Golden Boy Flashback: Floyd Mayweather vs. Ricky Hatton (FULL FIGHT)

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with courage years of sacrifice pure Brute Force strength of mind the drive for Glory and the desire to take [Music] Victory one becomes a golden War we welcome you to the fabulous MGM Grand Garden arena in Las Vegas Nevada for world championship boxing tonight's show is promoted by Golden Boy and Mayweather promotions in association with HBO International and the MGM Grand and features this International battle for the WBC and Ring magazine welterweight championship of the world Floyd May with a 38-0 from Flint Michigan now living in Las Vegas puts his titles on the line against the undefeated in two Division World Champ Ricky Hutton of Manchester England coming in here 43 and0 31 Knockouts well hello once again everybody I'm the colonel Bob Sher with me is Dave Bono and Dave it is rocking in Las Vegas tonight here's the live shot inside the soldout MGM Grand Garden Arena and the electricity in the crowd we haven't seen too much of it lat I'll tell you look at the enthusiasm and they're singing the hat and Wonderland song of course the take off of winter wonderland and it's been like this all night it was like this on the plane flying here from the eastern part of the United States it has been a holiday it has been a celebration all brought by the British boxing fans and how many guys can fight in another country and bring the home crowd with him and fill up the house it does not happen but it happens here with Ricky Hatton well in the days of Frank Bruno and and later days of the great heavyweight champ X Lewis there was a little bit of it but not to the magnitude of this this is extraordinary and the flare that the British fans have and they used to it from cheering and chatting for their soccer teams in the UK and around Europe and they brought it to the boxing scene and the American fans absolutely love it and they've intiated Ricky Hatton because he's that sort of guy a guy you you just have to like he's a working class hero to the people in Britain in fact if you had another fighter of his magnitude in the ring Ricky hat would be the guy in the stands leading the sacks that's why they love him so much he is one of them and the Working Class People have come over they've embraced him and we've got an international showcase well the fans are here not only are the British fans here but all kinds of celebrities and we'll show them to to you from time to time you only get it like this in Las Vegas who's who virtually uh who's who in the boxing world all here for this fight tonight and again Floyd Mayweather the extraordinary six-time World Champ considered pound-for-pound the best fighter in the world today he is the WBC welterweight champion of the world and the Ring magazine welterweight champ and that's what this fight is about tonight contrasting Styles the fast hand the skill box of the great condition and the great feet of Floyd Mayweather against the power of the well- conditioned powerful left hooks to the body and the Relentless intensity of Ricky Hatton that's what it's all about and it will boil down to a number of interesting variables for Ricky Hatton coming up to 147 did he hit his peak one way class earlier we will find out tonight as he moves up he has not looked his best at 147 what's amazing is this entire crowd is on its fight Tom Jones is here to sing the national anthem and they're not even waiting for that Tom Jones is going to sing the national anthem I suppose for both the UK and for uh America and the British people have already sung it so it's absolutely [Applause] extraordinary Lennox Lewis and of course you can tell the Brits there only supposed to be 4,000 Brits inside and they're going to goow nuts now because Here Comes Ricky [Applause] Hatton an extraordinary fighter Ricky Hatton is undefeated 43 and0 31 Knockouts coming off as win in June reached up Jose Luis Castillo in the fourth round and took the IBO 140 lb title along with it but tonight he fights at 147 he probably weighs over 150 right now he is in magnificent condition for this [Applause] fight this is it the welterweight championship of the world Floyd Mayweather and Ricky Hatton or in the backyard of Floyd Mayweather brought up in Flint Michigan but lives here in Las Vegas and you would think we're in Chester England the way the crowd's reacting here this is some following by Ricky Hatton in the Brits I have been seing an atmosphere against a so-called Hometown fighter like this in a long time going back to Roberto Durant Davey Moore in Madison Square Garden when Durant crowd came out Davy Moore grew up a few blocks from Madison Square Garden and he may as well have been in another country that night well Davy boy if you haven't got the hair sticking around the back of your neck for this delicast you're the wrong sport it shouldn't be in this business I'm excited and there's that song that you won't be able to get out of your [Applause] [Music] head as the Ricky Hatton song continues Floyd maywe with his way [Music] out his record is perfect too 38 no 24 Knockouts he's the WBC welterweight champion of the world six time World Champ in five different weight classes his legacy is solid he's a sure Hall of Famer with just that highly skilled boxer fast hands great feet great condition there's been some question about his hands and the shape of his hands are in for this fight what do you think Dave uh you know what it's it's a legitimate complaint you look at the 247 show and you might think that they were just popping the gloves he never really has indicated hand problems much before this so we'll find out tonight there's been as much chess and jogging outside of the Ring leading up to this but now it's time is Michael Buffer ladies and gentlemen welcome to the MGM Grand of Las Vegas Nevada USA where tonight Oscar de's Golden Boy promotions and Mayweather promotions are proud to present the main event of the evening 12 rounds of boxing sanctioned by the world boxing Council and recognized by Ring magazine for the welterweight championship