Going Medieval - Ep 5 - The Big House

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hey folks quilly team here and welcome to another episode of let's play going medieval we have our nice little uh well it's going to feel like a fort rather than just a plain old village over here things are looking very very nice uh got a couple of feedbacks on the twitters i think this is fine if you show the colored great overlay for zones and then click on something you'll see an overlay i'm just trying to adjust my zoom over here this is still a little those are the holding things what about over here like uh no sorry not zones rooms detected in their shared bedroom maybe that's what we're talking about i don't think this is a room over here maybe because there's too much stuff going on and if i dig deeply and greedily and it still says it's a spare maybe maybe there man something else so my apologies if i didn't quite follow what you're saying but it sounds like there's some other kind of room designation interaction and i'm curious to see what that is what are we building right now are you working on florida getting resources for construction oh it was upstairs flooring is what was going on wait can they work on this are they working on the ceiling effectively oh oh that's really good to know man i wish dwarves could do that indoor fortress because that actually opens up a lot more construction possibilities oh that actually is very interesting all right we've got research available right now oh yeah and um i don't know if i ever acknowledged it explicitly but yes i forgot that like our our research piles our books once they're done they you actually have to keep storing them because they um if they get destroyed you lose your knowledge and you have to re-research it so right now we're not we're gonna wait on that that's gonna be okay we've got the upstairs that we're working on you know rather than these like distinct z levels part of me is like wondering if it might be easier to just like have like four or six or however many like distinct layers top between might be like a little easier to see and it certainly makes it a little more convenient to scroll around i wonder if there's going to be another navigation or maybe there are hotkeys or something like that that i could use to work with this i'm not sure so let the flooring come in uh we'll probably have to chop down a bunch more trees i suspect we only have 51 wood in storage now there's some more out there we might be okay how are we on food uh lots of raw food plenty of meals as well so i guess we're gonna be fine there for now okay because i say maybe we can hunt all these rabbits and things but i guess actually things are looking kind of all right we're getting some new harvest over here harley's like should i make more meals oh right we want to research ideally the um like there's there's um food preservation stuff so again we don't have anyone who's passionate about research i think we had hammond doing it because they well they were the highest skilled jake is now the star there although they're also another one of these people who can do this well i think the reason hamn was getting it is because um he didn't have a lot of passion for a lot of things although this carpentry is pretty good i'll do is i'll take down his tailoring and actually you suck at cooking let me turn that off and craft doesn't actually need skill i mean we might want it enabled for someone i don't know maybe i'll bring it down i'll leave it on but i'll bring it down so here you will smith um if there's some smithing to be done because even though you're not very good at it at least you have some passion for it so hopefully you will skill it fairly quickly carpentry is okay and then research will be a job back on for hammond i'm happy that we've been doing a lot of construction and catching up on some of the basic work stuff but fairly soon we are going to want to get our research going on again so hopefully hamlet will do that although right now all this construction is pretty good what's your actual construction skill oh yours is actually you know what and lots of people are on construction duties i'm going to go ahead and disable that hammond okay you are going to craft a wooden item which is fine because at least with that's presumably a carpentry job you have a huge amount of skill for it even if you're not passionate about it you are very skilled and we're going to have to hope that the skill compensates for the lack of passion so i'll wait for this to finish we'll we'll let it get caught up we'll get some stored stuff stocked in um stock piled up and we'll put some walls over here start designating some prettier uh bedrooms get a roof up on this bad boy uh someone mentioned if the uh the stockpile is underneath a building the temperature will be preserved even more i still find that the actual digging aspect was fairly twitchy maybe there's an easier way to designate the digs or maybe like maybe a way to rebuild it afterwards like you know sort of open pit mine then cover it up again and it works just as well and that may be the case like maybe earth like sort of a layer full dirt is equivalent to a layer of just flooring maybe it doesn't care about the how it's topped as long as it is topped at all and the only thing that matters is depth but right now there's still sort of a bit of a dearth of information about specifics over there all right we're getting a little bit of linen for some more tailoring that's going to happen later on what are you actually crafting what do i have some weapons and things yes yes yes of course no that's actually fine i don't mind those short bows and now you're finishing up now you're gonna go and do some ridding which is really good so you're gonna be doing some research and i'm very pleased with this status just me are the game a little quiet i mean i don't think it has music going all the time i'm just going to check my audio settings no we're fine there it's the way it should be there's another one of those games that pauses when you tab out well maybe there's an option for it but botany skill up to 17. jake storing some food downstairs right raw meat if we're butchering but we're not doing that so i think this is excess farming perhaps especially with um the fact that the food rots pretty quickly although now theoretically it is going to last a little bit longer so that as at least is a ting so again i'm not going to build the uh