God's Will To Heal, Part 16

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we've been looking at an answering the question is it God's will for us to be healed for all of us to be healed for us to be healed now and we've said it's not what you think is not a good enough answer or what you have experienced or what somebody else thinks or somebody's opinion or book is not good enough we must know from the word what the answer to these things are and in Luke 5 and verse 12 and came to pass when Jesus was in a certain city Luke 5:12 a man full of leprosy this would be considered a a terminal condition he sought Jesus and he fell on his face and he besought him he said Lord if you will you can make me clean is he praying for healing within if it be your will he see think about it Lord I know you can heal me what if you will so is he convinced of the Lord's will to heal him No is this how millions of Christians pray today oh you know thousands and thousands of ministers and pastors pray for their congregation Lord heal them if it be your will and if not you don't give us the Grace and strength to endure it your will be done and I'm not mocking anybody I used to pray that way myself years ago sincere love God love people but that's all I knew you know you'd only walk in the life that you have and you will not win people by mocking them you won't win people by making fun of them or making light of them a man or woman can only walk in the light that they have and how do you know if they're walking in all the light that they have or not you wouldn't know that that's why we're commanded not to judge because we're not qualified we don't know what a man sees or knows or does not see her now you got a full-time job walking in the light you have right but when the Bible reveals light on a subject and answers the question and you can read the Bible you're to quit asking that question if it's answered in the word you should stop asking the question and accept the answer well jesus answered the question didn't he does it excite you at all jesus answered the question of Lord I know you can heal me if you will read the next verse next verse what did Jesus say what did he say Jesus put forth his hand and he touched him and he said two words red letters trumps everything no Magnum makes no difference what you think or what somebody else preached or thought red letters trumps it all what what two words what red letters I will I will what I will that you be healed I will be thou clean and immediately the leprosy departed from him well he answered the question then why are millions of Christians still praying Lord heal me if it be your will what many have read this chapter and yet they still pray that way and people think well you're supposed to pray that way about everything well then why don't people pray that way about the new birth they're inconsistent with their own doctrine well you're supposed to pray everything within if it be thy will well then why don't you pray for people to be born again if it's God's will well no because it is his will and how did you find that out from the Bible and the same Bible says it's his will well well wow we just cannot know the will of God any definite what Ephesians 5:17 says don't be unwise but understanding what the will of the Lord is we're supposed to find out the will of God we're supposed to know the will of God that's why he gave us this book that's why I gave us the Holy Spirit right so we could find and know and be sure about the will of God because until you know the will of God you cannot have faith you're just wavering and wondering no faith and without faith you won't have victory you won't receive so we have begun giving 30 biblical reasons reasons from the scripture from the Bible why we are sure it's God's will for all to be healed now we don't find the will of God out by somebody's experience or lack of it or but what somebody thought we find the will of God out from the Bible and we believe that no matter what we see or what we don't see and instead of trying to water down the Bible to match our lack of experience we believe God to bring our experience up to match this and we'll be doing that the rest of our life well we've looked at reason after reason I won't review because as you might imagine we're 30 you know take some time we're not at 30 yet but what were we last week anybody remember we were at reason number 19 why are we are sure it's God's will for all to be healed the Good Shepherd is he good does he take good she does he look after his six sheep yes he does we went into detail about that but let's go go to the book of Acts if you would please Acts chapter one and go to reason number 20 tonight we are sure it's God's will for all to be healed now today because of healing in the Acts the book of Acts now there's number of ways you can say that but we'll just sit that way for now healing in the Acts in the book of Acts and the book of Acts is a historical account inspired account of God of the beginning days of the church we're a part of the same church the book of Acts is still being written you and I are in some chapter that's right sometimes people talk about the early church like it's a different church nah same church we got the same Jesus same Holy Spirit same gospel same Great Commission right our lives are supposed to look like these pages I said our lives are supposed to look like these pages he would do us the world are good if we just live in this book for a while until we begin to realize what our life's supposed to be like these days have not passed away and that's what we're gonna see right now acts 1 1 1 1 anybody new know who God used to pin this dr. Luke right Luke the physician if anybody ever implies to you that we are anti doctor you correct them we respect the medical profession we thank God for good doctors and nurses I pray for scientists and researchers to find so-called cures I do it's mr. well I thought you your faith man I am but people are at all different levels a lot of people don't even know God not trying to believe God at all millions never even heard about healing don't believe in it at all and then a lot of folks that do or just just doubt was starting to work on our faith we thank God for all these things well what should i do brother Keith should I should I go to the doctor should I not should I have the surgery should I not should I take the medicine should I not the answer to a million and one questions is it be led and that is the answer so all that's just your Pat answer no that's the answer and if you don't know what that means find out about it and learn how to be led the Lord will lead you according to where your faith is and he knows that but he's our healer I said he's our healer and so many times things that we can get help it doesn't fix the problem anyway you still have to believe God right it helps you but thank God for a healer who can fix it hmm and we're not you know you don't just want to be anti taking medicine you want to get