The Greater Faith Conference Part 3

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the sound [Music] and the truth has sent me three [Applause] [Music] I'm in surgery [Music] [Music] I was poverty and lack a mistake this and dizzy adorable sound [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in everybody [Music] excuse me be together the house of God the Lord has been so good to us and he's not done yet in man beginning in a frame we worship you give you [Music] [Applause] [Music] right we had sorry [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] to [Music] cries gasps [Music] Hey sorry [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you nation [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] father we were [Music] [Music] please I [Music] [Music] ha [Music] yeah [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you see [Music] [Applause] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] risk at all [Music] I wake up we're gonna see the supernatural [Music] we're gonna see we [Music] we're gonna say we stand on his promises we will make the top is soon let's say [Music] we [Music] the day I breathe we're gonna see [Music] we're gonna see we [Applause] we are [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] try we're gonna see what every single [Music] spending all his promises we're gonna see [Music] sir [Music] we [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I do cuz it's you [Music] I [Music] [Music] I know that you can [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I can do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] worship the Lord [Music] name [Music] [Music] we worship [Music] hallelujah I knew glory to God hallelujah praise be to God praise be to God praise be to God hallelujah the the scripture says that God is spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth he is truth his word is truth his spirit is truth we live in a world that's full of phony and more can get on you than you think and if you want to touch him and let him touch you you've got to be completely sincere hallelujah just close your eyes let's let's of a purpose strip away every tinny phony thing hallelujah and let's sing this what key are we in there let's go to F Oh God [Music] good everybody say no for your soul [Music] just fire by an act of your will completely focus on him he said if any man be a worshipper of God him god hears [Music] let me lay aside everything that's not real and from our heart of hearts we say we worship [Music] from your heart [Music] [Music] and I bless you Lord and I bless you know whoa [Music] Oh [Music] ah sure [Music] unless you [Music] whoa [Music] you are doing [Music] everybody say [Music] things [Music] whoa [Music] Oh Faro [Music] so [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah pray this prayer out loud if you if you're sincere about it say father God my wonderful good guy our desire to know more of you show me what is you and what is not you what is the works of men and what are your works what is your truth and what is just tradition I want to know you and more of you hallelujah well thank you for thank you Father thank you Father thank you Father thank you Father bless the Lord whoa [Music] my son [Music] [Music] your name I've let show bless your name [Music] hallelujah hallelujah just softly some years ago 20-some years ago a brother Minister of mine came in off the field he had a great ministry a lot of things going on he and I just got in the floor and prayed for a while he said he said brother Keith I need something I something's got to change he said I'm just I'm I love the Lord but I'm so tired and I'm so something's got to give here and so I said let's just get in the floor and pray so so it did and after several minutes that just came up in my spirit we just sat down and I said brother I said this is what came up in my heart you know John 6:63 jesus said the flesh profits nothing but the word I speak to you it's spirit and it's life his words are spirit his plan is accompanied by His grace that which is not his plan is not accompanied by His grace and that which is done in the flesh only is a weariness of the flesh I said brother this is the phrase that came up to mass said go over everything you're doing and ask yourself when did the Lord tell me to do that make yourself be specific when and where did the Lord direct me before I got through saying it he started shaking his head going oh god that's it that's it that's it he said some of my people wanted to do this and others said this is a good need and other said this is a this is a good opportunity this is a great neat and we just we've got programs coming out of our ears and then I'm trying to believe for the finances of all of them he said the Lord didn't tell me to do half of it well he meant well all of us have done this kind of thing but when you add 2 and add 2 and the Lord didn't tell you to do it it's going to be a burden not a blessing the blessing of the Lord makes rich and he adds no sorrow to it we're not supposed to be worn out all the time we're not supposed to be so tired on our finances all the time I'm running behind all the time when that's the case year after year something's not right something needs to change I believe there's revelation here I believe there's wisdom will you release faith with me everybody especially heads of churches and ministers lift up your hand set out loud father god I seek your will only I desire your plan only reveal to me and remind me what you've told me to do and what you didn't tell me to do what's your plan and what's man's plan what was partly you and what got added to what started out you and what got changed away from you I'm asking for it I'm asking for light wisdom grace understanding direction I release my faith I believe I receive it I'm willing to do your will and I shall know what is you and what is not you well hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah singing [Music] and Oh [Music] whoa [Music] you're doing great things [Music] everybody's way you are [Music] great and marvelous speaks you are Oh [Music] [Music] hallelujah you believe the Lord hurt you pray how they do look at you maybe encourage them tell them say we're going to get it right we're going to get it right going to get it right for hey Scott hallelujah shake a couple of hands maybe somebody could use a hug say bless you good to be in church with you tonight [Music] [Music] good evening let's try it again good evening I can tell by looking at you that you've been resting because we've got a lot of raccoons in here do you know what a raccoon is it's a person that's laid out all day on the beach and all you can see is the whites of their eyes the rest of them is bright red yes so I know you've been resting some so you're ready to go right yes yes yes so let's try that one more time good evening yes glory to God it's a great week a man yes God has already met us on some things and we know he's going to continue to do that do we have anybody here for the very first time tonight at our greater faith conference yes if you would like to stand somebody might want to buy your car or pay off your house or take you to dinner or something welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome we're honored and blessed to have each and every one of you joining us tonight it's a great place to be you know I don't just make jokes when I say Florida faith February 80 degrees yes you can still come it's a great place to be I looked at the weather in some of your places come on down it's a great place to be we still have plenty of room there's hotels there's airfare there's yeah there's time yeah we still have two more nights and who knows I've seen it happen the last two nights can be really really good and you know if you're in the place God called you to be somebody could pay off your house or pay off your car I've seen it happen but when you miss God and we won't go there yes yes yes well I want to see again how many of our word cinders or MLM partners do we have here stand up if you would please stand up all over the place I know we've got them everywhere thank you welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome we are honored and blessed to have each and every one of you I wish I could just stop and take the time and hug you and find out where you're from and all that stuff one day we're gonna figure out a way to be able to do all that you know yeah you know when we get to heaven we're just gonna stop and take a day and maybe meet one of you and then the next day we can meet the next one and find out all those good things about everybody but it's a great thing isn't it and let's see all of our ministers in the full-time ministry let's see all of you we like to do all this don't you like to see yeah okay stand up if you want to yes yes yes yes yes yes welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome we're honored and blessed to have each and every one of you and then if you are here tonight for the first time and you're in the full-time ministry if you have not checked in with our guys in the back I know they said they missed a few and they're they run around and they try to get everybody but if you haven't checked in with them if you would go back there and check in with them they want to fingerprint you and get your eye scan get your email get your secret passwords all that stuff so make sure you check in with them yeah we want to make sure we have all that just in case yeah no no no they just want to bless you with something so and if you don't know we have children's classes 0 to 12 so you can go back there and take your kids back there they're going to be taught about faith back there in the back so if you want to take your kids back there do we have any kids in here I don't think we do I'm looking to see your some people are looking like their kids but they're not no you're not let's welcome everybody out there on the Internet tonight we know you're out there yes whatever time it is wherever you are we are blessed to have you they gave me a list today and we've got so many different countries watching and I think most all the states are watching so we're just honored and blessed to have everybody out there watching yes it's a