Dancing Trees | Full Drama Movie | Katie Boland, Brooke Burns, Amanda Tapping | MyTime Movies Now

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[Music] [Music] he [Music] that sounded great Martha breakfast ready no no what's the matter they're not touching no 9:00 12:00 3:00 it is 9:00 12:00 3:00 9:00 12:00 3:00 Martha please not today please please Mom fix it so where do you look 9:00 12:00 3:00 that's not that's not 3:00 that's not 3:00 okay you're right I'm sorry I am a little off it's 3:30 but could you please eat them anyway princess I have a ton of books that I need that's not 3:00 princess can't eat that okay oh oh oh oh notha please honey not today we're late no that's that's not right Martha Martha mom that's that's broke that's broken okay I'm going to make some new eggs okay thank you Mommy I love [Music] you love you too okay okay okay [Music] hey open it or you die okay okay both I'm I'm doing it je come on come on come on come on come on anything stupid come on get all the money all the money look at the back all the papers the pap I don't know come 10 grand [Music] easy you drive you drive just my luck he had a gun are you all right no I'm not all right look at me [Applause] can you get that honey you promised you'd be there so be there will I'll be there I'll be there with bells on I just have to pick up my car you are not seriously getting that car I am it's candy apple red in mint condition oh great another wild and crazy Nicole idea yes Mother hey I'm your God mother I can be honest with you I'm just teasing you Sal's birthday tonight I like him you know you should really think about settling down what ises settling down mean oh don't get smart s can retire in 2043 his birthday's on Tuesday he'll be 65 in 2043 one day at a time artha let's just take it one day at a [Music] time okay we got to find a place to hide out for a while I I thought we were going downtown that's exactly where they're going to look for us you said we were going downtown Jake I want to go downtown just shut up already all right we got to stay out of sight for a couple days hey hey Jak what's that s what is that it's going to boil over great the van heting up again J you sad they me out of there son of a god hit me when it wasn't looking man well maybe we should get you to the hospital woo maybe we should roll right into the emergency room how about that you've lost a lot of blood okay I'm serious now the bullet went right through [Music] so you're done with this deck right I'll accept this one I read it February 31st last year that's great impossible what's impossible impossible there is no February 31st uh you got me Martha bam gotcha everyone could read as fast as Martha we' triple our business how many books have you read in this place Martha after today 8,23 after today wow that's a lot so Joie I was just wondering if maybe I could take off early today got my new toy and my man yes nothing than thank you I'll see you later Martha hey baby it's me guess what we are going to a concert tonight Martha concert so I'll pick you up at 700 in my new car yay we can save the wine for later happy birthday [Music] darling Oh Yeah [Applause] wo go hey look at this sweet you take me for a ride I can't s's waiting for me I just came by to show off he's got you on a tight rain you know me better than that do you see a ring on this finger not yet but soon never well then let's take this for a cruise fine where do you want to go is gorgeous I love your car isn't it [Music] amazing let's go shoot a game of pool you're really trying to get me in trouble huh oh you afraid I'm going to win all my money back Nikki we could play all night and you still wouldn't be me we'll see about that I tried to warn you last time [Music] hi hi you have 182 sweet items on your menu including Tes and drinks but no sweet M&M's excuse me oh she likes your menu oh well thank you worse get mixed up people get mixed up that's okay are there really 182 items on the men yeah no M&M do you want to come to my my house I have M&M's oh where is it 12 turns that's a long way from here 12 turns M&M's uh sweetheart why don't we ask him again when he's finished work good good idea I'll give you two a moment to decide uh actually we know what we want okay one scoop of ice cream on a plate a scoop of whipped cream on a separate plate a plate of cherries and excuse me we want an ice cream Sunday but we want all the ingredients on separate plates I see you want to mix them up yourself you got it okay Larry was the 357th most popular name for boys in 2005 okay princess you sure have a way with the [Music] men oh you bought it huh H that explains everything sorry I'm late we had a boatload of books at the book store when everything's got to be put up from the shelves and alphabetical order and then put into categories what would I do without you you must be exhausted I am how's Josephina good more exhausted than I