God's Dream | Love Culture | Justin Paul Abraham

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i want to talk to you again as a father and this is again i'm going to bring you a word of i don't know a word that's burning in papa so i'm gonna chat and allow channel the father to channel his word through me and i want to talk about papa's dream now we know the realm is opening and we're learning to ascend and transcend and everything is changing our thoughts our conversation the things we're doing we're experiencing the cloud of witnesses angels time miracles crazy days and i've written about a lot of it in the book beyond human yet there is something that i didn't write in the book of beyond human that's bigger than the book of beyond humor it's bigger than all the volumes i could have written about the supernatural phenomena and it's been possessed by love possessed by love there's a difference between having love and being possessed by love and god is calling you guys and i can't tell you enough how important this word is the degree that you are possessed by love is the degree that you'll possess the future and it means fundamental change in the way we talk act think react that we come to from a place that we are powerful love is powerful you are not a victim and victim thinking cannot transition into the future victim thinking has to die at the gateway of the kind of new creation so the lord wants to melt us with his love and ravish us with his love and make us tender because he's not raising up a government that is harsh he is raising up a government of love yes it has authority yes it has dominion yes it can speak things that are challenging but it's not hardened it is tender it is the tender mercies it is the people of extraordinary love like paul said the love which christ has for me possesses me and leaves me no choice that we become possessed by love and have no choice i don't have a choice to get offended i don't because i want to possess the future i don't have a choice to dishonor people because i want to walk in the future i don't have a choice to have habitual sin because i want to walk in the future i don't have a choice to think dishonorably be dishonorable i don't have a choice or the luxury to use my words to criticize i don't have the luxury to think thoughts about people that are not in the father's heart because i'm from another age not the age of infighting and civil war and backbiting and criticism i'm from the age of perfection where love has cast out fear and love keeps no record of wrongs and love always hope and love protects and love glows and love dignifies and love doesn't see anyone through their failures but sees them through the lens of yeshua that he has fundamentally changed the human condition so this limitless love is the fuel that will fuel the future it is the energy that will make you go to the nations is the energy that will make you go lower it's the energy that makes you explore heaven it's the energy that transforms stars births supernovas and all these other things it is the power of love it is the refreshing force that renews your body it's the force that can change your cells it's the force that can transform nature and we must not just have love as nancy cohen says we must become love we must become love isaiah 16 verse 5 in the message says a new government will be established a government of love [Laughter] i can feel the wind on that that is awesome the government of love so anything not built on love whether it's a system an institution architecture education systems or anything else will fall it is love that remains love faith hope and love remain any system any ministry not built on these things will not remain any movements that are not built on this will not remain love is the frequency that produces life even in marriage and the lord's looking for a company of people who live in marriage bliss so a new culture is forming and you are a strategic part of it you are reformers and revolutionaries and it's happening in you i can see it i see it in you i hear it in you i see it in david and jen von blankensee i see him back and cares i see it in karin in the community in cheryl and you guys are forging forging an unstoppable force called love and it's going to intensify but we have no idea how powerful love is the love god has for you and ecstasy and rapture and the love that he has for each other as much as we're addicted to one another we will be addicted to yahweh we'll be addicted to one another we are going to be addicted to love is the future love is going to create a better world a different world so i want to talk about this briefly in the last 10 minutes okay i want you to catch this that you're powerful love means you're powerful love means that you matter love means that you have a voice and this culture has a name is called the culture of honor now many people have misaligned that and thought it's another control system it is not another control system far from it it is acknowledging that you can't even control yourself that go you need god even just for yourself right so you can't control another person as you guys know i don't only teach on this this other father wants me to say and i'm loving it because i i think it's awesome but i had a powerful one of the most powerful visitations from an angel i ever had was in australia it was in david and jen's house it started in the daytime and the whip and being came called zadkiel zadkiel is one of the archangels he said i've come with the winds of change and the winds of change are blowing