[GOING SEVENTEEN] EP.9 돈't Lie Ⅲ #1 (Don't Lie Ⅲ #1)

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♪ Have you been well, everyone? ♪ ♪ We missed you too ♪ ♪ GOING will be always GOING GOING to you ♪ Mafias, please raise your heads and check each other's identities. In today's game, you are... In today's game, you are... In today's game... In today's game, you are... Today, you're... In today's game, you are... In today's game, you are... Today, you are... in the game. Today's GOING SEVENTEEN is a game that combines 'Mafia' and the treasure hunt. The Mafia hid 500,000 KRW in cash right here. In 'Don't Lie 3' there are Mafia, citizen, policeman, doctor, and broker. However, there are two brokers. When night falls, the Mafia can take out anyone he wants. The policeman can check the identity of whomever they want. The doctor can save whomever they want. The broker can look for where the cash is. However, the broker cannot claim it alone even if he finds the cash. He must cooperate with one or more citizens or Mafia to claim the cash. This game will consist of 4 rounds in all. After a round each of the Liar Game, Treasure Hunt, Mafia game, the final round will be the Treasure Hunt. You can obtain additional treasure hunt time in the Liar Game. In the treasure hunt, citizens must find the treasure hidden by the Mafia. In the Mafia game, the citizens must find and arrest the Mafia. The citizen who finds the cash must notify the host, and the host will announce that someone anonymous found the cash. If the citizen who finds the cash dies during the Mafia game, the cash will be hidden again by the Mafia. [The following was filmed according to mandated quarantine guidelines.] Let's go. It's on the 21st floor, everyone. Let's go to work. Let's go meet our customers. We're at work today. [A hectic way to work] - 30th floor. - We're all employees, so why are they acting cool? Let's get off now. (Start of work) I'm getting excited about this. But unlike the other uniforms, DK's and Seungkwan's... [Bellboys] outfits are very eye-catching. The two of them are the Mafia. - You two stand there. - Right. You're right. - (Real role play) You guys need to stand. - Stay standing. (A chance to get attention) Because they're both wearing bellboy outfits... - Yes, it suits them. - Excuse me. Excuse me, Seungkwan. Yes? I'd like my steak cooked... (Medium vs. large) medium. Thanks. (Second job, waiter) Steak... What do you mean by medium? Which steak? Um... Please give me one sirloin. - Sirloin steak. - Hahahahaha. I'll have it well done. I'm sorry, but you're not in 'Young*** Younghwa'. (*Barbecue restaurant) (7 years younger) I'll have 2006 vintage wine. 2006. [Finished acting] There's a reason we're gathered here. Who knew 'Don't Lie 1'... would continue to 'Don't Lie 3'? Let's give a round of applause. [Congrats] We made it to 'Don't Lie 3'. It's the first time to last up to season 3. I know. (Literally correct) It's 3-D. - 3D? - Yeah. ['Spot on³' [madda]: To mark the body with a foreign object] (*Play on words) Season 2 was possible thanks to Mingyu's performance in season 1. Because I was there in season 1... (Mr. Kim Lighting) that you shined. Because I was in season 2... (The altruistic Mr. Kim Lighting) that you shined. [He has many supporters] I'll shine again today! This time, I'll shine! Oh! I'm going to take you out! But you really... (Teasing) make others shine. (Unaware that he's teasing) Of course, Mingyu's really... He's like manure. (♥Precious manure♥) Geez, it smells. Everyone checked his roles already. Of course. Everyone checked it already. And Seungkwan who is mentioning that... Hahahaha. You seem [He still thinks he's the MC] suspiciously proactive. If you try to find me the way I found Mafia Dino in 'Don't Lie 2', you'll seriously regret it. [Not concerned] He's trying to scare us with those words... But we target at least one person first no matter what. - Right. - This time, get rid of Seungkwan... When Seungkwan became a Mafia, he became quite excited. (No criminal record) I'm sorry, but I've never been a Mafia. (Anyway) That's why you'll be a Mafia today. It's about time. The game will begin. It's been a while. The reward starts from 500,000 KRW. If the Mafia obtains the reward, it is increased by 100,000 KRW according to the number of casualties. If the citizens obtain the reward, it is increased by 100,000 KRW according to the number of dead Mafia. - It starts from 500,000 KRW? - 'Yes, all right.' [Citizens can acquire up to 500,000 KRW] We started from 500,000 KRW last time too. There are 3 Mafia guys, right? (Former doctor) So Wonwoo, (Former doctor 22) Joshua, (Former Mafia and broker) and Jeonghan are Mafias. [Reasonable doubt] (God of luck ascends) You just pick anyone. You know, I also thought about that too. Right? I also thought that it's Wonwoo and Joshua. That's ridiculous. I get the