God's Will To Heal, Part 7

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turn with me please this evening in the wonderful word of the Lord to Luke chapter 5 and verse 12 Luke 5 and 12 it came to pass when he Jesus was in a certain city behold a man full of leprosy who seeing Jesus fell on his face and besought him saying Lord if you will you can make me clean that's the title of our series is God's will to heal and we're asking the question is it God's will to heal is it God's will to heal everybody all the time is it God's will to heal everybody right now well I like your answer but do you understand millions of Christians don't agree with you millions of Christians and I'm not saying anything negative about a lot of good people love the Lord thoroughly saved millions of Christians in different groups and denominations all over the planet they believe God could do it if it was his will but that many many times it is not his will for reasons which we don't understand and and won't understand in this lifetime and I reason I know about that is because there was a time I sincerely believe that same thing there was a time as a teen teenager I'd go around with my pastor back where I grew up weird I'd go with him on Hospital visitations and he'd pray for people and I'd pray with he might back him up best I knew how and I remember many time by somebody's bedside in the hospital somebody facing death and he'd pray lord help our dear sister you know healer if it be thy will and if not I will be done help us to be strong to accept your will whatever it might be and I'd say Amen and that's how we pray but you know examine that prayer examine it if you say Lord what people are saying is Lord you are sovereign and your will is sovereign whatever that means and you're gonna do what you're gonna do no matter what because you're God and so Lord if it's your will healer of course if it was your will to healer you would have healed her anyway since it was your will because you're gonna do what your will and if not then don't healer of course if it wasn't your will to healer you wasn't gonna healer anyway so in other words why are we praying cuz you can't do what you gonna do no matter what we gonna do well then did he tell us to pray did he tell us to pray about healing then why would he tell us to pray for something it might not be his will to do well he wouldn't did anybody ever ask the Lord this question is it your will to heal me yes we have it printed right here in the book a man looking at Jesus in the eye a man on death's door a man according to man's ability incurable terminal no hope nothing could be done for him in the last stages dr. Luke says full of leprosy and if you study this this situation this is a terrible situation this man's body is dead part of it's dead while he's trying to walk around in it it really is it's a living death part of his body is dead the nerves are dead there's no feeling you know it's terrible and he's excluded he has to live outside the camp he has to be quarantined from everybody else and he looks at Jesus and he said Jesus I believe with everything in me you could heal me of this if you would and jesus answered him come on now read the next verse jesus answered him tell me what he said jesus said he put forth his hand and he touched his terrible-looking terrible-smelling body with his hand he put his hand right on him and he looked at him and he said what hmm just be patient my boy we don't always understand how the Lord works hmm and you just never know what God's gonna do let's just accept his will and be humble millions pray this way but they didn't get it from Jesus and they didn't get it from the Bible they've got it from dead goofy confused religious tradition how many think it'd be good to pray like Jesus to think like Jesus if you're a Christ I n1 like the Christ you are to find out what he said and what he did duplicate that not men's ideas about it What did he say come on tell me what did he say he didn't mince words he didn't preface it with a bunch of explanation he looked at him and he said I will you be clean glory to God listen to another translation it says that he said Jesus if you're willing you're able to cure me and make me clean Jesus said I am willing be cleansed the Living Bible says he said sir if you only will you can clear me of every trace of my disease and it's about the living said Jesus responded and said of course I will be healed this is not some theologians idea about this this is not some modern Christian conjecturing about this this is the master answering the man's question has Jesus changed is he the same yesterday today and forever if he said this then what would he say now he'd say the same thing or he's changed is he a respecter of persons does he play favorites Bible said he is no respecter of persons which means if he told it to him he'd tell it to you if he said it then he say it now if you said it to him he'll said to you I got the answers for us I'm concerned he right here in the book Lord is it your will for me to be healed he said it I will I will I like just saying it ah well you know he never said I won't never did never many many people healed unders ministry not one did he ever look at them and say no I won't snot my will it's not time you gotta wait God's working something out in your life he never said any of these things never everybody who ever came to Jesus to be healed left healed every one of them every one of them and he has never changed so then we are immersing ourselves in this for a time of God's will for us to be healed because faith begins where the will of God is known you can't be in faith to be healed and your questioning is will this cannot does not work but when you get settled in it and you know it and you're fully persuaded then your faith rises up easily glory to God so we've been looking at reason after reason why we are sure why we are fully persuaded why we're convinced that it's God's will for all of us to be healed let me review just a little bit number one we looked at God's Word is medicine and his more in in medicine will make you hold and His Word is for everybody so if his word will heal and his words for everybody then healings got to be for everybody number two a strong spirit the Bible said would sustain you well he didn't want you to be weak in your spirit he wants you to be strong you know that's his will and the Bible tells you if your spirit is strong it will help you overcome even bodily pain and trouble now if you're interested in these you can download all of them are off the internet for no charge you can pick them up in the word supply after the service get caught up with us don't don't take my word for it in fact if you think I'm wrong try to prove me wrong but don't come tell me what you think I don't even care about that but but try to take the scriptures and go through it and prove me wrong with scriptures to your own satisfaction did you hear me but but don't just stare eyes about it go through it look at it place after place in fact don't take my or any preachers word for stuff check it out prove it find it it's not a matter just what we believe you must see it in the word to know that you have a right to stand on it and believe it number three the original creation we asked the question on what God what day excuse me did God create cancer when he created the heavens and the earth or which day did he create aids or high blood pressure huh Oh which day did God create sickness and disease and he didn't it was not a part of his original creation then number four we talked about God's will in heaven our then he sick people in heaven not a one did he pray it didn't tell us to pray that his will would be done on earth as it is in heaven does he have two separate wills one no he doesn't we saw number five the origin of sickness we saw where it came from death came as a result of sin and sickness and poverty and oppression and confusion all these different bondages are different fruit of death that came as a result of sin well to say all that stuff is the will of God has to say what caused it is the will of God you sin is not the will of God so all the results of saying can't be the will of God we saw number 6 sickness is a work of the devil then why do so many people attributed to God hmm many do job 2:7 said the devil made job sick hmm psalm 41 8 called sickness and disease a thing of the devil and evil thing Luke 13 16 called sickness and disease satanic bondage Jesus did acts 10:38 called sickness and disease satanic oppression well that's for witnesses then don't say it's from God right if the Bible says it's of the devil that's what you ought to say say it out loud everybody sickness is of the devil but so though the question is does God want you to have something that's of the devil well I know people some people don't believe this but you know we're happy about it and we believe we're reading the Bible number seven we saw we have a covenant of healing he is Jehovah Rapha the Lord who heals you the psalmist said he forgives all your iniquities and he heals all your diseases hmm missus will if all that's true why don't I see it because you got to believe it first it's not sin and then believe it you got to believe it before it looks like it and before it feels like it and you got to keep on believing it no matter what you see right how many believe your name is in the Lamb's Book of Life you ever saw the book you saw where I paid your name zone no but you believe that how long you been leaving that you gonna keep on believing it huh how many believe that the Lord is going to prepare a place for you he's working on it right now you ever saw it now but you believe it sir how long you keep leaving it how many believe Jesus is coming back he's coming he's coming it's closer than it's ever been he hasn't seen it what proof you got of that well that's what faith is all about and you can believe healing belongs to you just the same way no matter what you see or what you don't see you believe it the same way number eight we saw the eternal names of God he still is jehova shamma he still is Jehovah sidqa new he still is Jehovah rheya he's all of these things and is he still Jehovah Rapha our healer you can't say one of those names has changed and not true anymore and all the rest of them still exist no nobody has a right to say the great I am was the great I am is he still is the Lord who heals you we saw sickness is a curse number nine and number 10 last week we got in two types of redemption I want you to go with me again to second Corinthians the first chapter second Corinthians one bless the Lord hallelujah forget not all his benefits this is one of his great benefits his many benefits 2nd Corinthians the first chapter the Old Testament is filled with wonderful beautiful types and our question is is there healing in these types and if there's healing in the type what does that prove it proves there's healing in the anti-type that which the type is a type of the real thing the plan of redemption now this is big stuff I said this is big stuff and as soon as we finish this part we're going into the actual plan of redemption which were already into now but here is the the point is healing a part of God's plan of redemption for us is healing included in it if it is what does that mean how many is redemption for are there parts of redemption that's not for everybody know if it's part of redemption it belongs to whosoever will believe it and receive it and it belongs to us now this is a big question big issue now there are a number of theologians seminary educated pastors and ministers that believe that God can heal he has the power to if he chooses to but that healing is not part of redemption like forgiveness of sin that anybody could believe they receive anytime they want to they don't believe that so actually without saying it and some have even come right out and said it what they are saying is that there is a blessing available to mankind apart from Jesus apart from the work of the cross and I feel very strongly about this that there is no blessing available to mankind past present or future apart from the work of Jesus I'm fully persuaded to this hmm any deliverance anybody who has ever forgiven of sin back in the Old Testament people that were forgiven they were forgiven based on what Jesus would do when he came and every animal that they sacrificed and every blood that they shed was pointing to the time when the spotless Lamb of God would shed his own blood can you say Amen well people were also enriched Abraham was made rich people were protected people were delivered I believe it was all based on what Jesus would do and he gave them statutes and ordinances and every one of them was a foreshadowing a type of the master who was to come Isaiah which we're going to get into real strong here soon the 53rd chapter looking through the centuries says all Jesus and he saw him take our place and he said with his stripes we are healed and then fast forward into the future which is now our past where Peter is riding and Peter looks back to what Jesus has just done and says by His stripes you were healed healing is an integral part of the plan of redemption when you think about how much of Jesus ministry involved healing you begin to see it is no side issue read the Gospel accounts carefully and see how much time Jesus spent ministering to sick people there were times when we know there were thousands of them there and it says he laid his hands on every one of them there are times when they were you know multiples of thousands and they reached and touched him he walked through the streets that were just clogged full of people hurting