Godzilla Minus One is the BEST GODZILLA MOVIE I HAVE SEEN! (Spoiler Free Review)

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man I love Godzilla I got to say this movie Godzilla minus one best movie in general I've seen a long long time I think it's the best Godzilla I've ever seen I mean I haven't seen every single Godzilla movie but from the ones I have seen this tops even the monsterverse ones all right first off spoiler-free this video is going to serve as a spoiler-free review of Godzilla minus one the one thing I'll tell you right now if you haven't watched the movie yet just skip this review there's no need for it just go experience the movie firsthand trust me you don't even have to be a Kaiju fan to appreciate this film it's simply exceptionally well-crafted this review as I said before free of spoilers but I'll delve into various aspects explaining why I found this movie Super enjoyable if you're somebody who doesn't watch trailers you may get some information based on what was in the trailers which I don't consider full spoilers but nowadays you know I will say though if you've seen the trailer and then you see the movie the trailer doesn't spoil it for you not really this is going to be my honest assessment highlighting both the good and the bad and I can confidently say though that the positives far outweigh the negative so right now I can think of only one thing that was bad about Godzilla minus one and it didn't break the movie in the least so let's start off by talking about the visual effects if you've seen the trailers you probably already know what to expect seeing Godzilla in motion especially in the water is such a sight to oh my God for the most part Godzilla moves seamlessly and he adapts fluidly to his surroundings on land his movements are little slow and kind of awkward which fits the Colossal scale he would realistically possess you're not expecting him to go sprinting but you also get to understand exactly how heavy and gargantuan he is based on how he reacts or how the environment rather reacts to him in the water though the film beautifully showcases Godzilla emphasizing his element and in in these scenes this is where he's the most scary the visual effects are spectacular and the only time you really see an ounce of fall is when Godzilla is on land and he moves a little bit too quickly in certain situations there's certain scenes where he looks a little bit like whoo how did you move that fast but the fals are infrequent enough for the most part that the film's overall quality is still very high in terms of the VFX and the filmmakers seem to like skillfully Blended practical effects with CGI or at least that's what it looks like because half the time it really looks like what you're looking at some kind of animatronic with some elements of CGI on it not to mention the design of Godzilla is one of the best I've seen they seem to blend the monsterverse Godzilla with a little bit of hyay Godzilla he guy looks like a prehistoric dinosaur mixed with a Japanese dragon the next notable thing about this film is that it stands out for its aesthetic Brilliance which is kind of reminiscent of shin Godzilla especially in atmosphere the cinematography is so good and so immersive that it actually feels like you're in the movie what distinguish wishes Godzilla minus one is the commendable way that it portrays the humans especially when they're the focus I'm really impressed CU in contrast to the other Godzilla movies Godzilla minus one actually managed to balance perfectly showcasing Godzilla's formidable presence while also being quite successful at making us genuinely feel concerned for the human characters at least it did for me the cinematography also is so beautiful when you're featuring Godzilla you see him and every appearance he makes is Unforgettable and looks like wallpaper and when I'm saying something looks like wallpaper it's a compliment numerous scenes capture Godzilla in various action stances appearances even when he's not totally in the foreground he's like a backdrop or a blur under the water but almost every single frame involving Godzilla can be a poster that you can put up on your wall the way they capture the human characters on camera is also really impressive they really did a good job at filming the humans in a way that perfectly brings out their specific emotions it's like they know what angles and techniques to use to showcase the feelings of the characters and I feel like that's a lost art because nowadays modern movies seem to be going up extra macro I don't know why they do that or they're doing these weird angles for the sake of being artistic and it makes no absolute sense there's some films where it works but most of them I find are doing that and it's just very disconcerting kind of like people are supposed to be sad but because the camera is all up under their nostrils it comes off feeling comedic or odd and it's like okay I want to feel bad for this person but now like I'm up in their nose hole so it's very uncomfortable and it's distracting this movie doesn't do that I mean we watched them observing the aftermath of the destruction caused by Godzilla and just seeing their expressions and the angle in which they're shot it provides this clear understanding of the magnitude of the situation and the terror that's experienced by these people witnessing this level of Devastation so the director did a phenomenal job with this and I felt like I was actually there I felt for them the sound quality