[GOING SEVENTEEN] EP.17 발마구마구 #2 (Kickball #2)

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♪ Have you been well, everyone? ♪ ♪ We missed you too ♪ ♪ GOING will be always GOING GOING to you ♪ [Before the top of the 4th inning] We need to score. Our team just needs to [Sam.Cut.Kick team is down by 6 runs] score as much as we gave up. Let's talk about what items to use. [Item-use strategy meeting] The dinosaur is the worst. (Feeling them out) Have you guys decided on the items? (Attacks first) We'll decide after hearing yours. We're losing, so just tell us. [Accepts it] Oh, okay. Come on, go easy on us. Mingyu's the dinosaur. [Doubting his ears] What? [Do not doubt] The dinosaur. (Going off to change right away) And DK is going to wear the flippers. Get ready. (Spoiler) And then Hoshi will use the tire. Hoshi will wear the tire. (Performance team's main job) Dino will dance 'Left & Right.' [Revenge] I'm going to do it well and get on first base. (Hope for a compromise) Can you not use the flippers? [No. We're not changing it.] Oh, sorry. I'm not even that good... What good is the tire? Just think of it as a workout. (Cheering for his growth) You have to step on buds for them to develop well. [Step on buds: the stage rising prospects endure to grow into better athletes] The tiger's skills are so scary. Here's our plan... Seungkwan will wear the dinosaur costume. S.Coups will wear the flippers. [Dinosaur<<<<<<<<<<Flippers] Okay, I'm fine with that. I think S.Coups will run well in them. So we'll use those for now. Okay, let's go. Let's go. [Small ball] We'll use the small ball. We'll use the tennis ball. He's wearing the dinosaur suit, but he can see ahead with his tall height. (Fits him well) He's like an astronaut. [Small ball: The pitcher tosses a tennis ball to be applied for one at-bat] Wow, a tennis ball. That's going to be so difficult. (Groove) [4th kicker Mingyu] Play ball! [Pitcher S.Coups] [Stone-flicking] - Catch it! - Nice! (Seungkwan) [Bathing in grass] Nice! [Not good at ball games, but tries his best] Nice! x4 (Failed to gain visibility) [But can't see anything] Hey, wait, wait, wait. Nice! Nice! Nice! [Gets to 2nd base] Stop! Nice! [Umpire+audience 1] Wow, Mingyu's good. Dino, 'Left & Right.' Don't forget to do 'Left & Right' dance. - Yeah, 'Left & Right.' - (Brainwashing) I won't forget 'Left & Right.' (Rehearsal) [2nd kicker Dino] Okay. Don't do that! x2 (Don't need to use the left hand) - 'Left & Right.' - Just do this. [5th kicker Dino] 'Left & Right'... It's coming! [A fair play surprise attack] Ball! Ball! - It's coming. - It's good. Nice! ['Left & Right' 2x playspeed] [Gets to 1st base] [A huge hit] (2x playspeed) - Stop, stop, stop! - Jeonghan! [A human that's slower than a dinosaur] Nice! x4 [Scored a run] [Samseong-dong Cutlassfish Kickball 2 : 7 Chicken Scratch] Nice! (Working) (hard) Safe! Hey! Dino! You're amazing! Hahahaha! How did Dino kick it so well? - What happened to you? - I was always a good kicker. [6th kicker Jun] - What happened? - Jun! - Yeah. Kick it with this part. Wow! Jun! Jun, nice! WOOZI, catch it! [Overhand receive] - They're getting tangled - Nice! Nice! [Gets to 1st base] Stop! Stop! [Gets to 2nd base] - Nice! Stop! - Stop! (Dino) (Jun) Alright! I can't see the ball well. We'll use the soccer ball. Already? [Soccer ball] You're using the soccer ball now? [1st kicker Hoshi] Go! Go! Go! Right now! (Seungkwan) Seungkwan, can you catch that? (Seungkwan) [Nope] Run! Run! Run! Run! Run! [Gets to 1st base] No, no, stop! - Oh no! - Run! Run! Run! No, no, stop! Stop! Stop! Alright! Come home! Dino, come home! [Scored a run] [Samseong-dong Cutlassfish Kickball 3 : 7 Chicken Scratch] Nice! Nice! Dino didn't do 'Left & Right' dance, so he's OUT! [Has to do it throughout the inning] Oh, every time? Oh, right! He didn't do 'Left & Right.' He's out! (So bold) Can we keep him at 3rd base? [An outright refusal of bold request] - Why? - We need to get rid of the run. (Aggro) Wait, guys! Guys, wait! x3 (So polite) Please let it pass just once. Please. Um.. S.Coups. [Gentle] I'll fetch you the ball. (The unity of) (the flippers) [No run, Dino to 3rd base] Okay then, Dino go to 3rd base. We'll change the ball to a water ball. [Water ball] DK, if it's a water ball, bunt! It's hard to pitch a water ball anyway. S.Coups, you can kick it farther than you think with flippers. (Discussing pitcher positions) Do you know where you just pitched? (Pioneer) You pitched it from here. That's because I'm afraid of heights. (Doesn't bounce) [A ball with its own gravity] [Water ball: Pitches a ball full of water. It's only for one at-bat] Won't this be an automatic foul ball? (Peek a boo!) WOOZI, a double-play's coming up. But it's a water ball... [Hi-pass] Strike! - He's thinking about it. - Yeah, he's thinking about what to do. Haha! [Heavy] [Giggling] This can't be kicked! Strike! - Hahaha! - Hey, are you okay? Couldn't we let it be a grounder for this try? (Opposing team) Nope. (Same team) The ball has to go over the pink area. (Life is a lonely road) [A clear line between business and private matters] Vernon's strict with rules It needs to come off the ground. Nice! [Out in a second] (The unlucky guy) I barely popped it up, but he caught it. [3rd kicker Vernon] Let's all go back a bit. (The captain comes to the plate) [!!] Nice! [A huge hit] - Run! Come in! - Run! [Don't.Forget. 