[GOING SEVENTEEN] EP.33 둘이서 셉식당 #1 (SVT’s Kitchen for Two #1)

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[This video contains paid promotion of Double A.] ♪ Have you been well, everyone? ♪ ♪ We missed you too ♪ ♪ GOING will be always GOING GOING to you ♪ Hey, since we have to watch our words... Yoon Jeonghan and Choi Seungcheol need to do a tough project. (Small content launched by WOOZI) They need to go through hardship. [Careless SEVENTEEN] (Thanks for the idea) [That's how the hardship project began] How many? How many fried eggs? Whoa. Hey, hey. Check the rice! The rice! Chopsticks for 3. Ahhh. Ouch! It's hot! Let the customers in. Enjoy your meal. Two kimchi jjim please. Yes! Dig in! Yeah! Yes! Please, write down your order on a Double A sheet of paper! [The heroes of the day] The weather is good. (Sign) Whew, so we need to... get started with opening our restaurant. Yeah, we do. Is this... SVT's 'Just the Two of Us Kitchen '? Yeah~ But my handwriting is so bad. - I think you should do it. - I'll do it. We're happy doing SVT's Kitchen! (♥Product placements♥) Ohhh~ You're good. Of course, I am. The rule of SVT's Kitchen! The rules! The owners and customers... How far should I go down? (He could've just lifted the sign) You need to lie on your stomach eventually. The owners and customers. The customers... always have a... smile for each other. When you leave leftovers... or... frown, you'll be hired as a part-timer (The actual plan: S.Coups & Jeonghan serve lunch and dinner to other members. When S.Coups & Jeonghan clear the table without showing any irritation, they can hire one of the members as a part-timer) right away. The owners and customers smile at each other... but not at the part-timer. [Everyone's happy in SVT's Kitchen] - SVT's Kitchen~ - SVT's Kitchen~ (Closer than family) The part-timer is not family. Okay! Should we get started? [Already realized the crux of this content] I can tell today's going to be a long day. Let's go~ [Won't mix business with pleasure] (Family-like SVT's Kitchen, excluding the part-timer) We should do rice first~ Then cook the side dishes~ While we're cooking kimchi jjim... the customers will be coming. [Prepping for opening the restaurant] Okay. Where is rice? Well... Rice is over here. This is rice. Should we just use the whole container? Yeah. Today, we don't need to... decide who does what. We just do what we can do or what we're told to do, [Strong aspiration] and what they order us to do. (The sanitary kitchen) An apron. An apron and... We were just so in a rush. Yeah~ Phew... I'm not sure... how we can even get all these done today. - To be sanitary... - Yeah... we should wear it. (Looks like he's so excited about having the customers) - You go out and check the stove fire. - Okay. (Such a smooth remark) What kind of customers are we going to have for today? (Diligent) Ah, I was going to take a rest though... [Chef comes to work at the firepit] Let me see. How should I do this? - Hey, Jeonghan. - Yeah? Do you even know how to use a torch? What's gotten into you? We're not the ones who just started the business. (They are) It's always you who's in charge of the firepit. Jeonghan, it's not working! (Passing on his tip) If you shout out "Superpower, help me" it's going to work. (Shouting out in his mind) Oh, I got it. The baby... [Baby = little kindling] Did you put kindling in? Yeah, I did. You need to put more in. Whoa~ [Only a noble one can lift the caldron lid] This is really heavy. How come you can't even lift that? (Done with the fire) All set. [Cooking rice] Put it in evenly. Even... [Seems like they need more water in it] - I think we need more water. - Yeah. When I did it in the kitchen, - the water was above my hand. - Yeah. (Getting more water) Just add a bit more. [Warm and strong gamasot (Korean cauldron)] - Oh, it's warm here. - All set? If we go in here, it's going to be so warm. Whoa~ lifting it with only three fingers! It's just because I did it with my left hand. Was it your left hand? Hey, let's cook side dishes! Sure~ ['Alley Restaurant'/meanwhile at the situation room] It's