[GOING SEVENTEEN] EP.34 둘이서 셉식당 #2 (SVT’s Kitchen for Two #2)

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[This video contains paid promotion of Double A.] ♪ Have you been well, everyone? ♪ ♪ We missed you too ♪ ♪ GOING will be always GOING GOING to you ♪ [Delivery Food Fighter] [Delivery Food Fighter] (Reviewers) [This video contains fictitious information] Whoa, the weather is so good. "Whoa, the weather is so good." We need to eat something delicious... since the weather is so nice. "We need to eat something delicious..." What did he just say? (Delivery Food Fighter) What, SVT's Kitchen? "What, SVT's Kitchen?" Hahahaha. - Are you going to even mimic this? - "Are you going to even mimic this?" [Dino and the 2 Shadows] - Are you my shadow? - "Are you my shadow?" Let's take a look at it. "Let's take a look at it." 'Happy SVT's Kitchen'. Oh? Uh? The owners and customers... always smile at each other. Eh? The two owners here... - Their faces aren't smiling, you know. - Tell me about it. [The owners who have charming deadpans] When you leave food uneaten, or aren't satisfied with it, you are hired as part-timers. Mm... Mm~ I don't think they know how to provide good service to customers. [Giving a harsh criticism] [Entering] Let's go in. Let's go in. Oh~ Whoa, a traditional hanok house. - Ah, hello. - Hello. He's welcoming us with a smile. You should come in through this side. Hello~ Hello. Everyone here is smiling. [The food smiles and the owners look delicious] Yeah, you should be smiling here because we're happy SVT's Kitchen. Good. - Come on in. - Yeah, good. Where should we go? Guide them to the table around the corner. [Serving the menu and water] (Table 1)(Table 2)(Table 3) [A grand scale] Oh, looks great. Please go all the way to the end. The table at the far right. - You should take a seat over there. - Smells good. - Yeah, I can tell. - Looks pretty good. [VIP Table with photosynthesis] Well, right over here... Ah, this one? Please, take a seat and wait for a second. What can I get for you? I'll get you a menu in a minute. I've got the menu. (Direct sunlight) The weather is pretty hot... so it'd be much better if you came a bit later. You wanted us to come here later? (Kind) What I meant was that it's too hot right now. If the sun goes down, the lights over here are... turned on. - I've got the menu... - I already have one here. Okay, okay, okay. But... (Setting the menu in advance) You should know that... [Food fighters are known for gorging on food fast, or professionally compete in eating contests] we're food fighters... - so we're demanding when it comes to food reviews. - Yeah, that's okay. Food in our restaurant... is not really delicious. (The most demanding one) (Broad interpretation) You're so modest. That's good. What can I get you? (Even though it's not that fresh they serve what the customers want) The fried eggs and ham... are not part of the complimentary side dishes. Mackerel kimchi jjim and... Shall we have each type of jjim? Good. What's the portion size here? One main dish can serve 2 people. So 2 servings? Please, change it into one serving. [A customer who eats like a bird] Oh... Look at him. Look at his eyes. Seems like he's mad at us? (Recruiting) Do you want to work as a part-timer? (Oh! They know kimchi jjim) Having only 2 main entrees means... they're confident about their cooking. Right, agreed. I'm in charge of the main entrees... And the other guy is in charge of side dishes. Then, we'll have... - How about the pork kimchi jjim? - Sounds good. [The order pad: Pork kimchi jjim] We'll have the pork kimchi jjim. (Trying not to leave any leftovers) How about I serve you a small mackerel kimchi jjim to taste? Oh, that sounds great since there's 3 of us. [The order pad: Mackerel kimchi jjim] - I like the way they serve us. - So do I. Do you want butter on your rice? I'm good. [The order pad: White rice] Shall we add fired eggs and ham? Absolutely. [The order pad: Fried eggs & ham] Ring this bell when you need me. [For summoning him] Just shake it like this. If I don't hear you, just shout out for me. (They should clap, not shout out) - Got it. - I'll get your cups right away. This is so good. They're... toiling away in the kitchen thanks to me. [A frivolous behavior leads to a big picture] Well... Here are your side dishes. - I need a cup. - A cup. A cup, a cup, a cup, a cup. Have you given them water? [Perfect chemistry] - Chopsticks, please. - Bring this one, this one. I already gave them water. - 3 of them. - Yeah. [The restaurant has gotten hectic because of 3 customers] [Working for a living] Tell me what they ordered. 