Justin Paul Abraham (Sunday, 21 April 2019)

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[Music] I hope you had a good weekends it's be good lots to chew over but you're powerful to think okay this era is not based on unity Ram doctrines its unity in Jesus where we're all powerful to think differently because in Jewish culture they're not like Western culture we've got to become more Jewish in Jewish culture they have a saying if two Jews are arguing there'll be three opinions and they call it the Shem shamayim which means this an argument for the sake of heaven and in their culture you keep relationship you eat together you can have a fiery disagreement and they believe you but both might be right you know see we live in a culture this dualistic it's called Greek I'm thinking so it's black and white yes or no 1 or 0 that's not the world of the Bible the Bible offer you lots of truths all at once you're thinking how can they even sit together and we'll give you an example if you've got the number you know if I draw like the number 9 and you're standing over there you'll think it's a six if you're standing over there is a nine but whose rights so one of the problems we're dealing with in the Western Church is that we've been taught by Greek thinking Plato and dualism which is not the Hebraic way of thinking so you know heavens there see if that's not a break do you know I'm saying heavens around you earth is in the heavens so what am I saying is that I might present a truth to you but it's okay if you've got a different perspective on that truth and in this era our agreement isn't around doctrine that's just as journeying together arm-in-arm realizing we all know nothing [Music] so another Jewish way of thinking which we could really use in the West is the the fact that the heavens is accessed through the letter delet which is the door it's the fourth letter so the fourth represents the whole cosmos the four corners of creation the four elements the four dimensions that make up the universe you know the universe is made up of four dimensions so the delet is number four in the alphabet okay and it the symbol of this is the word down means the poor man the poor man and the symbol of it is someone bending over to the Lord's bowing towards the Lord the other symbol of it is been in your tent door so do you remember when and they draw it like that when when Moses would encounter God has said they all stood in their tent door which meant they were like that and the pillar would come so the letter that connects to the delay is the gimbal which is the third letter that's the gimbal means Gamal and gimel means the rich man or the generous one it means the camel home which is the power to go the distance now what they teaches is that as you become the poor man and you say of myself I can do nothing the rich man runs towards you so there's a saying in Hebrew generosity runs but generosity runs towards the poor one who knows nothing to furnish them with the full supply of the third heaven third being the full supply and fatness of his house in other words the meek inherit the earth so what am I saying to even go where we've gone all weekend if it's made you feel like you know nothing then generosity will run towards you and some of the way I teach I deliberately make that happen to you because that postures you for having to respond so I deliberately create a mindset in you where you go man I thought I knew stuff and now I know nothing this is kind of tricky also it's hard for me to do external acts when I'm concentrating on being so even though I be going into heaven for 20 years actually the first time I ever got caught up into heaven was in Toronto in 1998 I was in bed with my wife and a wave of God's presence hit me and they got stronger and stronger and then I went and I saw heaven even though I've gone there like my posture when I go to before the Lord still in my prayer room in the basement is Lord I know nothing teach me I know nothing I've resolved to know nothing and be familiar with nothing except Christ and him crucified through whom I have died to the world and the world has died to me now I'm enjoying the new existence when I go you know and that posture really saves you a lot of trouble because it chooses you don't know what's going on so the other way like I've said before God's name begin to the yard yard hey valve hey this is the word Yahweh but in your Bible it's always translated as Lord so whenever you hear the word your Lord it should be your hey valve a which is Yahweh right so God's name is the full supply of everything that he is and everything that he does it is a strong tower that you can run into it is it is a covering with tassels that you can pull on for Shalom richness or healing or anything is all in the supply his name so when he says I've given you my name he is giving you the full substance of everything that he is so how do we enter into the name this is amazing thing we go through the yard which is the smallest letter in the Hebrew alphabet it's the tiny dots the narrow door which says I know nothing but hidden behind that dot is an infinite world it's called the unlimited one or is off the one that is beyond and beyond all understanding so he braked teachers to teach this if you imagine this wall here is God that whole wall is gone which wouldn't be good because like God's and limited but I'm gonna do this as an example to help us if I drew a tiny dot in the corner there that would be the sum total all every human has ever learnt about God's that's what they teach so all that human humanity has learned about God so far is a dot on that vast wall so if you think that everything that we've learnt in this word