he showed me the winds of change have begun and that day in australia we had incredible winds we had i think it was 30 000 homes lost their power because the winds and there was massive swells in the sea there was even a small tornado in melbourne the only time has ever happened that day and in the middle of the night i woke up and zadkiel is in the room and i'm taken into the courts of heaven and zadkiel is the angel of freedom benevolence and mercy he is the being that administrates hasseth which is loving kindness or tender mercy he is the angel that carries loving kindness and tender mercy and he said to me see i have come with the winds of change and when it came the walls were shaking in the room and i woke up and it was it was the morning four o'clock in the morning and i was taken up into heaven in this encounter i was shown two seats and i was shown one is the seat of judgment the judgment seat where we've been in the past where we judge others who are different we compare we compete we slander we produce fear as a means of control we demand conformity we oppose others who are not like us is in essence church capitalism this is not i was told this is not going to survive the winds of change anyone who chooses to sit on the seat of judgment will diminish but for those who will transition to the mercy seat the seat of kindness the seat of love has said the seat of grace great grace for them mercy will triumph over judgment this seat is a place of tenderness and compassion wow empathy and feeling where your hearts awake the hard shells broken and you can cry you can feel again you can breathe again it is the seat where we are we allow difference and we acknowledge that all are unique all are beautiful and it's our diversity that adds to the beauty and you acknowledge that you get to be you and i get to be me that we are many voices rising together it is the seat where we keep the connection on because we realize we cannot do it alone in that seat those big bridges are too precious to be burnt because you don't know when you're going to need that bridge to walk on we don't quit because love doesn't quit so it's a culture that's not afraid of conflict because conflict will not set the temperature of my love and conflict will not set the temperature of my heart because you were never responsible for setting my temperature my temperature's been set from above and it's burning hot and i'm your friend whether you want to be mine or not it's a culture where you seek understanding more than agreement because you both realize you both might be wrong and you both might be right so it allows difference because we are not a culture that's gathering around doctrines but gathering around love loving yahweh and loving one another and we acknowledge that we're all at different levels of consciousness engagement activation and we are not afraid we are not afraid of mistakes we are not afraid of getting it wrong because we realize we are all getting it wrong and we are all making mistakes and we are not afraid yay it is a culture where we see each other's hearts even through the wrong behavior i see you i know you it's a culture built on cardiognosis heart knowledge where i see you beyond who you are i see your new creation heart burning it is a culture where we communicate to each other what we need and we help each other because your need matters to me and my needs matter to you it's a culture where we support each other moving towards each other's goals because we are co-creating the future and i don't want to get there alone and that's been one of my philosophies if you guys know me ever since i've been in ministry i've tried to pull as many people forward as i could i've had platforms and sometimes i've taken someone with me and given them my preach or given them my money or because i am not about building me is together this is the era of oneness where together we will create a new future in this culture we support one another and we're all powerful we are powerful people moving together we are an unstoppable force to change the world hey so i will not have a you if you know me i will not have a victim mindset i've been attacked i've been i've had gangs attacked me for preaching the gospel i've had muslims attack me hindus attacked me christians attacked me i've almost been arrested three times i've been humiliated i've been criticized people have said things of me that i've never even done but i will not allow that to set the temperature of my love or my faith or my joy because i've tasted the new wine and i live in the wine cellar and i am filled with wine and flooded with wine and i count all of it as a momentary affliction that's working for us a more excellent weight of glory so you will not hear me complain you will not hear me criticize you will not hear me be a victim because we are more than conquerors and we've overcome this world by faith and i'm grateful for the wombs on my body i bear them wounds but i tell you in the kingdom they're golden my scars are golden my floggings are golden and i hope for more floggings and i embrace the future and i know controversies come in the lord's told me because we ain't seen nothing yet i had an encounter where i heard this the boundaries are blurring and controversies come in you think this we're gonna get through this without being wounded this isn't a namby pamby culture it's a powerful culture love is powerful love never gives up love never quits love is stronger than death you know many of the people who got martyred in history for yeshua were so glorious in