[GOING SEVENTEEN] EP.7 보물섬 : 13 Raiders #1 (Treasure Island : 13 Raiders #1)

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♪ Have you been well, everyone? ♪ ♪ We missed you too ♪ ♪ GOING will be always GOING GOING to you ♪ [The Thirteen Raiders] [The Way to Hidden Treasure] [*This was filmed with the permission from the island owner.] Is this the island where the treasure is hidden? (Deboarding) - Not everyone is here yet. - Really? All right. Sorry. (Huff.. huff..) That's the second time I've had to watch that man sail away with my ship! (Acting out the script) [Discards it] Why don't you say the line? Why don't you follow me? You said you would. (What natural acting) There's treasure here? [Idol actor] (Not playing along) I know you were well aware when you got here. (Passionate director) Why don't you make this a skit instead? I think that would be funnier. [Skit Ver.] There are hidden treasures on this island... (Knowing fully) Are you serious? [Reaction vending machine who prefers skits] Is there treasure here? Then this island will become our last one. Exactly. (Ambition) Let's become rich here. Good. And film (Real job: singer) a top quality music video! [Not used to gaining a windfall] We're here to find treasures. You're dream is so small. (Quickly progressing) To find the treasure, we need a map. Do you have the map? I came across the map on my way here. (Treasure map) [Pre-arranged, not coincidental] (Hungry) It's rice crackers. (Hungry22) Grilled thin pork belly! Where did you find it? (Coincidental) Hyunseok gave it to him earlier. But this map is incomplete. I only have one section. [Their reaction is on cue] Oh, my gosh! We have to find the remaining map pieces [Get to the point, there's treasure here] - and... - Let's hurry and find it. find the treasure too. Let's go find the treasure. (The biggest treasure) If we find the treasure, we can go home. Really? Then let's find it and go home right away. What's the time limit? 3 hours. [Boat departs in 3 hours] We don't have much time. Can't believe we are on a deserted island now. Now that 'GOING SEVENTEEN' started airing on JTBC, (Hi) we're going to a deserted island. Let's start the show with an applause. [Congrats on ★GOING SEVENTEEN's TV debut★] We have come real far. Then why don't we go find the treasure? All right. (Overboard with passion) Troops, follow me... (Not in the army) But they gave us the map because the X marks the spot on it. I want to see it too. Should we start looking for the rest of the map first? I think rather than talking, (Doer) we should start looking. (Filming a show) We have to talk to fill the airtime. Hehehaha. Look. This is where we are. There are trees here. Doesn't that mean there's a map section here? (Aerobic walking workout ) Do we have to go to the other side? So, we should find the section here and link them. Then, we find the 'X'. Then we can see where the 'X' is. Is this the base camp? Doesn't this mean that we got off here? The boat we rode on... (The boat has left) - Right. - But it's gone. Oh? So we have to go that way, right? - Let's split into teams and go. - Let's just go. Let's go. Then, firstly, let's find the rest of the pieces. (Going over the top) Don't look for Coolpis. (Quickly apologizes) Sorry. On the deserted island, some wild animals could pop up [There are only wild mayflies] and you could get left behind. [The boat picks them up in 3 hours] So please be careful. Safety first. (Repeats after him) 'Safety first.' Directors. Safety first. (Too immersed) Directors. - (Insanely immersed) We're abandoned. - (Too immersed) No way. This is a deserted island. We're on a deserted island! Will we be able to get out of here? Can we get off of this? Are you all right, director? I want to get out of here! DK! [It's only been 10 mins] I want to get off of this. [Peaceful deserted island] Anyway, on the map section, - there's no mark for the treasure. - No. If we find the other sections, the location of the treasure will be marked on it. Right. We should run away with the map. (...??) Why would you run away? - What? - What for? Doesn't the person who finds the treasure first escape the island? [Everyone leaves on the boat in 3 hours] No, we're escaping together. - Today's a team game. - Is that so? I think my outlook ('Plastic' after-effects) is darker. Where and how are we supposed to find it? Let's just do it. (Finds something) What? - What? - What's that? [Dibs for] What's that? We're a team. Why are we running? Guys, did you find something? There's a box! The whole setup is easier than I thought so it's easy to find. Ha. Did they think we're simple? This is even going to air on JTBC. Should we be finding the treasure so easily? (True) I'm sure there's more stuff we have to do. Look at this!! What is it? Can you open it? (More strange setups) Troops, bring the box to me! (Not listening) - What's that? - It's a key. - There's a key and.. - Yes. - acrylic. - Huh? There's stuff there too. (Welcome) (kit) What's in there? [Facial paints and brushes] - Acrylic. - It's like paint, right? Acrylic paint. Hey. - What's this? - DK. Hey, DK! 