God's Will To Heal, Part 6

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would you turn to the Book of Luke Luke chapter 5 and verse 12 if you didn't bring a Bible with you tonight hold up your hand we have extra Bibles would be glad to let you use one hold up your hand if you didn't bring one and turn to Luke 5 read with us let these words let your eyes rest on these words let them get in you knowing that they're not words just of men they're words of God in Luke 5 and 12 it came to pass when Jesus was in a certain city behold a man full of leprosy who's seeing Jesus fell on his face and besought him saying Lord if you will you can make me clean everybody said that out loud Lord if you will you can make me clean now we have been talking for a few weeks now on this subject of God's will to heal it is a much debated topic it's a topic that many people are confused about and we believe differently then some folk do but people say well you know you got a right to believe what you believe and I got a right to believe what I believe about it we all got a right to believe whatever we decide to believe no now we don't you don't have a right to your own beliefs I don't know that's terribly politically incorrect nor do I have a right to just believe whatever I decide I want to believe if I'm a Christian and jesus is my Lord he tells me what to believe I'm to believe that and if you're a Christian you're to believe that to not decide what I decide to believe what I want to believe no believe what he said well if you asked people in any number of different denominations tonight is it God's will for you to be healed is it always God's will for us to be healed you would get many different answers wouldn't you but can we find answers in the Bible on this this man asked this very question the very question many are asking tonight and today all over the world he said lord I know you can I know you can heal me if it is your will so he wasn't convinced if it was God's will or not and he's trying to to see Lord is it your will well we have the answer from the Lord not what somebody thought he said about it or thought he meant about it we have the actual words we have a quotation from him in answering this question and since we got that we ought to have this question answered forever tell me what he answered when the man said he said if you will you can make me clean verse 13 Jesus put forth his hand and touched him even though he was full of leprosy he was in a bad way Jesus didn't run away from him he put out his hand and touched him and he said ah we'll be thou clean and immediately the leprosy departed from him religion seminary preachers have taken this and they've twisted it to fit their theology and they said well I mean they did it didn't say it but what he meant is I'm the son of God and I'm gonna demonstrate that I'm the son of God by healing you even though it's not always the will of God it usually is not the will of God for people to be healed but because I am the son of God I'm gonna prove something here he didn't say any of that that's conjecture his people making up stuff What did he say didn't say he was proving anything hmm didn't say this was because of who he is and was he just said so simple I will be clean and he was wonder what he'd say today if you are me or anybody in Canada or South America or Australia or Africa New Zealand or England or would ask him lord I know you can heal me if it be your will wonder what he'd say to us now or anybody else now has he changed then he still say I will he's he a respecter of persons then he would still say I will for all Bible believing people it ought to be settled I like what this what the amplified excuse me it's the living actually the Living Bible said that when the man said sir if you only will you can clear me of every trace of my disease Jesus reached out and touched the man and said of course I will be healed Oh glory to God that sounds like Jesus to you of course I will be healed be cleansed and he'll and the leprosy left him instantly well we believe this but if it is true other parts of the word will confirm it let everything then every word be established in the mouth of two or three witnesses and so we've begun on that to establish it from Scripture after scripture and place after place that it is God's will for all to be healed now and so if you haven't been with us you can go get the tapes you can download it for free off the internet there too we've gone over reason after reason after reason let me go over a few of them for you can anybody remember some of them we're sure it's God's will for all to be healed today because God's Word is medicine we're sure it's God's will for all to be healed today because a strong spirit will sustain you through bodily pain in trouble we're sure it's God's will for all to be healed today because of the original creation and I can't comment on my comment on him I'll start teaching them again they're so good we're sure it's God's will for all to be healed today because of God's will in heaven and in the world to come we're sure it's God's will for all to be healed today because of the origin of sickness where it came from we're sure it's God's will for all to be healed today because sickness is a work of the devil we're sure it's God's will for all to be healed today because we have a covenant of healing that makes you shout doing it we're sure it's God's will for all to be healed today because of the eternal names of God one of which is Jehovah Rapha I am the Lord who heals you and he still is we're sure it's God's will