same hunch. Because (Photographic genius) you can picture it in your head. You're not good at drawing. - Hoshi can't draw. - He really can't draw. (Hypothesis genius) If I think about seasons 1 and 2, in season 3, I'm sure some unexpected people would become the Mafia. Wonwoo played the doctor in season 2 and was called a fool. [Incompetent doctor] Right. (First to say it) I'm sorry I called you a fool. Okay. - I'll apologize. - It's all right. So Wonwoo, where did you hide the money? Inside DK hat? [Easily confirms that he's not guilty] Now... Hold on. When we last played, [Watching 'Don't Lie 2' is recommended] - Mingyu, Vernon, and... - Dino. and Dino were the Mafia. In season 1, it was you and me. [Watching 'Don't Lie 1' is recommended too] You, Jeonghan, and I. So, who here has already been the Mafia? Raise your hand. Of all people... - I think one of you is the Mafia again. - I think so too. I'm sure of it. Or else, it's too easy. - I don't think so. - I don't agree. But CARATs want this, (Out of fairness) so I think new people would be the Mafia this time. - I think so. - I... - Okay. [Greedy for airtime] Geez. You should've hit your head harder. Do it again. (Spartan way) - You should've hit it harder, so it falls. - It should've fallen. Argh. (Mingyu broke it again.) Mingyu did it again. That's the way it'll be shown on air. (Sneak attack) So Seungkwan? You're not the Mafia, right? I'm asking you if you're not it. (Avoids answering) Do you hate me? I think it's too early to choose the Mafia. The first mini game will begin. 'Okay.' Who will start it? [Liar Game: After answering a random question, if it's true, you get an extra 30 seconds, if false, the game ends] (Considerate) From that side. (Concedes) From that side. Dino, you like to be first to start things. Gosh. Jeonghan. Since you're truthful, you should go first. (Mingyu's always the first) I'll just do it first. No, let Dino go first. You're so unlucky. [Loses his chance out of bad luck] I want to let Dino do it. You're sitting in the middle, so be quiet. All right. x3 I'll do it. He said you're in the middle, so be quiet. [Giving instructions] After detecting your heart rate, when you're asked a question, press the button and answer. How? Hahahaha. It's detecting your heart rate. I... can't lie. Pfft. He's a good liar. I can't. He ruined it from the first round. (Expecting the game to end in 5 sec) Get ready to find the money. [True] [Honest person] He's surprised too. [What's going on?] Hahahaha. He lied just now. 'What? but I lied.' (Losing their trust) The machine's not broken, is it? He lied so well that he deceived it too. [Accidentally beat the machine] His lie even deceived the machine. [Discovered a talent] I was surprised too. Dino's a really good liar. Vernon and Mingyu, go. - Why? - You wanted to play. (Spoiler) But the game will be over soon anyway. I'm... a citizen. I'm a citizen. Yes. I didn't expect this question. If it's a lie, we have to take him out first. [Lie] [Vernon's not a citizen] You Mafia! (Suspected as a Mafia) Vernon's a Mafia! Mafia! Argh! How could the Mafia be revealed so easily. [Game over] The game is over. - It's over. - It's over now. [The Mafia can lie] You obtained a total of 30 seconds. 30 seconds? Start the treasure hunt lasting for 5 minutes and 30 seconds. - How can we find it? - It's too short. Ready. Start. (Treasure hunt starts) Let's check our pockets before we go. [Searches the body] All right. Turn your pockets if you're not guilty. Check if there's anything in your pockets. (Strong trust) 'Don't Lie 3' starts now. (Villain concept) [Concept changed to celebrate season 3] Geez, I'm doing this again. [The immutable truth] People who can find it, always do so, but people who can't find it never do so. It's really hard to find for those guys. You have to look at unlikely places that you wouldn't think to hide things. (Unlikely place) They would've put it in an unexpected place. (Really) (Predictable place) Where could it be? [A place anyone can predict] (Motivated) One of us will find it, right? (He's not that 'one') Someone will. [Desire to cheat VS. ambition] I want to rewind the tape and watch the replay. Seeing how Vernon's not searching hard, I think he's the Mafia. (Gives up quickly) No, it's because I'm not good at this kind of thing. - Open the pillow. - Okay. I think it will be here. (Cash detector) You can tell if you feel it. You never know, it might be hidden here. Let's lift this up. (Highly motivated) Let's lift the mattress up. You even want to lift this up? - Can we mess this up like this? - Fools. The Mafia wouldn't have hidden it in such an obvious place. (He's the one who found it) It was also hidden in an obvious spot last time. [Unobvious closet] It wouldn't be here. Huh?! Huh?! Huh? What's this? [He found something] What's this? - I thought you found the money. - No. Cotton