'Grandpapa's Eleven Month'. 'Grandpapa's Eleven Month'? (!) Right here? (Content in July) [Got a recorder] I don't remember at all. Did you find something? What's that? You know, 'Golden Disc Award'. 'Golden Disc Award'? It's coming. (There's a 'sogo' behind his legs) It's coming. (Performance) Aren't we supposed to do these missions? Why is it here? Let's take them for now. Should I just take it out? No. Hold on. Don't touch it! (Addicted to doing skits) - Arthur. - What? Arthur? (A detailed director, WOOZI) You have to pull it out like this. (Excalibur) (The End) Hey, Isn't this what I think it is? Makeup box for making friends with animals on a deserted island. (Pulling the sword out) Makeup box vs. flute [Scene that suddenly became a subplot] [Stranded a month with a flute on a deserted island vs. stranded with a makeup box] [Not quite right] You're right! What we talked about turned into content. 'If we go to a deserted island, we can make friends with animals.' Is that place here? Then this flute is what we talked about too! It's that 'dinga dinga' thing. (No, it is not) It is. (※There are no animals here※) We must have to make friends with animals here. What did you find? This is what we talked about on 'Debate Night'. Our ad-libbing on the episode. We have to put makeup on them to get close to animals. [Chillingly wrong answer] That gives me goose bumps. The important thing is... (Map sections) that we have to find each section. Aren't these clues? I think if we do something with this... they'll give us something. - No? - Play it. You might need to play it for them to tell us the treasure location. What's that one there? This is what we did at the episode of 'THE 8 and the 12 Shadows'. [Got possessed] It's the same rhythm. [The rhythm that his body remembers] It's what he did. [In Search of the Sound of Tradition] [Sogo Master's Comeback Show] Should we go, THE 8? - We have to find the map. - Right. - Do we have to look in every corner? - Of course. I'm sure there's something in there. (Content)(Preview & Review) Is this a collection of all the episodes we've done so far? Isn't this... a welcome event and left for us... so that we can recall previous episodes? That's possible. I think they're smart to go and find the map. - Let's just ignore this and go. - Right. - Then let's take this. - Hey, get the recorder. You could get bored, so I'll play a song. All right. ['In Search of the Sound of Tradition'] Dino, play the recorder. ['In Search of the Sound of Tradition' returns] I can't believe I'm playing this on a deserted island. What are they doing? I hired 'Samul nori' masters for today - You know that 'sogo'. - Yes? - We had that during the 'TTT' shooting. - Really? (A new best friend) The rascal's been with us for a long time. (Sogo recycling) Aren't they just reusing what they bought? I think this is the best value for money. Guys. I'm going to go to the beach. All right. Do whatever you want, Dino. If any of us find anything, - let's yell out. - Okay. What should we shout out? Yell out SEVENTEEN~! Our phones work here. [Great technology] Hey, just call us. That's a good idea. Aren't you hungry? I'm hungry. If you come to a deserted island, you should bring this with you. What is it? Wow. [Not a commercial] It's not product placement. (Good excuse) If you want to use your head, - Right. - you need to consume sugar. How far away do you think they hid it? (PD expert) I wonder what absurd place they hid it in. [Asks for help] Where can I find it, director? [Fails] Do you really not know? If we find it, you can all go home early too. Give me a clue. Kwon Hoshi is going crazy again. [Married to his job] He's shooting a music video again. I feel sorry for the director who is shooting Hoshi. Hahahahahaha. - Director's running around. - Don't do that. He sat down. [Pro-director and pro-celeb] The director shoots everything. - He's dancing 'Spider'. - It's suffocating. [Scanning the coastline] 'Look up the sky'. Look at the sky. [Yeah, let's look at the sky sometimes] - It's beautiful. - There's a drone there. I think you have to look at the sky from this location. Where is this place? [Look up the sky] That way. - Is it that way? - Yes, sort of. (Not sure) Anyways, our boat was there. If there's an item to find in the sky, shouldn't there be some structure to hold it up there? Like a tree? Right. (Clear hint) Why is the camera