2 pork kimchi jjims, a small mackerel kimchi jjim, and 3 rice without butter. [A dynamic hearing test] What did he say? [Serving side dishes and spoons & chopsticks] Someone's enthusiastic. Great. - Did you really make all of them? - (Retrieving the spoons and chopsticks) Yes, we did. Hold on, I'll bring a table for you. [The side dishes only for display] Whoa, for real? S.Coups and Jeonghan's cooked them. It's hard to imagine... I know they put their best foot forward... since they wanted to... - be seen on TV as being good cooks. - Yeah. (A tray-like table) [Meanwhile at the rumbling SVT's Kitchen] Hey, give that to me. You should've served them with that tray. Yeah. Bring the side dishes back. (Wouldn't allow the customers to watch the side dishes) I already served the side dishes. (Feeding himself in the fiasco behind him) [Rumbling] [A dribble] How can you eat ramyeon right now? (He needs to pull himself together) (Study of cooking) This is how it tastes. (Renowned local product of LA, spinach) I heard that Shua knows about cooking spinach. We don't know anything about spinach. Doesn't Joshua know about spinach? When did it originate? The spinach cuisine... It originated in 1970... (The long 50 years of history) It originated in the 70s. Spinachhhhhh (Chil means '7' in Korean)... [An airtight ad-lib] 7... (Passing the bomb) Since WOOZI is from Busan, I heard that he knows about the origin of fish cake... Lately, I went traveling to Busan. When I ate fish cake, I thought of WOOZI. (Human fish cake) Do you know why? Because WOOZI knows about the origin of fish cake. [The authority on fish cake by Nam*wiki] Why are they so happy? (Vicariously happy) I'm dying here. - 3? - Yes. We need to cook fried eggs and ham. (Doesn't intend to cook) No, no. We don't have that. They made an additional order. - Did they? - Yes. Why did you say that they could order it? [Upright business with honest workers] [Serving the main entrees] Can you hoist side dishes? Sure. - We'll get your fried eggs right away. - Ah, thanks. Oh. Whoa~ Look at these. Haven't we ordered any rice? (Scooping rice) If you're going to stir me up like that... you should do it with a smile. [Giggling] (The content geared to the youth unemployment crisis) If you're not smiling, you have to work as a part-timer. Let me taste one of the side dishes first. Yeah, side dishes are so important. Anchovies from the Western Sea. I'll taste the fish cake saute. - How's it? - Mm, it's good. (Fast delivery) Ouch, it's hot. (Enamored) Such a tough guy. [The owner who's smiling all the time] Enjoy! [Start eating] Hey, it's not so bad. I'm surprised it's much better than what I expected. - Hold on, this is really... - Good? - Yeah. - Really? And I think this mackerel... is from Incheon. (It's from a can) Oh, it's from nearby here! Right, it's from Incheon. But I was going to say this earlier though. When I taste the fish cake saute, I think they used salt from Mt. Everest. (It's one of the Himalayan Mountains) Ah, so it's not the Himalayas, but Everest... It's from the high reaches... Say, Himalayan one is salty... but this is somewhat more savory. (The mountain is covered with salt) The fish cake saute tastes good. Ah, Hahahaha. Hey. What? Hahahaha. The rice is burning hot. (Grilling the ham) Chop, chop. - Hey, can you... - Have some, have some. (Caring like parents) Get away from me. I need to do this. [Complaining like a kid] I need to do this! [SVT's Kitchen that is filled with laughter] 'Delicious Guys'. Let's go with 'Delicious Dudes'? 