God's Will To Heal, Part 17

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look five are you there look five in Luke five and the 12th verse it says while Jesus was in one of the towns I'm reading amplified there came a man full covered with leprosy so his case is I'm sure doctors had call him today terminal it was in the last advanced stages of this disease he's full of it he's covered with it and when he saw Jesus he fell on his face and implored him saying lord if you are willing you are able to cure me and make me clean lord if you're willing you're able if it be your will now he's praying for his own personal healing and he's praying within if it be thy will are there any other folk pray that wave and today Lord heal him if if it's your will right if it I mean there's a whole lot more people pray this way than the way we pray we are the minority in this regard but we're believing that other people gonna come join us because it's not just our opinion or theory it's the Bible it's the Word of God which has revealed his will he said Lord I I know you able I know you can do it I know you can heal me of this advanced terminal condition I know you can you're able if if it's your will millions of Christians good people love God all different denominations and groups and countries and languages and nations all over the world are praying this way right now lord please heal me if it's your will if it's your will that is unscriptural praying unscriptural Cammisa well jesus prayed that way he prayed you know father if it's possible let this cup pass from me nevertheless not my will but your will be done Jesus was not having a healing meeting in the garden he wasn't praying about healing and you never saw him pray that way over any sick person you never saw any of the disciples or apostles in Matthew Mark Luke John are the acts or any instructions and the epistles to pray this way then why the millions pray that way because the traditions of men have made the Word of God of no effect in their lives and we're not throwing any stones I used to pray that way did for years but thank God the word brings light and delivers us jesus answered the man's question the very next verse are you there when the man said Lord if you're willing you're able to cure me and make me clean Jesus reached out his hand and touched him saying I am willing and simplified I am willing is this the Jesus who is the same yesterday today and forever what if yesterday he said I'm willing what's he saying today if he hadn't changed he's still saying I'm willing what's he gonna say tomorrow if he doesn't change he's saying I'm willing it is written I will heaven and earth will pass away a lot of people who come and go and write books and have opinions and theories and degrees but this red letters red letters towers above all the minds of men and their theories and their experiences or lack thereof reg letters Trump everything else and the red letter said I will I will the living Bibles jesus said of course I will be healed well if a fellow believed the Bible and he believed Jesus is no respecter of persons and he believed he's the same yesterday today and forever it ought to be settled right there that's it if he said I will to him he said I will to me or he's a respecter of persons if he said I will then he said I will now or he's changed and he didn't have to have this recorded and for you know people that pray well Lord you know healing if it be thy will where's their scripture we have scripture showing it's his will where is their scripture saying that to pray that way it's not always as will - can we have even one where the Lord looked at some medicine now now now you need you just need to pray if it's his will they have no scripture for this and in order for something to be scriptural you need scriptures so people make fun of us and find fault with us but they're the ones that have no scripture in this area and it's not enough just what you think what I think your opinion my opinion that really doesn't matter we've been in the Bible though finding thirty reasons why we are sure it's God's will for you and me to be healed now and we our own reason number what tonight anybody knows believe it's reason number 22 and if you haven't been with us then you can get caught up there are materials in the word supply that are available you can download them in their entirety off of the internet at no charge we saw reason number one God's Word is medicine number two a strong spirit will sustain you number three the original creation number for God's will in heaven no sick people there number 5 the origin of sickness number 6 sickness is a work of the devil what does the Lord want to work of the devil in us I don't think so number 7 we that we have a covenant of healing number 8 the eternal names of God he still Jehovah Shalom he still Jehovah Jireh clans and he still Jehovah offer the Lord who heals you he is he is sickness is a curse from which we've been redeemed we saw healing in different types of the redemption through the Old Testament prophesying pointing to Jesus and then number 11 we saw healing in Redemption itself did you know you're just as healed as you are forgiven based on the same work did you know that you're just as rich as you are healed and if you have symptoms of being poor don't let it move you any more than symptoms of being sick are symptoms of being unrighteous did you know your righteousness it's not based on how you feel that's a little weak guys you're not righteous based on how you feel you're righteous based not you're not righteous based on what you have done or have not done you're righteous based on what he has already done and you're not healed based on how you feel or what you've done or haven't done your heal makes the what he's already done and you're not rich according to how much money you got our don't have or who you know he was made sin with our sin so we could be made righteous he became sick with our sickness he took our infirmities he bore