to the place where you don't need the medicine hmm you don't want to just fight the bank you want to get to the place where you don't need it like you have in the past you might know what I'm talking about don't don't fight thing don't anteye stuff before some we're believing God to get to a place where we're not dependent on things like we have been but if something too helped you in the meanwhile well thank God for that too he said the former treatise have I made off the awfulness of all that Jesus what's that next word somebody tell me that word the former treatise have I made aa Theophilus no what does that mean well who did God used a pen this dr. Luke and he's referring to a previous thing he penned what would that have been well there's a gospel account that bears his name Luke God used him to pin net and he's that's what he's talking about the former treatise the previous document in work that I made off the Ovilus was a document the gospel account of Luke was a document of what of all that Jesus did of all that Jesus finished key word here of all that Jesus began both to do and to teach oh this is exciting for us what do you mean everything Jesus did is supposed to still be happening everything he talked it's supposed to still be being taught and yet he's not here in the flesh he's been raised from the dead he has ascended he has sat down at the right hand of the Father Majesty on high well then he finished his work according to this everything recorded in Luke was what he began and why does he start out acts with this verse because what you're about to read is a continuation of what Jesus started why don't we talk about that brother Keith well acts 10:38 in this book 10:38 turn there and look at it it says acts 10:38 how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power did you read about that in the Book of Luke hmmm you read about how he was anointed baptized in the river when he came out by the river Spirit of God came on anybody bodily shape and form as a dove Holy Ghost and power who went about doing doing good and healing all who were oppressed that were oppressed of the devil for God was with him he was doing somebody say doing doing good and healing all said that out loud doing good and healing all one more time doing good and healing all now what you read about in Luke is an account of what Jesus began to do what did he do doing good and healing up began to do in the teacher now what we're about to read in the book of Acts is a continuation of the Ministry of Jesus of all he started how many believe the tomb is empty Jesus is not in a tomb anywhere you can't find his body anywhere because his body has been resurrected he's alive and because he's alive what he did he's still doing it what he started he's still going on now you got to you got to remember the people in the book of Acts here just like us they're on this side of the Cross they're not seeing Jesus in the flesh they're walking by faith they're living but they're just like us we're we're in this book just later chapters Jesus ascended on high he said you tarry in the city of Jerusalem until you be endued with power chapter 2 there in the upper room waiting on the Lord sound from heaven like a rushing mighty wind Holy Ghost came in there sat on all of them when the Holy Ghost sits on you you know it they all fit with the spirit spoke in tongues came out of there full of fire walking by faith and you don't get very far just chapter three until you start seeing something that sounds very familiar it looks very familiar acts 3 1 Peter and John went up together into the temple at the hour of prayer being the ninth hour a certain man lame from his mother's womb was carried been like this a long time they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called beautiful task arms with him that entered into the temple whose sing Peter and John about to go into the temple Aston arms Peter fastening his eyes upon him with John said look on us and he gave heed to them expecting to receive something of them Peter said silver and gold have I none but such as I have give out thee in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up get up and walk and he took him by the right hand and lifted him up and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength that's a miracle I said that's a miracle this man has been like this since since he was born all his life this is a miracle this is a miracle but Jesus is not here in the flesh we're not reading in the book of Luke Jesus on this day was where he is today and they were walking by faith on that day like you and I walk by faith today and if some people try to say well jesus healed people to prove his deity and He healed people to prove that he is the son of God now when he died all that ceased and changed what's what is this what's happening here a lame man jumping up and down leaping and walking his feet maker bones received strength he leaping up stood and walked and entered with them into the temple walking and leaping and praising God Oh hallelujah we're in the days of this it's upon us we're gonna preach it we're gonna proclaim it we're gonna teach it we're gonna shout it we're gonna pray it we're gonna proclaim it and not stop until we see more and more of it more and more more and more all the people saw him walking and praising God verse 11 well verse 10 said they were filled with a mate wonder and amazement the lame man which was healed held Peter and John all the people ran together to them in the porch it's called Solomon's greatly wondering when Peter saw it he answered the people you men of Israel why Marvel you at this hour why look ye so earnestly on us as though by our own power or holiness we had made this man to walk now that blows the other theory out of the water which is some will concede and say well it didn't all cease when Jesus ascended he gave the Apostles power and they could do these things but when the last apostle died all that ceased well what about these people just ended up here a few minutes ago how they get healed in and you just got record after record of century after century people are being healed miracles are happening it obviously has not ceased but here what does he say why are you looking at us like we did this with some holiness and power that we have as being apostles then why are books still being written and either implying or outright saying that these men had special powers and they could heal because they were the special apostles then in that case they did do it by their special power and holiness which he just plainly said in Scripture he did not missile yeah but that was Peter that was John and he just got that he just got to saying why are you looking at us cuz everybody was looking at him in amazement going would you do to him what did y'all do whoa these guys are special and immediately he says why are you looking at us like that as though by our power or our holiness what's he saying it wasn't by our power it wasn't by our holiness it wasn't