'Delicious Dudes'. [The second customers are entering] Wow, we get to try delicious food today... This is where... You can't come in here yet. [About to go on a break time] Okay, come on in. The owners are so handsome, aren't they? I can't wait to try the food here. The place lacks any... (Minimalism) interior design. Ah, hello. - Sir. - Please come over here. There's a menu on the table. Excuse me, should we take a seat over here? Yeah, over here. [In the middle] Ah, we should sit here? Yeah, they're reserved seats. (Finished grilling ham) Whoa~ Wow~ It's delicious. It's all good, but... - the rice is burnt a little. - Yeah, the rice is burnt a little. - Since it is made in a gamasot. - That's an excuse. - It's a perfect combination between... - That's an excuse. - the scorched rice and steamed rice. - That's an excuse! Okay. You're going to be the part-timer. [PICK of the excuse-bot] What can I get for you? Ah, yeah. Can we sit somewhere else? - That is the most coveted spot in our restaurant. - Ah, is it? [A must-eat spot with the sunlight] Ah, hello. (Offering vitamin D for free) - Where did you guys come from? - We're filming this TV show... called 'Delicious Dudes'. But you guys... are so handsome. (They could be celebrities) Your sweating on your philtrum looks so cool. This place has a must-eat vibe. Could you recommend a dish for us? Well, by the looks of him, I can tell he can't eat seafood. (The physiognomist who runs a restaurant on the side) How did you know? So I recommend you to try the pork kimchi jjim. I'll put in a lot of pork especially for you. Is the pork here special? Yeah, the pork is from Ganghwado island... and fed only this grass from right here. (Organic) Oh, so the pigs here are vegetarians. We'll have the pork kimchi jjim and... [The order pad: Pork kimchi jjim Mackerel kimchi jjim] mackerel kimchi jjim. Please, divide them into portions for us. Do you want fried eggs too? Yeah, we'll have fried eggs and ham. [The order pad: Fried eggs & ham] Do you want butter on your rice? Sure, we'll have some rice with butter. - Please, make it 3 of them. - Got it. Thank you. I'll serve your glass of water right away. Please make it iced water. (The vibe of running a restaurant for 7 years) He's really good at this. I heard they ordered fried eggs. How many? How many fried eggs? - (0.6 egg per person) Just two. - What about ham? The same as earlier. [Such a busy business] I've brought you fans. Whoa, you're quick-witted. You have a knack for serving. Look at the glass of water. Even if it doesn't have any ice, (It's not a stun gun) using it like this... You almost got me frozen. Unfreeze! If you need me? - Please, use this. - Yeah, thank you. [Storm-like serving] Where's an earthen pot? (A rice paddle) [Cooking fried eggs] [Cooking scrambled eggs] I totally ruined them. Sir, how much longer does it take? (Their order is on its way) Coming right up. [Like fast food] Coming right up? Excuse me! Jeonghan, they're calling us. Yes! You go there while serving it. (The price of not preparing beforehand) Hold on, hold on, the ham! Ham! Dino is calling us. You called me? - Yeah, we need... - Yes, yes. - (Asking for refills) more fish cake saute. - Ah, we don't refill side dishes. You'll be charged an extra fee, though. Is it okay? - Ah, you're going to charge us an extra fee? - Yeah. It's 30,000 won. [Such a reasonable price] - 30,000 won? - Yeah. (Wholeheartedly cooked side dishes) Since we put more effort to cook the side dishes... But another guy before said since they're not the main entree, he'd refill them. [Depend on who's serving, the price is differentiated] I cooked them... and he cooked the main entrees, so our dishes are different. So do you want refills? (Having a thin wallet) No, that's okay. - (Complimenting) They're all so good. - Ah, really? Since you said they were good, I'll give you complimentary refills. [30,000 won much compliment] He knows his game. He knows how to play coy. Jeonghan, butter rice, butter rice, butter rice. (Repetitive butter) Butter, butter... In the fridge. - Sir. - Yeah. This anchovy saute is really good. You want more? Did you really cook this? Yeah, Jeonghan cooked all the side dishes. They're really delicious! Really! I'll let him know. (Didn't let him know) [Server Jeonghan] Here is your fish cake saute. [Jeonghan serving gamasot-made rice] Did you say you want some rice with butter? With him talking to us friendly like that... [★_Ta-da_★] [Enthralling serving] Whoa, what's this? Here is your mackerel kimchi jjim. (A high-end quality service) Aren't you a sweet server? Here is your rice. [Attracting attention] Here is your pork kimchi jjim. - No, no. - Some rice with butter... So you have the rice and then have a bite of the butter. - Sir. - Yes. [Literally, just rice with butter] I've