for all to be healed today because sickness is a curse it's part of the curse of the law and according to Galatians 3:13 Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law we read last week where he mentions sickness and disease after sickness and disease that's part of the curse of the law and then he said every sickness and every disease it's not mentioned by name in here is part of it and we've been redeemed from it said out loud again I'm redeemed from the curse of sickness I'm redeemed well if you're redeemed from it how could it be God's will for you to live in it or have it if he'd wanted you to be in it if it was as will for you to be in it he wouldn't have redeemed you from it just doesn't make sense now does it but going on tonight what reason is this reason number 10 we are sure it's God's will for all to be healed today because of the types of Redemption typ es types of redemption I want you to turn with me to two places please go with me to second Corinthians hmm now first Corinthians 10 and then second Corinthians 1 first Corinthians 10 2nd Corinthians 1 there are some rich rich things that we're about to get into right now types of redemption first Corinthians 10 are you there first Corinthians 10 says he talked about beginning in verse 1 about how the God brought that first generations of Israelites out of Egyptian bondage and he brought them through the Red Sea and and all the things that happened to them both good and bad and verse 11 1st Corinthians 10 11 says now all these things happen to them for in samples and the margin of my Bible says types types in samples are examples are types and they are written for who our admonition are our instruction upon whom the ends of the world are come the things that are written in the Old Testament all the things that happened with God's people in the first covenant they are written as types for us they typify they portray what has been fulfilled in the New Covenant the New Testament and that's another big reason we ought not neglect and ignore our Old Testament it's full of beautiful types of Jesus and the work of redemption and you just you know they're actually the writers of the New Testament for the larger part assume you know the Old Testament can you tell that by reading it they make references to it and assume you know and many modern day Christians are woefully ignorant of the Old Testament that's one reason that we here at faith Life Church are reading our Old Testament right now that's going to take more than one year to do it but is it worth doing it oh are you getting anything out of reading this does it apply to us today it's the Word of God it never fails it does not change and so we are in a different covenant but we don't have a different God he hasn't changed and thing after thing that he told them was prophesying and the things he told them to do were beautiful prophetic pictures of what was about to happen in fact everybody that got forgiven everybody that got restored everybody that got healed everybody that had any blessing on their life in the Old Covenant got it based on what Jesus would do in the future now go with me to the next passage here to second Corinthians second Corinthians the first chapter and verse 20 second Corinthians 1:20 put it up on the screen let's read it out loud was it safe for all the promises of God in him are ye are yes and in him amen are so be it unto the glory of God by us how many of the promises of God they find there yes we're him is who if you read if you read the passage Jesus him here it refers to Jesus let me read this to you again the NIV says no matter how many promises God has made they are yes in Christ aren't you glad they're not no they are yes is it God's will for you to be healed the answer is yes but it is only yes because of what the Anointed One has done but because of what he has done and continues to do it is yes every time you need something it's yes every time you want something hmm every time that you know any blessing any protection any deliverance any healing all of it can be yes yes yes you need provision to mark it's yes again you need healing for the nine thousands of times yes yes and yes it'll be yes tomorrow yes yes why somebody you know you hear preachers say well you know God always answers to kind of raise an eyebrow God always answers sometimes it's yes now they don't say it but you can tell by the way they said most of the time not and sometimes it's no and sometimes it's wait a while and you just never know that's not Bible that's not Scripture the Bible says if we ask anything according to his will he hears us and if we know he hears us whatever we ask we know that we have the petitions what does that mean means he said yes yes now if you ask him to give you somebody else's wife didn't you didn't find out in the Word of God about his will right if you'd read the book you'd have known that missus well then he said no no he didn't say anything he doesn't regard ignorance like that he doesn't even hear it because you couldn't have prayed it in faith you weren't praying it according to the Bible right didn't require an answer deserves to be ignored but that's a whole nother subject but all the promises let me read another one the new living says all of God's promises have been fulfilled in him every one of them as many as are the promises of God they all find their yes in him in the Christ now I get kind of animated about this I believe it very strongly there is no blessing available to mankind past present or future except through Jesus that's a big statement I said it