of the movie was amazing and maybe that's because of the theater I went to I mean you could hear everything yes they were speaking in Japanese but was very clear clear enough for me to realize certain mistakes in the English subtitles and I'm like wait a minute that's not what they said in Japanese maybe the intonation was there but they made a whole word or they meant something and it's they someone said a completely different word in Japanese that they translated into a different word in English and they do have words for them in Japanese so that was kind of weird but that's something that also happens in anime as well I think it comes down to the translator but still I could actually hear them I could hear things usually when I watch movies in English especially in theaters which is where I watch this movie Godzilla minus one it's not like that the only time in Godzilla minus one where I had a little bit of trouble hearing was when there was an American Voice on the radio as a voice over for some scenes that were happening like reports but I think it was an intentional thing because it sounded like it was kind of overlapping a little bit or it was meant to be overlapping these weird visuals that were reports like the kind that emphasizes specific words or phrases and important to the story but it's not like it was that necessary or crucial and it do it barely makes up any of the movie even if it was a bit hard to hear it didn't make or break the movie and it didn't even have to be in there the music piggybacking off the sound the music was awesome they brought in the classic Godzilla theme holy moly oh my God and I love what they did in this movie because what's so cool is that they use the earlier part of that song and then near the end like you know how they they have 100% of the song right they used the first maybe 30 to 50% of the the song in the earlier portion of the movie and then cranked up the intense ending of the song or the drop of the song near the end of the movie which culminates that's where the song kind of culminates and crescendos into this this intense action and momentum that the song is driving forth something happening and you see the visual manifestation on that in the action scenes with Godzilla that kicks off at the very end of the movie very very wonderful usage of that that was so well done and I will expound on this a little later but this is something new for me I usually gripe about the human side and Godzilla movies as I've said not this movie and what kind of helped with that was when stuff was going down with the humans whether it was a bunch of people or one of the main characters the music accompanying them really captured their emotions it's like the soundtrack perfectly showcased the pain fear or whatever they were feeling which made me invest in them more so not only do you have the good actors they're being emotive but the backdrop of the music it melded so well with what you were seeing on screen to make everything more beautiful and the last thing I saw that did this really well was the finale of season 2 of Loki I've done reviews of that as well as my channel you can watch that if you feel like it if you don't know what it is and you don't want to spoil it don't even worry about that but music has this way of taking you to places visuals alone can't and when you pair it with those already good visuals it's just a whole other level of immersion the sense of hopelessness on people's face faces and horror it's just Amplified alongside this beautiful somber track but my absolute favorite part has to be when they brought in Godzilla or his his theme like I mentioned before and I actually walked away from the movie and that theme Godzilla's theme is like a loop in my head I just keep hearing it play over and over again that does not happen and it just brought back all those epic Godzilla moments that I witnessed in Godzilla minus one every time I hear the song now usually you just have this generic view of Godzilla now now I see that and it's weird because usually when I would hear Godzilla song There was a rap song that I heard in a video one time and it was like and then this guy starts rapping or it's a rock rap thing I can't remember what song that was but they use Godzilla's intro and then it's a song so I didn't even know it was Godzilla's song like when I heard that for the first time I had no idea that was Godzilla's theme and every time I heard it even in this movie as soon as I heard it I'm expecting the rap verse to come after it but now when I recall it I don't remember that or I don't recall that going along I I see the visuals of the Godzilla in Godzilla minus one now that's completely overwritten my association with that song which is good because it is Godzilla's song and this movie seemed to recapture that for me as for the suspense I cannot recall the last time I watched a film that masterfully build suspense like Godzilla minus one does crafting suspense in a Kaiju movie with a really large creature that's not an easy thing to do but the creators behind Godzilla minus one I could say successfully surpassed my expectations the movie genuinely made me scared of Godzilla like I found myself uttering oh [ __ ] and gripping the edge of my seat literally every time Godzilla made an appearance the anticipation leading up to him arriving on scene A1 the film employs two elements to Signal his presence like he's coming or he's in the area and when it does this he doesn't show up right away after these