the upper floor quite yet booze production might be a thing depending on the crops that we have just finished uh what is this one oh yeah dismantle items for wood which might be worthwhile we could set up a cube well maybe i won't do it now but later on we'll probably want to dismantle anything that's a little lower in hit points for example yeah i don't think i have any torches indoors either i don't think i ever did that and maybe we should is that under furniture wooden torch i mean it uses wood for it but that's going to have to be okay um you can't put anything over there is it a rotation thing oh can i just not put a torch if there's not enough visibility thor's hammer music was a little weird unexpected thunder roared crashing through the blue sky a violent presence intruding like a bad woman held echoes of a heathen god fork lightning flickered and blazed towards the ground splitting a mighty oak so we got like an extreme lightning strike or does it just tell me there's a storm i tattoo us the sky is falling am i remembering the right words right names from uh asterisk noblex they were always worried that the sky was going to fall they didn't like storms they were very fraidy vikings or not vikings galls all right we'll put a few torches in here i think we do get a mood debuff from being outside in the rain desperately thirsty right now well we'll need to get some booze or you know you just open your mouth and look up right now but no they they mean they want some alcohol all right people are sleeping research available but not really because i'm waiting for something better possibly preserving food i don't know smelling i actually don't know what order we're going to do things in i do like how there's a there's a mist on the ground especially it seems to be especially prevalent when it's raining or maybe it's just showing more because it's night time i'm not certain but i do like it quite a bit i guess we can go to speed three for now dude jesus ah that scared the crap out of me i don't know what the volume settings are like for you guys but that was really loud for me probably not as loud as my exclamation so i'm assuming that can probably damage our buildings if it hits them wow looking around like forest fire going on anywhere no not currently [Music] wow there's another crack there okay rain seems to have stopped excellent okay thunderstorm has ended [Music] big big big dig dig need some more hauling maybe to just organize this stuff but people are pretty busy although i think i think we've uh we've caught up on a lot of tasks over here yeah i think people are doing a lot of hauling downstairs or they might be eating meals in there i'm not sure i don't know what that sound effect just now was we don't have an alert going on there's another one of those like discordant notes oh i'm betting this wall did take some damage from the lightning strike i was expecting a little health bar to go up if it was actually damaged so we'll probably end up um well okay i'll get i'm gonna let them catch up on a few things like hauling this stuff in i think i want to prioritize getting the second floor of our building up but part of me is wondering if maybe i should go and do our giant wall structure i mean the first raid was pretty easy to fight off but i'm i'm sure they must scale up and we do have a lot of bows now so we really want to do like shooting people from an elevated position as much as possible isabella's sleeping that's fine lots of hauling which is good we want you know we want this to be caught up on plus you know some of it is decaying being on the ground although some of it's lasting a fairly long time doing that but we may as well have the resources nearby plus we can get an idea of how many resources we've got kicking around over here hammond's leveled up nine intellectual skill i mean it's still not fantastic inside spare room okay there's gotta be not any of these it's not a zone that i can set it's a wonder if you can change what type of room something is i don't think it's under here again there's the overlay of rooms detected it tells us what the room is [Music] oh room type legend oh okay actually that's handy having a legend so it's not about clicking thing it's about hang on oh people are idle um it's about being able to tell tell you what if you're going to be idle let me just tell you chop some trees down do that instead what kind of thing we might be able to get a bonus for workshop must have at least one of these things and two wall tool shelves but no other workstation so is this a room that has a single workstation in it and a couple of tool shelves but you get a speed boost okay library for research i don't think we have wall bookshelves though right so to do a research room we need a research table of some kind um okay any other hold on unless with workshop maybe we can have many types of workstations but not anything other than this so for example we could have a room with an armors table and a boyer's table and a blacksmith's forge and it would count as a workshop but as long as it didn't have a research table in it it would be fine okay all right we can work with that especially as we we designed this thing um you have a bedroom category there's a great hall category shared bedroom which this one counts most of the mood buff but proper bedroom exactly one bed and nothing else in it well we're going to do that first because it's going to be the easiest do we have do we have better beds yet yes we have wooden hay beds we have access to that okay let's get that going then i was just testing a page up page down see if it like moved up a clean even level based on you know the floor i mean it's a little loosey-goosey because some of these are like well i don't know so far everything seems to have a kind of level that you work with so i don't know so i wonder how big i mean as far as i know there is no room requirement space requirements for the bedroom so presumably this is a perfectly fine bedroom i mean it'll need a door obviously i wonder if there's another way of organizing this and do other types of walls clay limestone if you did this okay now that is an even number of rooms which is pretty nice although our staircase here that would maybe block it it worked very least look very awkward two single layers although i don't think i'm canceling anything downstairs come on i want to cancel you um keska [ __ ] there we go i think it's because you need to drag along the floor tile