swab. - Gasp. - 100 KRW [They did find money] I'm... a pharmacist. So there are notes... that allow me to revive something. I need to find it. Found it. [Found a note] (Spying) - Did you find it? - No. (Rejects an alliance) It's not here. [Let's look again at the couch someone searched] Ugh. Oh? Yoon Jeonghan, you're acting suspicious. It could be down here. (The dragnet narrows) - Yoon Jeonghan. - What? - Yoon Jeonghan. - Why do you keep doing that? Did you just lift this? There could be something underneath. - You lifted this up? - Yes. Don't you remember? In 'Don't Lie 2', I picked up a flowerpot, and you noticed that I'm the Mafia. (Amazing logic) You lifted something heavy then. - You think there's cash underneath this? - Yes. [He's suspicious no matter what when playing a 'detective' game] I'm getting a hunch. As a result of playing the Mafia last time, you... (Let's learn his 'Don't Lie' know-how~) shouldn't hide it in places... you think the Mafia would hide it. For example, places like this. (The frame Mingyu already looked at) There's no way you'd hide it here. See? There's nothing here. (Cushion S.Coups searched) For example, this thing. I searched it too. You'll... never hide it in here. Then, where are the unlikely places to hide something? (Method acting) Let me imagine it. Ah! Right. (Rich imagination) No money can fit there. (This was his 'Don't Lie' know-how~) Is this a camera? You hid the camera here. [Timid camera] I can't go through every cushion. It could be hidden in here, right? But it's too obvious. (Conclusion) So what are you, Vernon? - Are you just a citizen? - Yes, I'm nothing else. [A super passive citizen] I'm just a citizen too. Since I've already played the Mafia... - We played the Mafia before. - Right. It wouldn't be hidden in spots like this. - So you don't have to look there. - Right. You don't need to search these spots. [No need to search there, but he does anyway] There's no need to search here. There's really no point in looking for it here. (Not here) Right? You don't need to look in places like that. Right. You don't need to look at this spot. (Still not found) A spot like that... Between the gaps... Those places... They hide it in a place you wouldn't think to hide it. A surprising spot. I'm not sure about the frame. I'm sure it's not in spots like these. It's really difficult to hide behind a frame like this. The first round is meant to explore. Right. We're looking around to be familiar... with how it's set up. What's your role? Haha. - I'm a citizen. - Really? Did they find it? What? (Just a prop) (A thumbnail worthy look) Does the key mean something? [No] Hey, does the key mean something? Key? I think we need to take it for now. What could it be? You're not a broker, are you? Why do you ask all of a sudden? - Are you a broker? - What about you? [FISHING LESSONS: At some point in life, you must go fishing] - Did you find the cash? Not yet? - I found this. - I think you need to find the cash. - This isn't it, right? - No. Just keep it for now, though. (Happy thoughts) If I open it with this, the cash might be inside. Right. Let's keep it for now. Hey, I found a key. (Happiness ruined) It's a prop. Mingyu, where did you hide the treasure? I don't know either. Put back where it was. I have no luck in finding things. A really unexpected place... I think it's hidden somewhere like that. (Impossible to get through the opening) (Found something) - It's nothing, right? - I think so. Seeing how we didn't find it yet, it means it's hidden somewhere here. It has to be hidden here if it's been hidden properly. I feel like I have to stay on Yoon Jeonghan's tail. - (Prime suspect) I think he hid the money. - Right. I'm going to focus on the camera today. Camera... Camera. Knowing that the members won't touch the camera he could've hid the cash near the camera. So what should we do? I should follow where the water flows to. (Hand that detects the water) [Advanced technique] [Cleaning the floor] 'Silver wings of a silent fairy'. [...?] ['I'm always one step behind you'] [Exchanging glances] - What? - What are you doing? There was something here. Wait. Excuse me. (Trash) But it was nothing. What a surprise? What is it? Did you make it? No, it was inside there, so I took it out. (Succeeds in distracting) Why was this in there? Camera. [Pavlov's camera] What? What's with the face? - I think someone took the cash. - What? - I think someone took the cash. - Why? Was the cash here? Look. There's a camera here. Why is the camera here? - Don't they think we'll go look underneath? - No, look here. - Why is the camera here? - Why do you think the camera's here? Huh? Hey. - There's a tape here too. - You frightened me! I mean, there's a tape here too. (Suspicious tape) The cash would've been stuck here. The cash was here and someone took it. It was here? - Someone found the cash. - You're