there? There's a camera here. And somewhere on the map... I found it! - I found the map! - Did you find the map? Yeah, the clue says, 'Look up at the sky.' Shouldn't we use a stick? Okay, okay. [If you're smart, there's no hassle] - Go, monkey. - Oh, the map! Grab everything. Okay. What's this? (Staying true to his word) We found the map! - It's really an egg. - Is it a real egg? [Not interested in the map] Isn't that our food? It's not cooked. Don't we have to cook it later and eat it? (It's not a commercial 22) Wow, it's J** ramyeon!! (!!) - What? Where? - Oh, it's ramyeon! - What? [Sits first] - It's ramyeon. - Hang on. Wait. I don't think we can just eat it right away. What kind of ramyeon is it, anyways? (Hungry) (Hyenas) - No. - It's not pork belly, is it? Hey, don't take it out, please. Please don't take it out. Wow! They always say, 'Don't begin the day on an empty stomach...' - I don't mean that... - I think there's an ulterior motive. It's a trick. I'm sure it's a plot. Aren't they trying to distract us, so we waste our time here? In my opinion, (Division of labor) Some do the cooking and others should look for the treasure and come back here and eat. Minghao, that's a good idea. I don't think there would be a problem if we eat this, right? (Getting a good spot) I'll cook then. I'm not saying there'll be a problem... It's gotta be a trap set by the crew. If we start eating this, we'll use up time. So we'll waste more time. Let's split up. Some cook. (Tempting him) Are you going to cook? (Biting) Hehehehe I want to eat but... - We have to get here first. - Where is this place? 'Wine in the rock...' It means the map is near the rock. [Wine aged in the rock] We should go here then. - Hey, hurry up and find it. I'll cook. - Look at this. (The most unfocused person) We've already lost focus from the food. We have no time for this. Right. Hurry up and leave. [Holding still] Quickly. (Reasonable doubt) You look like you'll betray us. (Very reasonable doubt) I think you'll eat it all by yourself. Hey, then, cook. We'll get going. We should grill pork belly. - Should we grill it here? - Let's grill it here. You go find it. I'm good at grilling it, so I'll do it. Geez, we don't have chuck flap tail cut. Don't pour too much water... You know the right amount, right? DK's bad at cooking ramyeon. [SEVENTEEN's strong sense of trust] What did you say? I'm super good at it. I have no plan to find the treasure... and strike it rich. (Small but) (definite) (happiness) I want to eat pork belly and be happy. I want to be happy too. I'm going to be grateful for the small things and enjoy the smell... I mean small things. I think we need something to block the wind. Wind blocker. Isn't that makeup box a wind blocker? (Not for that purpose) - DK. - Yes? Where do you think the wind is blowing? (Master of the wind) West. - West. Okay. - Which way is west? - Which way is west? - This is west. [Human compass] East, west. (Wrong) It's east and west [Human] East and west. [*We cooked with the permission of the island owner.] With the wind blocked, the meat is cooking faster. (Going to find the treasure) - Take over. I'll be back. - All right. In movies, the captain stays at the base camp. Right. You know what I mean, right? (No) What kind of movie did you watch? I'll be back. Okay. Enjoy. The distance is so vast that it's so hard to walk. It's got to be around the rocks. It has to be. - There's a rock there. - There's one there too. - There are many things there. - You're right. Or it might be something like this. We could end up here after going full circle, and it turns out that the gift is where the ramyeon was. [Interesting scenario] - 'Enjoy the food.' - Enjoy.' (Today's lesson) Ramyeon after a hard day... tastes the best. It's quite possible... (Happy circuit) No. I think the map has to be here. It has to be here somewhere. Let's look for it here. I think it'll be here. There's a camera placed here. Maybe that doesn't mean anything. They may have placed it on purpose for no reason. What is this filming? It said a rock. The rock on the map might be telling us to bring the map here. Maybe we don't even need to go to the rocks. - Minghao, do you want to go to the rocks? - Where? The rocks. What was written on the map. Let's go over there first. - Let's go over there and then to the rocks. - All right. Then I'll search near the rock side first. Seeing how... there are obstacles put here... These things... are obstacles, right? Hoshi, what's over there? Geez, if I was going to drink this, I'd rather have eaten meat. Let's go, director. What's that? There are soft drinks here. A pot. - Is it for the ramyeon? - No. This is coffee. What's that? Is that the ending location? Wow, they put the camera all the way