of the world sponsored by Rockstar Energy Drink party like a rockar here and in the UK teate sesa with attitude and Southwest Airlines Southwest the symbol of Freedom presented in association with HBO pay-per-view this contest governed by the Nevada State athletic commission chairman Dr Tony Alamo executive director Keith Kaiser WBC president Jose SU de on at ringside the three judges scoring this BT on the 10o system will be Bert Clemens Dave Moretti and Paul Smith and inside the ring at the Bell your referee in charge of the action Joe Cortez and now two fighters unbeaten undefeated have entered the ring only one will emerge Victorious somebody zo has got to go ladies and Gentlemen let's get ready to rumble fighting out of the blue Corner wearing blue official weight 45 lbs his professional record is a perfect one consisting of 43 bouts 43 victories including 31 Knockouts he is a three-time world titlist currently recognized by Ring magazine as the true Junior welterweight world champion presenting the Challenger the former welterweight world champion and two-time Junior welterweight champion of the world The Undefeated fighting pride of Manchester England [Music] Ricky Hitman fighting out of the Red Corner wearing gray official weight 147 lb a perfect professional record also 38 BS 38 victories including 24 four Knockouts he has captured five World titles in five different divisions and is rated by all as pound for pound the best in the world from Grand Rapids Michigan former Junior lightweight former lightweight former super lightweight former super welder weight world champion the Rainy defending undefeated welder weight champion of the world Pretty Boy Floyd AKA [Music] Money [Music] [Applause] Mayweather all right Joe Cortez calls to the center of the ring you know all the Bounce Around Ricky haton is done he's kind of dry all right gentlemen yeah all the we rules in a dressing room think it be a little different I respect a good clean fight over what good Sportsman like conduct on both the fighters and the quarter man you understand give me a clean fight a bring back on man at Old Time and remember guys I'm fair but I'm firm touch him up everything in favor in the tail 2 in taller two lbs heavier and a 7in reach Advantage for Floyd Mayweather everything in the tape and favor Mayweather unified rules of boxing no standing eight count no three knockdown rule but it cannot be saved by the bill in any round only the referee can stop the fight we're set to go Ricky Hatton decked out in blue with The Fringe and the Union Jack in his trunks in the gray trunks with a red trim Floyd May witha it here we go the WBC Ring magazine welterweight championship of the world hanging on right away Floyd May with it Hatton will try to pressure him all the time haton hooks him up and immediately Joe Cortez knows he's got his work cut out for him yeah Hatton trying to make a little bit of a wrestling scenario here trying to work his way inside 7 in is a substantial reach disadvantage and it may make him overextend Floyd Mayweather talked about a big weakness in Ricky hatton's style it could be that Hatton can be open for Big Shots because he's trying to get inside but he just get hit with two good left hooks by Floyd [Music] Mayweather and Floyd has a way of giving you that shoulder now he works downstairs forward Ricky trying to pressure him that's his fight plan all the way every time Ricky comes in he's getting hit with a left hook so hat comes in he loads up to throw his shot if he doesn't cat him with the jab he's open for the left hook Hatton drops the right shoulder when he's coming in trying to get some room on the inside Mayweather lightning fast that he is picks it up and makes Ricky Hatton pay for the privilege of coming near him Ricky Hatton has a tendency all the time to faint left and when he does that he drops his right hand and he's open for the left hook constantly watch him folks watch what I'm talking about as he comes in pressure the guy he has a little slight movement to his left see that little dip right there he's open for the left hook there a counter left hook and Mayweather nailed him with a right hand as well for Ricky Hatton when you come inside that's one part of it Bo almost went down but part of that is because he was backing up when he got hit but the crowd you think he get hit with a hay maker and of course the crowd loves it Hatton doing exactly what he has to do he's trying to rough this guy up early right and part one is getting inside the part two is firing your offense when you get inside and Hatton is leaving himself open when he does that because he feels he has to roll the dice and try to outmuscle Mayweather in the beginning well he's doing a job of outm musling Mayweather Mayweather just loaded up the right end and didn't quite catch him but I'll tell you this for Ricky Hatton he's not tolerating anything on the inside but he's already got a big knot to the right side of his right eye from the left hand and there it is again the left hook and again it comes every time Ricky has a slight dip off to his right before he attacks with his left hook and he's wide open for that left hand Ricky trying to out musle him early here the right shoulder dips and the left took a Mayweather reminds him that the right shoulder dipped little body shot that time by Hatton but you think it was a a punishing left hand to deliver but it wasn't walks in on right hand as hat big right hand and head right back with the right of his own well Haden's una afraid to take the shots of Floyd Mayweather there a b ending the first round how do you score it Dave that's Mayweather to me he landed some flush shots and some good power shots deceiving power shots stop advance and left up right he's got to stop your advance and that's what he's favor at the minute right hand leads and left foot leads scre shots working slip it straight as you come in that's working slip it jab slip it straight [Applause] SC it's Billy grah instu some long time friend R Mayweather over here all you doing is keep H sh Rel [Applause] relax it's rapael Garcia with all the pins on