"The Language of Heaven" By Graham Cooke

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I really love the way that God sees things I love the way that he thinks about things here's the issue for I think for many of us is that we've grown up in the world around us and the world around us is normally pretty negative there's an inherent negativity in our culture in our society in the world around us the world it's a the world is a problem-solving universe heaven isn't that's because there are no problems in heaven so they're not used to dealing with problems they see everything as a possibility and when Jesus came from heaven to earth he came saying you have heard it said for now I say he came bringing us heavens perspective so that we actually get a new way of seeing we get a new lens for life he came to give us heavens mindset and to teach us a language that only heaven knows so we've all grown up speaking the language of Earth Jesus came to teach us the language of heaven so that the church really should be a teaching heaven as a foreign language center because it is a foreign language the language of heaven is foreign to the earth and scripture even says that the natural mind can't receive it can't understand it and thinks it's foolish but there is a way of thinking a way of seeing a way of speaking that absolutely can dominate our life and our circumstances using the mind of Christ he came saying what is impossible for man it's very possible with God and he said all things are possible only believe and when he says that what he means is you get the easy part you just get the belief but once when you see something when you can think about something and you can see it you can step into it you can believe for it and there is a language that comes into your life that allows you to connect with God in trust and in faith but in order for us to do that we have to set aside the thinking that the world gave us which means there is no place in our spirituality for logic reason or rationale or intellectualism because even a quick flick through the Bible tells you that God is not logical he's not rational because he asked you to believe in something that you can't see is that rational seriously no if everything could be accessed from God logically we should not need faith the Bible tells us to walk by faith and faith is where we believe for something that we can't see but we know that it's going to happen how does all that transpire it comes out of our inner man of the Spirit interacting with who God is for us and we're learning how to see things spiritually spiritual appraisal we're learning how to have our thoughts in line with the relationship that Jesus has with the father and we're learning to speak to things and to call things up as though they are not we're learning the language of faith so you are designed to see something that is unseeable you're designed to think about things in a way that the rest of the world around you would not think about them you're designed to talk to things and cause things to happen because there is a creative the same creative word that's in God's mouth is actually in yours also so we're learning how to be citizens of heaven living here on earth so God's not logical not reasonable and much too clever to be an intellectual he's wise but he's a spirit and he sees things in a completely compellingly different way than we do so in Christ there are no problems only possibilities so if you read the Gospels and you know you should read the Gospels every single year maybe even every three months it's really important for us that the words of Jesus become more important than the words of Paul and that we see Paul's ministry through the light of the Gospels and we don't see Jesus through the light of the epistles that's really important why because we're following presents and I don't want to be a disciple of Paul I want to be a disciple of Jesus I want to understand presence I want to understand what is it that he brought into every situation that made it become radically different that 5,000 people could be fed with a few fish sandwiches with enough left over to field to feel to feed a small village I want to know what happened between him and Zacchaeus that brought that little obnoxious little rat out of a tree and by the time he got to the feet of Jews where Jesus was a decision was made that I'm gonna give half my goods to the poor and anyone that I defrauded which was a lot of people I'm gonna pay them four times as much how could Jesus invite one guy to supper and cause a whole community to become rich in the same moment what on earth was happening everywhere Jesus went hey get a concordance look up the word marvel seriously look up the word Marvel or marvelous most of the scriptures will be in the Gospels on the lobby about Jesus how everything he did caused people to marvel people marveled at him and he said I will do this so that you can marvel he's not backward in coming forward in this thing nice like hey I'm marvelous I want to teach you how to walk with me and your marvel that everybody else or thing you're marvelous - welcome to the gospel everything about God is marvelous what we need is a lifestyle that's absolutely dependent upon majesty that we understand that we are people of the king where Kingdom people we have access to a lifestyle that is marvelous that is full of majesty that displays the sovereignty and the supremacy of Jesus that's what we have to offer and what that means is you can't be ordinary just saying you can't be ordinary because you have Christ living in you and that makes you a magnet for everything that is brilliant and extraordinary because if Christ is in you then the glory of God is never far from your life and your circumstances so Christ is in you all of heaven is attracted to Jesus in you so we're having to come to terms all the time that I don't know if you know this on so you're not on your own there are two people inside here one of them is you the other one is the one who never leaves you nor forsakes you but what's different between the Old Covenant and the New Covenant is the Old Covenant was a visitation or culture the New Covenant is a habitation of one the Bible says that you are a new creation what does that mean you're a race of people never seen in the earth before Jesus everyone before Christ had the power of God come on them it could lift off them but now in Christ God comes and he makes his abode in you and so he never leaves you nor forsakes you so he's always with you and he's with you to teach you how to be a citizen of heaven here on earth he's teaching you how to think like he thinks how to see like he sees how to talk like he talks it's teaching you how to grow up into Christ in all things and a big part of that initiation into that is that because you have Christ living inside you never again will anything be impossible for you that's what he's saying here with man old things all manner of things are impossible but with God all things now become possible what that means is you're never the victim of an impossibility ever again because now in Christ we get to turn problems into possibilities here's the thing about the Lord he refuses ever to work with a negative because there are no negatives in heaven what he does is he converts that negative thing into something else so that he deals with that take your old itself for example before Christ you are a sinner lost away from God and then suddenly Christ comes into your life and you start to learn about the power of the cross and you realize when you read Romans 6 verses 3 to 11 it talks about that when Christ died you died and you understand that when he died he didn't just die for you he died as you and so that in Christ your old man is dead and it's buried that's what we do baptism for and then when it's raised from the dead it's raised to newness of life the old life stays in the grave but you not only take part in the crucifixion as being in Christ but also in the resurrection you are in Christ and he raises you up to newness of life why did he kill you off because he didn't want the bother of changing you he didn't want the hassle of trying to change you and so he says to you he gives you permission consider yourself dead to sin and be alive to me and I will teach you the lifestyle of being alive to me so what that means is when God looks at you he doesn't see anything wrong with you because everything that was wrong about you he killed it off he's really happy about that now we're not dealing with your sin we've already dealt with it once and for all read the Bible yeah so your old man is dead what we're learning is there is a newer version of you and that's the one the Holy Spirit is working with so when the Holy Spirit puts his finger on a part of your life that's not working what's he doing he's pointing to the site of your next upgrade he's pointing to the site of your next miracle he's saying this is brilliant let's get to work on that next so your old man is dead so we don't have a sin nature anymore but we do have a sin habit and habits can be broken right so what we have is we have situations in our life that need renovation they need the cross to come in and it's brilliant God enables us to be complete in Christ and then also come into completion what that means is God gives you everything up front and then teaches you how to walk in it so you have fullness right at the beginning and he teaches you how to stay full you are complete in him and he teaches you what that completion looks like you have fullness in him he teaches you how to live in fullness so everything about your life is absolutely brilliantly positive because when God looks at you he sees you in Christ and he says yes and are men even before you've asked a question he says everything in Christ is yes and are men like Lord is not a bit dangerous these are Texans they'll just take advantage and he's going I hope they do someone needs to take advantage of me here's the thing when God grants you something he expects you to take him for granted he gets a little bit antsy then you don't you were designed to have more to have a life that carries more than you can hold so that you give it away constantly what that means is that nobody is safe from a blessing because you're around it means we're never subject to never take it negative any negativity the world is inherently negative but the kingdom isn't so there's no frustration in heaven you think anyone standing around the throne right now going how much long does this worship service going to go on for could kill one of the Angels for a coffee no there's no frustration in heaven so here's the deal if it doesn't exist in heaven it can't exist here if it's not intended it cannot be allowed if it's not intended it cannot be allowed if it's not in Christ we don't want it we don't accept it so what is it about this Christ life that turns everything upside down and inside out it's a mindset it's a perception it's a language that he carried from heaven to earth and when you read the Gospels what you are seeing is Jesus saying this is how we do stuff in heaven and then he says to us greater things than these should you do what does he mean by that I'm just here to teach you the basics y'all are gonna do things way better than I'm doing them because we're saving the best