[GOING SEVENTEEN] EP.12 룰렛인생 #1 (Roulette Life #1)

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♪ Have you been well, everyone? ♪ ♪ We missed you too ♪ ♪ GOING will be always GOING GOING to you ♪ [Filming was done according to mandated quarantine rules] Let's do our greetings old school this time. Old school? How? We need to show good manners. If Dino hosts the show, it's naturally old school. (Specializes in old school stuff) Dino, why don't you do it? (His talent found by others) It's old school when I do it? [Personification of OLD] If you lead, it just happens naturally. (Old school) Yes, everyone! (Exploding) (his talent) So we'll start 'GOING SEVENTEEN'. [Touching] 'So we'll start GOING SEVENTEEN.' We'll film 'GOING SEVENTEEN' again. It'll be a little different this time. (Hosting with hand gestures) This is it. x3 We will choose what to do according to 'what', 'where', and 'how'. [Sophisticated hosting] But it's not fun if you just choose, right? [God of Hosting] That's right. If you look over there, (★Ta-da) there's a gun. Ah, yes. (Lost in the show) When do you say hello? [SEVENTEEN who wants to show good manners] - With that gun... - Greetings... Oh. (Hypnotism) Okay! Edit it here. [The world doesn't go the way you want] What do you mean edit? Let's say hello. Hello, we're SEVENTEEN. [Opening remark in the past] Wow! Please continue with what you were saying. So, we can shoot 'what', 'where' and 'how'... (★Ta-da 22) with that gun and choose randomly. Is it roulette? Yes, that's the roulette, so... You don't seem to know what's going on. I don't think he knows this well. (A newbie MC) I'm pretty sure... he just took on being the MC, so he doesn't really know. Do we split up into teams? Uh.. I heard we do. [Heard rumors] How far up do your eyebrows go? What are you doing? Isn't that the 'Spider'? Congrats, everyone. First solo from SEVENTEEN. Mix-tape. (Tiger★POWER) He is Hoshi with 'Spider'. Wow! It's not the first one. It's not the first. (New song 3 months ago) You need to promote the new song once in a while. (Review) Can you give us a sneak peek? Can I go to the bathroom? (Strongly assertive) Sing us the hook verse and go. I think I'm going to end up... (Rhyme King) pooping if I perform it. ['GOING SEVENTEEN' is very open] - That's why he looked glum. - I was wondering why. (His face expresses his stomach) I was wondering why he had a long face. He's usually very excited when we start shooting. (Pigeon releasing ASMR) Hoshi, turn off the mic. But we're filming 'GOING SEVENTEEN' after a long while, right? - Us? - Yes. (Likes catching up) How have you all been? Hahahahahaha. [Hosting in perfect context] (Don't forget to watch your words) Who came up with the idea for roulette? Isn't that what Jeonghan said on the old GOING? Did we talk about it on GOING? I see. You're right. Oh~ [♥Refreshing♥] [Recovered] Okay, yeah! Ah! Are you happy? (Couldn't be better) Should we say hello? Sure. (That's over) [Let's move on quickly] Let's play the roulette right away. Alright. What? Whoa. (Pretending to be grand) We weren't shooting over there? It looks grand... but it's not somehow. [Lamely grand] Do you know what I mean? (Hand) (made) (roulette★) Hey, couldn't they have printed... that text or something? It's all handwritten and not cool. [Distancing] They prepared it so hard. What's wrong with you? [Mocking analog feel] (We'll do better...) They prepared so hard. (Thank you) (for your criticism) That's not the reason why I said this... It's been 2 years since we've been working together with everybody. Are you saying this because you are good at writing? It's good. I like it. It's good, but... (Change of taste) [He secured airtime] I don't mind things like that. Anyway, there are 3. [What, where, how lottery draw] What, where, how. This is fun. For the 'at the new office building'... More specifically... (Let's get more informal) How about 'in Si-hyuk's room'? Hey, but if you get the 'new office building', the really good thing is... that you just have to leave work and stay there. (Middle of Bukhansan << New office building) Rather, the new office is more