boldly I stand by won't even blink when I say there is no blessing available to mankind there never has been and there is not and there never will be any blessing available to any man or woman on the planet except through Jesus somebody says well they you know back under the Old Covenant he hadn't come yet and they were getting blessed it was all based on what he was gonna do every offering they made pointed to him everything they did prophesied about him it was pointing to him can you see it let me remind you of a few things go to the book of Acts do you believe this - there is no mercy there is no blessing from God available to any man or woman and there never will be except through Jesus Christ's redemptive work every promise that God has ever made every commitment that he has ever made everything that has ever been or ever will be able for God to say yes I will do this for you it's happened because of Jesus by him and through him do you believe it he's everything he is everything to everybody he is everything for all time he's everything he's everything you know I don't know that we were strong about this as we should be what did Paul say about people that didn't believe in Jesus and that you know rejected him outright he said among other things he said let them be accursed people that breach other Gospels if you don't love the Lord and you're not looking for is coming I'm not saying this I'm quoting him have you read it an affimir Jesus is everything without Jesus you are nothing you have nothing you have no future to look forward to in him you have everything in him you have access to God the Father creator of heavens and earth in him you have relationship in him you have forgiveness in him you have cleansing from all sin and failure and mistake in him you have the right to rule and reign in the kingdom of God forever in him you have healing in him you have prosperity in him everything you ever desired are wanted are needed God is able to say yes yes yes yes yes but never forget every time he says yes to you it's because of Christ is because of him do you believe it go to acts the fourth chapter there are some things that there's no need to be so adamant about you know no need to be stuck so hard and but then there are things that you must be immovable about because the salvation of people's souls depend upon it to believe something else is to be lost and this is one of them this is one of them that we're you know you so well you know I don't believe in this or that you know can't we get along can't we fellowship well I'll be nice to you but we're not even in the same family if you don't believe this we're not going to spend eternity in the same places did you hear me this this is a dividing line axe for you there axe for now this is healing this man got healed you remember Lane Mendes gate called beautiful verse 10 he said be it known to you all and all the people of Israel that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth whom you crucified and God raised him from the dead even by him does this man stand here before you hold every miracle should be culminating in this who did it right every every great thing that happens every sign every wonder it ought to set the stage for somebody to stand up and say Jesus did this it happened because of him how many believe with me and agree with me he's everything he's everything he's the Alpha he's the Omega he's the beginning and he's the end he's the first he's the last he's everything everything glory to God Jesus is everything and if you don't believe in it you are on the outside looking in you are not saved nor will you be you must believe on him read this next verse he said this is the stone which was set at nought of you builders which has become the head of the corner you set him aside you said he wasn't the one but he is verse 12 do you have this neither is there salvation in any other for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved there is no other way there is nobody else he's it people call us narrow-minded politically incorrect you don't accept everybody you know I thought you know I thought you preach love Jesus preached love and acceptance no he did not we've already talked about that at length if you were here he preached the kingdom of God and repentance and people try to take Christianity and twist it and say well if you really love people you accept them like they are you can love people and not accept the way they are no because the world the Lord loves you just the way you are said who he loves you in spite of how you are you don't have to love all the goofy ways that you are to love you well if you love me you'll accept me the way I am and usually people are talking about their sin no we don't have to accept your sin to love you absolutely not and we certainly don't have to accept that you believe in some other God some other way to heaven in order to love you know if we love you we'll tell you the truth and it's stand by why you believe a lie and go off into eternity without God that's not love there is no other name do you believe that listen to the amplified there is salvation in and through no one else no one else there is no other name under heaven given among men by and in which we must be saved I'll say it again not only the new birth is this way but everything else is this way every healing every deliverance every protection every blessing every bit of prosperity that comes from him every bit of it came by and through Jesus it's only through him it's only by him can you say Amen all the promises of God find their yes in