Ranking the Godzilla Movies! (ft. Godzilla Minus One)

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] all righty it is time for another tier list Kaiju Maniacs Kaiju killers there is a new Godzilla movie coming out a Japanese Godzilla movie coming out no less Godzilla minus one so I thought since it will be you know a decent break between the next Godzilla film uh Godzilla cross Kong the New Order New World Order I forget what it's called right now actually I thought I thought now would be the time cuz I just saw Godzilla minus one so like let's just get to it we have God like near perfect awesome okay eh I'll watch but I'd rather not no and no so I think that about sums up my feelings of the spectrum of Godzilla Kaiju content this will be ranking all of the films now these are theatrically released films right so I'm not doing animes I'm not like like TV animes I'm not doing any cartoons I'm not doing uh Godzilla appearances an Ultram man or Zone fighter or whatever the hell just doing the mainline Godzilla movies and the monster verse ones as well and we're starting off with the bigum the original the original Godzilla goira this is I'm doing Gojira here I'm not doing Godzilla king of the monsters even though that was like the version I watched for for quite a long time actually but um not even too long ago four or five years ago I rewatched it on um I think it was a Criterion Collection I forget and I was just surprised at how well it still holds up a lot of Godzilla fans still say this uh that the original was like can't be beat I don't know if I put it at Godlike right now it is the first and established so many you know what let's just like let's not front let's not front I would say that going back to it there's like very no th like very few Thrills when compared to much much later entries but that's not exactly fair you have to put yourself in the mindset of like this is the first one there was no an established way to do a Kaiju movie quite yet at least in the Japanese style so here the black and white cinematography the the way Godzilla's shot and he looks quite scary it's still a weird Godzilla design when I look at it I don't have a lot of nostalgia for it compared to like the hyay 80s and '90s Godzilla which I have a ton for obviously um but you know it it established all the character tropes the scientist the uh dashing hero the lady that just kind of stands there considering 1954 it's a watershed moment moment for Cinema I don't know how many big utter have cited Godzilla Gojira rather as as a huge influence on them so I think Godlike no one's going to to take issue with that least of all me next up we have Godzilla Raids [ __ ] move oh my God oh my God it screwed everything up [ __ ] you tear maker now I have three of them in here okay well we'll just have to do it some I can barely see the poster I think this is godzill versus Kong yeah it is U but this is Godzilla Raids Again uh this is the followup from like less than a year like six months it's not great I'm going to be honest it is not great I just put it maybe on so right now I do like Angus angas is up there one of my my favorite Kaiju like maybe in the top 10 type thing I just think he's neat rolls up into a ball and such but the movie is way Lamer than the original Gojira it's not as scary it's it's done very quickly there's not much reason for Godzilla to have even returned but again we're in the only in the first sequel of like 30 plus so you can't be too harsh on it again but uh is nowhere near as memorable or as landmark of a film as the original Gojira is after that I believe Godzilla versus Kong came after that and after that uh followed Mothra Godzilla versus Kong very important I'm going to put it near perfect for Kaiju silliness it's up there if you're a Big King Kong fan and seeing him uh be a guy in a suit is really trippy and of course we wouldn't have Godzilla versus the versus series might not the versus Trope of anything fighting anything might not even even well there's the Frankenstein and like Universal monster movies but this was like way way later this is what in the ' 60s early 60s s and uh those movies were in the 30s so there was like a 30-year Gap there I at least 20 maybe in the 40s I forget ask James R he'll know that [ __ ] um anyway I think this established a lot of things of the versus genre especially with there being not a clear winner um but the the last fight the the the main fight of Godzilla versus Kong is just so entertaining um if you like the rubber suits you get more than your fill in there so that's always near perfect you know what maybe it's not near perfect maybe it's not maybe it's just awesome cuz the start of it is pretty wonky it's not like the most interesting thing in the world but I think the the fight in the third Act is is more than enough to to make it awesome Godzilla versus uh Mothra or the thing or whatever all these movies have multiple titles um I think that might be another awesome you know Mathra is still such a wellestablished beautiful character gay icon Mathra the Lady Gaga of Kaiju I feel comfortable with this one cuz I think there's better mothur movies in all honesty so uh let's leave her there for now Godzilla versus King gadora versus gadora again multiple names I don't care much for Shah era um King gadora he's just kind of a chump he's just always controlled doesn't look that cool I mean you know it it it's the first appearance but I think this is more of a so film it's it's not as entertaining as say the next one in in the chronological order that we're going in I think it yeah yeah I think that's fine um I have more to say about invasion of the Astro Monster uh which is such a weird microcosm of Godzilla film in that it's like one of the very few ones I think maybe the only one that like almost entirely takes place in space is is just wild like that since in the' 60s space was kind of a big deal I don't really remember why but space was kind of a big deal and uh just seeing little spaceman in the space suits having the weird English characters speak uh English and everyone speak Japanese to him and everyone understanding each other perfectly it just helped establish what Tekken would do decades and decades later and it's story mode and cut scenes but invasion of the AST Astro monster is pretty fun some other Kaiju in there too it has been a while since I've seen this one in this one but I remember liking this one quite a bit more um so I'm going to put that in awesome for now uh again if this took place on Earth it's not much different from this at that point and there there might be more equal but I think the space setting uh gives it some extra flare next up we have Godzilla versus ibra now this one is automatically awesome to me mostly because of the Mystery Science Theater 3000 episode on it uh I have I have big fondness for that also the trivia that this was originally supposed to be um a Godzilla uh sorry a King Kong film and