stuff for you to do we're gonna teach you to be as brilliant as me because he actually knows that he's amazing and like the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit has no problem telling you that he's a genius because he is he knows everything he searches all the depths of God which means that the Holy Spirit has a bigger search engine' than Google because he's searching all the depths of God why so that he can disclose everything about Jesus to you so that fullness is not an option fullness is the way it is abundance is not just for a few people it's for all of us to learn to step into the majesty of this lifestyle that Jesus came to give us that you are a habitation of God by the Spirit which means God is living in you which means that all of heaven is attracted to you which means if Jesus is living in you the Holy Spirit is there you're accessing a way of thinking that's totally extraordinary and what it means is you don't you are not subject to the world around you you are making yourself vulnerable to the kingdom just saying brilliant thinking is a way of life for you brilliant perceptions is how you view things and your language is like nothing the world has ever heard before you take all your cues from a realm there's nothing like the world around you we grew up with the way the world thinks being the kingdom we have to do battle with the way the world thinks so god of possibilities is here to teach you what's possible in every situation so we have to make every situation vulnerable to the majesty of God if we don't make that vulnerable to the majesty of God we will become vulnerable to it and that's not who you are it's time for us to stop living below the line of our privilege and start to live above it that means we see things the way God sees it we think about it we have that same mindset that Jesus would have about it and we have a language that's different and we convert negativity into something else it's like in our thinking when we have negative thoughts about ourselves you know if all your thinking has brought you to a place you don't like have another thought because clearly that one is not working for you right what does the world tell us to do it tells us to work on that thought what does the kingdom tell us to do it tells us to change that thought for a better one and work on that the kingdom never works on a negative it changes it into something else and works on that so when you get a problem in life this is how heaven would see it no problem can come to you without a promise and a provision attached to it right because problems are designed to bring you into your provision through a promise so every promise every problem has a promise and a provision attached to it literally attached you can't have one without the other and what we're learning to do is to state to see the promise step into the promise and understand then that the situation that's occurring is designed to get me to live in that promise and move into that provision so what happens then when you get a problem and you know who Jesus is for you you get excited about that problem because it's amazing because what if the size of the problem tells you the size of the promise and what if a promise is always bigger so if the promise is bigger than the problem how much bigger is the provision gonna be so you're starting to get stretched in your thinking and your perception and your language so when you get a problem you call your best friend hey John it's Graham how's it going hey did you see the game last night Man Alive how many times are they gonna pull that game out of the fire in the last two minutes I'd say supporting this team I need a bigger heart in the heart like an elephant my heart you're like pounding in my chest huh yeah that's cool hey listen I'm calling you because I got a problem yeah I'm really excited yeah I came this morning yeah yeah no it's caught it looks pretty big I'm thinking man if I'm careful I could keep this around for like two or three months you know yeah I knew something was up because the Holy Spirit came early you know he's like mr. enthusiasm a so he was like bouncing around the walls I knew something was up then this problem came and it's like man it's big now I haven't opened it yet I've been too busy manifesting yes I'm looking at it thinking oMG if the problems that is that big how much bigger is the promise and I've not even opened it yet I've just been Alice I am beside myself it's like Here I am in the area man were next to each other we were both manifesting yeah so anyway how are you doing you haven't got a problem well hang in there man ones bound to come right I mean God is faithful you're bound to get one yeah just hang in there and believe man something Goods gonna happen hey but listen do you want to share this one with me not because hey but listen dude when you get a problem I'll be expecting a phone call right just saying okay cool so how soon can you get here 40 minutes brilliant hey are you passing st. hour bucks could you get me a coffee that'd be great okay see you in a few every problem comes the promise and a provision why it's the kingdom its what the kingdom is like the kingdom is unlike anything in the world it's a different realm it's a different dimension of life it's a different way of seeing thinking speaking believing acting walking and so on we're here to convert negatives into something brilliant why because God will not have you as his people to be victimized by anything you're not under anything truth to tell you are seated with Christ in heavenly places far above things so we need a perspective that comes from up here not from down there we need a mindset