and disease and the Bible said everyone that touched him got up and walked away healed he preached about it he ministered it it is no sad thing with him it wasn't then it's not now Jesus cares if you're hurting in your body he cares if you're disease-ridden and problems and he is more than enough to make it change in fact he's already bought and paid for your and my healing it belongs to you just as much as forgiveness of sin belongs to you it's part of the same redemptive plan in fact you're just as healed as you are forgiven not everybody believes that but it's a Bible fact a finished redemptive fact well we saw this through some of these already one fact well it read the scripture before I go into that second Corinthians 1:20 for all the promises of God in him in Jesus are yes and in him amen are so be it unto the glory of God by us how many of the promises God of God find there yes and so be it in him all of them if anybody was ever healed what was it based on this is not a trick question anybody in history that was ever healed what was it based on it was based on what Jesus was going to do or had already done in the mind of God he's the lames the lamb slain from before the foundation of the world in the mind of God it was done right but there is no blessing available to anybody anywhere except through Jesus now if you think you believe something different I don't don't just take my word for it examine this this is serious if the Lord could forgive somebody apart from the work of Jesus then Jesus death burial and resurrection was unnecessary to me that is blasphemy that's some of the most serious thing a man or woman could ever say to imply or infer in any way that what he did was not necessary it's blasphemy no nobody could have ever been forgiven except by what he did and nobody could have ever been or ever will be healed except by what he did nobody could ever be protected or blessed or made free all the promises of God find their fulfillment give God the right to say yes you can have it and so be it to you hmm when Jesus looked at the leper and he said what I will what's he saying yes yes you can be healed and what else be clean is this a yes and I so be it and what did Jesus minister this to this man based on what he's about to do or can you see this what he's about to do at the whipping post and at the cross do you see this or not you you believe this there is no blessing no benefit available to anybody anywhere anytime except through Jesus and all the promises of God find their yes and fulfillment in him well we see types of this throughout the Old Testament we saw in the Passover lamb oh what a beautiful type that is didn't we did you see Jesus in that did you see any healing in that yeah you did now tell me if there's healing in the type what does that mean there's healing in the real thing the plan of redemption we saw the cleansing of the leper what a beautiful ceremony we saw cedar wood and scarlet and hyssop and water and two birds one died and one lived and all of this was over a healing the healing we saw the year of Jubilee glory to God if you had lost it all you could get it all back you could be completely restored the year of Jubilee and we see Jesus talking about the acceptable year of the Lord and how that you could the blind could see you could the captive could be set free the poor got delivered let's go on are you ready let's go on to another time I got two more I'd like for you to see that's not that's not all there is the Old Testament is full of these which is why we read our Old Testament we don't neglect our Old Testament you see beautiful pictures of Jesus number 16 I trust you believing with me this evening I sense just beneath the surface great revelation great light it's not just up to me how much of it comes out you have a big part and you are believing for people that will hear this and see this later you do understand that because he sends his word and heals them and delivers them from their destruction glory to God we had a testimony just not too longer back a guy was sitting and with a bunch of other people in a cybercafe coffee cafe another side of the planet I mean thousands and thousands of miles from here and another culture and got filled with the Holy Ghost they're speaking in tongues right their midst all the coffee and he said he just didn't care he's kind of so blessed he just tongues right there anything he assumed people thought he was speaking another language and he was filled with the spirit looking at a computer screen with a cup of coffee well you can be here like that too you can be healed of aids healed of age just like that just that quick you can be delivered from drug addiction glory to God you can get light and faith enough to leave the life of prostitution and have faith that God is your provider and will provide for your kids and bring you into a new a new life and a different way of life there are people in some low places in life and they love God they don't talk much about it because they assume people despise them and don't believe they could be a Christian but they love God they were born again years ago and they're in a bad way and they're full of fear they don't believe they can be different they don't believe they can shake the habit they don't believe they can make money any other way they've been gripped with fear and the devil is lied to them and they are coming out you and I are going to believe with some of these people right tonight in the name of Jesus we break the power of the devil's work over these people's lives that are watching and believing this word right now we break the power of drug addiction sexual addiction we break the power of fear and poverty over their lives we say be broken and be loosed from off them in the name of Jesus Lord cause hope to come up in a strength and joy and peace to come up in him and to come upon them be loosed be free be blessed in the name of Jesus be healed in the name of Jesus glory to God glory to God email us your testimony let us know what God did for you and is doing for you now and in the days to come so we can shout with you it is happening it is happening oh god is so good and he knows them that love him no matter the deepest ditch the darkest room though the worst sin he knows people that in that place love him and believe in him still and he's able to bring you out the Bible said he takes people out of the dunghill and he sets them with princes and he's still doing it today Oh glory to God your smelly stinky a shame days are over you're coming out you're gonna be a new person Clowry death God I believe it do you I've seen him do it again and again he delights in doing it God delights in taking what people consider a lost cause he does he delights in taking what people think is somebody too far gone and there's no help for him and there's no hope for