is a dot what is the rest of it and this is the sad thing with like you know I'm sorry I was a bit critical at times about different things I've already said sorry Lord you know I mentioned not to dam burning down I'm sorry it's a lovely building please rebuild it I mentioned seminaries forgive me they're very nice places I'm sure our culture is all about experts so in a newspaper article the lows go Oh an expert says this an expert like they're an expert are they really so this isn't that where we're going isn't about being an expert it's about knowing who you're walking with like Enoch walked with guards Abraham walked with God not knowing where he was going see true people that walk with God don't need to know where they're going they've not got a 5-year plan they've got a one moment plan which has been in union with him and been like the winds and they'll go where he goes and they'll do what he pleases and they've let go of the ego they've let go of their ways because his thoughts are higher than your thoughts and his ways are higher than your ways and you all you knows the little dots so you already do is you begin to entangle into it you're hey Val hey can you join the dance and your life becomes full of bliss and joy where you do not fret or be anxious about anything because that's unnecessary because you're with him and in him and he's in you and you're one and it's too late it can't be undone okay which one do we raise now this one it's everybody happy so far so that's a great thinking now I love this thing Lechem shamayim is called an argument for the sake of heaven and they say one of the things about the argument is you you can sit and have dinner together and be friends but have opposing opinions I wish the church was more Hebraic I don't know why we're not Hebraic I think some reason we don't know how to argue well we haven't interested the bliss of arguing I love a good argument with my wife I think she looks awesome when she's out doing me like you are hot I said that out loud didn't I so I can't say that back so you know yay so we got get away from the culture of fear where we're afraid to be different where we're going we all haven't good have to be different because you are a unique manifestation you're a fragment of your hey valve Hey and only you can be who you are or do what you do and reveal what you reveal and we should not try and say you got a thing like me sound like me act like me no I'm working with you to empower you to be a unique manifestation of the wonder and glory of God and it's not about whether we agree on how many is the seven spirits of one spirit or seven all this layer or that layer of creation it's that I know you I see you I love you I'm with you and together we're going into a brand new world a brand new creation full of goodness and love and creamy fatty goodness and bliss and joy unspeakable planet joy that we're moving towards planet joy whatever that looks like this is you're living on planet joy you just deal with it so the knowledge of His goodness will cover the earth as the waters cover the Seas this is planet yummy yummy planet its the planet that's going to be glowing you're on you know the glow planet just deal with it it's okay so all things are working together for good and all of history is moving towards that end in fact heaven is drawing nigh which means even as you sleep haven't just creeped in even more heaven is drawing nigh to the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end it's a foregone conclusion the crosses won the field is just a matter of time so we're living in the theater of his glory so you may as well enjoy it you may as well enjoy it and be powerful to be you be powerful you know we can't have a culture where we're afraid of disagreements that has to go you know we can't be a conformity culture because this is the way it works right is that we're in the era where revelation is and wisdoms come in like rain okay that means tomorrow you may wake up and think totally differently just as God spoke to you in a dream this just happening so we can't get let our relationships be locked in on what I believed yesterday cuz what I believed yesterday I may not believe tomorrow because the increase of his government in me and his peace in me and grace in me is changing me which means we must be afraid and we must have gather round truths because truth can be true but they can be truer so judgment is a truth but mercy triumphs over judgment which means that's the truth is in the room in your consciousness but someone may have a higher truth called mercy but they're both true so we've got to give permission to journey out the layer of truth that's been revealed to us but be open to the fact that he's drawing us out and he's calling us to the edge he called me to the edge I said I can't fly he said call he call me to the edge I said I can't fly he call me to the edge he pushed me and I flew so you'll always feel like you're being pushed at the edge but come to the edge come to the edge of how big you think God is how powerful you think God is how outrageous the gospel is and you will find you were made for that realm you were made to fly in that realm that you've got wings you are not earthbound you are not bound by your past or your genetics or your gender or your education but you are a new creation and you can even change how good your singing voice is you can change your intellect all of our team their voices are getting better because we believed as he is so are we and sometimes I hear the team's singing now and I'm thinking wow what happened to you I could see such a difference in the last three years and then people getting younger because we start to realize actually