his hat long time cutman working Mayweather's Corner one of the best cutmen in the UK Mick Williamson works in the corner with Ricky Hatton all right here we go his Hatton on the assault round two trying to drive me with the [Applause] ropes stop stop stop stop stop stop let him go clean let him go clean guys Joe Cortez a veteran referee Ricky get cracked with the right hand that time too Dave I see what you mean the description in the first round you know Ricky's doing a lot of things but he's getting clipped in between he's just throwing caution to the wind and and is sort of just trying to make this into a slugfest which is not Floyd's plan but Floyd really catches you a clean shots now Floyd hangs on when he get nailed with an awkward punch that time Mayweather is so fast he can see the right hand of Hatton load up and he catches him with the hook but hatton's Viewpoint is to come in and keep firing those shots and hope that he can walk through the Mayweather shots that's a sneaky right hand by Mayweather catching happen on the way in it's tough stuff on the inside had improving now time has been called by Joe Cortez all right guys I'm going right now I want fight time in says he's fair but firm but he's not going to stop the intensity of this fight haton is fighting like his life depends on it not the win and he has to get on the inside and be rough you can't box with Floyd Mayweather he'll Eat You Alive with that 7in reach Advantage Hatton has to try to rough it up and disrupt Mayweather even if he loses a point or two along the way Floyd will give you that left shoulder inside he's got the seven in reach Advantage he can reach it with either the left or the right hand Ricky has one tendency that every time he faints off to his right you know his shots coming and he gets there with the left hook right there faints again open again watch him folks when he faints to the left he's wide open for the left hand maywe they're able to pick him apart Joe Cortez has Let Them Fight as much as he can to the inside but wants to keep it clean there he should not have gotten in that was a good left hook for haton and it disrupted his momentum Haden had his best moment and it was taken away by the way Hatton has got a real big mous underneath that right eye of his and that's from the left HS again it's the tendency he has to faint off to his right and drop his hand when he comes in and he's wide open for the left AR and you can't outr but a lot of people thought that it'd be a problem if he gets cut his Joe for the second you guys are doing the to far come dirty wrestling you got 80 point he's over refereeing at this point he's taking away the style of one of the fighters Well Ricky Hatton must win a rough type of a fight and Ricky hatton's going to fight a rough type of a fight or he can't win this fight P has been on the assault the full time extraordinary defense by [Applause] Mayweather I mean it's just G how about that round David Mayweather to me on the strength of the power [Applause] [Music] [Applause] shots both guys are landing shots but again the more power shots are being landed by Mayweather this time and I agree with Dave bontempo of time Micky got stop it I mean head more head movement I like it keeping it on you got to keep it on him it's simple for now simple for now said about you're knocking him off balance then we'll start getting more stff he the only one wrestling Joe all he going to do is all he going to do he can't fight pressure Mayweather said he can't fight you when you put pressure on him very right hand by Mayweather with Hatton coming in well Floyd Mayweather hasn't had to put the pressure on Ricky Hatton yet haton is coming out him in a straight line now that's what Ricky Hatton does it's pretty hard to get an angle on this guy the way he moves on his feet Pon tries to cut the ring off but you can't cut the ring off with Floyd Mayweather he's just too quick Mayweather engages when he decides see that left hook had him in look at these guys going Joe I I know you might be right Dave let him go when those arms are free you have you can't referee this one exactly by the book no it's tough and he's one of the best so we're just watch and see how he does it chopping right hand this is tough on the inside see hatton's head bounce he's letting him go in the inside now good hook by Hatton as he finds some room remember that left took against Castillo that's a good left took to the body that Hatton has and it would make some noise if he was able to land it here and a left hook like that on top of the LI will drop any man Mayan or anybody else but right now it's just a Pier Six [Applause] brawl haton continues to force the fight but this is what sort De La Hoya did in the first half of his fight big question is and most people think that hon can sustain the s for the entire fight and this is what you want to find out because Oscar De La Hoya showed us that Floyd Mayweather could be forced to fight backing up and he won many rounds against Floyd Mayweather and so now we may see a continuation of that if Hatton succeeds in his strategy well the first half of this round goes to rcky hat for [Applause] sure both guys are grabbing when it's opportuned for them now I don't think one guy or the other guy is doing more grabbing Ricky shows it more because he when he gets that left hand up over his head he hooks it but this is just tough stuff on the inside sure because you see a hat and shoulder that's not C A flarm it's whatever is not called is legal and these guys on the inside looking for edges and maywether timed the right hand and hadn't walked through that one he Ed two of them I don't know Dave walk through it or whether he felt that cuz he caught him with two real good right hands and you know everything that Pon sorted in in the first half of that round negated by Floyd Mayweather that eye is getting worse for rooky H and it looks like it might be busted up now it looks like there might be a cut by the right eye and hatan is cut and that was something we feared might happen in this fight it's something we don't want to be the eventual