeterson
Views: 1,116,600
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The, Golden, Girls, Season, one, quotes, liners, Tribute, oneliners, funny, old, people, witty, remarks, comebacks, wille, nelson, dorothy, zbornak, bea, arthur, betty, white, Rose, nylund, blanche, deveraux, slut, sex, dumb, st., olaf, minnesota, rue, mcclanahan, estelle, getty, sophia, pertillo, last, episode, finale, golden, palace
Id: kUN2m_b7UcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 25 2009
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