here? I'm not sure if I can go over there. Where's the camera? (Camera obsessed) I'll just hop over to where the rock is. Wait for me. Mingyu. Are you sure this is the rock on the map? That's the location of the rock on the map. What's that...? Why? What? Why did they put the camera here? [Too camera obsessed] Huh? You're right. Why did they put a camera here? - Seungkwan. - What? Did they find something? No. If they found something, they would've made a fuss, but they haven't. Dino! Did you find anything? I'm looking for wine. Why are you looking for wine? They say there's wine near the rock. It's on the map. Does it tell you to look for the wine? It says that on the map. Let me see the map. Something 'in the...' about wine. Hahahahahahahaha You only read the word 'wine', didn't you? No. I asked Vernon what it means. Does it mean the map is next to the wine? Where the rock is? [Sacred map reading] This means that the wine is near the rock. The best way to find treasure is to always have a view - from a high location. - Is it advantageous? [No such rule] It's an implicit rule. - Seungkwan, take a look there. - Okay. I don't think it will be there. That's why I told him to go take a look. (Lying again) Seungkwan, I'm sure it's going to be there. [Implicit rule is to beat the opponent] - Go and look over there. - All right. I really want to find the treasure. - It's over there. - What's that? - Did everyone go over there? - Yes. - No matter what, I think it's over there. - Seungkwan. It's right there. Stay there. [Can take a hint] Hahahahaha. Seungkwan, come over here. (A ray of hope) What if it's here? It might be there. No, I think it's over there. I'm really sure it's over there. (Aiming to be the star) Well, please look forward to my performance. I'll get going. This is so fun indeed. I found it. I think he found it. He found it. Hey, Mingyu. I think this is it. Why? In the middle of the map, it says 'a needle in the sand'. - A needle in the sand? - Yes. A needle in the sand. Isn't that what it means? - How did you get over there? - I crossed the water. (Totally wet) My shoes are soaked. (Unexpectedly tempted) I want to swim here. - Go swim. - No thanks. This is the location where we were earlier. If this is the rock... That's over there. We have to keep going that way. I think we're keep going around. (Joining) - Did you find it? - Yeah! Let's connect the map sections. Let's connect them on the ground. We might find the treasure quickly at this rate. We found a section here just now. We first found one here. Secondly, here. Thirdly, here. - This time, it's over there. - Right. Let's go over there, then. But can we just forget these and leave them behind? (Found a parasol) What is that, though? Coffee. They're coffee and tea. I think it's supposed to tempt you. Seeing how they're put here, it means that ramyeon isn't a piece of treasure. Isn't it this? They could be trying to make us waste time, so we can't find the treasure. It could be. Seungkwan. Seungkwan, we found the map! There must be a map near you. - Here? - Yes. But what's that black thing stuck in the sand over there? [A needle in the sand] Does 'a needle in the sand' mean a large needle... Do you want to go over there? It's a little suspicious. - I see. - Okay. Let's go over. (Hates going far) You go. I'll look for it here. Let's not all go together. Can't you be bothered? [Guilty] No. Then, the two of us will go there. All right. Tell us when you come back. - The sand is a bit wet here. - Right. Why don't you go by yourself? What? [Everyone feels alike] Can't you be bothered? [Peaceful deserted island] Why do we have a shovel? Shovel? Is it for us to... Seungkwan... [No one says a word] This isn't how the ending goes, is it? 'Don't waste your time, treasure the time we enjoy together.' How it ends. We eat something good here and lie around, but how it ends... this is the treasure itself. - It's possible. - Yeah. Isn't there anything in there? The map should be around here. Right? Not there. Does that mean there's a map here? [Seungkwan's location] It said a needle. Doesn't the needle mean a map section? [Camera 1] [Camera 2] It's around here. I think it's around here according to the map. Whoa. I found it. I found it! Wow. - Did you find it? - Yeah. Where was it? That's the outside section. Over here. It's for here. Since we found this here, we have to go this way now. [Bird's paradise] - Then we have to go that way. - Let's go. Right. Let's go. Let's go. Hey, this is too easy. Hey, where was the map? Seungkwan, we found most of the sections. So we're heading that way. You should come with us. Come on. Let's go. (Flapping) (Flapping) I heard something. Did he find something? Argh! [Sound of nature] - What is it? - It's a pheasant. This is a bird's paradise. 