terrifying than the mountain. There will be the staff... in the lobby. And we're going... to play the recorder. Recorder? (He sees it now) You meet them for the first time and say, 'Hello.' (Introducing yourself through music) Tu-Tu-tutu-Tu. I think it will be cute. [Strong first impression] It will definitely leave an impression. Think about why this is so hard. With a recorder, it's hard to be 'good' in completing 'Grandpapa's 11 Month', and it's hard 'without laughing'. [★Pray for Fun Combination★] [What/Where/How] We can't get anything good out of there. (It's a misunderstanding) It's best to have a 'good meal'... [What] ['Good Meal'] (★Very little chance★) in a 'hotel suite'. You're right. Let's stop thinking and start. [Mingyu always starts first] - Where do I shoot from? - Here. (Roughly 5M far) - Here? - Yes. Hahahaha. (Increase health) If you don't get it, you'll go to the mountain. We'll be shooting from here? (Old school way of playing with words) Hop with the gun. (Respecting old school) Hop, hop, hop. He's indulging him. Does that spin around? Who wants to spin the roulette? Yes, Minghao gives it a spin. (Here) [PD:] See the red dot on 'What'? Yes. [PD:] If you hit that, you go home. [What a nice show] - Wow. - Really? I'm the guy who shot all 10s at the 'Idol Star Athletics Championships'. (Old story) - That was 2 years ago. - That's right. (Airtime's getting off too) But if you go home, your airtime goes too. [You only get one chance] Sir, how much is this per shot? If I pay 10,000 won, (I'll buy it with money) will you give me one more chance? (We won't buy it) Go, Roulette Boy. Spin it. [WHAT] [Spin the roulette] Whoa! [WHAT: Fold paper cranes and fill a glass jar] [Origami Crane Factory] An origami crane is so small. (Friendly guide) It's this small. (Best scene) It'd be really funny to do that 'at the 2km hill of Bukhansan'. You know, folding origami... By the way, this... shoots better than expected. I know. I thought it wouldn't go far along. This... Whoa. Hey, let's go. We'll go. 'Where'. [Mingyu's day goes round and round in a scurried way] 'Where'. [Fail] You have to shoot again. Spin it one more time. Please hit the camera. [Retry] Oh, please. Oh! Wow! [WHERE: In the hotel suite] It's a hotel suite. [Wins the best place] It's a hotel suite. Wow. I'm jealous. Okay. Next, Seungkwan. (A firm goal) Here. If you hit even a little bit of red, you go home, right? Right. (I want to go home quickly) Isn't it in a circle here? (No free ride) They said you had to get only the red circle. So what if I hit it here? Then you hit the location. Let's do that. Right. [Seungkwan's turn] Spin it! Please fire. Get ready~ Shoot! (If you know this, you're my contemporaries) [He's seen it somewhere] What is it? He got the same one. [WHAT: Fold paper cranes and fill a glass jar] Origami cranes. I hate it. [Actually he's gonna enjoy it] I hate it! You still have 'Where' left. (Hoping for semi 'TTT') Oh, I wanted the 'non-alcoholic beer'. [One team for each location] If you get the hotel, you're on a team with Kim Mingyu, right? Let's shoot right away. Hotel! Hotel? No. [WHERE: In an empty lot that smells like Incheon Airport] He's going to ICN. [Congrats★crossing the metro area★] You have to go to Incheon Airport. What does 'smells like' even mean? (It means you need to go) You just need to go to Incheon Airport. [Congratulations] I hate it. Wow, it's not even Gimpo Airport. It's Incheon. Wow, that's so far. [Jeonghan's turn] I'm going. Alright. Minghao's suffering the most. [Frozen shoulder prevention] You have to shoot higher. You have to shoot higher. Huh? Mt. Bukhansan. (*Seoul's tallest mountain) Bukhansan? [WHAT: Reminiscing on childhood with 'Red light, green light'] Sounds fun. (Paper crane = Reminiscence x) It sounds like fun. Okay. x3 I need to reminisce. Bukhansan! (Recalling with the staff) It'd be really fun to do this 'in the new office'. In the presence of employees. Bukhansan. Bukhansan. Hahahaha. [WHERE: At the new office building] (New friends) It's okay if it's a new office building. I can do it with them. You'll finish quickly. I can do it in the new