they weren't able to get the reattain the rights or acquire them again so Godzilla was swapped in for King Kong and you can see that in the movie it's really weird he gets awakened by electricity and I know that seems weird if you're not familiar with King Kong in toho's universe but King Kong is powered up by electricity as he such displays in Godzilla versus Kong and he just grabs a lady just picks up a lady and he's all infatuated with her so they kept some elements of King Kong's personality in the script but for whatever reason they didn't adjust those at all when Godzilla swapped in at the last second but yeah this is this is still really ener even without Mystery Science here this is like one of the cheesier entertaining things yeah the human stories are more silly than anything else which is good because it's just a bunch of like teens and and like a thief and and they go to the island and everything it's just kind of silly it's not just boring politicians and scientists and such so I personally think it is a hoot this is Son of Godzilla is the first appearance of Manila Mina baby Godzilla Godzuki Godzilla Jr whatever the [ __ ] I think this is okay it's it's another silly one but just it depends on the movie but Mina Manila whatever the hell doesn't really do it for me I I you know what maybe not as not okay maybe not okay there's some there's some funny meme worthy little bits in this but that's kind of about it um I don't think this is again very controversial at all but okay minion deserves some portion of respect but right in the middle I think is the approp rate portion so I'm happy with that destroy all monsters so this this is a big one this is a big one I I don't think is near no is not near perfect the fact that it takes place this is like one of the last chronologically up to a certain point cuz this T this movie takes place in 1999 they just jump forward in 1990x and the start of it takes a while to get going but once it happens and the sheer amount of uh stinky performers in sweaty rubber suits running around in a big set the only thing that kind of holds the monster Mayhem back in this is cuz they I you start to feel bad for the snuff film that that starts to occur it starts to roll in front of your eyes cuz every single Kaiju in this start beating the [ __ ] out of king gadora and you start to feel bad it's not even he's not even superow power ful and they're they make it really tough like he's a final boss they just curb stomp the [ __ ] out of him stomp a mud hole in his ass and it's kind of sad actually but this again helped establish the big Monster Mash to end the series even though it didn't even though it really really didn't and that's a big thing destroy old monsters just a name that you know keeps getting used uh here and there in the films uh films and games and spin-offs um after the fact so I think it's important in that way so I I think awesome is yeah it's definitely better than so it's definitely better than then Son of Godzilla next up we have Godzilla's Revenge this is the one where the annoying child features prominently and falls into Comas it's unclear falls into Comas where he dreams about Monster Island and the parallels between the fights that he imagines in in his head where he goes to Monster Island and him and Mina team up to fight gabra and a bunch of other stupid [ __ ] and it's a bunch of stock footage no no to there are some people that are like oh this is this is so cheesy and bad it's almost great um no it's not quite there for me no is still [ __ ] no is kind of closer but no not even I think so bad it's good is kind of like for for for Godzilla Kaiju so bad as good is almost awesome or so maybe and these are like the boring ones and this is like I don't I don't want to talk about it miss me with that [ __ ] you know and I think uh Godzilla's Revenge and I think this has another name as well I forget again they all have different titles depending on what year and where they're released and such but yeah it's it's not a good time but it is it is fun to make fun of it this is Godzilla versus Herer hedora H Dynamite head anyway this was an attempt to make something very different and carry a new message because nuclear allegories were I guess plaz at this time so this is one about environmental cautionary stories about you know a lot of um [ __ ] was going down in Japan where was industrializing at like a very rapid rate and um there were lots of like little Environmental incidents throughout the country and stuff so I think this was made in response to that isori Bano big fan of this where he's like this is the one Godzilla movie I directed and I'll never let it go I love Hora but I got to love a guy that's like I I love the monster that was in my movie specifically um this is so weird and so trippy that it it's not it's not not entertaining it's not near perfect no no uh but yeah this is another awesome one just because it's so weird and bizarre and it again doesn't really have those kind of sort of tropes of again politicians in boardrooms and scientists just saying oh no this is happening why did I do this why do I keep doing it and Hora is hilarious monster I wish Hora would like get a revamp or something I think they got that one scene in Godzilla final wars now I can't remember but um I want like a newly designed Hora that's like all [ __ ] up and scary and stuff because it's still a little goofy but this has Godzilla flying that's a major thing obviously you don't see that every day again 70s trippiness at its best um yeah that's definitely awesome for Hora Godzilla versus Gyan this is another this is another really cheesy and and fun one now I know some people are big Gyan stands and and I like Gyan a lot in Final Wars not so much in in their debut still a Cheesy good time yeah cheesy comes up a lot when you're talking about Godzilla films his entire B catalog but yeah not quite there but it's okay it's okay um I've grown to like gigen a little bit more but I still really really prefer uh their final wars design over their original and of course kadora appears in here slightly as well I think someone else Angus I believe is this the one where they talk I think it might be the one where they talk if this is the one where they talk uh cut in a scene right now of them talking Godzilla and angas something funny going on you [Music] better because of that yeah that's okay that's okay they should make them talk a lot more they should always be chattering all the all the Kaiju together like in Zoom meetings and such so Godzilla versus Megalon love it it is near perfect mostly because of its poster where not one single second takes place in New York City but the drop KCK baby rider makes it uh megalon even though being quite silly you know not the best antagonist Gyan appears again but it's Jet Jaguar again Mystery Science Theater doing a lot of the heavy lifting it is a near Perfect film I'll watch this any [ __ ] day of the week I