right. We don't need to look for the cash now. A citizen found it. What kind of fool hides it in here? - Who are you calling a fool? - Someone found it? There's too many evidence here. - There's a camera here. - This is a trick. It could be a trick. What kind of foolish PD... - No way. It's too easy. - installs a camera where cash is? Of course, you would install a camera where the cash is. 5 minutes are up? 5 minutes have passed? Haha. (Relaxed citizen Hoshi) This is how the first round went. I thought I would've found it by now. I'm telling you someone already found the money. Who found the camera first? Was something there? I was just wondering who discovered the spot first. [Informing by text message if the cash was found] The person who found the cash? Okay. She's referring to the chat room for the three guys, right? A chat room for just three guys? Mafia room. Seven people. Oh, it's seven. Sorry. Oh~ a chat room for 3 people... If you didn't find it, you could just send 'nope'. Seungkwan, you're writing something long. Hmm? It's long for sure. - It seems you have a lot to write about. - You must've found the cash. [This is why we need a privacy screen] I think I saw him write 'hahaha'. Wonwoo. Did you change the location of the money? (Shifty eyes) - Me? - What's with such a long sentence? The sentence Wonwoo wrote was so long. I just sent 'N'. Let's hear them out first and judge later. Judge. I like that. It's interesting that the 3 of us are pretending to be citizens. But it's really not obvious. [13 acting, singing idols] - It's no longer obvious. - We're good actors now. I really can't predict who the Mafia is. Shua. (His eyes are wide today) Why are your eyes shifting so much? I didn't do anything. Hmm? Dino, why are you... Why are you thinking hard? - Thinking hard? - Yes. Vernon looks like DiCaprio today. Vernon has already been exposed. (Calm) That's so unfortunate. None of the participants found the treasure. - Wow. - We didn't find it. That was a trick, then. I bet 'rotten hunch' will appear below again. (Respecting Dino's wishes) (Far from striking it rich) It's not easy to find the money. Right. It's not easy to find the money. But why did they put the camera there? I think it might've been there to film the people looking underneath. (Floor-cleaning cam) I think it was set up to shoot us rummaging on the floor. I turned the floor inside out. But do the brokers know where the cash is? - Not yet. - They don't? They'll know now. (Experienced broker) When night falls, the brokers need to ask which room it's in. (He's commentating) You're watching 'Don't Lie 3'... [Sorting out the Mafia] We need to target one person. Then the person who failed on the lie detector... Vernon. [Person caught by the lie detector] Goodbye. Or pick a suspicious person. DK, choose one person. [Sees the world beautifully] I really have no doubts. I think so. Do you want to trust my hunch? Okay, Hoshi. I don't trust it, but you can say what it is. Right. I don't trust it, but say what it is. I think it's Kim Mingyu. [Hoshi exclusive pick] I don't think it's Mingyu. Actually, when I said this, ('Don't Lie 2' déjà vu) I was trying to see the members' faces. You weren't even looking, but what do you mean you saw them? I'm really sorry, but (Cliché) even if the season changes, your method remains the same. (Tired of it) It won't work anymore. All right. You were good in seasons 1 and 2. But not this season. I have my own routine. Right. You always keep that routine. Although I said it's Mingyu, I actually didn't doubt Mingyu. [Increasing foresight] Then what does that make me? But as soon as I said Mingyu, S.Coups's eyes... looked... really happy. That... means! In an instant moment! [The madness returns] The man of 'Don't Lie'! You're the Mafia! (Madness) The happy eyes he saw in an instant moment. (Showbiz genius) Hoshi's so good at securing his airtime during the Mafia game. He must've wanted to do that. I'm not a citizen. But I'm not a Mafia either. Then what? (Not fooled) Then let's take him out first. Hang on. Considering S.Coups's personality, (Madness) I don't think he's the Mafia. [Playing hard to get] Then what should we do? What am I supposed to do here? (Being innocent) It's not me. From what I see, he's desperate. (Life-threatening) At this rate, the Mafia will find out who we are. After listening to Hoshi, does anyone want to target S.Coups? ('I do') There might be. [♪♫Oompa Doompa Doobi Duba] Oh, guys. Seungkwan's the Mafia. (Changes his target) It's Seungkwan. I'm 100% sure that it's Seungkwan. It's 100 percent now. Did you just bring that up because you felt slighted? I want to take him out. [Feeling threatened 0] Now that you've hogged up the airtime, keep quiet. He wants him to keep quiet. [Strict control] Let's not take too much time for just the first round. - All right... Should we choose