office building. This is so funny. But if I am the only one who picks (Lonely childhood) 'Red light, green light', I have to do it alone. [S.Coups' turn] You have to aim higher. That's it. What is it? [WHAT: Fold paper cranes and fill a glass jar] It's origami cranes. (Origami crane mate) - Suite. - I will go there. (Origami crane mate 22) Come on, paper crane. Suite room. Incheon Airport. [Recruiting companions] He needs to gather his friends now. (I don't want to run around) Please don't make me go to ICN. Will he be able to go to the suite room? [Getting motion sickness] S.Coups, let's go to Bukhansan. Incheon Airport. It's the hotel. [WHERE: In the hotel suite] Whoa. Mingyu, S.Coups. [Both get lucky no matter what] You two need to go through some hardship! Only 4 people are allowed in one place, right? [No limit on the number of people] Oh, can we have more together? (Mass produce origami cranes) Let's just fold origami cranes in the suite. Hey, if I go to Bukhansan alone... We'll fold it quickly with all 13 of us. Hey, 'good meal' is about this small. (Very generous) [Joshua's turn] Nice. What is it? He's good. [WHAT: Fold paper cranes and fill a glass jar] Wow, it's origami cranes. [Not paper crane Product Placement] Why do we get so many origami cranes? Now Bukhansan. (Healthy Climbing) - Bukhansan. - Hey. Incheon Airport~♪ - Well? - Incheon Airport. Bukhansan! - Come to the suite, Shua. - Well? Incheon Airport. Bukhansan. It's Bukhansan. [WHERE: At the 2km hill of Bukhansan] [★Congrats★] [Promotional fitness content] Wow, awesome. Okay. Alright, Bukhansan! I did my best. (Thank goodness it's spring) ['Bukhansan fauna are hungry in winter.'] Shua is a squirrel in Bukhansan. [DK's turn] Let's go, DK. Okay. Fire! Nice! What is it? Well? What is it? [WHAT: Complete 'Grandpapa's 11 Month' with a recorder] [Source: Joo Ho-min's YouTube ] [Textbook of 'Grandpapa's 11 Month'] (Respect, Ho-min) [Musician] [Doesn't matter wherever he goes] Okay, DK! Let's go to Bukhansan! This will be funny wherever he goes. [Bukhansan is just a supporting role] I hate Bukhansan! Finish... What is his fate? Bukhansan... [WHERE: At the new office building] At the new building. You stepped on the line. [Looks after the airtime kindly] He's been stepping on the line since before. You have no choice. [If he picked Bukhansan, it wouldn't have aired] I hate Bukhansan! But I think I stepped on the line too. (Fair) No. x3 You didn't. [SEVENTEEN refrains from false broadcasting] You were this far away. DK, go to Bukhansan with me. At Bukhansan... Going home early. Argh! Bukhansan! Wow. [WHERE: In the hotel suite] [★Won a convenient place★] [Comfortable to play a recorder] Nice. (Grandpapa's 11 Paper Crane) I'll play next to you very well. Let's go, Wen Junhui. [Jun's turn] I'll make it cool. Oh, good. Good posture. Good stance. Oh, wow. - That's so close. - What a shame! Good stance. [Almost went home] It's very close to the red dot. [WHAT: Reminiscing about childhood, with 'Red light, green light'] 'Red light'. Okay. Let's do that together. (Recollection buddy) If he hits the new building, Jun will do it with Jeonghan. New office building. (Aspiring shooter) Hey, he shoots well. Where is it? - Hotel suite room. - Bukhansan? No? No. (Wins the suite) It's inside here. (Lottery auditor) Oh, is it inside here? [Dashing] Don't touch it! No, it's the hotel. x3 It's closer to the hotel. (Change of rule) If you shoot it in there, let's do it again. [Failed to select the suite] Seriously. 'Seriously.' (Original purpose) Hey, aim at the new office building. Jun, come with me. Geez. But Jun shoots well. - Jun, shoot it backwards. - Spin it. [Performance] [Posing at the expense of accuracy] Come on. Wait. [Retry] More coolly. Look and shoot. Hey, he hit the camera. (Go home?) Hey, he hit the camera. (No, no) No, you have to get the red dot. (Embarrassed.Coups) Listen carefully please. He did it. [WHERE: In the hotel suite] It's good. Wow. Many of you got the hotel suite. I think it would be funny if Joshua went to Bukhansan alone. I don't think at all... that Bukhansan would be better. [Dino's turn] Dino's hair has grown a lot. Go. Dino, what are you doing? [Go straight to GOING] Do it again right away. [Single-minded] Aim higher one more time. (It's an afterimage) Where are you aiming at? 