never seen this before. Rice with butter means literally just rice and butter. [Still monitoring] Looks so friendly. (The dream of the social butterfly) I want to be in. - How about we... - We'll go out now and taste the food. We're all going there. Let's go. Let's get going. [Peaceful] Hey, S.Coups. Why are we doing this? [Exploring the essence of the content] Tell me about it. (The busy hands that are in discord with his understanding) I don't get it. [The Alleyway Restaurant group has arrived] Hey, but why did you put the table over there? It's for design. Seeing the landscape over here. (Escape-)(ing) The sunlight is too strong. It's not good for customers. But you can get to enjoy the sunlight. You know how people lacking enough sunlight in this modern society. Can we move the table over here? Nope, no. Mr. Baek! We have our own rules of principle! [Their rules of principle don't apply now] Well, here are the side dishes. [The focal point is not working at all] So here goes the fish cake saute, seasoned spinach, and anchovy saute. I'll have the anchovy saute... that Jeonghan cooked very first. I like spinach. It looks pretty good to eat. Taste whether it is salty or not. It was really salty earlier. (This is not the same spinach) [The owner tends to eat salty food] It's salty, but not bad. The fish cake saute... couldn't go wrong, you know. (Tasting the pork kimchi jjim) I watch Mukbangs at times, and the people on it eat like this. [The rice is getting dressed] - He's good. - You know what you're doing. (Ultimate accomplishment) Wow, like this. Having a bite like this... would be so awesome. [Nom] Is it good? The meat is so big... that it must've been hard to cook. (Yummy) [Good taste worthy of frowning] It's good. Whoa. Wow. [He says, "It wasn't that bad."] This is not bad. You know, the other day, Dino... explained us... [The origin of kimchi jjim] the origin of kimchi jjim. - It was really amazing. - Oh, really? Tell him. If we keep doing this, we will end up telling the origin of that hut. (This is a broadcast) There's this dispute... over who's going to take which kimchi. [Kimchi War] - They were thinking about which kimchi they should take. - Ah, that could happen. There was this one rule that... could decide who took which one. That is... calling first dibs (jjim: calling first dibs) [Reasonable reservation system] People who called first dibs... would get what they want. People who came earliest... called first dibs like "First bibs on the kimchi!" [Life is all about timing] That's how you made... the pork kimchi jiim and kimchi... by someone calling first dibs. [The origin of Sp*m] I know the origin of Sp*m. Oh, you do? good. - Actually. - Let's go, let's go. it was really famous.... [This video contains fictitious information] in Southeast Asia, but at that time it didn't have a name. - It was just... - Yeah, it was just... processed canned meat. It was how people called the product. Canned meat? Okay. Whenever foreigners visited Southeast Asia, they would eat this canned meat. But the weather was... so much humid. (Can sense what's coming) - So... - Uh, okay. While they're having the canned ham, they said, "Why is it so humid* ('seubhaem')?" [Heeheehee] [Time for hit and miss] Let's do the hit and miss. It's our main feature of the show. What if you don't succeed? Then, you only get to have a bite. That's a bummer. We have this really good food right in front of us. We'll pull apart a pair of these chopsticks... and you should split it up exactly evenly. What if we all succeed in splitting it up exactly evenly...? (Everyone can do Mukbang) We can eat altogether. We can enjoy eat the meal altogether. We need to... just split it up without any scheming. [Neat] Oh. I've got it. One, two, three. (Failed with so much suspense) [Hoshi got stuck with doing 'just one bite'] Hoshi, you got stuck with doing 'just one bite'. - Well, Wonwoo. - Is it possible that... two people got stuck doing 'just one bite'? [Only one person who does it in 'just one bite' first gets to have it] (Advantage) Then automatically, I got passed. I think they set it up like this on purpose. 