him mean as the devil done too much been too far God delights in taking folk like that and making them trophies of his mercy trouble fees that he can just hold them up and say look here look here look at this you never thought but I did I knew hallelujah did you find numbers we may read numbers and we may not well we'll see but the Lord is so good to us so good to us if it could be told us what our future holds we just shout cry tears of joy the rest of the night we have a very very bright future anybody found numbers and sixteen what are we looking at types of redemption what are we looking for yeah Jesus is right but we're also looking for healing in the type and if we find healing in the type what does it prove to us there's healing in the actual plan of redemption in Redemption itself and what does that mean to us if there's healing in Redemption healings got to be for everybody that's why as you say in parts of redemption or not for everybody in numbers 16 this type of redemption I called atonement for the plague number 16 now what has happened and this kind of goes along with what we got getting into on Sunday morning we had a group of people who were rebellious someone said not me a group of people Korah Dathan and abiram and 250 famous people in the congregation hooked up with Cora's Bunch I'm going to say 250 and these were the head deacons and associates you know what I mean by the people that the other people knew and looked up to and that's the ones the enemy really goes after to get to rebell why what cuz they the ones once this got influenced you know people that nobody no one has done done anything you know there's hard hard for them to influence very many people but the enemy got the more influence you have the more the enemy desires it he is the original and the ultimate control freak emphasis on freak he is he wants to control everybody completely he is a manipulator he is a controller the Holy Ghost is not he will deal with you he'll even deal with you strongly but if you don't want to do it he's not gonna make you he's not gonna try to make you and if you're the right kind of person that's how you are - but the devil is a manipulator he is a a for sir he's gonna make people do it he's going control and these people rebelled and you know the story the earth opened up and they all went down alive them and all their families and all their help all their employees and all their livestock and their tents and the ground closed up on top of them hmm and you would think somebody say you would think you would think the rest of the bunch would have got a clue you wouldn't you would have thought wouldn't you looking at that you would have thought that the rest of this bunch would have thought well my rebellious days are over you'll never catch me rebelling and doing what them guys did but that evening that afternoon the whole bunch of them said you've killed the people of the Lord against Moses and Aaron you've killed the people of who killed the people who who caused the ground to open up but Moses didn't do that eridan and these people are so darkened in their understanding and you know what made them that way their unbelief unthankfulness makes you dumb so where'd you get that romans chapter 1 doesn't say it quite like that it says not being thankful their understanding was darkened similar in it I mean if you are unthankful and how would you know there unthankful griping griping and fault-finding and being unthankful you get dumber and dumber your understanding gets don't you see less and less something can be right in front of you and you don't even see it can you see that with this punch I mean it should have been so obvious don't open your mouth and rebell but the whole bunch did because they were so darkened so dulled and the Bible said here in number 16 and down about verse 41 on the morrow all the congregation not just a few of all the congregation of the children of Israel murmured against Moses and against Aaron and they said you have killed the people of the Lord I said they thought they had a problem with Moses and Aaron but it really was a problem with the Lord he took it personally and it came to pass when the congregation was gathered against Moses and against Aaron they looked toward the tiber night and the come of the congregation and behold the cloud covered it and the glory of the Lord appeared and Moses and Aaron came before the tabernacle of the congregation and the Lord spake to Moses and he said get you up from amongst this congregation that I may consume them as in a moment how does God feel about rebellion and they fell on their faces Moses said to Aaron take your sensor and and put a fire from off the altar and put on incense and go quickly to the congregation and make an atonement for them there's wrath going out from the Lord the plague has begun now we studied this earlier and saw how this worked you know when he told it when the scripture said the Lord is gonna smite the the firstborn we saw actually that when he saw the blood he was able to cause the destroyer not to come into their house but then the last part of that verse said I will when I see the blood I will not suffer I will allow the destroyer to come in - you will see this more and more and if you use you've been reading your chapters you see this kind of thing particularly in judges now that the Lord doesn't have to try to destroy you if he does not protect you you will be destroyed do you see this that this the Lord passes judgment that allows the destroyer access all he does is this and there are plenty of Devils and disease and accidents and crazy people ready to take you out all he's got to do is not keep you and so really it's people's own sin that removes the protection and so the plague begin to sweep through the people because of their rebellion and the removal of God's protection and Aaron did verse 247 as Moses had commanded he ran into the midst of the congregation the plague was begun among the people he put on incense and he made an atonement for the people is this typical of Redemption do we have a high priest today did the high priest do something as a mediator yes can you see this can you see this oh no it just it just gets richer the further you read he made an atonement for the people and he stood between the dead and the living and the plague was stayed oh come on now the high priest made an atonement and he stood up having made the atonement between the plague that had already killed the people and was advancing toward the rest of them he stood up as high priest having made the atonement and the plague couldn't get through him to the other people the plague couldn't get through the high priest the plague couldn't get through the atoning sacrifice the plague was stopped in its tracks it was stained can you see Jesus in this is their healing in this it's a it's