'Left & Right'] Keep running! [Scored a run] [Samseong-dong Cutlassfish Kickball 3 : 7 Chicken Scratch] [Scored a run] [Samseong-dong Cutlassfish Kickball 4 : 7 Chicken Scratch] (Hoshi) Okay, nice! [Gets to 3rd base] Okay! [The cutlassfish doesn't like his new feet] These flippers are maddening! I wanna toss them! [Failed to adapt to the species] (A cutlassfish that likes duck meat) But I really like duck meat! [4th kicker Mingyu] Hoshi, get ready! Okay. Nice! (I'm going to Mars!) [The ball takes off!] Nice! We need to go further back now! - Wow! - Keep running! x3 [Neglects his own species] You can keep running! [Scored a run] [Samseong-dong Cutlassfish Kickball 5 : 7 Chicken Scratch] (Vernon) (Mingyu) Quickly! Just throw the ball! Wonwoo, go get it from him! [Scored a run] [Samseong-dong Cutlassfish Kickball 6 : 7 Chicken Scratch] Seungkwan Throw it here! [A chance to get him out] Catch it! Stop! Stop! [Aggressive] Catch the ball! Catch the ball! Throw the ball! Over here! [Scored a run] [Samseong-dong Cutlassfish Kickball 7 : 7 Chicken Scratch] [Home run] Nice! [Home run] Nice! [King of kickball Tyranno Kim] [Score tied] [1 inning, 6 points] We just had to score as much as we gave up, so good job! You were amazing! Alright! Okay, let's keep this up! (Reviewing the items) Dino, don't forget. [5th kicker, Dino] Focus! - Ball! - Ball! - Ball! - Ball! He's not falling for it. Run! Nice! [He's getting used to the dance] - Run! Run! - Nice! [Gets to 1st base] Stop! - Dino! - Dino! Don't stop dancing! [Auto-choreo streaming] Keep dancing! [6th kicker Jun] We need to catch Jun's ball no matter what! - That's it! - Nice! 2nd base! 2nd base! [They reach 1st and 2nd base] 'Left & Right.' Why are we suddenly so good? (The trend of dinosaurs) We need to get to 2nd base! [1st kicker Hoshi] [Having fun watching the ball] - That's a strike. - Strike? Strike! We get that it's a strike, but please pitch it gently. It's so bouncy. But the pitch was slow. Hey. Why do you keep doing that? (Pacifist) I'm fine. Hoshi, we're on your side. What do you think of us! (Punchline King) You're a terrible guy. - Run! Oh no. - We need to catch this! We need to catch this! Are you going to catch it? [Pass] Nice! [Gets to 1st base] It's harder to catch than it looks. You need to hug the ball. x2 (Straining his vocal chords) [In a great mood] Alright! [2nd kicker DK] If it weren't for these flippers! [Has a good excuse] These flippers are holding me down. Chicken Scratch, let's go! Oh come on, it's too bouncy. (Mr. Unwavering) [No excuses] Strike! Roll the ball a bit. It's a strike, but still. The ball has gotta bounce here. [An example of a good pitch] - Like this. - Yeah, this is how it should be done. You didn't even pitch to us like this! [A request for a favor in manners] We'll pitch it to you like this next time. Okay. Come on. - Alright! - This is good. Catch it! [Polishing his nails] ['Left & Right' is automatic now] Come in! [Scored a run] [Samseong-dong Cutlassfish Kickball 8 : 7 Chicken Scratch] Hoshi, go! Go! Go! (Hoshi) (Jun) Come home! [Scored a run][Samseong-dong Cutlassfish Kickball 9 : 7 Chicken Scratch] Come home! Come home! Come home! Safe! [Scored a run] Haha! [Samseong-dong Cutlassfish Kickball 10 : 7 Chicken Scratch] [The counterattack of the flippers] We're doing awesome! Nice! If the ball pops up high, we need to go further back! [3rd kicker Vernon] Let's go! Alright! Catch it! [Fly Out] Shua, nice! [A dinosaur's confession] I love you! [Kickball with love] Let's go! [4th kicker Mingyu] Strike! Please. [A pitcher who tries to entertain] (Connected through flippers) I can relate to how that feels well... Man... Nice! Nice hit! 3rd base! 3rd base! [Gets to 1st base] [Gets to 2nd base] [Adapted to flippers now] - He's fast. - It's two dinosaurs. [5th kicker Dino] Those two dinosaurs are so cute. Vernon, look at that. [Yeah, look at the sky from time to time★] - Catch it! - We need to catch it! They can't catch that. We need to catch it! [Right into his arms♥] Change sides! [Switch offense and defense] Great job! Nice! We did well! [Bottom of the 4th inning] [Pitcher Jun] [1st kicker S.Coups] Your pitches bounce too! Out! (You didn't make a promise with me) This pitch bounced less than yours. [Confused the contractor] Out! [2nd kicker Wonwoo] Okay, that's a good pitch. (Crossed the lines) Nice! [The ball crossed the line before 3rd base] This is a foul ball. Isn't this a foul ball? [Chicken Scratch's spy] No, it's not. [Gets to 1st base thanks to Dino] (3rd kicker) It's a foul ball if the ball crosses the line before passing 3rd base. Thanks, Dino! [Thumbs up! Thanks Dino!] Okay. Ball! - Wow. - Ball! [2 more balls = Walks to 1st base] - What's wrong with me? - No, no, it's fine! Okay, nice! (Come here) - Hoshi, 2nd base! - 2nd, 2nd, 2nd! [Gets to 2nd base] (Wonwoo) (WOOZI) Stop! Stop! Good job. Alright! [4th kicker Jeonghan] It's Jeonghan, let's go further back. 3rd, 3rd, 3rd! Get him! [Dodgeball] Nice! Dino. We can use the items, right? We'll use the water ball. [Water ball] - Water ball. - Water ball? Let's move infield. Watch out for your ankle. (Truly worried) Kick it softly. You might hurt your ankle. [Opposing team] (Caught) I'm not saying this to win the game. - Flex your ankles. - Kick it hard with your ankle. (Close) (Defense) (Yoo hoo) [A new dance] Wow, this is crazy. (A tip from his experience) You need to kick it into the air. What is this? Nice! [Nice pass] He caught it! [A tip to get himself out] Nice! [A passionate umpire] Out! It's so hard to kick it! [Change sides] [Sam.Cut.Kick Team turns it around in just 1 inning] Alright! Alright! [No items, 5th inning] I just need to pitch like Jun did, right? Yes, that's good. [6th kicker Jun] Alright, the weather's nice too! I'll start now. Nice. Run! (Predicting an out) We're going to screw this up. Run! You need to catch this! He's going to catch it. [Seungkwan's good at sports] Nice! Huh? Wow. (Next kicker) It's okay~♪ It's okay~♪ Seungkwan's so good! [Person in charge's compliment] Seungkwan! Nice! [A growing idol] I'm going to catch it no matter what. Let's go, tiger! Spider! Nice! [Looks like it's going to be a long drive] 2nd base! 2nd! Stop! Stop! [Gets to 2nd base] Nice! [Corner seat 1st row] You're doing well! Oh, Mr. Flipper! [Flipper Brothers] You took off your flippers, I see. Let's go! Run! (He's been repeating the same thing again) You need to catch it! - In! - It's in! It's in! (Hoshi) (DK) Run! In! In! It's in! It's