our sicknesses he carried our pains same Bible says he became poor for our sakes so you could be made rich somebody said out loud I'm righteous I'm healed and I'm rich in Jesus now when that becomes more real to us than anything we see our field it'll start manifesting in this realm but when what we see and feel the money we don't have the symptoms we do have the sins and mistakes we have made is more real to us than the Bible than will live in this realm and will live in lack and problems set one more time no one hesitates say it one time one more time real loud I am righteous I am healed and I am rich in Jesus in Christ well that's reality that's not fairy tale that's not imaginary in Christ is real is reality then I like saying that if you like saying that I'm gonna say it again I'm gonna say it again I'm righteous I'm healed and I'm rich you know after teaching along these lines and and further about being rich had a fellow meeting out in the parking lot by my car one night thought he's going to take a swing at me he was some man oh he was mad you know why because I kept using the word rich boy every time I'd say it's like you slapped him oh ah that's bad that's bad no no riches of the devil riches of the devil didn't invent rich he wants it he wants all the money in the world because in them in the world money is controlled he wants to control it but God invented rich you ever notice how he lives God lives large he gives big somebody got a little gold trinket on them a little diamond a little stone I've heard Christians just scoffing ha ah that's a waste Jesus wears a big gold band on his chest makes us gates out of Pearl streets out of gold I reckon he likes it huh well you are your father's son our daughter you best get over it huh if God was really the way even some theologians portray him to be everything he made would be three shades light gray medium gray and dark gray but he's not ah you can look at his creation it's full of color it's full of richness it's full of brilliance he made gold he made diamonds he made him why cuz he likes them that's who he is so you best you know believe for some and not be bothered by someone that has some so you're not shocked when you get to heaven get past it why you say that because there is the spirit of poverty there is this stingy devilish mentality and people pass it off for godliness they try to act like well there that you're just being good stewards their mouths so tight that can Hawley say it it's been good stewards you're just being visionless and faithless God is big he's rich he's good isn't he he wants you healed and has already bought and paid for our healing just like he bought and paid for the cleansing of our spirit just like he bought and paid for our prosperity right Jesus did not just go to the cross in body he went to the cross spirit soul and body and he offered his spirit for our spirit his soul and mind for our soul in mind his body for our body how many believe it is a complete Redemption when he said it is finished nothing remained to be paid come on are you listening now he took care of our spiritual needs and our mental and emotional and so local our physical needs our financial needs but the world and the church has been total watered down weak version of Christianity that he took care of your spiritual needs he saved your eternal soul but that's about it you'll just have to bump through the best you can and it probably be his will for you to be broken poor and it probably be his will he experienced a lot of failure and difficulty because he's teaching you and training you no listen listen Jesus gave us a complete diction said again I'm righteous I am righteous now I'm healed now I'm rich now in Christ Jesus price has already been paid can you say Amen so it's in Redemption number 11 number 12 firstfruits number 13 Fatherhood of God number 14 healing is the children's bread number 15 the mercy of God you know that's that's high that's when you get what you didn't deserve the goods good stuff you didn't get the bad stuff you did reserve deserve and you did get the good stuff you didn't reserve yeah don't let me say it again but mercy of God 16 we've been given authority over demons and disease well then they ought not be ruling over us the Ministry of Jesus reveals the unchanging will of God for all men for all time number 17 number 18 the laying on of hands number 19 The Good Shepherd number 20 healing in the Acts it didn't pass away it's still going on and number 21 signs and wonders gifts of healings we talked about number 22 22 tonight are you ready go to James the fifth chapter James chapter 5 James 5 and 16 was it safe confess your faults one to another and what pray one for another what for what that you may be healed now and hold it whoa whoa what if it wasn't his will huh what what if it's it might not be his will for that person to be healed and here you are pray in a way that they would be because you thought you read it in the Bible we are sure it's God's will for all of us to be healed today because scripture prayers for healing we could just say prayers for healing but we're going to the Bible on it somebody say prayers for healing is it scriptural to pray for people to be healed yes it is no we need to qualify it and if you'll help me and leave with me we'll get to some very interesting things here tonight that this covers more than one area and you can pray wrong or you can pray right you can pray wrong and not get results it's not just praying that gets the job done God has already gotten the job done hasn't he and he's the one that manifest redemptions work but prayer is a part too we have a part to play in it our communion with him and and we have a legal right as we live on the earth and when we ask him to do things in faith it gives him entrance into this world on our behalf didn't the Bible say you have not hmm because you ask not and then we also see that he's talked about what even in asking for wisdom he said but ask in faith don't don't waver