Gold Recovery Pentium Pro with Sodium Chlorate

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hello YouTube well Channel today what I'm going to be doing is recovering the pure gold off of ten Intel Pentium Pro CPUs I'm going to be using some muriatic acid which is hydrochloric acid there are one in the same I'm going to be using some sodium chlorate here and and then to precipitate to pure gold I'm going to use Copperas which is ferrous sulfate and the first thing I'm going to do is go ahead and try to extract as much of the base metals out of these chips as I possibly can with just some hot hot hot dilute hydrochloric acid these things are magnetic so there's iron in them or nickel one of the two and so what we're gonna what we're gonna do is start out by putting some dilute hot hydrochloric acid on these chips and extracting as much of the base metals as we can and then go from there I'm gonna start that right now I'm gonna begin this process by wiping the white thermal paste that's on these chips it comes right off I just wipe it right off with a piece of paper towel don't have to be real thorough here because we'll be burning these in a second I just want to get the the bulk of it off that I can by wiping it with some paper towel he's not too bad I've seen him in the past caked up on there pretty good that white thermal paste that they used to make sure that they get a bit of heat transfer so for this next step what I'm gonna have to do for those of you who are emotionally attached to these chips I apologize this is necessary in the process but I've got to break all these chips into pieces in order to be able to get actually little gold components or sealed up inside each one got them all broken up into pieces now what I'm gonna do is melt this you're talking lightly incinerate them what I mean by that is I'm gonna put a flame on them until they just stop smoking I don't want to heat these red-hot because if I do I want to run the risk alloying some of that metal with the base metals that are located inside of the chip so I want to do a light incineration what I'm going to do next is lightly incinerate these pieces what I mean by that is I'm gonna hit them just flame until they quit smoking and that's it put them in I got some tap water in here and I just picked each piece up get it put the flame so it just stop smoke and burn off the grease and oils that might be on there put it in the beaker you you I started out with six - ml of tap water in this beaker so what I'm going to do now is add about 600 ml or so concentrated muriatic acid 30 1.45% hydrochloric acid to the port right on in I'm gonna give it a quick swirl here to get it all mixed up real good set it on the heat put it on about medium heat and just let that cook for a while I've car gas and immediately begin to dissolve some of the metals in the in the chips what I wanna see the time right now is 15 minutes till 9:00 p.m. all given pork chop up the time has this process those are the CPUs have been on the hot hydrochloric acid now for about 30 minutes just want to get a quick temperature reading on the solution in here we got that 175 point five degrees inside the people solutions been on the oil now for about an hour and 15 minutes and what I'm gonna do here is I'm going to go ahead and some more hydrochloric acid here about 1100 [Music] you've got a light boil going on I'm just gonna go ahead and let this cook for our next few hours now I just take my time this it's been about 15 minutes since I added that last dose of hydrochloric acid I'm just gonna get a quick reading on our solution here it's at 177 degrees and now what I'm going to do that's the drugstore hydrogen peroxide here to measure out about 200ml I'm gonna add this to the to the beaker here see what happens that's 200ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide an hour and a half into the process here so far I've put 600 ml of tap water 900 ml of concentrated hydrochloric acid and I just added 200 ml of 3% grocery store how would you peroxide solution what I'm hoping that will do is help loosen the base metals underneath the gold and release the gold from the CPU so that I can be covered I paid $185 for those 10 CPUs on eBay and that's been about a year and a half ago I had those things sitting on my shelf about a year and a half and we're gonna go ahead and show that what you can expect to get out of each one of those is about 0.3 grams that's what I usually get when I try to do this I'm not an expert at this I'm kind of making this up as I go and so just bear with me we're gonna find out what this experiment yields as far as gold is concerned from these 10 CPUs the solution has been on the heat now for almost 12 hours it's 8:30 a.m. the following day for reach in here and get a little of the solution on a piece of filter paper here and do a stance core check make sure we're not putting nothing in solution no gold and that test is absolutely positively negative now I'm gonna go ahead and add it's down below 1500 I'll get it back up to 1500 what's more concentrated hydrochloric acid and I'm looking at the chips down in there and what I'm seeing here's a pure death some of the posts have come on my love you can see that in either their real flimsy and so ah yes it appears being away at the basement of the ghosts of the chips on you later and we'll just leave it in there a little while longer see if we get more than bass pebbles this golden solution sensorial boring [Music] the solution has been on the heat now and a low low boil for about 18 hours reduced the volume of liquid in there by about 100ml so I'm going to add another 100 ml of hydrochloric acid to top the solution off my problems are coming loose from the chips and now that's what watchdog see here [Music] let