I don't have to agree with decay even like we don't even have to have like like agreement of what it looks like to be intoxicated by God because when I'm most intoxicated is most imperceptible to people because I've gone into the prayer of silence wherever your psyche mmm I love you so much it's just so good that's a deep realm of whack right there falling over in that deep that's just fun yeah and I'm not against that falling overs fun but honestly sometimes when I'm in the deepest realms of the spirit I'll even have moved out of myself and you can't tell you'll be talking to me and you will have no idea that I'm in another place with God in fact you know I was just in Germany recently and I was preaching but I was outside of myself caught up in the lampstands whilst I was preaching one time I was preaching in Horsham and I could hardly talk as the presence was so thick and certainly the Lord pulled me out into space and showed me the cosmos and there was a being all I can describe it is electric fire beauty ballet and dance moving that was so astonishing made of orange particles and flames of light and I couldn't even find language for it and I was astonished and and I was amazed but my body was still preaching so I'm teaching in Horsham but I'm not there anymore I'm there but I'm there and the Lord spoke to me audibly and said do you know what this is and I said no but I was so astonished I could hardly it was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen and the Lord said this is the beauty of the human spirit and the human spirit has a limitless capacity to grow and I came out of it and carried on speaking but caught up in this so I went back to the hotel and I was like all the place I was staying I said Papa I need a verse for that because I'm a good Christian he said that's fine 1 John 3 verse 2 but now we are sons of God but what we will be we do not know I just saw what we do not know amen anyway I kind of waffle in this wasn't my message but it's okay thank you Father how much time's left joy and there or is that good for Sunday should get on with Sunday dinner do people do send a dinner here in the UK you have chicken dinner you know you have little Yorkshire puddings there's beautiful do you eat Yorkshire puddings do you know what they are I love Yorkshire puddings chicken gravy I remember as a kid my parents used to run a church we'd usually have like 15 students showing up at the house they would all the chickened in and then fall asleep in the living room [Music] my mum made rice pudding do you guys like rice pudding she made homemade big loads of rice pudding with a creamy layer on top [Music] thank you for Sunday's Lord lot of whack on Sundays a lot of glory on the King glory okay I'm sorry Canadians I tried I tried for you how much time's left 20 minutes it's @e minutes okay just stand up for a second there just to stretch your legs and I'm gonna go for it again so thank you Father Lord I pray yum-yum-yum we want Jesus chicken dinner the Lamb that was slain the lamb shank of heaven do you guys know what lamb shank is so when you have a little lambs leg and this cooks so nice the beef just kind of melts off in the gravy and in the you know you might have a little bit of mint sauce on it a little lamb shank just get off the lamb right now that's what scripture says it says let us feast upon him this is what the verse says the lamb has been slain so let us feast upon him just eat that gravy coated lamb shank you know the Passover they were commanded to eat the whole thing eat all of it [Music] okay some of you may be vegetarian it's okay [Laughter] it's a principle don't be Greek Greeks think everything's literal in the Bible Leary sings like a locust attacking this and that and but you know you have the fruit of the Spirit but when was the last time you picked a banana or an apple off someone's head we've interpreted so much a scripture has been literal when his parrot lots of it is symbology right so the lamb is Jesus that you can eat him and his life will be in you and you glorify the chef by eating what he is given and you honor the chef by enjoying the food that was provided you can add nothing to the feast all you can do is eat it all you can do is taste it and see that the Lord is good yum-yum-yum-yum yum-yum-yum yeah just try getting a little bit whacked just try a little just a little bit whack okay a little bit of sugar makes the medicine go down a little bit honey a little bit yeah then go down you gotta have a little bit whack to the swallow this right try striking it a little bit what yeah thank you Father [Music] okay you can I give you permission to get whacked without showing there try that just get whacked but don't let anyone know you're doing it okay there we go all right sit down then last session I just want to end this series that we've done this weekend because we've been talking about beyond so we're talking about Melchizedek now Melchizedek is a huge mystery within church history hardly anything's been written about it and I'm not going to give you the answers because that will be that I can't give you the answers but all I talk to you about a different way of living that transcends the temporal transcends limitations and is endless bliss okay now something interesting about the Bible the Bible is like web addresses that are meant to take you into the substance okay so don't let the word of god prevent you from engaging the god of the word so teaching called using the bible as a gateway so the bible if you think of every verse it's encoded with life but it's a realm that you can go into to put it another way don't let satisfaction with good theology rob you from an encounter with god don't