but ask in faith so that we're getting into some of that prayers for healing is reason number 22 why was sure it's God's will for all of us to be healed today he said confess your faults one to another and pray one for another that you may be healed now I want you to hold your place there and go to the songs hold your place in James go to Psalm 103 Psalm 103 everybody happy tonight got to victory your names written in the Lamb's Book of Life they working on your mansion tonight huh you know there's construction going on in heaven preparation the Lord said I go to prepare a place for you if it wasn't so I would have told you so what do you know it's so it's so they're working on your place wonder what they're doing wonder what they're working on I know reading account of a fellow one time that that he fell off a balcony and hit his I guess he hit his head on the sidewalk down below and they picked him up dead and they took him in and trying to revive him but he was dead for X amount of time they finally got him back and he's a believer and he had gone to heaven in that amount of time that he was dead and came back and he said among other things he said that when the Lord showed him his place and I'm gonna paraphrase a little bit he said he had real estate you know and these are my words you know we think about heaven you got to the dimensions with the white columns in the front and their side beside down the street well who said all that you know that's just somebody's idea but he said that he had you know as he began to look there was grounds and terrain and and and bodies of water and and maybe it was a him that said them a mountain slope I mean it is it beginning to look everything he liked just exactly like what he liked and he had it all had it all you know in the earth I guess you got to go to you know I got to go to the mountains to define good skin and you got to go to the south to find the beach but in heaven I guess you could happen rest beside each other go into God walk out you go and go go left foreskin go right for the beach this is not just my belief and he said as he is looking at this he's over viewing like a valley and and all this is his and he said the Lord while he's thinking course the Lord knows our thoughts he said the Lord said to him says I know what each of my children like and I custom built their abodes for them glory to God I looked up that word after reading and in there because he mentioned it and sure enough when it says I go to prepare a place for you if you look up the root word it has to do with manner the English word manner means a landed estate and I'm sure that they're different it would depend on what you like this is not too good to be true this is God so that working on your place tonight wonder what they're working on well you don't want to miss it whatever it is I know that and if you hadn't you know given your life to Jesus well you don't want to wait one more minute you want to come on in so you don't miss that for yourself in Psalm 103 verse 1 he said bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me bless His Holy Name the Lord O my soul and forget not all his benefits plural plural you know God is big on plural he's the father of mercies plural when he blesses when he blessed Abraham he blessed him with lanza herds our flocks saw what what am I talking about not just a flock flocks that's why we talk about houses buildings I Lanza somebody say benefits plural to hear a lot of folk teaching preach there's just mostly one benefit to be in save being a Christian and that is you you don't go to hell you go to heaven when you die and thank God that's a biggie isn't it oh yeah but not just benefit but what benefits and you don't just have to wonder what he's talking about very next verse very next verse that's what benefit numero uno he forgiveth all your iniquities number two big benefit huh who healeth all your diseases number three benefit redeems your life from destruction I don't care how many times the devil tries to set you up with wrecks and problems and attacks and assaults God just keeps redeeming us just keep saving us spareness who crowns you with loving-kindness and tender mercies that's blessings he satisfies your mouth with good things so that your youth is renewed like the Eagles sin will age you before your time have you seen it oh-ho hard living hard partying hard drinking cussing and wrangling fighting will age you prematurely it'll take years off of your life that's not a theory that's a fact and it has to do with stress we were not designed to handle stress our emotions were not our minds were not our bodies were not designed to handle stress God didn't make us that way missus what no so so what do I do with it you're supposed to give it all to him you're supposed to cast all your care over on him is that right you're to be careful full of care for not even one thing why you and I are not designed to carry care it has a destructive damaging aging destructive effect on us and that's why you see so many people that look so hollow-eyed and so worn and so weary it's not because they have more problems in their life than anybody else did you hear me it's not because their life is harder than everybody else's it's because they're carrying the cares instead of casting them over on him did you know that faith simply does not worry period the more I find out about faith from what I see it faith doesn't worry about family faith doesn't worry about money it doesn't mostly will I do I said faith faith doesn't worry about if people like me or if they don't if they against me or for me of what people might say if everybody knows I'm the one who did it faith doesn't worry say that out loud faith doesn't worry are you and I commanded to live and walk by faith the just to live by faith walk by faith and you will know that you are this is one big indicator of it I said it's you know oftentimes in Romans 15 he talks about the god of Hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing and here are two good gauges of how you do it in your faith life joy and peace if you're worried and scared you're not gonna have joy and peace right I said sometimes you know it as an example as you drive down life's Road in your faith mobile the two gauges you better keep an eye on your joy gauge and your peace k chime in on your car there's a gauge it too you better watch one of them's at gas gauge huh because if a gas gauge that hand gets down there around E and keeps floating around and gets below the e you cannot just keep going how many have fun that don't raise your hand no reason you cannot just keep going what will happen so might tell why have you keep running and that thing's only let's go happen sputter sputter sputter gonna sputter to a stop on the roadside and it may not be a place where you need to stop huh and it could be not a good time it could be in the rain it could be in the cold you know and if you run out of joy and you run out of peace and your joy less and peace less because you're full of worry and you're full of care and you're scared full of fear your faith mobile is gonna sputter to a stop and leave you on the road side of despair but when you keep yourself full of the word and even though thoughts and fears and feelings come and they can come a lot and they can come frequently if you just keep throwing them off just keep throwing no no I'm not taking that no I'm not gonna sit here and think about that no I'm not gonna be afraid of that no no no I'm gonna cast it over on the Lord you can keep your peace in the midst of the worst situations you can keep your joy in the midst of the worst situations but they're things you must not let yourself think about it'll come and you'll have to catch it and go no no no I'm not thinking about that and you have to cast it down throw it off elsewise it'll rob you you'll sit there and get to thinking about next thing you know your jaw is gone next thing you know your piece is going you're getting scared you're getting upset why because you are thinking on the wrong thing and it was your choice to think on it you could have cast it down and you could have thought on something else you could have thought on something God told you about it right what in the world am I gonna do about all my bills you could have thought about but my God shall supply all my needs could have been thinking about that instead yeah but they gave me a bad report and I got these symptoms and it's worse now than it was yeah but you could be thinking about with long life he will satisfy me could be thinking about something else what if I died well the Lord tarries is coming we all gonna die the Lord tarries is coming just a little while none of us making it out of this alive so what so what what is death what is death for the Christian it is not defeat it is nothing in you just step out of your body and you look at it you go who that's over and for the first time in your existence you're gonna know what it's like to not have one egg or one pain or the least bit of weariness or tiredness not the you're gonna go whew I feel good so why should we worry about that why should we we should not worry we should rejoice and not forget all of his benefits now the reason I said that hold that place look at that text again in James 5 the prover 16 confess your faults one to another and pray one for another now we see what's going to happen when you confess and you repent would there be some forgiveness there and then healing there somebody say forgiveness and healing now we just got the reading in Psalm 103 bless the Lord O my soul forget not all his benefits and what are the first two benefits he mentioned he forgives he forgives all your iniquities and then what else he heals all your diseases we've not combined these like we should people in their minds they have forgiveness of sin in one category and healing in another and they should not be separated they're part of the same Redemption and they go together and as Christians we're supposed to be healthy normal for us is righteous and healed and rich that's normal for us as victorious children of God and if we're not living in that righteousness something's wrong and it's not God's fault if we're not living in that healing or in that richness and prosperity something's not right and it's not God's fault and it's not God's will so many times we need to make adjustments Missal why are you saying I've sinned brother Keith well that's a big word are you saying you never have what is sin well sin is the transgression of the law sin can be you know a hint to him that knows to do good and doesn't do it the Bible said that sin sin can be what you didn't do and whatever is not a faith Romans 14:23 whatever's not our faith is sin a sin covers a lot of ground it can be what you did it can be what you didn't do it basically has to do with your heart and doing what you know in your heart but whether it's ignorance or whether we we missed it or whether it's something we didn't know aren't you glad we can get it straight if we did know what we can confess it and get forgiven and we had a problem in our life we can get healed too it all flows together how many remember that more than one time when people came to Jesus to be healed he linked the two together he began to talk to the man about being healed and he said your sins are forgiven and they said how can he say that and he said well which is easier which is easier to say your sins are forgiven or to say rise up and walk but did you know may know that the Son of man has power on earth to forgive sins he said to the sick of the palsy get up rise up take your bed and go and he did he was healed his healing proved he's forgiven which is easier somebody say which is easier well which is easier get your sins forgiven or to get healed ah what a lot of folk almost say sins forgiven they're the same they received exactly the same way and they're part of the same Redemption why then do we think it's easier to get us in forgiving because