martyrdom that other people wanted to get martyred with them and this whole accounts in church history of mass martyrdoms because of the glory and the joy there's some crazy stories i won't speak on martyrdom right now but even okay i don't offend anyone this is a bit gross but even the blood splats carried power and took people into raptures and ecstasies that's the realm of love when you hold nothing back when you are willing to be burnt on the flame when you love australia to the point of counting your life as nothing when you love yahweh you can possess the future and become wow yay undefinable undefinable okay so yes this culture is risky but really we don't have a choice because the old age is passing away and the old christianity has not transformed the world it cannot and will not because it was not based on love it was based on religion conformity control manipulation only a few being powerful the lord is judging that from zion and that is coming to an end yes this is messy if you want tidy you're in the wrong age this is going to be the age of wonder if you want tidiness you can go back to the previous age but who wants that a tidy house is a dead house my house is never tidy we tidy it constantly and it gets messy before we finished the dog runs around the house scattering things the kids do there's jigsaw puzzles on the floor lego this thing's flying everywhere because our house is alive and this is gonna be messy so we must be afraid of it you're gonna make a mess i'm gonna make a mess you're gonna make mistakes that's okay that's why we have vacuum cleaners we just tidy up but we do not lower the party and the joy and the life to keep a clean house because it's not about a clean house it's about life and life is explosive and life is glorious so will we fail absolutely absolutely and that is not a problem because churchill said success is going from failure to failure with no loss of passion jesus looked like the greatest failure the world has ever seen on the cross but it was the greatest victory when he said eat my body and drink my blood he lost the crowds he looked like a failure over and over again but he was not failing and you are not failing you will see in the future that even your failures were when you grew the most even the times where you felt humiliated you were glorified and all up things are working together for good nothing is lost nothing is missing none of those previous seasons they all count and together we're moving to somewhere glorious so the stage has been set for victory and the greatest change in human history as graham cook says the cross has condemned you to victory so just deal with it victory is on your scroll victory is on your scroll and i know this i'm living this i've taken such risks when i put the podcast out and all these things and i felt like no one doing it i was speaking to a room of 12 people because our previous ministry had died and yet god put a frequency in me and that frequency is in you let it out the mindset i had was i'm preaching to all the world i used to cry and pain before preaching i didn't want to do it but i would stand in a realm and say i'm not going to preach to 14 i'm preaching to the world now we've had four and a half million downloads because it's about the way you think and the way you think determines the world that you see okay so this is the future and yeshua prayed and it will happen i'm going to quote yahshua's words the goal is for all of them to become one heart and mind just as you father are in me and i am in you so they may be one heart and mind with us that the world might believe that you in fact sent me [Laughter] so that they will be unified and together as we are i in them and you in me then they'll be mature in this oneness i believe that australia is going to model this it is going to model the word that i'm releasing today that you will mature in oneness i've seen it it's inevitable when i saw the angel zad keel he said there's no choice really you can stay in the old but it's going to diminish but the culture of her said loving-kindness is the throne that's going to be established and it's going to trigger the lord told me and i heard this i heard a voice say this in melbourne the great reunification and i don't even fully know what that is but i knew that the initial stages was going to be controversial and you're going to be maligned you're going to be attacked you're going to get a bad reputation but if you carry on in humility following yeshua without responding and in this dream i was young people who wore like brown humble clothing and they were all following yahweh they weren't engaged in the infight they weren't engaged in the battle became the people of honor and the people of renown and they became the people of the great reunification so oneness is the future so i want to commit these words to your inner being i know it's not my normal style and i hope you guys can love me even in me being different you know i'm not functioning in my normal expand your consciousness crazy wild love wine love bomb but i'm delivering a word deep into the penetration of your dna and into your culture that it's there and is it love this love and let's just open our hearts to it right now i'm going to go to the view where i can see you guys father i thank you that you are creating something right now right now is being created it is being created and we have not been this way before none of us have we have never been possessed by love like this we have never known love by this like this we've never known a love where we