be so satisfied that you've read something in understood it that you don't go into the realm that it comes from did you hear me what I want to talk about is Psalm 23 very briefly I want to tell you a mystery about Psalm 23 the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he did inside that that that Psalm is golden strands that go through the whole Bible that show this is a condition that you can live in it's a condition that Jesus has brought you into because he said I am the door whoever goes in will find green pastures so the clue is in the rabbi's words he said I am the door whoever believes in Me will go into Psalm 23 that was the clue in the word green pastures so he said I am the I am the access point for the substance that's in that Psalm now what was revealed to me and I'm not going to explain how it happens but it's a long story it's a powerful story but it would take time to explain there but one of the Saints came this is just a shortened version gene going on do you guys know gene going on she came to my house and she came in the basement when I was praying in the presence of God filled with whole house it's three stories I was in the basement rachel was upstairs she ran downstairs she said you're having a visitation aren't you and I said yes I was sitting quietly and gene going on appeared and all she did was she knelt before me and she put her hand on my leg and prayed quietly for 20 minutes it triggered a two-week experience had been caught up in God where I was taught about Psalm 23 so over over two weeks I was shown how every verse connects to other verses in the Bible and how it's actually a picture of the order of Melchizedek so I'm just going to quickly run through it with you and see if you can catch it but lord I ask that you help us Psalm 110 for says you Jesus are a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek here's a deck so this is something this forever the old covenant era and all of things are passed away the Levitical is passed away but there's a priesthood this forever which and Jesus is that in that priesthood and Jesus it says in Colossians 3 it says the exact life in Christ is now repeated in us so whatever Jesus is if Jesus is the order of Melchizedek it means that's gonna be what you function in and you're gonna learn how it functions whatever the order of Melchizedek is it's your destination that you've been called because Jesus came after the order of Melchisedec and Jesus was the blueprint and designer verse and where he is now we are and what he does we do so if he's the priest forever forever there is an order forever and this is the order of Melchizedek is what's going to transform creation okay but it's hidden i man the psalms are so dense with Revelation can I just go through it really quickly with you and you could journey out yourself number one it starts with the idea the Lord is with you Union the Lord is my shepherd you are in his arms so access in this realm comes from the simple idea that he is holding you as the Lamb next to his heart just picture yourself as the little lamb kin call cute and fluffy innocent a beautiful and the Shepherd who lays down his life for the Sheep loves you so much that he holds you in his heart that is the beginning of the realms it's that posture we're of yourself you don't have to do anything the little lamken doesn't have to do anything for the shepherd the shepherd has set his affection on the lamb and will lay down his life for the lamb and holds the lamb this is what God's trying to change the worship in our generation to Union cos Union gives access to these dimensions because when you're with him you have everything you need so the Lord is my shepherd you're with him you're in union with him communion with him like this it says of Moses he might communicate face-to-face we speak directly and without riddles he can see the very form of the eternal you are the people of the face time with Jesus you are face timers you've got his address you can log in and speak to him at any time in the spirit you are uniquely and wonderfully able to access the very face of God and you are in him and he loves you you are is lamken you're his baby you're the baby at the breasts another way that the Mystics talked about this you said said drink pure spiritual milk like a baby at the breast you are a baby being held by your Hvar faith with a full supply of his creamy goodness and what does the baby have to do nothing just drink it just ask oh yeah the baby doesn't have to give anything because the mother is well contented and even as the mother's feeding the baby the mother gets whacked off feeding the baby this is true I've told you guys about this before I loved watching my wife breastfeed because Oliver would go into like a milk coma [Music] see this is so simple heaven is all the Mystics rolled set described it as the Milky Way Milky Way sorry the bursary way the creamy way but Milky Way like a baby bee at the brass door I've howard long I've gathered you at my breast el shaddai the many breasted were there's a breast for everyone you know I loved I loved watching my mouth at my mouth I loved watching my wife breastfeed you know and I'm not trying to be crude but she was so full of milk when Oliver came along that sometimes just as you she got the baby it would squirt out uncontrollably and it would hit me in the face at night and she'd go I'm sorry honey and I'd be like it's okay it's okay and that's what the gimel is remember I said to DES let the poor man has the gimel the gimel is the one that's burst in with supply for the poor man that has the courage to say and then you begin to access this amazing order called the order of Melchisedec unless you