we've heard that and our parents heard that and our grandparents heard that for generations we've heard it's God's will for all to be saved it's always God's will to forgive you we've heard it and we've heard it and our faith is there but with many people this is the first generation and several that they even heard that it was God's will for them to be healed so he got centuries and generations of unbelief to overcome and serious mind renewals needs to take place but can you see that we can get to the place and these children Oh Cory to God these children of ours they're spouting scriptures all the time say I'm a doer of the word them and the Lord tarries coming their children they can be so solid in this that to them praying for a healing is just like taking some of the altar and confessing Jesus and results just the same why it's not that it's so hard for somebody to be healed or that it's hard for God is that faith has been so low and so weak in these areas in the area of healing in the area of prosperity it is just being restored to many parts of the body across the earth how many know there are millions of people that are Christians they still don't leave this they don't believe it's God's will for them to be healed they don't believe it's God's will for them to be prosperous faith is not just weak it's not there in that area for them that no faith for this and that's the problem that's the problem and that's why we got to keep talking about it and we got to keep feeding on it and we keep telling each other huh and encouraging each other set one more time I'm righteous I'm healed and I'm rich in Christ Jesus these are redemptive realities now he said confess your faults one to another pray one for another that you may be healed the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much back up to verse 14 14 is any sick among you let him call for the elders of the church let them pray over him anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord and what the what prayer the prayer not just praying but the prayer of faith shall save the sick yeah but what if it's not his will what if it's not his will he told us to pray one for another that we might be healed well if it's not always as will how do we know who to pray for and when and how if it's not always his will we're going an individual personal revelation before we pray for anybody we don't need a personal revelation before we lead somebody to the Lord to be born again because we know it's his will for everybody to be born again and we don't need a personal revelation for every person before we pray for their healing because it's the same Bible it's the same Redemption he forgives all my iniquities he heals all my disease same verse same verse and right here the same thing prayer faith will save the sick and the Lord shall raise him up and if he has committed sins they shall be forgiven him shall be raised up shall be forgiven let's not be like so many that are only preaching one benefit forgiveness of sin thank God for that benefit and that's number one but that's not all the benefits that we have forget not all his benefits in other words remember all of them remember all his benefits he daily loads us with benefits the psalmist said somebody say I'm loaded I'm loaded with what benefit benefits I thank God for the benefit of being forgiven but that's just one there and there more than one and number two right behind number one he forgives all my iniquities all of them he heals all my diseases all of them all of them he redeems my life from destruction he fills my mouth with good things fills my life with good things so that my youth is renewed like it recharged even though my outward man is growing older my inward man is being recharged being renewed hallelujah so instead of being aged prematurely by the life of sin and worry and fear the aging process should be muted with us oh yeah we're aging but it should be affected I mean it's only fair if living hard and wrong is going to aid you prematurely then there ought to be a benefit to living right huh but you age more slowly and better you look better why are you doing it do you know it's not just the skin and the hair and the features that give beauty it's the glory on the inside how it's the glory on the other side of the face the spirit of a man or a woman that radiates through their physical being he and the glory of God strong enough in a man or woman can fix things in their body and renewal and rejuvenate Oh hallelujah so that their youth is renewed my father in the faith when he hit his sixties 65 and long in there somebody else to me sue will you're gonna retire and he all ever heard him and saw him you probably know what I'm gonna say next he had hold on to the podium and he'd kick and say I retire I'm gonna refire retire I'm a refire well when that scripture for that our youth can be renewed and if you say well boy the last 10 years been true I kind of kind of slowed down I've gotten weaker I just you knowing and you kind of dreading the next end no no no no effect like that you can be renewed you can be renewed so the next 10 is actually better than the last 10 that's right oh yeah you're aging but you can get renewed renewed hallelujah glory to God somebody said that's me I'm getting renewed he's renewing my youth he's renewing my strength thank God for this benefit so that's one of the just like forgiveness of sin is a benefit that belongs to you in Christ your youth getting renewed it's a benefit your life being filled with good stuff it's a benefit being healed it's a benefit I'm claiming all my benefits how about you claiming all my benefits all my benefits say it again I'm righteous I'm healed I'm rich I'm being renewed blow it thank you Lord you know sometimes you you've already heard some of these things and your head hears it and you hit maybe I've heard it three or four times tonight but your spirit needs to hear it again it has a pounding effect on your spirit pushing death out pushing unbelief and