'Bird's paradise'. Interestingly, a bird appeared when we were heading out. I know. (Altogether) Wow. Don't tell me they cast the bird as well. It's a movie. Apparently, the birds are extras... Where did he find the shovel? It was just an abandoned shovel. I think we might need a shovel. Pull it out. - Can't you pull it out? - No. I see. Then, is that wedged in too? Let's just go see. You should. [Fantastic duo] Let's not lose hope that the treasure could just pop up somewhere unlikely. (Loses hope immediately) - No one would suspect here. - Oh, please. [Goodbye hope] Let's not lose hope... No, no, no, no Let's go all the way since we've come this far. - We should go all the way. - Right. [Mind reading] (Just a stick) [Arrives] How annoying. Geez, it's not like I can break it. (Life is a comedy from afar) From afar, it looked like a needle. (Looking closely, it's a stick) It looks so large up close. How are we going to find treasure here? Within 3 hours. Honestly, it's impossible. Who are you? I'm a tiger! (Roar) [Pretending not to hear] [Pretending not to hear] We don't respond. Hey. I know you heard me. DK! What? I have a good idea. Sounds good! [SEVENTEEN always supports each other] - Nice. - I haven't told you what it is. - That's really nice. - Good job, tiger! With that, finding the treasure is really... Right. It should be super easy. Good. Let's do that! [Disappointed] Come on, guys. Seriously... What is it? - Listen up. - What is it? - We didn't even go around half the island. - Right. But when the crew came here, they would've went around the whole island, right? I think we might have to go around this island once. Then should we go around the whole island? I think we might have to. - Then you go around first, Hoshi. - Right. [Literally spins around] Good job. Good. What is that bottle? - I've been up there. - Yeah. I went up, and you can't hide anything there. If I were the crew, I wouldn't be able to hide it there. Look at them. They're avoiding my eyes. I've been there, and you can't hide it there. It's higher than it looks, so you can't go up there. (Oops, too high) See? DK, what are you doing? I was just looking at the wall. Hey, so there was a reason why they asked us to wear hiking boots. This doesn't seem easy. So that's the right place? - Yes. Looking at the angle. - Hold on. Why? There's something fishy about that bundled there. It looks like a nest. Did it just bunch up together on its own? Don't we have to go up there? I think we have to. I think it's getting tough now. - Hey, there's a path here. - So there was a path. [Pioneer] Hey, there's a way through here. Really? - Why were we taking the hard way? - Why were we? It's this way. - Is this it? - A tree? It's a rock. They turned it into a bird's eggs. - Let's go up. - Hang on. Wonwoo, take a look at what's around there. Okay. I'll take a look. - This is the right location. - I think it's the bird eggs. I think the eggs are there for a reason. Those stones... I think they have a meaning. Right? - Let's take them just in case. - Are you serious? Yeah. Doesn't this look like an egg too? I know. It looks like an egg too. Hey, there are so many that look like an egg. (Faithful to his job) I filmed a music video with the director earlier. The scenery is so beautiful here. Right, it's so beautiful. If you film it here, it's such... It's awesome. Let's go. x3 [Escape] Abandon him. x3 - Guys. - What? Wait for me. I don't think there'll be anything here if you go this way. I'll go over there. Who knows. [Never underestimate human stupidity] - All right. - Okay. We'll leave that side to you, and we'll head toward the members. I'll go over to the rocks... I'll go over there and come back. - Quickly. - All right. (Quickly runs off) - Let's go quickly. - Guys. Wait for me. All right. We'll wait. Come back quickly. Huh? Let's go quickly. [You live alone] Guys. [You live alone] I've been there. There's nothing there. Right, director? We've been there. I've been there. Could you give me a clue where it is? Come on. I'll give you an official 'Spider' product. Poster. Needle. Are you still looking for the needle in the sand? The next place is here, and this place is the bird's paradise. Wouldn't it be better to find the treasure in an empty place? This is the last piece. We need to find the last section to know where the treasure is. Right. We can't find the next one in advance. - Are we in the right place? Are you sure? - The camera's here. If it's 'bird's paradise', wouldn't it be on top of a tree? Like a fantasy film, do we have to pick up eggs from the 'bird's paradise'... and take it to somewhere not on the map, - then do we get something? - Right. That's what I thought too, so I told them to