fun to monitor them like this. [3 MCs scanning the restaurant] Okay, today, we're going to... observe a Korean traditional restaurant... [SKIP introducing the alley] as it's being run. When did the restaurant open? The restaurant opened... (It opened 30 minutes ago) 3 days ago. 3 days. [A brand new restaurant] (Baek Jong-won's role) I think they need a lot of work to do. (Kim Sung-joo's role) (Keum Sae-rok's role) It seems like they're Dumb and Dumber. That's what I see from here... What are they going to cook? What's the dishes on menu? Did they decide the menu items by themselves? [A few days ago] [Jeonghan] [Hello, Jeonghan] [Do you have any dishes that you can cook?] [Cook?] [Your wish is my command] [Hahahaha] [So you're saying if you have a recipe, you can do it?] [Yeah, if I try, I can do it] [He can cook a dish off a recipe] [S.Coups] [Hello, S.Coups] [Do you have any dishes that you can cook?] [Cook? Out of the blue? Lol] [Mm... I can cook] [But I need Baek's recipe] [Oh, sounds like you know how to chop ingredients and all] [You can just chop them up, like chop-chop, right?] [I'm not afraid at all if Mr. Baek joins me] [But, it's gotta be Baek's recipe] [You can cook anything off a recipe...] [Thanks for the information ^_^] [SVT's Just the Two of Us Kitchen / *A hardship project*] [Main entree: Pork kimchi jjim and Mackerel kimchi jjim] [Sides: Rice with butter, fish cake saute, anchovy saute, seasoned spinach, fried eggs and ham] [Deciding the division of labor] You cook pork kimchi jjim and the main entree. I'll do the side dishes. (In charge of side dishes) (In charge of the main entree) Do I cook the pork kimchi jjim? Yeah, and mackerel kimchi jjim. Okay. [First side dish. Anchovy saute] 3 cups of anchovies and 3 cheongyang red peppers. (★Anchovies★) Where's the minced garlic? (★Minced garlic★) Of course, it'd be in the fridge. [Recipe doesn't specify where the minced garlic is] Ah, I thought it was placed out there. (His busy eyes are looking for something) I don't know where the kitchenware is... Tell me about it. [Hardships] [Too much deep sighing] Nope, we have to smile all the time. Smile always. I think this will do. We can't say the word 'darn it(lee-ssi)', you know. I just said 'ayu-ssi', right? So I'm still alright. Don't say 'lee-ssi', okay? [Happy Mr. Choi(Choi-ssi)] I wouldn't use the word. I like cooking. Which container should we use? Should we... Should we use this one? (Has a lot of doubt) Am I doing this right? Hey, cooking is all about following your gut. (Interpreting the recipe as he pleases) Just do what you always do. You can do it! Here you go. (Gushing out) [The sugar is poured in] I put too much sugar in it. (Food that gets rid of your fatigue instantly) Then, they will enjoy the sweet meal. (It's not meant for him to eat) Even if it is sweet, they won't complain to us, huh? [Only chefs are happy] It's okay this is a happy restaurant. (Guessing the menu items) He's using sugar, soy sauce, and starch syrup. Seems like he's just putting them as he pleases. What is he cooking...? Is he cooking anchovy saute? Ah~! Anchovy saute! Anchovy saute is a pretty simple dish to cook, though what took him so long? I don't think they're going to run the business. [Harsh criticisms are flowing out...] It isn't easy to run a restaurant. Three cups of anchovies... I can measure them just following my guts, right? [Measuring anchovies with his magic touch] One, two, and three. The red pepper powder became lumpy. Ahhhh. Ah. Whatever. [Unusually happy SEVENTEEN] I'm clumsy but I can eat well♪ I think Jeonghan is making anchovy saute. S.Coups is making a seasoning with... red pepper powder, soybean paste, and minced garlic. I'm not sure what he's making. (The actual omnipotent seasoning) Right, there's so many Korean dish with those seasonings. - S.Coups. - Yeah? Please buckle down to it. You said you're good at cooking. [The restaurant with earnest chefs] Ah, aren't we supposed to do it roughly? (Checking the recipe) (Still hasn't gotten started with the pork) Hey, we have to cook the mackerel dish as well After finishing the side