First Time Watching GODZILLA KING OF THE MONSTERS this was a pure WOW Reaction!

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hey guys welcome back to reembok reacts we're  watching Godzilla king of monsters let's go thanks   for being here with me guys I'm Reema and I react  to films and TV shows for the first time make sure   you guys hit the Subscribe and notification button  so you don't miss whatever is coming up next head   over to patreon for the full reaction videos  and of course the schedule is on my website and   the full reaction videos are available there as  well go and sign up there we got some cool things   coming up today guys we are going to be playing  hangman today's hangman puzzle is going to be a   code of numbers so I'll be flashing the numbers  throughout the reaction as you watch and then   once you have gotten all of the numbers for the  code you need to decipher it and it actually is   going to corespond to the letter of the alphabet  and make sure you guys watch till the end please   it gives the channel a boost I will also be  asking you a question at the end regarding   this hangman puzzle okay guys let's get [Music]  started oh I love that Godzilla roar and oh no oh there he is oh were they looking  for their kid no [Music] yeah they were monarchal oft should Titans be exterminated  yeah they're scary world know forever oh yeah   we're living amongst monsters it's their  world oh oh my god oh I do that pretty often   recipes for toast she was talking to her  dad dad's been emailing me but he looks   good healthy okay oh they're struggling aren't  they oh no way oh no way are you kidding me that   was like a sound uh Echo wave oh at first I  thought that was her backyard what the hell   no idea she was sleeping like a baby and some  rest oh she's working at Monarch I'm not missing   this yes I think I'm going to see one of my  favorite Titans it's the only one I know besides   Godzilla oh MRA Mothra activating containment  B oh she's cute oh no she doesn't like that warning well how are they so sure that this one  won't be something violent here oh no [Music] oh   now she's mad look at that the red oh my in a web  oh God I'm sorry but you have to terminate no Mo's angry well they've Advanced their uh studies  very fast 5 years she didn't like that sound   ooh Daddy go back talk talk to it what  is she planning on doing she just ran   to her mom with no plan Alpha frequency  there it is oh there is a frequency they like e what the heck always fighting against each  other oh no what oh my God there's always some   guy wants control for selfish reasons witnessing  is the return of an forgotten super species an   essential balance to our world and what threat  which of these Titans are here to threaten us   which of these Titans are here to protect us for  the fifth grade history lesson but we still or   won't tell us how many there are or why they're  showing up because I don't really know to put   them down killing them be a mistake animals  rising to reclaim a wall that was once theirs   it almost sounds like you're protecting them  as if you admire them yeah of course of life   I like him make Godzilla our pet no we would  be his consequences of walking out that door   well there's a threat to National Security  I'm going to set you up with a on Titan   reproduction I think this is one are  blurred out oh what their faces were   their genitals they said the genitals  were blurred out and it blurred their faces oh my yeah the other day I saw video of  a bamboo was eating some jungle animal alive   yeah only that Emma and Madison were the only  ones taken what oh they kidnapped them I know   what the hell it is I help build a prototype I  destroyed the Prototype and then Emma decided   to rebuild it it was meant to to keep whales  away from the shoreline not so you could talk   to your little creature oh interesting you Ed  the wrong frequency on one of them and you're   going to be responsible for a thousand San  franciscos which his why right it's dangerous   you he wants his all of them especially him  don't Bad Blood kill them and the orcas you   he cares about his wife and child not the Orca  dude hates Titans Okay would to view him I'm   sure there are a lot of people like him out there  child was killed accidentally he's just doing his   thing people are getting in the way oh what is  going on eyes straight ahead deep breaths just   like we talked about wow holy smokes she  is witnessing pretty brutal stuff [Music]   okay if Mother of God literally to do with this oh  my gosh Monster Zero that's that three-headed one   right there's a creature like that that guards  like the Gates of Hell or something right in a   mythology or something oh they're going to use the  Orca on this thing man it's a guessing game though CR now you he knows he knows they've been  monitoring him he's taking them out we at   800 M are ertic wow the sounds he not happy about  something yeah how are