in! Hoshi, Hoshi, Hoshi [Welcome] [Come back home] [Scored a run] [Samseong-dong Cutlassfish Kickball 11 : 7 Chicken Scratch] Yay! [A glorious return] [Body Slam] I don't know where to stand. First, stand further away. Then move closer to the ball. Kick it! Oh, this is an out. Kick it! [Looks like a fly out] Oh, this is an out. You need to catch this! We're going to screw it up! Nice! [Evaded it well] Go! Go! [Gets to 3rd base] - Missed it! - You need to stop! Woo! Wow, they're good. Man, we almost got him. [4th kicker Mingyu] DK, get ready! We can get him. [Spin-ball] We need to catch that! - Catch it! Catch it! - Jeonghan! [The law of inertia] Jeonghan! Oh no. [Scored a run] Run! Run! [Samseong-dong Cutlassfish Kickball 12 : 7 Chicken Scratch] (Vernon) (Mingyu) Run! Run! - Go! Go! - Oh no! [A runaway train] Come home! Vernon, come in! [Confused] Come home! Come here! Come here! Come here! Come here! Run! Run! Safe! (Vernon's safe!) [Scored a run] (Nice) [Samseong-dong Cutlassfish Kickball 13 : 7 Chicken Scratch] Out! Mingyu's out! [Greedy] - I'm out? - Mingyu's out! It's okay, we did well. We got 2 runs. He got greedy. [The lead widens] I couldn't see the ball in the glare. [5th kicker Dino] Our team's doing great! Let's go! (Slow and steady) Why are you pitching so gently? [SEVENTEEN trusts each other so much] Alright! [Old habits] I don't have to do this, right? You're out though. I'm out? [Super catch] Out! [Action movie] Whoa! [Props for the nice catch] Nice catch! Seungkwan. (Strutting) You need to reach until the end. Wow! [Defense MVP] Seungkwan, you're amazing! [Bottom of the 5th inning] Let's get it started! Seungkwan's really good at defense. [1st kicker Seungkwan] I'll start now! Alright. Whoa. [Only good at defense] Out. (Dili)(Gent) Foul ball! Oh. - Okay! - Nice catch! (Quick apology) Sorry! [Gets to 1st base] Cover 2nd base! 2nd! [Doesn't go to 2nd base] No, no. Don't go. I'll pitch now. Strike! It's a strike! That was a nice pitch. [A close fastball] - Nice! - Wow, that was good! Strike! (Doesn't know the rules) Hey, but... Did that go out? [Beginner's luck] You did really well! - Oh. - That's a good pitch just now. (Opposing team) Good job! - Oh. - Ball! [(To the other team) Got even better] People usually get excited when they get compliments. [So pressured] Calm down. Calm down. Nice! - Ball. - Ball! It's okay, it's okay! You're doing well! Okay! Nice! Strike! Out! Jun's good! [A natural pitcher] He appropriately pitches balls and strikes. [2nd kicker Wonwoo] Let's start. Nice! Out! Foul ball! Minghao's doing great! [Born to be an umpire] Nice! [It's a ball, but he kicked it] - Ball! - Oh. - Catch it. Catch it! Slowly. Okay, nice! (My precious) Wow! Nice! It's the first time in my life catching a ball. Hoshi, good job! [3rd kicker WOOZI] Let's go. Let's go! Catch it! Mingyu, catch it! [A successful bunt] - 1st, 1st! - 2nd, 2nd! [Gets to 2nd base] - 2nd, 2nd! - It's okay. [Gets to 1st base] Nice WOOZI! That was safe. - WOOZI, you're fast. - Of course. The 3rd kicker is usually the all-rounder entertainer. [He's also a great songwriter] Yoon Jeonghan tied his hair back. [4th kicker Jeonghan] He's sexy! He tied his hair back. Let's start. Nice! - Oh. - Okay! [SEVENTEEN's so nice to each other] THE 8, you need to say, "Strike!" [Screen-time putpocket] THE 8, take care of your screen time! (Thanks) [Fumbling] Strike! [Failed at faking] Strike! Two strikes! (Hiding his ego) Jeonghan, no tricks! If we catch the ball, it's over! Focus! I'm going to pitch now. Bam! Ugh. Foul ball! [Strikeout] Foul ball! [Change sides] We need to increase our lead here. We need to score a lot when we don't use the items. [At the top of the 6th without closing the lead] It's only the 6th inning? - The bottom of the 6th. - I want to eat beef tartar. [6th kicker Jun] [Bouncy ball] I'm so sorry for that pitch. [His conscience is intact] It's okay. It gets caught here and bounces. It's okay if it gets caught. Let's just let it be bygones. Let's smile a bit! Let's smile a little! (It's 4 characters anyways) Mr. Please Smile. Haha! I got a bit annoyed just now. Right? It stresses you out, right? I even stress myself out. You can do it! Nice! Alright! Run! x8 [The ball is stuck to me] Out! WOOZI, hug the ball. (Hug) 'Hug the ball.' [WOOZI doesn't like hugging] Wow, this stresses out the people watching. It's okay. - Our ambition is what defines SEVENTEEN. - That's right. We can't help it. When we play sports, we get competitive. Everyone did so well. You did well. You kicked it well. [1st kicker Hoshi] Let's go. Alright! Let's go! [Gets to 1st base] Whoa! It's so stable. - Aren't I pretty good? - Yeah. (Joining the crew) Pick me next time. Next time, pick me 3rd. It hurts my pride if I get picked 4th. Alright. You know me, right? It's my rival. [The Flipper Brothers] When I meet you, I wear my hat backwards. Strike! Wasn't that a ball? [Best pitcher Mr. Please Smile] Strike! Alright! Hey! - Catch it! - Seungkwan! It's too high. He caught it! [Collarbone defense] Audio director, we're sorry. I apologize. Sorry. Sorry. [3rd kicker Vernon] [Bowling with his shin] Let's go! - Agh! - Let's go! (Springing) Oh wait up. Huh? Wasn't that a swing? [Arguing the call] Wasn't that a swing? [Give out a big laugh] Wasn't that a swing? But Vernon normally walks like this. [He's always so lively] Hey, who walks like that? Then, you have to run like that too. [Quickly applies it] I'm sorry. Sorry. Catch it! Wow! Hoshi, go for it! Just block it! (Hoshi) (Vernon) Go home! Go to 2nd! x6 - Go! Go! Go! - Hoshi, come in! Come home! Go to 3rd! - Come home! Both of you come home! - Seungkwan, throw it home! Home! Home! [Scored a run] Vernon, stop! x3 [Samseong-dong Cutlassfish Kickball 14 : 7 Chicken Scratch] - Nice! Nice! - Alright! Why am I so good? Great job! [The lead in score widens] [4th kicker Mingyu] - Mingyu, let's go for a home run. - Yeah, that sounds good. Go further back! Kim