Godzilla X Kong Sounds GROUNDBREAKING! - The New Empire NEWS

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have you found yourself questioning Godzilla's new Evolution in the monsterverse that we will be seeing in Godzilla Kong the new Empire well we finally got the reasoning behind Godzilla's new look from the director himself Adam Wingard or who I like to call beard Zilla what's up residence this is Jacob and welcome to dangerville thanks to Total film a movie- based magazine company we have just gotten our biggest load of new Empire news yet if you like monsterverse news give this video a big old Kong siiz like and let's get right into it so starting off for any of those wondering how much time has passed since Godzilla versus Kong in the timeline leading up to the events of the new Empire it apparently takes place pretty much right after probably something similar to how much time has passed in real life since that movie so there's not going to be any crazy time jumps or anything like that the article also gives some insight on the thoughts of both Godzilla and Kong after their big feud in that movie confirming that at the end of GVK that only a small TR Tru was made between the two and that Godzilla was still hesitant of allowing Kong to get away clean now according to the article as long as Kong went back down to the hollow Earth and let Godzilla claim the surface then Godzilla wouldn't have to give Kong another ass weopon Godzilla ruled the surface and Kong could claim the hollow Earth for his own but wait there's already a King Kong down there who calls the land his own a much larger leaner and more agile gigantic primate whose blood red fur is symbolic of blood and fury and I want to point out something curious about the scar King that comes up next in the interview at one point it said that the scar King seems to have an army of other Titanic primates to do his Dirty Work the word seems well makes it seem like the army of Apes of the scar King's disposal aren't necessarily on board with his plan and may eventually revolt against him in the story tell me what you think the interview also confirms the scar King does indeed rule this Kingdom by fear implying that the Mad King has killed countless Titans who dared to stand up to him and scar isn't going to just be okay with this new Outsider Kong coming to the hollow Earth and mucking things up implying that our Kong is going to possibly be the cause of the conflict of this film which would be a nice twist for our hero I think if he is in fact the reason why the scar King elects to rage war on the planet what do you think so we've mentioned it in past videos the new Empire will have both returning and new human lead characters the big addition to the series this time around actor Dan Stevens who will play the character Trapper gave readers an insight into his character it turns out he's more or less a Titan veterinarian and to give you guys the best explanation I'm going to read what he said from the total film interview Steven said not a military vet a veterinarian he's a specialist in these creatures if you've got a sick Titan trap is your guy he's brought in to give our man Kong a bit of a hand at the beginning of the movie and then he finds himself along for the ride he's the sort of guy you want in a mission like like this he's not phased by much some of it's stuff he's seen before some of it is stuff none of us have ever seen before he's got this wonderful sense of awe he's a man of nature he really feels at one with the cosmos whether it's above the ground or in the hollow Earth so he sounds like an animall loving rugged hippie character a lot like me so I like that hopefully he's not too goofy as my only concern now myself and other fans have questioned If this means Trapper will be the main force behind getting Kong suited up with the Beast glove and when Wingard was asked about this he got cryptic and dodged the question but says Trapper has one of the best intros for a character he's ever made for us so look forward to it thankfully Dan Stevens was a little bit less secretive about his character's introduction and gave us some information about it he says we meet Trapper being extremely up close with Kong so for that sequence they had a giant piece of Kong's he laughs I was going to say a giant piece of Kong's Anatomy but that sounds really wrong they had a real bit of Kong that I had to interact with that was kind of wild the human storyline is all in one place this time around says Rebecca Hall the actress who plays eileene Andrews I really enjoyed getting to work with Brian Tyrie Henry on this one who I didn't get to work with last time Andrews recruits his character to help with something and working with Dan as a blast for me one of my favorite things to do so when Dan and Rebecca were asked about how their characters were connected in this new movie they said we were friends and then roommates after University so we go way back I hope viewers feel that there's a bit of history there between our characters now director Adam Winger did give a few crumbs here regarding the story and he says this is very much a kitchen sink Hollow Earth experience we take you all over you see all different types of environments and lots of new creatures and some familiar ones at the same time we still manag to get around a lot on the surface we have scenes in Rio Rome the film still has this big International feel we cover a lot of ground so the human characters might be interesting this time around but don't expect any any minus one deep drama or anything like that however it's sounding like Wingard and team are doing their best to get the most likable monsterverse cast in human story since Skull Island no not that one the good one in the article it's also confirmed that Apex the anti-titan tech company is gone in a literal sense but their Tech has been absorbed by Monarch and this will likely explain all the Sci-Fi Tech being introduced in this new movie which leads us to the big topic of why Godzilla looks the way he does and why the movie seems a bit more unrealistically eccentric compared to past movies in the series once again I'm going to read his words so you can hopefully get the best picture in your head of what he's aiming for with this new movie one of the incredible things about Godzilla is that the character has existed in so many different tones and interpretations in the too films I'm a huge fan of the whole spectrum and I've always really enjoyed the late showa era there are so many Big Ideas and they have such epic fun with these Larger than Life characters in Godzilla versus Kong we paid homage to that epic tradition including a handful of Easter eggs for the hardcore fans and while I don't want to give anything away we definitely work in a few things for the Toho fans in the new film as well so keep your eyes open and next Adam was asked why he likes so much vibrant colors in his movies whenever I was talking to the visual artists what I told them was I