that's not driven by the world around us but it's actually driven by the kingdom that is within us and we need a new language that I'm not talking about tongues so that's a good start we need a language that describes who God is and who God is for me we need that kind of language every negative thing around you is designed to give you an upgrade why see when Jesus died on the cross and God put all of your sin unto Him he didn't just for all of your behavior he put all of your negative emotions all of your negative thinking he put all of those things there any sarcasm cynicism pessimism he put all of that died on the cross - yeah so you're not allowed to think negatively or talk negatively bad Christian you're not allowed to think negatively at all about anything why would you want to when there is a way of thinking in Jesus that is absolutely stunning it's brilliant and it opens you up to a whole realm of possibilities every obstacle is designed to elevate you now sometimes you know it's like you're walking along and suddenly this brick wall comes down in front of you and there's some kind of obstacle could be something at work something in relationships it could be finances it could be whatever it is something is there it's in front of you and it stops you moving forward and sometimes you know we want to blame it on somebody else it's like I'm so frustrated no you're not frustrated I mean you're choosing frustration but you're actually not frustrated and the only reason you're choosing frustration is because you haven't got used to a brilliant way of thinking so you're defaulting your defaults into the old man whereas you could actually be upgraded to the new man which is who you really are if you're in Christ and that is our lives we default to the world around us we default to our own tradition as a human being we default to the culture that we grew up in we default to something when everything that God is doing is to elevators out of that place into a different way of thinking if God is trying to make you like him that means he's going to change the way that you think I mean totally change the way that you think because here's the thing he doesn't want to think like you he doesn't want to be made in your image there is a reason why he killed you off because he didn't want to deal with your stuff he wanted to make you knew he wanted you to consider yourself to be dead to that and alive to this the question is what is God making you alive to why do you have these difficulties and circumstances they're all there as a shortcut they're all there to give you an upgrade they're all there elevate you they're all there to teach you that there's a whole new design of you that needs to come out they're all showing you this is who you are they're all telling you don't think on this level think on this level they're all opportunities for you to grow up into Christ in all things what we're learning is we're learning how to be full when we actually got needs we're learning how to get our needs met but then we're also learning how to step into our inheritance every single thing in your life is a learning opportunity and it's designed to teach you how to become like Jesus so here's the thing can we stop complaining this is my two-word counseling ministry stop it that was really impactful right stop it I'm still refining that counseling thing but I have a vision if the whole prophetic gig doesn't work out I'm going to open like a little Hut in the biggest parking lot in town and I'm gonna have one of those little strip things that when a car rolls over it a little bell goes off and I'm just gonna slide the door open and the guy will look at me from his car and saying I don't love my wife and I will say love her he'll go dude that's amazing here's 10 bucks to work counseling ministry and then another car will come being I'll slide the window I haven't got a job get one dude that's amazing here's $5 it needs a little bit of work but I think I'm on to something you know our real problem is we don't realize how amazing we are we don't realize how brilliant we really are in Christ we don't see life from the standpoint of his majesty we don't understand that his supremacy that he really has conquered everything and that he came to bring heaven to earth and teach us how to be citizens of heaven here on earth the Bible says as he is so are we in this world that's what we're learning as he is so are we in this world every single situation in your life is designed to make you more like Jesus we have to stop crying out for rescue and start looking for majesty start looking for God's through premise II the father has never been overwhelmed by anything Jesus is undefeated and the Holy Spirit always leads us in triumph I am an unashamed triumphalist I'm a celebrant I want to celebrate the majesty and the sovereignty of God I don't know what it is to be full of who Jesus is and a part of that is that very often we are defeated by the mindset that we have the Romans 12:2 says that we are transformed by the renewing of our mind most of us lose it in the space between our ears in our thinking we think negatively we're losing it Jesus has come to give us his mindset there is a mind set on the spirit that's full of life and peace our thinking is a critical thing your circumstances are not the problem your perception of your circumstances is the problem if you're in Christ so are all your circumstances what does it look like for you to take that circumstance and put it into Jesus to surround it with the presence of God to look at it the way that he would look at that's a discipline here that comes out of the fact that Jesus is delightful there's