Going Medieval - Ep 4 - Diggy Diggy Hole!

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hey folks quilly team here and welcome to another episode of let's play going medieval this wonderful little uh colony building simulator very nice reminiscent of rimworld it's a medieval kind of 3d multi-level rim world like us interface uses the same sensibilities but a certain point like starts to diverge a fair bit outside of being the same genre of it's a colony builder well colony builder is going to feel pretty similar in certain ways all right a little bit of construction here yeah it's maybe a shame to lose these i don't know how big of a deal it is especially since we can plant our own maybe i should do that now actually um is flax carrot beets red currant bushes i mean barley to make beer sounds pretty good too but well maybe hold on maybe i'll just do that uh cancel we need barley and spices to make beer but what was the other thing ale yeah so at least be able to make ale so let me do that instead if i can oh there's herbs no grass and trees well tell you what let's do this and then we'll do a little spice bush or herb bush back here some of them might be medicinal and things like that as well so we'll go for it why do you exclamation mark not enough reserve oh yeah we don't have any raw meat right now so we can't uh or we don't have any corpses to butcher right now which is okay [Music] destruction is still pretty bad we don't have anyone who's like well okay isabella the problem is isabella's got like stars on everything we can't have isabella do all the things unfortunately um so we're gonna have to accept the fact that our construction crew is gonna be a little a little sketch unfortunately almost certainly we have to go and cut down some more trees soon we do have 200 plus logs currently but we will use a fair number in here hammond's the only one who uses the uh the shrine of the brethren [Music] how's our research going yeah see the allocate went up because i think it means we can reach more things i don't know we'll figure it out nothing's um nothing's blocked over here permit everything [Music] sure drag yep that's fine i like the double door here i might be able to do some lighting inside i don't think we've got anything for that right now well no we've got torches embrasures and we have window for light during the day i don't know how worthwhile it is to do this and do they have to be replenished i wonder these wooden torches are they just always on oh wall torch cool excellent standing one and a wall torch okay i gotta make sure to check these variants from time to time i mean they're material but they're also sometimes style differences [Music] i like this building we're going to build it's going to be very cool how big are the stairs oh that's perfect that's exactly what we're going to do we're going gonna have a pair of stairs leading to different halves of the top building research is available now it's decorative stuff though i mean i'm sure we're gonna want them inside but no we're gonna wait how's the food situation eight meals no raw food well sucks to you mr deer oh maybe i should be like constantly hunting there's a bunch of rabbits over there rabbits like they're like they run away once you attack one it's not like they generate a lot of meat there you go we'll flag you guys auto save okay thank you fucker's gonna come soon you guys production speed from the outside ah yeah okay that's okay we're we're working our way up to this building here as i say there should be yeah production speed 100 it still says outside but 100 it's interesting it acknowledges that it's out of doors but i don't think we get the penalty for it are we getting we're getting little pallets of ash next to this that you can do things with the ash rich in gardening soils pottery glazes and soap and yeah you're out of material here but we have liquor rough wine pile i think we made 10 we got nine left now we're gonna get flax not that we have a clothing thing yet i wonder is there a rotation for the windows no i guess they're they're the same can i open these shutters oh yeah those window keeps the warmth in best clothes in the winter time i wonder if there's a way to open and close oh steward will change the state of the windows interesting i wonder if there's a way to tell a room like open all the windows for a room close all the windows in the room because i wouldn't want to do it all individually i'm going to leave them untouched for now the reserves are low are we not doing hunting all right listen um i'm gonna bring the research down notre hammond we've got a few outstanding jobs i mean sure we want to unlock more things but actually we've got enough stuff going on right now we kind of just need him to yeah so hammond and jonathan are going to do hunting which is good because we're down to four meals although we do have a bunch of carrots over here so we would have some food stuff to make i miss my um my colony manager mod from room world where you can put like limits like when the food um amount gets you know below a certain point go and hunt in various things well actually in practice i have them auto hunt but that's mostly because we have refrigerators [Music] but we'll be able to preserve some food if we get the smokehouse and so then hunting