good thing we love every one of you all right here's just a couple of quick testimonies this person writes in and says as soon as brother Moore announced the ghosts supply I knew I had to sew into it and I put my Widow's mite into the offering which was $5 which was all I had at the moment and I wrote on the offering envelope that I was sewing towards great airfare from my daughter's to come home for Christmas I had already checked the airfares and they were getting more and more expensive well the day after I sold my seed the airfares dropped like a rock yep I quickly booked him for the exact dates that I wanted I like to say God is a God with exclamation points because less than 24 hours after I sold my seed I got a very unexpected call that I was getting a refund for something that I didn't even ask for and you guessed it it was within a $1 of both the airfares and the luggage only God can do things like that God is a good god this one says we sewed into the go project in two days later some dear friends called and said we want to host you for a tenday all-expense-paid holiday to see the sights and celebrate Christmas season in San Francisco California yeah bless the Lord for the opportunity to go and to take the light to those their glory be to God if that a good report I know and this one's not a testimony here I just remembered it I know right after we started the ghost supply I know this young couple was getting married and and the wife was a little bit wondering how we gonna pay for this honeymoon how are we gonna pay for this what we're wanting to wear we're wanting to go and the guys set up oh don't worry about it we're ago I already have a plan I already know exactly what we're gonna do we're gonna sew into the NGO supply now that's some smart young people in it yeah and I know what's happening with them yes glory to God this one says um since I've been learning about harvesting I am an author and I found out about a Christian writing conference that I knew I was supposed to attend I only had about five weeks notice so that I know I had to save for him well it was two days and two nights plus the ticket plus the food plus the hotel I needed about $600 for this event well I've been learning about the church and about being an expert harvester so I started claiming my harvest even before I knew about the event God had instructed me to start sowing so I started selling every Sunday for about four weeks straight and I called in my harvest and he showed me that I was or had been sowing for that and then in one day $500 came in and then another $100 came in in one week I had it glory be to God he is so faithful and I'm so grateful for Lord teaching us how to harvest amen this one says now listen to this after 50 years of being a sower how many have you been sewing for 50 years yeah well I finally learned to reap that's a long time said I'm the teachings on sowing and reaping the way the Lord teaches through you is just how my heart needed to hear and my mind needed to hear for decades I had put in ties and most of my offerings and I received little return because I did not know how to harvest since joining the cyber church which is on the internet immediately I began to harvest every month money comes into me and not just money but people and things the ministry I assist with has tripled in less than three months every week new volunteers show up and we have more volunteers than homeless so as they take in more people to help the number of people who get on the program keep increasing the volunteers come to me and ask for help but it's not my ministry I'm just a volunteer and said the air conditioner on my car stopped working with a temperature of a hundred and twenty outside I didn't tell you where they were and said within hours someone called and asked me if they could fix it for me well-favored and blessings are coming every day since I started sewing the rich word is coming into my heart and it's going out because it's mixed with action now and it's producing results not only in my life but everyone that I come in contact with now is hearing about it glory to God he is so good and thank you for your obedience to be teaching on harvest this one says I wanted to tell you about my breakthrough that I've been reaping harvest it says I've been listening to the teachings on harvest and the Holy Ghost has given me revelation I have been harvesting and not knowing that ideas and solutions and concepts and Witte and visions are part of harvesting and so they list some of the things that they were harvesting I harvest of all things that I had desired and forgot totally and completely about then it says opening doors for me to expand my businesses it has been coming about and then I had gotten harvest of things such as food and money and closed I am just in awe I didn't know God was a god of harvesting and said all along until I heard that brother Keith was saying these things oh my goodness I believe the anointing on brother Keith has removed some of the wrong mindset I've had in the deception that I've had all along in my life glory be to God I am a harvester let's stand up and thank God because it you're not only so but you have to learn how to reap your harvest because it can just sit out there in the field and just like any other crop it can die right out there in the field so you got to learn how to reap it in and so are we Reapers yes amen father God we thank you for teaching us about reaping our harvest so many of us have sown father God but you have taught us that we've got to reap in our harvest also father so I just ask you Father for each and every person that's in this room father enlighten the eyes of their understanding so that they can go back and repair this father that they've sold over the years father so that they can have all the things that their ministries desire father and all the things that they personally desire father and that they will not be in lack for anything that they're in need of and we ask you for it in Jesus name Amen hallelujah we'll say it out loud what he's done for others he's doing for me you hear about all that reaping huh can that happen for you you know we kept on that for some time in their series that we have if you're interested what cost you anything but the the great truth actually flying back one night on the plane the Lord asked me a question he said do you know how much you've sown and how much is in your heavenly account no he said what even a small return would it take care of everything you're believing for and and I thought man yeah yeah yeah he said reaping is not automatic that was the revelation that really stirred me reaping is not automatic you use your faith to reap so we begin to confess around here we're not just good sewers we're also good Reapers come on somebody said out loud I'm a good Reaper I'm good at reaping the more you reap the more you have to bless others right I mean so say it out loud greater things than these shall we see all the glory all the glory all the glory be to our great God we worship your father thank you for bringing us into the fullness of what you have for us Jesus name hallelujah thank you Lord you can be seated how many know that lack is not of God it's not of him now he is the god of abundance abundance he is the too many goat too many sheep too many cows right net breaking ship sinking cup running over that's who he is that's who he is would you look at Romans please the tenth chapter they'll put it on the screen for us the offerings this week are going Phyllis's mentioned that are going to the NGO supply and what the go supply is it is it goes toward the traveling arm of the ministry and the Lord has blessed us so much the we've traveled for decades before we started the church in Branson and but since starting that one and then this church we still continue to travel and two years ago go ahead and drop the screen and you can show this video two years ago we showed part of this video we were believing for an intercontinental plane well it has come in and we have it and we now have the ability to go anywhere in the world and praise God there was a time when that just seemed too far away too high too big but nothing's too big for God and thought if you sold into it not so I wanted you to to see we have the actual picture of our plane now we got two avionics we've got two winglets we've got the paperwork and we're actually doing at least three ministers conferences in other countries this year and actually had somebody talking to me about it know that another one today we'll see but but we've got the ability and so the ghost supplied you put up the graphic if you would on that what that is is it covers all of our air travel it covers our our hotel it covers those kind of things and so that we can go to people at no charge to them we've been doing this for years but we've just been believing for it but I've felt impressed that partners should have to be able to have a specific part in that and you hear that we're already hearing testimonies because every seed produces after its own kind how many of you travel from time to time well you got here didn't you yeah and so well you know in every every area if you're experiencing lack you want to so in that area and in seed and sowing in that area produces harvest in that area so that's what the ghost supplies about and go ahead and show that video and just keep the music down and and I'll talk through it two years ago we we were believing for this and I just just have to pinch myself this is our plane this is the actual plane and we've got the ability now to get in there and go whenever and it enables you to do more you can go and do things and come back and be at the churches so you end up doing things that you wouldn't have done and so this just in a few weeks we're going to launch over to Abuja and have a conference there brother Andrew are you here yes sir yeah gonna be with brother Andrew at his place he's got a wonderful place there and then we're gonna that's me actually right there it is and so we're going to we're going to come back and and later in the year we're going to go over to the South Pacific and to the ministers meeting and conference there in Apia Samoa and then also in Brisbane Australia and in the