'Where are you aiming at?' (It's just an afterimage) [Poor accuracy] - Why are you so bad? - I'm aiming it higher. His heart is so twisted. - A little higher. - Higher. I said, higher! [Greedy for airtime] I am aiming higher. Why are you so stubborn? (Shooting with belief) Stand on your tiptoes, at least. Hey, you're killing him. [Hogging the airtime] [Got no talent for shooting] Higher! (Inherent misfortune) This is also a talent. Think of it as Boo Seungkwan's face. Okay. [Pouring fuel on his passion] I think he can't do anything but dance and sing. (Shoots instead) Done. [WHAT: As if drunk while drinking non-alcoholic beer, talk about your sentimental memories] As if drunk while drinking non-alcoholic beer, talk about your sentimental memories. You'll do this best. (Customized mission) It suits you. [SEVENTEEN Dino's 3 types of sentimental eyes] What do you mean? That's a dangerous statement. Whoever does it with Dino will definitely be penalized. If you do that with Dino... (Recommended penalty) Dino, go to Incheon Airport. (Fantastic partner) You and Seungkwan go to Incheon Airport. Dino. Done. - Wow. - Bukhansan? That's it. [WHERE: At the new office building] At the new building. This is nice. (Solo climbing) Am I really going alone? [WOOZI's turn] Are you not interested in recorders, WOOZI? You must be interested in instruments. - Shoot it already. - Recorder. Right. You have to shoot like that. Recorder. [WHAT: Complete 'Grandpapa's 11 Month' with a recorder] - With a recorder! - Oh, recorder! [Musician 22] Recorder. You two should harmonize. The place is important. WOOZI. But I think WOOZI will get something funny. - Please. - It's Bukhansan. [WHERE: In the hotel suite] - It's the new building. - Oh, it's the hotel suite. Just like me! [★Won a convenient place 22★] [Formed a recorder duo] WOOZI. (A wet blanket) You stepped on the line. No, what are you talking about? (I'll shoot you) You come here! - Did I really step on it before? - Oh, you stepped on it too much. You totally stood on it. You stood on it like this. (Irrefutable) [Vernon's turn] I want to hit the red dot. Okay. Yes. Well? [WHAT: Reminiscing on childhood, 'Red light, green light?'] Reminiscing on childhood, 'Red light, green light?' [Colorful choice of friends] (New office building) Vernon, let's go to the new office with me. (Hotel) Let's go to the hotel together. I really just want to avoid the new office building. (Crisis of isolation) Why? x3 Hahahaha. He really hated getting the new office building since earlier. That's no big deal, (Shyness vibe) but I guess it's not Vernon kind of vibe. - With me! - Come with me to the hotel. [WHERE: In an empty lot that smells like Incheon Airport] - Come with me. - Incheon Airport scent. [An vacant lot with no strangers] It's so upsetting. (Casting) Wonwoo, let's go to Bukhansan. Haha. [Wonwoo's turn] I think I'll be fine wherever I go. Just play 'Red light' at the hotel... I wish there was someone to go to the new office building with me. [SEVENTEEN's getting along today as well] Oh, Joshua, please go alone. I love it. Woah. What is it? Hahaha. [WHAT: Enjoying the warm sunlight with a cup of freshly ground coffee, 'Oh, this is relaxing'] Enjoying the warm sunlight... 'Oh, this is relaxing.' Wow, it suits him. (Chanting) Bukhansan! (Not my problem) [Chanting together] Bukhansan! Bukhansan! [WHERE: At the 2km hill of Bukhansan] It is Bukhansan. [★JACKPOT★] [Climbing Festival] Today's protagonist is Wonwoo. [Mountain people with coffee] It's your destiny. While rotating a coffee cup like this at Bukhansan, 'Um... I was immature.' [Can't believe I'm going hiking for nice coffee] [Hoshi's turn] Hoshi, come play 'Red light' with me. Huh? [WHAT: As if drunk while drinking non-alcoholic beer, talk about your sentimental memories] While drinking non-alcoholic beer... (I don't want to drink alone) Let's do it together. With Dino! - Where's Dino? - New office building. - Me? New