don't care it is it is my special little guy so I'm very confident put Godzilla this megalan and near perfect if you swapped out megalon for somebody else I really liked megalon in that recent short film his design is [ __ ] Wicked in that so that gave me a bit more respect but I also hate megalon cuz he was so annoying to fight in the PS2 Xbox GameCube game so [ __ ] him this Godzilla versus Mecca Godzilla really important I think overall um in the entire gam just establishing Mecca finally in the traditional form that come to expect I love the fact that it starts with there oh is there two Godzillas which one do I shoot and other Kaiju being like this is the Godzilla Ang being this isn't the Godzilla I know he would never cook like this and then of course been revealed that it's a uh giant alien robot underneath awesome um and I do love the original Mecha Godzilla's design I like all I like pretty much all the Mecha Godzilla designs there's one I don't like but we'll get to that but yeah this one I think yeah yeah I don't love it as much as as Godzilla versus Megalon so it is it will remain awesome so I have weird memories of this one um Terra meca Godzilla is essentially just a sequel straight up to uh this one but I love Titanosaurus a lot and I don't know why there is a Nostalgia of this movie for sure where it constantly it's burned into my brain the box art of this seeing it in my VHS rental store back in the day and just seing three giant monsters very clearly and prominently um on the box art and liking Titanosaurus I was less of a fan of Mecca Godzilla when I was young cuz I wasn't super into robots yet maybe aside from Transformers but d URS I was still into the dinos love the dinos and Titanosaurus just being an aquatic dinosaur I was all in baby so because of that I have a big swath of nostalgia for this one when you actually watch the film it's maybe not amazing at first but upon rewatches I was like yeah this is a slightly more serious movie it's not as cheesy as the other ones there's a certain tone of it that I think a lot of the other um films in the in the70s and the tail end of the showah ARA that would it doesn't really have that sort of silly for kids tone as much I think this was the uh director Honda trying to like I don't know reain it back in a little bit so oh yeah sorry I had that sticking around in a um it is it is again another just awesome one I think yeah I definitely like it a bit more than than Gyan and and these other two so yeah Terr meca Godzilla not terrible at oh the awesome the awesomeness of of Mecha godula why does a Titanosaurus get his name into the title I don't know now we are moving on moving on to the hyay era of the 80s and on so this is Return of Godzilla or Godzilla 1985 um I was debating whether what poster to use the American poster which I I know a lot better even though I literally have this poster of Return of Godzilla right above my desk I'm looking up at it right now so there's that a lot of my Godzilla love was birthed from this movie and for that I will always respect it and hold it in a certain tier we're not there yet but when you actually watch the film it is on the more conservative end of there's no Kaiju fighting it's just kind of essentially a remake of Gojira the very first one where just kind of hangs around smashes some buildings um but I loved his really scary design in this the special effects work the miniature work is all good but I don't think it's quite awesome yet there's just one other element that's missing there and I'm not saying necessarily has to be a giant Kaiju but something the human Drama Is Not Great it's like one of the worst ones and I've seen Return of Godzilla and I've seen um Godzilla 1985 I actually prefer Godzilla 1985 if I'm going to be completely honest just cuz I love Raymond Burr and Raymond Burr took that role really really seriously so I like that I think that evens out to I respect this movie A Lot in terms of it relaunching Godzilla and even though it didn't keep some of the things it established and went back to Kaiju fighting very very quickly it's still really important but in terms of being entertained by the movie it is it is a little lacking here and there so I'm going to keep that in so Godzilla versus biolante so this it was the first to really nail that hyay design because it's distinctly different from the one in return of Godzilla now when I first saw this film I was actually quite taken back back I wasn't really into it plantbased enemies are not my favorite right it just you know what's my favorite boss in Resident Evil games not the plant ones not plant 42 it's just not that interesting inter of a villain to me and when I first watched uh bante in the late '90s early 2000s I think I remember getting like a like a video file of it I think or might have wa for it on DVD cuz it was it was very hard to get it otherwise especially living in Canada that I was a little unimpressed by bolante as a threat but then watching it again in the subsequent years and how weird and different its plot is because one of the original writers or the scenario guy that won a contest or some [ __ ] he loved James Bond stuff there a lot of secret agents running around it's very much doesn't feel like a Godzilla movie in the start which is good in the sense that it breaks away but the special effects work uh the suitmation and this is incredible and I've come to like bolante a lot especially in games where you can move her around uh versus that she's quite stationary in the film but that and how op she is in like uh Godzilla Unleashed has made my respect for bante uh grow tenfold so I'm going to put this one up at perfect maybe near perfect I I think I would have had this you know if you asked me like 10 years ago I would have had this in so or maybe awesome but near perfect is there where I really and I look I think this is an underrated poster of the hyay era it's a lot of green there's a lot of green for sure but I I just now I just think it's it's it's up there it's definitely an underrated one Maybe not maybe not you know what I'm going to I'm going to put it back down to awesome actually I might move this back up depending what else what else we might go through because as we go into the series even more especially in the '90s and early 2000s I'm going to have some I'm going to have some ones that that might be making this tier crap Ed so I just want to see where everything kind of shakes out and I might readjust later hope you don't mind Godzilla versus uh kadora to the second even though like technically should be like the third or fourth but the Hy is essentially you know a reboot or whatever this might be near perfect now this this might be near perfect but has an asteris it has one of the the sickest posters of all right I have a blanket of this that lelu is sleeping on right now behind if you're a Kaiju fan if you're a fan of toass in general you're going to love this thing just cuz it's