him and their Amen yes you can have it yes it's my will and so be it it comes through Christ every time enough what happened with this man he said lord I know you can do it if it be your will what do you say yes yes it is my will restart and touched him so be it be healed well this time it came literally through the physical hand of the Christ but every other time before this and every other time after this it still came through the Christ now go back with me please to the book of Exodus we're talking now about redemption redemption what we have what belongs to us because of what Jesus has done this one of the greatest things you'll ever think about and it's sad that so many Christians know so little about what actually happened vast numbers of Christians all they know is I'm not going to hell which is wonderful but Redemption is so much more so much more and we're not going to try to cover all the redemption but we're talking about healing and here's the question we're going to do with it now and we'll deal with it into the next points is healing a part of Redemption is healing a part of what Jesus bought and paid for for all believers you know this is where the road divides I don't know if you've studied you know I've been to school or read books or studied theology on this but this is the fork in the road and this is why if if you say yes healing is part and parcel of redemption healing is part of what Jesus bought and paid for then how many is Redemption far are you going to say redemption is for some and not for some and so because of that millions of Christians do not believe that statement they do not agree that healing is a part of redemption they believe God can heal if he wants to but it doesn't belong to all believers like forgiveness of sin does but that's a problem because now you got God blessing humanity outside of the work of Jesus on what basis is he doing it and people say well God's God he can do it if he wants to hmm then why couldn't he just save people because he wanted to he's omniscient he's omnipotent he can do whatever he wants why why was it necessary what they're saying is it wasn't necessary for Jesus to come and pay the price God's God he can do what he wanted to do no God is God and he did do what he wanted to do he did what is right he could not you know think about it when when Adam and Eve sinned he still loved them he didn't want them driven out of the garden he didn't want them separated from him but you can't bless people that have disobeyed you and rebelled against you and be fair that doesn't merit a blessing sin had to be punished sin had to be judged all but he had a plan I said he had a plan whereby even though not at all Adam and Eve but all their descendants that all had sinned and come short of the glory of God he still had a plan whereby he could reconcile now that's an important word he could reconcile redeem and reconcile all mankind to himself and bless and heal and deliver and save even though they had sinned and didn't deserve it it's the greatest story ever told it's the good good good good good good good news can you say amen and healing is part of it healing is right in the middle of it it has always been in the middle of it and it still isn't them but people try with their Fiat Theological scalpels they try to separate it and take it apart and go no known a forgiveness of sin that's for everybody as many as will believe but no healing is not part of that we know God could heal if he wanted to but to say it's every believers right and privilege no no it's not always his will and being rich the whole no no but it is I believe this will grow in you and me as we go I'm gonna make the statement I'm getting ahead of myself quite a bit but I'm gonna make it and I'm gonna keep making it and it's going to grow in you you are right now just as healed as you are forgiven right now how much we receive it how much we yield to it is up to us just like how much you receive forgiveness of sin but it belongs to you equally because it was accomplished in the same work of redemption this needs to be built into our consciousness we haven't been taught this as the church for century after century we've been taught other stuff but this is true I said this is true this is the Bible and this is true now what I want to do as the Lord helps us I want to go back and this this is so big you know we can't do this all in a few days but I want to go back and go over just a handful of the types of redemption in the Old Testament and then I want to bring this right into the real thing the actual work of redemption let's look at how it was typify typify typifies typifies typifies and then when it happened can you say Amen and our question is now this is huge and big but our question we're limiting it to this area is healing in there was healing in the type and it's healing in that's for plan of redemption and if it is get out the way because it's mine it belongs to every believer if it's part of redemption Exodus 12 are you there I'd like to give you five examples of redemptive type in the Old Testament we're looking for Jesus in these types and we're looking for healing said out loud I'm looking for Jesus and I'm looking for healing now what if you find Jesus in this time and then what if you find healing in it what does it mean amusing little theological language for you if it is in the anti-type it must be excuse me if it is in the typo said it backwards if it is in the type it must be in the anta type which means the real thing if it's if it's in the type and it's not in the plan of redemption