cause of this fight being stuck can you give it a haton I don't think so myself well I I think that will end up being split but maybe the bigger story is the fact that he cut as far as you're concerned that's [ __ ] all yeah that's [ __ ] all listen still the same stuff you have success you knew he's going to be hard early on start get a little bit slower soon still still working you're getting a little bit more you will get a bit more the his side stuff I'll take more out him you cuz you're stronger than him yeah you understand early yeah fight that c [ __ ] off scre shots Jabs on the inside watch remember the shoulders have been up the elbows have been up right hand by [Music] Mayweather elbow coming across elbow at the end of the punch right there but that's not called by important thing there is that in the eyes of Joe Cortez that's opened by a punch yeah and that's what's important that that was caused by a punch this is round number four hadn't continues to try and pressure Floyd Mayweather Mayweather cracks him with both hands now showing the hands spe look at the elbow continually in the face of Ricky haton the elbow and the forearm go sort of let him get away with it not he is letting him get away with that's one of the great defensive tactics that this kid used throughout his career this isn't anything new his hat trying to catch up with some clean shots he looking for a little room maybe if he stepped back just a little bit he'd get a little bit more power into this shot that he's attempting to get Hatton is almost smothering himself he needs to get in then take a little step back and unload all that went on in there there was one good Upp aut and it was landed off the gloves of Floyd Mayweather and the clean shots are being landed by Floyd here's an interesting thing though if you're Mayweather why fight this way you don't need it you've got the reach advantage that seven in is huge you can make your opponent lunge and be desperate you can show the sweet feet you can show the lateral movement there's no need for Floyd Mayweather to be fighting Ricky haton fight he doesn't want to just beat Ricky Hatton he wants to beat him up he's get you know this is in his mind the way he needs to fight this fight he doesn't want to be mused by this guy the smart thing would be to fight the way he always has but you know there's a certain amount of grit and there's a certain amount of you know the pre-fight buildup there's a lot too that back and forth has been going on building up to this fight well you know we talked about well did hadn't get inside Mayweather's head he rattled him at the press conference well Mayweather is fighting the type of fight a macho type of a fight that indicates he wants to prove a point well he's already the best fighter in the world he could be outside dve a given ground and land a nice combination and that's show the hand speed Hatton continues to stay right in his face but watch who lands the more significant punches Hatton misses three punches in a row Floy catches a piece of the body Ricky as tough as they come but the heavy blows are being landed by the other guy now Joe has to separate him as he had his head hooked up again a this guy is such a terrific defensive fighter he makes you look [Applause] bad look at this Floyd Mayweather this is what he did in the second half of the fight against De La Hoya and he's already started here in the fourth round this is a very definitive round for Floyd Mayweather there's there's even some Gaddy overtones to what he's doing sometimes here the crisp right hands I said that that round showed me the class of maywe that's the one I'm looking for beautiful work keep doing what you're doing that's all you got keep sitting in the pocket on that mother no way he out you out keep running that shid keep running that sh no how does it work neither one of these men situation you understand and you'll gradually wear him down but as you doing it now you're too close to getting leverages he's getting more stuff to the head you can't get to the B cuz you're too close understand as you're coming in and you don't care if you [ __ ] nul side you can't get now you'll get to him in the end Mayweather huge right hand and then the back thing not C continues to pour it on he landed 32% of his power punches compared to 16 for Hatton if that 32 number crawls up around 50 then this fight would almost be over so we'll keep an eye on that here we go round number five P comes in tries to keep the pressure on Mayweather I don't know Dave if you heard in between rounds the corner of Ricky Hatton saying give yourself some more room don't fight so much on the inside you get your punches smothered exactly what we were saying last round he should step back a little bit get in but then step back a little bit so you don't ruin your punches is will give you that left shoulder and he rolls back and forth and he gets the elbow up there he's really hard to get a clean shot on you know maybe Ricky's going to take the half step the other way instead trying to get that left hook into the body cuz there hasn't been a lot of body puning in this fight hasn't been too much jabing either you know one question people may have because Oscar De La Hoya couldn't do it Pon can maintain this for full 12 rounds he's trained for 15 rounds in his gym so he can go 12 full all up that's one thing that that can do of course the one thing that's not happening when he's training is he's not taking big shots like he's taking from Mayweather and he wasn't cut during training these things drain you the interesting thing here Mayweather's people say it's fine stay in there uptight outbox him out fight him but if all of this fight takes place in the corner on the Rope Hat's liable to steal some rounds from judges who will think that he's doing all the work even as Mayweather may be even toying with him now Mayweather's having an excellent you know first two minutes of this round he's won the first two minutes but watch Floy now watch what he does see when he decides he wants to fight this is what they call ring generalship he'll fight there the