dishes, I'll help you out. Okay. I keep hearing something crackling, so I thought something might be wrong with the audio. [Unexpected BGM] but it was the sound of stir-frying anchovies. Oh~ It was. But why hasn't he put the sauce in it yet? Am I not aware of the recipe? [*Stir-frying anchovies first on low heat gets rid of the fishy odor] Is he going to put in the sauce at last? [Pouring in the sauce] (Mound) Oh? Why is it mixed with anchovies? They can't be mixed together right now... Oh, I see. It seems like we wanted to boil... the sauce down more to make it thicker before... mixing in the anchovies. Ah~ (An appetite-arouser is done with alchemy) If it gets too salty, they can eat more rice then. - You know what... - Yeah. our business attitude is really twisted. [Unwavering business philosophy] That's why we don't have any customers right now. I should've cooked it while checking the recipes (Gives up following the recipe) I'll just follow my gut instincts. - Whatever goes. - Sure. When we started, we were told not to get frustrated. (Various last names in Korea) But we keep saying 'ayu-ssi, lee-ssi, aei-ssi'. It's okay to get annoyed as long as there are no customers. Of course. Seeing the way he's handling the knife... (Ready to be a guest) he's not... (Ready to chastise him) he's not ready to run a restaurant at all. Aren't you supposed to slice it like this? You should do it by putting... [He lacks any basic cooking knowledge...!] the knife close to the sides of your bent fingers. Yeah, right. [You can just chop them up, like chop-chop, right?] [A master of chop-chop] He put the knife away from his fingers. I think he just does it as he pleases. Okay, that's fine... He said he cooks often at home. I can't wait to have his food. Phew. (Spraying oxygen on the onion) It's okay. Don't get frustrated. [The sun is especially shining on his side] I'm not frustrated. It's just so hot in here. You will make it eventually. There's so such thing as impossible in this world. Ouch! My eyes are burning! [Fly away tiger swallowtail] Sesame oil~ (Intern Jeonghan) Yeah, chef~ (Chef Jeonghan) Yes~ [A one-man show] What was that? (Self BGM) Sesame oil makes everything good. Ah~ Sesame oil. I love sesame oil. The scent of it has magical power. [An extra 0.01 point thanks to sesame oil] Seems like he's doing a good job. I knew it. I'm good at cooking. - Is it good? - Yeah. [Completed anchovy saute] He made one side dish. The first one is anchovy saute. Yoon Jeonghan is... cooking side dishes, and I think S.Coups is in charge of the main entree. (★Pork★) Is this it? It says I should slice... the pork about fist size... Is it my own fist size? (Full of attention) Yeah. (His eyes are in the back of his head) You didn't even look at me... [Without seeing it, he just knows] Follow your instincts, Coups. (The size of his fist when he was 10 years old) (★Fermented kimchi★) The magic touch. Do you know how to chop onions for fish cake saute? Can I just slice them into cubes? (Means he has no idea) I think I used too big portions of meat. [The first interim checking up on the restaurant] You go check what dishes they're cooking... Okay. Don't care about what the side dishes are. Yeah. It's important to get an idea of the main entree on the menu. Yes. Please ask them what their main entree is. Check them meticulously. I'm looking forward to seeing Verock's style of checking. Sure. I'll get going then. Fermented kimchi jjim sounds good. I bet S.Coups would keep... asking us like, "Hey, aren't they good?" (The era of self-promo) You can tell, right? [Vernon visiting the restaurant] [The owner nonchalantly welcoming Vernon] - Hello. - Oh, hello. - Oh, you're here. - Hi. By any chance, do you know... - how to chop onions for fish cake saute? - No. [The owner asking a customer for the recipe] - Did he just ask... - To a customer... He asked the customer for the recipe... You're making fish cake saute, pork kimchi jjim and... anchovy saute? Ah and mackerel dish, too. Mackerel... That kimchi... What was it? [Done with grasping their specialty] Oh, their specialty dish is fermented