because I'm one of the twelve you know what he's saying he tells you how it happened and why it happened was the course of his sermon he preaches it immediately don't why are you looking at us as though by our own power holiness we made this man talk the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob the god of Our Fathers has glorified His Son Jesus is he still interested in glorifying Jesus today whom you delivered up and denied him in the presence of Pilate when he was determined to let him go you denied the holy one in the just and desired a murderer to be granted to you and you killed the Prince of life whom God has raised from the dead whereof we are witnesses and his name the name of Jesus through faith in his name has made this man strong whom you see and know the faith which is by him has given him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all what raised this man up the name of Jesus do we still have the name of Jesus faith in the name of Jesus can we still have faith in the name of Jesus it wasn't by their special power our holiness has disciples and apostles he said Peter said by the Spirit of God through him said it was by the name and faith in that name and God is glorified His Son Jesus now get this anybody read Matthew Mark Luke John did you read about how Jesus operated does this sound familiar when they look at this man and say rise and walk and he did have you ever read that mark or Luke rise take up your bed go have you ever heard that before sounds just like something Jesus would say looks just like something Jesus would do doesn't it and yet he sitting at the right hand of the Father just like he has tonight he wasn't there in the flesh he wasn't there on the street in the flesh sounds just like something Jesus would do you know why it was something Jesus dead through his church and so what he began to do he is still doing he's still doing after his death burial resurrection and ascension he's still doing it well let's look at more than one witness here you got time for this glory to God go to the fifth chapter 5:14 believers were the more added to the Lord 5:14 Malta tears both of men and women in so much that they brought forth the sick into the streets and laid them on beds and couches I have read that exact same thing in gospel accounts have you they went through all the regions roundabout and brought all the people that were sick and later ministries and Jesus would come through and people would be healed yeah but he's not here in the flesh he's raised from the dead he's at the right hand of the Father but they came and laid him in the streets on their beds and their couches then at the least the shadow of Peter passing by might overshadow some of them there came also a multitude out of the cities roundabout to Jerusalem bringing sick folks and then that were vexed with unclean spirits and and a handful were healed to prove that apostles still had power they were healed every one what me don't take that many to prove that something's happening one miracle proves something can happen and a lot of people got healed here because it talks about multitude coming out from all the cities around the back this sounds exactly like something you read in mark mark six other places where they they laid the sick in the streets and everybody that touched him got healed in this case everybody where the shadow came by every one of them got healed this sounds exactly like something Jesus did and used to do what it is something Jesus is continuing to do because everything we read about Matthew Mark Luke and John is what he began acts eight does he still heal today is it still his will to heal how about everyone didn't we just get through reading did every one every one of them somebody needs to say that out loud everyone how many ins there were no unlucky ones there weren't there wasn't even one that it wasn't God's timing for them was not even one that God was teaching and working something out in their life and and he's going to heal them later not even one and don't say well it was Peter he could do that because out of his own mouth he said it wasn't by his own power holiness acts 8 verse 5 well verse 4 they went scattered abroad whenever we're preaching the word preaching the word Philip went down to the city of Samaria and preached Christ to them and the people with one Accord gave heed to those things which Philip spoke here and seeing the miracles which he did for unclean spirits crying with loud voice came out of many that were possessed with them and many taken with pauses and that were lame were healed and there was great joy in the city this is not Peter this is not John this is not one of the twelve this was a deacon this was the guy that waited tables in the church right not one of the twelve not one that traveled with Jesus table waiter dishwasher bread toaster fish cleaner right he was a deacon chosen to help wait tables make sure everybody was fed and had their regular portions and here demons are crying out that sounds like what you read about in mark when Jesus got filled with the spirit went into the synagogue doesn't it and paralyzed people and lame people are being healed and raised up sounds just like something Jesus would damage because it is through a man who is not one of the 12 14 and 3:14 and three long-term therefore a boat they speaking boldly in the Lord which gave testimony unto the word of His grace and granted signs and wonders to be done by their hands two things won't you'd notice here what are they speaking and preaching they're preaching the word you gonna see that later the gospel in just a few verses and the Lord is giving testimony to the word of His grace that they are pre with signs and wonders somebody say signs wonders now I'm giving you actually two reasons together tonight one of them is what is it reason number 20 sure it's God's will for all to be healed because of healing in the Acts you could call it the continuing ministry of Jesus you could have called it several four things but you know what I'm talking about but with this is reason number four 21 the next we're sure it's God's will for all to be healed today because of healing well I should I say this gifts of healings both of those are in the plural in the original gifts of healings have you read in 1st Corinthians 12 where it talks about the manifestations of the Spirit well just just hold your place right here flip over there real quick somebody may not have first Corinthians 12 first Corinthians 12 he said he didn't want them to be ignorant about spiritual things he said in verse 4 there were differences diversities of gifts but the same spirit differences of administration's or ministries but the same lord diversities of operations with the same God verse 7 verse Corinthians 12:7 the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal four to one is given by the spirit the word of wisdom to another the word of knowledge by the same spirit to another faith by the same spirit to another the gifts