body shot this is by far the best two minutes that Ricky had his head in this [Applause] [Music] fight he made the point about if you're in the corner like this you've got to get out if you're Mayweather he let don't let him steal it from you which he did come out he came out when he wanted to but you see his thinking too is let this guy go ahead and throw let him throw let him throw he's not hurting me and that part is true now the judges might give that round a Ricky haton but the 32 seconds to go and this round is not over yet how many rounds are Ray Leonard and Ali win stealing 10 second 15sec flurries at the end of rounds Leonard against Haggler a [Applause] classic when you're talking about Ray lonard and Ali Floyd Mayweather is every bit in his class as good as those guys were in their class that's how good a fighter this kid is I think he's one of The Sensational fighters in the history of boxing and I think tonight he's proving [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it keep running your [ __ ] up in the middle don't worry about all that [ __ ] probably r the third round maybe the fifth round and that means he's right in this fight only one point separated all he do is move his but he can't fight inside I gave you several warnings I gave you several warnings watch that help inside I'm telling you now and Joe corz is on top of that elbow yeah it's it's been pretty prominent that by the way is Ricky's Mother and Dad that's his mother Carol right there let's go get him she comes to wall of his fights all right we're coming to the sixth round here we go Hatton continues to want to put the pressure on Floyd now let's see if Floyd took the fifth round off and wants to pick up the pace now in round number six giving him the shoulder giving him the look showing the hand speed with the left [Applause] hand Floyd reaching holding him off now right hand that time gets through when you have a seven in reach advantage over your opponent stylistically it can be a walk in the park if you can move laterally double jab make the opponent lunch that option is still there for Mayweather DAV boy hadn't rocked him with a pretty good right hand good hand and whether he's hurt or he's just off balance is a question he got a big smile his or it appears that he was off balance it looks like he's taking a point Away Joe Cortez takes a point away because he hit him in the back of the head that hurts come on come on that's the same as a knockdown that's a big big point at this stage in the fight but we have it so close that's a little bit frustrated Now Dave sure you get a point taken away and you know the other guy has had his forearms up and the elbows up in your face I'll tell you this the first mistake anything dirty that made with it does Joel take a point away from him yeah there there could be a makeup call coming and there will be because he doesn't want to influence the scoring of the fight maywe with a bending over now Ricky picks him up big thing about a point being deducted is how you react as a fighter right after him sometimes a guy will totally fall apart after a point has been taken away it ruins all the momentum that's what hton has to try to avoid here is a lightning hand speed of Mayweather is extraordinary look at this on the inside he just not Landing clean punches Dave that time he got one through well he's trying but Mayweather ties him up and then he needs to find the room all that takes time there's that forarm again in the [Applause] [Music] face Hatt people should Lobby Joe Cortez after this round is over about elbows from Mayweather and try to get that call that's their job now is to try to work on the referee tough round boy this is really rough stuff haton turns his back now looks like he might have either a cut or an abrasion now how who he is going to score this round Pon does he lose the round and the point yes so probably it'll probably be as you're coming in right and start sming your work how's he feeling now how's you feeling now tell me same [Music] bit you got six left yeah with a point off with a point off about two down down the I'm telling you guys I'm will start taking some points okay Joe Cortez warning about the points there's a uh push back by Hatton as Mayweathers the ROP let's see where does he hit him in the back of the head here he missed him yeah he hit the Rope yeah he hit the Rope but from Joe's Vantage Point don't forget he was behind him it looked like he hit him in the back of the head he didn't hit him in the back of the head Joe doesn't know that if you also launch it maybe the guy has latitude there to call it I can't fa Joe for that but he's going to do something about the elbows that Mayweather has got away with he really needs a makeup call here Ricky trying to cut him off slides to his right Floyd bounces to his left got to remember folks Joe doesn't have the replay that we had to see and all he can call is what he saw and from the punch that was ticketed for the back of the head and he saw Mayweather seemingly collapse over the ropes which he really didn't collapse either he was just in an awkward position Joe call what he could I can't fult the referee I'd like to see him do something about the elbow he's R Mayweather about it and there you go into the corners and their responsibilities you go back to a guy like Lou Dua he would never let a referee off the hook in a situation like that he would get right on him remind them about the elbows and try to get the next call for his guy you have to put that in the referee's mind is hey you took one you got to look at what this guy's doing another tough hard round these are close rounds the last couple of [Applause] rounds Ricky continues to get that left arm up over the head of Floyd when he comes in it neutralizes him on the inside little bit of a headbutt by Hatton that time well hatton's had shoulders up as well in this fight as he tries to get positioning we're not seeing these guys use the jab to get positioning and because they're not using the jab to get positioning we're seeing everything else no Jabs very few body [Music] punches on the inside