office building. - New office building! New office building! While drinking non-alcoholic beer... - It's the hotel. - Bukhansan? [★JACKPOT22★] [WHERE: At the 2km hill of Bukhansan] [Hiking, recalling memories, quenching thirst all at once] (Welcome) Bukhansan! (Happy♥) Bukhansan! Bukhansan! Everybody, Bukhansan! Say, Bukhansan. Say what? Bukhansan. Next, Minghao will shoot. Start. [THE 8's turn] THE 8 spins it well. Okay. [WHAT: Complete 'Grandpapa's 11 Month' with a recorder] Where? Complete 'Grandpapa's 11 Month' with a recorder. (Suggest to play together) Minghao, let's do it together. Bukhansan! I mean, Incheon! (Step on the line) Incheon Airport! Incheon Airport. It's Incheon Airport. - Wow. - Incheon Airport. [WHERE: In an empty lot that smells like Incheon Airport] [Got what they want = He can step on the line] Are we done? Let's then split up into groups... at the location we're going. (Incheon Airport) (Hotel) (New office building) (Bukhansan) [PD:] Now, everyone has made a choice. Yeah. This time, you will choose the 'how'. If you don't follow it, we will keep tabs. The team with the most counts... comes back here last... (Clap at the camera and depart) and hits the end slate. [Going back to work after work] - Okay. - Deal! Well... Then, how do you count those who violate 'good'? ['Good' 1. Proper 2. Good 3. Familiar and skillful] If we don't do it well, does it count? A count for not doing it well? Then, if you pick 'ASMR'... and you have to play the recorder... [You only do fingernail tapping] You should play the ASMR version. (Careful exhalation) You can't make a sound? Then do you do 'Red light~' once and you're done? [Expects to leave work earliest] This is great. - You just talk about your sentimental memory. - Yes. - Then we can rest. - I'm done after talking about old memories. Fantastic. Hey, who do you want to start? Let's start with our team. Start from there. This is really important. What are you going to shoot? - S.Coups, let's go. - You can do it! (I want to talk a lot) I'll choose '5 seconds of stillness'. 5 seconds of stillness. (Special job that needs constant audio) You have to keep talking. But predicting it... [Correct] doesn't mean you'll get it right. [Team Hotel Suite: 'How' drawing] Team Hotel Suite. - You want '5 seconds of stillness'? - Go. - It will be difficult, though. - He's shooting. [HOW: Without laughing] Whoa, 'without laughing'. It's the most difficult. [He's going to be serious] - Without laughing? - Oh... There are many of them too. Holding back laughter! (Cranes absorb laughter) People who fold cranes are fine. Can you listen to the recorder and not laugh? (The person involved is serious) As long as you don't laugh, I'll be fine. [Team Incheon Airport: 'How' drawing] Let's go, Team Incheon Airport. We're going to do it. Please focus. [HOW: No stillness for more than 5 seconds] No stillness for more than 5 seconds. You just have to keep talking. But there are two people who are quiet. Seungkwan should keep talking. (Booster) [Actual team leader] Seungkwan will run his mouth like a motor. [Team New Office Building: 'How' drawing] Yes, our 'at the new office building'. Team New Office Building. Let's go to the Hybe building. Wow. [Caught in the middle] 'Good'! (Insists) (first) That's right. We just need to do it well. [Recalling 'good'] We just need to do it well! [Waiting for the result] This is ambiguous... because it's right in between. Hey, Hoshi, how is that so? Let's go with 'good'. (Don't touch it) Don't move it! [Watch your wrist] It was exactly in between! But this is really in between. It's really in the middle. Hey, do it again. [Retry] [SEVENTEEN's getting along today as well] This is why I like our members. - They are cold-hearted. - Yes, they're rational. (No sugar coating) They just can't stand to see the others do well. One, two, three. Team New Office Building. [HOW: ASMR style] ASMR style. We can do it. We're fine. We can just.. (Timid tagger) We can say 'Red light' like this. - It's alright. - Yes. Hey, don't let the Team Bukhansan spin the roulette. Let's just let them shoot. [Eco-friendly treatment] They're going to Bukhansan. Why? Let them... spin it. If they get 'No stillness for more than 5 seconds', they'll have to sigh aloud while being too tired. (Extreme lung capacity) No stillness for more than 5 seconds. Shua, what do you want to pick? 