we would die for one another but we are and a new culture is emerging a new way forward and yes it will mean breaking from our addiction to criticism and putting others down and hiding but you cannot hide the future demands love demands that you do not hide your glory love demands that you live the most excellent life that you can live the most astonishing life that you can live the most glorious life you can live the world needs you to emerge it needs australia to cheer everyone who emerges not hold anyone back not criticize anyone who comes forward as a voice is not afraid of mistakes not afraid so i give you permission to be powerful i give you permission to make mistakes i give you permission to make a mess i give you permission to be different i give you permission to be unique i give you permission yeah woohoo to be glorious to be glorious because you are the house of his glory and there's a day coming where it will be a symphony it'll be a crescendo there's a day coming where we'll have groups of people all speaking as one prophesying is one moving in incredible wonders believe me the lord is set in the stage for the greatest move that the world has ever seen but it cannot come apart from love love is the gateway and the birthing chamber of the future it is the womb of the morning and from the womb of the morning will come your youth like jew thank you father thank you jesus okay guys i wish i was in the room with you guys because i just released a whole lot of whack over you right now but i hope you're receiving it rebecca does this resonate today the word that i'm releasing it's actually word for word almost word for word what the father has been speaking all week and the presence the heavy heavy weight of of the presence of his love um has just been upon not just myself but many of us so you know the the holy shift has arrived it was already here and absolutely justin um in fact the word i've got is really similar and cutting cutting edge so it's just amazing yeah and there's plenty of juice of course i'm a good tester for that one it's awesome let's just agree together let's allow that feeling of love to expand over everybody right now i know we're there's no distance in this spirit so let's just breathe now okay so take a deep breath just breathe in the ruach and let go let go because this word is not a word of condemnation yesterday's finished and gone today is a beautiful day and today we can make all things new so just allow and even if you make mistakes and fall into some of the criticism come back into grace yeah come back into grace i'm moving grace thank you father we just come into the frequency of love because we are not under law you are not under law you are under grace grace leads to immortality we have to come out from under that that old punishment system father right now in the courts of heaven we ask you to separate us from the punisher thank you father wow that there is no punishment in love we are unpunishable you are unpunishable punishment is not in your future you're the you are under grace and we are going to be a generation again that preaches paul's gospel the gospel of grace the gospel of life and the gospel of immortality for there is no condemnation for those who are in christ jesus the past is finished gone thank you lord for the end of religion the end of punishment the end of control we come now under your government we commend the government of zion we come under the government of the seven spirits we commended the government of yahweh the angels our mountains elevate into your mountain and become one with your mountain and we asked lord that our mountains would burn with love and be covered in the cabard of your glory like mountains covered in clouds but we would be a resting place and your resting place will be glorious thank you lord thank you father thank you father thank you father i see the lord unraveling some of your dna right now i can see enoch looking at each one of us i see the lord looking at each other so i see enoch and there's an unraveling happening of the past thank you lord thank you that you're making all things new he's making all things new thank you father woo thank you lord well guys i think aha we can stay in this realm but i think i've landed what i needed to land and let's just enjoy it we release the frequency of love right now into the world love love wins wow thank you father okay just one minute longer just wanna look at you guys awesome okay oh thank you father it's good very good okay becky over to you okay um amazing as always as usual and plenty of juice plenty of wine going on here i can see you know a good way of being able to tell whether people are being affected we rock have you noticed how many people were rocking i was looking at you all before yeah so um love love love love you all really really love you all maybe everybody could earn me a second so we could just say let's send out them thank you thank you thank you [Music] bye you
Channel: Justin Paul Abraham
Views: 31,763
Rating: 4.9545798 out of 5
Keywords: Angel Zadkiel, Archangels, Visits to heaven, katt kerr, patricia king, roland buck, rick joyner, culture of honor, loving on purpose, danny silk, bill johnson, unpunishable, heidi baker, mercy seat, justin paul abraham, company of burning hearts, ecclesia, australia, lovewins, Rob bell, opera winfrey, richard rohr, russell brand
Id: lLvhvn9N124
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 6sec (1686 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2021
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