of healing by the same spirit to another the working of miracles to another prophecy to another discerning of spirits to another divers kinds of tongues to another interpretation of tongues but all these work that one and the selfsame spirit dividing to every man severally or individually as he will we're sure it's God's will for all of us to be healed today because of the continuing Ministry of Jesus healing and next we're also sure it's God's will follow us to be healed today because of gifts of healings and the reason I say that it's because you see manifestations of this in these accounts in the book of Acts and it's something we could spend a lot of time on but could you focus with me tonight mm-hmm if I have to explain it too much it'll take too much time but if you'll focus you get the spirit of it you can pursue it further on your own gifts of healing somebody said out loud gifts of healings what is a gift of healing now some people have thought that is a gift that an individual has that they can heal people as they choose to this is not true no one has such a gift anybody that says so don't you believe it well then what is it it is a gift of a healing as the Spirit of God manifests it muscle what was that difference from any other healing it is it is it's a gift it's a gift it's a gift signs and wonders oftentimes are in these areas of gifts of healings and workings of miracles now like I said before nobody has these gifts that they can just turn off and on at their whim and no man or woman has the power to heal another man or woman at Will's don't you believe it Jesus is the healer he's the healer right he's your healer and you don't have to go to or through any man or woman on the earth to get your healing aren't you glad about that you do not have to go to or through any human being on the planet to get your forgiveness of sin or to get filled with the spirit or to get healed or delivered you don't there's one mediator between God and men the man Christ Jesus he's the only one you got to go through but God uses men he uses men he uses women to minister and he uses men and women to minister in some special ways somebody say special and some of these special ways include the area of gifts now you were here where are you in Acts I hold you place in 14 you can you can lose your place in Corinthians and go hold you place in acts 14 go to 19 acts 19 and 11 acts 1911 what does it say God wrought special semester special does God do special things he does well what what would make something special yeah what you say Keith doesn't happen every day yeah that's right we have special services in faith Life Church don't we have like our special celebration Sunday closet special it's different right and it's it doesn't happen every day special can God do special things well he is the head of the church and he didn't have to ask you or me if he wants to do something special and he did some special things by the hands of Paul didn't he didn't say God didn't say paul roth special miracles the reason i say that is because you still got people are trying to say well paul could do that he had special power and he could do that no no no god is the one that did it and he used a man and he's still using men and he's still using women cuz all that he began to do is continuing read that out loud with me god did what wrought special miracles how by the hands of Paul so that what keep reading so that from his body actually that word body is the word for skin from his skin were brought to the sick handkerchiefs or aprons he just got through saying hands right what would contact of skin with cloth why would that make any difference well it does the Holy Ghost is in us he can come upon us he can even anoint us especially and anointing power even though it sounds superstitious and funny to some people it's the Bible isn't it anointing power can go into cloth and can stay in a cloth for a period of time like a battery like a charge in a battery and when that cloth is laid on the body of the oppressed or sick that power can come out of that cloth and go into them and drive out oppression and affect healing we're reading the Bible well that's special but God does special things Peters shadow special right why are you saying that because it reveals God's character and his person and his will these things are also called signs signs and wonders what's a wonder well it makes you wonder you look at it and you wonder how that happened huh you want your meaning I've seen these kind of things that they happen that can happen so fast that your mind tries to think well it wasn't that way but you know it was that way I've seen people that had problems in their body and you pray for him and before you could take your hands off of them it changed and it's almost like it wasn't that way happen so quickly and and it makes you wonder how that happened how'd that happen brother Hagin told the story years ago of laying hands on a woman that had a giant tumor she was older but looked like she was nine months pregnant and he laid hands on her and he just went away and her clothes she had on was just like a tent now and she grabbed herself and said whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa where'd it go he said I don't know but we're glad it's gone well that makes you wonder well is he or is he not God can he do these kind of things yes he can miracles miracles miracles miracles signs and wonders miracles miracles miracles I laid a hands on laid hands on a lady one time years ago she was in her 80s deaf in one ear and rotary cuff damaged she could she could not raise her arm any higher than this and the Spirit of God came on and you know I don't recommend you do this let's the Lord lead you to but I kind of bopped her on the side of the head be open and I took her by the arm and just picked it up like that so be loosed and it did and she started doing this going and we checked her with a watch she could hear out of that ear we closed the other one when I healing is a restoration of the body from a damaged or diseased condition and and it implies a process and you see cases where people were healed gradually even in Jesus ministry but this happened in a moment of time faster than you could blink your eyes that's not just a restoration that's a miracle isn't it that's beyond though I mean if everything was fixed and you started recovering well over a period of time you'd heal up and get better but we're talking about now you see it now you don't right that's a miracle and God has always done miracles he does special things well how does that prove it's God's will for all of us to be healed why does he do them why does he do these kind of things thank you Lord for helping me with this somebody say special miracles and from his body those handkerchiefs or aprons were taken and put on the the sick and the diseases departed from them and the evil spirits went out of them did you know evil spirits don't always have to be discerned to be dealt with the power God