course we'll come back home and preach at the church and we won't land in the water didn't I saw that runway just kind of slips up under there just in time but anyway this is our plane you partners you have given the ministry this ability and we're so thankful for it so this year we have the expense of those trips plus we also have an inspection this year and so that's what the offerings are going to this week so if you want to get involved in the offering tonight by cash or by credit card raise your hand for an envelope and if you want to get involved by cheque just make it out to FLC s that means faith Life Church Sarasota I'm glad to have Branson back with us tonight they had icy roads and stuff last night so thank the Lord they're back with us we actually have some other folks I understand in auditoriums that are joined with us and then we got a lot of people online so the crowd is bigger than you see and aren't we're thankful for the I know technologies being used for some bad things but how many believe this is what God gave it to us for internet TV and these kind of things and how many were not with us last night or the night before we we showed the studio and okay well the studio is complete and we'll be beginning broadcasting it just right away and our daily faith school will call it and so thank you for believing with us for that being a part of that and well these days with that kind of thing you can just you can reach a lot of places and it's a ministry multiplier we've been greatly inspired by the Copeland's and their broadcasts for how many years have you had broadcast now certain man it's just been so long it's been I mean have been blessed by the broadcast believers voice of victory broadcast and now the network and praise God thank 40 around 40 some years and so and you know if you're if you've been in the ministry for any length of time you know a lot of people start and quit start and quit or they get tired or a lot of people retired and different ages but aren't we don't we appreciate people that just stay in there and believe through everything and do what it takes somebody save me - me - that's that's me - hallelujah praise God well Phyllis would you bring our offering please and if you need an envelope we get raise your hand if they didn't see you and when you're ready go ahead and stand if you're riding take your time finish writing then stand whether you're giving or not just and worship the Lord if you we released faith earlier in the week for seed coming in so we have extra seed coming in hmm five people believe it who has extra seed coming in I want to see we yeah we do we do hold up your offering hold up your hand set out loud father God you are my source unlimited unfailing because of you we don't run out we don't lack we don't come short but we always have abundance and plenty to give thank you for giving a seed to sow food to eat multiplying our seed sown and enabling us to reap abundant harvests for blessing us big making us a big blessing to a lot of people to your glory in Jesus name hallelujah father Phyllis and I is your under shepherds and ministers here in these churches and meetings by your authority by your anointing we speak over the people as they bring these things and we say be increased in Jesus name haha be your seed be multiplied and opportunities in favor increased and multiplied and doors opened hallelujah rise up higher and reach farther and may the increase in goodness of the Lord be seen on you and in you until others and many are drawn to him by seeing you in Jesus name somebody say I receive it I receive it I receive it glory to God is blessing real it is real what's going on in the faith my family and everybody else that wants to get in we're getting our buildings our lands our houses our vehicles and our equipments everything we need to do everything we need to do dare to claim some big stuff that you couldn't possibly do on your own right dare to what else is going on all of our debts and obligations being reduced and eliminated the Lord is bringing us into the best shape of our lives what else is going on he's bringing into my hands seed even some great big whopper chunk seed our seed is our future hallelujah we thankful for small seeds we're thankful for middle sized seeds but we're believing for some big uns praise God also you can be seated uh shoes wait on the people [Music] stop you are [Music] [Music] papa [Music] give me away yo Tommy [Music] praise the Lord thank you thank you thank you hey how's everybody Alleluia haven't you enjoyed this brother Keith miss Phyllis thank you so much wow this is a life changer hallelujah how many of you enjoying the word oh thank you Father so enjoying we're coming up from faith to faith hallelujah glory to glory he's a faithful God he's the mighty God he's the all-knowing God he's the one who puts us over no matter what the situation no matter what things look like hallelujah he's always more than enough he's always greater he's always faithful he's always true he's always able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we can ask her think I'm I'm gonna sing I don't think I'm preaching tonight I might better shut up hallelujah but this song really there's a couple songs in my life that have have been threads throughout my whole life and the song I'm gonna sing is this is that way we look to him you can start the track he's awesome he's mighty we're gonna look to him tonight amen whatever your situation he's been faithful to me he's faithful he's a good good God can somebody say Amen we agree with that hallelujah he's awesome father we lift our hearts we lift our hands to magnify you come on let's just worship Him he's a good faithful God Oh God we bless you we bless you in this place we worship your name yes we do Oh your faithful God [Music] you are a holy God a miracle working God creator of Lord of the earth she got your the oberliga the ever-present God your faithful and just your victorious my god and there is nothing too difficult for you nothing's impossible for you and all better promised you will too for you our God oh yes you were oh thank you you are a mighty god you're still a miracle-working God Kemal Simba he still heals broken bodies he man's broken hearts he is God oh yeah see he's my father there is nothing to buy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] nothing's too hard [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for you [Music] oh come on church let's make a pedalo gives us nothing [Music] thank you Father let's with diane's let's worship the Lord oh thank you Father thank you for them thank you Father thank you Father [Music] hallelujah somebody say faithful our God is faithful faithful my father is faithful hallelujah hallelujah now here's we we know he's faithful we call him faithful but did you know what he already called you faithful before you finish your course you remember what Paul said he said he counted me faithful putting me into the ministry he saw something in you before you were born hallelujah and the devil is so mean the devil is so mean and what God loves he hates and he does his best to destroy and distract and wire down but God's already called you faithful yeah he's already counted you he is here faith God or is he a faith God yeah he saw you in me and with everything he knew he still said faithful well how many believe when he calls something that his words are enablings his names are empowerment's so let's receive what he called us well hallelujah hallelujah thank you Father thank you Father thank you Father thank you Father whoa hallelujah praise You Lord hallelujah [Music] let him strengthen you reject the devil's lies somebody needs to say I am faithful the devil's a liar God calls me faithful in I am what he says I am that's it come on agree with him agree with him and strength will come into you life will come into you just what you need oh thank you thank you thank you praise You Father hallelujah oh thank you for highly new thank you lord thank you lord anything else yeah go right ahead you can be seated for just a minute this afternoon brother Hagin taught us good he always told us in meetings to rest in the afternoon you know and I was trying to rest a little bit this afternoon but something kept stirring in my heart real strong and it's you know got to apply to people because he wouldn't do that unless it did and I was thinking I just went back and I thought about I'm wringing pretty good Paul when we started in the ministry and I just kept thinking about situations and the Lord reminded me of so many things just one right after another and you know when that happens it's far somebody and most of the time more than just for one person and I was reminded of when we first got the church in Branson and how that when we went there we most of you know the story were taking a step of faith to do what God told us to do but we got there we didn't have any money and any congregation but we had the two things that brother Hagin had spent years putting in us he told us to always stand on this word and always be led by the spirit and that was the two most vital things if you if you lost everything else in the whole wide world but you stood on those two things you could get everything back in the whole wide world and we had those two things and that's all we knew was that we were supposed to go to Branson that was all the word that we had and that we were supposed to find a place there that was the word that we had now when we got there we did find a place but every person that we contacted now I know there's a lot of stuff and I know you can only do what God tells you to do say I can only do what God tells me to do we had zero money and zero congregation we will bind Dave how big was that auditorium how many no I mean how many seats two thousand seat auditorium we had zero congregation and zero money now that's going to take some faith so I started checking with people to see if we could get a loan on that building do you hear me I went to over 20 something banks and every one of them told me no did that mean that we were supposed to quit did it mean you were supposed to quit you see now that just got 10 people the first one was a lot more people do you understand what I'm saying when