so insane there's time travel there's robots there's the tiny cute Kaiju tension between countries there's cheeky references it's got everything but it also still somehow drags a little bit there's so many explanations like there's Star Trek next Generation levels of just try to understand what the hell people are saying with the Techno Babble a lot of Babble and when I've shown this to normies they're like this is stupid this is I want to leave I'm like I get it but shut up it is on the longer end I will say like this movie could use a recut to maybe shave some things off but it is generally insane still really really entertaining to me and it's just one of one of those that like yeah I just like Godzilla versus Megalon I'll watch this any day of the week but I wouldn't say it is without flaws so it's not it's near perfect in terms of entertainment value Godzilla versus Mathra another strong one of the hyay era I don't like it as much as kadora though so I'm going to just drop that down to awesome another underrated poster I love how Mathra features uh very prominently and Godzilla's kind of secondary but whenever you have to go through Mathra larvae I I I check out for a little bit until actual Mathra Prime shows up fighting Mothra larvae is just a waste of everyone's time to me I don't care if they're integral to the plot that that fight can only be so interesting it's just like when the the very few games where motha larvae is playable or that computer controlled it just let me get to the real show which is mothur let me stop fighting with her babies it's not that fun Godzilla versus Mecca Godzilla 2 even though it should be like six I haven't watched this one as much as I should have I might have watched this like again five six years ago another underrated poster by the way yeah no uh a lot of the hyay era is is awesome there's not like a bad one per se so I feel confident that's another awesome one I don't much like uh James Rolf um I don't really love it's it's good the meca Godzilla design here it it's just he looks a little too kid-friendly in this if that makes any sense it looks reminds me of like a silly like a slightly more serious giant robot monster that you would see in like a Power Rangers episode he he's lacking a little bit of edge that the like kind of 60s inspired 70s inspired I should say uh meca Godzilla had at least to me um but that's a very minor thing Rodan is you know haven't talked about rhan very much but Rodan getting there getting in there getting some love so that's I'm happy for them but yeah it's definitely a step above uh these so Godzilla versus meca Godzilla two literally terraa Godzilla it's like oh we're not going to count that it shouldn't have been called two then if it's a rebooted whatever Godzilla versus Space Godzilla I like this one that more people people tend to do I think it's because we're try we're starting to get into that era of heay movies and especially if you watch them in a row you're getting a little tired of the formula but space Godzilla is still a cool enemy I love the crystal design I don't know if I would call this monster space Godzilla that seems like oh I'm just fighting a clone we already have Mecca Godzilla so it seems like a Superfluous character if they redesigned him to just look more like a bipedal Dragon dinosaur and just kind of inched him away from Godzilla a little bit but they still kept the Crystal and space design and the origin and such I think I would like the monster a little bit better I in all hon Hy MRA another big uh I shouldn't say big but another bit player in this film and of course a manila baby Godzilla baby junior Godzilla Godzuki whatever and it is a cute design I greatly prefer this to the the dark ages of the the late 60s early 7s for mina mina whatever so space Godzilla it's okay I don't think I it's on the level of these at the very least but um I think I would put it up to awesome if it took a few more risks and again and and making just a Godzilla clone is not all that risky to me it's kind of safe they can reuse a suit maybe just strap some crystals Crystal shoulder pads and they're good to go so you know that's that's not that's not doing anything too crazy with the formula so I I think so works out Godzilla versus destroyer that has to be near perfect for me for a lot of reasons the movie is quite different at the start feels like you know they're paying homage or you know lifting some tone and some pacing from uh American Sci-Fi movies uh late 80s early 90s at the time uh destroy is an awesome [ __ ] Kaiju an actual real threat and the fact that destroyers never come back in a film or like a destroyer parallel or like destroy at two or you know like you something actually directly related to it it just makes makes it it all that more special the final fight especially with Godzilla Jr and Godzilla Godzilla melting down burning Godzilla all that [ __ ] ionic this is another one yeah I could definitely watch anytime it's on it's a little bit slow in some p in some places and the fact that Godzilla doesn't really get like the killing blow on on destroya and there being like a more satisfying like conclusion to that is a little bit disappointing but it's it's minor nitpicks again which makes it near perfect if anything else but um it's a really nice send off to the hyay era while still leaving things open it makes sense and it's probably some of the better miniature suitmation work in the series I just remember being really really excited watching the final fight the in the last time I watched this was a couple years ago for sure so yeah Godzilla versus destroy Destroyer is near [Music] Perfect all right Godzilla 2000 Godzilla 2000 I remember being so hyped to see this like ginormously hyped I saw this in the theaters when it had its very limited theater run uh back in 199 2000 it have to be 2000 no this came out in 1998 in Japan I forget doesn't matter um I went to an arcade that was attached to the theater to like kill some time I remember playing La machine guns or La machine guns or New York machine guns whatever gun blade New York and La machine guns whatever I just remember going oh my God oh my God I'm going to see this like actual new Godzilla Japanese Godzilla this will wash the taste out of that in my mouth so much oh my God I can't wait and it was the dub the dub is not great for this could have read at that time I was at reading level could have read the subs but that wasn't really a thing back then barely this is still a disappointing film for for the start of a new Trilogy I like Orga don't get me wrong I like Orga and that's kind of what I was hinting at for a space Godzilla still has a bit of Godzilla's DNA or whatever and there's like a little a small resemblance but Orga is its own creature I like Orga quite a bit but Orga comes way too late in the film way too late the main characters the uh the father and her and his and his daughter doing the Godzilla prevention