become like a child you cannot see it it's so simple would you believe it that God who loves us just wants us to love him and accept him and drink from him and then it says delight yourself in the Lord and he gives you the whole lot but that's what Christians don't do because Christians withhold their pleasure for sports and other things and I'm not saying that to condemn you but why would you take such raw pleasure in that but not raw pleasure in him why so guarded with your affections what has he done to sew offend you that you can't take pleasure in him okay so you come into union and then this amazing thing happens or by the way John is their beloved is an example of this he leans on the chest he's right there at the breasts I've done YUM okay number two this is where it shifts this is so controversial how is this even than the Bible says I have everything I have everything everything I need how is that even possible that there's a realm where you are so in God that you have no need so your prison never about needs ever again that's your America I can tell you now the order of Melchizedek isn't a group of people begging God they're in the full supplier of his house and manifesting righteousness peace and joy Melchizedek means the king of righteousness the king of Chillon the king of peace this is how gene Don described it abandonment is laying aside forever all your spiritual needs cast enough all your cares drop in all of your needs is forgetting your past leaving the future in his hands and it's devoting the present fully and completely on the Lord and from that moment you think of him even your whole viewpoint of life will have to be altered so that you may go on deeper still deeper into another level with your Lord all described in 2 Corinthians 12:14 he said I was a dependant passive instrument of the Lord a dependent passive instrument of the Lord see the ultimate proof of faith is not experiencing the supernatural but entering into rest [Applause] the ultimate evidence of faith is not you manifest in the supernatural remember Israel had the supernatural but they did not enter into rest rests the Sabbath is now a place this is a brilliant definition the Sabbath is now a place of God's unhindered enjoyment of man a man's unhindered enjoyment of God the Sabbath is unhindered enjoyment of two people in union and rest is the evidence of the finished works Hebrews 4:10 God's rest celebrates his finished work whoever enters into God's rest immediately abandoned his own efforts to complement what God has already perfected the language of law is do the language of grace is done and you enter in Aegina and said this eventually they'll come through that moment where he will gain complete control when you'll continually yield to God's working within you walking in the unforced rhythms of grace unforced rhythms of grace yeah and then you walk in green pastures evergreen yeah green pastures green green which means the this is according to the break understanding of the root words it's means the unlimited divine economy do you know all economics on earth are based on limitations but you are tapped into the unlimited divine economy of heaven I was in one meeting in Germany and they hardly gave any money and I was upset not because I'd do it for money but because I was coming home again with no money and ritual you know was awesome she didn't care about the money but I just felt like what kind of dad am i I'm coming home again and this has happened many times where I'd come in home with no money so God filled the offering bucket and then a man met me on the way to the airport with a check for $1,000 one time I was in Australia and God said I want you to give $200 to this person $200 to that person but I didn't have the full amount she said hold in your hands what you have and this strange presence came in the room and the money multiplied in my hands to $200 for both but then I thought our Lord I need around $17 for the airport for food and coffee while I'm there for a few hours I looked on the edge of the bed there was $17 exactly in change see we live in the unlimited economy of God's the unlimited and it's there's a realm of bean I'm with him and I have everything I need that's gonna take us off slavery to the economy see I see people worrying about the economy don't worry about the economy tap into the No Mas the unlimited supply of green pastures where you've got a big daddy you have a big daddy there has to be a generation that starts to move into this you know my friend Nancy Koehn for six months they didn't have money when they were living in a certain place her husband's work wasn't but well every day God she had to rely on God providing the food supernaturally and God would do crazy things like all the neighbors were rich and didn't know they were had a problem on the first day where she needed money the neighbor showed up said are off refrigerator and freezers broken can we just give you all the food so it doesn't go to waste and God said I want you to give it away this was the thing they take what they needed and give and every day for six months they had to do that but you know what happened on the last day of six months the Lord said because you've been faithful I want to show you what is possible for those who believe he said open up your heart and think of the food you'd like to see and move your arm and in front of her children I've met her children talks about the story Shannon Nancy went like that and God put all the food materialized out of thin air in the house boomba so you're in the realm and then he leads me he leads me yes we have a leader he leads me this is where we started getting some wild adventures where you don't know