take those. But they said that's unnecessary. (Not my concern) Then Mingyu should take it. [His eyes say it all] Let's do that. Hey. Isn't that an egg too? That Styrofoam thing? - That's just Styrofoam. - Isn't that a dinosaur? I can hear so many birds here. Isn't it this side? Wow, DK is strong. (Styrofoam) [Getting airtime] It's a heart. What information do we have so far? This is the end. We have two eggs. And we have a tree? The clue is that this is the 'bird's paradise'. What is this bag? - The eggs were in this bag. - I see. It's so... Right. This is too obvious. Like in 'Indiana Jones'... At the last location, when we get there, these rocks could serve - as the keys to the treasure. - There's a possibility. (The Styrofoam lifter) Since DK is strong, why don't you hold all two? [A sucker for compliments] Whoever had the key in 'Indiana Jones', (Logically persuasive) is the protagonist. [Person who wants to be the protagonist] 'Bird's paradise' [Pigeon who wants to be a protagonist] Anyone has the map? Dino. Dino has it. Where is he? [He's sort of busy] [Importance of being careful with what you say] It's what S.Coups said. I really should be careful of what I say. Also, we don't know where the last map piece is, but we found all the pieces except for the middle one. Right. This could be the end of the map. Since there's no more path this way, let's just go to the middle. I think it's better to head to the middle. I think it's the right way. There's nothing we can find here. But we have to take those rocks. Ha... - With these rocks? - Yes. - (Meaningless) Tell me if it's too hard. - It's too hard. [Importance of being careful what you say 22] Geez. There's no path there. - Who's over there? - Seungkwan. Seungkwan. - (Solo performance) Yes? - Let's go. Okay. The location that is not on the map... That's the location where the treasure might be... It's S.Coups. Hey. Did he call us for us to eat pork? - Mingyu. - Hey. You're not supposed to eat ramyeon and pork. Why? The two of us are eliminated. Then what? Are you guys going home? No. We're not allowed to go home for 3 hours. Whoa. All right. Look. Now the rumors are going to spread. [Fooled them because they're bored] 'They're eliminated.' What do you mean by 'Indiana Jones'? (Changing the content) Rather 'Indiana Meals'. Wow, it smells amazing. I think they could smell it from the opposite side and come back. Right. Seriously, 3 hours could've went in a flash if we ate this. Right. If we just ate. I really think this is the treasure. They're... chasing useless things. When things are over, 'Actually, this was the treasure.' 'You have failed.' If they all eat this, we could've went home. (Devouring) (Megaphone) Wow, I could hear the sizzling sound of the meat. 'Mingyu, Jeonghan and I have been eliminated.' What? They have to stay here for 3 hours. (Not fooled) No, I think they're just messing with us. But his voice sounded like they really have failed. What? (Correct) I think they just didn't want to move, so they're telling us they've failed and eating pork. They're there eating pork. - There's no such thing as a fail. - Geez. They're lying. There could be a fail. They won't have a chance to get the treasure. No, there's no such thing. If we find it, I'm 100 percent sure they'll want a share. - Should we not give them? - Don't give them any. - Let's just go. - Let's just go that way. Anyways, S.Coups and Yoon Jeonghan always do that. I know. If it were Dino and Vernon saying 'We got eliminated.' I would've believed them. But they're Yoon Jeonghan and S.Coups. How did they live their lives? [Live like S.Coups & Jeonghan] - You know. - They always lived that way. Hoshi, is there anything there? (Taking M/V again) - Kwon Hoshi. - Yeah. - Is there anything there? - No, nothing. Nothing? Where's the part of the map we didn't find? It's about here... It's this part here. (Part not on the map) But we don't know the exact scale. It seems to me that it will go to the other side. Hey, but I've been there. But I think we didn't really look thoroughly. Right? Should we go to that side of the tree there? - Okay. Let's go. - Should we? Hey. Let's look properly one more time then. Joshua. (Exhausted) Pass! [Fantastic teamwork] DK, do you want to play catch ball? [Hardcore] I don't want to die while playing catch ball. Do we have to look at this place again? Yes, let's do that. Hey, this place here. Let's find the one that looks like this. - Which one? - Something that looks like a nest. Why did it become so hard all of a sudden? I know. I'm sure it's related to birds. But no matter how I look at it, it doesn't seem to be there. I know. I don't think it's there. I think something might be here. I know. I think they might have hidden something here. Also, I