Network it's it's cute but it's not enough to carry the film when Godzilla isn't on screen some of the CG work the Matt shots or CGI shots where a got the the actor playing Godzilla in a suit and he's put in a in a background where he's not supposed to be they look real bad to this day they look bad back then so it's rough I'm not going to lie it's rough in a lot of places but I love the Millennium Design This U um establish like the first real Godzilla uh in film that had like greens skin versus like an ashy gray and and the purple the the purple um back spikes Dorsal fins so it it it did that that's good but it's still lacking in terms of Kaiju action like there's only some in like the last 10 minutes the lame alien pod that shows up just doesn't do anything supposed to build up tension but it it's was kind of boring I remember coming out of the theater disappointed not as disappointed as as this obviously how could one be and and watching it again it it hasn't gotten any better I don't think it's gotten terribly worse than that though so I think that's more of an eh for me I I wish it was higher but uh uh them's the breaks I think uh Godzilla versus mega garas is is a bit better it's not amazing but it's not awesome definitely not near perfect but I like the uh computer programmer nerd kid I like Mega garas me garus is okay I don't know if I like them a bit more than Orga I think if Orga was in Godzilla 2000 a bit more than that that would be a slam dunk and in orga's favor over meag garas just because meag garas is basically just batra the Bon slam is another iconic moment and the Millennium series doesn't have a ton of iconic moments that live on in infamy there's that and just it's just a bit formulaic a little bit more like well right here Godzilla versus space Godzilla is it doesn't do anything drastically different and it doesn't like push anything forward doesn't reestablish Godzilla Millennium Godzilla as like having you know the crazy new powers like for the first one Godzilla 2000 be like okay well let them get their feet wet and let's see something crazier in this one it doesn't aside from the body slam there's nothing that crazy in this still entertaining though uh it's not terrible by any stretch to the imagination so that's why it's okay Godzilla versus King gadora Mothra giant monsters all at attack but also not allowing Baragon to have their name in the title or gmk for short this might be a near perfect for me I love this movie so much just like I was complaining about Mega garas space Godzilla 2000 this does something radically new with the man that is Godzilla making him establishing him as the main villain a pissed off villain and having traditionally antagonistic Kaiju be the heroes that humanity is rooting for um they got the director of The Amazing '90s gamma Trilogy to build something new and he certainly did although I remember hearing about how this had a very different plot and that was initially proposed by that director and you have to go back and forth with too over and over again to bring you to what you see here and I think some of the human drama here is again like it takes away from the film but there's so much Kaiju action cuz Godzilla has to like go through three and a half cuz two battles are basically combined in a one but Baragon and then the other two uh having to go back and forth with them there's a lot of Kaiju fights Godzilla looks awesome he's one of my favorite designs this is absolutely near perfect but it's still not Godlike because yeah there's some pacting issues I don't like how humans basically beat Godzilla don't like that at all that shouldn't really happen often or now not ever but yeah absolutely near perfect perf great poster I wish this Godzilla design would get more play like this I don't think this got like a skin in Godzilla uh PS4 really really wish that gigabash would get like a skin pack for for their DLC characters so you just reskin over Jay Godzilla and that which I love don't get me wrong but I'd love it if you could like be just choose Millennium or monsterverse obviously this one Godzilla Godzilla cross I think it's cross Mecha God Zilla or kiru this is this is my favorite Mecca Godzilla design bar N9 the film is fine the thing with this film is that it goes hand inand with the next one Godzilla cross Mecha Godzilla cross mothur Tokyo SOS they really should be like you could cut cut these together to be one movie and like you know probably cut some scenes for sure but um I think they work as as a two film thing like Kill Bill volume 1 and two type thing this is awesome poster it's not so awesome that it's no longer Illustrated like up until this point all the posters were kind of Illustrated or there was like some sort of version of that but these are just the suits like you know made up posed much like many American films at this time cuz we're in the 2000s now it's still a cool pose if this was Illustrated I I'd like it a lot more but you know regardless this this film just starts things off like just as it's starting to get really exciting it kind of ends and that sort of sucks but other than that I think that'll bring it down to so okay I think I'll bring it down to so okay but we can just Godzilla body slam into Tokyo SOS which is awesome the Mothra design is good too not my favorite but she has a role to play in this poster not so great sorry I'm also critiquing the post at the same time that's not what this should be but I can't help but do it if you could cut this movie together keep it like below 3 hours and make that maybe that happens maybe someone's done that and I don't know but I think that would be a really interesting film that would be really exciting depending on on how that's edited I wonder if that exists it has been a little while since I watched this one so I haven't mean to watch it again I really wish the the rest of those uh Godzilla Blu-ray collections like the one for showa era seems like it released like five six years ago and we're still not even at the at the hyay yet I hope they get to that and I hope they can do Millennium I I don't know why it's taking so long but I know too is notorious to work with so Godzilla final wars now when I did a what happened on this it was pretty much down the middle as as I know it is and as how it will always be this is a divisive Godzilla film because it is so different Kaiju fights are so quick there's way more human fights than anything but I it's too entertaining for me to put it any lower is definitely not Godlike there there are issues again human drama even though it's more entertaining than most human drama in Godzilla films it's still just drags and drags and drags whenever Captain Gordon is not on screen everyone should be asking where's Captain you know so it's an awesome Godzilla design it's probably my second favorite of oh to be fair that makes it that makes it well technically there's more than one but um anyway it's my second favorite next