kimchi. - Gastroventure for fermented kimchi! - Oh, their specialty is fermented kimchi. Can I have a taste of what you've made? [Hasn't opened the restaurant yet] - There's nothing yet. - Anchovy saute is over there. Taste and go away. (Kind and warm reception) We don't have... (Already worn out) the energy to welcome you. [One more main entree to cook] Ah... Now I have to make the mackerel kimchi jjim. Oh right, I need to make the rice as well. I think I can smell something burning here. I smell it too. You know, adding a little burnt flavor... (It's not a beacon) would make the rice taste better. [*When the gamasot steams the rice thoroughly, it looks like it's crying] Why is it not teary yet? No tears? No, I don't see any tears. [When S.Coups was chopping the onion] Ouch! My eyes! They're burning! [Gamasot was crying with him] (The rice is grilled really well) Whoa, I think the rice is burnt. That's scorched rice. [His patience is scorched as well] (Big picture) It's a course meal including scorched rice. Scorched rice... It's... [Touching K-dessert] The rice looks burnt.. Well... Even if the rice... on the top part isn't burnt, (The rice with rich savor) - You can still taste the burnt flavor, right. - Yeah, that's right. The rice is a crucial part... when it comes to Korean cuisine. We need to take the big ones all out. You should do it with the hand in a glove. Why are you doing it with your barehand... I'm wearing it on the left hand. This is... [The left hand is just supporting] - What are you doing? - This is our rule. [Unwavering cooking philosophy] What's going on here? I can't put it in anymore. Okay, it's good. Should we leave it that way for now? Yeah. Come over here. (The scorched rice is burning) We just leave it on low heat, right? You're going to leave it like that even if the rice is burnt? (A question without demand) It hasn't been crying yet. I think its tears evaporated already or something. No, it hasn't cried yet. Hold on. Are you going to leave it just like that? Yes. [Persistence] What? (Volunteering the part-timer) If you don't like it, you do it yourself. Excuse me. So have you tasted the anchovy saute? No, I haven't yet. Because of the smell of scorched rice. [Tasting the anchovy saute] - (A bowl of compliment) It's not bad. - Isn't it good? Yes. (A sackful of bragging) [The owner offering his sense of pride] I'm good at cooking just like that. I might look like a klutz. (The result matters more than process) Anyway, anchovy saute tastes really good. Told you so. Hang in there a bit longer. I will make a fantastic fish cake saute as well. You need to do something first... about the rice over there... Ah, so that's why... (They have a plan to feed them rice) - we prepared instant rice. - Oh, that's a relief. But please... keep up the good work. Go now. - Come back later for lunch. - I will. [Getting back to the situation room] You did a good job. It was hard to communicate with them, right? (Had a heartfelt exchange) Well... I don't understand what made them think they could run a restaurant. - Earlier... - Yeah. (Snitching) Did you see the scorched rice? Is it that bad? The smell of it... was... something that's not edible. [Shocking confession] Is it that bad? (Can't find the fish cake) Hey, do we put this many onions when cooking fish cake saute? (Can't find the fish cake) I've never had fish cake saute that has this many onions. - Hey, don't doubt Baek's recipe. - Okay. You guys must be cooking with Baek's recipe. (Practically onion saute) Wow, how could I possibly... What are you looking for? A big lid. The lid for the pot is... Is it going to fit? [Fancy cooking skills] - What? - How can I stir it? There are too many of them... Don't be frustrated. I am not. Now... I feel like... I want to root in their favor. [Their unique charm] Is Choi Seungcheol going to... chop onions all day long? (A human grinder) I hope he would check the kimchi jjim. Don't you think it's boiling by now? I think the kimchi jjim would take longer... How did it look like? You mean kimchi jjim? Well it looks like. he just put kimchi in water... (But