God tells you to do something when God tells you to do something you don't let anything or anybody stand in your way anything or any body stand in your way you keep going until you can't go anymore you continue going but what you don't do is you don't get in the face of the each and every one of those bankers and blame it on them and chew on them and get mad at them when you get done with them you say thank you for your help I appreciate it and you walk back and you get in your prayer closet you don't take it out on them they didn't do anything wrong to you you come back and you get in your prayer closet and you find out okay God what's my next step well you all know the story we had a church in Branson maybe that's not the way God dealt with you to do it maybe God dealt with you another way but that's the way God dealt with us to do it and I was thinking as I was laying there in bed today the Lord worked it out for us we didn't quit I mean we we got the door slammed in our face over and over and over and over and over and over 20 people let's let's just practice this for just a minute can we have it yeah can we have it oh god oh god oh god can we have it no are you gonna get discouraged can we have it no why not just no can we have it no no can we have it no you can only have it if we can have your whole boards finances we ain't giving them that can you we have it no how many 20 people 1 2 3 4 5 6 that's just 6 you understand where I'm going 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 I think it was more like Karen was it 25 it was a bunch of them wasn't it told us no well you can understand why we didn't have anything in the natural that they could stand on but then there was one that came to me and said I don't know why but we're supposed to do this for you and we don't need a thing and I'm gonna get this one to help you and I'm gonna get this one to help you we're going to come in together and we're gonna do this for you do you know what we still do business with them today but you can't quit at number two and you can't quit at number three and you can't quit it number four if his word told you to do something or his spirit told you to do something you don't just quit because the devil puts this stumbling block in your way or this stumbling block in your way or this stumbling block in your way or your wife tells you that that's enough or people are looking at you funny because you're still trying you can't quit and I thought about brother Hagin today now this is an odd story to go with this but I thought about when he started believing God for his finances and you've all heard the story and it's in his book how God taught me about prosperity and I haven't looked it up I just the Lord brought it back to my memory today and I probably haven't read that book in 10 years but the Lord told him the three things to do when you're believing for finances bind the devil loose the ministering spirits and claim what you need so he said on that first church that's what I did and they didn't have enough people in that congregation to give me 10 dollars that week but I claimed 150 dollars now how many of you remember brother Hagin saying he did that in that church he claimed a hundred and fifty dollars well if you remember the rest of the story he said the Lord told him to do that but after the night he got back and he started counting the offering and he was short fifty dollars do you remember that part he was short fifty dollars but do you know what he had he had a word from the Lord that that's what he was supposed to do so he went back what did he do he counted it again and he counted it again why because he had a word from God that that offering was going to meet his needs and it was going to be a hundred and fifty dollars and then the Lord reminded him somebody gave you a check before the service and it's in your coat pocket am I remembering it right he'll remember the things and he had the hundred and fifty dollars and he said ever since then I've been having that money I've been claiming the money that I need in the services and I've been having it you have gotten and then I remembered I'll go on and tell you I remembered about when David it was anointed king he could have stopped it the first would he could have stopped it the second what he could stopped at the seventh eighth he didn't know which one of them it was but why why didn't he know and I was laying there in the bed and I said Lord why didn't he know it wasn't about we we all get wrapped up in and keeps the thought on this recently we all get wrapped up in so many different things but it's about our faith and it's about us standing and doing what God told us to do it's not about the money it's not about the building it's not about God coming through for us it's about us standing and making a stance that we're going to do what God told us to do no matter what the devil tries to stop us from doing and there's not a person in the world that can't do that but there are people that stopped the first time they stubbed their toe on something or the first time they go to Hall in City Hall says no are the first time that they go to us a place and they say no you can't have that building well they told us we couldn't have this building what are you sitting in you're sitting in this building and I kept thinking about that today and God said all I need my people to do just what Keith was talking about last night or walking on the water with Peter it's just stand on what I tell him when I tell them something in here or I tell them to do something back up and do exactly what he told you to do and when he tells you to do something you can do whatever he told you to do then you can do it because he told you to do it and you don't have to quit because when he tells you do it a hundred and fifty people told you no look at Walt Disney how many of you know his story how many it was over a hundred people told him no how many of you in here know who all Disney is you think you would know who he was if he quit well it's not our faith that quits and it's not God's Word that quit what is it that quit we get embarrassed or we get tired and we convinced ourselves this is what the Lord told me this afternoon this is the very thing that the devil is after is that he can convince us that we did not hear from God because if he can convince you that if you stop after number six you did not hear from God you'll never be convinced you're hearing from God again and you will not take steps and do what God told you in your ministry because you will not have the faith to stand to do what God told you to do you've got to go until you do what God told you to do so that you will have the faith to do the next thing God told you to do and the next thing God told you to do and the next thing God told you to do because if you quit in the middle of it then the devil has won because he's not after your money or your building or your stuff he's after your faith and he's after it knowing that you heard from God because that's the most vital thing you have in your life is you hearing from God the most vital thing you have is this lying between you and God and when you know you have heard from God you don't let anything stop you from doing whatever he told you anything or anybody stop you from doing what he told you because all it does is convince you what's the first thing the devil tells you oh maybe it just wasn't God maybe that just maybe maybe it was just the bad pizza I ate maybe I was just hoping maybe I was just wishing but when you get it and you show up at your first service and over 500 close to 600 people are there after you went to twenty-five different places what'd you do what'd you think it was maybe God that you stuck with it and it's the same way with you it's the very same way the devil is not after your building and he's not after the things in your life the little things whether it's your kids or your job or your marriage or us he's after you knowing you heard from him and that's what he's after so how many of your gonna stick it out and not even if you stub your toe you're gonna get up and you're gonna go again if it takes 500 things that you've got to do you're gonna keep going and you're gonna keep going and you're gonna keep going and you're gonna keep going until you accomplish whatever God told you to do and nobody or nothing stopped you along the way amen all right good praise God praise God praise God you know Paul said we know in part and so especially when you starting out you don't know much and your faith level can be low and you're still learning how to hear from him but what we believe the Spirit of God is saying through fellows the thing that will get you through all that and and give God time to get you what you need get your faith level up it is just don't stop just don't stop come on somebody needs to say it I'm not going to quit I'm not gonna I'm not gonna quit right and if you make some mistakes and if you do it the wrong way and you go about it the wrong way well how you got to have some humility well what would people think you're not gonna know what they think no matter what you think you know and the truth is they think about you a whole lot less than you might imagine they got other things to think about and that's not the big thing anyway it's what God knows and even in spite of your mistakes he's looking at your heart all the time and if you're wholehearted towards him and if you even if you got knocked down and made some mistakes you get back up get back up get back up somebody said get back up get back up get back up get back up he will get you there give him time hallelujah and he will get you there and it'll be good it'll be good and many will be blessed hallelujah thanks be unto God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ thanks be unto God who always causes us to triumph praise be to God hallelujah well I believe I have something that goes with that can you take some more look with me in a couple of openings then romans 4 and then I believe we're going to first chronicles 17 Romans 4 first chronicles 17 in Romans 4 and 18 are you believing with me you know every service is different the anointing is different the Lord ministers different things I believe some deep and substantial