'Just one bite' with a spoon. - 'Just one bite' sounds good. - You really get to have just one bite. - When you really want to eat... - I'll shout out 'just one bite' [Start eating] - Shall we? - Yeah, we'll taste all these dishes. I can drink water, can't I? (Please, confirm it) Can he drink water? If you want to have water, you need to shout out 'just one bite'. ['Just one bite' that surpasses the original version] - If you drink water... - A drink of water counts as 'just one bite'? You'll use up your one chance. You need to be discreet. Let's dig in. I'll first taste this rice with butter! I'll go with the rice with butter. (Blend the butter with the rice) This is their exclusive dish, so I'll try tasting it. (Vicariously satisfied) Add kimchi jjim to the rice. (★Ham★) Ah. I should taste the rice with butter at first. Ham, ham. [Business man] Just try it out. This restaurant doesn't... (Only focusing on savor) care about how the food looks. I really like... how the owner casually talks to us. It feels really comfortable. Well, let me have a bite. The rice with butter. (The taste that makes you cover your mouth) Whoa, this butter rice... Isn't it good? Mm~ It's good, isn't it? I'll just have white rice. [No refund] Nope. We should've gotten their order. Where's the paper? Jeonghan, did you get the order? (He hasn't) Excuse me. Yeah~ Need to get the order on a Double A. (Everything on a Double A ^^7) Getting the order on a Double A. (His back is facing the camera) Like on the menu, the main entrees are pork kimchi jjim and mackerel kimchi jjim. (A very kind customer is filming him) If you want, you can make an additional order of fried eggs and ham. Can we just have white rice? Yeah, sure you can. We'll have one of each. [The order pad: Pork kimchi jjim, mackerel kimchi jjim, fried eggs, ham, rice with butter, and white rice] One of everything? Do you have any ketchup? Ketchup... let me look for it. [He doesn't know what he has in his shop] I haven't brought you water yet... I'll bring it right away. Thank you. Since the owners are really young, they work really hard. Yeah. - They have their own rule of principle. - It's good that they're enthusiastic. Whoa, what's this brand of water? - Uh? - It's from Ganghwado island. That bottle! [The bottle that makes barley tea tastier] - We did use that a lot when we were young. - Such a retro vibe. First of all, what I want to recommend to you... is that you don't taste the seasoned spinach. (Already tasted it) I think you should've boiled the spinach a bit more... and added a little bit of soy sauce. That would've tasted better. (You want to partner up with us?) Do you want to cook dinner, Mingyu? [Succeeded in boasting his cooking ability] Where are you looking at? We've decided to have two part-timers, but I have already set my mind on one of them. (Trying to smile all of a sudden) Who is it? There's one guy who keeps being frivolous. [Guilty] - Is it me? - I wasn't being frivolous at all. (1 can per person) They want 3 more hams. Three more hams? I don't think they understand how this canned ham is served. (Changing the measure) Just give them 3 pieces. [Tasting the main entree] Well, I'll taste the main entree. But the mackerel is all broken in pieces. (Deboned and ready to be eaten) They must've boiled it too long. Putting kimchi... right over the buttered rice. I'll have kimchi first. - Mm~ - (Surveying) How's the buttered rice? - The pork kimchi jjim is so good. - Right? [Didn't mention buttered rice] Whoa, this tastes good. So good. The kimchi tastes really good. Yeah, the kimchi is delicious. I'll do it in 'just one bite'. I want this buttered rice. - You can have the middle part. - No, I'm good. (Handing over golden rice) No, if you want to taste butter, you need to eat this. [Gold] - As a base... - Ah, yeah. - Should I lessen it a bit? - No, no. [Making sure that he eats right] You don't have a choice here. Once you put it on the spoon, there's no going back. I'll... add... pork from the kimchi jjim. - Is this size okay with you? - Hey, this is perfect. - I'll put kimchi over it like that. - Putting kimchi on there. He knows how to eat. And ham! Do you want mackerel? - Should I? - Mackerel sounds good. Do you want anchovy saute? [One fish is more than enough] I think I'm good. - What about fish cake saute? - No, I'm good. What about seasoned spinach? [Adding dietary fiber] Let's go with it, then. Do you think I can put it all in? Hey, you can do it in 'just one bite'. (A simpler bite than what we