this sit on the fire let it sit on the eat I can see if you go Royals move around in there as well let this sit on eat is all a little bit long there you can clearly see some some of the gold foils floating to the top the solution and so we're having some success I'm removing the base metals out of these and proponents for these chips I just added some hydrochloric acid to the beaker here but I'm gonna go ahead and get a quick reading and show you that the temperature of the solution is about 175 point five degrees Fahrenheit the solution has been on the heat now for about 21 hours and I'm gonna get a temperature reading here got a hundred seventy-five degrees or so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna add another 100 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide from the drugstore grocery store I had it real slow here [Music] looks like I might be putting some exclusion airs from oldest what's this cell reaction your summers down I'll boy get in there with a Stan's chloride general Stan I'm gonna give it a quick stir here solution is a very dark olive green color looking and I can see many of the small gold foils forming most of them are down at the bottom of the beaker the solution has been on the heat now for 24 hours we reach in here with a piece of filter paper getting a little bit of the solution on here and I'll put some stance chloride admission just to make sure we're not putting anything in solution and kind of gold in solution here as you can see by that the test is negative got no gold going into solution see that we have a lot of soils gold boils down in there little pegs on the bottom of the chimps have been removed very much got lot of the race managed to go into motion here go ahead turn this off let it down [Music] and then go from there before I turn it off I want to go ahead and get a quick temperature reading for those that are interested in not what that's gonna be and we've got temperature inside to beat her there at 181 degrees Fahrenheit what will be coffee let it cool down so we can filter the solution has been allowed to cool now for about a half an hour that's at 106.5 degrees what we'll do now is I've got a kitchen strainer here on a four liter beaker I'm going to pour the contents of this beaker through the strainer trying to get the gold foil is to collect in the bottom of this beaker right here I want everything going through the strainer and collected in the bottom of this beet here's the gold foils that I've captured in this strainer here I'm gonna rinse it with some water trying to get some of those oils rinsed off and down into the beaker down here so I can filter him out of this solution then what I'll do is I'll put these large pieces back in the big beaker up here and continue with hot hydrochloric acid treatments now I'm going to rinse the contents in this strainer off with some water this is distilled water but you could use tap water no problem we're working with a chloride here so it's not essential that we use distilled water now I'm going to pour the contents of the strainer back in this beaker here continue off trying to extract that base balance out of this I've got everything out of the strainer now rich down into this beaker was one piece out going to start to peel off of the chip there with this treatment type orgasm brach side continue to do that and simply get all this stuff stripped off all these pieces little chips down inside to speak alright now I'm going to put some hydrochloric acid back on these up pieces of the CPUs inside this beaker I'm going to continue with heat them up with a little bit of hydrogen peroxide so would get everything off in there put it up to the one leader mark I'll put this back on the heat now continue trying to dissolve off base metals I'm gonna back up to about medium heat here I'm gonna add another 100 ml of hydrogen peroxide here I'm gonna filter the content side of this beaker over here I'm going to use a fluted filter paper which is we just fold it like a paper airplane a few times back and forth and what it does increases the surface area of the filter so that the liquid runs through faster [Music] yes moist in the filter paper and go ahead and more solutions room you you and I finally got all the liquid out of the beaker now and as you can see here I've got some gold foils down there in the residue so I'm gonna go ahead and get these into the filter now and we'll save this for later processing I've got the residue all filtered out of the solution now I'm going to save the solution and the residue PCP or acid peroxide go ahead and let this cook for a little while and continue on with the experiment I've been about an hour since I've put this second treatment of hydrochloric acid on we've got the temperature of the hired 81 degrees here and I noticed that the [Music] it's like the Royals are flaking off the [Music] the CPU is now pretty good that's what I want to see this is gonna work out pretty good I think it's gonna let this cook for a lot longer and continue on with the experiment [Music] CPUs have been on for 48 hours now I'm at the point where I need to go ahead start dissolving going to do with these go ahead and take this off the heat let it cool down [Music] and before this cools off I want to get a temperature read and show you what the temperature their solution is an aside to beaker their one sixty nine point five the solution has been allowed to cool it's down to 79 degrees reach in there give a little bit on a piece of filter paper here do a status test make sure we're not putting anything in solution and that Standish test is negative no golden solution now I'm going to pour the solution off out of the beaker back here through the same filter paper and try to collect all the residue so we can