like the last when we read the whole thing is about healing glory to God can excites me do we have a a mediator now go to the book of Hebrews now this is so big that I would have a natural inclination to just get into this and camp here for some time but we'll be led Hebrews four and 14 Hebrews 4:14 was it saying seeing then that we we have a great high priest we got a high priest so then Aaron that high priest was a type of our high priest right we have a great high priest that is passed into the heavens Jesus the Son of God and seeing we got this great high priest what are we to do what are we to do let us this is something we do let us hold fast to our profession other translations say confession confession is he will back up to the third chapter just read it's little me quoting it you're so close three and one three one wherefore holy brethren your holy brethren partakers of the heavenly calling consider the Apostle and high priest of our beggin huh uh uh the high priest of our profession how many have a modern translation says confession let me see yeah yeah confession Christ Jesus he is the high priest of what our confession he has already made to sacrifice the work has already been done but what we say about it affects what we experience of it and he is able to work in our life according to what we say about it he is the apostle and the high priest of what you say your confession now what should you say you should say what he says if he says you're forgiven what should you say I'm forgiven what if you say I'm not I just don't feel like I am then you're not giving him what he needs to work with in your life what if he says you're healed what should you say hmm what if he said you'll not die but live and declare the works of the Lord and with long life he'd satisfy a year and show you his salvation what should you say I don't think I'll make it to see 50 people say that kind of stuff all the tongue just you know they think it's mysterious or whatever couldn't pay me to say it hmm I want to give the Lord something he can work with in my life I want to agree with him if he says I'm blessed I say I'm blessed he says I'm forgiven I say I'm forgiven he says I'm righteous I say I'm righteous he says I'm healed I say I'm healed he says I'm rich I say I'm rich what I say I'm gonna say what he says and give him something to work with as my high priest first Timothy 2:5 I believe it is says there is one God and there is one mediator between God and men it is the man Christ Jesus there is somebody who is the go-between between you and God somebody that stands between the living and the dead somebody that has already paid the price and if you'll believe on him you can be saved and that salvation includes healing it's part of it the type was in connection with healing somebody say the plague was stayed the plague was stayed what are we looking for now these are types of Redemption what are we looking for in the type we're looking for healing in the type numbers 21 and verse 4 they journeyed from mount hor by the way of the Red Sea to compass the land of Edom and the soul of the people was much discouraged because of the way watch out for discouragement because it is the path down it is the path in the darkness and failure and defeat and the people spoke against God and against Moses somebody say dung dung when the dumbest things you ever did was blame God and other people for your problems duh faithless ignorant and it's the way to be destroyed first Corinthians 10 since that it says don't murmur like they murmured and were destroyed of the destroyer everybody said out loud complaining and destruction do you see this griping and complaining opens the door to the destroyer in your life don't do it no matter what now you'll be tempted to at times you will but don't yield to the temptation resist it and instead thank God fine fine something to thank God about right and be thankful and in his light you'll get more light you'll see more light and instead of going down you'll come up you'll come out oh but when you get miffed and get all hurt you feel like everybody owes you something they didn't come through for you and they didn't treat you right and you won't come right out and say it but you're harboring nursing this grudge against God God didn't come through for you he didn't do what I asked him to do never mind you won't do what he told you to do you're gonna be mad because you don't think he did what you wanted him to do God has never been your problem never let you down never will Sam not a gripe err I'm not a gripe err the people spoke against God and against Moses this is where have you brought us up out of Egypt to die out here in this wilderness there's no bread ain't no water and we are sick and tired of this light bread coz they talk about mana I mean it's manna cakes if a breakfast it's meant a sandwich for lunch it's manna for supper and mana snacks it's just mana mana mana I mean I am fed up with mana I'm sick of mana know anybody that's got flesh could have that thought come through their mind and they could have that feeling come across you and if you're dumb you'll say it you yield to it and store talking that way in griping but how many know that's that's being darkened in your understanding because what would they have if they didn't have this mana there's no grocery stores out here in the desert they would have starved to death long ago and whose fault is it they've been eaten manna for all this length of time not God's fault if they don't obey Him that already been through there in the promised land eating peaches figs and watermelons and barbecues in their hammock right having an ice-cream it's their fault they're not already through but unbelievers that's part of their problem they don't accept responsibility for why their life is the way it is they want to blame somebody else so they blame Moses you the one brought us out of here well what did you bring us out here brought us out here to die well it didn't please the Lord I said it didn't please the Lord so fiery serpents came into the camp and started biting the people well now it's no shocker that they're snakes in the desert but what is significant is how they have had no problem with any of these things for month after month we saw it when he delivered them out of Egyptian bondage there was a protective barrier around them I mean plagues would come through the land when it got to the border of Goshen it just run up against something God knew about force fields long before Star Trek then he he had won over them and it kept out the snakes and the scorpions and the disease how many believe God can keep something over you right now we just spent weeks on Psalm 91 didn't win we saw the canopy of God's protect somebody say it's on me I live in it the protection of God is round about me covers me believe it and remember