want the color palette of this film to resemble the experience of what it was like to walk down a toy aisle in the 1980s when you had Thundercats gi. Joe and Transformer s there was just this orgasmic feeling kind of weird Adam you were a little kid so many colors and textures that's what I wanted to bring to this movie this new heightened reality I wanted to find out can you take the over-the-top toy aisle experience but then find a way to ground that into reality very specifically in the last film I wanted Godzilla to have a continuity to look the way he had in king of the monsters and the 2014 Godzilla movie but then I didn't get a chance at doing my version of Godzilla so now I wanted to do different things with the spines and try different colors I didn't want it to just be random it's part of the story and similarly with Kong I wanted to give him some sort of new look as well we grew his beard out and gave him a little bit more gray hair and stuff so if you wanted an explanation as to why Godzilla looks different apparently it's going to have a point and purpose in the story it's going to make sense but realistically at the end of the day Adam just wanted these monsters to look more like toys and to have more vibrant color so I guess they pop off the shelves more and they sell more merchandise kaching now if you're like myself and you find yourself missing the golden days of Cinema well it seems like the new Empire was made with the intent of recapturing some of that classic film making Magic by prioritizing real locations real settings and real environments get this they actually went to these places in real life everyone according to the article it reads the environments in Godzilla Kong the new Empire will really pop for Hollow Earth the production shot in Greenland Iceland Hawaii and Australia a totally weird fantasy landscape as Wingard puts it production designer Tom hammock added that they had hundreds of people working on the movie and they built more than 60 sets for the production and he stressed that real locations were utilized whenever possible Hollow Earth is based on this living fossil jungle that still exists on Earth in the far north of Australia where it hits Papa New Guinea the studio let us go to the place with leeches and snakes and constant rain and mud we built sets that could be carried into the jungle literally we shot where the road ends in Northern Australia in the last film we had the heave the hollow Earth aerial vehicle in this one we updated it so it breaks apart into 14 pieces we could crane it down into a remote riverbed in the middle of the Jungle and reassemble it that way you can have the characters exit the spaceship and walk fully around it and if you want to see the monsters destroying cities like they usually do well you are still going to get that in the the new Empire and the Monsters will truly be the stars of this new movie and the actors for the most part all seem to know their place and have set their egos aside understanding that they aren't the reason why most people are going to watch the movie they come for Godzilla and Kong with all the Divas right now in this industry it's nice to see a team of actors and actresses understanding that they aren't the center of the freaking Universe now there's been a lot of attention directed towards the trailer's apparently less than desired CGI apparently the CGI on the new Empire has had over 2,000 people working on it and even though some people claim the CGI isn't up to par the team is working their asses off to make this the most impressive overall Kaiju related spectacle in this series yet and in my personal opinion if we get 10 times the amount of Titans and monsters we've ever seen yet in the monsterverse I think it's okay to have a little dip in CGI right and now we're getting to the end of the interview and Adam wingard's final words on his new movie once again I'm just going to go ahead and read what he actually said to you guys so you hopefully understand him more the trailer doesn't tell us about why scar King is the world-ending threat there's a lot of mystery to be uncovered yet it's interesting because in general these movies are always about the human threat you know the human beings are somehow responsible for a lot of the problems going on Mecha Godzilla is the Pinnacle of that we literally created the anti- Godzilla to compat Godzilla and then that's just too much power for anyone to have what's interesting about this new film is that we go in a direction that I don't think the series has ever seen before which is that the scar King is in a way the closest that the human threat has ever been just opposed onto a Titan itself the scar King almost represents an upscaled version of the worst parts of humanity just as Kong represents some of the best parts of humanity I would say scar King is the greatest threat that we've seen in these movies it's really going to take a full team together to bring it down because it's too big for just one Titan we go bigger on this one he promises the movie is high octane it's non-stop I can't believe everything we've packed in he then implies that they have set pieces that will shock you but the most important thing and I can't stress this enough he says is that this movie is doing something that no film has ever done before we are breaking new ground with visual effects in terms of non-verbal storytelling we have large sequences almost 8 minutes sometimes where the film just follows the monsters and the monsters are telling their Own Story it really works it's not like you're sitting there trying to figure it out this is the movie I wanted to see when I was a kid when you are a kid you barely even understand some of the human subplots but when the monsters are fighting each other you understand their alliances you understand Godzilla and mothra's relationship you understand Godzilla and gora's relationship your imagination is interfacing with the movie so I wanted to truly do a monster movie and I wanted this to be my mic drop on the storytelling of monsters maybe I'll do another one or maybe not but if I don't I wanted to make sure that I put everything in that I ever wanteded to see on screen Godzilla Kong the new Empire drops in cinemas across the world April 12th of this [Music] year [Music] n
Channel: DangerVille
Views: 147,887
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: godzilla, kong, monsters, vs, kaiju, king kong, monsterverse, godzilla news, godzilla vs kong, new monster movies, monster lore, skull island, godzilla x kong, the new empire, breakdown, analysis, theory, monster fights, monster battles, godzilla x kong the new empire, godzilla minus one, monarch: legacy of monsters, godzilla minus one trailer, monarch legacy of monsters trailer, godzilla x kong trailer, godzilla x kong the new empire trailer, godzilla's new look explained, skar king
Id: qNeeAhNV-Zg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 08 2024
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