signs pop up these manifestations it allows attention to just linger and it it lets you as the audience experience the same fear and suspense as the characters are experiencing real time on screen and that was so expertly done there's not a lot of movies that do that they lead you and they jump scare you and whatnot but the fear that you imagine these people feeling you're like oh boy you're excited you you feel your adrenaline rush cuz you know what's coming that was done so well as for the acting I want to emphasize that my Japanese and Korean fellow folks brothers sisters they are currently at the Pinnacle of emotive performances I I might be a little bit biased but even the child actor in this movie had a profound impact on me and all their performances evoked the sense of genuine emotion and brought me to tears several times throughout this movie I'm even trying to describe how good the acting is and I feel like I'm not doing a good job but everyone in the cast delivered and the characters the human characters especially cuz they do Drive the movie Forward I'm going to be very honest and this is me saying this in a Godzilla movie the characters felt authentic I really did care about what happened to them and that's not something I can say for any other Godzilla movie when the characters are in pain in Godzilla minus one when they're crying experiencing despair you can sense it palpably and as an empathetic person myself I was wiping my tears away throughout the entire movie yes I'm very sensitive so maybe it's just me but no cuz even the Japanese guy that was sitting in front of me was wiping away his tears too it was dark he probably thought no one noticed but from my angle I was sitting behind him a little bit off to the left I caught the sheen I caught the sheen under his glasses glad it wasn't just me he was trying to be sneaky with it too the guy he came with his buddy or boyfriend or whatever I don't think that guy realized that he was crying there's no need to be ashamed Buddy the movie made us feel this plethora of emotions and that just means it's an excellent movie being able to portray them through the humans and when the humans are crying like certain humans are crying or they're screaming man like it's you feel it you feel it i' I've played some clips of some Japanese or Korean Cinema in the past on some of my videos the child actors especially but adults man when they cry when they're it feels like you're watching someone really experiencing this and the Western Cinema they're all like Bobby Bobby let's go it's like bro what you literally just saw and then they pretend like in the next scene like in Blue Beetle like you didn't just see your family member die in front of you I understand you have to concentrate on what's going on but they make it they're cracking jokes in the next scenes that makes it look like what just happened didn't partake like it just feels so weird but when it comes to Japanese Korean Cinema they don't do that especially when the movie is meant to be serious I'll reiterate this later again you'll hear it probably several times throughout this review but Godzilla minus one is one of those very rare cases of a movie that I'd watch repeatedly and pay for I would even be willing to invest a a lot of money to own a physical copy an actual hard copy of this movie and I don't remember the last time I did that for a movie probably not since like um I don't know it's been so long I can't even remember the last time there was a time I used my onlyy for a hard copy of a movie and I don't even remember what that movie was for but this movie is definitely one I want to have tangibly in my hands I don't know how but I'll find a way okay so let's talk about the character development oh my god let's talk about that like I said before I never care about the humans and they actually become quite annoying and Godzilla movies or Kaiju movies in general but this is the first movie I actually seen concerning Godzilla and even Kaiju where I not only like the human element but I was way more heavily invested in the human element than Godzilla that is weird for me for people who know me on this channel you must be like I never say that I was literally invested more in the humans than I was Godzilla like I wanted to see the human scenes are has hell frozen over this movie it feels first of all like a recreation of the 1954 original movie and so Godzilla is the antagonist I'm actually rooting for the humans in this this is even shocking to me so while I still feel for Godzilla at some point in the movie sort of I'm actually on the side of the humans 98% for the humans if you can believe that I know I'm having a hard time believing it too the main character there is one main character and guess what these are like military type people too and I didn't think when I saw the the the trailer for it and I said oh it's going to be Soldiers god damn it how are they going to make us care about that cuz they tried this with Godzilla 2014 usually when they have Soldier movies or soldiers in Monster movies they don't do very well and we don't care about them and they're just there to be like we have guns and we could do this that was not what this movie was the main character he undergos a significant development and Redemption Arc and what is really remarkable is that even the supporting characters feel like the main characters I I must say this again the Japanese and Korean talent in this regard is unparalleled yes I might be a little bit biased