what was our part again and again in that 91st psalm I will say of the Lord he's my refuge he's my fortress he's my protector my God in him I trust well why why would you say that he is the Apostle and high priest of what comes out of your mouth your confession glory to God well what's coming out of their mouth right now we all gonna die out here ain't nothin to eat I'm fed up with this Manor hmm I don't want any show of hands but do you wonder if anybody in here has ever talked like that well past is past but don't yield to it in the future cuz snakes begin to move through the camp and by two people verse seven the people came to Moses and they said we have sinned we have spoken against the Lord and against you pray to the Lord that he take away these serpents from us and Moses said tough kid griping about me and rebelling against me pray for yourself oh yeah you want Moses now I mean this morning it was we hate Moses Moses is the cause of all our problems and after lunch it's Oh Moses prayed pray no no you see one reason why he was the man in charge right because what he do God need her to put there he prayed for the people and verse eight the Lord said to Moses make you a fiery Serpent and set it upon a pole and it shall come to pass that every one that is bitten when he looks upon it shall live and Moses made a serpent of brass and put it upon a pole and it came to pass that if a serpent had bitten any man when he beheld the serpent of brass he lived glory to God is this a type of Jesus how do you know well John 3 says so turned over there real quick with New Testament John 3 anybody remember John 3:16 is it good well John 3:15 is good too and 14 so let's back up and look at it see the flow of it how you get to verse 16 John 3 and 14 as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness even so must the Son of Man be lifted up is that serpent on the pole a type of Jesus no question about it the Bible says so was Jesus lifted up between heaven and earth between the dead and the living oh can you see all this glory to God he was lifted up keep reading that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life now they got to keep their mortal life a while longer right by looking on and believing on that type of Jesus we not only get that we get eternal life for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life far-far God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved and he goes into the next verse talking about condemnation you cannot have faith - your condemnation is removed condemnation is the faith killer it is the confidence destroyer think about it confident condemned if you're condemned you're not confident confident in God confident that he hears your prayer confident that your prayer and request is granted you got to get rid of your condemnation there's only one thing to do that only one thing could cleanse and purge a guilty conscience is the blood of the Lamb it's faith in the sacrifice of Jesus and yes you can by faith in him you can have confidence to be saved that you're missing hell but that's not the whole thing you can also have confidence to be healed you can have confidence to get free confidence to live out the rest of your life but you cannot have condemnation now we're just getting into this but believe with me on this there's something needs to be done in us in this area because Christians live in different degrees of guilt and shame and embarrassment and its fate destroys your faith it just it just undermines your confidence in God you've got to have that removed off of you you got to have the guilt rolled off of you you got to have that confidence that I'm clean before God I'm made right I'm made holy I'm I'm washed by the blood and when you got that your faith just comes right up to the surface and you can have confidence to receive your healing oh can you see this glory to God you remember the man that his four friends brought him tore off the housetop lured him down in front of Jesus got dust and everybody's hair and interrupted the service Jesus looked at him what do you say to him son your sins are forgiven you made all the preachers mad didn't they say hell is he saying free forgives sin What did he say that did the man say I'm coming to get forgiven no he came to get healed but this had to be dealt with first I said this had to be dealt with first so that he is free from this guilt and shame and condemnation because he's about to tell him something that's gonna take faith to do what's the next thing he told him get up from there take up your bed and go to hell he can't he's paralyzed it's gonna take faith it's gonna take some confidence in the Word of God to act on that word and in order to have that confidence you must be free from guilt and shame and condemnation you can't go around harboring and hiding a bunch of stuff from your past and holding on to that guilt and shame it'll choke off your faith it'll keep you from even believing God will hear you is the blood enough and more than enough to cleanse you from every sin to make you whole and righteous then you ought to lose that guilt you're to lose that condemnation and come on into faith here he didn't send his son into the world to condemn the world he sent his son into the world so that we could be free from the condemnation and have faith and receive our life and receive our inheritance now let's go back to what we started on he's talking about Jesus has to be lifted up just like Moses lifted up the serpent the snake on the post my said a snake on a pole is a type of Jesus the Bible said so a brass snake brass is typical of judgment the snake is typical of sin and evil how could that be a type of Jesus oh it is I said it is because when Jesus hung on the cross it was not pretty people you know look at the cross and they make them beautiful out of gold and ornamented with jewels and what-have-you but listen the cross in its day was like the electric chair our like a lethal injection it was the pent death penalty for the worst criminals we're gonna get into this some next week I believe but when he hung on the cross it was not pretty he there became sin with our sin and was judged brass remember it became dark the Sun wouldn't even shine and he cried out my God my God why have you forsaken me why because he was treated as sin and judged as sin and everything evil and everything ugly that you have ever done our thought our been a part of or any human being has ever been or ever will be converged on him and he didn't just empathize with it he became sin he became it though he had none of his own he became sin I'm quoting scripture with our sin and was judged brass serpent and when he died and when they took him off of there and they buried him there was no shouting there was no trumpets it was cold it was dark it was hard it was bad and the devil thought he won