willy-nilly is going to be okay some bones over here if you lack the time to carve these mortal remains at least grind them up for fertilizer all right that'll be a thing later are we out of wood and we still have 100 wood here lots of people praying hunting preparing food so the culinary skill is used for butchering which makes sense and it's perfectly fine composing ground type temperature it doesn't say anything about the lack of roof there but maybe once they're on here some of the things that's when they say roof because maybe at first they decompose quickly because they're on the ground and then once they're no longer on the ground then they can decompose maybe slower if they're just unroofed yeah almost certainly we're going to chop down some more trees to finish this so i'll put a few tree chopping jobs right away because someone's got a star i think in plant cutting so they should go and do that culinary skills of 14 that's nice construction skills still suck [Music] that's weird yeah such a little visual bug over there oh dear achievement unlocked um because as i said i think i already had them uh grouped up but i guess when it loaded it remember this is grouped up but then didn't hadn't updated the ui tiny little visual bug ah game is ruined sort of thing that's really easy to see how it happens also would be very easy to fix [Music] all right isabella doing this 11 meals okay so i mean we're not gonna starve which is good i wonder what else we can use these sticks for so some construction material i'm betting a type of roof probably use uses sticks we're starting to get a lot of them maybe we should look into that because this was a thatch roof which was made with straw or hay isabella not super happy why not oh no you're okay maybe you had a negative moodlet and then they got fixed you seem okay for now which is good doing some plant stuff all lovely research available i know i mean we'll want some of that but i think tailoring might be the next unlock for us or we start smelting i don't know we do have a few people who are complaining about bad clothes and i don't know maybe better clothes even like normal everyday apparel oh hello summer um i was gonna say maybe even everyday apparel has some armor value we'd have checked summer appeared like a warm blessing coaxing the settlers to shed their warm clothing now is the time to build underground storage to keep food fresh in the sunny days to come okay that definitely is a thing now is there a research i can see there's preserving food that's just smoked meat and stuff better cooking more preserving but that's just packaged meal so presumably i can just dig a cellar i wonder if we can dig one inside the house maybe we don't need to okay so i've got a mine can i tell the stairs to just go down like i can rotate you i can go down z levels here no and yeah i say z level just because z level for some reason sounds weird probably because i'm used to hearing z level even though i say z so i think it's probably a mining operation to go down well the thing is we're gonna mine the iron over here anyway so all right let's let's mine like a four tile length we'll be able to put some stairs in there i don't know that mining is a higher priority than some of the other things we've got going on though and actually we got some resources without actually digging down maybe we should dig down over here but i wonder if we'd go faster because here they're extracting rock if we're just digging somewhere that's just grassy and you know earthy i wonder if it would be speedier hmm all right cancel this as an experiment right here yeah mining slash digging oh we'll get clay out of this i wonder if we can refill it in if i'm not happy about the hole that i left i guess i can just floor over it [Music] okay that did happen right away okay maybe a settler a seller over here [Music] we'll build that we'll put a staircase down there i wonder if just this with a roof on top if that would be cool enough like just dig out a piece a pit and then you know put a floor on top of it um 22 degrees 22 degrees so that's the same currently or if we have to actually be underground [Music] level 15 culinary this is coming along well [Music] i'll do is i'll get the two stairs in place so i don't forget them but then we're gonna drop some wooden floor well what else we have for flooring wicker okay so wood needs wood wicker needs sticks and limestone santa to make a floor a level floor wicker floor can be used as platform for a second floor but i mean anything can be used as a second floor can't it now i can't just scroll but i can extend the floor off that i bet you can extend the floor off the stairs once they're there [Music] build the stairs first so i'm just wondering like i can just wicker over here too um [Music] okay so the wooden floor has more hit points and has 100 traverse speed instead of 95 so i mean the wooden floor is definitely better than the wicker floor i'm just worried because raw wood is a bit of a thing we'd be covering over what is this as well clay although i think we can get clay somewhere else and then these plants i think i've already accepted that this is gonna get covered up [Music] i guess we'll go wicker just because material wise we're a little hurting for wood right now maybe we can replace it later on