especially we consider the current state though of Western media there's a noticeable distinction when you compare the acting in Japanese and Korean Productions even those that might not be considered top-notch the level of acting is just in a whole other Galaxy it's consistently impressive most of the time from my experience I would put Japanese and Korean actors next to British actors maybe a little under in some cases but the acting here in Godzilla minus one especially the way they emote and convey fear or what they're feeling Exquisite totally exquisite unbelievable I don't think I can put into words exactly how impressed I am with the level of acting in this movie and just everything about this movie each of these human characters made me care about what was going to happen to them there is a main character but then there are also several main characters who I guess are supporting characters kind of but they don't feel like supporting characters they all feel like main characters even though they're not but they do because I walk away remembering their names and thinking about them I'm waiting to see when they'll show up again I'm worried about something happening to them funny enough every single main character character on this and even the supporting characters down to the captain who was a supporting character near the end of the movie I remember their faces and I remember them something they did or said stood out to me even people who only spoke once in this I remember them in this movie that's a crazy level of achievement I cannot believe how impressed I am with a human element in this movie in a Godzilla movie Shin Godzilla is what I can say was the best Godzilla movie where Godzilla is an antagonist that I've seen and uh Godzilla versus Kong the monsterverse movie that's basically right next to that and I can say that this movie Godzilla minus one tops every single one of them especially when you consider the human element best movie I've seen with a human element the development and portrayal of these human characters on screen were so well executed that I found myself believing everything I was seeing unfolding before my eyes this investment in their hopes and their motivations it made the threat that they face genuinely feel like significant danger I'm tired of these western movies that have these characters cracking jokes at every moment even when Jurassic Park the newer movies came about it wasn't even the newer movies I think it was partly in the second movie too and the third movies where they started to go in on it yeah Jurassic Park really fell victim to that the first movies where I can say Okay that wasn't really an issue the second movie has that the third movie kind of amped it up and then forget the last three movies holy crap however what I will give those movies particularly the first three Jurassic Park movies is that they still manag to make dinosaurs scary even though there's a comedic element about it the people still felt like they were in danger sort of can't really say the same about the last three movies as I said in Godzilla minus one the tone is notably dark which is you know refreshing and realistic if something of this magnitude were actually happening in real life terrorizing a country and its people people wouldn't always be cracking jokes at every corner when they just saw their City got leveled and I didn't find myself laughing through these situations and trust me there were light-hearted moments where the characters were displaying their Humanity you know you could see them laughing with each other and interacting with each other on their downtimes but when there was danger it felt appropriately intense and dangerous let's move on to the dialogue the dialogue was very well done I won't say it's the best dialogue ever of any movie but it was done in a way that the people felt real there wasn't this overwhelming amount of dialogue more than what we needed and what we did he was crucial for advancing the story and developing the characters it's surprising although it shouldn't be that this movie successfully balanced its pacing dialogue character development and action all within the movie's runtime I don't know what happened to the United States but that seems to be something that they either never had a skill for or that they lost when it comes to movies and the movies that do have it they're very rare or they're like Nolan movies that are they go so far in One Direction you can't hear half of it there's always something overwhelmingly annoying about those types of movies movies where like Jesus Christ who who did this like what were they trying to achieve and then you have movies like Jurassic Park the first movie and I feel like you have to hunt in archives to find older movies that have this or older animated films if you believe it now on to Godzilla I know you guys want to hear about Godzilla and the reason why I'm putting him in this category right now and not at the very end is because he's one of the characters while Godzilla might not undergo extensive character development like the humans there is a notice progression in his level of danger as the movie progresses my boy Godzilla definitely has a personality and It Shines on screen and you can see it in his face and his body language it's really impressive that they were able to capture that I will say that the monsterous Godzilla has a little bit more of that there's a little bit more of that anthropomorphic expression this Godzilla felt more