Mingyu, more... How many innings are left? Ah... There's no one at 1st. Step on the base! - Hold the ball and step on it. - Nice! Out! It's okay. Nice! [Change sides] Out! Out! Dino, pitch it well. [Pitcher Dino] I'll try. It's my first time. [5th kicker Joshua] Shua's up. Let's go! Chan! Nice! Nice! - Nice! - Foul ball! Alright Dino! That's good! - It's stable. - This isn't too hard? [Nope, it's hard] Hahaha! [Kickball with your chin] Why do you keep using your chin? I did the same too. Let's go, Chan~ (Saw this somewhere) He's like a baseball player. (He saw it incorrectly) Baseball players aren't like that. Alright, looks good. Wind up. Nice! - Strike! - Strike! Catch it! Foul ball! Foul ball! [Oh my...!] Jun, come here. I'll go over there. The ball goes there a lot. Okay, I'll stand over here (So sweet) and catch the ball so that you don't get hit. [The sole in the right foot is in pain] [The best at making a fuss] [The members are in pain] Hey, who made him the pitcher? He said he wanted to do it. Nice! Nice! - I can't catch it. - (Timid) Nice! [Gets to 1st base] - 2nd base! - No, no! No, no! [Introverted INFP] I should've done it like this. Should've flown back and... [All talk] Done it like this. [6th kicker Seungkwan] Nice strike! Dino's a good pitcher! Dino, nice! The ball doesn't bounce much either. (Taking care of his screen time) Minghao, how's the mood today? The weather is nice today. (Hoping for compliments) Okay. - Oh no. - Nice. Whoa! [A huge hit] Run! Run! Run! (Distancing) [Awkward rapport with the ball] Home! Home! Home! Run quickly! (SKIPS home base) [Scored a run] [Samseong-dong Cutlassfish Kickball 14 : 8 Chicken Scratch] Wow, Seungkwan's amazing. [Needs to step on the base to score] Shua! Shua, come here. Vernon, I... (In a hurry) Come here!!! [S.Coups misses Shua a lot] - Yeah, why? - Step on the base! I stepped on it. [Mr. Smile] Come here! Things get heated when playing sports. [An angry kicker] - Whoa! - Catch it! Can't catch this. [I told you] Vernon! Run! Run! Run! No! 1st base! 1st! Vernon, go all the way! (2nd basemen) Vernon, give it here! Is he going to 2nd base? Don't take the risk! [Kept him from reaching 2nd base] We kept him off 2nd base! Good job! Good job, good job. Safe! [Scored a run] [Samseong-dong Cutlassfish Kickball 14 : 9 Chicken Scratch] [2nd kicker Wonwoo] [Still making a fuss] I'll pitch now. Catch it! Catch it and nice! Nice catch! - Good job, good job. - You did well. It's WOOZI. [3rd kicker, all-rounder entertainer] Alright, it's WOOZI. Dino's going. Catch it! Oh no. [Pop-up fly ball] Mine, mine! He can't catch that. [Yes I can] Nice! Out! Whoa, Dino's amazing today. [Good at ball sports] Dino, you're doing well! Alright, we're doing great! Our teamwork's good too! [4th kicker Jeonghan] Nice! He's a great pitcher! Nice! DK! DK! DK? Ah!!! DK? Nice! [Became a fan] DK! He's good at catching. [A huge fan watching a superstar up close] DK! DK~♪ [The lead is just 5 runs] It's okay, we did better than I thought. Yeah, we can do it. [Top of the 7th inning] Let's catch the ball better. We're doing well. We're doing so well. That's right. Aren't both teams doing really well? [A seasoned professional pitcher] Let's go. Sorry, sorry. I couldn't decide where to kick it. - No, that's good. - That was a good choice. If it bounces too much, you don't have to kick it. (Song request) Don't be sorry! [Okay, got it] Don't be sorry~♪ Let's go. That's it! It's mine! Mine! - Seungkwan! x3 - Kwan! Out! - Nice! - Catch it! Nice! Catch it and let's finish it! Catch it! Someone has to catch it! [3 straight outs] [Fastest time to change sides] Play ball! [Bottom of the 7th inning] Nice! Alright! DK! [Got it] Nice! Nice! - DK! - Wow! DK! Wow! [Got it 22] Nice! Nice! - Wow! - DK DK! 3 outs! [Got it] [In his prime] What's happening to you? What is this? Are you going to win it all by yourself? We're going to use the items now. Let's rally back! We got this! Man... We're serious now. 1, 2, 3, we got this! (Studying the items with a cool pose) We're winning by too much right now. We're winning by 5 runs. We can't let our guard down. Yeah, we can't let our guard down. (It's the 8th inning) Even if it's the bottom of the 9th with 2 outs... Call out your items. Seungkwan will wear flippers. Jeonghan will wear the tire. We'll have DK wear flippers. That's it. [Can't escape the flippers] I don't like flippers. [Top of the 8th inning] Let's start. [Pitcher Seungkwan] Where's THE 8? [A free-spirited umpire] THE 8 left to watch the birds. (Fill-in umpire) Play ball! [2nd kicker Samseong-dong Flippers] Huh? Seungkwan's left-handed? Strike! Isn't that a ball by a narrow margin? I also thought it was a ball, but I was surprised that it wasn't. Let's go. Catch it! Throw it to 1st! Throw it to 1st! - Run! Run! Run! - Wow! [Safe] Nice! [They feel like his own feet] Hey, Flippers! Before he caught the ball like a pro so what's up! [Hidden charm] It's okay. It'll be hard to go to 2nd base. Now, if you catch the ball, throw it to 2nd no matter what. [3rd kicker Vernon] Nice! Shua, you need to catch it! Nice! DK, go back. [Training to adapt to the flippers] I need to go back again? Alright, alright! Shua, you're doing well! [4th kicker Mingyu] - Soccer ball? - Use the soccer ball. Before that, we'll use the big ball. [Big ball] - What ball? - Big ball. Seungkwan, play rock, paper, scissors. Pitcher vs Kicker. [Soccer ball VS Big ball] Rock, paper, scissors! Nice! [Soccer ball's out] Mingyu, let's go! We need to catch the big ball. (Couldn't kick it far) This can go farther than expected. Okay, okay! DK, get ready to run! I really going to kick it. [Spin-ball] Catch it! It curved! DK's going to get hit! He got hit! You got hit! Get out! - They can't catch this. - He got hit! [Teamkill] [Advances to the next base alone] DK's out! It hit him on his feet! Wow! Why? What's wrong? - Why? - Are you okay? I got hit in the shins.. Again? Your shins? [Shin