am that's odd she looked great when she came by here when half hour ago we stopped by to wish me a happy birthday caught like a BR in the cheese factory huh what is wrong with you I went for a little Spin and I wanted to go and show Hillary hey why would you lie to me I'm sorry I really am the concert starts at 7:30 though come on we should go no no not going what I'm not going I'm tired of playing this little game with you please don't make such a big deal out of it you just lied to me I'm a bad girl you're being so patronizing you're not my fault father you know the sooner you realize that the better S I'm kidding come on are you serious oh my God and now introducing Martha Rooney all right come on honey two yeah go get him [Applause] go ah why is she stop what is what is she do [Music] what I miss about 20 [Music] minutes she [Music] okay she's okay she's playing it [Music] [Applause] great good job good girl nice job our next student Mel sorry I was late I feel terrible that she didn't get to finish her recital it's okay she enjoyed her performance so what happened just took longer than I thought but there she is what nothing what it's nice do you think it's too much not for you Nicole Nicole Nicole hi wow that was some fancy piano playing in there I know I know ice cream ice cream ice cre a great performance but we already had our iceam cre I cream I okay okay okay one scoop can you come oh yeah just have to make sure that s can come too I I I see Martha in the car oh yeah you want to drive it you can drive it as soon as you get your license that is no she means she can see her reflection in your Magna Pi no no Dukes of Hazard no mag Magna Pi very very old very very retro very old very retro what did she say your car is the same color as Magnum Pi's car Magnum PI mag Pi doctor you're a life saer no no I'm a corer Magnum PI Magnum PI you guys are crazy Martha Martha Martha all right move it or lose it girls mom mom Martha hi you miss me have you forgiven me yet of course I miss is you please forgive me you make me nuts you know that I'll make it up to you no Nicole I thought we had something what if we have kids you going to lie to them too kids are not in the picture I said what if why are we arguing I don't want to argue I think we should be thinking about our life together together so let's not argue then what about the life together part we are together why can't we just be together together isn't that enough what am I going to do with you [Music] huh it's a woman poor things stranded I'm just I'll be right back princess okay you stay here [Music] hi car trouble yeah yeah I am having car trouble uh well there's a garage about a mile up the road I can give you a lift oh my god look look just need to leave no no look put your phone away okay get out of here who the hell is this get out of here what are you doing huh don't don't don't she was leaving don't don't what the hell are you doing she was [Music] leaving stop it going to C the cops on us huh this is enough okay let's just get out don't tell me what to do are you stupid we're in enough trouble trouble [Music] mom mom mom mom get get up ice cream ice get in the car ice cream just let scoop just let scoop get in the Caro mom m mom m mom mom get up ice cream ice cream mom just want just want [Music] scoop excuse me doctor my name is is Nicole Davis I'm looking for Josephina Rooney do you know if she's okay oh frankly she's not doing so well one of the bullets punctured her lung and she's lost a lot of blood and we've got her stabilized I wouldn't recommend that you go in there right now [Music] [Music] [Music] jie Josephina it's picle it's Nikki it's [Music] Nikki who did this to you take care Martha I will you going to be okay okay listen please promise course I promise I'm begging you take her with you you have my word [Music] no [Music] h [Music] [Music] m [Music] I'm so sorry hi she was my dearest friend kind and generous she always looked out for me ever since I was a kid she really was all the family I've ever known I know how's Martha she hasn't said a word pretty sure that she saw everything happen what are you going to do with her take her to her father's her father's has she even seen him since the divorce it's not like I can take care of her I mean here come the cops they called earlier I guess Martha's the only one who can help them figure out who did this good morning folks hi Nicole yeah I'm detective Aliza I was called in last night hi I'm sorry to hear about your and godmother thank you this is s hi s how are you guess you're already met Martha yeah how's she doing she's really upset I'm going to have to ask her a few questions the sooner we can get a description of who's responsible for this the sooner we can find them of course just watch your step right in here Martha where'd she go maybe she left she's what 15 she's 18 I would have seen her e though Martha honey what are you doing