things are supposed to happen in spirits tonight can you believe that with me a work of the spirit deep in your heart and spirit those in Branson those here those watching online because the Spirit of God is everywhere the scripture said that against hope abraham believed in hope that he might become the father of many nations according to that which was spoken so shall thy seed be and being not weak some may say not weak not weight not weak in faith he considered not his own body now dead when he was about a hundred years old neither yet the deadness of Sarah's womb we talked about this earlier faith is unmoved by what it sees unaffected by what it feels that's not easy that's not automatic it's a decision you got to make multiple times throughout the day but you say I don't walk my site I walk by faith hallelujah and verse 20 he wasn't weak in faith he staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief but he was strong in faith giving glory to God say that Freight that last sentence out loud with me please he was strong in faith giving glory to God again strong in faith giving glory to God to God to God this same word translated glory is also translated honor in same King James New Testament he was strong in faith giving honor to God why is it that faith pleases God there could he he could have said any number of other things that without that it was impossible to please him but he said faith without faith it's impossible to please him why is it such a big thing well I believe there are numerous reasons one its how spiritual things work its how energy becomes matter its how creation occurs it's how life is birthed it's how things work it's also how he is able to manifest what he desires for his people if we live and walk by faith and received by faith it gives him access you know Romans talks about we access this grace by faith all that he has given us and done for us through faith we will allow him to do it in our lives and that pleases him but another big reason I believe faith pleases him is that faith honors him yes it honors him when there are billions of people on this planet that he made breathin the air that he gave them won't even acknowledge him won't say a prayer to him show him no respect doing somebody like you will look up from in this dark place from these billions and say I trust you I believe what you said in fact that Phyllis is talking about I'll act on it with no evidence in the natural to corroborate it with no no idea how this could possibly be true or happen I'll say yes Lord here am I send me I'll do it I believe well I know by the word that spirit of faith rises up to the heavens it honors God in front of the patriarchs and the angels that are there hallelujah and the New Testament says that our faith is going to be praised by God himself hallelujah there's come in a time in front of everybody God is going to honor you because you honored him amazing amazing words right now can't express it we don't really know what that's going to be but we're about to find out you are gonna be so glad you didn't let the naysayers and the mockers and the fault finders and religious folks shame you away from faith in God hallelujah I'm a faith man I'll be a faith man tomorrow I'll be a faith man when I breathe my last and leave here are you a faith man or a faith woman are you let people say what they may they just don't know how ignorant they're being because faith is precious and it honors God to think that I his child his creation could honor him is a high thing when you really begin to touch the honor of God it does something deep in you I'm not a big crier but every time I begin to really touch his honor my heart gets tender tears come to my eyes you know you're touching something the Ancient of Days you touching something that can't die and can't fade you're touching his eternal goodness as well as his light and power somebody say holiday every man every woman that knows him in any real degree know something about this they've touched this his honor his greatness God is integrity he is truth you can't have honor without honesty one of the most dishonorable things there is is a lie which is no coincidence that the devil is the father of lies the most evil dishonorable being there is but God he talked about fair you talk about right clean pure he is honor and glory he is truth and righteousness his ways are perfect perfect oh so much they perfect perfect perfect he dwells in light so pure and so bright it is unapproachable to mortals we we like we haven't seen yet brother Hagin said he the Lord let him see by the discerning the spirits the glory of the Lord or Tama - he said have you ever seen the Sun midday sun shining on fresh snow glistening brighter than that well when Jesus was transformed on the Mount it said his clothes were whiter than any would say today any bleach could make them it's a white we've never seen its a bright beyond any spectrum of light we can see and it and it depicts his brilliance his purity his power and everything about it is honor and glory even though it was in the Old Testament God's never changed different ones touched his glory Moses after being in contact with him and having interaction with him he he just saw light and smoke and fire and he heard the voice of the Almighty and it was so awesome that when the people heard it after the first time they came in and told Moses please please please you go talk to him don't let him speak to us again like that or we'll die everybody likes to think oh you know me and God yeah I'm hanging with God if he'd just turned up his power and glory in manifest just a little bit more every one of us have our nose pasted to the carpet going the Lord he is God the Lord he is God we are his sons but we're still in this mortal frame and it just can't take much of that yet yet yet soon and very soon this mortal is going to put on immortality hallelujah whoo and we're gonna be able to handle the full glory I don't even know what I'm saying when I'm seeing that but we gotta be able to handle it we're gonna be able to be right in his presence right at the throne oh and then when people see us they're gonna say they're gonna see that glory they're going to say look there's one of the sons of God one of the redeemed hallelujah forever affected by it just like Moses face shined from being in the presence of God but that faded away but with us it won't fade away but Moses said after being around it some he wanted more and he knew what he wanted to see and you wasn't seeing it he said show me your glory why would he say that he knows I'm just seeing smoke and fire I'm not seeing what's back there so and you know having experienced what he experienced he knew he's asking something that couldn't be dangerous for his flesh but he wants it anyway show me show me boom paraphrase a little bit the father said you can't boy you can't you can't but I'm gonna do something for you I'm gonna put you in a place where you'll be protected and I'm gonna cause my goodness hallelujah to pass and for somebody say his goodness is his glory when you're seeing the glory manifest there's healing in that healings good yes there's deliverance in that deliverance is good yeah there's an illumination and enlightenment and revelation in that light it's not just yay this is a nice bright light everything good is in that presence and in that presence you're changed as we behold the glory of the Lord we are changed hallelujah from glory to glory by the Spirit of the Living God but somebody as a boy reading the scriptures that stood out to me I know looking back now while I read the word about some of these things some of God's honor came out of the pages and by the Spirit of God got in me and changed me as a boy looking back now I can see that happened and it was when I read about David David though not born again though not in the Covenant we're in he loved God with all of his heart soul mind and strength and he wanted what God wanted he was a man after God's own heart and the Lord let of his glory and honor get in him and he understood some things that most people on the planet didn't to the to the extent that a lot of the people that were around him for any length of time it got in them to his mighty men yes remember reading about some of the exploits that they did one occasion he was standing there and across the enemy line was the well of water that he enjoyed so much and he just come in passing said man I wish I had a drink out of that that well and three of his mighty men broke through the enemy lines drew water and broke back through the enemy lines and they said you know they came up course I hear they're they're dirty and bloody and but it wasn't their blood and he said God protected those guys and they said King David are you thirsty sir he said yeah I could use a drink they said water from the whale he said what from the foot and he looked at them and saw what they looked like you brought me water from the whale bank and here's what a lot of people cannot understand he said this is too holy I can't drink this I'm gonna pour this out and a lot of folk could lose it right here it's a boy he said as an offering to the Lord I'm gonna give it to the Lord even today a lot Christians read something like that and then go that just makes no sense why no word you'd risk your life and then you get it back and He pours it out it's because they have no concept of Honor they don't understand this this is precious to God this is who he is this is what he is David had learned enough about him that this God in him and even people that spent time around him it affected them they saw it and when they saw it they loved it and they might not have realized it but the reason they loved it is because it's God yes it's something of him and one of the one of the things that really ministered to me and I'm we're gonna go there right now first Chronicles hallelujah what did I tell you 17 is that right when I read this a few years later in my life I mean I wept and I was talking to Phyllis going home last night after the service I said you know these things that we're talking about now you can't learn them with your head and by taking notes the Spirit of God doesn't work inside you he gives you the capacity to even know what