Gold rush season find gold resources near your home How to recycle electronics scrap gold stripper💰

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hello friends today i have a gold-plated needle weighing 1.5 kilograms I will use gold stripper chemicals for this gold extraction for gold rush people this does not use all gold is a gold plated material gold beautiful color how much gold is there I will find this answer [Music] I use 800 milliliters of water sodium cyanide 15 gram gold stripper 15 grams [Music] Gold stripper must work with cyanide therefore came dissolved old in most countries cyanide cannot be used gold stripper is widely used in industrial gold metal plating in order to fix the gold plated job and wants to remove gold from the workpiece [Music] you can see that it will dissolve only gold it is suitable for the material gold plating thickness not more than 10 microns water that has gold dissolve will be dirty you have to filter [Music] [Music] in this gold extraction case using powder 80 grams or four times of quantity of gold and hope to have gold 20 grams the first time we using pounder 50 grams the second time we use encounter 30 grams potassium hydroxide 110 grams per a liter of water the first silk we use potassium hydroxide 80 grams the second sale we use potassium hydroxide 30 grams [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] pour water slowly be careful zinc powder flow with water you can filter only zinc powder [Music] [Music] pour water slowly be careful zinc powder flow with water you can filter only zinc powder philsie powder that precipitated into the beaker then pour water to clean again how to separate gold from zinc powder I use nitric acid mixed with water ratio nitric acid one water three chemical is very dangerous you should strictly protect in every step you have to wear gloves mask or protective clothing when you work when extracting gold finish you must clean thoroughly with water immediately and learn all kinds of chemicals that you used and how thoroughly protective [Music] [Music] [Music] said them in gold from zinc powder [Music] [Music] I brought sediment gold from zinc powder to boil nitric acid mixture water ratio nitric acid three water one to eliminate other metals that are left [Music] [Music] boil 80 degrees Celsius [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] clean gold sediment with hot water three times [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] drei gold sediment you will get dry gold sediment ready for melting [Music] [Music] sprinkle a little rax powder to make the gold melting better [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] receive twenty point five grams of gold ninety seven point six percent gold purity hope you liked our compilation please share it and subscribe watch also our other videos then meet again in the next clip thank you very much [Music] hello friends today I will introduce how to recycle gold from CPU computer scrap electronics parts and a waste recycling gold this new method for getting gold from a waste may be just what miners need the amount of e-waste being generated certainly suggests that the business opportunities for recycling will increase the International Telecommunications Union a UN agency estimates that about forty five million tons of e-waste was generated in 2016 and is expected to top 50 million tons by 2021 in 2016 alone four hundred thirty five thousand tons of phones were discarded despite containing as much as nine point four B an eight point three billion pounds worth of raw materials open your CPU the computer most older CPUs have gold components on the circuit boards taking the whole board out is the first step open up the case for your computer to access the electronics inside of course the CPU should be unplugged and the memory should be wiped clean before you dissemble just to be safe you'll need a small screwdriver for this step identify and separate different metal from each computer parts now make separate piles each metal component the big chunk of aluminum just below the cooling fan and the cooling fan contains copper bearing motors you can find another copper bearing motor within the power supply just below where the CPU location you can find gold-plated pians whatever golden things you find simply cut and take them you can make the process simpler by looking for gold aluminum and copper and make a separate pile for each according to the EPA experts estimate that recycling 1 million cell phones can recover about 24 kilograms of gold 250 kilograms of silver 9 kilograms of palladium and more than 9,000 kilograms of copper [Music] [Music] [Music] I used hot-air gun in the ceramic chips and various electronic devices anyone have a better way please recommend helpful for everyone [Music] [Music] Gold is usually located at the junction of electronics outdated electronics are likelier to produce parts with a high enough level of gold to make the procedure worthwhile [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] once you are done accumulating all the metals it is time to cash out look for a scrapyard near you you can also sell the motherboards Rams CPUs PCI's gold fingers and other gold plating parts online be careful dealing with online vendors selling these items on eBay is a good idea as it normally pays more than what you can get from a scrapyard [Music] [Music] today I will use the air aqua regime method to extract gold from the CPU and electronic devices first of all I will eliminate the variable metals that are not related to gold first I use nitric acid mixed with water one to one soak nitric acid mixed with water for one week gold plated pins CPU will fall out of the body this video light how to recycle gold from CPU computer scrap for the light to see that the gold content list in CPU and gold volume of course science and experimental work to find secret results we do not focus on price time profit or loss it will not be good for people to look at the value of money [Music] [Music] [Music] mixture of nitric acid and hydrochloric acid optimally in a molar ratio of 1 to 3 aqua regia is a yellow-orange sometimes red I would like to tell you that aqua regia is not the only method to recover gold from electronic scrap it is only one of the methods if you want to use aqua regia to recover gold from electronic waste you should first know that where and when you should a Pierre method to recover gold from computer CPUs [Music] I have boy only gold-plated legs CPU and aqua regia to increase the performance of the acid in order to approach the saturation point [Music] [Music] sodium metabisulfite also known as sodium