could here so many birds from here. Gosh. Bugs. Or would you like to go through the straws here? How about it? (Striking ad-lib) Like the saying, 'Grasp straws' I feel like something might be here. - It said bird's paradise. - Yes. Won't that be where the birds feed? DK. The only person who can communicate with birds is you. Really? [#communication #let’s communicate #follow me #follow back] (Address unknown) There are no birds, though. What are you doing, tiger? What are you doing? Why did you come here? (Came here to shoot a M/V) [Untamable tiger] I think we're missing something. We're too quiet. (He's a true artist) What about our airtime? (Secured airtime for M/V) I'm sure I found it. - I found the map. - Where is it? Seeing where the camera is, it's over there. [Being wise after the event] We've already looked through that place. You take a look. Hey, come over here. Coming here belatedly after taking a music video? Get a grip! [Getting scolded] I was just... [Liberal arts majored] If the cameras are shooting this side, it should be around here. Why won't be here? Cameras are pointing this way. Guys. Yes? (Lost) I'm scared. Why are you over there? You said it could be here, huh? - That's what you said. - You said that. [We respect individual opinion] Did I? Honestly, give us a clue. Don't we get a clue? (Eating motion) Ramyeon? Ramyeon is the clue? (He's hungry) Should we go back for now? No matter how hard I think about it, this is the only place I could think of. Let's just go back to where we came from. Just by a glance, it can't be here. It's too remote. From there... - We should look for it there. - Right. Somehow... I'm really not sure. I think it's over there. What could it be? What in the world is bird's paradise? What's bird's paradise? It's not like Gimbap Paradise. Is anything there? Nope. Hahahaha. What? (Airtime +2) Nothing. Who has the map? Who has the map? - Doesn't Dino have it? - Where's Dino? Dino went over there. Didn't Dino go to eat meat? Or should we go back? (Feeling hungry rather than thinking of escaping) Should we think about it after eating? Then a few of us could go back. I'll keep looking. How much time has passed? [Around 1 hour passed] We'd have 2 hours. Or we could get Jeonghan and S.Coups and eat meat and get eliminated together. We just have to find the last section. We still have 2 hours, so I don't think it's a bad idea to return to the place. (Indiana Meals) (Indiana Jones) Oh, that makes sense. Okay. I'll keep looking for it. You guys should go. So we'll return to where we came from. What? [Pro fisherman] You stop that. The boy who cried wolf. You'll become the boy who cried wolf. (Role model: Jeonghan) All right. I'll do it when I really find it later. What if no one looks back when I say 'What?' What if you encounter a wild animal, 'Hey, guys. Help me.' - 'There he goes again.' - Hahahaha. No one saves me. WOOZI. (Self rewind) Should we stop the camera and rewind it? [A natural talent for trickery] You're really creative. It's possible. They could've hidden it after starting to shoot. But they could've hidden it before they started it. This... is the power of modern science. Right. Although it's deserted island, what comes out when this modern science and civilization on this deserted island mix, (Rubbish) this synergy effect... Who's that? Is that Wonwoo? - Is he still doing that? - He's still trying. [A diligent idol] - Wonwoo. - Yes? Let's look for it... on the ground. Whoa. Why? There are so many! (To be continued...) ♪ See you again next time ♪ ♪ Don't be sad ♪ ♪ We'll be looking forward to the next GOING SEVENTEEN ♪ 'SVT's Treasure Hunt'. Let me out Somebody help Somebody help me Somebody help Somebody help me Somebody help me Somebody help me I can feel it I’m in danger I can’t run away Even a single drop of water Sparkles this dazzling place Yeh yeh yeh yeh One careless step Makes me pass out Oh Yeh Gulping anxiously Can’t let my guard down for one sec Yeh So emergency Too dangerous Can’t breathe When you look at me when you look at me I shiver all over When you touch me when you touch me You tie me up like a spider We’re tangled up we can’t escape Like a spider I enjoy this puzzle Pretend to hate it Baby I still like it Baby Okay. ♪ In the bus GOING ♪ ♪ In the blanket GOING ♪ ♪ GOING will be always GOING GOING to you ♪
Views: 3,322,628
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 에스쿱스, 정한, 조슈아, 호시, 원우, 우지, 디에잇, 민규, 도겸, 승관, 버논, 디노, SCOUPS, JEONGHAN, JOSHUA, JUN, HOSHI, WONWOO, WOOZI, THE 8, MINGYU, DK, SEUNGKWAN, VERNON, DINO, 세븐틴, SEVENTEEN, セブチ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 16sec (1936 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 02 2021
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