fear out of you that's why we just keep on keepin on do you see a connection between forgiveness and healing do both benefits belong to us go with me if you would to the Book of Numbers the Lord has given us Scripture inspired anointed prayers concerning healing and on a remind you of some of them you're in numbers 12 but I'm gonna give you some others and then we'll read that Genesis 20 don't turn there but just listen in Genesis 28 him prayed to God and God healed Abimelech and his wife and his maidservant these were people who believed all kind of stuffin and Abraham prayed for him and God healed him I guess he didn't never crossed his mind maybe that it might not be God's will to heal him he just prayed and got healed numbers 12 Moses sister and brother have messed up oh boy and they got in trouble and the protection come off of Miriam and leprosy got on her and it was like a death sentence and it's just you know she was supposed to be separated from the congregation and living outside of town and it was a death sentence and notice how Moses prayed numbers 12 and 13 numbers 12 and 13 he prayed for her Moses cried unto the Lord saying healer if it be thy will now if it's right to pray that way we should find some scriptures that say that shouldn't we at least one or two and if somebody says they don't agree with you then get them to give you 30 biblical reasons why the hell sure it's not always God's will to heal and watch them struggle because how can you prove something from the Bible that's not in the Bible and not the will of god cait but he didn't say healer now if it be thy will O God What did he say very short to the point heal her now o God I beseech you whoa whoa Moses whoa healer now God I beseech you what if it's not his will apparently Moses didn't thinking that way would it be alright for you to pray the Bible hmm why would somebody object to you pray in the Bible its missile he's supposed to have an if it be thy will we would be adding to the scripture you'd be adding to the Bible to put it if it be thy will in there and you know there's some some things said in revelation about people that add to the scriptures and take away from the scriptures I supposed to put an if it be thy will in everything said who know read it as it is written stay with it don't change it healer now and sure enough God heard the prayer and she did not live that kind of life and she did not die from that she was healed she was restored back to her family God is merciful now notice she got in trouble because she missed it did she miss you not only need to be healed she need to be forgiven and again and again that's the case with us hmm now people don't like to talk about this because they they like to say what what are you saying you're trying to say I've sinned what are you trying to say you have it you have missed it repeatedly we've missed it well missing it opens the door to the enemy and allows things that we shouldn't have to deal with and none of us should throw a stone at anybody else hmm because we've all missed it and we've all had things to deal with that we shouldn't had to deal with we've all opened the door through ignorance through rebellion through stubbornness through not listening the list goes on that's why I thank God forgiveness and healing same verses right you can be forgiven you can be healed it can be made right he said healer now go over to the Book of Psalms notice this The Book of Psalms Psalms 38 would it be okay to pray the Bible as you notice there is no if it be thy will in that prayer some 38 this man is sick it's very obvious inverse this is Psalm 38 and verse 6 there abouts he says I am troubled well back up in verse 5 well yeah 3 there is no soundness in my flesh because of your anger there's no rest in my bones because of my sin can sin get you in trouble physically yes it can is it always because of known violations that somebody is sick and in trouble no it's not how many remember the man that was blind and they said they said 'who's why is this man this way because of his sin or his parents jesus said neither one and yet sometimes people have opened the door through their ignorance they're not violating light that they have but still they have opened the door or don't know and don't know it's God's will and not knowing to stand against it there's any number of things that are involved he said my wounds stink and are corrupt because of my foolishness how many know you can be foolish and cause yourself problems and get in trouble I'm troubled I'm bowed down greatly I go mourning all the day long my loins are filled with a loathsome disease there is no soundness in my flesh is he in trouble verse 10 he's fading my heart pants my strength fails me the light of my eyes it's gone from me I mean he's he's leaving here he's losing this and skip down to verse 22 21 forsake me not o Lord o my god be not far from me make haste to help me O Lord my salvation the English version says help me now O Lord my Savior the English says hurry and help me that's what haste means you look at other translations it brings it out what we saw Moses a healer now and here he says hurry up well now whoa guys whoa let's say what if you and I prayed that way he'll ameri-ghen hurry up people to go how dare you talk like you better calm down and say if it be thy will yeah and you better show us where that's at in the Bible in connection with healing cuz it's not that we're looking at scriptures this is the Bible the other is people's tradition they think it's God they think it's the Bible and it's not it's just their thinking yeah but that's our granny believed and then it's good enough for granted well how did it help granny did it work for granny did it work no maybe she might have loved God but did that particular thing just because granny believed it don't make it so you know that's what my preacher that's what our group that's what our denomination still does not make it so you and I all of us ought to be willing to be changed and corrected