I all this Emma isolated   Us by your Acoustics it allows us to cheack him  yet he's V wow really circling now closing in   200 M gun on him yeah no kidding dead more than  anybody but unless this is a fight that youu can   win for God's sake stand yeah don't do it stand  down oh I love how Dr s is in charge Stand Down   not engage oh open the shields animal biologists  bring them in for a beer you out of your goddamn   mind let him know we're not a threat yes you  have to communicate the animal biologist no wow   hey what's with the light show  intimidation display like a gorilla   pounding his chest consider us very  intimidated yeah he just he wants to   see him cuz he's a reason why his son  died I've got a bone to pick with you dude whoa oh man that was close close the shield  now show territorial route he's looking for   something out there H it could be the  Orca what do no what's your projection   anarctica good then oh I mean let's go let's  go find him let's that's what awoke awoke him   Antarctica but it seems to be another apex  predator Emma oh monst z may have been a Al   to Godzilla battling for dominance over the  other Titans interesting of myths and legends   almost people were scared to even write about  it hello Earth that's he moves around so fast   underwater tunnels like wormholes people still  don't believe we're approaching the base mad scientist Emma Madison let's go  awesome dad do not have a shot   Emma what are you doing let's go come oh no Maddie what are you kidding me her mom told her to come  back because she's in on it sorry okay either   she's run whoa she's severely being blackmailed  or she wanted this to happen that was weird and   we're in trouble we can't leave him what are  you waiting for wake it up okay well she's being   threatened with something she just following  all the orders the whole of Earth is at stake here okay that one has the red one red is evil oh we uh there's one there's two and there's three  so now what it has to be lightning of course now   that's a dragon for two still speeding up and  what about the soldiers just leave them there   okay it always get shafted whoa here it comes  oh [ __ ] yeah oh no she told it to do that   she is telling the dragons e what they're eating  them oh she's now what tell telling them to back off oh my goodness she was telling it to blow  them up oh my gosh well either them or it's   her dad right oh she must hate her mom oh  my gosh I backed off because look who's coming oh can you just imagine you freaked out of your mind a big stu oh bring it on Wow get out of the way out let's  go no kidding why'd you wait so   long I'm stuck oh crap oh my goodness going down ooh big Tremor after Tremor every time he falls  down here we go get out of there get out it's an   atomic bomb get out oh missed and damn it that  was a direct hit crap yeah oh went down the hole no are you kidding me is she dead no and they ate  her after that thing is just   ruthless ooh I don't think we're prepared at all oh no no it was not a bad dream it's real  and we lost Monster Zero in a tropical storm   over Brazil Southern H oh she did die and scan  the northern no I know what I Sam and I'm telling   you she pulled that trigger Colonel wrong okay  she wouldn't have done it was him it was her on   forcer do are you sure what she uh she releases  moth and now Monster Zero there's more to this   story should go first where's Madison right here  Dad are you okay Madison you all right hun her   she's fine Mark trust me trust is a what is she  doing to her daughter especially after what you   pulled I know we never darare to confront the  truth which truth humans have been the dominant   species for thousands of years and look what's  happened overpopulation pollution oh she believes   in that oh my goodness has already begun we are  the infection but like all living restore the   balance Unleashed a fever to fight this infection  rightful rulers the Titans they are part of the   earth natural defense system a way to protect the  planet to maintain its balance but if governments   are allowed to contain them destroy them or use  them for war our planet will perish and so will   we San Francisco Las Vegas wherever the Titans  Go life follows triggered by their radiation they   are the only thing that can reverse the destru  there's that place in India to with that meteor   hit and it's like world of its own coexisted in  balance with the Titans the first Gods this is   yeah but they were living in fear you are meddling  with beyond our comprehension gambling with the   lives of and what do you right first you put our  daughter's life in danger inside the fate of the   world that's rich I couldn't be more sane and  Madison could be stronger wow some things you   can't control and there are some things that you  can't run from oh this won't bring him back to us   wow there's a lot of a lot of stuff there  has prepared bunkers around the world to   save and