can just come in and they go out and you did you know you don't have to understand what was wrong if it's gone we never knew what it was now it's gone you don't have to know everything you don't have to know all the answers to know but look look at a contrast here actually in acts 28 for times sake acts 28 Paul has been shipwrecked snake bit rained on right and numerous other things and he didn't quit I said he didn't quit because he knew being a scriptorium he read suck at King six and he knew it could change in a day didn't he he's standing there drenched tired exhausted been snake been shipwrecked every other thing but he didn't quit and when he didn't die from a snakebite the people in the Allen boss said they changed their mind about him get some miracles in your life people to change your mind about you to us they're go from just thinking you're nuts and fruity to thinking well there's something to that all it takes is a miracle right and they changed their mind about him verse seven in the same quarters this is acts twenty eighty seven there were positions of the chief man of the island whose name was published he received us enlarged us three days courteously this is the richest man on the island and Paul is staying in his house and he's treating him good few hours ago drenched shipwreck snake bed huh next day in an Isis house on the island eating the best food on the island wearing the best clothes on the island just a few hours it came to pass that the father of Publius lay sick of a fever does it pay to honor God's people he's honoring the man of God and now how many remember when the the the woman and her husband built that room on their house for the prophet of God and how he hadn't been staying there too long until the Lord spoke to him and said call him in here right why and ask him what do they need what do they want what did the Bible say when you honor God what's gonna happen he is going to honor you isn't he happens every time so I'm sure publish didn't have this in mind but something about him about this man struck him and he took him into his house no guarantee of anything next thing you know God has Paul ministering to his dad who's very very sick he was had a fever sick of a fever and a bloody flux dysentery he's in a bad way to whom Paul entered in and prayed and laid his hands on him and healed him notice the language here nothing is said about publishes father's faith nothing is said about Paul preaching to publish father it only tells you on Paul's side of it right that he went in there and he got to pray in and then he put his hands on this man and healed him actually the understood subject there is Paul Paul healed him but that doesn't sound right to our ears but it's because sometimes we don't know what it's talking about it is right another way of saying this Paul ministered healing to this man nothing is said about the man's faith for all we know he was delirious didn't have know what was going on now keep reading though so when this was done others also which had diseases in the island came and what Paul heal them no they want they were healed different language I said different language that healing we read about knocks three Peter and John went up to the temple at the hour of prayer this man sitting there asking begging for arms didn't say they stopped and preached to him hmm it didn't say his faith made him hold so we said yeah but it said faith in the name of Jesus yeah but didn't say his faith in fact go back there with me acts 3 this is the big my mind are you believing with me or not this is two seminars in a book we're trying to do it all in one night you can see why Jesus and people got together and stayed there for three days at a time and didn't even eat they got so caught up in the word they'd go three days not even eat you can see why they also had miracles didn't he acts three are you there what is it verse 16 read it out loud to me his name Jesus name through faith in his name has made this man strong that's how he got healed the name of Jesus and faith in the name key read but then he qualifies the faith which is by him the faith which is in him no the faith which is by him has given him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all nothing is said about the man's faith making him hold and yes it says it was faith but it was the faith how many understand he's already said faith in the name made him strong well why have you got to go and make a whole other sentence and qualified it is the faith which is by him it refers to first Corinthians 12 faith a manifestation of the Spirit they laid this man daily at this gate Peter and John went up and prayed there every day at the hour of prayer they've passed this man hundreds of times other people have passed this man but it's entirely possible Jesus passed this man when he was walking the earth well why didn't they do this the day before why didn't they do this the week before why didn't they do this the before how many members Jesus in John five at the Pool of Bethesda he wouldn't find one man remember that and he spoke to him and he was healed and walked off and left five porches full of folk there why some people say well I was you know it's not always his will no no no we see other places where he preached the word to them and they heard and believed and everybody got healed what is the gift of healing it's a gift it's a freebie it's a freebie it's a free gift a special thing to an individual or a few or special situation and what is it it's a sign of what is available to all by faith in the word now whether you understand that or not don't don't throw it away he does miracles what happened Peter and John walked by there that day they may walk by this man hundreds of times but they walk by that man that day and when they looked over him something happened in them God put faith in them beyond their regular faith a manifestation of faith that's referred to in 1st Corinthians 12 and they looked at that man they said look look on us silver and go we don't have I guess their wives had the pocketbook right then but such as I have what do you mean such as you have they had something God had dropped something in their spirit come on can you see this he dropped something in their spirit and they're not asking him does he believe anything they're not asking him about his confession they grabbed the man's hand and jerked him up tell him to get up from there and instantaneously can you see this now let's contrast this go to for chapter 14 see a different thing may sound similar but it's very different acts 14 3 we just got through reading a few minutes ago they preach they spoke boldly in the Lord and he gave testimony to the world of His grace and granted what sons and wonders to be done now we just got through reading in chapter 5 about signs and wonders of Peters shadow falling over people but in the fourth chapter they all prayed that Lord stretch forth your hand to heal and grant that signs and wonders would be done in the name of