a discipline here that enables us to walk with passion and to walk and to be delighted about what's happening because we know who God is for us and to know that God will go to extraordinary lengths to teach us how to walk in him how to live in him how to be in him I'm in church one day and I'm going from one meeting to another and I'm walking down this corridor and I'm late and so I'm walking fast and the door opens at the other end and a woman starts walking towards me and the closer she gets I get this sense of impending doom that she's going to ask me a question I want to be able to just walk past and say hey how's it going I'm flying Thanks you know and get to this meeting but I know she's gonna start know it in my knoweth she's gonna stop me and sure enough she gets like thirty feet from me and she stops right in the middle of the corridor and she's not a slim lady so I get close to her and she looks at me and she says so you're a prophet right I said so it has been rumored she said well I've got I've just come from the doctor I've got cancer it's inoperable and I'm gonna die in six months so my question is will I live or die that's really I don't do births marriages or deaths [Applause] and here's the thing you know she's an older girl so you don't know whether you know I'm always up for praying for people but you don't know whether this is her time whether to prepare her for her time or or what so I'm in that place and said it's really I'll be delighted to pray for you but there is a question you need to ask the Lord it's my favorite question and I pray it in I ask it in every situation I get into it Lord what is it you want to be for me now that you couldn't be for what is it you want to be for me now that you couldn't be before so I pray with her and I say you should ask the Lord this question now we're in the same church she got my number so give me a call you know if you want me to pray for you tomorrow I'll pray for you tomorrow I'm cool so just give me a call so but the Lord's if you ask that question the Lord will answer it because he wants to be something for all of us constantly continually and in different ways the reason we have different situations it's because God wants to be something different for us each time so we get to understand what this fullness really is all about so what is it you want to be for me now that you couldn't have been when I didn't have cancer great question the next day she calls up and she said nothing's happened I said sweetie keep asking the question Bible says asking keep on asking keep asking the question he's gonna answer it if God doesn't speak initially he always speaks eventually you just got to hang in there with him and waiting on the Lord is not a trial it's a pleasure because you know he's gonna answer right so then waiting on him becomes a delight I know you're gonna answer this question I'm just hanging out so what is it you want to be for me now she phones me on the third day the sixth day the ninth day the eleventh day the 13th day the 15th day on the 17th day she's still praying she goes to the grocery store she's walking down an aisle and at the end of the aisle a woman comes around with a shopping cart and two small kids an eight-year-old girl and I think a four-year-old child and so and she recognizes her that she used to sit next to her in class in high school so that reconnects they haven't seen you for ages and so on and they're chatting you know and the eight-year-old girl starts pulling on her mother's dress saying Mummy Mummy Mummy darling not now I'm talking so they carry Mummy Mummy Mummy sweetie not now just be patient I'm talking few minutes like Mummy Mummy what is it that's the lady I saw in heaven here's the thing this is the 17th day sixteen days before this girl has a dream that she goes to heaven and she sat in Jesus's office having a chat like you do you know so she sat having a chat and they're talking away and having great time and she notices this framed photograph on his desk and the picture is this woman and she says Jesus who's that woman he said oh that's someone when you wake up that's someone that you're gonna talk to and when you talk to her I want you to give her this message and he gives her a folded piece of paper when she wakes up the next day she has a piece of paper in her hand and she's been carrying that piece of paper for 16 days and now she sees the woman in the grocery store and she says mummy that's the woman she tells her the story of the dream photograph you were in a photo on jesus's desk I mean that's gotta be the height of something right and she gives her the piece of paper a bear in mind the question is what is it you want to be for me now she unfolds the piece of paper and it says I am the lord that heals you now here's the thing he could have said that to her 16 days before he could have sent her an angel she could have had a dream but he didn't do any of that because he's fun he has a lot of people to deal with he likes to do things differently he doesn't like to do things the same all the time plus he likes to include people in our lives that we don't know and so on and so forth he's fun so here's the thing she unfolds that she reads the message she starts crying she tells her friend you know I've got cancer and she tells her side of the story and now here's the thing is these two guys actually years before they fell out at school like girls do they fall out you know so and they haven't talked to each other for a while but now suddenly they're older and you know life's too precious not to have you know AB offenses and stuff so here they are reconnecting but God is joining them back together again