expected) Hold on. Hoshi, you need to put it in your mouth all at once. [Delicious Dudes] Please, put this in my mouth for me. Whoa. How is it? As soon as I put the food in, the only thing I could taste... (Scene stealer) was butter... It's been a while since I've felt... I'm getting fatter by having kimchi jjim. Wonwoo. Why are you not eating butter but only rice? (Just looking at the rice makes us feel so full) Ah, I'm just saving it. You're saving it? Ah~ You know when there's something really delicious, - For later... - you're saving it for later. [Waiting for dumping it out later on] When I eat a corn dog, I eat the sausage very last. [Excessive sunlight] - Should we move the table? - Should we? [Moving out] Should we start filming now? [Professionals] The buttered rice. Since Hoshi already did it in 'just one bite', - you can't eat anything. - Yeah, that's right. You need to keep watching us eat. [Sincerely feeling bad for him] Watta a bummer. Who likes fat? (It's for the broth) Hahahaha. What... should we do with this? You need to rest your head on it. [Bigae2*(Homonym for 'fat'): Korean dialect for a pillow (Gangwondo, Gyungsangdo, Jeollado, LA) Sure, I'll lay my head on it. I'll take it later. [Precious relationship, Pet fat] But the taste of water is somewhat different. - Is this barley tea? - Yes, it is. [The origin of barley tea] I think you already know. Well, well, well. Tell'em. Once upon a time in the Joseon Dynasty. The period dates back to the... 70s, 50s, and the Joseon Dynasty. Next, you know... What like going back to the Stone Age? [The living proof of history] - We're getting bolder. - Yeah, I can tell. There's this known figure named Minsook Lee. - Minsook Lee? - Minsook Lee! She caught a cold at that time. Her mother was so worried about her. [Pills for cold, meals for hunger, me for you] Her mom worried about what she should feed her. At that time, there was this tea, and rumor has it that it could cure a cold. (Mysterious) I don't see any relevance here yet. I'm just so curious how he's going to unfold this tale. She had no idea why Minsook was sick. Her forehead wasn't that hot. She just couldn't figure out why she's sick... and then, she touched her cheek. Minsook, how come your cheeks are so cold? (*Barley tea means 'Bori-cha', which also means having cold cheeks in Korean) [Callous] So... You took us through... all that just because of a cold cheek. Minsook Lee, if you're watching this, you'll probably be surprised. (Cheers to his middle-aged joke) So that's why her mother had her drink the tea, and she was healed perfectly. From that moment, it is called 'Boricha'... I think we're losing it... (Once on a warm day) because the weather is so hot. [Perfect circumstances] The rice is so good. [Likes burnt rice] (Rare items) I think this is the first time that... we had something S.Coups and Jeonghan cooked. Right. Having said that, they don't really cook. I've never seen S.Coups and Jeonghan cook ever. (What WOOZI imagines comes true) Everything I say comes true. Mingyu, I'm sorry. (Full of ideas) You're floating in the clouds now. Whoa. Thank you. [Being generous with his reaction] - We've given you a lot of meat. - Thank you so much. It looks so good. When can we have some rice? I'll get you your rice now. He's working so hard. Oh my... Let's start with the soup. Not bad? (The hell of ham) Can you cook the ham? I'll scoop the rice. - Just white rice? - Yeah. [Trudging] Whoa, sir! The buttered rice is... - How do you like it? - Whoa, it was so new. Why haven't you touched any side dishes? (Promoting his creation) You know, I'm saving the most delicious ones for later. - We're taking our time. - Take your time. - Whoa, the owners~ - But the seasoned spinach is really good. They're really awesome. You know, they're still young, but they came to this countryside... only to pursue their savor. Gosh~ [Finished their meals] - SVT's Kitchen is good. - Yeah. We had such a good time! - We're so full... - How did you like your meal? It was so great. You didn't leave any leftovers, did you? We finished all the food. (Promoting) Have you tried the buttered rice? I haven't. Can I? (Urgently found someone to share this savor) Why didn't you try this one, coming all the way here? [The taste that is beyond your imagination] [Loss of words] Do you want