where you're gonna go because you've got this crazy being called yad hey valve aid and you might be driving to the store and the Lord says no turn left here but go to this store and you meet an old friend and this is a divine fusion where life becomes unpredictable and you don't know what's gonna happen do you think I'm gonna produ I'm gonna pray like a good Christian God says let's go shopping and I'll pay he's done that to me many times you know one time I was praying in my room and there was no glory on it no whack on it and I kept thinking about the cinema going to the cinema going to the cinema after all deeper trying to praise I said to her rich I said ah I think God wants me to go to the cinema she said that sounds right Hannah Neath the moment I got in the car it was like revelation revelation and I was in the sin because he wants us to have a happy life a fat and juicy creamy fantastic snowboard in whatever happy life it was for joy for life and speakable full of glory that he came and Christians need to start being about living jacked up on life on the juicy one on the milky one you know many times I've been tired and I've turned into the breast of heaven or I've turned into the SERPs as breast as a symbol don't it's not like a big breasts wings in the room or anything but that would be awesome but I mean I turned into the substance of God's love and the amount of times he has renewed me and given me supernatural strength where I can't even eat because when I eat the energy in the food is smaller than I'm already in have you ever eaten and got tired afterwards because the energy you ate was lower than the realm you were already in see we think we need to eat like we do alright so are you guys okay shall I finish there or keep going how much longer he reads me beside still waters he restores my soul so what what did you hear that there is restoration technology in this dimension where even your body and soul can be restored by God's in the healing by God in the spirit with God strengthened in God because through spiritual authority will be in you the degree that the Lord Himself is your greatest encourage ur see there's too many Christians that are looking to be encouraged here when you've got your hey hey the model for this is David you know when his family got kidnapped they came back from a fight they just one it says David's men wanted to kill David it's because the families had been lost their children had been stolen so its enemies had turned against him his best friends turned against him what does it say David did he strengthened himself in the Lord and said we're gonna recover all see there has to be a generation of Christians that don't need infinite amount of in healing deliverance and counseling that hooked themselves up into the house of Melchizedek the order of Melchizedek and they start to tap into the unlimited one the unlimited God you have been joined to God you be given the gift of God you don't need a double portion you'll be given the spirit without measure you've been given your hey Bob there you have the name you've been given the name and you've been given his life his life is your life his house is your house his possessions are your possessions and it's time to stop living in the poverty round the soul Ralph and so acting like sons because you have a father and he loves you and his heart is for you and his fans as a prosper you not to harm you this is not going to end badly for you [Music] [Applause] so we feast and win in the streams of life when he regenerates us and then it says he he leads me in paths of righteousness it's the king of righteousness now it starts to recalibrate around you and you're in the paths within God you're in the ancient paths it says it stand by the ways and see and ask for the ancient paths where the good way is there's a place called the good way and it says walking it what is the ancient paths is to return to the awareness of where you have come from in other words walking in the ancient paths is walking in the pathways of his heart where you were came from Jesus said I came from the bosom the chest of the Father and I'm taking you back to where I came from so you've run there and you live there in the burning layers of the divine in the arteries of his love and you begin to walk in paths of righteousness for his name's sake see righteousness is not so much as a way of behavior as a condition of life Wow okay nearly done guys so yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death your relationship with death now changes because you realize something something we should have known all along death is a shadow it doesn't have substance it's been defeated it says he took the keys of death and he said my holy ones will not see decay and you can walk straight through death and it's a shadow for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me and you're actually walking in comfort and you can walk through the most crazy situations that other people can't walk through and death starts when tether from your DNA cuz it's like your hey valve hey is with them where can I rest on them when he holds them in his heart and that's what happened to Enoch it says Enoch walked with God and he tasted not death the Union is the technology of immortality in UI so we're gonna have a big break up with death in this generation see listen to this if you're talking about the old priesthood Hebrew sever 23 there were many priests under the old system for death prevented them for a remaining in office did you hear that this is what Hebrews is described as happened to us in the order Melchizedek Aaron Moses they all died john wesley all these people died but there's a generation that won't die