that was the right way to cook it) I think it will taste good. When I checked it last time, it looked like he put in too much water. - I don't like how they're cooking it. - Yeah. What has gotten into me? It's okay. It's okay. - I mean I'm so good at doing this. - I know. [Good at celebrating his own work] You're doing really great. Let's hire Mingyu as a part-timer. This is unnerving. Did you just hear that? (Not my concern) Yeah, "Let's hire Mingyu as a part-timer." (Happy that his job is secure♥) (★Secret sauce★) What did Jeonghan put in it? (Noise from me to me) Whoa, this is too noisy. He's complaining to himself while going at it... Jeonghan has this captivating vibe. (Captivating)(vibe) Did you just say he's attractive because he looks like a horse? Looks like the onions shrunk down significantly. Cooking is all about following your instincts. All you need is your instincts. (You need a bowl as well) Where's the bowl? This is a bowl but I think... Hey, hey. The rice! The rice! [The rice is finally getting attention] - Hey, get out of my way. - The rice! The rice! [I'm coming for you] (The intense second encounter) Ahhh, ouch! It's hot! I told you to wear the glove. (Already wore it) Hey, they're scorched. Let's just save it as a snack and make it all over again. No, the rice is good. - Are you sure about that? - Yeah. [Their faith and trust] Seeing him say that, I don't think it's true. Oh? Looks like the rice in the gamasot is all good. That can't be. I think the burnt flavor is totally spread throughout. [Rice with a lingering savor] - It definitely tastes burnt. - I'm sure it would. Should we put the rice in a container or something? I think that would be good to do. Can you pass me a big bowl* (called a yong-gi)? A big 'yong-gi'? I saw a really big one among the bowls down there... How about using my yong-gi*? (Homonym for courage) [Yong-gi: One's strength of character, or a sense of not being afraid (ad-libbed)] Ah, your courage? [Shoveling] Choi Seungcheol is focusing on cooking the main entree Looks good. (Finished putting the rice in a big bowl) Hey, but if we put it in the bowl now, isn't it going to get cold? Should we put it back in then? [Amazing way to solve this problem] I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Hey, come over here and taste it. Whoa! Oh, my fish cake! (Tends to focus on only one thing at a time) [Peaceful SEVENTEEN as per usual] Things are so hectic. It's okay. What are you writing down over there? Me? I just wrote down what I felt while observing them. For starters, I wrote about their lack of knowledge on cooking. And I think the way they treat the customer... was on the impolite side... (The bottom line: Villain) If they treat me the same way, I wouldn't hesitate to point it out. The kimchi jjim is boiling now. I'd like to have a bite of... (Starving) the kimchi jjim. Taste it to see if it's salty enough. It should taste bland now. - Is that so? - Yeah. - Because it's going to boil down? - Yeah, exactly. If it tastes kinda salty or just right, then it's not going to be good when it boils down. [The second interim checking up on them] Whoa, it smells good. [Seungkwan visiting the restaurant] - Hey, should we put the rice back into the gamasot on low heat? - Hello. [The owner with a great laughter] Oh, hi. - Hello. - Who is this? I've been checking up on you in the situation room. - Yeah - Oh, you have? Do you know we're filming 'Alley Restaurant'? What? What is 'Alley Restaurant'...? (He previewed the composition) [SVT's 'Just Two of Us Kitchen' S.Coups and Jeonghan: Proceeding the full process from opening to closing the restaurant with just two of them 'Alley Restaurant' Mingyu, Seungkwan, & Vernon: Monitoring and visiting the kitchen to provide some solutions, and sharing a meal together] - We're shooting the show. - Yes. What's your name? - I'm Boo Seungkwan. - Ah, Seungkwan, go over there... and taste the rice made in the gamasot. Shall I? (He didn't put it back into the gamasot after all) Actually, I saw the burnt rice. (Promoting scorched rice in a hurry) - That is to make scorched rice