in here come here we need to talk talk to you you know s okay this is detective valz he wants to ask you a couple questions about your mom who wants the help hi Martha it's okay if you're scared I understand um we need you to help us we'll find out what happened here [Music] okay you know what I think we should wait we can afford to wait um Martha Martha look at me what do you remember detective can she hear me does she understand what himself yes she can understand I just Martha how many people were there one two more Martha please I need you to help me find out what happened to your mother you can't pressure her it's not going to work I know how to do my job really okay come on hi Mark call Martha this is your dad his name is Mark you can call him dad though you're going to live here now look Ni Call okay no no no it's okay it's going to take really good care of you I promise all right look I wasn't really sure what was hers or whatever so I just sort of dumped everything in in the call wait I tried to call you Martha wait okay I can't do this what do you mean you can't do this I talked it over with my wife and we don't want her here okay first well you cannot talk it that way when she's around she understands everything that you say I am remarried with three kids who don't even know Marthur exists I don't know what to do with someone like her she's your child too Mark sorry I don't feel like a father to her all right look just keep her until after the funeral at least I mean the two of you should go together I think that that would be really good for her look I have a new life can't you get that into your head you're the only thing that she hasn't life but what about you why don't you take care of her you're her father this is for the best Martha okay no look Nicole all right all right all right just come on it's all right come on [Music] well there's been another homicide in the city a witness saw a van pull away from the scene at about 9:00 last night Josephina Rooney and her daughter Martha were returning home from a concert when the incident occurred police are offering a $1,000 reward for any information leading to the arrest and the conviction of those responsible for the death of Josephina Rudy funeral services will be held at the Forest Lawn Cemetery on Thursday have me the phone book come on r o o n e Josephina 20986 Orchard Street Bingo the kids's going be there now alone she may not be there but I know where she will [Music] be Hey Jake look I didn't see no girl okay she saw us that's for sure well maybe not maybe maybe she was asleep maybe she was blind or deaf we got to get this kid think about it Jake okay you're going to get us busted just leave the kid alone where are you going got to clear out the van get rid of it ditch the plates go Ren thanks I've been trying to call you all day I know I um I'm not feeling right Nicole talk to me I just listen I just need some time okay to think about stuff sure okay so that's what you want this just what I need right now I'll see you later [Music] hi I'd like to see Martha who are you I'm Nicole you must be Joan I'm here to see Martha Martha is gone what do you mean she's in a specialized foster home for [ __ ] adults what she is not [ __ ] well we couldn't deal with her of course not her IQ makes yours look like an idiot okay I'm sorry but whatever she is we had to send her away where to a foster home with the other other what Geniuses Joan who's there call the police call what the hell is the matter with you you ice cold son of a [ __ ] where the hell did you send Martha the call you just settled down I am not leaving this house until you tell me where she is excuse me may I help you yes um hi there I'm looking for martha Rooney and you are I'm a relative her cousin is she here she is here but I need to see her ma'am we we have a procedure that we follow here Martha keep your voice down you're frightening the others look you better tell me what you're doing here before I call the cops call them and ask for detective valz he'll verify who I am wait here she's on the right there thank you and I'm calling the detective right now she's not in here where is she I don't know yes I'd like to speak to detective bis yes I'll hold oh my God Martha yes honey come here sweetheart get out of there come here stand up hello I miss you do you miss me yes come here sit down yes sit down do you know where we're going today to your mom's funeral do you understand I bought you a dress so we're going to get you ready and and you and I are going to go together okay you and me I spoke to detective fellis he says it's fine she can't go with you I'll take my own car [Music] [Applause] [Music] this morning we remember Josephina Rooney loving mother much beloved member of our commun Community the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he maketh me to lie down in Green Pastures he leadth me beside the Still Waters