it's uppercuts just trying to get in position to throw Big Shots sneaky right hand my Ricky that time continues to pound the body the absence of body punching a little surprising for hat especially since it was his ticket to a victory in his last fight and that's how you have to keep a guy in front of you if you don't want him to speed away from you is to work the body Mayweather really is how to tie up your hands on the inside Joe pull the left hand down so he didn't have to separate them that time he Ricky victim of that time of the two forarms up again both hands up that's illegal by the way body shots but on the other hand there's a fine point for the referee he doesn't want to interfere with this fight either CU this is a magnificent priz well this is what boxing might have its equivalent to pro football where they say there's holding on every play there's a lot of fouling going on in there on both [Applause] sides and having a pretty good seventh round stop stop stop stop right there [Applause] Bo's get kind of a smk on his face almost a smile Ricky made it Miss twice here comes the bell in the round Joe in there and Yanks him up that's a half round I think well after losing a point in the six had gets the seven and might score sheet keep that keep trying to run that [ __ ] up the middle that's a huge point because I got two points separating the two fighters at this mid one of those is the the point was taken away could be a one point fight the next be the point I mean you got get some clean working I know he's I know he's [ __ ] Che on the inside there's Mayweather right down the middle against Ricky Hatton that sneaky right hand he's been able to get that right hand in and watch The Leverage of Floyd Mayweather see how he turned into that shot but that is the replay of him and Arturo GTI over and over the sneaky right hand with the quick leverage and power coming through the hips and it's a very good shot by the way folks those shots all weren't in the last round as during the course we're showing you how we can get that right hand through there and how successful it's been and again the reason for that we talked about the dips of the telegraphing that I think C has figured up watching Ricky had above and beyond that it would be a one-point fight had the point not be taken away from Happ back in the sixth round we'll see how important that looms for the last portion of the fight now it's at this stage where OS Hoya in the last fight against Mayweather wilted a bit but Hatton doesn't look like there's any signs of ring also Oscar De La Hoya was in front of FL Mayweather had the points Edge and that's what made the rally by Mayweather so significant here Mayweather's on top couple of body shots and then one right on top of the liver so the first body shots now being landed off straight right hand that one sna the head back of Ricky Haden that got his attention he knows he's in a fight that one I gu say Hur him as it really snap the headb and Haden walked right into it now here's Floyd turning it up on the notch now now here's a fight who was cruising along the same way through seven rounds and see again he gives you the shoulder but none of these punches are doing much yeah he's getting a piece of him the crowd gets real excited when they see it it looks like a clean punch but it's not heavy even that it doesn't hurt if he gives you the shoulder go right down and bury a shot just above the Belt Line because of guy gives you the shoulder he can't cover every part of his body that's the part that's open but when Mayweather gives hat in the shoulder Ricky Hatton is still going high he's got to go low see Hatton continues to pressure him he lands a certain amount of clean punches but nothing as clean as what Floyd is land in this round and that's Look At That Elbow again right up in the cheek Floyd right behind it lands the right hand chopping right hand look at this theywe rocked shot he rocked them and got away with a low one too now for the first time the heels get out of happen he's all over right now this is V Floyd Mayweather he can't drop him but he certainly won this round he put him nearly out you don't he there's only one Ricky Happ right now that may have been the beginning of the end it's up to hat to prove otherwise well he's a great shape cuz he's walking you know his legs don't look like they're really Loos in the knees right now which is assign to me of great conditioning but that's a big Mayweather round it's still only 109 that round don't worry they going rescue that [ __ ] deep breath deep [Applause] breath you can beat him inside you ain't got to you ain't got to walk away from that [ __ ] you hurt him inside fine no problem you Tak punish I'm here to protect you listen listen he's okay back cling down just CL him down Mayweather catches Hatton walking in and he drills him with the right hand and then at the end of the round it is a highlight reel vintage display for Floyd Mayweather the right hand gets in and then a bevy of punches after that and we've seen a series of those in replays and in no time have we seen a bunch of punches like that real clean solid shots landed by Ricky hat and that to me if our scoring is accurate the points and three-point difference I have in the fight right now is the difference in this fight more clean effective and heavier blows being landed by Floyd Mayweather well when people were forecasting a Mayweather decision they'll say Hatton will never find him Floyd will be too elusive but that hasn't been the case at all Mayweather has decided to rumble with Hatton and he's been successful working off what he perceives as weaknesses by hatting on the inside he sees opportunities and goes look at him use that shoulder again Ricky comes in he gets that shoulder right out there Floyd will give you the shoulder then he'll tie you up he'll grabb your hands he's so slick and in this case he just punches his way out look at this this is hand speed foot moving frustrating for this guy's a master boxer you never see Mayweather having to reload but when he dumps in a couple jibs and then moves you see Hatton