at the bottom. - It's not burned at all. The rice is successful. You guys don't know anything about scorched rice. [Tasting the rice made in the gamasot] Isn't it so great? [His facial expression tells us how it tastes] (Haven't tried it yet) How's the rice? It's good, right? (Rich savor) This is way too burnt. If you need a side dish, have a bite of fish cake saute. I'm here to taste your dishes to see whether they are properly seasoned... (Burned) No, no, no. That's not necessary. You said I could taste the side dishes. Just have a bite. [Being generous] Have some. I need to sprinkle sesame seeds... Why did you bring a notepad? Seems like you wrote down a lot. Oh? Is that Double A? (Both the owners and customers are using Double A!) - The feeling of writing down on here is so good. - Ah! - I only use Double A at home as well. - Oh, you do? Double A comes in a notepad as well. I really like it. Can I get one of those? Sure, I'll get you one later. Looks like the fish cake is overcooked. Was that intentional? - Try it. - Okay, I will. [Tasting the fish cake saute] [Mitigating the burned flavor] How do you like it? Isn't it good? Honestly, it's great, right? [Turns out he's a culinary genius] Told you so ! Once I try, I end up doing great. It's better than what I expected. [Fish cake saute -> Better that what I expected] (The taste is opposite of what he expected) The fish cake is going to be... chewier once it gets cold. What? [Kind words] It'll be chewier later on. But now is when it tastes most delicious. - This is the best time to taste it? - Absolutely. I overheard that... you said kimchi jjim was kind of bland. Ah... How come... How come is it so bland? (Answering in a blur) So I added salt. The master in the situation room... said it was supposed to taste bland now... so then, when it boils down, it will taste good. (Tends to eat salty food) So what? (Sodium is good) I mean... I'm complimenting you here. (The beauty of silence) I was going to... cleverly point out... something about you guys. [About to lose his job] - It's too hectic for us here, isn't it? - You guys look so busy that I... Hey, I need rice water! [No time to be clever] Just go get more rice and wash it! Seungkwan, if you're free, can you come over here and grind sesame seeds for me? [Scout Seungkwan] - What? - Would you grind sesame? You can just pound it with the stick. Can I pound you? (His understanding of the job description is poor) Please, I'm counting on you. - Are you trying to boss me around? - Yeah. We could use some help... You know, even Baek Jong-won helped out restaurants on his show. [Showing solutions full-heartedly] Seungkwan, can you please turn the page for me? - I... - Please, please. Just this once. You guys... - Please, turn the page. - Okay, I'm coming. Seungkwan, can you scoot over? [Ban on getting in someone's way] - Sure, I'll get out of your way. - Taking out the thick bone... and facing the meat down the bottom How can I do that? I can't. [Finally, Seungkwan is leaving...!] Hey, why are you so upset? - I can't do this. - Yes, you can. I'm telling you! I can't. [Back to the situation room] - Hey, you're here. - Yeah, you did a great job. Have you seen it? Yeah, we have. But... the side dish was much better than what I expected. Yeah, the way they're working is kinda messy. - But their outcome is not bad at all. - Yeah. (They that are not bad at all) S.Coups, go put the rice back into the gamasot. - Hey, do you want me to set the gamasot on low heat? - Yeah. [SVT's Kitchen's firepit never extinguishes] [Keeping the rice warm as much as their hearts] Well, next is seasoned spinach. I really love seasoned spinach. So do I. Spinach is so good. I hope they make it delicious. [Put half a table spoon of salt (5g) into water] [Put 2 table spoons] [No sugar] Minced garlic, soy sauce, and sugar~ (His favorite) Ah! Of course, sesame oil. Right. [After blanching the spinach, all he has to do is mix it with seasoning] (Struggling with mackerel) [Water/Seasoning/etcetera] [The kitchen has gotten way calmer than before] [The screen time is at risk] Side by side, side