'Good'. What do you not want to pick? (Precious oxygen) No stillness for more than 5 seconds. - Okay - More than 5 seconds. (Wishing for strengthening cardiopulmonary function) [Warm support from colleagues] More than 5 seconds. Just leave it to luck. How will Joshua's luck turn out today? 'No stillness for more than 5 seconds', [HOW: Without laughing] Holding back laughter. It's hard. I don't think they'll laugh though. I don't think we'll laugh. Wonwoo will say next to him, 'I was immature.' Hahahaha. [※Beware of deadly cafe owner's comment※] This is how we are all assigned. [Lottery ends] So let's talk about what each team will do one by one, and let's get organized. What is Team Incheon Airport doing? [In an empty lot that smells like Incheon Airport / No stillness for more than 5 seconds] [THE 8: Complete 'Grandpapa's 11 Month' with a recorder] [Seungkwan: Fold paper cranes and fill a glass jar] [Vernon: Reminiscing about childhood with 'Red light, green light?] [In the hotel suite / without laughing] [S.Coups & Mingyu: Fold paper cranes and fill glass jar] [Jun: Reminiscing about childhood with 'Red light, green light'] [WOOZI & DK: Complete 'Grandpapa's 11 Month' with ​​a recorder] [In the new office building / ASMR style] [Jeonghan: Reminiscing about childhood with 'Red light, green light?'] [Dino: As if drunk while drinking non-alcoholic beer, talk about your sentimental memories] [At the 2km hill of Bukhansan / Without laughing] [Joshua: Fold paper cranes with and fill a glass jar] [Hoshi: As if drunk while drinking non-alcoholic beer, talk about your sentimental memories] [Wonwoo: Enjoying the warm sunlight with a cup of freshly ground coffee, 'Oh, this is relaxing'] This content is a bit different. Right. - I think it would be so much fun. - So... the team that failed to follow the 'how' will come back here, right? Oh, does the 'how'... apply even on the go? [Counting starts as soon as they begin] Does it apply to Team Hotel Suite from now? Or from the moment they enter the suite? - [PD:] When they enter the suite. - Okay. Do we also not laugh after we arrive at Bukhansan? - Or while we're going there...? - On our way there too. Oh, it starts right away. (Straight face) Anyways, good luck in your respective places. - Alright. - Then, (Overtime?) see you later, everyone. (Snaps out of it) Oh, we won't see you today. (Goes home right away) See you next time. So when will we know the count result? [PD:] You can go home as soon as you finish. But if you are selected last, you have to come back here after finishing. Oh. Even I removed all my makeup, I just have to come back. (Self-confidence) But you can do it with makeup-free face. It doesn't matter. Are you sure? (Humble and bare face) There's a bit of a problem. Anyways, you can't make up rules with the count. [They don't plan to make rules with the count] You have to be really rational. Don't tell us the count number. [Distrust] Promise us. Okay? [Departure] Good luck. Play the game well and enjoy the beer. (Suite Room) [Pre-emotional immersion] I'm so angry. I'm so angry. [Team Bukhansan boards the car] From now on, not smiling is our concept. [Serious] I really won't laugh. Don't laugh. I won't laugh. With a reverent heart... (Anyway, I'll do my best) I promise to make a new start. [Team Incheon Airport boards the car] The moment we get in the car... - It starts. - Yes. Can you do 'No stillness for more than 5 seconds' well? Oh right! We have to do that. [Team New Office Building boards the car] - Getting in the car is the start of ASMR, right? - Yeah. From now on, (Normal decibels) ASMR starts. When we get in, ASMR begins. [Vocal cords to be closed for a while] - Ah! - Ah! - We're getting in! We'll head off. Bye. [Start of 'what'] Okay, you mean we can't be silent from now on? (Reminding) We can't be silent. Right. We can't. But what does 'stillness' mean? 