your holy child Jesus should we pray that way should we be believing for some special things we're gonna do it tonight I've done it before I've seen results and the Lord's led us this way tonight and we're gonna do it tonight and we're gonna have some tonight hallelujah don't don't don't be concerned about it I'm gonna tell you exactly how to do it I already heard from heaven on it special things special things why did we see those special things in acts 5 because they asked him to do them in acts 4 acts 430 they asked him remember when they commanded him after acts 3 after that healing of the lame in the gate called beautiful they called him on the carpet commanded them not to preach or teach anymore in the name of Jesus persecuted him they went back to their own company and they didn't pray Lord get the persecution off of us lord help us we you know what are we gonna do we can't preach anymore no they said Lord make us bolder let's get bolder grab into your service that was all boldness we may preach your word by stretching forth your hand to heal and come on and give us some more those signs and wonders give us some more than special things at one chapter later Peters shadow is falling across people and they're getting healed cloths are being taken from Paul's hands special things now we won't necessarily take time but in acts 8 that was when Philip was preaching many say many that were taken with palsy many that were laying were healed that's and the Bible said they marveled at the miracles which he did that's because special faith working on miracles gifts of healings God is doing special things Peter went into the the woman that was dead you know and just knelt by our bed and prayed and stood up and said get up from there rise and she did these all sound like things that Jesus did he's continuing to do but then you look at something like this Acts 14 notice the difference he's confirming their word with these signs and wonders and verse 7 what they do there they preached the gospel and they said of certain men at Lystra impotent in his feet being a from his mother's womb who never had walked that sounds similar to acts 3 and yet it is a world apart in how it happened how does this healing account begin verse 7 it begins with the word being preached what happens when the word is preached faith comes by hearing and knowing that I'm not the amplified actually calls over in first Corinthians 12 calls its special faith anybody ever read that house a special faith why well Paul writing about timid to Timothy talks about common faith faith we all have faith from the word and then special faith is a different thing he said this same man heard Paul speaks so he heard the word Paul was steadfastly beholding him and perceiving what he the man had faith to be healed [Music] some some captions up at the top of your page will say Paul healeth the that is wrong that's wrong there is a way you could understand it in acts 28 but not here this man was healed not by some special manifestation through Paul he was healed by his own faith that he got from hearing the gospel if people cannot get faith to be healed from hearing what people call the gospel then it's not the same gospel Paul preached if we got the same gospel we should be getting the same results people should be getting excited and be filled with faith to be healed from hearing what we preach now if you say sometimes it's his will and sometimes it's not and sometimes he says wait a while ain't no way they're gonna get faith from hearing that Paul must have preached this God's will for all to be healed this man became convinced while they heard Paul preaching that it was God's will for him to be healed right now had doeth and he's sitting there still crippled but he's got faith to be healed and Paul just helped him act on it Paul perceived that demands got faith from hearing the word and so he calls on him he said with a loud voice stand upright on your feet and he leaped and walked same results as Acts three completely different way of getting there now I get so excited about acts 14 I mean yeah acts 14 because everybody can be healed the way this man got healed this is for everybody God does special things and if you wait on a special thing you're like all those people sitting around the pools waiting for the troubling of the water and only the first one in got it and you're waiting on something special you're waiting on something special but you can get in the word for yourself and get faith for yourself and get healed every time and get healed right now and not have to wait but now you think about this let me give you a scenario real quickly here this man that got healed blame man is gate called beautiful through what we might call special faith manifested through Peter and John and God still does it today but let's say he gets saved he goes on with the Lord and and five years later he gets attacked in his body and he comes to Peter and says Peter I want you to agree with me that I'll be healed and Peter says well it may not be God's will to heal you what might he say huh that's how I got in this thing right that's how I got in this thing God healed me and raised me up and y'all told me this is who God is and now you're telling me it might not be his will it's like going through them all and you smell this wonderful smell and they're making fire somewhere or something and you go over there and ask you would you like a free sample and you say yes I think I will and you take so this stuff is great this is great so you buy two pounds and you get it home and it's junk it's dried up junk unfit to eat what would you say false advertising false advertising anybody know where I'm going what is a sign a sign is something that tells you something it indicates it reveals something it says this way look at this this is available come see this come do this God does science he does miracles why was he doing those miracles at the pool there because his people had gotten away from him they're acting like they don't have a healer nobody's believing for healing nobody's preaching healing so he does something special he sends an angel down and first one in gets healed what's he saying it's a sign healings still available still in that God still in the healing business still in the healing business what is a sign a sign is a revelation a special thing for a one or a few of what is and has always been and will always be available to everybody by faith in the word and if God does signs I've seen people I remember a man right now here big guy rough looking guy you could tell he lived a hard rough life and he was in a meeting and God healed him he came up to me afterwards crying he said preacher I don't understand it why would God heal me he said I've been mean I've been a bad man and he just broke he said I'm healed why would God heal me there's so many other people that deserve to be healed Holmwood God healed this is his thinking why would God heal me you know what I told him he loves you no matter