the type becomes misleading hmm Exodus 12 the Passover lamb Exodus 12 verse 1 the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt he said this month will be to you the beginning of months it'll be the first month of the year speak you to all the congregation of Israel and say in the tenth day of this month they shall take to them every man a lamb according to the house of their fathers a lamb for a house if the household be too little for the lamb let him and his neighbor next to his house take it according to the number of souls every man according to his eating make your count for the lamb your lamb shall be without blemish have you ever heard this before hmm a male of the first year you take it out from among the sheep and the goats you keep it up to the fourteenth day of the same month the whole Assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it in the evening you take of the blood have you ever heard of the blood of the lamb is this a type of Jesus and you strike on the two side posts on the upper doorpost and they'll eat the flesh in that night now this is something that is not brought out as much as it should be how many things were they to do when that once they had killed the lamb two things not just one somebody say to hold up two fingers how many things they were to take the blood of the lamb and apply it to the entryway of their home but that wasn't in what else were they to do they were to eat the body of the lamb both the blood and the body people talk about the blood but they omit the body big mistake so verse eight eat the flesh in that night roast with fire and unleavened bread with bitter herbs show you eat it he described to them exactly how they were to eat it and verse 10 not leave anything of it till the morning so very specific about eating the body how it was prepared don't leave any of it verse 11 thus shall you eat it with your loins girded your shoes on your feet your staff in your hand eat it in a hurry it is the Lord's Passover now why why do that why eat it bags packed fully dressed and eat it in a hurry well what did he say to him if you back up he said I'm bringing you out of here right so you eat it in faith now do they have any reason in the natural to think they're going anywhere they and their forefathers have been slaves in this nation for four centuries all kind of things have happened and Pharaoh said no I will not let them go I mean all kind of signs and wonders and plagues and destructions and they still are slaves to Pharaoh there is no reason in the natural Papa didn't go anywhere grandpa didn't go anywhere great grandpa and grandma didn't go anywhere but when God says get ready to go I don't care if a nobody left the house in 430 years you go on and get ready I don't care if nobody's been out of town in 430 years you go ahead and put you travelin boots on put your clothes on gird up your loins pack your stuff and in fact get it right next to the door and eat quick in there what he said eat in a hurry is this a type of redemption absolutely you know you apply the blood to the doorway and when the destroyer came through killing all the firstborn of man and beast he said when I see that blood I'll not allow the destroyer to come into you and he would pass over that house that house was exempted got passed over the wages of sin is death all men have sinned and come short of the glory of God and the wages of that is not just physical death but eternal death why aren't you going to hell why aren't you paying the price for all your mistakes we've been exempted we've been passed Topher we're judgement is concerned why because of the blood of the Lamb that has bought us and paid for us and therefore the destroyer cannot come into our houses to consume us and destroy us was this a type of the spotless lamb yes missus well I don't see healing in there yeah I'm about to tell you about it go to Psalm 105 it describes this very night when they came out Psalm 105 now you've got to remember who these people are and what they have been doing they've not been serving God in Egypt they've been worshipping false gods and they have not been treated well especially in recent times you remember they were required to produce their quota of bricks and weren't given the materials to make them out of and so they're working night and day when they're not making bricks they're roaming the countryside scrapping the straw together and then they're being beat remember this lately because of what was going on they were beaten they're treated like livestock they're slaves and so were their fathers and their fathers before them and their fathers before them for centuries now when you're treated like that you don't have a decent place to live your food is substandard you're overworked malnourished you're gonna have sick people people that are beaten ribs broken limbs broken eyes and ears and noses broken and damaged and didn't receive proper medical care there worked out in the fields till they drop heatstroke hmm had to be a lot of broken sick diseased weak damaged people that's what slavery does to people but when they came out that night we have a description in Psalm 105 are you that 105 36 105 36 he smoked also the firstborn in their land the chief of all their strength he brought them forth also with silver and gold and there was not one feeble person among their tribes there were six hundred and three thousand what five hundred and fifty s foot soldiers not counting the older people not counting the women not counting the children you probably easily have two to three million people you can't