animalistic but he still had that animalistic personality and they did captur those expressions very well they captured his body language well and I'm saying captur like he's an actual animal but that's how much of an impact this movie had on me it felt so real he was scary and even though I was rooting for the humans on one hand in two scenes I was kind of rooting for him as well just so I could see what he could do and when you see how truly powerful he is despite the flaws and weaknesses that he has you get to appreciate the respect that this creature deserves and the legend that he is he was way more pugnacious and it's obvious he's motivated by rage and way more aggressive than even Shin Godzilla and shin Godzilla was scared and defensive that wasn't really fair while Godzilla in Godzilla minus one took a more offensive stand against humans sh Godzilla was more like oh my God don't hurt me I'm scared and reactionary Godzilla minus one is like youo come get your boys and my husband joked around when we left the theater he joked around and he said you know when the humans engaged with Godzilla and they were trying to like take him down he said Godzilla was like okay okay I understand but the way my husband did the skit for Godzilla was better cuz he has that Brooklyn Italian accent and he made Godzilla sound gangster as [ __ ] like I was laughing my ass off because it completely matched Godzilla's personality in this movie like I would love to play this movie over and then have my husband talk over Godzilla's Parts cuz that would be amazing I think you guys would love that Godzilla was really badass in this movie and Godzilla in a whole especially the monsterverse Godzilla the personality I gave the monsterverse Godzilla in my fan fictions was badass too and kind of like don't give a you know but Godzilla minus one woo yo this Godzilla complete this one's just built different I don't know what it is with this guy but dude this one's just built different I also love that he moves a lot more animall likee the monsterverse Godzilla does too and he does feel more realistic with the physics I will say that but this Godzilla is just aggressive and agile especially in the water I'll do a comparison video later cuz trust me I love this freaking movie so much I'm going to be doing several videos on it it's going to be too long of a video if I try to squeeze everything in this one I have an outline for all the topics I have to talk about for this video because I didn't want to go off topic like I'm doing now cuz I'm really excited I tend to do that so please forgive me but I'm trying to in my excitement I'm trying to be cool all right let's move on action let's talk about the action of this movie H cou tiits even when there are rest moments where's downtime there's still a good deal of dramatization expectation there you never feel like you're bored watching humans but when Godzilla comes on screen it's always something grandiose like it it's just this beautiful visual to behold there's always action you're always happy when you see Godzilla there's no 2 seconds here then cut away to the human 5 Seconds there and they man to keep him in the shot long enough and they managed to also capture these scenes or portray them so well between WID screen and close-ups that you feel like Godzilla is always there it never feels like he's some distant thing in the background that humans are trying to get away from he feels very much foreground in your face even when he's in the background even when you can't see him or all of him or even when people are talking about him in his absence his presence is still large as life the intensity of the scenes when Godzilla Rees Havoc is etched in my memory I can remember every scene in this movie when Godzilla's on screen holy be tit the way his body moves and the Expressions on his face are Unforgettable when he's flinging stuff everywhere oh oh my God like the environment reacting to him people reacting to him things that he's affecting when you can't see him make you feel scared of him you're like what the like this is a this is a Kaiju movie the intensity the sheer intensity of the action of this movie with people running and and folding all around that's enough to linger in your mind even after you left the movie like I'm still thinking about it like it's been a few hours now and I'm like I want to go see it again I'm sorry that was way too high what the hell I want to go see the movie again there's so much action but there's also downtime but the down time like especially with the humans it never feels like you're bored and even if you do start to kind of get bored you start to feel a tine of all right where's Godzilla is he coming back and this is throughout the movie right it's not 90% of human element and talking about Godzilla and you hardly see him and then the last 10% of the movie you see him and that's barely anything he is throughout this entire movie in a way that's believable imp palatable and even though the movie ended I still want more holy hamburger I can I'm really bad at this the movie is so good it's hard to put it towards how much I enjoyed it okay let's move on plot was amazing plot was simple I'm not saying that I have a problem with the monsterverse hollow Earth situation and all the elements of the monsterverse and that they've included in their stories it doesn't make the monsterverse movies bad it enriches the story I will give it that it makes it fun and exciting gives it more things to talk about it's