what you've done he still loves you why did he do this I said he look he melted he didn't help on the floor they receive Jesus is Lord well not what if two years later something happens to his body and he comes to me and I said well now it may not be God's will for you to be what could he say yeah but you told me that when he healed me last time that's cuz that's who he is and that's how he is and that's his will that's how they came in that's what the sign indicated oh come on can you see this how do we know it's God's will for all to be healed because of his signs the signs and the special things the gifts of healings the working of miracles the special faith they're all saying this is God this is who he is this is what he is and it's available to everybody by faith in the world oh can you say Amen glory to God go to acts 4 let's get ready to act on this right now are you ready if you're not if you're not ready to get ready get you believing clothes on get you get your miracle expecting face and heart on guys watching my internet watching by TV get ready get ready get ready for what for miracles for miracles acts for acts for we saw signs we saw wonders we saw Peters shadow we saw Paul's hands and those cloths and we saw the the lay man at the gate car beautiful and and Paul ministering to that man on the island but notice so much of it was a result of this prayer acts 4 verse 24 they they lifted up their voice to God and they prayed with one Accord they said Lord your God you made heaven and earth and the sea and everything that's in them and in verse 29 they said now Lord some say now Lord now Lord behold their threatenings and grant to your servants that with all boldness they may speak your word by stretching forth your hand to heal and the signs and wonders may be done by the name of your Holy Child Jesus and it must have pleased the Lord because when they had prayed he shook the place where they would be shook that place and filled them all with his spirit and they immediately began speaking the Word of God with boldness like they had prayed and just a few verses later you see these healings a number of years ago I was in in a healing service similar to this this kind of flow this kind of spirit and the Lord led us to just all stand up and pray like this and believe for miracles right now nothing about Sunday in some dispensation I'm talking about tonight I'm coming right now believe for miracles right now right now which is what we're about to do and we did we just stood up there was no fast piano music no I wouldn't you know screaming and yelling I just saw right let's pray right now let's believe and we prayed we released our faith asked God to do miracles in our midst right now and then expected him to do it and then thank God for him to do it a few minutes later I asked people you know did has something changed in you that you know you can tell several people raised their hands we had testimonies miracles had happened but then the next day I found out about something and I found out about days and weeks after that they just kept coming in some things are not always obvious at the moment there was a man there and his wife by his own admission he wasn't a believer wasn't big on church at all he did not want to be in that service and thought I had gone entirely too long he his wife loved brother Hagins ministry and we were having a service in connection with that and I was the one speaking but she wanted to come and be in these services he did not want to so she kept praying and trying to figure out how she could come finally she found out that there was some good fishing in some lakes nearby the the area where the meeting and so she suggested to him that there was good fishing over there and he could fish while she went to service and he thought well that was okay so he came and he brought her but in his own words after a couple of days he said she just begin to ask me again and again will just come to one service with me just come to one service he said I don't want to come to one's her he would just come to one please just one and then I'll leave you alone you can fish he said well will you shut up about it if I come to one I don't want to hear it again so just one he said all right so he came and it was me and he thought oh well this service ever be over and finally he stood up and he's fidgeting and he's wanting to get out of there and we all prayed semester special things free gifts freebies well they left he's fussing at her out in the hall don't you ever ever ask me to come back to that I didn't know anybody could go so long and and he's upset he got in the car and he reached back to rub this growth that he'd had on his back for years that was as big as both of his fists just kept getting bigger over the years and because it had bothered him and he was in a habit of just reaching back there and and rubbing it and he reached back and he said huh they got his rearview mirror he tried put it around he said to his wife put your hand back put him back she did she reached her him back she said he said he said ah you sure are you sure what you feel I wear it I don't feel it and he for hours he was like ah now I found out all about this because he was back the next day and the next day after that well it sure wasn't his faith I said it sure wasn't his faith he didn't even want to be there he's fussing about hearing the word it was the mercy of God I said it was the mercy of God why am I telling you that because we're about to pray right now just like we prayed on that day now here's what we're gonna do though well you're not gonna pray for you and your miracle are y'all with me now you are not going to pray for yourself right now the Bible said when job prayed for his friends God turned his captivity somebody's liable to be praying for you in here but you're not when I say praying for I mean to say believing for miracles and you are gonna believe and I'm gonna believe for miracles for somebody else either in this crowd or somebody watching by internet or by TV you don't have to know who we're just gonna believe God are we come on stand up on your feet right now guys come on stand up on your feet glory to God he's the one who does it he's the one who does it miracles miracles miracles Oh glory to God hallelujah let's lift our hands and praise Him a little bit Oh Lord we bless you Oh Lord we glorify you well Lord we praise you Lord we bless you oh thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord how you're great you do miracles so great listening let's sing it to him [Music] [Music] [Music] pose right get ready to release your face now I want you to expect when we pray this with every five of your being we are not playing this is real and God's going to do miracles right now set out loud father God I have faith in you I have faith in the name of Jesus and we lift up our voice and we ask you to stretch forth your hand to heal and grant that signs and wonders miracles will be done in the name of our Lord Jesus and to