WOOZI? - No. Should we choose you? [Mafia game hint: If you speak up, you'll be suspected as the Mafia] No, I'm sorry. As you know, in 'Don't Lie 2', I caught Dino by getting into the Mafia's mind. (Psychologist) Trust me. Okay. Give me a chance. Like how we test people for alcohol, I'll check him once. (Hair massage) Brain... [Grow the mind] You can read minds? You're checking the brain. [Quick MRI] You really look like a mind reader. It's weird though. It's weird. [Somehow a holy touch] - It's weird. - It feels weird. (Congrats ★SEVENTEEN's comeback★) So weird. (8th mini album) It's warm. (Being released on the 18th) (★Please support★) It feels like your soul entered and left. What is he? You know how oriental doctors feel your pulse, right? (Encore) It's similar to that. It's even weirder that he's doing it once more. Are you doing an EEG test? The temperature of the frontal lobe was slightly hot. (Recommended as a side job) Is there a job like that? Of course not. Does he have a superpower? Like Hoshi did, he's securing his airtime. [Correct] Wen Junhui will look for it until the end. Hey. Boo-BTI. Boo-BTI? He's securing airtime. [A witty psychologist] It's for securing airtime. Seungkwan, you judged him based on your hunch alone, huh? I slightly feel... suspicious of THE 8. (Warm frontal lobe) Oh. I have a slight hunch about THE 8 and Mingyu. - Me? - Mingyu keeps being a candidate. Should we get rid of Mingyu? I want to... die. [Tough life for citizens] Then... (Respecting your opinion) let's choose whoever wants to go first. That's great. [Realizing the importance of life] We don't need to save him if he wants to go. That's good. (Composed) You said you want to go. When I first pointed out Mingyu, I saw Mingyu's eyes. How was it? He looked afraid. (Appealing without words) He was afraid. So who are we getting rid of first? Mingyu? Let's hear out S.Coups too. I'm suspicious of 3 people. Shua. (Candidate 1) Shua. (Candidate 2) (Candidate 3) Jeonghan, Hoshi are suspicious. Hoshi's usually weird. (Not refutable) He's usually weird. But he's unusually weird today. I'm suspicious of Jeonghan. (Learned from S.Coups) I'm not a citizen nor a Mafia. I have one more person in mind. - What about Wonwoo? - Whoa. [Suddenly shouting out] I was going to say that. It's true. Really. If you really want that... While we were talking, Mingyu, Wonwoo, and Shua are being kinda suspicious. Tell me why you doubt me. Everyone has an intuition. Is it because of your intuition? There are people who keep getting mentioned. I suspect three guys. I have a stronger hunch. Who are they? (Intercepts the answer) Wonwoo, Mingyu, Shua, Jeonghan, and Hoshi. I'm getting suspected... [Opinion through-pass] because I've never been a Mafia. That's the main reason. Mingyu, who did you pick? Mingyu have 3 guys in mind. Can I speak now? Mingyu, talk. After hearing Mingyu out, [Mingyu's happy today as well] let's vote and get rid of one. It's just the first round. When will Mingyu speak? - Can I talk? - Yes. First, I agree with Seungkwan. So I'm suspicious of Minghao a little. I'm not sure. I'm a bit doubtful. In case of Wonwoo, I don't have a reason, (He's never been a Mafia) but he's suspicious just because. And if I could just add one more person, I pick Jun. [First to be accused] Jun? (Usually weird person 2) Jun's always like that though. No. He's looks more energetic today. - Really? - Wait. (Detective Hoshi) He's unusually talkative today. Right? - But... - Look at him getting defensive now. No, listen. In Don.1, What? Don.1? [Magician of language] - In 'Don't Lie 1'? - Yes. So the title is 'Don't Lie'. (Abbreviates everything) 'Don't Lie 1'. In Don.1. I thought he's using a Jeju dialect. In Don.1, someone took me out because he thought I was a mafia. But I turned out to be a citizen. The guy who guessed wrong will become a fool. Do you want to be a fool? Hahahaha. He's angry. I'm saying this after a year. 'The moment you act out emotionally, you lose.' This is my hunch... I could try, can't I? (Rejects) But your hunch is never right. Just don't get angry. The veins in your neck are popping out more now than when you sing. (Strongly assertive) Junhui, your ears are red too. We need to get rid of someone, right? Let's get rid of DK. (?!) Why is it me suddenly? [Random trial that Hoshi likes] Out of the blue... Hey, Hoshi's securing your airtime. I thought no one was suspicious of me, (Sudden benefit) and why would you target me suddenly? Or we could try to get rid of WOOZI again... [Airtime is the purpose] Please, no. (Feeling touched) It's not me. (Suddenly given airtime) But WOOZI was unusually still. (Sudden increase in drive) What are you talking about? Or... it might be a bit of a headache, but should we decide by rock, paper, scissors easily? [Scientific approach] What's that? Somebody needs to go anyway. Since you said you want to go, let's