'Stillness' means... just quiet. Quiet? Silence should not go longer than 5 seconds. But in fact, we don't have to fill it with just words. [They are SEVENTEEN] (We didn't know they'll interpret it this way) Hey, it's not quiet anymore. It's noisy even with this on in the car. Once we've found a way to avoid our 5 seconds of silence. (This is not what we mean...) - Yes. - What do you think? It's okay, right? Talking isn't the only way to break the silence, right? (Accepted...) Right? Aha... Hahahaha. But I have nothing to say. [PD:] Why don't we stop the music and not be silent for 10 seconds instead? 10 seconds? [PD:] 10 seconds without playing a song. Don't make up weird rules. If so... (Naughty) Hey, just play rock music. We just don't have to be silent. [No conscience] Oh well, we conscientiously... We'll keep talking. (What a bizarre story) I've never laughed in my life. [First laugh in 26 years] Why do I feel like laughing? I'm in trouble. Is it funny already? [Realized the improvising instinct] I want to improvise. If you tell me not to laugh, I want to laugh more. I'm in trouble too. I have a rebellious streak. (Preferential treatment to smiling-face) Please note that I just look as if smiling. You really can't laugh. I really don't want to go back there. (Earphones are recommended ) It is ASMR. 'Red light, green light?' I know. [Theme of a child growing up] - It's like a childhood... - Right. - A little bit like that of a child and an adult... - Harmony That's a good combination. I'm hungry. Me too. (Hungry) It would have been great if we chose a 'good meal'. They made that space really small. (They need to fill this jar) - I won't laugh. - We can't laugh. How do I play 'Red light'? (Team members have to do it together) You fold a crane out of a sheet of paper. (Trick) Can't I fold this out of 4 sheets at once? I mean like this. It's been a long time since I played this. It's important to go slow. (Private tutoring) You just have to move these 3 without moving these. Paper is too small for your fingers. I know. This paper is too small. (Meltdown) [Team Hotel Suite: Laughing - 1] [Serious about going home] I'm sorry. It was just so funny right now. Now we have nothing to laugh about. I was just... (Brainwashing) In your mind, erase the thought of making yourself laugh. Or you can't do this well. (Blocks off everything funny) Don't talk. Just do this. Okay. [Loneliness] - Jun. - Yes? Are you doing this? [Sleeping] Yes, I am. [PD:] Jun is playing 'Red light, green light' by himself. (Crisis) I think they're going to laugh because of Jun. [Correct] He's so cute. Didn't some other team have to hold back their laughter? Right. All of us? It'll be tougher for Seungkwan's team than ours. - I think we have an easy one. - Yes. (So conscientious) But Incheon Airport... We went there before. Oh, that's right. What's the title? 'Let's Go Catch Up'. (Content in which Wonwoo was transformed into a different personality) Let's Go Catch Up. [Silence] [First aid] Surprised Holi~♪ (Hook verse) Day~♪ [Excited] It's a little bit like 'TTT' right now. Hahahaha. You're right. (Concerned about content) I don't think it would be fun doing this. [Entertainment Class 101] There is no difference between this and TTT. It's no fun. You know, we're doing this to make it fun. [PD:] Then... we'll buy everything you want to eat. So don't play the song. [Alright] Okay. Fine. [Urgently using the corporate card] You are really desperate, right? [Thank you] [★Corporate Card★] Let's just do 'No stillness for more than 5 seconds'. - 5 seconds? - Let's do that. [PD:] Which team do you think will be last? 5 second silence team? Their throat will hurt because they have to keep talking. (Ace expected) Seungkwan seems to be able to continue. But THE 8, Vernon... (Ace) [Fails to predict] Okay, 5 seconds. I'm a little obsessed with this. If you set this rule for 5 seconds, I keep feeling pressured. But we've never really been quiet for 5 seconds. [15 minutes have passed since departure] But I'm really having... (Crisis) You'll have a hard time now. I think I'll have a hard time today. But I'll do my best. But