combo] (At least this time, it's not edited out) He's a shin-killer. [5th kicker Dino] It's this ball, so get into position again! Okay, we'll use the water ball. ['I Saw the Devil 2'] [Water ball] The water ball looks so heavy. Kick it as hard as you can. Kick it as hard as you can. [Glad he doesn't have in-grown toenails] [Didn't cross the foul line] - Foul ball! Foul ball! - It's a foul ball. Ow! - Okay! - Oh, okay! Pitch it. [A small kick] Hahaha! He's scared now. If the water ball comes at that speed, it's impossible to pop up the ball. If you get another foul, it's a strikeout. Wait, are grounders not allowed? They are, but the ball has to cross the pink area in the air. - In other words, no grounders. - Yeah. Dino, just do it for fun. Nice! [An all-out bunt] Whoa, nice! [Can't throw it because it's so heavy] Run! Run! [Gets to 1st base] 3rd base! 3rd! (Runs with it) [Defense about good hands] 3rd! Keep going! This ball's impossible to throw! [The water ball's butterfly effect] What is happening? Nice! Nice! [Scored a run] Nice! Nice! [Samseong-dong Cutlassfish Kickball 15 : 9 Chicken Scratch] Wow! Dino, that was nice! [An all-out victory] I did it! Wow, we're down by 6? Should we make Wen Junhui use the scooter? [Scooter] - So I ride this after kicking the ball? - Yeah. [Scooter: The kicker rides the scooter when advancing bases for one inning] Park it there. (Joking) And you need to scan your QR code before you go. Nice! - Nice! - Catch it! [★Scooter booster★] What do I do with this! Agh! [A hit] Nice! [A familiar scene at a baseball park] Dino, nice! Okay, Jun! Stop! x3 Dino, come home! No, no. Stop! [1st and 3rd bases loaded with 2 outs] No, stop! Stop! [Even their own team can't understand] How are we doing so well? [1st kicker Hoshi] Let's catch Hoshi's! - Let's catch it! - Catch it! Can you catch that? [Tireman] - Nice! - Jeonghan! He caught it with the tire on! [Expert of rubber] Wow. Good defense! [Change sides] It's okay, they only scored 1 point. [3rd kicker WOOZI] Let's go! [Pitcher Samseong-dong Flippers] Let's go! Samseong-dong Flippers Village~♪ Okay! [Bunt specialist, all-rounder entertainer] Nice! Okay! 2nd base! 2nd! Oh no. [Safe] - It's okay, hold it. - Nice! x4 We'll use the big ball. [Big ball] WOOZI, get ready to run because I'm just going to kick it hard. We need to put our bodies on the line to catch this. Ball! [Tricked everyone including his own team] Run! Run! Run! Throw the ball to 2nd base! Too late. [Safe] Nice! That was smart! [5th kicker Joshua] Let's go. Oh no. It's okay. Foul ball! Shua. If you can, kick it lightly. Lightly...? Yeah. Let's go. Okay! [Exactly as lightly as requested] Nice! Haha! Nice! (Just watching) Jun, you need to catch the ball! The ball slipped through! Run! To the next base! Come home! No! No! That's it! [Scored a run] [Samseong-dong Cutlassfish Kickball 15 : 10 Chicken Scratch] (There's someone on 3rd base) Hong Joshua! No, don't! Hong Joshua! No! [Running hard after kicking lightly] No! Why are you going again? [Shua's butterfly effect] Isn't this a stolen base? Is it not? Nice! Huh? - Wow. - Step on it quickly! x3 [Scored a run][Samseong-dong Cutlassfish Kickball 15 : 11 Chicken Scratch] [Coy] What was that? [A confusing play] Is this how it's supposed to go? Wait, but the ball came here before he stepped on the base. [Forcing it first] No, no. He stepped on it. [Quickly gives up] Okay. [Changing the pitcher] I'll pitch it now. [Water ball] We'll use the water ball. - Out! - Ball! [Rider pitcher] What is this? Wait, Seungkwan. You just have to kick it inside the pink, right? That's right. (Proposing a strategy) Kick it here. [★A new strategy★] [He surprised himself] Hahaha! (Found) (Something fun) What will he do now? - What is this? - Okay now! [The camera on the crane is also interested] We have to get him! We're going to catch that no matter what. Let's go! [All that attention for nothing] [Seungkwan was good at ball sports] That's not a bad idea. - We're still at one strike. - Yeah, we're at one strike. [2nd try] - If you kick the ball into the air... - Kick it high up. [Failed] Yeah, this isn't it. Wait, but Seungkwan. The flippers look good on you. Jun keep riding that. Ride it well. (Reverse) Yeah, I'm on it right now. What is that? Agh! - Strike! - It's okay. Out! You got rid of an item. Good job. [Soccer ball] - Oh, it's a soccer ball. - It's a soccer ball? I'll just pitch it. Don't be nervous. - Nice, run! - Catch it! The soccer ball's a magical item. Nice! Nice! Wow! Catch it! Mine! [Super catch] Wow! [A roaring cutlassfish] Nice! Nice! Wow! Kim Mingyu! Wow, Mingyu's so good. Nothing's going right today. No, we rallied back by a lot. [2nd kicker Wonwoo] Jun, let's make one more out. Ball! [Bunting is the trend] Hit him! Hit him! Give it to me! Dodge it! Agh! Dodge it! Agh! [Safe] Come home! Hey! Home! Stop! Stop! Home! Home! Come in! - Step on the base! - Out! [Headshot] Out! Nice! [Mass confusion] What is this? He blocked it! S.Coups blocked it! (Mediating) Joshua went inside the foul line first. - I came in first. - Oh, really? [The ball came in first before he stepped on the base, so he's out] [...But the ump's call is more important] Safe! Oh come on! S.Coups blocked it! [Scored a run][Samseong-dong Cutlassfish Kickball 15 : 12 Chicken Scratch] - Wonwoo, you're not hurt, right? - Nope. I'm okay. I've never seen Wonwoo move like that. [3rd kicker WOOZI] Nice! Nice! Throw it to 2nd! - Hit him! Hit him! - I just need to step on this. Nice! [Change sides] Nice Wonwoo! [Time to pick the items] Which items should we use? We chose ours. Jeonghan will... wear the flippers. Seungkwan will ride the scooter. [Using the items] You can't take your foot off of it... like how I did just now. Mingyu will wear flippers. DK will ride the scooter. [PD:] There's only one scooter, so it will be ridden on offense. We had to ride it on defense just now. Then that's not fair. [A strong