World building but there's something to be said with simple linear plots so for Godzilla minus one here's a plot there's a monster it's a national threat these people specific people are affected by it everyone is but these main characters you follow them from their point of view they have to try and stop it that's it that's the the whole thing I think the reason that we're able to focus on the characters and the development of them in Godzilla minus one and actually focus on the action is because our minds and our attention is not split seven different ways we're not following two different monsters on two different parts of the world and a bunch of monsters we're not following this agency while we're also following these different main characters in different parts of the world some are in the freaking Hollow Earth some are on the surface but they're not a part of the agency we're not dipping and bopping all across the world we're different Kaiju we're coming out and doing different things all over Mexico and then the US and then other places it's literally just Japan and mostly Tokyo it's the people and we're following the one main character that were introduced to early in the movie and everybody that we follow alongside or aside from the main character is directly tied to the main character in some way shape or form like anime it makes it easy to follow and invest in that's part of what makes this movie so great and what makes me enjoy the human element it makes the characters feel real and makes the plot steadfast and we really are seeing this movie from the POV of the one main character that we introduced to cuz every other scene most of the other scenes that we see he's in it and he's interacting with the people and situations around him so it's basically from his point of view we know exactly what we're following and we follow it through and stay with it this also helps with the pacing which is our next category pacing work the pacing of this movie is another strength and the movie doesn't struggle to cram in excessive elements for the reasons I listed just now the plot remains focused and linear allowing every Branch to tie back into the main narrative very seamlessly and this manages to contribute to this evenly paced experience so we see the humans facing danger dealing with the aftermath of it and evolving as characters through all the challenges that they encounter together and that's what helps this movie shine above most of their Godzilla movies and movies in general that I've watched that's why a lot of people also like Creature Feature movies where it's just one family like Kujo for example that's why made Kujo a very good movie I watched that a few years ago and it's just this mom and her son with this dog in this car that's it you get maybe breaking away from the main characters to give a little bit of downtime to see how people are reacting directly to the main characters like the father he's somewhere else trying to reach his family that ties into the main characters but you I can remember everything that happens in that movie because it's very linear plot's very simple engaging tense and a horrific experience it's just one thing they're locked the car with this rabid dog out there and they can't get out and this child's going to die wonderful wonderful movie so Godzilla minus one in my opinion did everything right it did the monster right it made him feel scary and imposing both in the water water and even on land where he was more Awkward Godzilla minus one made me care about human characters look even in Shin Godzilla I loved Shin Godzilla I did reviews and videos about that as well you guys can check that out and you will hear me rave about that movie but I didn't really care about the human element as much as I did in this movie if you ask me right now even though I love that movie I'm sure the humans were done better in that movie than most of the Godzilla movies I've seen I still embarrassingly can't remember who the main character was I couldn't tell you I don't remember the faces I remember Shane Godzilla and all his forms can't remember the faces don't even remember if there was a main character think I remember a girl in a hospital and uh people at the end when they froze Shin that's it can't remember anything else Shin was the thing that stuck out to me the most in that movie that's that's all I cared about really if you ask me who the main character was in Godzilla versus Kong all I can remember is one of the scars Gars brothers and maybe the oh yeah the little girl that does sign language does she do sign language yes she does she was teaching Kong and there wasn't really any need for her really except for Kong using sign language which he doesn't really use that much anyway there wasn't really any need for her to be in the movie so I don't even know why she was in there Millie Bobby Brown I only remember her because it's the stranger things girl that was the only reason and her face was front and center in the marketing trailers and stuff that was it like holy crap wow that's it and her mom wow I actually don't remember anybody else in Godzilla king of the monsters that's bad it was Asian girl and um guy from Silicone Valley there was him but I don't care about those characters if Godzilla shoved this toenail up Millie Bobby Brown's ass I would not care like if she literally dropped dead for no goddamn reason maybe a projectile hit her I'd be like oh how unfortunate I don't even think I would go that far I really