Godzilla Minus One/Minus Color: This is the only version I'll watch now

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so Godzilla minus one has just hit a new rare Milestone it now has surpassed the best picture Oscar winner parasite and this would put it in the top three highest earning non-english films in US box office history and the record is in big part thanks to the new special black and white recut of the film titled Godzilla minus one minus color it just hit theaters this past Friday for a onewe limited showing the new version added $2.6 million to the film's American sum and this was its highest weekend since New Year's it now brings it to $55 million this now passes the $53.3 million that parasite made in 2020 and with just another $2.2 million that would give Godzilla minus one the number two spot surpassing the 199 7 film life is beautiful and this would make it sit behind Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon which made $18 million so I was actually lucky enough to catch Godzilla minus one minus color I got to see it at this really old theer by me and it really was just like traveling back in time because there's not really too many old deers like that anymore you know the kind with the overhang and it just shows the movie posters and the ticket booth and also just inside of it I think it used to be a playhouse way back and it just had that really old look and even the movie screen was so old that it had folds in it but it really worked it was perfect for a monster movie in black and white and I was just thankful for it all and the guy who owned the deer is actually just really nice you know we talked movies and he even thanked me for just coming out and supporting Godzilla and he was real excited to have just gotten a print of this film and actually originally Godzilla minus one minus color was only going to be shown in Japan but because of how just well it performs that's what made them bring it to the US and I'm just glad we were able to get the black and white version here and I was able to see it in the movies because the black and white really just feels natural for this movie and I could just picture them originally wanting to show it in this way but they probably didn't because they didn't want to risk just alienating people unlike me there is people who don't like watching movies in black and white but when you just look at the time period that this film takes place in It just fits really well and just with the added bonus of seeing it at an old deer again it was just perfect it was just such a great experience and it makes a movie almost look like Old World War II footage and you feel like you're just watching something from that time period to me it felt like in a kir COR Sala film which I'm a big fan of but this version actually does feel different from the color version it's got more of a haunting dark feel to it and especially the scenes of wreckage it honestly looked like Hiroshima photos that were taken after the bomb and that's kind of terrifying but this version's biggest benefit is just how scary it makes Godzilla now and there were moments I was actually creeped out that I wasn't with the color version just the way he appeared it kind of just CAU me off guard and even just his movements they actually look more natural now for some reason and Godzilla now just feels more like a monster and I kind of like it I like how mean he is I mean this is the same exact movie as the color version there's nothing changed no deleted scenes just just the presentation actually changes it and this version definitely feels more like a horror movie in fact I will now classify it that way and this is definitely the scariest Godzilla ever been and I kind of just get chills now just thinking about it and now even the scenes that Godzilla isn't in you could feel his presence there really is something about black and white it just gives you that creepy feeling I feel like like the Twilight Zone they would not be as effective if they had it in color that's kind of part of their atmosphere and it really works and it really changes scenes and especially just a scene where noro is looking at Godzilla through the window that scene is actually scary now it made me just think about how terrifying it would be to see this giant thing just walking towards you I mean what would you do there's nowhere to go you can't really hide and also just the Odo island scene in the beginning I feel like that especially benefited from the black and white because that was already a dark scene but now it's even darker and Godzilla just looks like this Shadow and it's really just a call back to that old 50s monster movie the movies with the giant beasts and they were in black and white usually and it really is a genre in itself and this is that modern version of that and actually someone joked in the comments that they should have added CGI strings on the planes that would have been a nice touch but the best is someone joked that they should add Raymond Burr to just the American version that would be a hilarious and good call back now he's making his way toward the city's main line of defense I know what they were going with with this version they wanted to resemble the original 1954 film and actually might as one was already in a way a remake of that original Godzilla and there's a good reason why most fans call that one the greatest you usually see that on everyone's top 10 lists and this was before Godzilla minus one came out minus one now is just everyone's favorite but the original holds up so well after 70 years because the black and white actually hides the flaws and it makes it better and more Timeless and especially stuff like the film grain in it it makes Godzilla look more real because it's like you're watching just old footage of something terrifying something during World War II where all this messed up stuff was happening and when you watch that movie even now it just feels so Bleak and dark that film will