the Bible said if the devil had known and his princess had known they would never have crucified the Lord of glory they did not know what they were getting into they thought they were winning they thought they had won oh but the third day oh come on now the third day he rose free from sin and it was your sin he bore and put away which means you are free from sin your sin has already been judged and already been put away all you got to do is believe it all you got to do is believe it and receive it we need to camp on this some more don't we need to get this built into our consciousness instead of some religious stuff the word atonement is really not a New Testament word I know that sounds strange to a lot of people but don't take my word for it study it's used in one place in the New Testament in the book of Romans and really modern translations don't use it the word atonement is used many places in the Old Testament we just got through reading it didn't we he went and made an atonement you know what atonement means it means to cover atone means to cover like with something really thick and dark cover it so you couldn't see it and that's that is the accurate word for the Old Testament and the book of Hebrews gets into it in detail about now that there was remembrance of sins made year-to-year why because they weren't fixed they were just covered and how the blood of bulls and goats could never get this take away sin they could only cover it and God would bless the people based on somebody's coming to do what this animal blood can't do so I'm gonna go ahead and blessed you and heal you on credit based on what Jesus is going to do said the blood of bulls and goats could never take away sin oh but he came and his blood has taken away and washed away your sins are not covered they are gone oh come on now your sins are not covered they are gone their goal actually in that in that scripture in Romans five let me see where is it Romans five eleven you have to turn there but Romans five eleven it says in Jesus Christ we have received the atonement it's not the word for atonement it's the word for reconciliation and that's what most of your modern translations have and here's what it means exchange exchange he didn't cover your sins he took your sins and brought him away when he rose from the dead there was no sin on him there was no part of any sin or judgment on him it was done it's gone forever and gave you his righteousness there's no covering here it's an exchange he took your sin and took it away now it's gone he gave you his righteousness his holiness most Christians have not dared to believe this it just sounded too big and too good to be true that's why it's called good news we didn't examine our songs New Testament believers do not need to stand up and sing about their sins being covered over it's not accurate our sins are gone he took him away you can't find him and he gave us in exchange his own his own his own right nice and cleanness that's why we that's why we can come boldly before the throne of grace when under the old testament nobody but the high priest could come into the holy place you know once a year with all the sacrifices with bells on now all of us can come right into the very presence of the Almighty by faith what would make us clean enough to do that only the righteousness of Jesus himself that he gave to us we didn't earn it we just receive it by faith you could never earn it but you can believe it and you can say it out loud of your mouth go to 2nd Corinthians the fifth chapter I want you to say this 2nd Corinthians we taught my types of redemption did we see healing in this type no this is such a beautiful type of redemption put yourself in these people's places this is not a fairy tale this actually happened two or three million people out in the desert snakes come from all over the place and are biting the people poisonous Vipers and people are dying a bunch of my already dead a bunch of people are already bitten and some are about to be bit now if you turned 20 rattlesnakes are loose in this room do you suppose it would affect things he said I'm to my big old poisonous rattlesnakes one crawl right up under your foot go up behind the aisle you hear somebody grab their leg and go I've been bit I've been bit and then you hear something you feel something come across your foot this is going on throughout the whole camp I submit to you there's chaos in that camp hmm people are running and screaming animals are spooked they're knocking the tents over they're running through the campfires and it seems amazing to me that in the midst of this Moses hears from Lord and puts up a serpent a brass serpent up on a pole high enough and big enough for the people to see and he sends messengers and he gets attention some way and he says listen listen I have heard from Jehovah everybody who looks on the serpent on the pole will live now the amplified has an interesting note on that verse when it says everyone that looks if you read it sometime it says that this word for look and you look it up you'll see it it's true is not does not mean a passing glance it means a steady absorbing gaze you had to fix your gaze on the serpent on the pole in the midst of chaos people asked the question what do I will I hear what you say by stripes I'm here but what do I do with these symptoms I'm hurting I got this I got pain I got discomfort I got this I mean you you you can't do it yeah you can I said yes you can you can do it with venom flowing through your veins you can do it with your neck swelling up and your eyes bulging out your heart up in your throat come on now you can do it with a snake crawling behind you you can do it with your baby's crying and your camels running off the hill somewhere and your tent on fire many of them did it didn't they oh come on do you see this venom coursing through their veins feeling the effects of it they lifted up their eyes and they just stood there they heard animals and people and screaming and they thought they felt another snake crawl across their foot but if you want to live you cannot get in Merce the knowledge you've got to do this and see nothing else and that's all I see and what the Bible say as many as looked everybody that looked lived not born again not for the Holy Ghost no Bible to quote if they can do it we can do it and if they could look at a serpent on the pole we can look at Jesus on the cross we can look at Jesus at the whipping post taking our infirmities and bare our sicknesses and can our paints we can look at him hanging on the cross and paying the price for every one of our sins but you must look away from distractions and feelings and pain and bad reports because it'll try to pull you down and keep you doing this keep you doing this you can't do it you can't be healed like that you can't live like that you've got to do