refine it [Music] got all liquid poured out of here now as you can see that inside the beaker here we got some foils in there now what all else is in there but dying see cult foil so go ahead and put some hide fresh hydrochloric acid on this and see if I can get some of that stuff to go into solution with some sodium chlorate first I'm going to give this a quick rinse with some fresh eyes or a gas [Music] pour that through the filter as well I'm gonna give it a second rinse with some hydrochloric acid here write about a couple hundred ml [Music] pour that right on into the filter I've rinsed the chips and the boils in here with some a Gregorek acid I got it funneling through a filter paper here and once we get that drained out that filter I'll take the residue and add it into here and then we'll go ahead and put some fresh hydrochloric acid some sodium Corre it just to go in a solution to recover the gold these are the gold foils that I filtered out of the the chips there I'm gonna go ahead take this now and I'm going to pull it out of the funnel add it to the residue that's in the beaker here [Music] got an aquarium bubbler here that I used to bubble air through my stockpot and buy a waste-treatment bucket and what we do is we've got a little piece of tubing here this fits right inside there like that on the other end I got a little piece of glass tubing stuck through it and that holds it down to the bottom of the container there so I can bubble some air through it I'm gonna add some hydrochloric acid to the beaker here about 1.5 liters or so I'm gonna add some sodium chlorate spoonful at a time and just let this thing bubble see what happens truck I've definitely got some chlorine gas being produced inside there from the reaction between the sodium chlorate and the hydrochloric acid it's cold I don't have any heat on it so just let just go and get a status test here in a little bit I just added the sodium chlorate I'm gonna go ahead and take the lid off and stick this piece of filter paper down in there give me a little bit on the end of that and then put some stannous chloride see we got here Oh in the media reaction we've definitely got gold going into solution now nice okay we're gonna get a temperature reading here I just added that first it's pooling up sodium chlorate the temperature and there's only seventy three point five degrees what i'm going to do now it is 1:30 p.m. by the way and i just started this at 1:30 p.m. and go ahead and add another spoon of sodium chlorate here i will just let this react for a while it's 4:00 p.m. so we've been on the we've been on the bubbler here with sodium chlorate hydrochloric acid about two and a half hours now just wanted to point out here earlier I said I put out 1.5 liters of how to pour again apparently I misjudged greatly because I was only like 900 in the beaker so I've only got 900 ml of hydrochloric in there now earlier in the video I'm gonna add about 200 more ml of hydrochloric acid here I'm going to add another spoon of sodium chlorate this would be the third one the lid on [Music] now I'll give it a quick stir here definitely got some chlorine gas evolving off off the mixture I'm seeing gold oils in there too we got a ways to go for we got everything in solution [Music] is that a temperature reading 77 now we'll get a status test [Music] definitely got some nice gold going in solution there as a comparison I'm going to take a little bit of standard test solution put on piece of filter paper here this is made by dissolving 1/10 of one gram and a little bit of awkward Eva and then adding a liquid to 100ml and put a drop of Stannis on this and that's what that looks like here's what our test out of the beaker looks like and what we can do here is get a general idea about how much gold we can expect in solution when I had one more spoon of sodium chlorate and then we'll let this go ahead and bauble for a while just come back and check on it here than ours [Music] I've had the solution on the bubbler for about five and a half hours now what I'm going to do is I'm going to take it and filter it out I've got a filter flask set up here they go ahead pour this right into a filter here [Music] [Music] we've got all the solution in the filter now what I'll do here is go ahead it's more hydrochloric acid back into the beaker let's see if we can do another extraction it's about 500 ml of hydrochloric acid there's already plenty of sodium chlorate in there so I'm glad to Butler and let this sit [Music] [Music] the solutions been on the bubbler now for about a half hour I think I've got just about all I'm going to be able to get out of this I don't know yet we'll have to see what I'm gonna do is go ahead for it at this point [Music] Murrah rinse the the chips was a little bit of hydrochloric acid here [Music] add that rinses [Music] and as you can see all we have just bare ceramic chips and that's it [Music] rinsing the chips with small amounts of chloric acid so all the colors gone out of here [Music] using a pipette and some hydrochloric acid to rinse down the insides of the funnel I've been rinsing the chips with small splashes hydrochloric acid now I'm gonna put you stand us on here you can see there's absolutely no reaction whatsoever no gold in that solution check what we've got going on here in the funnel same way just to see if we got all the gold rinsed out absolutely no reaction zero so we've got all the gold rinsed out of these chips and out of this funnel soon as I get all this liquid out of here I'm gonna go ahead and precipitate the gold out of the solution now I'm going to make up a saturated solution of [Music] Copperas to use to precipitate the gold this is compris by high-yield its son Paris it's green crystals it's gonna start add this through school to the