part of it oh yeah that is that is kind of slightly awkward i mean i guess if it was doing all theirs would be fine but i don't want to accidentally cancel something i've got going on another floor um but i do have to decide what i want to do with the space unless i just line up some bedrooms along the back maybe we do it that way so i'm going to do this and you know that's gonna be wooden wall i just do a series of bedrooms we have five people although you know with room to grow something like that we could plan to have extra bedrooms over here we still end up with three by three i don't know maybe someone will be a little fancier and then maybe what we do over here are you working on the roof or the the wall from the ground there that's interesting and we may need some beams in here for some roof support so that we can actually roof everything but that's kind of okay [Music] okay let's get those going i don't wonder how the roofing will work on this giant area maybe you can cross this actually why don't i just floor this area up yeah hold on before we uh [Music] before we do this i can theoretically do [Music] that annoying here [Music] something like this there we go we might still need some beams over here i know the ceiling might be fine is there a gap here it's hard to tell that's the one thing with these um the floor here is like this transparent look is there an option for that oh there we go turn off the overlay of the room's detected there we are it looks a little bit better there okay so yeah get all that construction going on hopefully we've got enough wood for that i like this we got this little entrance going on we can floor more things too all right speed will go up um right click that mode oh hello there we go um armors preserving food fletching two gives us the long bow although our people aren't really skilled enough to use that we could also unlock research too to give us the better you know what maybe i'll set up research too so because we're gonna set up a little library room somewhere well okay we know we still need bookshelves and stuff where the hell is that it's not pottery shells just in case it's under one of these oh yeah well bookshelf it is decorative structure has a purpose so if we do decorative structure and research too we can start to make these specialized rooms okay let me do the library over here so i put the advanced research station and a couple of bookshelves and that theoretically will work assuming the advanced research station i can do all the types of writing you know not just like the middle one because i think there's three tiers of tech stuff yeah so i'm hoping the advanced one will do textbooks and chronicles and then later on we'll unlock one that does all three of them that's the hope anyway yeah look at that they can work on the walls down there that actually will make certain construction a lot easier there are certain things about how i was planning some of our construction that i was doing assuming a behavior similar to dwarf fortress which is simply not the case anymore yeah i want to finish this big house very fancy and then what we'll do is we'll probably set up our defenses you know the wall we can walk across the merlons up top finish this section off as well because that seems pretty good i think we are gonna have to chop down some more trees though we've still got 300 wood stored up we might be okay for this although once we start putting on the beds i think the beds were like 80 wood 20 hay something like that i think they're fairly pricey a little bit praying lots of construction have been doing research 16 available i mean maybe i would have wanted to wait to do the big construction until we've got like fancier materials but i don't know this seems fine yeah we'll get all these up and then we'll see about the roof right we did unlock various decorations construction skill oh a whole level three i'm still happy to have them help though doing this construction fast is kind of appealing oh [ __ ] i used the wrong floor there well i'm sure we can rip it up if we need to i used wooden floor instead of wicker wicker uses sticks which we have in abundance i mean we use a little bit of it for the fire but otherwise we seem to have way too much of it level 30 botany skill i wonder what the skill cap is in this game hmm oh i think these are turning red because we don't have enough wood all right so now it's down to chop down some more trees do those not that i forget that at the zoom up level you don't actually see the um the job indicators or i guess sometimes you do but not always [Music] for botany i want to take a few more people off things they don't have passion for [Music] you know passion for cooking you're pretty good at it nine's not terrible either and i mean it generally speaking isabella's gonna be doing the cooking although maybe not during the day so someone could beat her to it but i think that's okay all right tree chopping is happening these things are no longer red i think jake is working on this wall piece from like completely underneath it again very actual useful information very actually useful yes shut up i word good now if we're gonna roof which takes hay wicker which is sticks we'll use wicker which is just as insulin so there we go beautiful i'm really happy that's working i was worried that like maybe we'd have to do more things with supports and things but nope that's actually pretty good big giant house so i want them to finish well this wall segment and then i want them to finish the roof and then we're going to put down the beds this first fairly large construction we could get some windows and things in here oh the windows were funny i still would like it if there's a if there was a bulk open closed for a room we might not worry about windows right now i don't know if they actually make a difference for our people let's light flood into dark places i mean i guess now we need torches but we need torches at night anyway i don't know i don't think i'm gonna stress i'd like to put a little railing up here now see this just make me want to play the sims which i have been playing a little bit because there was a new uh new game pack that just came out and i'm a sucker for all things the sims hmm maybe pardon me kind of wishes we put the 3x3 room in the middle just for symmetry little late now okay i think that's up let's start plopping down beds it's a wooden hay bed okay 40 and 20. and flourishing nether grows more