he's talking about yeah right yeah and to discern it and understand it and it's not mental its heart and it's forever once you've got it it's part of you and who you are forever and it'll only grow near the end of David's life you know all the things he went through man he had some high highs and some low lows and at this particular point he is successful he has overcome he's wealthy he's powerful he's free he's not running from anybody and in first chronicles 17 I always want us to take time we may read this entire chapter you okay with that and just where you are believing with me right for the Spirit of God to come off of these pages with what these words hold and do a deep work inside you in me if we've got some of this thank God how many know there's a lot more you can get at this so we'll just get more verse one it came to pass no yes sir thank you for reminding but we need to pray right now set out like father God I desire your honor and your glory from your words right now Minister this to me deep in my spirit and strong in my heart I desire it I asked for it in Jesus name show me your glory revealed to me your honor and work it in me in Jesus name Amen it came to pass as David sat in his house that David said to Nathan the prophet lo i dwell in the house of cedars but the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord remains under curtains this honor for God is interwoven with love for God he can't separate it from loving God and if you read the 119th Psalm it's the longest psalm chapter in the Bible and every verse is talking about love for God's Word if you love him you love his word if you love his word you love his things and it'll come opinion you'll want to give nobody has to twist your arm you want to give beyond where you are you you I mean I remember a time when I came and fell across the bed Phyllis now are just a few years in the ministry and we were so tight and we were behind and we had done some dumb stuff and made some mistakes and we didn't have to give and great things were going on projects of the Lord ministries of the Lord and we couldn't be any substantial part of it and I came and fell across the bed by myself one when they nobody was home cept me and and I just cried I said god this is not right I want to be a part I want to so I want to give I want to have ability to be a part of these things and looking back now it was important to him that that was in my heart before I had anything come on are y'all with ya yeah there's a lot of people just don't care they don't care things come things go they don't care long as they got theirs they don't care do you care do you have a desire do you have a hunger go ahead and voiced it say I wanna give I want a so big I want to bless the people of God the kingdom of God hallelujah it's got to be a hunger in you it goes with this and see David and and when you win your hearts like this the more God blesses you you don't just get the big head David you talk about the man he is the man he's the king you know democracy what the King says goes anything he wants is there that afternoon and he's there and he called the Prophet he said look I live in this palace the Ark's out there under a tent it's been that way for all these years I'm not okay with it I shouldn't live in a finer place then the presence of God does can you see this you see why David is who he is miracles are happening in hearts right now hallelujah okö waste Netaji hallelujah Nathan told David yes do all it's in your heart God's with you he had been around a man long enough to know that God was with him and everything he said his hand to prospered everywhere he went the scripture said God gave him victory so Nathan actually made a mistake and didn't ask the Lord and just said do it boy yes sir I'm with you you want to build a palace for God let's do it verse three it came to pass the same night the Word of God came to Nathan saying go tell David my servant thus says the Lord you shall not build me a house to dwell in so now as ministers we need to watch about just agreeing with people yeah no matter how good intention they are because us agreeing with them is not God agreeing with them the Lord said I've not dwelt in a house since the day I brought up Israel to this day but I've gone from ten to ten from one tabernacle to another wherever I've walked with all Israel did I speak a word to any of the judges of Israel whom I commanded to feed my people did I say why haven't you built me a house of cedars he said I've never said that keep going now therefore thus shall you say to my servant David I may take a little tear pause here once in a while he said you tell you tell my servant David this thus says the Lord of Hosts I took you from the sheep coat from following the Sheep hallelujah you know 45 years ago I was out on some hills in the early morning in Mississippi with mud on my shoes getting the cows in to get them to the milk bar tiny little herd of cows pitiful little barn tonight we're standing in a 10 million dollar building paid for the word of God's going all over the world through these cameras right now [Music] somebody say thank you Jesus thank you thank you lord humming - except for the mercy of God I'd be back there with that mud on my boots right now an older man with nothing you - right he told David he said I took you from the Sheep coat that's where the Sheep stayed at night he said I took you from following the Sheep that you should be ruler over my people Israel did he where was he when God when the Prophet came to call on him he wasn't him at the house right he he was such a youth and such a kind of lad that that he didn't even bring him in from the pasture to be one of the ones that everybody just knew it wouldn't be him right we got Ilya got the big tall good-looking first ball we got the other boys got plenty of good men to pick from here David's long-haired guitar player does crazy stuff like attacking bears right it's just not King material but what did the Lord say what did the Lord say man looks on the outward appearance but God didn't see like man sees God sees the heart and even as a young boy he saw this in David that he was open and agreeable to God's honor and glory and already he loved him with all his heart and cared about his honor and his glory and he knew where that would where that would be forty years from then so he said you go tell my servant David thus says the Lord of Hosts we tell my the Lord of the hosts of angels but also the Lord of the hosts of heaven the creator of the universe says I took you from the sheep coat from following the Sheep that you should be ruler over my people or say I've been with you wherever you have walked I've cut off all your enemies from before you and have made you a name like the name of the great men that are in the earth put yourself in David shoes when he hears this what are you thinking he's thinking of how close Saul almost got him how the people almost got him how many times he had to run he had to get out of there last minute he knows this is true I've been with you wherever you are is God a respecter of persons does he love you too yes if you're willing to commit to him like David did will he do the same kind of things for you keep you wherever you go how many could raise a hand said he has been with me he has kept me he has brought me through thing after thing after thing that's why you sitting here tonight when he's still alive why you've had the successes you've had and he said and I have made you a name like the name of the great men that are in the earth all through the earth among heathen among idol worshipers among unbelievers on the planet many of them know who David is to this day millennia later that's a long way from practicing with your slingshot with decieve verse 9 also I will ordain a place for my people Israel and will plant them and they shall dwell in their place and shall be moved no more neither shall the children of wickedness waste them anymore as at the beginning Oh hallelujah this verse many people in the room should write down because the word of the Lord's coming to you right now in just a few seconds about this back I don't know what is it now Phil 20 years ago almost Phyllis and I had been with brother Kenneth Hagin miss Aretha and their ministry for 20 years so privileged to be involved with that ministry and it had been coming up for the last couple of years that we were there were things we were supposed to develop in the ministry the Lord had called us to and the Lord had told me he said you're not to be only a helps minister your whole ministry I didn't know what that meant but I was happy to be and we were where were we flying from we got the privilege of flying brother Kenneth in your Bravo and miss miss Gloria you were in the back and Billy Broome was in the back and me and Phyllis we were going somewhere with them and we had I don't know that might have been our second or third ride and I'm playing like that I mean we were smiling like the cat that got the canary we think gory to God riding in the Copeland's plane and we had been like I said helping Hagen's probably 19 years or so at that time and sister Billie shared this verse first chronicles 17 9 and she said the Lord had spoke to her about ordaining a place for my people and giving them a place of their own and they wouldn't be moved any more and the children wickedness wouldn't waste them anymore as at the beginning and the Lord quickened her about we're supposed to have a place of our own and when she said it it went off in me it went off in Phyllis and he said I'm giving you a place of your own hallelujah then you got to remember at this point where we're live there in Tulsa we rent a little place for our office is small there is no faith life Branson Church there is no faith life Sarasota Church this is back before all that and the Lord quickened to me in Luke 16 don't turn there but put it on the screen for us please Luke 16:10 that he quickened to me that this went with that verse Luke 16:10 he that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much he that is unjust in the least is unjust in much if therefore you've not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon who shall commit to your trust the true riches people have it