because they need to stay in office to shepherd to shepherd a new world let me read it again there were many priests under the old system for death prevented them from remaining in office see there's a generation that say lord i want to remain in office thank you very much continuing to be a priest without interruption and without successor for all time so you begin to function in a role that no one succeeds you in because it's an ever role without father without mother so you step out from your genetic house without genealogy so your genes can't create your life anymore neither beginning of days nor end of life but made like the Son of God made like the Son of God to remain a priest continually for you have been born again that is reborn from a burb spiritually transformed renewed and set apart for this purpose not of seed DNA which is perishable but from that which is imperishable and immortal that is through the living and everlasting Word of God 1 Peter 1:23 the new life that comes from God it says this did not come from something that dies it comes from something that cannot die so you think about this you already have in you inside you in seed form is something that can never die even if your body dies but the deal is God's looking to glorify the house so the house looks like the heart in other words as you think in your heart so your house becomes in other words your body starts to transfigure which is always been the aim of Christianity and you know my friend Ian Clayton was taken into the future I can remember what year it was I think it might be in the 2040s and he literally saw like people that were shining ones ok ok fine fine okay your rod and staff they come for me and you prepare a table before me so we're feasting yummy yummy in the presence of our enemies so it seems like we've moved out of the realm of warfare the God of peace crush you see Satan and Rafi see there's a place where God rises the man of warn fights on your behalf see the little baby lambs job isn't to be the tough one he's with the tough one it says I will be a shield around you to guard you I am a strong tower you run into me and you're safe we have to start engage in the full supply of the man of war try it invoke the name look it up in scripture the man of war and then you anoint my head with oil you begin to live in a state have been under the government of the seven spirits where the oil is flowing on you and your heart has been enriched with enlightenment and wisdom and understanding and your head is continually flowing with oil and you are oily in your saturated in you you are inebriated and you are covered with fresh oil not the oil of a move of God or the oil of a past revelation but the continual stream that comes from being in oneness with him where you are evergreen and his mercies are new every morning and every day you wake up and there's a supply of a shadow in you job said your buttery goodness would be there when I woke up and you wake up and it's already there that he's already set you up for cream and butter and fatness the fatness is already embraced in you goodness is already surrounding you and you live in not a dark and creepy endtime you live in a new world being created around you and through you and for you which is unlimited okay Psalm 92 census but my horn my strength you've exalted like a wild ox I've been anointed with fresh oil I am covered with fresh oil strong as a wild bull for those who were planted in the house of the Lord planted not visiting those who were planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of God they shall be still bear fruit in old age they shall be fresh and flourishing they will remain lush and fresh full of SAP fat and flourishing and they will begin to be evergreen and full of life then my wine cup runs over so what happens now and it's not your fault like Paul said if I'm in ecstasy's is God's fault he said this if I'm besides myself as God's father that word besides his Exodus Tammy acts TASIS if I'm blissfully out of my mind is for God's glory so who fills the cup he does and you know what he doesn't even just give you a little dab it says he fills your cup till it overflows so now you start living not in a move of God you're living in the wine house and you're becoming the house of wine and this is all the saints in history lived in this remember I learnt this from Jean going on she lived this isn't it cool that 20 minutes of someone touching my knee and I'm giving you the short version I learned this by direct encounter with one of the cloud of witnesses see that's the hero we're in don't do you mean yourself open your heart and honor that realm and what you honor will come to you you could have a visitation this week from one of the cloud of witnesses and you unlock something that none of us have seen that's how that hand heaven is don't put a limitation on His goodness and don't let your past determine your future so my cup overflows I love this until intoxicated says they will be intoxicated Psalm 36 they will be intoxicated with the fatness of your house and you'll give them drink from the river of your delights Jeremiah 30 I will soak the souls of the priests with butter fat and satisfying my people with my goodness ancient roots translation I will soak them with butter fat and water them from the riverbed of Eden Song of Solomon kiss me and make me drunk with your kisses for your sweet loving is better than wine your love is like myrrh and aloe under your tongue is honey kiss me and make me drunk with your kisses and take me into the house of wine see that's the heart of David that's the heart of Jean going on that's the heart of Joseph of gabardelli and Francis of Assisi they were love