protest] Then Jun wouldn't have ridden it on defense on 1st base. [PD:] That's too bad. Hahaha! Oh, okay. [That's a pity..] He doesn't care at all. Then we'll change our items. S.Coups will ride the bike. (That's true) There is no bike. Hahaha! Where did the bike come from? Ump, who starts? (The umpire even chooses the batting order for them) - You start. - Me? We'll use the double item. [Double] Then ride that right away to 2nd base. But that's dangerous. If we get caught by S.Coups, that'll be huge. [Top of the 9th inning] Play ball! [Double: When running bases, runner must pass 1st base and head to 2nd for one at-bat] We need to go far back. Ride the scooter to 2nd base. Ball! Hahahaha! DK, please move your car! [A parking complaint] - Sorry. - Move your car a bit! In! Strike! - The ball hit him! - Strike! - Strike! - But even if it didn't hit him, it would've... - It would've been a strike. Is it a ball? [Wasn't focusing] Pay attention, Ump! Hey, come on! That's cheating! I think it was a strike. [Not at all a biased call] It's a strike? Okay! Strike! Alright! Catch it! Seungkwan! Nice! [Riding to 2nd base] [Or slapstick comedy] Hahaha! So pitiful. (A heroic exit) Wow, so pitiful. [3rd kicker Vernon] - Woo hoo! - Nice! Nice! Hold him at 2nd base. [Safe] Alright! Mingyu, let's use the soccer ball. [Soccer ball] - I want the soccer ball. - Okay. [Flippers + Soccer ball combo] I'm only going to 2nd base. Guys, let's go farther back. I don't think he'll be able to kick it. Let's say I pitched it. See? Hit him! 2nd base! 2nd! Out! Okay! Ugh. (So low) I'm safe, right? (Next kicker) Hey Dino! (Fun over winning) Kick the water ball. Okay Dino. [Seizing it] We'll use the water ball. What? [★Pure joy★] - Again? - Yeah. [Water ball] Everyone, move closer infield. Hey Dino! Show us the miracle of the water ball. [The only person who survived the water ball] (Manners towards the miracle) Come here, our boy. Man.. This? [5th kicker Dino] - I'll pitch now. - Dino, let's go! Agh! It hurts, right? It's a lot harder than it looks. Yeah, people might think, "Why can't you kick that?" for real. Dino, Dino. Use the momentum. I'll pitch now Dino. [Momentum for laughter] It hurts, right? I feel so bad listening to you. [Excited] Hurts more because of the momentum. Isn't it better to give up for the sake of your foot? [★So cool★] I'm never giving up. Ugh. [Finished] [Sam.Cut.Kick team's offense is done] [Bottom of the 9th inning starting with a 3 run gap] - There's nothing I can do about this. - You did well. [Water ball] We'll use the water ball for the first kick. (Flippers + Water ball combo) [4th kicker Jeonghan] [Failed at kicking it into the air] Strike! But I think you've got a chance. Okay, Dino. Good. You just stay there. Ha. (Guilty conscience looking back) Hey, we're so mean. (Don't feel guilty) This is nice. I'll either catch it here or here. Hey, Jun is... Ball. It's okay. Aren't you throwing it with too much force? Hahaha. We were the same. (S.Coups did the same) It went over the line, right? I think it's a strike. Hey, THE 8! You should tell them. Hey, is the umpire sleeping? (Meditating) Excuse me, Ump. What are you doing? Was that a strike or what? It was really a ball. I was looking at it with my naked eyes. (Weak when someone pleads sincerely) Ball. Just roll it to the middle. Oh! Ball! Three balls. x3 Let's run to the base! Okay, let's go. x3 [Technical failure] Strike. - I can't kick it. - Can't you? No, I can't. It never works. Okay, be gentle. Good. That was nice. Ah... Strike. Good job. Ah... Hey, water ball is the best. [3 run gap, 1 out at the end of the 9th] Ah, 1 out at the end of the 9th. [5th kicker Joshua] Let's scatter, just in case. Nice. [A clean bunt] Nice. Hey! That was clean. He got it. He got it. [Safe] You did so well. Should we use the item or not? I don't think we need to at the moment. No, we have to set the game at the start. [Big ball] We'll use the big ball. Big ball. [6th kicker Seungkwan] I'll throw now. Okay. Let's catch it. Catch it. Catch it. Catch it. Catch it. Catch it. Nice. He caught it. Well done. [Sighing from the bottom of his heart] [The classic 'in the 9th inning with 2 outs'] Nice. 2 outs. [1st kicker S.Coups] - Go, defense! - You can do it! Let's go. [Bunt] Nice. I told you to run right away! - Throw it to 2nd base! - 3rd base! 3rd base. Okay. Okay. Good. [9th inning, 2 outs with 1st, 2nd bases on] It's okay. You just have to defend well. We just need to get one more out. [2nd kicker Wonwoo] My turn. Let's move away. Nice. Out. Strike. [Desperate] I'm so worried. Hang on. Time. Wonwoo, use a soccer ball. [Soccer ball] No, I think it will end here. No, it's okay, even though it's the end of the 9th inning ~♪ (Really the end of the 9th inning) With 2 outs~♪ I have~♪ (He's saying the right words) a soccer ball in my hands~♪ Ding! No one is listening. (We listened intently since he said the truth) [Last hope] I'm not good at this. (Popular Instructor) So you kick it with the top of your foot really hard. Drop the ball right in front. You kick it hard... Drop it right in front of you. I'll throw it now. (Overall) (backward defense) Let's go! [Executing strategy] Nice. Run! 3rd base! (Shua) Run. Nice! (Shua) 3rd base! 3rd base. Ah... Out! No. He reached it first, so he's safe. (Kicker arrived first) (3rd base referee) Safe. [End of 9th inning, 2 outs with bases loaded] This is so fun. [Exciting] This is so exciting. 