through this child who had a dream and now this child gets to see the power of dreams and how God loves to communicate in dreams and visions yeah because they're not logical it's not logical you know for God to take a child to heaven frame photograph message wake up piece of paper be in the grocery store see this woman say something she gets healed why does he do things like that he just loves to do things like that get over yourself [Applause] [Music] never tackle a problem on the same level that it appears because the problem is designed to elevate you come on seriously all right all objects pecked to get an upgrade what if they all come in different shapes and sizes sometimes people can come walking into your life and give you something that upgrades you what if the Lord has designed a whole variety of circumstances to give you an upgrade and what if most of them are negative wouldn't it be so like god to park an upgrade right next to a problem come on wouldn't it be so like him that in your moment of real difficulty suddenly there's this huge blessing also available wouldn't it be like God that on your worst day give you something amazing here's the thing about us when we live in a world centered Christian culture we only ever see the problem we don't even think that there's something brilliant right next to it because we're so used to just dealing with a negative and getting overwhelmed and we you know most of us even panic in advance you know well if that happens I'm gonna be really fearful we say stuff like this or we say things like you know well I knew that was gonna happen it's like some weird prophetic gift going on but I knew that was gonna happen I've been getting - I've been getting blessed - my good this one I've been getting blessed too much there's bound to be a backlash come on who's ever had that thought I am not the only stupid person in this room thank you one honest person over there isn't it just like the goodness of God to put something brilliant next to something awful and maybe that's what he means when he says I made everything work together for good what does it mean then look for the presence of God question is how do you seek the Lord when he never leaves you alone how do you seek the Lord when he never forsakes you and never leaves you what it means is you're seeking his presence in your circumstances where is Jesus standing right now in my Darius I just want to go and stand right next to him you know what are you saying into this situation because that's what I want to hear I don't want to hear stuff on this level I want to hear stuff on this level what are you saying about this how do you see this what is it that you want to do what is it you want to be for me now they're great questions here's the thing never ask the way question why me why now why this because the why question never gets answered on earth it's an invalid question that makes you an invalid if you ask it it's a victim question the two best questions you can ever ask were both asked on the day of Pentecost acts 212 and acts 2 accessing accessing 37 I do my google thing right there were you impressed by that that was me trying to be the holy spirit and do the Google thing acts 212 and to 2037 what does this mean and what must I do the two best questions ever what does this mean for my relationship with you what does this mean for you and I what is this situation about relationally between me and you lord what is is there an upgrade here in terms of how I see you how I know you how I walk with you what's what's in this situation for me and you and our relationship because you know that primary purpose let's make man in our image Genesis 1:26 let's make man in our image primary purpose were bringing all sons into glory so primary purpose is about him making you like him so everything is relational okay I didn't say that in English clearly sometimes I lapse into polish or Hungarian I got excited and I start speaking a different language everything but everything but everything in your life is about one thing you being made in the image of God that means in every situation you have to think like he would think that's the job of the Holy Spirit to train you in that means you get to see something the way that he sees it and it means you don't be moved away from that because this is your birthright in Jesus don't give it up because if you don't accept the heavenly vision of something you're gonna have to accept the worldly vision of it and we all know what that looks like if you don't get this to think about this the way that Jesus would think about it you're gonna think about it the way the enemy wants you to think about it if you don't have a language that's the same language that Jesus used in the Gospels you use that which is the language of faith and power and possibility you're gonna start using the language of unbelief and fear and doubt everything in your life is about you becoming christ-like so you get the chance in everything to step into a little bit more of how he sees things and thinks and speaks and stands and acts and walks it's what makes life fascinating for us because we know in the goodness of God there's always an outcome that he sets otherwise if you don't accept the way that he does things you're gonna set the outcome from your place of unbelief come on you know that's good you don't want to be leading those situations you want to be led by the spirit and that's what it means the spirit leads you into all truth he takes everything that belongs to Jesus and he discloses it to you that means in any situation the role of the Holy Spirit is to tell you what's going on to tell you who God is for you it's