being forced to reload because they were the catm and disruption this is an extraordinary effort by Ricky Hatton and an extraordinary performance by Floyd Mayweather this is professional boxing and its very best and it's lived up to everything that the pre-fight hype talked about a wonderful prize fight again that Mayweather jab as Hatton is getting ready to load again haton has to reload all the time it takes to reload you lose 5 Seconds just because Mayweather was quick with the jail Hatton always has to start again when weather gets his quick shot home and there are times on the inside tonight that Floyd has said I'll fight you on the inside you want a braw on the inside I'll give you that and he's given it to him loads up the right hand does Ricky but it misses nobody [Music] home Hatton has made this a wonderful fight but to me it showcased extraordinary extraordinary abilities of one Floyd Mayweather cuz this is not an easy fight for Floyd but he's sure doing a magnificent job in it Aton has been gritty get on the inside but now Mayweather is taking the Quick Step and nailing him coming in folks you're watching a master boxer work bza that's a Mayweather round so if Hatton got the seventh round on the judge's scorecard right back as Mayweather with you can't let him have any more you can't let him have anying yes you find with your [ __ ] your face move your head slip in with his singles and when you hit get some move there some room for punch we got to do it in this next two rounds right don't go crazy forget about defense you got step on gas now you got to find some gaps got create them gaps yourself Carol had Ricky's mother the look in her face is funny concern the hands is standing up with my head back of my neck they don't care about the scores they don't they have no idea what the score is now this guy has unified the UK for this night no matter what happens here in the last three rounds this is round 10 schedule for 12 Ricky hton went 12 rounds against one urango and against LS colazo and against beny when he won the WBU and a couple of other times in his career Mayweather has gone 12 rounds in his last three fights against De La Hoya Carlos balamir and Zab Judah so both of these guys can go all out for all 12 folks I wish you could be what we are you'd have the chills watching this fight Master boxing by Mayweather Pon sticking to his test but gets droke left hook drops him and then he hit his head off the turnbuckle and he's very very W left came like a b out of the blue with the seven and eight his eyes are clear but his legs not there watch this guy try to finish him off now he's not there he's in a heap of trouble and there's a lot of time Ricky can only do what he's doing and that's the hang on his legs are still not there Floyd knows it this is the beginning of the end he won't let him off D it's all over the fight is over W Mayweather has stopped Ricky hton in the 10th round to retain the WBC in Ring magazine welterweight championship of the world and he's made a statement in boxing as I was starting to say long about the four the fifth this is one of the greatest Fighters that I can recall and tonight my 84th World title fight David you know I've seen a lot I've seen a lot more this guy ranks the best of the very best a terrific left hook and just terrific opportunism all fight long by Mayweather and he slowly pulled away over the last three routes well it hasn't stopped the enthusiasm of the British boxing fans is still behind Ricky but that was one tough fight the Hat came straight at him the whole time and Mayweather showed so many different ways to win and now they'll be gentlemen and by the way folks Floyd Mayweather can be a very Charming guy when he chooses to beat as he's showing right now I suppose it's easy to be Charming in Victory and more difficult than defeat but all of the bad stuff that you saw on television is not truly the way this man is he's actually a pretty nice guy he's a very nice guy and I've known the whole family for a lot of years I go back to when Roger May with the first side of fighting here in Las Vegas that's the beautiful effort by one of the great fighters of all time and here's how he does it catches Hatton on the way in with the hook it's even a fallway hook by Mayweather but he gets all of his power into it he meets Hatton coming in at the point of the chin and that's the knockdown and from that Ricky Hatton could not recover when we see it again Dave watch the little dip and he catches him this is the end now yeah this is where he pours it out for some more all the leverage here by Mayweather and Joe Cortez is stepping in even here as Ricky Hatton is falling for the second time but Joe made up his mind he was going to stop the fight otherwise there's no reason he would have brought haton out big left hook here he's finishing it off and you know that Mayweather's not going to let a hurt guy off the hook see Joe grab him at that point the fight was over the fact that hadon went down again had nothing to do with it keeps coming here with the left hooks the right hands again watch the Power dipping through a defenseless fighter at this point and a wise stoppage by Joe Cortez that left hook that snapping Power by Mayweather let's make it official Micha at the MGM Grand of Las Vegas this contest comes to an end at 1 minute 35 seconds of round number 10 the winner by knockout Victory and still pound for pound the best in the world still welterweight world champion Petty Boy Floyd AKA money [Music] [Applause] Mayweather well folks uh the sadness in the haton family but in reality we knew this going in that Mayweather one of the most talented fighters in the history of boxing not just in the ring tonight all right this is Larry Merchant with the fighters Floyd what was your strategy coming into the fight knowing that it would be such a grueling maing beginning uh first of all I want to thank uh thank God for this Victory um I I love the I love all the fans that came over from the UK I love all the American fans it's truly truly been a blessing you know to be in the sport of boxing but I just took