by side~♪ Do we get to have lunch all together? (They're the first customers) Yeah, we will later... We should definitely eat them. [The third interim checking up on them] - I'll get going. - Yeah. Check up on them. I'm going then~ Ah, you're here. [Mingyu visiting the restaurant] - Howdy guys. - Oh, you can't come in here yet. [Not even looking at him] - Hello. - Yeah. I heard that you applied for the solution? - What solution? - Is that saltwater? Yeah, that's right. Salt water~ What are you cooking? I've been cooking two main entrees. Did you remove all the bones? Ah... But look at... how much good meat you wasted here... Geez... Are you coming here to nag at us? [Correct!] Yeah. Well~ Are you sure you extracted the bones thoroughly? Yeah, I'm sure. - (Impersonating) I don't think so! - I thoroughly removed them. Hahahaha. [Method acting] You sound just like him. Are you the real Mr. Baek? Look, there's still bone left in over here. - Where? Where? - Over there. The recipe says "To take out only the thick bones." - Can I taste this? - No, no. Not yet. I think it's a bit bland. Is it going to be okay once it boils down? [Delicious] [Will be delicious later on] Yeah, you need to boil it down. Are you actually making kimchi? We bought it from Jong**jip. (Others are actually making it) Ah, you got it from there. I was mulling over whether I should get it from Bi**go or Jong**jip. Yeah. We chose Jong**jip. - For how long are you going to blanch it? - For 30 minutes. How are you going to track the time? I'm counting in my head. - How long has it been now? - 27 seconds. 3 seconds have passed~ Good, good, this is good. - Is this the sauce? - Yeah, you can try it. I think... it's a bit bland. (He put 4 times more salt in it) I put salt in here. Where should I dry this, Baek? How should I know? It's your restaurant. [Such a trustworthy master] Do I have to even care about that? Mm... Hahaha. Why are you so happy? It's gonna make you crave a lot of rice eating it. It must be so salty. [Tasting seasoned spinach] [Salted spinach] Wow. You're gonna want several bowls of rice eating it. This one is the first batch try. The first batch is a fail. Try it again. Where's the rice by the way? - Where's the rice? - We already finished cooking it. You can just go out and lift the gamasot lid. I heard you burned the rice. - It is not burnt at all. - Of course, the rice at the bottom... of the gamasot is burnt. Okay, give me a spoon please. [First salty side dish, then the rice] Gamasot rice, gamasot rice. Just eat with your hands. Wow, the burnt smell is too strong. Oh... [The burnt savor seeps through the rice] They shouldn't have put them in all here. Gosh~ (Resetting the spinach) Sir, it's boiling. Can you change it to over-medium heat? Did you gyelyang* (measure in Korean) water? I added less than the measured amount. I'm wearing a gyelyang hanbok* (Korean traditional clothes). [Yong-gi: Courage, strength of character, or a sense of not being afraid (ad-libbed)] We need to get a part-timer... to help us do the dishes. - Keep working hard~ - Yeah, bye~ Keep up the good work. Clean up while you're at it too. Sure. [The master leaves, giving them kind encouragement] I will see you later. Yeah. (Running some errands) How was the kitchen? Mmm... Although they were disorganized, they're making some progress. (Done with the errands) This is the lunch menu and this one is for dinner. What? This is not good. So they're making lunch right now? (Lunch slash dinner) It's 3: 20 pm already. [Done with prepping for lunch] Ah, I'm exhausted. Dinner will be easier than this, right? I can't make dinner too. We haven't even had a customer yet, but we have already worn out. Let's just close the restaurant. It's ours anyway. [Running it for fun] - Yeah, let's close up then. - Should I write down that we're closed? Yeah. I should go out writing it on the sign. "We're closed for dinner." (Their stamina closed up early) Write, "Ran out ingredients already so we're closed for dinner." [A man of his word] [Ran out of ingredients, we're closed for dinner] Is there anybody there? I'm right