tell me among two to three million people you can't find one week are feeble a people that have grown up in slavery slapping the cold worked in extreme heat been beaten overworked underfed no no no no don't even make sense there had to be many of them that were weak and broken and diseased but when they come out that night there's not one feeble person I submit to you something very miraculous happened in connection with the Passover lamb Oh something something amazing happened you try today to find two million people in any group find a church of fifty that there's not one feeble or diseased or weakened among all of in this whole nation you could not find one weak or feeble our broke because the first part of it was silver and gold is this a type is this the type of redemption what is a type do a type portrays the real thing it points toward what's coming who is the Lamb Jesus they were sparing some I said well it was by the blood mmm no not that part they were not destroyed because of the blood but something else happened they said in there oh did you get this now uncle Ernie who had a stroke out in the field ten years ago and was paralyzed off a whole one whole side of his body he ain't going nowhere but uncle Ernie got ready they dressed Uncle Ernie and put his boots on it ain't many had been beat by taskmaster and her hip was broke and had an IED knocked out and besides that she just been poor health for the last ten years but I ain't mean he got ready to they got ain't many ready tonight Minnie said get my boots get my boots we live in here we coming out of here well we keep told all these sick people how we gonna leave he didn't say anything about that he said get ready get ready get ready get dressed get packed up get ready to go and eat eat eat the body of the lamb glory to God glory to God glory to God is there healing here and it's in what it's in a type of redemption if there's healing in the type there's got to be healing in the real thing what it was pointing toward what it was portraying is there says their salvation from destruction and death in Jesus just like there wasn't the type I mean all of us they apply the blood and be saved what about the rest of it eat the body and be healed what about the rest of it get rich get plenty of silver go I mean first thing you need when you get delivered out of darkness and spiritual bondage and out of the devil's Kingdom first thing you need is plenty of money and a good strong body now got money got help ready to serve God come on let's do it do we have anything less under the fulfillment of the Passover lamb then they had under the type people try to tell us this kind of nonsense now what's the truth what's the truth if it's in the type it's in the fulfillment of the type if it was if if they could get protected and get rich and get healed through the Passover lamb surely we can get protected and delivered and healed and blessed through the lamb the lamb that was a type of okay number two go to Leviticus 14 Leviticus 14 oh I like these like these and your old testaments just full of these and every one of them is pointing to who every one of them pointing to Jesus and there's healing in these Leviticus 14 the Bible says in verse 1 the Lord spoke to Moses Leviticus 14 1 he said this shall be the law of the leper in the day of his cleansing he shall be brought to the priest the priest will go forth out of the camp the priests to look and behold if the plague of leprosy be healed in the leper the priest will command to take for him that is to be cleansed two birds alive and clean cedar wood and scarlet and hyssop and the priest shall command that one of the birds be killed in an earthen vessel over running water as for the living bird he shall take it and the cedar wood and the scarlet and the hyssop and dipped them and the living bird in the blood of the bird that was killed over the running water he'll sprinkle upon him that is to be cleansed from the leprosy seven times and will pronounce him clean and let the living bird loose into the open field sadly so many Christians don't even read these things and the ones that do do so as an act of duty and go oh man blood and birds and wood and water and man I'm going to have to do know that no more and just look at it as insignificant ritual but there's nothing insignificant in this book and there's nothing that the Lord told them to do that was for no reason and for no purpose this is a type of Jesus you should already be able to see some things just read and do it cedarwood blood hmm water every one of these but now what happened this is all the whole thing is over a healing the whole thing this man has been leprous leprosy described a number of different diseases some different than what we talk about now but the thing it refers to was terminal and called a living death you lost feeling in your skin and your body there are stories of people that have their hands in the fire and it's burning them up they couldn't even feel it people to walk off and break an ankle and just keep walking on it because they couldn't even feel it it has to do with your your flesh actually dying while you're still alive part of you is dead and when you were this way it was considered contagious and you were put outside the city and you were there on your own in the bush till you died horrible but here comes a man who's been out in the bush for who knows how long leprous terminal no cure everybody say no cure terminal see no cure deaths in US and he comes and yells to the watchman on the wall hey goes why aren't you a leper go back in the