to uh the gmk version of Godzilla much Slimmer much more cat-like I love that about final wars Goji awesome sick poster again I love that there's also another one that's just as good it's too entertaining it's got too much stuff happening at all time that being said if you have someone that again is not in Kaiju movies they might be like this is no I can't it has it has a very similar feel to um gez where is it uh Godzilla versus uh kadora it's like there's so much [ __ ] happening on screen but still somehow manages to go on for too long there's some bits you can clearly get rid of and make for a better film in all honesty I I think my main main criticism is that when Godzilla does appear and fights start the fights are just over too quickly they're just too brief for them to be satisfying and I think cutting the human drama and putting more into those fights would have also helped so that's why it's a near perfect and um I we we were denied having the true Zilla the true Gino versus Godzilla fight that uh kidura originally plan to do had to cut it short and I know some people like the definitive just one move B blam Goldberg booking of Godzilla versus Zilla but I still would have rather preferred a a full round of combat between the two but yeah Godzilla 2014 this is a tough one because up until Michael cranston's characters Arc coming to an end this is like almost perfect in terms of building up tension and drama and you caring about the characters one of the biggest blunders in all of Godzilla film history is them deciding to do what they did with him I know this movie is from 2014 but um and there spoiler shouldn't be a thing but regardless I'm still going to scir around it and even then that was probably really obvious but yeah I like Aaron Taylor Johnson a lot as an actor but I think he's in he he's given a [ __ ] role in here just being military serious military guy is just you know there there has to be more to it than that I think if he had a serious military friend that he was hanging around with that would have been fine but because he's just not got that much interesting things about him and we're with him so much you know what when he was hanging around with his dad that was really interesting and fun this movie has issues so I don't even think it's near perfect but I still think it's awesome the weight of Godzilla his presence that he's given the final scene the cinematography the pacing uh for most but not all of the film I think it makes it really really memorable and is certainly a far cry better than uh than than than that guy and it establishing in a whole other universe and an intriguing Universe not just the film itself but all the Monarch stuff and how it's hinted at now we're we've gotten a lot of it now there's a TV show I still haven't watched I I think I'm fine with this and awesome I like like this a lot when I had watched it originally and when I watched it again I had like the Japanese like seven dis Blu-ray version that came with like a figure or two I was like nuts about this film for a while and while I recognize it has issues nowadays and especially with how they hand handled certain story elements how it looks how it sounds how it feels is still amazing it's still different from every other monster verse thing but we have to then move to uh too going oh [ __ ] people like Godzilla now we got to make another one I think this will be Godlike for me just because you know if the movie had gone on like 10 15 minutes more Godzilla would have literally become Godlike if you if you know the story about the theories on on what uh hideaki ano's treatment of this was going to be it was like Godzilla was going to become like a concept an idea Godlike presence that you couldn't even touch it was like super awesome and trippy but it's almost amazing that they ended the movie where it where it does will there ever be a sequel to this no I don't think so I I think they didn't get along with too management after the completion of this film I think the only reason Tojo is convinced to make this cuz it's so different and Godzilla's so strange is because Bandai Namco said Oh you mean to tell me the script you guys are pitching to Tojo has four different versions of Godzilla think of the merchandise and they started printing that merchandise and just going crazy there's four different Godzillas we can sell so much until we're like oh right okay yeah we'll we'll let them make this and that's the only reason because the merchandise and celles are going to be that good so I think that's uh that's amazing I think that's Godlike the only reason making you do this is cuz we know there's one aspect that we can make a lot of money on even if people don't like it or find it too weird but yeah I was so so hyped when I saw this enjoyed it immensely I've watched it multiple times I still don't think it's perfect actually not to say Godlike means perfect it's near near perfect almost this this tier but uh those are the names I chose I still think after Godzilla's big initial beam attack in the uh last bit of the second act the movie loses a lot of momentum it it does it get it grinds to kind of a halt for a good 20 minutes 30 minutes maybe the p just feels weird I just kind of took me a back I think Kyoko an Patterson terrible actress she actually she looks gorgeous gorgeous woman but her acting is so bad so bad even in Japanese I think her acting so bad I don't even know but her character is like she didn't need to be there really I I'm not anyway anytime anyone speaks English is just so [ __ ] cringeworthy so bad aside from that that's that's the only things I can really say about it it's a movie where it's like there's only Godzilla but Godzilla is so interesting and so different that you don't need another Kaiju in there what are you supposed to throw at it at that point it's going to just blow the ass out of everything so it doesn't matter Shin Godzilla I think it's very special film and I almost Pro not almost I don't think they should ever make a sequel to this he can come back in little cameos and more toys and whatever that's fine like leave this alone I think uh much like gmk you don't need to do anything just just just don't just keep it special so the anime Trilogy so I just going to Rite and say I hate this Trilogy with a passion it is the most soulless Bland unentertaining things in Godzilla history I I mind very little enjoyment on watching these I know some people do like them but the vast majority don't it's just not what I want or find entertaining about Kaiju tokos satu special effects things at all anyway let's start with monster planet or whatever the [ __ ] it's called it's just a no I think I hated this one more because I hate the Mecca Godzilla design in it and I remember being more even more bored with this one I do like this King gadora yeah I'll watch but I'd rather not I like this kadora I don't mind Godzilla Earth I I was before the anime movies came out