he restoreth my soul he leadth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake yay though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I I shall fear no evil for thou art with me thy rod and thy staff they comfort me thou preparest a table she she she she doesn't let it in there she's lonely she doesn't want to go C we won't forget her she loves you so much all of do you remember how much she loved you Martha I willwell in the house of the Lord she loved you more than anybody hey you go in [Music] peace [Music] thank is she still back there [Music] just stay cool she wants to stay it you guys can go [Music] [Music] ahead you just let me know whenever you're ready M MH you did a really good job Martha I'm very proud of you I know it's hard Martha Martha it's time to go back home don't don't don't it's okay we don't have to rush you have to go it's almost time for supper she hasn't eaten anything I understand Nicole come I can't she'll be fine it's best for her if the break is clean I can't come with you this time sweetheart I'm sorry she'll be [Applause] fine it's okay you did the right thing well then why don't I feel like I'm doing the right thing where's the kid I don't know but she was there just a second ago where'd she go what Jose would have wanted how would you know don't let her mer us Nicole look I'm sorry come here just Nicole please don't she must have left her for someone else oh [ __ ] what you know about me I don't know you at all take care Mara I [Music] promise reaching out my arms they fall lost in the dark Can You Hear My Call to by you I never felt so small rewind in all the W and I'm so so ain't going to be the one who I [Music] don't I don't to [Music] go I don't to go [Music] back bring back my face okay doing the right thing [Music] warning what do you want yes yes yesterday yes yes yes yesterday yesterday yes good morning Martha hi do you want want to come with me do you want to come with me to stay at my place yeah your yeah come with me wow 1967 Ford 500 XL GT 2D Hardline only 18,6 70 made that year had a 289 V8 engine the only engine that they used that year oh wow I didn't know that the you will be back and we will have to deal with the consequences good thing your mom put my name on that paper huh and her father will have something to say about this as well as the police H jump in Martha come on we got to go get out of the rain how about some music you like rock and roll no rock and roll no rock and roll how about jazz yeah you like jazz jazz it is hang on tight [Music] don't she was leaving don't don't what the hell is you doing me help help help help me help help help help honey are you okay wait mom get up Mom get up Mommy get up Mommy get up Mommy get up no em is 13 em 13 is 13 it's okay I'm right here everything's okay everything's okay I'm right here [Music] almost [Music] there okay you first water's warm Martha where did you go [Music] hello hey shower's running come on let's not waste [Music] it what are you doing are you hungry do you want to eat first let me just turn off the shower and then we'll see what we can cook up okay [Music] bacon and eggs just for you yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy what you don't like baking in eggs come on I made it just for you Martha please you got to try it okay here you got to eat hello morning hi um look I'm sorry about yesterday it's okay where'd you go um nowhere really I just um careful sweetheart I just went to bed early wait wait let me help you what are you doing I'm um helping Martha with her pajamas Martha what is she doing there I can't talk right now I got to go can I call you later please how do Martha get there call these are the only shoes that I have for you Martha okay I will go by the house and I will look and see if I can find some other ones but you have to wear shoes I'll give you chocolate oh really a negotiator huh fine two chocolate bars [Music] shoes sh all right don't worry I'm going to pick you up today okay and we're going to go and get your chocolate bars just like I promised what's the matter can I can I stay with you today Martha I have so much people at the store like like Martha yes I know that sweetie but I promise I I promise I'll stay out of the way you need to be here okay what about your music no music gone all gone gone all gone do that swe gone you have to go to school Martha stop hitting yourself stop it all right all right all right you can stay with me today okay just today Martha and Nicole today today today today okay all right today just [Music] today there you go hi morning sorry we're late here give me this you go wash your face your card and chocolate silly oh good what the hell were you thinking what Social Services wants me to arrest you that's ridiculous you have no legal rights over her she's a ward of the state well I want custody but it doesn't work that way well maybe it should you know there