bush Jehovah has healed me say what I'm healed Jehovah has healed me you're not playing with us no I'm healed well stay right there the Lord told him exactly what to do the priests come and they examine them and they look at this for the sores where and they shave their heads and shave the hair off their body parts that had the places in it they closed them up for several days and they examine them again and if in fact they have been healed and they are clean then they did this ceremony Oh glory to God here comes a man he's got his life back soon as he goes through this ceremony he can go back home he can go back to his wife and his kids he can go back to his job he didn't worship in the sanctuary again he's got his life back he's been healed somebody say healed healed healed so he comes in he's cleansed and probably shaved and they take him in verse four the priest takes two birds somebody say to hold up those fingers again let me see how many two birds alive and clean and cedarwood is there any wood involved in redemption the master was hung on a tree right he was nailed to wood and scarlet I believe it's Matthew 25 says they put a scarlet robe on him and then they spit on him and slapped him in and mocked him hyssop hyssop was a it was used like a brush to apply we just got the reading in Exodus 12 they used a hyssop branch to put the blood on the entryway hyssop was used as a cleansing tool is there any cleansing in Redemption you know they took a sponge and and lifted up vinegar to the master on the cross and we're not told what that material was out of but notice what else it says cedarwood scarlet hyssop dip them excuse me excuse me I'm moving too fast the priest verse five will command that one of the birds be killed in an earthen vessel killed in an earthen vessel that's what the master did he was born into this earth in an earthen vessel and he was killed the Bible said they have you killed that bird over clean our fresh rent as opposed to stagnant running water they took this bird and they killed the bird and the blood ran out into the water one bird is dead this was done inside an earthen vessel then the other bird is still alive and you were to take that other remaining bird and you're to take that in your hand with the cedar wood with the Scarlet with the hyssop and you take that bird and these materials in your hands and you plunge them underneath the blood and the water glory to God and then you bring them up with the blood and the water dripping off of them a live bird a piece of cedar wood scarlet cloth hyssop and you sprinkle the one that is to be cleansed from the leprosy seven times and you say you're clean and then you go out to an open field just in a wide-open space and you take that cedar wood and that scarlet and that hyssop and you let that bird go free that water washed blood washed bird that's alive because the other bird died and you watch him fly away free Oh Cory to God there was a clean one who was born into the earth and in earthen vessel he did die he shed his blood on the cedar on the tree after he was mocked in the Scarlet right and they pierced his side and blood and water flowed out and the price was paid and judgment was satisfied redemption was purchased reconciliation was made and now anybody that look up from their dirty and broken and sick and death condition and say I believe on him I believe on him and I receive him as Lord of my life and we'll let them by the holy spirit put his great hand on you and combine you with the work of the cross and with the work of redemption and the cleansing of the Holy Spirit and then take you blood washed and bought water washed and let you free to rule and to reign in life by Christ Jesus is this a type of Jesus tell me why they're doing it why are they even having this ceremony somebody got healed from a physical condition a death sentence no hope terminal condition if there's healing in the type there's got to be healing in the real thing elsewise the type becomes a misrepresentation a falsehood a lie go hurry to God can you take another one all right who go to Leviticus 25 Leviticus 25 every one of these a preaching I want them Leviticus 25 this chapter talks about the year of Jubilee is there any type of Jesus and redemption in the year of Jubilee he said skip down to verse 8 Leviticus 25 8 he said you shall number seven Sabbath's of years to you seven times seven years and the space of the seven Sabbath's of years shall be to you forty and nine years and then you shall cause the trumpet of the Jubilee to sound on the tenth day of the seventh month in the day of atonement is this typical of Redemption now in the day of atonement you'll make the trumpet sound throughout all your land and you will hallow the fiftieth year and proclaim what you will proclaim Liberty in the year of Jubilee what is the year of Jubilee it is the year of liberty freedom annual says we go restoration you're hallow this 50th year you'll proclaim Liberty throughout all the land to the inhabitants thereof it'll be a jubilee to you and you shall return every man to his possession and you'll return every man to his family if you had lost something you get it back it only came around once there for 50 years but when it did it was party all year it was what everybody had been waiting for for the previous 49 because if you had lost it and there was no way you could get it back in the year of Jubilee you got it back Jubilee showed that fiftieth year be to you verse 13 he said it again in the year of this Jubilee you shall return every man to his possession what happens