I got the figure the sh figure Arts of Godzilla Earth or whatever the Silas or whatever the first version is called that shows up in the films and I and I like that design from a few different aspects it's not my favorite at all but I still there's something about I'm like yeah no this is interesting but I like this gigantic World devouring energy dragon that's like a million billion miles long that's cool for G gadora I'm I'm happy that gadora gets that but yeah I'll watch this but I'd rather not I just this is a complete misfire for me all three of these I appreciated that that it was made I appreciate someone like let's do something like this instead let's make a Trilogy I almost think that as movies these are poor but maybe if they were cut into a series The pacy might have been better it it might have been better I'm not sure but I think as movies and the way that they're cut and the way that they end is all poor it just deflates me whenever I think about this cuz there was potential here the idea had potential and of course we're not going into Godzilla singular point because it's not a film but suffice it to say I also did not like that at all mainly because there's like 5 minutes of Kaiju action in like 10 or 12 episodes whatever ever it was it was a struggle to get through I do like the animation though of the humans the CGI of all the kaidra were terrible and I don't like many of the designs Jet Jaguar is cool in it though in case Liam's watching I like that version of Jet Jaguar he's he's fun okay Godzilla king of the monsters 2019 this is probably going to be the most difficult one because I I I love love the the director Michael D doy do doy I love trick or treat uh enjoyed Krampus he's a Godzilla Mega fan he tried his absolute best with this and I think it largely succeeds but I think I still put it on the same level as Godzilla 2014 it should have been an easy dunk it should have been near perfect but every time I watch it and I watched it a good four or five times I think twice in the theaters twice at home the designs of all the Kaiju amazing some of the humor good understated humor that I liked the Monarch World building great Dr sarawa amazing everything to do with Millie Bobby Brown's family terrible just I don't care and they're shoving in my face and these actors are trying these actors are trying but the story The Script I don't know but any of anything involving them I'm just bored to tears with it and I shouldn't be cuz all the elements are kind of there it just it I guess it because it shoves it in your face so much but the Kaiju action is so good Mothra I love Mothra in this love kodor in this they make him into a massive threat burning Godzilla comes back there's so much good here but it just doesn't work I feel like there was another version of this movie that that could have worked like take all uh mostly the same elements and and the exact same Kaiju fights that you had and it would would have been near perfect might have been be Godlike should have been an easy dunk but I'm so glad that the monster ver still continued cuz I was worried when this didn't make nearly as much money as 2014 did I was like oh god oh [ __ ] so fortunately it's it's doing great it's doing fantastic even but yeah it is definitely not so okay but this should absolutely be higher but it it is on the same level like everything this does right this kind of doesn't do as it's a push and pull between the two next up we have Godzilla versus Kong this this is weird too cuz this is immensely entertaining this probably has the best human drama and not to say it's great but it does not overstay its welcome it's quick you move around to two different groups a Kong group and a Godzilla group so you don't get tired of either it's actually brilliant in that way it's Godzilla's motivations and some of the Dr sarawa stuff where his son is in the movie but he's barely acknowledged and it seems like they they actually shot a lot more that might have made that intriguing but it just kind of feels like nothing a little bit more like an extra 5 minutes to explain exactly what's happening I like the mega Mecha Godzilla design in this quite a bit I know some people are like I don't like it I maybe don't like it as much as kiru but I still think it's cool it's what an American meca Godzilla would like look like if that makes any sense very very entertaining in all the Kaiju fights and all the Kong is amazing like I like this Kong a lot even more so than in uh Kong Skull Island or whatever this is one of the most perfect popcorn like even normies that aren't into this [ __ ] will will find this entertaining I feel I I I almost feel like I need another tier just for for this cuz it's not near perfect but I like you know what you know what you know what Godzilla versus there you go a [ __ ] [ __ ] that up there you go there's a Godzilla versus Kong tier I think I think I like that cuz it's definitely not I should do this more often with tier list where I'm really not sure and I don't feel like it goes here I don't feel it goes there I should on the Fly decide it is it is time uh to make a new tier I think this stands stands by itself as this weird immensely entertaining but still deeply flawed like the like in in in a couple of really specific to me respects I I should watch this again I would love a recut version I like Adam wiard a lot he's made some mistakes he's made he's made some mistakes but his his filmography still is quite good if you guys have not seen it please watch the movie The Guest it is so badass it's one of my favorite like thriller movies ever plus the main dude in that movie is hot as [ __ ] it's crazy anyway I am still very much looking forward to Godzilla uh cross Kong the new the New World Order um cuz I'm excited to see what that is that seems to be it's changing up the formula even more with a very worthy rival to Kong as well as there's supposed to be one with Godzilla I'm very excited that the movie is like coming out in like a couple months uh maybe six months or more I forget now maybe March April and we still know very little about it um but which also is weird because you should start promoting your film now I think maybe by the time you guys see this video there might be a trailer out for it yet but you know regardless I think I'm happy with that for now but we still have one more final film to go Al righty so with all that out of the way let us return to Godzilla minus one so I just saw this last night so I have had a chance to to sleep on it a little bit and I really enjoyed this overall right but the question is how much did I enjoy it overall so we're just going to leave it in Godzilla versus Kong that's obviously not where it goes so I was pretty jazzed right and um I didn't really know a lot about the story all viously I didn't watch like any spoilery reviews I just knew it took place right after World War II in Japan Japan is brought down to like the brink of barely even