what and you have to do it every day and if you're not paying attention you'll be listening to this and talking to that and paying attention to this and you're gonna secure it quit it quit it here excuse me here right here Jesus took my infirmities he bore my sicknesses he carried my pains he hung between heaven and earth he interceded for me and ever lives to make intercession for me he's my mediator he's paid the price he's bought it he's paid for it by stripes I am healed I was healed hmm you got to think about it you got to talk about it night and day and if you'll keep a steady absorbing gaze on him it's not just my theory how many remember Hebrews huh looking to the author and the finisher of your faith don't don't be distracted by weights and sins and things that would hinder you look into Jesus keep your eyes on him and run that race and you'll finish it you'll finish what you're believing for you'll get results can you say Amen was there healing in that type healing from snake venom the effects of it delivered from death physical physical physical what does that prove there's got to be healing in the plan of redemption that's wise it wouldn't have been in this and so much more second Corinthians 5 I think this is it stand up on your feet hold a Bible in your hands I want you to read this out loud Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith he is the Apostle and high priest afoot he is the Apostle he is the high priest the mediator of what comes out of your mouth that you believe in your heart did something happen to you when you believed in your heart that Jesus was raised from the dead and you went ahead and confessed you said it out loud of your mouth jesus is my lord I receive jesus is my lord I believe he's been raised from the dead did something happen to you Jesus was able to do something with your words well look at this 2nd Corinthians 5:21 this this whole passage here deals with what we've talked about previously verse 17 says if any man be in Christ he's a new creation old things are passed away and all things have become new all things are of God who has what not atoned reconcile what is reconciled mean I gave you a word exchange don't take my word for it look it up for yourself exchange the Ministry of reconciliation he's reconciled to us to himself by Jesus Christ and he's given to us the Ministry of reconciliation we have not taught that the church has not taught that we're supposed to be telling everybody about the great exchange he took your sins and gave you his righteousness he took your sickness and gave you health he took your poverty and made you rich I'm quoting scriptures religionists taught people will a few if you'll be really really sorry if you'll just be really sorry sorry for your sin and be sorry be repent and try to live right maybe you'll be saved religion has taught people it's still up in the air religion has taught people when you get to heaven Peter will be there with a big balance and will see if you got enough good works versus bad works whether you can get in or not know that is not the gospel that is not truth we have been given a Ministry of reconciliation to tell people about the great exchange somebody say the great exchange he took my sin gave me his righteousness he took my sickness gave me healing he took my poverty gave me riches he took my the chastisement of my peace and gave me his piece the great exchange listen careful miss let's talk about this let's get this built into our our consciousness it could be in religious with men's ideas and be excited about this he goes on to say he gave us this Ministry of reconciliation verse 20 now then we as ambassador well I'm moving too fast verse 19 God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself not imputing their trespasses to them why he took them on his self and he committed to us the word of reconciliation what's reconciliation about exchange now then we are ambassadors for the Anointed One as though God did beseech you by us we pray you in Christ's stead what does that mean if Jesus was here in the person this is what he'd tell you and we're telling you as his ambassador as his representative we're telling you this be reconciled to God believe that you have fellowship with God again that you have every right to be blessed that you have every right to heaven that you ever every right to healing and every best thing why because of the great exchange verse 21 was it say read it out loud for he has made him to be sin for us him who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of God in him was he did he are we just as surely as he was made sin we are made righteous just as surely the great exchange now you may not see how what this has to do with healing but I assure you it is the bedrock of your faith and your healing and is setting us up perfect for next week unless the Lord says something else because Redemption is the great exchange because of what he has done you have a right to be healed Healing is yours it belongs to you you ought to be healed you have a right to be rich you have a right to be happy and free and be at peace and be full of joy so many people say yeah but I've missed it and so many yeah you're not listening all of your sins have already been put on him and he didn't cover him up he took them away they're gone forever even the ones you haven't done yet he put him away somebody say where you can't find him don't look he put him away and gave you his righteousness now whose righteousness hit Jesus righteousness should Jesus be healed or sick hmm does Jesus have a right did did he have a right to walk the earth and be healed and free from disease and be strong to serve the father you have that same right because you have his righteousness oh do you see this said out loud said out loud God made him to be sin with my sin all my sins and now I have been made right right just with his rightness and it is mine now it'll help you oh it'll help you religious heads don't like to hear it but you need to say the Bible he Jesus the Apostle and and high priest of your confession you need to go around saying I'm the righteousness of God in Christ I've been made righteous in Jesus I am right in the eyes of God I've been made right I'm the righteousness of God in Christ it's not because of what you've done it's what he's done as surely as he was made sin you're made righteous which means you have every right to be healed and everything else that's good can you say Amen put up your hands begin to praise God glory to God glory to God glory to God
Channel: Faith Life Church - Keith Moore
Views: 1,431
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Id: pKw8B4cy8NE
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Length: 86min 46sec (5206 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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