just get rid of him. Right. Let's do that. No, starting with Hoshi, let's vote. I... (Giving him airtime) Me? [Bouncing-around reasoning] - Unexpected voting - Specialized in betrayal. Amazing. He just betrays him from the side. This is so funny. I got so flustered, so my face was like... Me?! Strangely, when we play 'Don't Lie', he becomes funny. Right. Within 'GOING SEVENTEEN' shows, I wait for this episode the most. [A show like a birthday] I wait for this in a whole year. That was so funny. I'll pick Mingyu for now. (1 vote cast) (1 vote cast) I'm not suspicious of you. I'm just going with my hunch. I'm just going with my hunch, so no hard feelings. Then, I... I'm not sure but I'll choose Minghao. (Just)(randomly) I'm just doing this because there's no one who's suspicious. Right. I'll... pick Wonwoo. Everyone got one vote each. There's no reason right now. It's just a hunch. The moment a person gets two votes, he's gone. Right. [Jeonghan, Mingyu, THE 8, Wonwoo: 1 vote each] Mafias know each other, right? Right, they know each other. Come to think of it, they're really good actors. The Mafias are great actors. By any chance, - can I think about it? - Sure. Minghao first. I pick Wonwoo. I'll have a little fun. I'm really sorry. (2 votes cast) (1 vote) I'm sorry, (2 votes cast) (2 votes) but I pick Minghao I'll pick Jun. I pick Dino. What? I just have a hunch too. I pick... Minghao. [THE 8: 3 votes cast] It's really not me. It's really not me. We're just trying it out. I feel so wronged if I'm gone in the beginning. (No. 1 in reaction seat experience) I know how that feels. Let's go with Junhui. Dino. (2 votes cast) Dino got 2 votes. I think you can live. I'll pick... Wonwoo. Dino, who? I think it's either Hoshi, Joshua, Wonwoo. You can pick yourself. (Soul searching) (...?) If you think you're that suspicious... Wonwoo. [Wonwoo 4 : 3 THE 8] - Wonwoo. - Wonwoo got 4 votes. - We have Shua left. - The last vote. (Preview of pleading) Let's hear why you're not the Mafia... Can you tell us? The reason why I'm being suspected is... because I've never been a Mafia. That's the only reason. - There's that. - Right. Hunch↗ Hunch... (Devotee of his hunch) Hahaha. Off key. Off key. No. No. I have a hunch. (He got one) Hunch. The reason why you're getting a hunch... is that I haven't been a mafia in seasons 1, 2. You think I'll be a mafia in season 3. That's why you're having a hunch. Right. Except for that, there's no other reason. I'm a citizen. (No basis for suspicious) - Right. There's no evidence. - No one has proof. If that's the reason, I should've gotten some votes. If you reason it that way, no one has a basis for voting. Right. No one. You're gone anyway without a reason in the first round. But because it's the first round, this is all that any of us can say. But I'm a citizen... I'm a citizen Should we just pick someone with rock-paper-scissors? Shua needs to vote too. (Hunch again) I think it's Mingyu. Then pick Mingyu. Guys, should I give you a last minute chance to change your minds? Who are you to give us a chance? (?) Vernon wants to change his mind. I picked Wonwoo, but I'll change to Mingyu. Okay. (Last one) I'll pick Mingyu too. [Wonwoo, THE 8, Mingyu 3 votes cast] I picked Mingyu originally. [Last minute spurt] This is driving Mingyu into a corner. Do you know what was really funny, though? When I was in the car with Mingyu yesterday, Mingyu said, 'Tomorrow, I'm definitely going...' 'to take out Hoshi first.' (0 vote) 'I'm going to take out Hoshi first.' [A simple but difficult goal] But Mingyu gets taken out first. Hey, would you listen to me for a moment? Nope. (He respects his opinion) Okay. [SEVENTEEN's getting along today again] I'm so sleepy. (He's talking in his sleep) I was getting tired anyways. What were you trying to say? How I see it, Wonwoo and Mingyu... We heard them talk. Us trying to place the blame on someone... can be not only a way of weeding out someone, - but also a way of confirming. - Yeah, yeah. But I really don't think Wonwoo and Mingyu are the Mafia. - (Sincerity 0g) You have a point there. - If you hear them talk. That's why I want to... narrow down the suspects - to the other guys. - How? It's Joshua and Hoshi. Joshua and Hoshi. (New candidates) Whoa. In Hoshi's case, usually people first blurt out, 'It's not me.' The Hoshi I know would've said 'I'm not the Mafia'. ('I'm a citizen') I'm not the Mafia. Hahahaha. Then I'm going with Hoshi. Oh. [Ripple effect of Dino's words] - I also pick Hoshi. - Hoshi, it is. - Me too. [So close to achieving his goal] I also choose Kwon Soonyoung. Guys... Hold up, hold up, hold up. (As long as) (it's not me) - Kwon Soonyoung's gonna be gone! - Oh, okay. Let's start again from Dino. [A re-vote] Okay, got it. Guys, don't just follow the crowd. - You be quiet. - The man of 'Don't Lie' is going to be gone. No, it's okay if I'm gone. But