mixer with Janelle I got some tap water in here about 400 ml she's gonna keep at it until I get a saturated solution of of Copperas ferrous sulfate the chemical name Copperas is the plant food name [Music] got a clean 4 litre beaker here what I'll do now is take out money [Music] and I'll transfer the solution or the flask [Music] into the four liter beaker here [Music] office has been on now for about ten minutes freeze and this brown color summer they had spider for a gas and trying to get into one of the green color we want to avoid that brown color and now what I'm going to do is take the saturated solution of compris carefully pour it into a filter here this has to be filtered because it does contain little bits of iron that if they're not filtered out it'll get into the gold and contaminate the gold so it's important to filter the copper solution before we add it to the gold solution [Music] you can see we get an instant cloud of instant cloud of gold forming down there that's our goal forming in this solution Copperas is precipitating out the pure gold powder and it'll settle to the bottom of the beaker what [Music] give it a quick stir here testicle stance chloride solution here see if we've got all the gold to drop [Music] and I believe that there is no indication that we have golden solution there got everything out of solution all the gold is dropped we need to do now is wait for this to settle and then recover the pure gold powder should be very high purity goal about three 9s fine probably close to it it is 8:30 a.m. the next morning I'm allowed this to settle overnight you can knocked off about 9:30 and went in with the bed came out this morning and the gold is settled completely there's a roll down to bottom new now is cycling this off and recover the gold and get healed I've already checked the solution with Stannis what I have here is a tube full of water what I'm going to do is I stick my thumb over one hand like this put the open end down into the gold waste solution just let my thumb I'm cycling into this directly into a waste bucket here because I know there's nothing else in there [Music] okay here's our gold and brown powder at the bottom is our gold what I'm gonna do here is I'm going to siphon off filter off the rest of the solution there and gather up our gold and then we'll do it melt you get a gonna heal I'm gonna get the gold out of the beaker here by pouring it through a filter paper and filter it off the solution and capturing the gold in the filter this is the big beaker that the gold was Hannity and you can see I think there's some fun bits of gold left on the rim here and there's some down in the bottom you can never get all that out of there so what I usually do in that case is just add little hydrochloric acid and then followed by a few drops of concentrated nitric acid and then I just flipped lid on it put on the heat later on it and turn the heat on low what will happen is that I can read you in there will form a gas come up strip all the gold out of there and then I'm just added to my stock market okay all the liquid has off that filter into my filter classier appears that there is 90 tiny traces of gold in this so this will go in my stock mine and now what I'm going to do is go ahead notice the porter looks white rich this was some hardcore Cassidy here you can see the lift coming out of the bottom while there's a yellow color these there's Copperas or higher in with the goals we keep rinsing until that runs clear so we got some pretty clear goal to uh show for our efforts now I'm going to take the filter [Music] and put it in a little melt dish here so we can do a melt on this [Music] I just wanted to point out that there's still a little bit of yellowish color to the filter there so that means we didn't get quite all the iron out of this so the goal is not gonna be ultra pure but it should be up over 99% good I'll go ahead and melt it now you you here's our little gold bead just got done mounting it I can see myself in it I'm gonna put some water here and I'm gonna add a little bit of concentrated sulfuric acid to dissolve off the flux that lets stick into it it's a pretty piece of gold I'm going to take it over here to the sink now got all the flux off of it I'll just flush this out with some hot water here's our pure gold bead from the Pentium Pro CPUs it's got a real nice finish on it real bright shiny like a mirror on the outside go ahead and put it on the scale now and see what kind of weight we got exactly what I thought we were gonna get I get that every time I do these CPUs zero point 3 grams per CPU I had 10 of them so we got 3 grams here okay we got this we got this experiment concluded I was able to extract three grams of pure gold from the 10 penny pro CPUs which is in line with what I normally get I've been getting point 3 grams of pure gold per CPU every time when I do this I've got about we read at the 72-hour mark on this experiment took 72 hours to complete it I did get a real nice bead of pure gold here it's got a real nice finish to it I can see myself what I'll probably end up doing is putting this on my eBay store my eBay user name is baffle Asst be a fel owe us and I'm gonna try to recoup some of the money that I spent to produce this video I'm gonna probably price it a little higher than it's worth running around 200 bucks or so but it'll be up there and available if anyone's interested in and picking this up so that will conclude the video for now appreciate you watching and we'll say so long for now thank you
Channel: sreetips
Views: 64,579
Rating: 4.8111587 out of 5
Id: wtJmnlIw-XI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 6sec (2886 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2018
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