to try buttered rice? I'm good. (K-palate) I'm allergic to butter. I got stuck with doing 'just one bite'. The rice is good for doing 'just one bite'. Wasn't it good? [Quick-witted!] No, no. [Hoshi from SEVENTEEN said, "There's pressure to be funny on 'GOING SEVENTEEN'? Actually, I want to make them laugh."] [A guy who needs encouragement] Ah, I'm okay, I'm okay. It's just not good enough to be aired... - Did you guys really finish all the dishes? - Yeah, we did. Because we didn't order the rice with butter. [The importance of deciding dishes] [Start eating] I haven't eaten anything since yesterday. Oh, is this your first meal? Yeah... [Give me a bite] Stay still, stay still! What is that? Please, do it already. [A surprise customer] Do what? Oh! Oh my God! Please. (Eating comes first) Oh my God! [Fasting] [Receiving a complaint] What's wrong? What's wrong? What? What? What's going on? There was a bug. E chef, you can catch it. (Chased it away) - I chased it away. - Thank you. It was huge. What is this? Kim Mingyu's Alleyway Restaurant. It's Kim Mingyu's Alleyway Restaurant. [1 content and 2 Mr. Baek] This basically ruins our worldview of things. Who are you? (Batting first) We're... Baek Jongwons. It's not the ham you think it is. (Clashing of a parallel universe) - This ruins our worldview of things. - The ruining of our worldview. You know... there's a saying that if you know about what you eat, it'll taste better. We know everything about these foods. [Attributing glory to the buttered rice] We didn't leave any leftovers. (Ruining of just one bite) [Tip for eating more deliciously] About this pork kimchi jjim... - and mackerel kimchi jiim. - Yes. Do you have any tips to enjoy them more deliciously? - I... - Yeah. My tip is not to come to this place. [The restaurant where they came to work] I think if you avoid coming here, you'd have really delicious... pork kimchi jjim and... mackerel kimchi jjim elsewhere. Hoshi, do you have a tip to share? I have my own super helpful tip. - Can you tell us? - You put... - this one on top of the rice. - Wrapping it with the rice... Actually, there's no... (Changing what he just said) special tip. - Just with a smile. - With a smile. You know, if you eat food... - happily, then, it'll taste much better. - Right. [Eating really well] - Looks good. - Is it good? - Yeah. - Looks delicious. Here's my tip to eat this deliciously. There are two kinds of kimchi jjim here, right? But you want to have both of them... at the same time. Then, you can just mix them up. Then, it's mixed kimchi jjim. That's right. [Not mixing with the buttered rice] Is it good? Looks so good. [Can't say a word since he's touched...] - Is it that good? - Yeah. (Interpreting) Mixing these two... tastes awesome. Feels like he could extract 'Excalibur'. (Enough now) [The bottom line] Having those at once will make you extract the sword. This is really delicious. Then, now is the time for... the highlight finale... of our reality show! We need to pick the best dish of the day. Let's start with Wonwoo. Please, do the drum roll. The best dish of the day for me is... Spinach! [Comeback of side dishes] - Whoa, the spinach. - Well... yeah, the spinach. Every dish was quite greasy. But the saltiness of the spinach... countered the greasiness. So I think it is the best dish. Du du du du. Anchovy saute. The main dishes were also really good... but when I tasted the anchovy saute, I was really surprised. How about Hoshi who did it in 'just one bite'? (Fabricated broadcasting) He was having all of them with us. Personally, I... really liked the water. The owner served us a glass of water as soon as we entered here. [The root of life, water] I think they have the best tasting water ever! The best dishes of the day are... Hahaha. [★The best dishes: Seasoned spinach, anchovy saute, water★] Seasoned spinach, anchovy saute, and water. That's it. [Done with eating] It was great. 'Delicious Guys'. 