by the word even if we have believed something for a long time all of us just know in part and when we see light from the word we were to be willing immediately to go that's right the words right I don't care how long we've been living this way that's right the word and conformed to it and yield to it and that's when things begin to change and we begin to get miracles that we didn't get before if we want to get results that we haven't had before we've got to do something that we haven't done before keep doing the same old thing you want to keep getting the same old thing got to be changes what did he say hurry up hurry up Psalm thirty nine thirteen just the next page over thirty nine thirteen Oh spare me that I may recover strength before I go hence and be no more there's no if it be thy will in any of these prayers psalm 41 41 verse 4 Lord be merciful to me heal my soul raised me up verse 10 says in the New Testament we see the same kind of thing you know to turn there but acts 430 we talked about it last week they said they prayed in unison Lord stretch forth your hand to heal are these people praying about healing did any of them use and if it be thy will what if it's not his will they're not even taking that into consideration they're just praying heal heal heal now hurry up they're praying like they know it's his will they're praying with confidence like they're sure it's always as well because it is I said because it is thank you now go with me to Jeremiah the 17th chapter now I mentioned this and I want to clarify this you have to watch there's a difference between Old Testament and New Testament Old Testament people are looking forward to the coming of the Messiah and him paying the price right new testament he has already come right he has already done the work and you have to watch about getting into this heal me God heal me God heal me God he already has I said he already has and it's right to pray concerning healing but it needs to be as we read in James 5 it needs to be the prayer of faith not a prayer of begging elsewise you get into praying like you don't know his will now he said the prayer of faith shall save the sick shall and the Lord shall raise him up and if committed any sins they shall be forgiven him notice this in Jeremiah 17 this is a wonderful verse of scripture because it brings back what we've seen repeatedly this connection this this unison Jeremiah 17 are you there yes some people are not including me Jeremiah 17 and 13 17 13 actually we looked in this at some other areas back in verse 5 he said cursed is the man that trust in man verse 7 blessed is the man that trust in the Lord verse 8 he'll be like a tree planted by the waters brings forth or spreads out of roots by the river shall not see when the heat comes leaf shall not shall be green she'll not be careful in the year of drought neither shall cease from yielding fruit skip down to verse 13 Oh Lord the hope of Israel all of it forsake you shall be ashamed and they the depart from me shall be written in the earth because they have forsaken the Lord the fountain of living waters and he is look at the very next verse the fountain of living waters wonder how many pref preached an evangelistic message based on that the fountain of living waters but what's the very next two words I believe it was brother TL Osborn and I've heard others make the same kind of remarks they talked about when they would go out to other countries where people if they had heard some some kind of preaching some people missionaries had been there maybe in decades past and some of them have taught him error about Paul's thorn in the flesh and about job's boils and different things they didn't understand their self that they could get people saved but healing was very much like in the States you it was a challenge but there were times they'd go to places where the people had never heard anything they had never heard one thing about Jesus about forgiveness are healing of miracles nothing and when they preached to him that Jesus saved and would forgive them they preached that he'd heal him in the same breath come down to the front Jesus of forgive you Jesus so here you depreciate the same breath same breath we ought to preach it in the same breath it's in the same verse he forgives all your iniquities not even a mixed verse same verse he heals all your diseases and he said when we when we could do that and these people have never heard anything they didn't know any better than to just get healed when they got saved they just come on down to the front and gets born again and healed just like popcorn because they didn't know nobody had got there to confuse them and tell them that it might not be as willing that it's not always his will and sometimes it's theirs and sometimes it's that and sometimes he says wait a while and they'd never heard all of that this is the first time they've heard anything and so when they believe that Jesus would save them they just believed you'd heal them too and just believed it and it happened see friends it's not that it's not God's will is that there the waters have been so muddied and people have been so confused and believe so much stuff until faith is not there so the people believe in God people are wondering and arguing and debating and does it mean this does it mean that well you're not gonna be healed like that got to get it settled once and for all said out loud I'm righteous I'm healed I'm rich in Christ Jesus every one of those just as true as the other he said heal me O Lord are you are you looking at this verse with me Jeremiah 17 14 get up on the screen there heal me O Lord and I shall be healed save me and I shall be saved for you are my praise Jesus says which one's easier why should we pay pray differently for a healing than for somebody to be forgiven why should we think differently why should we approach it differently heal me and I'm healed why just like save me and I'm saved just turn your spirit at all heal me and I'm healed save me and