bisulfite is an affordable and effective selective precipitant for gold this chemical can recover up to 99.95 of pure gold when the precipitated gold is thoroughly rinsed it works well even at room temperature proper ventilation is required this precipitant has a very strong Londyn acid odor and is corrosive precipitated gold particles vary in size but tend to be small and float easily in the rinse water for this reason special care must be taken to avoid accidentally pouring off gold with the rinse water [Music] clean gold sediment with three to five times hot water [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I dry gold sediment you spot airgun you will get a gold powder that is ready for melting [Music] don't expect to make a lot of money from computer recycling unless you plan to go into business recycling your computer gold can put a few bucks in your hands though and it can make you feel good about ditching the old personal computer sprinkle a little borax powder for better melting gold [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hope you liked our compilation please share it and subscribe watch also our other videos then meet again in the next clip thank you very much hello friends today I will recycle gold and silver from the old CPU computer warning chemical is very dangerous you should strictly protect in every step you have to wear gloves mask or protective clothing when you work when extracting gold finish you must clean thoroughly with water immediately and learn all kinds of chemicals that you used and how thoroughly protected old non-functioning computers are found in bulk and business closings school auctions and even on Craigslist for free [Music] the CPU is nearly always covered with the heatsink the CPU has a small throw switch which needs to be you peeed to open that up there is a strap as well that holds the CPU to the heatsink the Pentium Pro is a sixth generation x86 microprocessor developed and manufactured by Intel introduced in November 1st 1995 it introduced the p6 microarchitecture sometimes referred to as AI 686 and was originally intended to replace the original Pentium in a full range of applications wild opinion and Pentium and MX had 3.1 and 4.5 million transistors respectively the Pentium Pro contained 5.5 million transistors [Music] [Music] Gold is usually located at the junction of electronics outdated electronics are likelier to produce parts with a high enough level of gold to make the procedure worthwhile [Music] [Music] once you are done accumulating all the metals it is time to cash out look for a scrapyard near you you can also sell the motherboards Rams CPUs PCI's gold fingers and other gold plating parts online be careful dealing with online vendors selling these items on eBay is a good idea as it normally pays more than what you can get from a scrapyard this video light how to recycle gold from CPU computer scrap for the light to see that the gold content list in CPU and gold volume of course science and experimental work to find secret results we do not focus on price time profit or loss it will not be good for people to look but the value of money today I will recycle gold and silver from the old CPU computer I used an old CPU computer 20 pcs in a plastic socket [Music] put 2 liters of water in a plastic cover with one litre of nitric acid in a plastic bucket [Music] to day of nitric acid [Music] seven day of nitric acid it takes about seven days for the CPU pins to come off and the silver dissolved chemical water filters we will precipitate the silver from the chemical water before going to gold recycling [Music] [Music] I use salt to make silver precipitate in solution it is an easy way we will get more silver from recycling gold electronics usually consists of silver and gold it is a great feature of the spectrum and various electrical signals you will see a white precipitate in solution similar to the color of the milk [Music] [Music] precipitate the silver [Music] claim precipitate the silver with two to five times hot water [Music] [Music] restores silver medal with you yet [Music] [Music] [Music] clean precipitate the silver with hydrochloric acid 35 percent clean precipitate the silver with two to five times hot water [Music] [Music] I use a hot-air gun to drive precipitate the silver you will receive silver powder ready for melting sprinkle little borax powder slightly to melt silver better [Music] [Music] [Music] it will not become a metal silver smelting may take a little time [Music] [Music] [Music] use water mixed with hydrochloric acid one-to-one for cleaning silver [Music] this is the silver sample and received if you are interested in silver let's do it [Music] [Music] continue with the recycling of gold from the CPU I smashed a piece of gold in the CPU to allow access to chemicals [Applause] [Music] the cpu gold will have gold plated pins outside the CPU and the inner parts that I have smashed bring all together [Music] today I use gold stripper to extract gold normally gold stripper one liter can dissolve gold 25 grams this information from my trial normally gold stripper one liter kid dissolved gold 25 grams this information from my trial today I do not use AR aqua regia [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Gold stripper will dissolve gold as the main for the CPU the ceramic will take to dissolve the gold about one hour [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you will see gold disappear but other types of metals remain unlike aqua regia the metal is decomposed gone missing [Music] I will use potassium hydroxide to make gold and solution go to the island with zinc powder [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you will get zinc powder with gold stick use nitric acid mixed with water separate gold from zinc powder [Music] [Music] [Music] you will get gold sludge the purity is not very high I solve this problem my brain golden sludge to boil with nitric acid mixed with slight water [Music] [Music] [Music] clean gold sludge with hot water three to five times [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] drei gold sludge [Music] you will get the old powder ready for melting [Music] sprinkle little borax powder to make gold better melted [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hope you liked our compilation please share it and subscribe watch also our other videos then meet again in the next clip thank you very much hello today I will recycle gold from mainboard computer scrap most gold in the mainboard computer is in the IC chip most bonding wire used in ball modelling is gold wire of 99.99% egde purity which is often referred