the glory of our Lord Jesus father right now right now in Jesus name we ask you work miracles in our midst in this place over the Internet the TV through these tapes work miracles right now we ask you manifest a miracle for somebody right now in the name of Jesus [Music] thank you thank you thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you are [Music] [Music] or pray in the spirit son or kampala such a poor Ginny vein Billy knows owned of a Maori grains debauchee we believe you to do miracles right now Lord miracles of deliverance miracles of healing miracles of provision miracles miracles we're believing you're right now Lord thank you for manifesting of power glory miracles miracles [Music] miracles miracles you are you do miracles there is no No [Music] you [Music] whoa how many are expecting right now are you expecting come on now have you faith real active right now said out loud miracles are happening God's working miracles in this house all over the world God's working miracles miracles are happening showing up tonight and tomorrow and next week miracles miracles are we thank you thank you for miracles [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] he's working [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] working [Music] come on keep praising him he's doing things lor thank you for doing miracles of healing in bodies right now miracles of deliverance habits bondage is being broken right now in the name of Jesus miracles of restoration miracles of recovery miracles Thank You law miracles of provision Oh hallelujah you are we go [Music] [Music] hallelujah let's thank you in advance [Music] Lord we thank you for hearing us tonight we know it's your will we prayed right out of the Bible we know it's your will we know you've not changed we know it we know it and we thank you for working miracles in Jesus hallelujah if you had a pain or a problem that you could feel before we prayed check it out now there's some things have already happened check it out now if something's different go ahead and put your hand up praise God say yeah something's different I can tell I see hands number of hands glory to God glory to God glory to God you know immediately after them praying that prayer there was a miracle of the place being sure there was a miracle of them speaking the Word of God with boldness but you didn't see Peters shadow in those things till later days later time later but he came right back to that prayer so miracles tonight but miracles tomorrow and the next day and the next week there's going to be some folks that wake up tomorrow and those symptoms that have been there for a long time gonna be gone hallelujah some people don't get reports next week reports and the report will be that the thing is changed it's no longer like that it was like that now it's like this it's changed somebody say I believe in miracles say it again I believe in miracles I believe in miracles [Music] hallelujah thank you thank you lord what you are [Music] or can you sense that he's here his presence is here he heard our prayer he's answering our prayer Aetna granting signs and wonders to be wrought stretching forth his hand to healed and we'll give you all the glory long as the reports come in we'll give you all the glory it's you who've done it wasn't by accident you did it and we give you the glory hallelujah or just keep praising in just a little bit luck whoa hallelujah [Music] tumors are being dissolved right now gross gross and tumors are being dissolved right now in the name of Jesus [Music] ha folks are being healed throats are being here nodules nodules are being dissolved and being eliminated in Jesus name nodules knows n Oh des nodes on vocal cords and other party parts are being dissolved and being removed in the name of Jesus hallelujah cysts cysts are being consumed by the fire of God cysts inside organs are being dissolved cysts poor Oh hallelujah come on somebody praise the Lord what we thank you for doing these things [Music] we thank you for doing these things thank you thank you thank you joints are being healed knees and shoulders and elbows and wrists and ankles are being healed joints that were stiff and frozen almost are being loosed in the name of Jesus joints that were inflamed are being restored and healed [Music] Nick parts back parts hip parts [Music] thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you more oh thank you [Music] Oh hallelujah miracles are happening or just keep praising and keep thanking and he's working not just here but in other places far away from this building well thank you lord [Music] person in that office you need to start moving your neck right now you need to start to put your hand on your neck hurt you're not even in this building you're in the office some I don't know where you are but start moving that neck its loosed right now in the name of Jesus it also works here yes hallelujah knees are still being healed and loose knees or thank you lord toes are being healed or thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord doesn't make any difference how it got that way God still wants to heal it doesn't make any difference how it got that way or how long it's been that way healing is happening miracles are happening miracles Meera come on anybody in here believing for more miracles Lord were expecting Lord we believe it we're laying hold of you with our faith we're expecting with our faith thank you thank you thank you Oh hallelujah [Music] I think we could start having testimonies right now and just have a bunch of them and it would be good maybe we'll hear them later but I think we should leave just like this and take this faith with us in the car and take this faith as we lay across the bed tonight you can just cook right back up where you are just lift up your hand and now you're not even praying about yourself right you are believing God for miracles for people who are in this room and people who are not in this room and even people who'll hear these materials later right there's no time with God and how many are expecting the stream of testimonies to God's glory so we're gonna sing it again and we're just gonna be dismissed as we sing we're gonna go in faith don't don't turn loose of this keep this stirred up tonight and remind yourself in the morning somebody said out loud God's doing miracles he's working miracles in our midst and miracles far from here God is working miracles you are great [Music] machine [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelu [Music] war we worship you we praise you with bless you [Music] you are the miracle worker the great and mighty God [Music] wonders gifts of healing well thank you [Music] you are [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Faith Life Church - Keith Moore
Views: 342
Rating: 4.6363635 out of 5
Id: eM_Jf578Hbc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 27sec (5967 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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