restart civilization okay I suggest  you find them the chosen people oh no doctor   she is running this operation she was going  to kill her husband to do maybe that is right   maybe this isn't the way by all means Dr  Russell let's reconsider our entire plan   especially after telling your friends about  it who funded it no you said you we're going   to help people that the we don't have time for  this tell me what exactly did Mommy sell you on   Grand Utopia man and monster living together  in Blissful Harmony uh yeah probably it is   your plan we both want to save the planet but  everything is going to die if we don't see it   through please oh man at least let them get to  safety oh she called it man all those people's   deaths their bloods on your hands speeding  things up these soldiers are everywhere holy gosh whoa what the heck oh that one looks like a  something that looks like a Triceratops I guess   wa no a pterodactyl it's like a bird more like a  vulture actually Roden the fire demon fire demon oh my God that tropical storm where we lost  Monster Zero uhhuh changing direction and uh guess   where it's headed now that's not possible because  it's not a storm unless not a storm it's it it's   Monster Zero we need time to finish the evacuation  and you better hurry cuz it's closing in fast sir   reacting to Big Bird's cry that coming for food a  fighter uhhuh more intimate oh my suest big bird   right oh then piss it off o yep we  have now one two three four four now   oh well I don't think you can kill it with an  explosive bomb it probably needs to be cooled no oh my goodness it's going to be okay no wow it's like creating a tornado as it  flies [Music] by oh you got to get it   in the mouth come on get out of  there buddy oh no yeah oh no oh   look at that maneuver sadon ETA everyone  30 seconds yeah like wow oh my God CL no wa no oh how are you guys going to get out  of this H yeah dive it's amazing how they   affect the weather wow okay now oh climb climb  climb holy moly that's some cool technology Jesus killing each other uhhuh that's the whole  point we're screw back midair retrieval lock   onto their position and prepare emergency  landing they're so resilient they're still   alive they're stuck hope you got a big wrench oh  my oh no now what it's adal St you guys have time   I need you and your forces an oxygen Destroyer  of surprises all life forms within a 2 m radius   okay luck it will kill nightmare will finally  be over ad we must keep our faith in go I'm s   yes the missile is already on its way listen to  Dr saroa oxygen bombs now huh he's notz coming   in hot it's already been deployed wow this is  all life forms okay doing what oh no look out whoa what did he do he just manually  did it okay okay well why didn't the   other guy do that I guess it  wasn't that safe yeah okay get down H wow he knows who did it whoa  there's goet have faith Dr s was right yes   so he is protecting them and all those people  over there on the land They're All Dead what   have they done three two did you just rip a head  off oh no no no no no no no stupids oh they just   killed everything in there whoa kill all the  fish yet he survives can you locate glitch   gogeta's dead yeah I got something his  vitals are fading no levels Plum fight it oh my God that other thing  had a shield that's why Got [Music] You Killed the fire demon and didn't  have one head it's regenerating oh gross what it's AC cross there oh it's  the apocalypse what is this as a   big scorpion I'm not the one doing this  yeah you can't control it how would you   even know the king huh good job way to  go you just wrecked everything you're a [Music] monster a waterfall oh wow so pretty and scary a Hydra storm swallowed  both men and gods alike well you mean an alien not   part of our order not to be here false King  an invasive species that could explain how   he's creating these massive stor invasive species  it's almost like he's reshaping the planet to his   own liking oh one who is many Gora this is said  goria Idora drwa we're Castle Bravo but there's   something you should see I'm dang respecting these  guyson DC all under attack on every continent the   Titans are triggering earthquakes wildfires  tsunamis and we don't even have names for yet   huh they're moving like a pack they're hunting all  packs from wolves to killer whales they all resp   to an elf and Mador is the new Alpha and all all  the other creatures are doing us bidding they're   an extension of oh my goodness we stop him good  observation we stop them allag gon Monster Zero   isn't using the Titans to restore the he is using  them to destroy it this isn't coexistence this   is extinction but we opened Pandora's Box  and they closing it now you broadcast again   you will expose us all these like whales okay  they can hear sonar for thousands of miles so   let's send a team oh she's listening from Fenway  it's I could use the stadium to amplify a signal   that stop these