backwards they saw all money's not important cars and houses and clothes and stuff oh that's not important it's the big things it's its revelation it's it snoring is souls well yes it is but if you're not faithful with five dollars the unrighteous things you're not gonna get a chance to handle true riches you gotta pass tests with twenty dollars and cars come on are y'all with me and close and you got to pass tests with things that are not that big a deal to demonstrate you'd be faithful with revelation with anointing with the oversight of a church etc people got it backwards verse 12 and if you've not been faithful in that which is another man's who shall give you that which is your own well God wants you to have that which is your own a place that your own hallelujah that you're not forced to move I told you the Spirit of God speaking hallelujah right these two verses down there's a number of pastors there's a number of heads of ministries the Lord is telling you tonight just like he told us in the back of their plane I'm giving you a place of your own and you'll not have to move hallelujah and you'll be free from the harassment of the enemy concerning that as it has been in previous times when I say a place of your own I'm talking about a place of your own that's paid for paid for it's yours and it's paid for this is the will of God this is the will of God this is the plan of God and the Lord Lord spoke to Phyllis anong he said you have you have been helping with brother Hagins that's nuts not yours and this something folks don't seem to realize people said I just believe you know it ought to be running away the Lord says it should be run well that's great and good who gets to say what that is if God has appointed somebody over it then there's a sense in which it's not yours to say hi it should be wrong you know we've got so many good people that help in these churches miss minister you could not do any of it without but you know a lot of people are shocked when they actually run into some leadership because every place they've been before they could do what they wanted when they wanted the way they wanted well no there's supposed to be leadership and you say no we're gonna do it this way and if you think well I don't think that's how it work to be done well when you get yours you can see about doing it that way but if you don't do theirs the way they want you to you're not qualifying for yours because if you hadn't been faithful in that which is another man's who's going to give you that which is your own we grew up in the country and then we grew acres and acres of tomatoes beans and peas and I don't know how many tomatoes we've cut up and put up and canned and jarred well we got eventually after several years we were had to privilege privilege of helping the Hagin some personally wound up being at their house sometime right in the car and hotel room so one night uh Phyllis is there in the kitchen and brother Hagin is there and he's a we got tomatoes and Phyllis I don't know how many tons of tomatoes Phyllis has cut up as a southern girl and kin and brother Hagin said no no no now this is how you cut up a tomato well guess what Phyllis changed and cut up that tomato the way he instructed wine because it's brother Hagins tomato now you want to cut it up differ well you cut up your tomato at your house the way you want to cut up your tomato but how should you cut up brother Hagins tomato the way he wants it cut up now I know this sounds humorous but there are people all over the place don't understand this and they get mad and they get upset I've been doing this for 20 years you don't know how to do this you but you don't know how to do it their way and in these situations it's not yours to say hi it's done and if you're faithful in that which is another man's the Lord will give you that which is your own in the next five years the Lord did it he said I we sold out when he directed us to go to Branson it did take us 15 years to believe for the house we were in and for the stuff I had a little hanger had a little airplane I felt like you know man I'm we're getting pretty good here on this traveling thing and the Lord that with us get rid of all of it liquidate it put it into this and you thinking man it took us a while to build this up and the Lord said do you believe I can do better than this we said yes then he said I'm gonna give you the best of Branson he told us that I'm gonna give you the best of Branson we got 72 acres right on the strip in the middle of Branson we got a sign big at anybody sign we got a house better than what we love we got a hangar better we got everything better than what we left he gave us our own Oh somebody say thank you lord thank you lord but what's connected to it showing honor come on are y'all with me showing honor to what he's done with others anybody he's joined you to handling their things their way can you say Amen stay in with it till you get to that point but the accept button exciting thing I think you heard it I believe I should say it again I believe the Lord saying to numerous people in here tonight I'm giving you your own I'm giving you your oh-ho-ho hallelujah I'm giving you your own place [Music] come to somebody tell me what that means what does that mean your own place it's it's yours or your ministry or your true it's in your name it's paid for hey do you believe God can do that for you it's happening hallelujah almost 30 years ago now I some friends of ours from ministering in the state down south and we had known them for years so we came in after the service our first services we had the the back wall the metal wall adjoined a car wash and so when they'd fire up the ones the whole thing had vibrate behind where I was speaking that's where we were I mean you got to start where yards right and but they had moved up to a little bit nicer place a little bit and they had taken a spot on the way back they they drove to their house from the church and they showed a there was a whole shopping center it was new I was only a couple of years old and they said did you know that thing is for sale that was all it was said we came back to the house we had sandwiches Spirit of God dealt with me III and I wouldn't have said this with just anybody I said yeah I think we need to pray man they slipped off their chairs we got to pray we prayed for I don't know 30 45 minutes it was love them o'clock I said I think we need to go out to that shopping center they and reason you tell we could do it with these people the guy said I'll get the car we went out there 11 11 o'clock level 30 we're there two little girls young girls got big they're up instead of in bed how many of those things that God should be important to us so we just have to pray in spirit of God quickened me I turned to him I said don't you know the Lord has given this to you he shouted he jumped he ran she John they they could no more get that physically materially their little congregation would have fit in half of one of the in stores but he believes that he believed that well we finished the meeting he put us on the plane we went home and where his faith was he he tried to check on it and like Phyllis was saying no no no nobody'd sell it much less loan him anything and all like that and that's where his faith was and it just looked like you know maybe brother Keith got excited and this is not and after months the man who owned that the Spirit of God just came Oni and he didn't he know this guy and he went to the domain bank in the city and he said I'm getting this to this preacher with you or without you I'm doing this and I mean within a couple of months they were in there and they the tenants of the other places were paying for it and eventually they own the whole thing and expand it into a big auditorium somebody say glory to God glory to God a place of your own and it stood out to me the Lord said them don't you know I've given this to you I mean that sounds like the promised land right he said I've given it to you possess it there needs to be some laying hold right now in here tonight and in Branson and and an online you just wish your spit you don't have to know all the details but with your spirit you say I lay hold I lay hold I believe I receive a place of my own place of our own pastors you're saying this for your congregations you're saying this for your your church in a place of my own for your family for your church for your business place of my own God's will is that you have your own and I own meaning it's paid for not yours and somebody else's it's yours because then he can control it through you he wants you to own it be complete control of it that way he can control it through you right nobody can kick you out you preach what you want when you want long as you won't play loud as you want dance long as you want cuz it's your place this your place God gave it to hallelujah but I felt like we're supposed to take that side journey come back to this to the chapter come back to the chapter oh how Oh glory to God glory to God place alone fully furnished fully equipped completely paid for oh yeah completely yes don't don't settle don't settle for anything less anything less don't settle for anything short of it so he's got his he said so tonight as you think of you say thank you Lord for our place thank you lord but just looking back now I when were sitting in the back of that plane and that word came we thought of player glory to God because we hadn't had that until then it was everything was temporary and everything was focused toward being an assist and it was right and know now we've got all that up there Branson all of its paid for word supply it's all paid for hallelujah all of this paid for somebody say glory to God glory to God glory to God we might have started off a bit rocky but got us to the same place in the end hallelujah Hey hallelujah it is God's will for you to have a place of your own thank you lord so the Lord told him that go back to that verse please he told him that he said I'm gonna do this for my people because he knew David's king over Israel and he knew that's his heart too he wants these people to be taken care of he said I'm I'm ordaining that a place for my people Israel I'll plant them they'll dwell in their place somebody