King Midas Touch in English | Story | English Fairy Tales

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[Music] Midas touch this is the story of King Midas many centuries ago there was a beautiful Kingdom the kingdom was ruled by a king named Midas they say that he owned so much gold that he could buy an entire city he loved his gold dearly but nobody ever got to see the gold he owned the kingdom always wondered where so much gold can be hidden where do you think our King keeps so much gold the truth was that King Midas always kept his gold locked up in the dungeon he went there every day to count his numerous golden bricks and coins the Queen was amused and often joked about it yeah don't count your gold every day what if it diminishes just like that don't even joke about it don't you know how priceless gold is look at the golden necklace you were wearing isn't it beautiful see how shiny it is it is beautiful yes but no matter how priceless it is it cannot buy us all the happiness it can buy me all the happiness you won't understand how can anything be more beautiful than this the Queen didn't agree but she knew there was no point in arguing with her husband the Kings love for gold increased with each passing day he loved it so much that he named his beloved daughter marigold marigold was dearest to her father she was full of life and saw beauty in the smallest things she often called out to her father father come see how beautiful the flowers are it's such a beautiful day look how the dew drops shine on the cross it is still not shinier than gold you won't understand dear you go and play alone just like her mother marigold never understood how gold could be more beautiful than the flowers as time passed by king midas started spending more and more time in the dungeon alone counting the gold over and over again a few days later the royal guard brought a strange man into the palace to meet the king the man was dressed in simple clothes King noticed that the man wore no sandals on his feet who is this man your highness I found him wandering in the streets he says he is lost and has no place to stay hmm he must be from a far-off land lost you say arrange for his stay here till we don't find his real home he is our guest as days passed by King learned that the man was in fact Salinas what he didn't know is that Salinas was a close friend of the forest God arrangements were made for salinas's stay he was given a royal treatment and provided with everything he asked for in a few weeks they found the address to his home it was time for Salinas to go home the following night the king was sitting in his dungeon counting his gold suddenly what Oh heaven who are you why are you here I am the god of the forests - oh you know my name you here to rob my gold what would I do with gold it's a waste to me I am here to thank you thank me for what is a dear friend of mine I know how well you took care of him I am impressed with your hospitality I have come here to grant you any wish you have tell me what do you want - couldn't believe his ears he can ask for anything he knew what he wanted I want a ship full of gold no a house full of gold no even that's not enough wait I know what could make me happy give me a golden touch I wish that whatever I touch turns to pure gold I will grant your wish as promised as soon as the Sun rises tomorrow anything you touch will turn the pure gold but remember king it will not make you happy gold cannot buy all the happiness how could someone like him understand the value of gold I will now be the richest and happiest man on earth - cannot sleep that night he was waiting eagerly for the morning to come and the morning did come [Music] Midas was excited to try his golden touch how comfortable it would be to sleep in a bed made of gold who in the world as a fortune like that Midas then went on to touch everything he could find I don't have to hide my gold anymore let's go out and make the whole palace shine Mitas walked the corridors touching everything in his way he went into the garden and turned all the trees and plants into gold oh I am so tired with all the running I still have the entire kingdom to turn into gold I must take a procession out in the kingdom to show my golden touch to everyone but I am hungry now let me eat something first there were fruits fish meat and all kinds of delicacies on the table Laden out for the king oh what a feast this looks delicious what No where is the water what is all this Midas was now shocked and scared he slowly started touching everything on the table and watched in horror as everything turned into a hard gold what will I eat now are you thirsty what will I drink I cannot eat or drink gold will the richest king on earth die of hunger the king was very sad he sat there looking at food which now was of no use to him just then his daughter came running from the garden and before king midas could think marigold had turned into a shiny and beautiful little statue of gold beautiful but lifeless she didn't breathe didn't move king midas was shattered his beloved daughter was no longer with him Oh No what have I done marigold how could this ever make me happy marigold my beautiful little Sparkle say something the king had tears in his eyes he ran towards the dungeon and cried for help Oh King Midas what is the matter why do you look so sad it's just been a few hours of your special gift do you need another boon good I beg for your forgiveness what good is this boot if it takes my daughter away from me what do I do with food made of gold I cannot eat it what do I do if water made of gold I cannot drink it my real boon was my daughter but now now she doesn't speak what do I do with all this gold if I can't see her smile again please God take away my entire gold take away everything but give me my marigold back I understand now gold cannot buy all the happiness Oh King Midas you have learned a very valuable truth of life Gold withers away what really matters is the love and affection of those around us it never dies it ever withers take this this pot is filled with magical water sprinkle a few drops on everything that has turned into gold the water will reverse the effect of your touch thank you thank you God the King ran to his daughter and sprinkled a few drops of magical water on her marigold was breathing King took his daughter in his arms what happened here nothing my child I will set everything right - then sprinkled the water on everything that he had turned into gold so tired he was of the shine that he longed for the roughness of the wood he then went into the garden with his daughter and began sprinkling the water on trees plants and flowers for the first time in his life he saw the beauty of nature marigold see how beautiful the flowers are it's such a beautiful day see how the dew drops shine on the grass after turning everything into its natural form king midas sat with his daughter and his wife at the breakfast table and ate plentiful of everything that was there never before had he tasted such delicious food he quenched his thirst with glasses and glasses of water while his daughter and his wife watched him in amusement King Midas never counted his gold in the dungeon again he spent his time with his family he enjoyed the little and simple things around him and he truly was the richest and happiest man on the earth [Music]
Channel: English Fairy Tales
Views: 2,692,449
Rating: 4.5585413 out of 5
Keywords: King Midas Touch in English, English Fairy Tales, english fairy tales, fairy tales in english, english story, fairy tales english, fairy tales, bedtime stories, stories in english, king midas, story in english, english stories, english fairy tales stories, fairy tales stories in english, english tales, king midas and the golden touch, fairy tales for kids in english, story english, story, fairy tale in english, midas touch, english fairy tale new, fairy tale english
Id: 7IoF9IrZnXU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 27sec (747 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 30 2018
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