guys, don't get swept up by the crowd. Let's win this together. - It's an individual sport today. - It's an individual sport. (Loses alone) Hahahaha. But I personally really want to win. Hey, let's start with Dino. It should start to get dark now. Joshua. [1 vote for Joshua] Okay. (Suddenly Joshua) Suddenly? - Hoshi. - I got it. Dino. Me? [The ripple effect backfires] Okay, I got it. Maybe he doesn't like you. (It's personal) Jun said he was sad during the performance team practice. I'm sorry. One. Two. Three. Shua. (Enough plot twists) What's going on? Just a minute ago, you said... (Uphold his freedom of speech) Why are you hitting me? It's my choice. He keeps staring at me... (Subtly seeking his love) and making these gestures. How can I look him in the eyes and choose him? It's not like he's doing a 'no-look pass' He's looking at Hoshi and says, 'Shua.' Even Dino... He persuaded everyone else to choose Hoshi and says, 'Shua.' (The beauty of 'Don't Lie) That's what makes this fun. So? One, two, three. Jeonghan. (1 vote cast) (2 votes) (1 vote) [Ensuring enough airtime] [It's not over till it's over] Wow, this is new. Why is the competition so fierce? I'll go with Hoshi. I'll choose... Make your dream come true. (Relaxed) I don't want to achieve my dream already. I'll take him out in due time. (Great advice) It could be you going right now. (Being relaxed is a luxury) Hoshi. [Thank you for the good advice] He came to his senses right away. He came to his senses right away. Mingyu's always so unnecessarily relaxed - when doing 'Don't Lie'... - Yeah, like a fool. and messes up everything. I choose Hoshi. Just Hoshi. I don't have a reason. [Hoshi: 4 votes cast] If the rest of you help, we can target someone else. Is it Dino? Hoshi. (An urgent plea) The more Mafias are gone, - the more money the citizens get. - That's right. (As long as it's not me) One guy chosen won't make a big difference. (Warming up) He was just about to kneel. How will he change his attitude? It's really not me. So right now, Hoshi got 5 votes and who else... [With one more vote, Hoshi is voted the Mafia] If these four don't choose Shua, you're gone. Oh, okay. Shua. Shua, Shua... I'm really not the Mafia. It's really not me. Seriously... Hoshi might not be the Mafia but the majority of votes are for him... Yeah, everyone's suddenly choosing me. Hoshi, then... It's because of herd mentality... Do you want the policeman to check who you are? Yeah, I want him to check me. Okay. Hold up. [Suspected by just breathing] Hold up. He hesitated after saying, 'Yeah'. He was taken back, but he tried to hide it. 'Yeah, I want him to check me' No, it's not that. I truly want... (Speaking clearly) the policeman to check me 2000%. I truly want the police to check me... 2 20000000000% What percent for you? For real. (Hitting back) just more than him. (∞) (∞) Always. [A childish thing to say] 'Just more than him.' You're so childish. [Hoshi 5 : 3 Joshua] Hoshi got 5 votes, Joshua 3, right? Okay, then I choose Hoshi. [★He won★] I actually... don't suspect Hoshi or Joshua. Me too. I'm suspecting someone else... but even if I vote for him, Hoshi being gone won't change. [Closing argument] Quickly say something in your own defense. (Emotional) This is a bit disappointing. [The harm of getting too immersed] That came from the heart. I really waited for this all year. [An emotional statement] You're making me feel bad. This isn't the scenario you expected, right? Let's... let's all fall asleep now. Then let's quickly take out Hoshi. - Hoshi. - I'm sorry. One, two, three. [Unanimous] It's already too lopsided. (Achieved his goal) Hoshi's a citizen. Yeah, I can tell he's a citizen. Finally, the first round is over. Why are you trying to get rid of me then? You think I'm a citizen. [The never-ending first round] Hey, it's the same for me. You can't do anything about it in the first round. At least last time, we targeted people thinking, 'He's the Mafia.' (The ongoing last will) Does it make sense to vote him saying, 'He's a citizen'? There's been a generational shift for the Mafia game. No matter who goes in the first round today, it's not for being the Mafia. That's right. Because today's an individual sport. Hoshi, an innocent citizen, has been targeted. [A fact everyone knows] Mingyu achieved his goal. Night has fallen. Woo hoo! Mafia, wake up and choose a citizen. Doctor, wake up and choose the person you want to save. Hello. In today's game, you are a citizen and the doctor. Sigh. That's interesting. Oh. Hahahaha. [Big reactions] Policeman, wake up and check the identity of a participant. (So moving) [A burst of emotion] Broker, wake up and check the location of the prize money. Morning has come. Why are you like this? Wow, I got a hunch. (A deep lingering feeling) Maybe it's because he feels dejected... after waiting for this all year. Why? Is it that fun? Who