yeah we're going to ruin all these plants this hurt my heart a little bit but oh well we're humans we've got to ruin nature one way or another right exactly all right stairs are going up wicker floor this is going to be quick okay now that the stairs are in place what i'm curious about maybe i really do need to like support the floor from this or um i mean maybe just uh pillars okay i can't block the top of the stairs oh okay i think we will need some wooden beams this is weird you can play some really loosey goosey here um don't know do i just click four beams to be placed between 2x walls or ground oh all right hold on we cancel some here okay i can't connect to the windows here let me do this because it'll look decent and symmetrical or if i needed some in the middle here too which if i do is a problem because i don't i guess i could put a random um i could put a random piece of um like a random wall like a single pillar over here she even unlocked beam me up alright [Music] i need to be given the command for the base wicker floor here that it canceled you can change the cancel filter to only affect the single layer but i was like let's just reset the whole thing and figure out the next step [Music] i don't have any logs in storage although we do have some wood just kicking around so that's okay you know turns out logs draw on trees so killing these these plants it hurts well it's okay we'll replant some but you know the natural bushes just look cool i don't know how i want to arrange the building the like the workshops and stuff in here you could have specialized stockpiles near the appropriate workshops to um you know so that the resources are nearby although everything's gonna be fairly close in here so i don't think i'll worry too much i wonder now that i've got the beams in if it's a little easier to start the floor because i can start them on the beams and indeed that is the case all right that's excellent [Music] okay well um no finish the floors first well i guess i can set up the uh the stockpiles [Music] what he was found faint and bleeding by cinnamon's nether from the axe and shattered lumber jake had clearly experienced a woodcutting mishap would you let him stand heel slam the door shut leave him outside or welcome to the nether is he actually going to join the settlement i mean we'll have to treat him but sure welcome jake jake is unconscious okay well you may have to encourage someone to go and grab them asap put a few work stop chops in here and we might trim back on a few of the others as well and actually over here what i'm going to do is i'm going to deconstruct that spot so we let's say hammond who's actually oh there you go you're already carrying a wounded person because you i mean a bunch of people have the the ten to one but he's he's one of the stars let's get him to do some doctoring stuff now this area will still count as unroofed for now culinary scale you know with the rim world i'm used to people getting food poisoning from low cooking skills so jake's been brought in there oh yeah okay hang on let me take another scooch of time here i'm just going to build this out of limestone and clay all right which we're not going to do put some stairs in here now can i dig further down yep we'll do that and then we'll see if we can dig sideways all right construction is complete for now obviously these things are gonna have to get moved in a new stockpile people are hungry jake's unconscious it came with an axe oh i guess there's still a little bit of flooring to do all right constructing of stairs i guess and then someone will go and dig that down we're replanting yeah giving people a moment to catch up on some of their own stuff would be okay how's the research anything new unlocked no and we may have to do we might want to have a designated hauler i might want to do the thing that has proven to be quite useful in rimworld and just like bring hauling way up for everyone because it really sucks when things are just lying around it's actually quite bad i know not enough beds actually it's a problem now um because jake doesn't have a proper bed because we only have these i guess i can go for now and put another hay sleeping spot over here we'll do that it'll get rid of the not enough beds thing even though it's kind of pointless because isabella doesn't sleep at the same time as everyone else but at least it'll be available these doors are quite slow if they can keep them open right now just to control click um i don't know and someone has to it's a steward job that changes it as well hmm well then stewarding might be something like this is sort of like flipping switches and things in room world where we kind of always have it as a number one i think i'll bring the hauling back down here for a sec [Music] i can keep you open and someone will do that high priority and then we move through a little faster i guess i'll keep this one open as well [Music] be nice if it just next time someone walked through they just left it in whatever state was set to and you wouldn't need a steward thing that would be more rimworldy and we got spoiled with that i guess we can keep uh these doors open but yeah i think i need a i'm gonna want something where i can open the windows an entire room let's jump to deconstruct copy it doesn't have anything in the