didn't care about the human characters at all like that was like okay there are means to an end Kaiju hey oh humans God damn it why do they keep cutting them they're so uninteresting this movie was not like that and going back to the whole us utilization of the little girl in Godzilla minus one surprisingly I cared about what happened to her she's an element towards the development of another character and she wasn't used as some kind of plot device to show how ineffective Godzilla is in killing a child in a movie and there is death in this movie and mass destruction and I was surprised that I actually found myself crying when the humans were destroyed the characters felt authentic not merely serving as these vessels for blood lust I found myself shedding tears for these people including those that we didn't even know or here speak just random people running for their lives the individuals running with their children terrified and doing all they can only for the inevitable to catch up with them they're not able to escape in time that actually affected me like and the music that went along with those visuals and the tone that was said after when you see people and their expressions and the destruction I was crying and I'm like why am I Cry like that is not something that usually happens in movies like this when they showcase that it's usually this aerial distant thing not even an invincible when that specific scene that everyone knows about happened I felt bad for Mark and I was like oh [ __ ] that is [ __ ] but I didn't really feel I mean I felt bad for them but I wasn't like crying for them or anything I more so cried when Mark had that interaction with his dad after his dad finished almost killing him and the thing Mark said to him before he took off that stuck out to me that was very impress able and I will remember that forever those of you who have watched Invincible leave but the part where you guys remember where omn man is like what will you have in 500 years or whatever and then Mark is like you Dad I'd still have you I'm like oh my God like you could tell that hit omn man harder than any punch he's ever felt in his entire life he was like God damn you hit me internally what I felt that in my balls bro okay that just made it so irreverent that's not what I meant you know what I mean like it really really hurt and it made me cry because I wasn't expecting that and despite the fact that his dad almost killed him I'm going off topic I know he was still he still loved his dad enough to say I would have you Dad holy [ __ ] that is one of those things in those movies and Godzilla minus one did that with certain scenes in this with the humans that's why I was using Invincible as an example so it it honestly is one of the best movies I've seen in my life and I will gladly go to pay for it goes out in theaters again I would pay for it again I would gladly Drive the hour and a half again one way to go see this movie again if you're on the fence about watching it don't be riding the fence is not good for your crotch anyway jump over and dive and have a good time you see people when a movie is very good and does all the heavy lifting for you you don't have to think about anything it's already immersive and believable enough that your brain just believes it and is fully intertwined and engaged with what's going on so there's no need to think this is the kind of movie that my brain turns off to because it's already being fed and pacified via good entertainment good entertainment satisfies your brain when the entertainment leaves your brain starving that's when your brain starts working over time wondering why the hell this is so discombobulating why it is you're sitting here watching whatever the hell is going on and being completely confused you know I'm right you know I'm right because a very good example of this is us being addicted to social media people who run social media know how to gear it up construct it in such a way to keep your brain occupied so it's distracted and immersed in social media to keep keep you away from doing anything else or thinking too hard about anything else that's why they now have short form content like shorts and Tik Tok Clips you can browse this [ __ ] for hours drinking up all that information without even thinking about it because your brain is fully engaged hence you don't have to fully use it so miss me with that stupid ass argument about turn your brain off and enjoy it if your brain is enjoying something fully you will be able to turn it off and have it run on autopilot like when you're having sex if you're thinking about a whole bunch of [ __ ] while you're having sex it's not good sex am I right people girls boys am I right okay then so I'm I'm I'm sick and tired I know I'm getting mad but it's one of the most copium things when people come out and be like you just hate on everything turn your brain off just just enjoy it if I did enjoy it my brain would be off but it's not hence I'm not enjoying it du anyways thanks so much for watching this has been ultor you ask we answer God minus one kicks ass [Music] w
Channel: Alteori
Views: 127,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: godzilla minus one, godzilla, godzilla minus one trailer, godzilla minus one 2023, is godzilla minus one good, godzilla minus one spoiler free
Id: nJ31tUIiK5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 17sec (2057 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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