got targeted? Last night, no citizens were targeted. - The doctor is crazy. - That's incredible. - The doctor's so good. - Who's the doctor? This time the doctor is smart. This is crazy, he's really smart. We'll start the second mini game. Hoshi looks like he's having fun. Hoshi, why are you laughing so much? - No. - Is it that fun? (A reaction from heaven) - Now that you know? - Wow. Hahahahahaha. Why, why? Are you laughing or crying? [ROUND 2 Liar Game] I'm a fun person. Yeah, I think of myself as being no fun. You become humble when faced with the truth. No. - I think it'll be a lie. - It has to be the truth. [Truth] (Knows humility well) I'm glad he knows it well. His face looks like... He thinks he's a fun person. (A twist) I'm a singer. Hahahaha. I'm just going to tell the truth... even if it's not fun. I'm... nice. No. Well done. (Agrees) Well done. Great job. It's the truth. (Saving time) Let's go on to the next person right away. You're doing well. [Truth] [The unwavering lie detector] You did very well. What about my image? [You're just an honest person] (An icon of honesty) You were very honest. - You were really honest. - You did well. You were very honest. It's the foolish doctor. I can... live without my phone. (Smartphone addict) No. Never. I think we'll get a lot of extra time this time. [Truth] Oh, this is nice. I am satisfied... with today's shoot. I'm not that satisfied yet. You're so greedy. What kind of shoot would be satisfying for Seungkwan? (ex. 'Past Life Destiny') When he gets a lot of airtime. [Truth] Wow. I'm actually not satisfied. - His airtime on camera... - Is not enough yet. (Greedy) A bit more, please. It's already Mingyu's turn. I'm... a coward. That's right. But the questions are way too easy for telling the truth. I'm scared right now already. [Truth] Hey, we're doing great. (Not a citizen) If this goes on, it looks like I actually lied earlier. (Citizen≠Mafia) Hey, I think Vernon's going to be gone next round. I want to... go home right now. (Loves being outside) No. If the game ends right now, it's gonna happen right now. Minghao doesn't want to go home? - He might not want to. - Guys, the game's going to end now. It's over, it's over. [Truth] No. [Overflowing with his passion] I guess he likes to play this game. Are you today's Mafia? Do you have... your own hidden mission today? - Do you have a certain position? - No, no. I want to... take home the prize money all by myself. Yes. The question's too easy. This game's to give us extra time, right? I think the question, 'Did you shower yesterday,' was more fun. [Truth] Seeing that we're all succeeding, I'm getting suspicious. We earned like 3 minutes. Even if we have this much time, we won't find it. Please ask me the question. 'I didn't brush my teeth today.' Hahahaha. No way. [For your precious teeth] - You didn't? - Wait up. Be honest. Why do you keep asking me these kinds of questions? Did you? Or did you not? - I did. - You did. Yeah. DK DK, did you really? Or didn't you? Did you brush your teeth or not? [Lie] - Did you? Or didn't you? - He didn't take a shower and... [DK did not brush his teeth today] [Just showered without brushing] I did brush my teeth! I did! I did brush my teeth! No brushing teeth, no brushing teeth~♪ Let's not lie about these things. (Did it in his dreams) I did brush my teeth. He didn't shower, didn't brush his teeth either. [※Beware of cavities※] I'm telling you I brushed my teeth! Oh, it smells! - I did brush my teeth! - Argh. The total earned additional time is 3 minutes and 30 seconds. 'Yes'. We'll start the treasure hunt lasting for 8 minutes and 30 seconds. - Wow, that sounds good. - Alright. Ready. Begin. [The treasure hunt begins] I did brush my teeth. 'Don't Lie 3' Round 2. Begins. Hahaha. ♪ See you again next time ♪ ♪ Don't be sad ♪ ♪ We'll be looking forward to the next GOING SEVENTEEN ♪ During 'Don't Lie 2', DK kicked Shua's shin... with his heel. So Shua went like this... It didn't get edited. He held his shin alone saying, 'Ow' like this. It was so funny. [The policeman was hiding his identity] - See! - Alright! x3 Nice! Good job! Let me... Let me apologize here once again. It hurt so badly. Since he kicked my shin... with his heel like this. But he didn't notice and kept dancing. Because DK didn't realize it. It was when he did this. But it's okay since it was an accident. ♪ In the bus GOING ♪ ♪ In the blanket GOING ♪ ♪ GOING will be always GOING GOING to you ♪
Views: 1,146,679
Rating: 4.9934249 out of 5
Keywords: 에스쿱스, 정한, 조슈아, 호시, 원우, 우지, 디에잇, 민규, 도겸, 승관, 버논, 디노, SCOUPS, JEONGHAN, JOSHUA, JUN, HOSHI, WONWOO, WOOZI, THE 8, MINGYU, DK, SEUNGKWAN, VERNON, DINO, 세븐틴, SEVENTEEN, セブチ
Id: Qvu_JCYrwE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 40sec (2140 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 16 2021
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