everybody gets back their possessions everybody now let me paint a little story here for you because most Westerners and even Christians haven't even read this and they don't know about it and if they read it they didn't see any significance to it it's very significant just like Jesus is our Passover Jesus is our Jubilee huh according to this if you were an individual who had fell on hard times maybe I'd lived right you disobeyed God you got away from God maybe you you were doing good and you had a a farm you had a ranch you had a spread that had been in your family for generations you had a wife you had children you had livestock you were wealthy but let's say you messed up and you drank and you partied and CIND and you worship false gods and you got in debt and your creditors came and took your stuff they took your place in those days if you had no money to pay your debts your wife and your kids could be sold as slaves and the money put on the dead and if that happened let's say it happen to you and even yourself they sold you into slavery now you lost your property that you had for generations in your family you don't know where your wife is you don't know where your kids are you don't even belong to yourself you're somebody else's property you get up every day and feed their pigs and it happens for 23 years but the 24th year you get up early one morning and you hear this trumpet duh duh duh duh it's trumpet you keep hearing it all morning dr. Dada you know it's the first of the year but you don't usually hear this trumpet like this and you go what what he said somebody come running to Jubilee Jubilee this is the beginning of Jubilee you say who are you going I'm going home they said what what about the master he can't stop me it's Jubilee you think I'm going home I'm going home so you lay your shovel down and you start heading toward the home place and at the same time so did your wife and so did you signs and so did your daughters and you come down the road and it used to say Smith farm but now it says something else and you see your wife and you see your kids coming down the other way and y'all meet up out there and you go Jubilee Jubilee it's Jubilee and you take that sign of somebody else's name off of your place I know it sounds strange but this is the way it was if you had lost it you get it back in the year of Jubilee had man lost anything Adam and Eve had it all they had everything and they lost it they lost their perfect health they lost their total riches they lost their complete fellowship with God they lost a protection they lost their peace they lost it and year after year and century after century it was hard but in the fullness of time there came one born of a woman became the master Oh hallelujah the Word made flesh go to Luke the fourth chapter so what's this got to do with healing about to show you Luke chapter four Luke chapter four are you excited at least a little bit look for verse 14 look for 14 Jesus came out of that wilderness temptation having passed every test putting the devil to shame at his own game and he came out in the power of the Spirit he went into Galilee there went a Fame abroad he taught in their synagogues being glorified of all when he came to Nazareth where he'd been brought up as his custom was so he did this repeatedly this was his custom the way he operated he went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day and he stood up for to read and there was delivered to him the book of the prophet Isaiah and when he opened the book he went to this place he found this place and he said he read it right out of Isaiah he said the Spirit of the Lord is on me because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim the good news to the poor he sent me to heal to my say heal heal heal the brokenhearted to preach deliverance to the captives recovering semester recovering recovery recovering of the sight to the blind to set at liberty liberty remember eating that liberty them that are bruised to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord now Westerners don't know what that is but all these folk knew he's told my Jubilee he's how my Jubilee the year of Jubilee when you get to come back to everything you lost you get everything back that you lost no matter how you lived no matter how bad before how dark how far down you win you get it all back and in connection with getting it all back he includes healing and freedom from being poor didn't he he's talking about the acceptable year of the Lord he's talking about the year of Jubilee he's talking about when every man can return to his lost possessions and he is the year of Jubilee he is and this time we don't have to wait for another 50 years to cycle around we're living in the age of Jubilee anyone that will believe on Jesus and receive him as their Lord and Savior anyone that'll reach out through faith and lay hold of what he's bought and paid for can get what they have lost back if you lost your health you can get it back if you lost you well if you finances you can get it back hallelujah if you lost your freedom you can get your Liberty back you can get it you can get it all back in Jesus in him everything is yes and so be it you get it all back I think you ought to stand up and praise gosh then I've lift up your hands Lord praise you praise you
Channel: Faith Life Church - Keith Moore
Views: 1,356
Rating: 4.8823528 out of 5
Id: 2fmhjl_EE08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 46sec (4246 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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