to as 4 ns [Music] I will use hot air gun separating IC chips from main board computer [Music] [Music] I see chips this style has a lot of gold wire [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] no gold I see chips of this nature [Music] I see chip on the main board computer is about 15 to 30 chips for the main board computer generally PCB circuits need to be sorted out before chemistry [Music] [Music] buuut sulfuric acid four times the amount of IC chip [Music] use temperatures of 80 to 100 Celsius for compound solvents [Music] [Music] you will see Goldwire install the dye chip cleaning gold wire dye chip we will remove other metals by using nitric acid one part water three part nitric acid [Music] Gold wire and dye chip [Music] this day I will use the trick to extract the gold wire from the dye chip it is better for people with time no work and cool mind if you're interested in how this is done [Music] [Music] I'm going to collect a gold wire [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] one main board will get gold wire approximately I will lead to melting and Wayne come see it together how much weight [Music] graphite sheet [Music] [Music] [Music] yellow-gold looks good how do I make it easy to follow your status to expand the process to larger [Music] wait 0.0167 Graham hope you liked our compilation please share it and subscribe watch also our other videos thank you very much old RAM for gold reclaiming there are many kinds today I will open the package of RAM you see the gold wire inside the IC chip [Music] [Applause] [Music] sulfuric acid 98% [Music] oil for 80 to 100 degrees Celsius single inline memory module si mm RAM 72-pin is a memory module developed by Wang laboratories in 1983 the SI mm ram circuit board that holds six to nine memory chips per board the ninth chip usually an error checking chip parody or non parody the SI mm ram was used with computers using a 486 early Intel Pentium and compatible processors guide chip and gold wire gold wire fall out some of the chemistry open packages [Music] [Music] guy chip and gold wire sdram 168 pin SDRAM and also supports up to 133 megahertz system bus cycling since 1993 this has been the prevalent type of memory used in computers around the world dye chip and gold wire gold wire fall out some of the chemistry open packages the IHF and gold wire [Music] ddr2 was introduced in the second quarter of 2003 by chip and gold wire [Music] guy chip and gold wire [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hope you liked our compilations please share it and subscribe watch also our other videos thank you very much hello I have an old electronic circuit board there are many gold-plated pins you will see a gold-plated pin with a beautiful golden yellow for professional gold extraction see this circuit board Wow it has gold that gets good volume this circuit we found I see chip P gold-plated and gold-plated top made of ceramic I'm beginning with separation equipment parts unrelated [Music] older IC chip are made of ceramic and nowadays they use compound IC chip this circuit board is made entirely of ceramics I will separate it out collected to extract gold I'll make it later [Music] [Music] Boulder circuitboards use whiners in the circuit the wires are plated with silver a good power cord can be used for other DIYs I think the old circuit board will be gold-plated more than the current who has more comments please recommend [Music] [Music] I use two litres of water [Music] use one liter of nitric acid [Music] soak the nitric acid circuit board for 12 hours [Music] [Music] [Music] nitric acid cannot dissolve the insulation of the wires I'll sort it out first [Music] [Music] cleaning gold sticking the circuit board with water [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Gold color looks very good today I will try not through the episode of air or aqua regional because I see the color of gold is very beautiful and think that gold should be more than 95% to make it clear that there are no other metals residues I will bring gold to boil with water mixed with nitric acid using one part water three parts nitric acid let's see how it works experiment will the gold be high and beautiful yellow as we see it after gold melting [Music] [Music] boil with 70 to 90 degrees Celsius I take 15 minutes to boil [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] use water to clean gold several times to clear the chemical [Music] [Music] [Music] make the gold drive [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Gold melt I use invert our heater and the graphite crucible [Music] [Music] after gold melting the color of gold is not as beautiful as before of course there are other metals in gold I will fix my gold by returning to air or aqua regia again if you look at the color then I think there should be 70 to 80% gold I will weigh as much as shoulder weight golde wait 2.6 4 8 2 grams let's see how after a step aqua regia will receive a few grams of gold for this circuit board step 2 I used 4 milliliter of nitric acid 12 milliliter of hydrochloric acid to dissolve the 2 point 6 4 8 2 gram gold alloy and approach the saturation point of the acid boil with 70 to 90 degrees Celsius [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Gold is precipitated with sodium metabisulfite [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] clean the gold sludge with hot water three times [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I used a hot-air gun to make the Gold slugs [Music] [Music] [Music] no chemical [Music] compound [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Gold obtained after milk ninety-eight point two six percent and weigh two point one five six eight grams through the step aqua regia [Music] [Music] hope you liked our compilation please share it and subscribe watch also our other videos then meet again in the next clip thank you very much [Music]
Channel: Archimedes Channel
Views: 273,216
Rating: 4.5 out of 5
Keywords: Recycle Gold 2019, Recycle near your home, how to gold stripper, gold resources, gold rush your home, recycle gold scrap, gold rush 2019 season, gold rush festival 2019, how to recycle scrap gold, how to recycle gold, Gold Stripper, recycle scrap gold, recycle gold, gold rush, How to gold rush, resources gold, gold rush season, How to Recycle Scrap, how to recycle electronics, Recycle gold Electronics, gold from scrap electronics, how to recycle at home, The Gold Rush
Id: UEWodvX8vQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 40sec (7180 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 12 2019
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