influential in the region with each day that passes sure to track more settlers and perhaps garner unwanted attention from those said ones yeah we're gonna take a look at the world map in a second and i'll get the extra beds down uh region oh yeah look at our influence over here 20 region influence all right [Music] yeah the fact that this might lead to more dangerous attacks is a little scary you might have enough food i mean we've got you know only 68 in storage but there's still some that linger on i like the cloud effects that is very realistic you don't usually you can't usually tell because usually closer up but i mean maybe it's a little bit more um more of a contrast than realistic but yeah there you go bedroom created which is great so what i'm going to do here is i'm going to deconstruct these beds and this room could be repurposed to some sort of workshop or maybe that becomes the library third coming attack armor glinted and penance fluttered each bearing three white crosses for they prayed and they purged the faithless the church was as merciless as was financial another folk took up arms making ready for battle they're being attacked now they have arrived now one fierce and four regulars okay yep the raid is definitely on now we don't have our new set of defenses [Music] i just want to equip everyone with ranged weapons maybe isabella you can hold on to this this will be fine i don't know if there's a bulk draft command they're just still preparing right yep [Music] look fast speed disabled remain okay middle speed is there though all right pause we're going to draft everyone and go grab everyone i think it's selected these goods too [Music] just move them here and then i'll reselect them so isabella's got a melee weapon we'll have her stay on the ground hammond's got range jonathan's got range and currently jake still got a melee weapon as well of him and isabella stick together so i can deploy them somewhere hopefully we'll be able to shoot them from the high ground here but yeah we'll want to set up some extra stairs and more of these walled off areas going forward there's the radius fire so walt's been hurt looks like they're gonna come around this way actually they're mostly a little confused okay some of them are nice hits on david here they're trying to smash through that door they're presumably gonna try to smash through this door and okay engagements are happening boom dead i'm wondering is if i should run and kite here for archers that seems reasonable here [Music] they're up there hopefully they can still shoot him just fine now last time they did break and run first although they were regular raiders not necessarily these religious fanatics so they might be different just making sure we're in range here i'm gonna start running again especially since jake is oh he's so hurt he can't really move okay nevermind turn around engage victory beleaguered settlers came under attack in the summer of 1352 their deal continued through three hours 45 minutes mercifully all raiders survived the raid four sworn enemies died during the fight i think one more will hammond woods was the bravest dealing most blows yeah but not melee so i don't know if that's brave see jack should be the bravest because he went toe-to-toe with them i'm going to undraft you [Music] here in runaway mode that's not running [Music] away [Music] let isabella finish him right let's do that i'm going to draft and undraft jake to reset his priorities um which hopefully will be convalescing isabella can't can't finish him off get in there what's your melee oh only a one well maybe you'll level up two here jake are you could you go to bed like well that bed's not made hold on oh i know the bed's done oh shoot [Music] no what deconstructing no what i know this is good how do i get you to sleep you're enjoying entertainment get yourself some goddamn medicine [Music] nope on the bed i don't know that i can i'm definitely right clicking on the bed but also let me do is deconstruct it like i have convalescent number one like go get yourself some treatment i don't know maybe it's not like room world maybe people don't bleed to death the same way well no you are losing blood isabella are you still chasing this guy he's about to escape you're gonna have one more swing missed all right [Music] battle over so now i'm gonna do [Music] well i mean i still think the idea of having one male ear might be good there you go so i did have to tell you to drop it to do that now the other thing i would like is an allow that does the entire map like just allow everything right so one of the my favorite things i like to add into rim world actually it might be built in now i'm not sure there's always something i'm modded in maybe it's just still something i'm not in because like there's plenty of times i'm going to want to make sure to permit all that a sturdy steel sword okay all right there might be some decent kit here we got helmets and stuff that is going to be very nice um what we need are more unmarked graves [Music] people continue to insist on attacking [Music] us [Music] he's down he's down i mean okay jonathan's getting some treatment that much is good why is jake [Music] okay well he's going to bed now maybe he could just set a schedule for him to go to bed [Music] yeah there you go you equipped your melee weapon that i told you to drop i'm betting i can set some more precise yeah i guess i can go edit weapon um i can allow pretty specific types of things i could enforce certain quality once that becomes a thing but for now we're not worried about okay people have been tended that's good we survived a arguably more serious raid than previous ones which is good we know we want to get our dispenses up a little bit more get some better wall shooty shooty area and yeah if we can get everyone just using a bow to kill people that will be very handy well that's going to wrap up another episode folks thanks a lot for watching and i'll see you guys next time bye
Channel: quill18
Views: 38,185
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: quill, quill18, quill18creates, video, game, commentary, gameplay, footage, vod, fpvod, english, live, games, review, preview, strategy, tutorial, beta, alpha, release, official, walkthrough, playthrough, howto, mods
Id: OTiDpgrSmC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 50sec (2090 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 07 2021
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