do I usually talk a lot? (You are now) You? You don't talk less, but... Not too little and not too much. But it seems difficult to talk for more than 5 seconds without a break. It's hard for anyone. Yes. [The one who rules the silence] - Ah, ah. - Ah, ah. But this would be fun to watch. If you get even a little silent, let's say anything. You have to do something whether you cough or say something. This is nice though. (Taking care of his health) I wanted to go hiking. This is the most unusual episode we've shot this year. Yes, it's kind of unique. (Airtime hunter) Should we just babble while going there? - Shua. - Yes? which... which of the mountains you've been to in your life are the most memorable? Me? (The mountain(san) you go when it rains) Umbrella(u-san)? [Team Bukhansan: Laughing - 1] (Agree) [PD:] Shua, you're not laughing, are you? (Originally smiley face) Absolutely not. What about you, Wonwoo? For me, Yongsan*. (*place) (Gasp) [Beer and red light's mountain] [Team Bukhansan: Laughing - 2] What is your dream, Shua? (Improvisation relay) I think I need to think about it. What is your dream? Me? For me.. G-Dragon. - What is your dream, Wonwoo? - For me... (♪ Bukhansan Again ♪) Yoo-Dragon. There's a repeat sign. Yes. If you see this, - you return to the first note. - Really? Go back and play. Why do I have to? (Gasp) [Team Hotel Suite: Laughing-2] (Encourages with a look) 1 and 2 are divided, and at this time, you have to go to 2. Don't laugh. Don't try to be funny. [Laughing brings good luck] It was just a smile of relief. That was a laugh though. You just said the word 'smile'. - I'll say a word at the end. - Okay. (Reminiscent of childhood in a dream) When will we finish all this? I think we'll fill it up soon. If I knew how to fold, it would be faster. Should I just learn to fold from you? (Division of labor) Let's just make a lot of this like crazy. I'm under the most stress this year. I can't laugh. Me too. (Competitive) I can't play this song? Seriously? (Show<<<Leave work) We gave up on today's show. What is Jun doing? [Off guard] [Team Hotel Suite: Laugh - 3] He's supposed to play 'Red light', but he's sleeping. - Yes. - He doesn't have anyone to do it with. (Second hit) Then what should he do? [Somehow, it's funny] [Team Hotel Suite: Laugh - 4] Didn't he finish if he did 'Red light' once? They said we should do it together. Really? Jun, fold this too. (Outsourcing) Come on, I'll show you. Oh, it is very difficult to fold an origami crane. - The way it folds... - It's too difficult. Or can you two do it quickly and then help us with this? - Us? - Yes. You want us to help? I think we'll take longer than the origami cranes. I think it's neck and neck Everything is difficult now. [Happy Roulette Life] La... What is this la? ♪ See you again next time ♪ ♪ Don't be sad ♪ ♪ We'll be looking forward to the next GOING SEVENTEEN ♪ [PD:] Have you ever gone mountain hiking? Of course. - Our debut... - It must have been just before. For good luck. Was it at the beginning of the year? - On January 1. - On January 1. We all went together. We should have a photo of us together. I realized it then. - That you'll never go mountain hiking again? - Yes. But it was hard because... It was in the middle of winter, it was cold, and the ground was slippery. It was difficult because the ground was slippery. But it's okay in the summer, right? I think it will be fine in summer. I really remember going up... Cheonggyesan to wish ourselves good luck. We got a great vibe back then, and things are going great now. I can't say anything right now because I might laugh. Just sleep. ♪ In the bus GOING ♪ ♪ In the blanket GOING ♪ ♪ GOING will be always GOING GOING to you ♪
Views: 2,142,523
Rating: 4.9924107 out of 5
Keywords: 에스쿱스, 정한, 조슈아, 호시, 원우, 우지, 디에잇, 민규, 도겸, 승관, 버논, 디노, SCOUPS, JEONGHAN, JOSHUA, JUN, HOSHI, WONWOO, WOOZI, THE 8, MINGYU, DK, SEUNGKWAN, VERNON, DINO, 세븐틴, SEVENTEEN, セブチ
Id: MZxauxuCPss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 10sec (1570 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 07 2021
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