here. (Getting caught by role playing) It's Jeonghan. [Summoning the owner to the situation room] How long have you been running a restaurant? I've been running a restaurant... (Veteran) [Jeonghan's career: 7 years] for about 7 years now. So you've been running one in Ganghwado island? No, no. Where have you been then? I've been to many places. I was in Cheongdam-dong as well... I'm sure you have a personal work motto. Work motto! "Always be smiling." Customers should smile and the cooks should smile as well. But look, he is deadpan seriously. (Having a different work motto from his partner) Yoon Jeonghan! Where did you go? So today's lunch menu will be... - Pork kimchi jjim and mackerel kimchi jjim. - Right, right. And there are three kinds of side dishes. I thought there were four side dishes. Yeah, but the ingredients were not that fresh so... [Not fresh canned ham] I think you need to make fried eggs and ham. No, we cooked fried eggs with... using freshly laid eggs. (Running a poultry farm in Cheongdam dong) Today's eggs are not that fresh. Like I wrote down on the sign, Well... (Ingredients evaporated) "Ran out of ingredients already... so we're closed for dinner today." Okay, then... go back to the kitchen. We'll come to have lunch. Ah, sure. We'll continue our conversation over lunch. Sure. - Please, keep up the good work. - Yeah! Gosh, I just went to the situation room! They asked me how long I've been running the business. - So I lied I'd been doing it for 7 years. - 7 years? - So you should lie the same way. - (Partner) Sure. [Summoning the owner to the situation room 22] Here he comes. Well! we're going to... have a conversation with... Choi Seungcheol who runs a restaurant here in Ganghwado. Yes~ Hello~ It's Choi Seungcheol who's been running SVT's Kitchen for 7 years. - What was the name of the restaurant? - It's SVT's Kitchen. SVT's Kitchen? We were in an idol group called SEVENTEEN. (Joining) That is why we named our restaurant SVT's Kitchen. - Are you done with cooking then? - Yeah, it's all set. Great work. Actually, we're supposed to serve dinner as well, but we ran out of ingredients already... But you need to do it anyway. (Please, tell it to my partner as well) The reviewers are coming today. We'll have lunch together over some conversation. [The reviewers are here] Whoa, traditional Korean-style house. Ah, hello~ Hello~ Ah, he's welcoming us with a smile. [Tasting will be aired next week] - You should come in over this side. - Oh, Hello. - Smells so good. - Agreed. ♪ See you again next time ♪ ♪ Let's not be sad ♪ ♪ We'll be looking forward to the next GOING SEVENTEEN ♪ Whoa, look at this. I've never worn this before... - Should I untie it? - No, you just do it like this. - How did you do that? - You just do it like this. - Like this? - Yeah. Am I wearing it right? Should it go onto my chin? Should I put this onto my chin, right? No, isn't that part for your nose? Shouldn't it be like this? Look, look. It's not covering your mouth at all. - You're wearing it to cover your mouth. - Like this. Hahahaha. Am I not wearing it right? I think this is the right way though... No, no. If you wear it like that, it will leave a mark on you. This part should go onto your nose. - Are you sure? - Yeah. - So I wore it right the first time? - Yeah. This is my first time wearing it... Are you sure this should cover my nose? S.Coups, I don't think it's right. Hahahaha. Please help us! We're so lost. Should it go above my nose? This should go to the chin, right? Right~ It's weird if we put this on the nose. I was messing with you. - You were? - Yeah. ♪ In the bus GOING ♪ ♪ Under the blanket GOING ♪ ♪ GOING will be always GOING GOING to you ♪
Views: 3,023,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 에스쿱스, 정한, 조슈아, 호시, 원우, 우지, 디에잇, 민규, 도겸, 승관, 버논, 디노, SCOUPS, JEONGHAN, JOSHUA, JUN, HOSHI, WONWOO, WOOZI, THE 8, MINGYU, DK, SEUNGKWAN, VERNON, DINO, 세븐틴, SEVENTEEN, セブチ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 32sec (1652 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 01 2021
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