2 outs at the bottom of the 9th. Bases loaded. [Sam.Cut.Kick team's sudden meeting] - Gather up! - Hey, a meeting! We must throw it to home. We need to block a run no matter what. - No matter what. - Whoever gets the ball, sprints for home base, okay? Just kick the ball this time. Yes, you have to kick it this time. Don't kick it near them. (Found out) They'll try to block home base no matter what. [3rd kicker WOOZI] I'll pitch now. Ball. Great. You're careful. Relax, Jun! You're the ace of our team. [Burdened] Okay. I'll pitch now. Okay. Strike. Nice. Two strikes! [Sensitive] No, it's one strike. I was telling them to make it two strikes. What? [Show us some respect] It's our own play calling. All right. Nice. Catch it. DK! Catch it! Nice. [Neat defense to end the game] [Samseong-dong Cutlassfish Kickball wins] Hey, DK! Hey, it looks like you're holding up the sun now. You're holding up the sun. Wow! Hahaha. That was so close. So close. Good job. [Trophy ceremony] - Thank you. - Really. - Thank you. - I mean it. Well done. Nice. Samseong-dong Cutlassfish Kickball. [Obsessed about being in the spotlight] How many times did you catch the ball? Because of you, I was able to defend well. No. Hahahaha. What will you do now? One more round? (Crazy stamina) [Declines instantly] - No. - No. (Warm seduction) Let's play for fun. Then, would you like to play an extra game without items? No, let's play extra innings. [Proposes extra innings] Play on? We don't need go extra innings... [Learned to deal properly] We need an advantage to give you a chance. [Learned to negotiate better] - We'll kneel before you. - Easy. Wait. Vernon, you're covering the camera, so let me show them how we kneel. [He can't help not showing this] (Last pride) 1, 2, 3. Kneel. (Doesn't have such a thing) Hahahaha. - I have an offer. - What? Let's play an extra inning, and we get last licks on offense. That's meaningless. We're 3 runs ahead. No. Your existence alone have meaning. Then, let's just play casually for fun. It's not for fun. x2 Let's play extra innings for fun. Hahaha. [That's how it went to extra innings] (And led to a special Olympic broadcast) You know we really have to win, right? We must win! [Top of the 10th inning] Sir, I'll throw the ball. All right. Do it. [6th kicker Jun) Play ball. I'll roll the first ball gently. Thank you. Nice. This is heartwarming. I love fair play. [Cunning animal] This is how people change. I'll pitch one more time. Nice. Run! Nice. Safe. Good. [Safe] As expected. [Sucking up to him] Jun made a huge improvement. (flatterer) Hoshi, you're here! [1st kicker Hoshi] He's our spy. Okay, start. Nice! 2nd base. Argh! Out!!! Jun didn't step on the base! In. Safe. (He's obedient only when he pitches the ball) Jun didn't step on the base. Didn't he touch? Out! [He didn't touch] Okay. Thank you. [Extremely respectful] Thank you so much. [2nd kicker DK] - My turn. - Okay. Nice! Strike. The ball trajectory is so good. It's a changeup. [It was a build up for this] Changeup~♪ - He barely made a good pitch. - Strike! It was close, but he threw it right. It was a slider. You have to catch that! [Clean kick] Oh, please. Nice! 3rd base! Good! [3rd kicker Vernon] - Vernon, let's get on the base. - Okay. - Good. - Nice! Hey, pass it to second base! Quickly! Home! [1st base safe] Hey, home! [2nd base safe] [Scored a run] [Samseong-dong Cutlassfish Kickball 16 : 12 Chicken Scratch] Safe. Ho! Ho! This is great! Nice. We'll [Soccer ball] use a soccer ball! Let's go! [4th kicker Mingyu] I finally get to use this. Let's make a home run! - Catch it. - It didn't go that far. [The ball didn't go that far] No. Throw it to home base! [1st base safe] Ugh! [Scored a run] Safe! [Samseong-dong Cutlassfish Kickball 17 : 12 Chicken Scratch] Run! Vernon Go! [Advance to 2nd, 3rd base] Stop. It's okay. If we lose in our next offense, so we lose then. [Resilient] Yes, we don't have any regrets. I've got so many regrets. Dino, water ball. [Water ball expert] Seriously. Dino 'Left & Right'. Dino 'Left & Right'. I went like this earlier, even when I didn't have (A person designed for 'Left & Right') an item. You need to catch it! That's it! Nice. It's over. [6th kicker Jun] Don't kick it. Nice. - Throw it home! - It's all right. No, to the 3rd base! [Scored a run] [Samseong-dong Cutlassfish Kickball 18 : 12 Chicken Scratch] Nice! Out! No. [The ball came first] Out. You got to step on the base. The ball came first anyway. [Change sides] - We gambled. - It's fine. [The bottom of the 10th inning] Attack at ease without items. [Pitcher Jun] I'll go. [4th kicker Jeonghan] - Go, defense! - You can do it! [Bunt mania] Catch it! 1st base! Gosh. [Safe] Give it to 1st base. Hahaha. The ball doesn't take off. [6 runs apart, no outs with 1st base on] [5th kicker Joshua] Joshua. Nice. Okay, 2nd base. 2nd base. Good! 3rd base! (He was faking it) Hey, let's focus on our defense. Run now! [★Naughty★] What? Run, run, run? [6th kicker Seungkwan] Nice. Wow. Nice. Dino. I'll go. My ball! [Miss] Nice. Jeonghan! x4 - Safe! - Okay. Good job. [Scored a run] Good job. [Samseong-dong Cutlassfish Kickball 18 : 13 Chicken Scratch] - Sorry. - It's all right, DK. (He's not being sarcastic) Well done. [1st, 2nd bases with no outs] You have to keep 3rd base in check! [1st kicker S.Coups] Let's catch it! Mine! Move. Gosh! [Misunderstood] I moved out of the way on purpose! [Lucky hit] Run! [Scored a run] What are you doing? [Samseong-dong Cutlassfish Kickball 18 : 14 Chicken Scratch] - No... - Hit it! No, go back! Hit him! Geez, Hoshi. [Safe on 3rd base] Good job. He did a good job. If Seungkwan ran home, he would've been out. No one got out at the moment. Hey, I think Chicken Scratch could win? [Chicken Scratch keeping it close by 4 runs] [Small ball] We'll use a tennis ball. Wonwoo, just kick it as hard as you can. Wonwoo, let's get on base. Hey, focus, guys. It's harder to catch that ball than it looks. [2nd kicker Wonwoo] - I'll pitch the ball. - Push the ball hard. Nice. Run! WOOZI, home ground! [Stumble] (Jeonghan) (Wonwoo) (S.Coups) Nice. Run! Home ground! [Scored a run] Safe. [Samseong-dong Cutlassfish Kickball 18 : 15 Chicken Scratch] Nice. No, 3rd base. [King of tease] Hahahaha. [You looked cool] How was I? Nice. Oh, S.Coups! He's so annoying, although he's on our team. Let's concentrate! [3rd kicker WOOZI] - Strike. - It's a ball. You need to leave it to the umpire. [Result of leaving it to