functioning anymore and then Godzilla on top of that [ __ ] and that's all I kind of really needed to know I knew it followed the main the MC that's like in the military but other than that I was going in pretty blind one thing going into is that I kind of wanted more of a story than in shin Godzilla Shin Godzilla is not much of a story in terms of like characters having motivations and like you you kind of putting them your head space in the same as them it's just they're all politicians and government workers and scientists and they're all just let's just stop this threat so I kind of wanted something different than that and I did get that Godzilla minus one and one thing you might have kind of noticed throughout this tier list is that I usually talk [ __ ] about the human drama in pretty much all of them I think and this far and exceeds any of the human drama non- goodzilla scenes are not easily out o over Shin Godzilla in that way but that there's another element to that is that this God this particular Godzilla while he's vicious and and pretty scary everything that he does in this movie is not something that you haven't seen before Atomic breath is a little different it's it's pretty cool visually but this Godzilla it's not as fresh and as crazy and as like what the hell is going to happen next versus the one that's in Shen Godzilla there's it was always revolving around him and what he was going to KN do next and the government's response to it and Godzilla minus one is not really about that it is about the human drama which I like don't get me wrong it was a small but not insignificant cast of characters you can empath empathize with them and all this stuff and I think right now it is near perfect but I don't think it tops Shin Godzilla in the sense that this is completely different in terms of the creature and you don't know what's going to happen next there is one scene that's kind of like that kind of early on but it doesn't outdo that now I think this has pluses and minuses where I don't think they could have topped this with a sequel or something really similar that has fting political satire and commentary and another weird ass Godzilla like I I don't think you could have followed that up so by doing something very different and also echoing to the Past was the right choice but at the same time it was not as unexpected for me I was like yeah that's that's kind of what it what what I thought was going to happen very good ending though obviously not going to go into spoilers but very satisfying ending and it does lead itself open to a sequel much more than Shen Godzilla I think the god Godzilla minus one might be elevated even further if there is a sequel you know a Trilogy even by the same filmmaker because he's very good and knows what he's doing with Godzilla and Sci-Fi Action Motion Pictures if Godzilla minus one spins into a whole three-part Trilogy I'm like that could be like the greatest Trilogy in Godzilla history the greatest Arc you could say I actually really want that much more than like a sequel to Shin Godzilla like I already kind of said Shin Godzilla stands on its own and I think it's unique and special that way but if this could be expanded with a bit more Godzilla lore into what exactly his deal is cuz you don't get a lot you get even less than in Shen Godzilla he's more of a mysterious creature in in this than than he is here it's like what what he's just okay that's kind of cool but at the same time I don't think there's enough time for scientists or anybody else in the movie to explain that it's already you know got enough stuff going on as is with the human drama but if this gets expanded upon with more more entries that that would be tight that would be hard to beat uh you know much more so than this Trilogy down here which is so long has so much explanation but at the same time tells you really nothing and nothing that you care about at least so yeah Godzilla minus one near perfect I could have used a bit more of an origin story of Godzilla I could use one more scene with Godzilla maybe at night time in the Middle where the military or private citizens might have tried something else to see if they can defeat him that doesn't work and then they come up with their ultimate plan I think that would have added a bit more and that's not because Godzilla's not featured prominently he's spaced out very well where you you're never too far away from a Godzilla scene or the threat of him or you know whatever it is it's not an issue of that it's just like I just wanted a bit more I want to be even more interested in this particular version of the character if you want a comparison of how he is it's a mix of uh this Godzilla from Gojira and then gmk Godzilla which is a really cool mix it's a heal Godzilla definitively there's no way I think they could spin this this particular version of Godzuki into like a hero if they even do more entries or sequels in this universe there's no way there's you cannot redeem this godula after what he does so I think that sums up my spoilery free feelings on Godzilla minus one I'm very happy with it I've only seen it the one time maybe I'll watch more maybe if I can get some special features in a future Blu-ray or whatever it is I can appreciate a bit more maybe an art book that can go into more of the inside stuff because I have the giant art book for shin godz and I learned a lot about it and that kind of made me appreciate it even more so maybe that Godzilla minus one needs that and maybe it could be on the same level as Godlike but just because it's slightly less new and fresh than than shim Godzilla I think I'm happy with near perfect right now when Godzilla cross Kong uh the new New World Order comes out this trailer just dropped in the middle of me recording this video essentially I might reexamine where Godzilla minus one I've watched it probably at least one more time when that comes out in March or April so maybe we can do a re-examination there and see how I feel see if like uh my feelings have changed there but that is my definitive uh rank Zilla list I hope you guys enjoyed it sorry for the slight technical issues in between this I had to record this at two different times obviously but let me know what you think let me know if you like more Kaiju he list like this or anything in that vein and I'd be happy to do that for you we're living in the best timeline folks we're living in the best timeline giant monsters and Kaiju just got to can we just get a new Pacific Rim made by Gamal Del Toro and put Kong and God can we get that please I'm beging you 1 2 3 4 Turn [Music] theat 2 1 2
Channel: Flophouse Plays
Views: 79,892
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: matt mcmuscles, mattmcmuscles, mcmuscles, flophouse
Id: jIsYfD0FdWI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 45sec (3765 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 10 2023
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