tool tip there is no tooltip [Music] um over the rooms detected yeah i don't know there so i did i brought down the hauling although a lot of hauling is happening right now because i don't have anything else assigned now over here if i tell you to mine that yeah that'll work nope the go wait tool tip i need to be able to see my button n for mine all right sure well in theory and this becomes this becomes our underground cellar over here it's a little tricky but it works actually i might want to cancel that because then we have exactly three for another stair and then we'll probably want a door to keep the pests out so it'll be stair stair stair door and then mine this out i mean so far it doesn't seem like we need a lot of stock of space for meals get wounds research oh okay we got a few others um yeah i think tailoring i want or preserving food because we are getting some rot but we don't need we don't have clay or limestone necessarily to even build this the thing the um these houses so maybe the brick making i don't i'm gonna go for tailoring first and we will build that sewing station is that legal no there we go and we don't have enough wood right now but that's gonna have to be okay well we don't have to would store well we literally don't have enough wood so we need to chop down some more trees i mean we can make a growing zone for trees later as well if it starts to feel like we're a bit short on them in fact we might want to do some of that right now but i think there's enough for us to cut down now we're not going to spend any time maintaining a tree farm extra beds are in place which is fine isabella doing some cooking which is good 18 meals kind of thinking i'm going to bring this up to like 50 meals now i feel like the cooked food might have a longer lifespan actually it's not the king at all wait is that the case oh no there it is temperature but only temperature now this might not this might be a dumb position for this maybe i would want it somewhere else maybe i would have wanted a basement in here but i kind of didn't want to screw up the mining somewhere that was going to be vaguely important to me i can probably throw a little bit of roofing on this too actually all right but everything's indoors so other than decaying for temperature which is happening although not that quickly how decomposes pal rots i guess decomposes when it falls apart and rots is when the food becomes no good for us okay tailoring station we've got winter clothes summer clothes caps straw hats and dismantle items let's try to keep one set of summer clothes lying around one cap lying around maybe we'll use straw hats instead because the cap uses the the clothing fabric but this just uses straw so try to have one spare suit set of each linen cloth pile so presumably yeah linen cloth works excellent okay cooking is happening trees are being chopped down this place still isn't roofed yet but that'll be maybe the next thing we do oh oh wait hold on i bet you no one can reach this huh okay i'll do those two i should have dug in the opposite way around hang on hang on whoa cancel cancel cancel everything on both layers that's gonna have to be okay um what i'm going to do is put down a little wicker floor right here yeah all right i got this okay now what i'm gonna do i know it still won't work i guess i do have to dig this spot out yeah but only the one dig this one actually it might not still work we'll see then what i want you to do is mine this square which theoretically you can see theoretically can walk down here stand on this stand on this but you might not be able to because it's covered by more stuff oh no i think it's working okay now mine this tile and then we'll undo the floor and i think we can put a staircase in here now [Music] [Music] deconstruct now if i put a wooden staircase i gotta rotate it the correct way [Music] i block my grass all right so we'll have to at least mine that one [Music] jake oh hold on jake i just realized well no [Music] there you go that should do it now maybe i could have just dug a flip pit and then put you know flooring slash roof on it and that would have been okay we don't know [Music] yo guys turned 46 today okay some tending is happening that's good 24 construction that's very nice and now mining can begin we're going to put not a wall a door here and then dig out all this yeah i don't like that there's some clay stuck under there but oh well and put explicit forbids on this just to make sure no one is trying to get to it and then having like pathfinding problems dig that out we'll throw some floor down there and then make that our stockpile and then i guess what we have to do since we can't set priorities apparently is i'm going to take food out of this maybe food and carcasses out of this you know hopefully the carcasses get you know cut right away maybe it is good to have it here next to the butcher's cloth i mean i guess we could have moved the butchering thing ah this has been allocated as a spare room but what it really is going to be is a sort of a a pantry a cellar yeah flimsy leather so i guess that's the quality that it hit and this probably gives you like it lowers the temperature you can be comfortable at by four degrees and raises it by five degrees so it gives you a bigger window you know protects you a little