I'm saved what did he save us he did did he heal us our people that are lost are they waiting on God to save them no they're not he's already paid the price for all their sins already been done just like he's already taken our infirmities and bore our sicknesses and carried all our pains he's already done that but it's up to us to receive I said it's up to us to receive now when he's saying in the New Testament notice he mentions two things go back there and we'll close with this I think we'll finish where we started James 5 he's talking about two kinds of praying at least James 5:14 and 15 was that say verse 15 the white not not just pray the prayer of faith what is a prayer of faith well Jesus defines it over in mark 11:24 what things have you desire when you what huh when you and this is the faith chapter this is the prayer of faith when you pray do what it's not begging God when you pray do what believe put up mark 11:24 if you would mark 11:24 Felton pop that up there when you're praying the prayer of faith believe that you receive them and you shall have them that's the prayer of faith if you're just begging God oh please heal me please heal me please tell me when are you believing you receive you're not when are you gonna believe you got it well when I see it will it be too late to believe it then because faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not say when you can see it you can't be in faith about it now you see in it when people say well seeing is believing nothing could be further from the truth seeing is not believing well I'll believe it when I said it'd be too late to believe it and if you don't understand that don't throw it away believing it's when you don't see it and you don't feel it and and it's what gives us such total freedom in our spirit you can believe anything you choose to believe because you don't have to see it or hear it or feel it you can just choose to believe it it's not based on what you see in feeling or think or reasoning what thing soever you desire prayer faith when you pray do what so if they're praying the prayer of faith over the sick person how would they pray it Lord we believe that we receive our healing that's the prayer of faith and we know that do we have to put in if it be thy will in there none of these guys did right why should we and then skip on down to verse 16 though now this involves another area of Prayer What did he say verse 16 so this deals with people missing it making mistakes confess your faults one another and do what pray one for another now he didn't just say the prayer faith he just said pray and this this taps in two of the prayer of supplication this this goes into the areas of praying interceding and supplicating and praying in tongues why because there are times when we need to see some things why is this this way what needs to happen we know healing belongs to us we know it's been bought and paid for they made their confessions and they're no better well here he said how many noticed this comes after that doesn't how many saw this well are you looking James 5 14 and 15 there's a flow here call for the elders they pray the prayer of faith over you how many know this should be it prayer faith the Lord raised him up if he committed sins they'll be forgiven him that should be it well what if it's not he what if it's not what if weeks later months later it's you know we're not getting better we're getting worse what now well call for the elders again get some more oil let's get some better elders get some better all not with me or not you gonna help me on this or not huh now now this is where whole denominations developed their doctrine of it's not always his will hmm we did it we had no one who thought we prayed we did it and it didn't work what didn't work well it's not always God's will why would you come to that conclusion because it's easy I said cuz it's easy it's easy well why don't we come to the same conclusion when people die without Jesus we prayed for him but if they ever confess Jesus I didn't know it I guess they were lost that proves it's not always God's will to save people no it does not we do not find the will of God from what people experienced or didn't experience it's in the book we only find it in the book so this is this comes to another kind of praying confess your faults one to another and pray one for another there are times you know there are times when Phyllis and I we we you know did what we normally do and didn't get the results like we normally did well it's not time to start second-guessing God our question in him or deciding it might not be as will if there's any adjustments need to be made on this it's not with God it's not with the Bible it's going to be with us so what we need to start doing confessing our faults and praying for each other and say Lord what's up what what needs to happen and when you see the light you go oh yeah I should have known that he told me that and I didn't listen I mean I've seen that again and again that's what's going on and by the mercy of God both are available to us the forgiveness and the healing no matter why no matter how no matter how long come on somebody tell me is it always God's will to forgive come on always for everybody is it always God's will to heal always for everybody same Bible same verses same redemptions pray the same way believe the same way receives the same way it is the same that's what Jesus was saying which one's easier say your sins are forgiven or say you're healed which one's easier well there's no difference because they're based on the same mercy and grace of God and same Redemption and they are both benefits that belong to the believer stand on your feet glory to God
Channel: Faith Life Church - Keith Moore
Views: 415
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: bI_bCQtHXJo
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Length: 71min 20sec (4280 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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