attacks the and then I'll figure  out what the hell Monster Zero really is stop it   before Monarch finds us I'm sure all your friends  will be very happy to see you again see you oh   my gosh this is really bad oh the light comes  down from the heavens oh there's light in the darkness woo W yes broke through the storm  and cleared it out beautiful beautiful I   agree Queen of the monsters recording this St I  record everything nice find goira oh tell me oh   yes so her and Godzilla they like they got a  thing going on that's kind of messed up right   symbiotic relationships in two different species  aren't all that uncommon two different species no   how many nukes do you have why oh you got to feed  him can help yeah feed good J some nuclear energy   evacuations long enough for our submersible team  to complete its Mission whoa planed would call   a long shot what do those NS think they're going  to do down there with a bunch of nukes hear them   Griffin they want to bring Godzilla back from  the dead woo there's some things beyond our   understanding Mark we must accept them and learn  from them because these moments of Crisis are also   potential moments of Faith it's always good  to have read a lot of philosophy either come   together or fall apart nature always has a way  of balancing itself yeah it sure does what part what did you just make that up no I really didn't  forun cookie once a really long forun yeah okay   wasn't you sneaky oh no her mom regrets  it it's not good Boston all right dang   holy moly it's like the whole Sky Is Alive yeah  holy as it is the vortex was a tunnel into the   hollow Earth it's a matter I knew I was right  I told you what shut up blow forward it's like   everything's gone backwards oh oh that's A Lost  Civilization J Atlantis is real did I Roman no   this is something different this this is way older  wow I love how he just knows everything oh she is   really sending that signal I hope she sends a  right one alpha ofans I still want to have kids   one day preferably without flippers stop do CO2  and methane look there's some sort of air pocket   in there okay one got through again so lucky wow  holy Zilla that was he's like oh my God and he's   like Zilla that's why he here he's feeding reg  this is his home just needs a little nap no this   process could take years we have to proceed as  planned we're going to launch a nuclear torpedo   in order to revive a giant monster okay what we're  just jump starting a car we have complication and   blow up the Warhead manually no way if the  heat doesn't fry you the radiation won't I   go what what the hell does that mean it must  be another way what I what no is that a death wish just hold them off as long as you can okay  do they even know what they're waiting for they   don't oh gotten into them now oh the alpha  frequency toile good sure how or what's going   on the Ora it's gone I wonder who could have done  this no Dr s is way too cool for this no oh my gosh this is really sad he fought for  us died for us his not only proof that   coexistence is possible oh he is the key  to it okay love how he just knows he just   knows everything he's so wise there has to be  another way don't do this okay this is getting sad unbelievable it's like this is the Earth's  core or something oh his hands they're going to burn his watch when his father was was killed oh old friend oh no oh that's so sad and gogeta's  going to absorb all of that [Music] wow expedited the process there you  go okay we be friends [Music] now woo no no way nobody move really he looking right at [Music] him swag see you I know how to find them okay  oh make him proud not screw this up how did he   uh by saving us Emma combined the bioacoustics  of Godzilla with a human how she made the signal   for the Orca the creatures just think it's another  apex predator that are a bunch of horny murderous Carnival let him do his thing I used to love it  when he said that no this time we join the fight   and does not control the laws of nature and  neither do you uh-oh whoa stand off I already   lost one child I'm not losing another let her  go we have everything we need you do uh-oh oh man yeah uh-oh it's coming  to destroy the alpha signal okay uh-huh so what does it  think is the Titan if thinks   that whole building is he looking  for you girl [ __ ] yeah oh my gosh woo it's found you no okay crap it uh squished  it squish the [Music] Orca whoa   totally thought she was like  direct Predator oh my gosh my oh my I love the musico work with him [Music] yeah woo here we  go oh my look at that has he been working out   that Lizard Juice oh yeah 12 minutes before  he goes thermonuclear what oh he's winding up   about 12 minutes going to be a bad day to be  a Red Sox fan oh you need to the Bambino so   they got to get out of there fast get her  and get out of there the orer up no sign   of your daughter wasn't it squish totally  smokes it's still intact lucky oh oh wow   three heads