bit against the sun and protects you against the cold all right this is a cute little room i gotta say think faster go go random clay we'll be using that for bricks later on and we haven't done any work towards research in a bit because i've got the hammond on different oh no he is actually wait he's auto equipping oh probably some clothes but he's doing some writing he's got a hat on what are the actual stats on the uh can i get info on the hat oh there you go yeah just a slight temperature range thing except the sun in the rain plus it looks cool okay i'm going to just put a wicker floor down here and then i'm going to make this a stockpile [Music] i'm going to clear everything except for carcasses and food i think the package meals maybe don't need to come down here let's just do that for now uh and then over on these guys i'm going to take away carpets and food take away purposes and food so they can't be stored in here so hopefully that'll be done right how are we doing on food anyway okay we got lots of meals lots of raw food still that's good and yeah at some point everything will have to be brought downstairs and then we are going to move copy you put you over here and then destroy the original we're going to copy you put you over here and then destroy the original [Applause] [Music] hopefully it copies the jobs it does not copy the jobs well of course why would it [Music] [Music] oh [Music] let's make um let's make three of these so theoretically we could equip all our people with range tools if we wanted to i don't think i'll queue up anything at the weapons bench yet uh you are also slow so we'll move you there um hammond i'm gonna force you to finish your writing there you go and then i'm going to trash this sorry to wake you hammond but i want to make sure you finish your writing before we trash this so you didn't go like 99 production go to waste construct research table missing i know isabella can i get you to prioritize construction over here already working on it well thank you still only have one type of research in here until you have i don't think we had anything that needed more than 30 of this one type of thing no so far 30 seems to be the most that we need okay oh jake's doing the research food being stored i did i think they might have like jumped from here to there as part of their pathing or maybe it was misinterpreting things just because the way it was going we're clearly storing food down here what's the temperature down here five degrees so i mean it's not frozen but yeah 27 days 20 days beautiful considers a spare room i wonder if there's like maybe there's not an actual room type for a stockpile which i guess is fairly legit it would be nice if like a room just has a stockpile in it just call it a stockpile but i don't you know i don't think it's the sort of thing that your people respond to or treat the room differently based on it being a stockpile versus other stuff yeah this is what we'll do we'll keep like putting some of these production things like on squares that were a stockpile but that's going to be okay doesn't seem to be like a local beauty kind of modifier from being in a room that's also a stockpile nothing like that and then the next thing we're going to do is build on this upper floor over here [Music] [Laughter] yeah so there's still it's what i was worried about where there's this kind of a blank spot over here although we could have a little bit of um cathedral it's interesting actually that it doesn't doesn't go here [Laughter] i'll go if i do that i guess it's gotta it's gotta sit on some sort of support now if i build flooring there i wonder if i can put roof or wall on it but there's still one little gap so i think in the end since i can't wooden beam this area i would if that if i replace this with a single door you know what maybe we'll just will let me do that before i end the episode all right the double door looked cool but what will also look super cool jonathan should prioritize this one wall here for me because i need to end this episode it will also look cool in my opinion there's a beam there so that we can have proper flooring that comes across here and theoretically across a little bit of this there you go just as long as it doesn't block the stairs we're gonna be a-okay we'll get this floor um and then i'm gonna make some i don't know fancier bedrooms up here and then we'll be ready for decoration we'd also use it for more storage more stockpile which might be good like we might just have a bunch of little bedrooms over here and then another stockpile over here since our stockpile is fairly full and then i want to put some nice decorations and more things over here in the center area make it feel nice and cheery folks thanks a lot for watching another episode of going medieval i'll see you guys next time bye
Channel: quill18
Views: 47,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: quill, quill18, quill18creates, video, game, commentary, gameplay, footage, vod, fpvod, english, live, games, review, preview, strategy, tutorial, beta, alpha, release, official, walkthrough, playthrough, howto, mods
Id: QAjkKKrMaA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 20sec (2300 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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