forever be timeless but Godzilla minus one minus color has that same dark feeling that the original had and even just the way Godzilla appears as like this dark Shadow when I was watching it it really just reminded me of the original and this version actually hides the CGI better and the effects were already just expertly done in fact I believe the movie was nominated for an Academy Award but the movie also used a lot of practical effects the scene where we see Godzilla just destroying the deer that was an actual model that they created and they just put the CGI in front of it and then destroyed it but that's how CGI should be handled unfortunately filmmakers use it way more than they should and it's almost like they don't even want to try anymore but I really didn't notice the CGI in this new black and white version now it fully masks it and you feel like you're watching old footage of an actual monster Godzilla just looks more real now and this is going to be the version that's going to hold up after 20 years unfortunately the color version has more more of a shelf life it's not going to look as good in time and when I decide to watch this movie at home on a less impressive television I don't have a home deer I'm going to put the black and white version in it's going to be more effective and maybe I'm just biased I know that not Everyone likes movies in black and white but I actually always like the look of them especially those old a kirawa films they just look amazing to me there's really something about them they just have a great atmosphere to them and Kurosawa must have loved black and white too because he continued to make them even after movies were in color and they didn't just flip a switch to make this movie into black and white they actually went through each scene and each frame and they carefully made sure that it worked they made sure the contrast looked right and that you could see everything and some scenes they even had the mess with the lighting like when Godzilla's just charging up they lightened each spine so that we' see it so this wasn't just a gimmick they really did believe in the vision and I was actually wondering how they were going to do this because movies that are in black and white sometimes are film that way knowing the limitation for example the film Raman in order to see the rain they actually put black dye in it and I almost kind of wish that this was the first way I saw this film I saw someone say in the comments that they first saw it that way and they don't want to see it any other way and I just wonder what that would be like but also other stuff like just hearing the original Godzilla theme in black and white and I don't know if this is going to be playing in Deers for longer than a week it's actually amazing that this movie is still playing 2 months after releasing it was originally only supposed to play for 2 weeks I believe it it's because of all of us who just went out and saw it multiple times I have people telling me in the comments they saw it 21 times and honestly I believe them I wouldn't be surprised if they just kept this movie in theaters for months but this is how movies used to be they used to be an event and Godzilla minus one is at event in her lifetime it's the first time I've seen anything like it and it's really an experience of its own and just being honest no matter how many times I see this film I'm always taken on an emotional roller coaster and each time it's been a different experience it's never the same movie and that's because I noticed something different each time and I noticed that this time it wasn't just the Big scenes that were getting to me it was the smaller moments and it just amazes me how much emotion is packed into this one 2hour movie there's really not a scene wasted and this time I actually noticed a different message more than once it's mentioned that people do things that they don't want to do but they do it because someone has to do it and that was really the mentality for the war and actually my grandfather F in the Pacific War and when I watched this movie this time I was just tearing up thinking about him I just pictured him in this time period and how rough it was and these Great Men didn't fight for themselves they fought for us they fought so that we wouldn't have to and that's how wor should be it was necessary but it shouldn't be anymore it's time now to live and that's the message of the film to live and it's weird weird because not many Japanese movies have that kind of hopeful message and that's why this movie just stands out so much it's a really strong hopeful message and we need that guys it's just been a great time and I've just been loving all of your comments your excitement for this movie it's been amazing and I'm just glad that I'm not alone not everyone views movies like we do they don't take it that serious but we're able to get the most out of something that we love and not everyone can do that and that's a beautiful lit and I can't wait to just pre-order a 4K copy of this film and they really should just include both versions because even though I prefer the minus color I still might be in the mood for the color version they put a lot of good colors in that film especially just if I want to watch it with with someone who doesn't really care for black and white it's a nice option and in the meantime I honestly might see this film again if it's still playing we'll see and if they decide to do something else a different visual effects I'll be glad to see it cuz this was a new experience anyway let me know what you guys thought in the comments do you prefer the color version or the minus color and like always thanks for watching but [Music] [Music] [Music] um
Channel: Bushido Blues
Views: 165,727
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Godzilla, Godzilla Minus One, Minus Color, Japanese, Japan, Monochrome
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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