say I will dwell in my place I won't be moved by the children of wickedness they won't waste me we're secure in what are you giving us verse 10 and since the time that I commanded judges to be over my people Israel moreover I will subdue all your enemies we need to believe this word every weapon that is formed against us he shall not prosper every tongue that would rise against us it'll be condemned said out loud no weapon formed against me will prosper it won't be successful it won't hit its mark it won't work I'll subdue all your enemies people make a big mistake by attacking us if we're serving God and doing what he told us to do they don't realize it they're not just attacking us they're attacking him we're doing what he told us to do I also do all your enemies and here here is what put David over he said furthermore I tell you this is the profits now talking to David telling him what God told him the Lord will build you a house you see these words appear those who bought honor me this is God forever how did this start David had it in his heart he wants to build God a house nice his house that the Ark's ever been in you can see by what he did later he when he found that Solomon was going to build it he stockpiled billions billions he said this house is going to be exceeding magnificant was that mean off-the-charts this I ain't nobody ever built a house like this house gold walls gold floors that was in his heart and you can hear the father talking to his son and I'll add some other scripture that you don't see in this chapter with he'll say it's good that you got this in your heart boy blesses me you honor me I'll let you get involved with it I'm gonna let your boy build it I'm gonna build you a house I'm glad you wanted me to build me a house but I'm gonna build you a house verse 11 it'll come to pass when your days be expired that you must go to be with your father's I'll raise up your seed after you which will be of your sons I'll establish his kingdom and he'll build me a house I'll establish his throne forever I'll be his father he'll be my son and when God starts talking about your kids - what does that do for you huh cuz you know you're not gonna be here forever all this started by David said I want to build God a house I want to build him God said that's good but I'm gonna build you something I will not take my mercy away from him as I took it from him that was before you too much salt see that was in the back of David's mind he didn't want that to happen verse 14 I'll settle him in my house and in my kingdom forever and his throne shall be established for evermore do you know who else is the seed of David we're told might forever and ever and ever verse 15 according to all these words and according to all this vision so did Nathan speak unto David and here's the thing that I was referring to earlier that as a boy when I read there's something happened to me something got inside me it was David's response to this God wants to give his precious things to so many many are called but few have understanding and heart to realize what he's trying to do for and how great it is and I'm special it is and how precious it is and so many just blow it off and just they got no time they got no time for church they've got no time for meetings they got no time for prayer for the word they're just busy with stupid little stuff that's gonna be gone in a few days and don't realize what God's trying to do trying to give you something eternal and when when Nathan the prophet when he came and he said what the Lord told him to say David the king came and sat down before the Lord hallelujah there's meaning in every one of these things and hallelujah he came and he sat down hallelujah hallelujah he's a king he could be sitting on his throne but he's not he came and he sat down hallelujah I want you in your heart I want you to sit down when you sit down you're taking a low low place there's no defiance there's no arrogance this is humility the king is sitting on the ground before the Lord hallelujah he said Lord Who am I Oh Lord God what is my house that you've brought me to this place and yet getting me here was a small thing in your eyes God for now you have spoken of your servants house for a great while to come and you've regarded me according to the estate of a man of high degree Lord you know what I came from you know me you talk about me like I'm important what can they even speak more to you for the honor of your servant for you know your survey you know me Oh Lord for your servant's sake and according to your own heart you've done all this greatness in making known all these great things Oh Lord there's none like you neither is there any God besides you according to all that we've ever heard with our ears what one nation in the earth is like your people Israel whom God went to redeem to be his own people to make you a name of greatness and terribleness by driving out nations from for your people whom you have redeemed out of Egypt for your people Israel did you make your own people forever and you Lord became their God therefore now Lord let the thing that you have spoken concerning your servant and concerning his house be established forever and do as you have said let it even be established that your name may be magnified forever saying the Lord of Hosts is the God of Israel even a God to Israel and let the house of David your servant be established before you for you oh my god have told your servant that you will build me a house and so your servant has found it in his heart to pray this before you and now Lord you are God and you have promised this goodness to your servant now therefore let it please you to bless the house of your servant that it may be before you forever for you blessed Oh Lord and it shall be blessed forever hallelujah hallelujah Oh lift up your hands lift up your praises so I worship you O God I praise you my father I give glory to your holy name Oh just worship Him Saints lift up your hands singers and players come on just lift up your hands I worship your God hallelujah recount from your own life where has the Lord brought you from what has he done for you how has he used you and blessed you and helped you come on lift up your hands lift up your voice Oh Thema silo August naniji Oh father I worship you I worship you worship you I worship you I worship you I worship you I worship you I worship you Oh remember remember what he's done for you sights remember where he brought you from remember where you were okole hone ASA gone daemon - a diva Monday night Monday by the JTP oh I worship you oh I worship you oh I worship you I worship you I worship you I worship you I worship you I worship you I worship you I worship you I worship you go ahead and play something as I worship you I worship you I worship you I worship you I worship you I worship you I worship you Oh che hai 80 ojos 80 haleh look Joe Cole maindou Jane a monk I'm a whole show of charizard ajd whoa Holly Lou Jane they let sing there is none holy as the Lord there is none like you neither is there any rock like our God just sing it when you pick it up come on we need to focus on him some more Oh cold Navajo shame Oh cold no way Jose Oh cold Navajos oke own a way Jose Oh cold nay way Jose [Music] be hiding me various [Music] Gaga there is not wholly yes [Music] [Music] there is no B side v [Music] neither like argon there is not only yes singing as you learn [Music] whoa [Music] neither [Music] there is [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] keep singing there [Music] neither [Applause] [Music] be fine [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Music] or just worship the Lord your God you fight under him [Music] how gracious is how goodies been how merciful and [Music] there is none [Music] hallelujah the Lord said you didn't choose me I chose you oh I knew you before you were born and I called you and I knew your heart would be towards me and that you would love and respect me and I have ordained your own place in me hallelujah how many are thankful to the Lord are you thankful to the lives [Music] Oh hallelujah a billion other people could be in our spot right now but of His mercy and grace he chose us he chose us [Music] hallelujah hallelujah what a strike even worshiping some more Thank You long [Music] oh very holy very please me why Oh [Music] whoa [Music] come - my god there is no [Applause] hallelujah though the scripture says when you give banks in another time you give thanks well you can express what's in your heart when you can't do it with your mind so everybody give thanks in a new car give thanks in a new song in a new talk Oh No yeah Oh sure [Music] Oh yeah [Music] nothing [Music] unlimited oh my Oh remand frog well can we shake a v-shape can we say if Fred maja if Raymond you know every play in there can I go shred [Music] holy [Music] me [Music] [Music] there Oh Oh hallelujah hallelujah don't you love him Saints don't you love himself [Music] hallelujah knowledge puffs up but love builds up and the Lord doesn't notice people who think they know about him a lot you know what he sees the heart that loves him and honors him hallelujah well I think we can just go singing this how many believe the Lord's got a whole lot more for you you're not done we're going to run our race we're going to finish our course hallelujah we're gonna please him how many have a really really strong desire you want to get out of this life and you want to hear yeah I thought so you want to hear well done good and faithful sir you've been faithful over a few fish now be ruler over much enter into the joy of your Lord by the goodness of God we're going to hear that is that right we're going to hear we're going to get to hear we're going to get to hear hallelujah [Music] let's praise him again let's wing it again we'll be dismissed as we sing it I Holly [Music] yeah right praise you much singing as we go why [Music] [Music] very I [Music] Oh we [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Faith Life Church - Keith Moore
Views: 5,269
Rating: 4.8048782 out of 5
Id: U39YUkfmtF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 179min 22sec (10762 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2018
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