my time I fought on the inside I fought on the outside and um that was our game plan did he make you uncomfortable at all because we've never seen you in that situation well a a true champion can adapt to anything you know a true champion can adapt to anything but you know I want to thank uh Team Mayweather Mayweather promotions Golden Boy promotions Oscar de la Hoy Richard schaer they've done one hell of a job and all the fans from the UK I love you is there anything he did or could do that surprised you at all I I I already knew coming into this fight that's why I didn't prepare halfway I pushed myself to the Limit Ricky Hatton is is one tough fighter he's still a champion in my eyes and I love to see him fight again could you sense late in the fight in the last couple of rounds that he was weakening that he wasn't coming at you with quite as heart Ricky haton is probably one of one of the toughest competitors that I ever faced he kept coming I hit him with some big shots some big body shots but he kept coming and I know I see why they call him the hit man well let's take a look at the knockdowns and the stoppage and you describe what happened and how the drift of the fight was going back it's called a check hook it's called the check hook you learn that you know you learn that shot from the old legendary trainers in uh Michigan it's called the check hook and uh he ran right into the shot you know it came straight ahead did you know that he was unsteady and couldn't survive very much longer well um I just want him to you know I'm glad that my opponent hope hopefully he fight another day but he's one hell of a fighter man he's what else can I say I just went out there and took care of business and done my job did you think early on that the way he was coming and with his passion and determination that there would come a time in the fight where you could get this kind of ending well I want I wanted to show the the fans that um I still got that's why I went through hand therapy to show them that I can still punch with I can still punch with power and I still got the you know those exciting fights in me left you know because I think a few fights ago I gave the fans a couple of couple of D fights but I want to come back with with spark and a lot of energy so that's what we did tonight you said to us yesterday that you intended not to retire as you once put it but to take a long vacation 9 months a year what is your feeling right now about the future well um thanks to uh Al Heyman lonard Elby Golden Boy promotions and just just one hell of a team you know um what else can I say they pushed me to limit they got me everything that I asked for they they got you know they got me two of the biggest fights in boxing history and it's just truly a blessing you know now I need a vacation I'm not trying to call out no water to waste I done what I had to do in the sport I accomplished what I had to accomplish now it's time for me to become a promoter so are you saying you're not going to fight a Miguel Cotto a young upand coming strong fighter that a lot of people would like to see you in Miguel Miguel cot is one hell of a champion along with the rest of the welterweights Shane Moy is one hell of a champion all the guys that walk walk away and 154 and and they are they are big Champions but once I once say before when I talk to my team I won't let the sport of boxing retire me I'll retire from the sport and I had one more thing to accomplish I always wanted to go over to the UK and fight I always wanted to go to the UK and fight so since I couldn't go to the UK we brought the best from UK which is Ricky The Hitman hat he's right here talk to him Ricky come just this last thing come on over Rick you want to be to go down as one of the best or the best fighters around the best fighters have always taken on all the challenges out there well you well like a like a Cotto or a Vernon forest or a winky W whoever is out there so that you can do your thing I've done what I had to done this sport six time world champion five different weight class 20 championship fights I fought the best from all over the world from Del La Hoy to Ricky haton and the list goes on and on I have nothing else to prove to the world like I said before I'm not going to let boxing retire me I'm going retire from boxing and Golden Boy promotions and Mayweather promotions are the future of boxing thank you very much again congratulations [Applause] Floyd well Dave Bon Tempo it's been great working with you as always we got another one from Cancun next week we'll be back together again but this was an extraordinary night of boxing great being with you you too pal you saw a classic boxing uh event I'll call it an event a great event Floyd Mayweather to me showed me that he is one of the classiest and perhaps one of the great Fighters that ever lived surely going to the Hall of Fame he's accomplished all he needs to do in boxing but at his age at age 30 we like to see him certainly in the ring again and I think we will so whether you watch to the valley in and Christ Church are you with the troops to the Middle East across India across Asia across China the UK wherever you saw the fight Africa South America I hope you enjoyed seeing it as much as we enjoyed bringing it to you so for our executive producer and our director Frank Belmont our producers has been Marty Corwin we want to thank our statisticians noo osima and Tammy cotel people at berners weel and our ringside security Chief Pon Lon so for Dave bontempo and an antire staff at HBO International and Belmonte Productions I'm the colonel Bob Sheran saying thanks so much for being with us good night everybody
Channel: Golden Boy Boxing
Views: 5,589,652
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ricky Hatton (Boxer), Floyd Mayweather Vs. Ricky Hatton (Boxing Match), Floyd Mayweather Jr. (Boxer), Boxing (Sport), Golden Boy Boxing, Oscar de la Hoya
Id: bJrCY2qwhgI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 44sec (3644 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 30 2015
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