the umpire] Ball! Hey, Mingyu. It's only 3 runs apart. We need to catch it and end it now. But no one got out at the moment. - Nice. - 1st base! Catch WOOZI! Hahaha. [Playing tricks] Run away. Okay. Home! Home. - Hurry up and throw it. - Go inside. [Successfully stops them scoring] Return home! [King of tease season 2] [Soulmate] They usually do this. Hey, how can you fool us? You're fooling around... Aren't you too harsh with me? (And he's enjoying it the most) I'm exhausted. Guys, let's block home base now. We have to block home base. [4th kicker Jeonghan] Foul ball. I deliberately kicked it bent. Jeonghan, if you kick this way, I can't reach home base. Guys, please focus on catching the ball. We really need to concentrate. [Shameless interference] Guys, don't focus on catching. Foul ball. Jeonghan, you can't do that. Oh. Touch him! Out!! Touch him! Out!! He got hit by the ball. [The umpire's decision] - Ump! - This is an out. My call is... an out. Is he out? For an out, do this. Oh, out. [10th inning 2 outs] Do we have 2 outs? [Runners on 2nd and 3rd base] Seriously. [3 runs apart] Hey, let's catch him and end it here. [5th kicker Joshua] Shua, just kick it hard. - Foul ball. - Foul ball! Foul ball. Nice. - Foul ball! - Foul ball! Foul ball. He has one last chance! [10th inning with 2 outs & 2 strikes] Nice. Nice. Do it. Run! Safe! (Wonwoo) (Jeonghan) (Shua) Catch him! Run. You have to run! [Scored a run] Leave it. [Samseong-dong Cutlassfish Kickball 18 : 16 Chicken Scratch] Home! Home! Whoa! [Scored a run] Nice! [Samseong-dong Cutlassfish Kickball 18 : 17 Chicken Scratch] Wow! [1 run apart with 2 outs & 1st base on] It's 1 run apart. Is it? Wow, this is crazy. This is like a movie. Hey, it's Seungkwan! Seungkwan, just kick it short. I don't think I can do that. - I'll go. - Vernon, come closer to the front. [6th kicker Seungkwan] He won't kick it hard anyway. Strike. Jun, you're doing great. 1 out is all up to you. - Argh! - Ball. No, calm down. Calm down. I'll just kick it. I don't know. Do whatever you want. We can lose anyway. But we're only 1 run apart. The Samseong-dong Cutlassfish Kickball is doing so well right now. I'm sorry, but I hope my turn doesn't come. [Ending is burdensome] I hope it ends there. Nice. Nice. [Really surprised] Wow, Seungkwan. Okay, catch it. Nice! [Quickly changes his stance] As expected by Samseong-dong Cutlassfish Kickball! [♥Heartwarming finish♥] They're so good. Well done. You were cool. - Your generosity was cool. - Good job. Well done. [Final score] You are the best kickball players. (MC returned) Okay. So, with a 17:18 score, - our... - Samseong-dong kickball. Samseong-dong kick... [They played for 2 hours and still don't know] - Cutlassfish Kickball. - Cutlassfish Kickball [Samseong-dong Cutlassfish Kickball wins] won! Show us the celebration. - Samseong-dong~♪ - Cutlassfish Kickball~♪ [★No one is in harmony★] - Wow. - What's that? [Delivers the winning prize] What? Do they get something? [★Winning Trophy★] - Thank you. - What's this? [Not moved at all] You celebration... It's the same as the team slogan You're right. [Reluctantly accepts it] The winner was decided. [PD:] Shall we pick the MVP and go home? Shall we? (Quick decision) - God of water ball! - That's right. Okay, MVP is Dino. [MVP Dino] It was Dino who hit that ball. Hey. [Don't know what to do] You're the MVP. All right. 'Left & Right'! [Glory to 'Left & Right'...★] ['Left & Right' running base Ver.] Today's MVP is Dino! [★Camera is on the MVP★] Thank you. It was really amazing how he kick the water ball. The water ball was so funny. Does the MVP treat us to dinner? The MVP will pay for dinner tonight! [The older ones take care of the youngest] - Me? - Even for the staff. It's on him! (Thank you for the meal) (We'll be waiting) I'm buying? MVP is supposed to pay the bill. If I were the MVP, I would've bought it. (Same here if I was the MVP) I'm sorry. We shouldn't have mentioned it. I'm really sorry. Sorry, sir. What is Dino going to do? Dino... Hey, don't pause. Just say it coolly. I'm sorry, but I don't think I can pick up the whole bill. [Confesses honestly] 'I don't think I can do that.' [We'll let it slide as he was honest] S.Coups said he would buy if he were the MVP, so you should be the MVP. The losing team doesn't have an MVP. (Nasty Coups) There's no loser or winner here. You should buy it. You were incredible today. Yes! S.Coups will buy! SEVENTEEN's leader! [He's researching how to use the trophy] If you give us the victory... SEVENTEEN's leader! He's always by our side... (★Fair play★) Although it was hard... You did so well. [Heartwarming finish] Aren't you supposed to go there? What's this? [Good job athletes, SEVENTEEN always roots for you] - Well done! - Wow! ♪ See you again next time ♪ ♪ Let's not be sad ♪ ♪ We'll be looking forward to the next GOING SEVENTEEN ♪ How about... playing the 1st inning with a soccer ball? The whole game using a soccer ball? Yes, for the whole inning. No. x6 But I like using the ball for kickball. No, we're too disadvantaged. Then let's play futsal instead. Let's not play this. No. We can kneel on the sandy ground too. I don't want to play futsal here. Shall I continue? Hey, look at Jeonghan. No. We can kneel on the sandy ground too. Should we play with the ball for kickball? It wouldn't work with a soccer ball. Just use the kickball ball. Seungkwan, brush off your knee. I could kneel down more. ♪ In the bus GOING ♪ ♪ In the blanket GOING ♪ ♪ GOING will be always GOING GOING to you ♪
Views: 1,950,203
Rating: 4.9922009 out of 5
Keywords: 에스쿱스, 정한, 조슈아, 호시, 원우, 우지, 디에잇, 민규, 도겸, 승관, 버논, 디노, SCOUPS, JEONGHAN, JOSHUA, JUN, HOSHI, WONWOO, WOOZI, THE 8, MINGYU, DK, SEUNGKWAN, VERNON, DINO, 세븐틴, SEVENTEEN, セブチ
Id: u_6Pd3C4CMI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 50sec (2810 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 11 2021
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