relational you're learning how to be made in the image of God everything is relational God is never distant he's in here and so everything in your life all circumstance are designed to teach you about possibilities all things are now possible so we're going to have to come to terms with favor and goodness and power impossibilities and majesty and everything flipping well turning out for good all the time so annoying what if you like whining too much I'm talking about whining with an H in it just in case you were about to get all offended whining with the H in it what if we like whining just a tad too much well can I do that and whine no sorry that's one of the things that's not possible what if it teaches you how to live with a smile on your face if not have a grin plastered on your face because you're actually realizing how incredibly good God really is but here's the thing you're it's not a theory anymore it's not a doctrine it's actually a reality in your life Jesus came saying you have heard it said but now I'm saying and what he said and what he did made all the difference it's time you know we really stopped acting like Christians and started acting like believers because on days you know those two things are like a million miles apart but you're believers right what is it you're believing what is it you're believing about your situation right now you are believing something it's been no doubt about that if you're believing in a negative you're believing something we are always believing is what you're believing is it killing you or is it upgrading you you keeping you down or is it elevating you into your rightful place in Christ the Holy Spirit who is the resident genius of heaven here on earth he knows how to take everything that belongs to Jesus and disclose it to you to tell you hey in this situation this is what we're doing why don't you join in with us this situation is designed to give you an upgrade sometimes you know when you hit an obstacle and there's no way through it it's because God doesn't want you to push through it he wants to elevate you because when you get an obstacle that's absolutely impossible what the Lord is saying is you're done on this level I put that thing there because I don't want you walking in this low level any longer I want you to walk on a different level you know on every new level you meet a new devil so you have to beat the devil on the level that you're wrong but when God is done with that level because maybe he's bored with it when he's done with that level he will put an obstacle in front of you that you can't get through anybody in that place right now feeling that it's something in front of me and I can't break through it come on where are you I see that hand I see that hand I've always wanted to say that I see that hand I see that hand I feel like Billy Graham this is awesome [Applause] what the Lord is saying I believe is you're done on this level I put that thing in front of you I don't want you getting through it I want to elevate you to a different level so whoever that is stand up I'm gonna pray for you right quick there are more people standing them put their hands up but that's absolutely brilliant honestly I don't think God cares right now if you've got an obstacle or not he just loves who you are you're not the most fabulous thing about this life is we get to discover Jesus and we get to change which is what all of us want to do I mean that's what all your wives told me anyway okay assume the position [Laughter] father I thank you you are in charge you're in charge you rule you reign right now are we stand before you and put saying there's something in front of us that I can't get through and I believe you're saying I know you're not supposed to this is me saying you're finished on this level you need to come up higher so in the name of Jesus by the authority that you've given me as a prophet in your kingdom I declare in Jesus name elevation to come into our lives I asked for an upgrade in our thinking and upgrade in our perceptions and an upgrade in language the Lord that right now every one of us standing and even those listening months later who weren't here today you're so not getting away with it no matter where you are God is elevating you he is lifting you up into a higher place so I asked that that higher place would be in our thinking it would be in our perception how we see things and it would be an upgrade in our language but also Lord I ask you for a higher walk in the realm of the Spirit that you would take us to a place above problems so that Lord that we could see it the way that you always see it so I pray for a time Lord of elevation in thinking my in our perception and language but also Lord in our faith and our encounter with you and our experience of you they would all go to a new and higher level and I ask that your passion for us would take hold of us in a fresh way that your love Lord would surround us and in Phyllis that this elevation would bring us into another level of fullness and abundance but especially that your delight and your passion for us would captivate our hearts in a deeper way so that our encounter with you goes to a different dimension emanates from a different platform and that our ongoing experience of you would cause us Lord to be more open fulfilled generous and happy and I ask it Lord for Jesus sake amen hey thanks for listening I appreciate it
Channel: Sojourn Church Carrollton, TX
Views: 865,491
Rating: 4.7847347 out of 5
Id: mi6nZA2wUqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 12sec (3552 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 09 2014
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