how are they going to get out of  there now whoa oh wow oh she's working with   Gogeta yes oo oh my goodness oh oh the bad guys  are shoot oh man okay let's go oh no away yeah   if I had these two for parents I'd run away  from home too whoa what did you just say what   if I had the two of you for parents I'd run away  from home too oh smart I guess oh you can't hide   anywhere though hopefully they stay away from  her street whoa woo oh he's powering up dang no way damn it Godzilla's radiation's  reaching critical mass no no get away no stop itoo oh oh oh right through   the heart goodbye oh MRA the roof it's  on top of her smart lucky I mean smart thinking oh yeah get out of there  remember right now you probably   have like 2 [Music] minutes oh  no what what this is crazy take   him and dropped him from the freaking  Sky oh my goodness oh here comes an earthquake whoa oh what are they doing no way sacrificing herself oh work  fast to do was about this it's the only   way to save him we get on the ospre and  draw that thing away from Godzilla okay   oh my goodness whoa are you good to  go yes all right right behind you go what no it's coming it's coming oh  my goodness oh my goodness going   to destroy them oh she can't take the Orca oh no why didn't she should have just  dropped the Orca over there and they   could have taken off oh I see she's got  to lure it like far away I guess this is salvation no she can survive oh no oh [Music] oh my gosh oh no the king okay wow oh are you what  are you kidding me oh everything's just melting oh this is like red fire [Music] good job oh back at you woo squished him oh no this is an actual big  huge bomb maybe she got away oh for crying out   loud just don't go oh oh oh yes oh he's got to  take the main head blow it up okay done yes think   he's on our side yeah for now that looks like a  spider that's really creepy ooh who's the [Music] king you listen to me now be [Music] nice whoa the king of the  world this is Titan studies okay ah cool looking one I love seeing our environment improve  Titan waste energy source circular ecosystem oh that was King Kong and Godzilla that  was so good it was really interesting story I love   seriously the best part is that the Titans are  restoring all the natural ecosystems and humans   learning how to coexist with the Titans so these  Titans are Gods that's pretty cool I just love   the fact that the whole earth is just rejuvenating  regenerating all the pollution is being abolished   and restored and yes maintaining the balance  interesting concept yeah like that really sucks   that Dr saroa had to he had to sacrifice himself  but that was his life's calling pretty much his   whole life's work and to that one decision to  restore life on Earth or to protect it anyways   and he is the only one that always believed that  Godzilla was actually on the human's side I guess   yeah it's not like he's targeting the humans  it's just well in in this universe anyways um   until until they start causing way too much  damage to the environment I guess um yeah   Ken wat naabi is awesome I loved him in this in  this film and the previous one very good so you   guys should have gotten the code now decipher  it each number corresponds to a letter in the   alphabet tell me what the word is this Kaiu  whose DNA does it contain okay guys I hope   you guys like that one that film was awesome  totally exhilarating very entertaining the   visuals were holy mindblowing um I was kept  on the edge of my seat that entire film and   that small little story on the side that was  really interesting too I liked it played well   it together it all came together very nicely I'm  excited to watch the next one which is Godzilla   versus Kong I sense a fight off between them  um and then the next one the new Empire really   excited for that going to finish off these two for  the monsterverse recommend some more films guys   and make sure to follow the schedule don't forget  to hit the like And subscribe and share the video   give the channel a boost I'll really really  appreciate it guys it really really helps   thank you for being here with me had an awesome  time we'll see you in the next one take care guys
Channel: Reembok Reacts
Views: 6,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: first time watching godzilla, godzilla reaction, first time watching, moviereaction, godzilla2014, godzilla x kong the new empire, godzilla vs kong, gojira, monsterverse, reelrejects, cinepals, firsttimewatching, desi, movie reaction first time watching, movie commentary reaction, film and entertainment, godzilla, firs time watching godzilla minus one, godzilla minus one, godzilla vs kong the new empire, mothra, normies, kingkong, actionthriller, sci-fi thriller, godzilla king of monsters
Id: BFvzF6e2wfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 37sec (2437 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2024
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