'Delicious Dudes'. Thanks for watching the show. We'll be presenting you with... a more delicious restaurant on the next episode. Bye. Bye. Delicious Dudes! (They haven't finished yet) - We're taking off now. - Yeah, we need to. We'll see you at dinner. Are they going to cook dinner as well? Dino might be cooking, how knows? - Enjoy your meals. - Yeah, take care. [Setting a price] Oh, they have coffee here. Please write down an honest review and the price you would pay. Isn't this... The one thing... that's for sure is... people around me use this. It's Double A double quality paper. This is amazing. Jun! How are you doing? Let me see Jun. S.Coups, you dressed up. I'm the boss here. How have you been, Jun? Can you offer a delivery service to China? - Of course, we can. - Really? Give me your address. Then... What kind of dishes do you serve? We have kimchi jjim. Then, I'll have the kimchi jjim... - For how many? - Make it for 2 people. For 2 people? Yeah, I need to share it with Minghao. Sure, do you want ham as well? - Ham? - Yeah. I want a lot of ham... since I need to eat for a few days. Got it. Yeah. We finished eating. (Being very polite when they pay) How would you like to pay for it? It was good. It was really delicious. The kimchi jiim costs 240,000 won. You refilled the glass of water once, right? That'll cost 300,000 won. Also, you refilled the side dishes as well. (There's nothing for free in such a cruel world) - Are you charging us for refills? - Yeah, we charge you for refills. You guys are... a total con-artists. [Having a pristine heart just like a sprout] (Zzzz) Jun is with us as well? Wen Junhui~ Jun, call me. Get some rest after the meal. - We'll be back here for dinner. - Yeah. You can look forward to who's going to be a part-timer. [Fawning] I wanted to say that it was really delicious. I love it here. I'm sure I'll revisit here. Okay. You think you're coming here again? Of course, you are! As a part-timer. [Anyway, going to work] No, I mean as a customer. Sir, it was really delicious. Yeah, take care of yourselves. - Please, don't pick me. - Okay. DK, let's go. It was so good. It was really delicious. We can come visit you... without advance notice and put you on the spot. I don't think the restaurant will be here by then. I think so. [Done with lunch] Bye guys. There's an important announcement. Where are you all? We have a big announcement. [Informing the part-timer] You guys want to go home early, right? We just shout out... one of the member's name randomly... and if we say the same name, that person will the part-timer. As a result, we said Dino and... DK earlier. [They played the game alone] - Wonwoo. - DK. 1, 2, 3. - WOOZI. - Hoshi. 1, 2, 3. - Dino. - Dino. [Hey, you too?] [Dino Joined] Hey, let's do it together. - WOOZI. - DK. - Hoshi. - Wonwoo. - (No change) DK. - Hoshi. [His persistence won] - DK. - DK. - DK. [Recruiting the part-timer] Let's get started. 1, 2, 3. - Dino. - Vernon. 1, 2, 3. - Shua. - Dino. 1, 2, 3. - Dino. - Wonwoo. 1, 2, 3. - DK. - Vernon. [Suspense] (Coming forward) 1, 2, 3. Mingyu. (Congratulations on getting the job) [The first part-timer is Mingyu] [He was coming forward because he wanted the job] Why did you move? If somebody moves, it catches attention, you know. [Need to pick one more part-timer] Here we go. (The first part-timer) 1, 2, 3. - Seungkwan. - Wonwoo. 1, 2, 3. - DK. - WOOZI. 1, 2, 3. - Hoshi. - Shua. 1, 2, 3. - Seungkwan. - Seungkwan. [The second part-timer is Seungkwan] [Welcome to join SVT's Kitchen] I told you not to be frivolous. (Red light, green light) We can't move when playing this game. I really wanted to go back home, and that's when I got chosen. [Dinner will be on next week] You guys go inside and do the dishes. ♪ See you again next time ♪ ♪ Let's not be sad ♪ ♪ We'll be looking forward to the next GOING SEVENTEEN ♪ What's up with your wallpaper? Why did you pick that one? Jun and the youngest one... are rooting for me.. Have you seen this? - Take a look. - It makes me cheer up. I mean, why? But I think they're Seungkwan's two favorite members Seungkwan's favorite two members. My two favorite people. I don't want to be your favorite! Hahahaha. ♪ In the bus GOING ♪ ♪ Under the blanket GOING ♪ ♪ GOING will be always GOING GOING to you ♪
Views: 2,612,992
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 에스쿱스, 정한, 조슈아, 호시, 원우, 우지, 디에잇, 민규, 도겸, 승관, 버논, 디노, SCOUPS, JEONGHAN, JOSHUA, JUN, HOSHI, WONWOO, WOOZI, THE 8, MINGYU, DK, SEUNGKWAN, VERNON, DINO, 세븐틴, SEVENTEEN, セブチ
Id: E8SP-CaFiyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 39sec (1719 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 08 2021
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