are rules that need to be followed okay listen she is my cousin I believe I have the right to take care of my family bookstore people are reading shh bookstore people are reading no talking hi Martha how are you different shirt same time doesn't match don't you have a wife look at least she's talking again good but not about that night you help me get through the bureaucracy so that Martha can stay with me and I'll get her to talk about come on I help you you help me just forget the rules for a second I have hundreds of books here that say that detectives are allowed to be compassionate well that's Fiction it's a fine line think about it oh my okay I'll think about it but I was not here today and I did not see her okay and you better call me with some details I understand and if you don't I'll feel like I'm being manipulated and that is not acceptable I understand Detective remember I wasn't here today you were never here hello morning excuse me what's he doing here he was never here hi you want a donut Martha want a donut what is she doing here she's staying with me what do mean she's staying with you she's staying with me until I figure out what to do long term wait a minute Nicole you're not thinking to taking custody here are you yes maybe I don't know look all I know is that if I don't get her to talk about that night Vala is going to come and take her and me away you're saying you want to be responsible for another individual's welfare have you thought about this can we talk about this later sure I got some supplies I got to pick up listen Nicole think about this I'll see you later okay I'm sorry did you need any help with anything back here I have the heart of a small boy and I leave it in a jar on my desk oh Robert block right the author of psycho he was accredited with saying that yeah while you are a very smart young lady yeah oh um do you have the ripple effect yeah on order next week I I want to read it again oh really there are more victims of a murder than one dead woman family loved ones yeah the ripple effect yeah well there's nothing like a well-written mystery my mom was murdered what my mom was murdered oh you you might also like Patricia Cornwell she's really a good good writer really I read all her her books oh great good for you yeah I I like reading a lot I learned to read when I was three three really three y I'm Marth I stop here okay well uh thanks Martha nice to meet you yeah yeah R green Dead Alive Dead Alive bre GRE [Music] red green dead Dead Alive red green red green dead Dead Alive Nicole Nicole grab her and don't screw up stop pushing me uhoh uhoh Nicole hey you need some help no going home I want you come with me going home hey hey come with me oh God see yeah come on come on [Music] where's red green red green stop go stop go R green stop go stop go stop go it's okay red green stop go it's okay sit down uh uhoh here uhoh uhoh why don't you lay down sweetie uhoh gre gre stop go stop go there you go don't you know she can't be out on the street alone she slipped away she was here for less than an hour I'm sorry okay you should know better what do you know about taking care of people like her huh she's different okay I tried to leave her with her fall I just have to be able to think things through a little more shows how naive you are I am not naive why don't you ask for my op opinion your opinion or your permission cuz I can't live that way you know what neither can I fine are we done we're done son of a [ __ ] right when I needed you most me me me you think you know everything I don't want to get out [Music] [Music] okay um wow somebody needs their own room huh you'd like that though right have your own room yeah yeah it wouldn't be my room if I don't if I don't pick it though yeah well unfortunately there's not that many rooms to pick from sweetheart but you need a place to do your own thing okay how about this you find a room that you like and we'll make it yours deal yeah all right come with me actually I have a good idea what about this little place in here come in here what about this we could put up a curtain right here no and we could make this whole little space nice and cozy no no no really no not so [Music] much I choose my turn oh no Martha not in here honey this is my storage room it's all cold and Dusty in here and dancing dancing trees what's that dancing dancing tree dancing trees dancing trees room dancing trees huh dancing dancing dizzy for me I can see that yeah yeah okay dancing trees room [Music] yeah good job [Music] you really like this color it's bright yeah it's like Halloween it is like Halloween yeah your face looks like Halloween too we're both definitely going to need showers tonight nice dancing trees are gone H don't worry they'll come back tomorrow or maybe tonight when the cars drive by the trees might Dance For You all righty let's get you all cleaned up no pins you're filthy covered in pain