addicts they were intoxicated addicted and with no apology love slaves Teresa of ávila called mysticisms becoming a slave of love like this for the love that Christ has for me presses me on every side it holds me to one end it's the very spring of every action and it leaves me no choice sir I am ruled by Christ's love like a sloppy wet kiss inside of my chest I don't have time to live in these regrets when I think about the way he loves us yeah see I'm giving you my life and then what happens is I love this translation song Solomon 240 now he has brought me into the house of wine I am in the fever of love when was the last time you've got like a proper fever from God like you're burning hot that's happened to me this week a couple times it happens in the house happened do you you know it's called in cinema Morris the burning heart of love yeah then goodness and love follow me so this is awesome right you get stalkers this is amazing not creepy stalkers goodness and leather fine with use like get away heaven chases you generosity rents towards your goodness and love follow you you can't get away from it you've been stalked by angels taught by the seven spirits taught by big guys going I see you I see you for goodness level they follow me all the days of my life every day do you know what that's called it's called this is what jingo Jung called it she says a new law comes into effect in your life called the law of magnetism what does that mean it says it starts to come to you like with your situation where you went to see that rich guy [Music] you know I've been invited to meet lots of different people and I know nothing you know I got two John Paul's prophetic council with all the old prophets one of my most favorite experiences I've ever had in my entire ministry life was when I went to the urinals and I was washing my hands and I looked and there was all the heroes of the faith going to the urinals talking and John Sandford comes past with his Zimmer frame and I went I'm like in the urinals of heaven I was in a washroom and everyone in that washroom was the people I'd read books for all my life that it shaped a generation and I'm there because the law of magnetism and qualified so you don't have to qualify yourself he has qualified you it's about being in him that he will open doors that no man can open you know I've seen the most advanced nano computer technology just the other day someone tried for me to get me to go to Washington DC to meet the vice president but I didn't go because it wasn't on my scroll because I'm not following man I'm following him what's one man over another he's found amongst the homeless and people are so seeking to invade mountains why I'm gonna take two seven mountains by working my way up and become the boss and make everybody act like I want them to I thought we were the servants of all I thought we win by serving not dominating so you get stalked by heaven I've been stalked by heaven so many times Lord Father I pray right now I believe this can open for you Lord let people be stalked by angels it's okay if you don't want them just keep looking like you do now and they'll stay away that's fine all right nearly done look I'm going home tomorrow you can carry on the Gentiles shall come to your light and Kings to the brightness of your rising there's such a thing on you guys for wealth that's gonna come yeah they shall gather and they shall come to you and you'll be surrounded by favor for the Lord will bless the righteous and with favor he will surround them as like a shields okay then we're coming to the last bit of the Sun we've managed to do all of south 23 how does it end don't don't it ends with you becoming multi locational I'll explain it don't panic and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever so you're always there which means part of you is going to separate and always being conscious awareness of reality whilst you function in the earth but your heart has been stolen your heart no longer beats in your chest it's in his heart and he has you just where he wants you and you begin to live not as a person that ascends you live as a person that descends from that realm to release life and glory and you can go anywhere in the cosmos because you never leave his house and you become a pillar in his house that goes out no more I'm going to end with this this is Rick Joyner's words there is a door standing open and there is an invitation for us to go through it those who answer this call will be caught up into the spirit with the result that they will always be seeing the one who sits on the throne this is the ultimate purpose of all true prophetic revelation see in the glorious risen Christ and the authority he now has over all and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever thank you Father father just ask now for expanded consciousness come on you got to see this I am the door whoever believes will find green pastures I am the door green pastures I am the door I am the door to green pastures come on in feast come on in we Phil come on into life I will restore your soul death will become a shadow you will feast at my table you will rest in my green pastures and the River of Life will flow through you and goodness and love will follow you and you will dwell in my heart forever for truly this is where you belong this is where you came from this is the order of Melchisedec amen [Music] you
Channel: Catch The Fire Winnipeg
Views: 39,863
Rating: 4.8598385 out of 5
Keywords: Catch The Fire Winnipeg, Jesus, Bible
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 49sec (3469 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2019
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