no no pins no pins it's okay no pins stop p no PS don't do this no no no pins no PS no pins no P stop damn it look what you did that face was really special to me my grandmother gave me that go D 20 20 20 20 don't why would you do that don't send Martha away please don't send Martha away don't send Martha away nope damn it no pin no pin my mom knows I want my mom my mom knows I'm sorry they hurt my mom they they hurt my mom they they hurt my mom who hurt your mom honey um MS 13 carer carer stealing March marchy te MS 13 I don't know what that means I want my I want my mom bring her bring her here bring her here I want my mom St I can't I can't bring her back don't you remember we went to the cemeteries no she's gone no she she doesn't like it there she doesn't like it there it's too cold she didn't she didn't want to go she doesn't lay it there she didn't want to go she doesn't lay it there I'm sorry she's got honey just doing me you took a shower no no pins wet rag ah so you'll take regular baths but not showers is that right yeah I like baths hold up hold up got your um sweatshirt on Inside Out hands up it's not right no you got your tag out goes on the inside like that you know I was thinking I've never seen Martha wear any makeup code name uh 99 War lipstick she used to talk to a agent 355 War makeup to sometimes oh yeah yeah well if code name 355 can do it so can you do you want to play okay okay close keep them closed yeah don't open I know it kind of tickles a little bit huh tickle it tickles tickles a little yeah wow okay have a look what do you think wow it's like it's like a rainbow on my face do you like it that's this not Martha of course it's Martha it's just a little different I don't like changes I want things to go back to like they were before I want to go home home listen to me Martha okay okay I know you miss your mom yeah yeah I want you to know that it's okay to talk about her you can even tell me about what happened that night if you want to it's okay yeah do you want to tell me about that night [Music] yeah what happened yeah do you want to tell me now or do you want to tell me later [Music] yeah it's okay we can talk about it later all right yeah yeah why don't we get some iceam cream yeah yeah ice ice cream ice cream just just just one scoop ice cream changes but it's always good it's always cold I can go inside by myself I I I know the way two CHS two CHS okay okay don't forget Mrs Johnson's picking you up today yeah okay are you sure you're all right yeah okay bye [Music] let go [Music] Mario that's her where right there okay wait till she's alone [Music] man thank you okay sorry so she mentioned a lot of things the hard thing to know is what it all actually means to her you know well did you write any of it down it could be important to us yes of course I did I mean I spent all night reading and researching this stuff okay good can you tell me what that is yes but if I help you to de Martha's words will you talk to the judge when the custody goes to court and speak on my behalf I if you can get her to give me what I need to make an arrest I I'll promise that I'll do my best to help you in Martha in any way that I can you got yourself a deal detective okay good now please okay she mentioned 99 has lipstick that she talks to she also said something about code name 355 that tells me nothing that's why you need me 99 is a character from gets smart which is the TV series she used to watch with her mom code name 355 is George Washington spy a female spy okay okay on two other occasions she mentioned MS13 MS13 is a gang it was originally formed in California nice it says here while it was once exclusively Salvadoran and membership MS-13 is now believed to have over a 100,000 members of all different nationalities now involved in drug and human trafficking illegal arm sales murder For Hire even assaults on law enforcement officials look at this detail she's actually she's really talented but how do we know that she didn't copy this from one of these books okay Ms stands for Mars salvat truka they're known to tattoo the name of the gangs on their bodies look here she was there she saw them obviously they had tattoos I'm going to take all this that's okay of course um and I'll find out if there's any any MS13 members operating this North detective yeah I read they make all other crime syndicates look like Boy Scouts is that true yeah and if they know that she's seen them you're going to need some protection I'm sorry what is that it's a uh I don't know it's a license plate number it's a California license plate number I need you to call me if you notice anything unusual keep her close to you yeah I'd be surprised if they didn't have you in your sights already I I'll I'll put in for surveillance and might take a day or so okay okay thank you thank you Martha thank you [Music] I just going to throw it away no you want to try be my [Music] guest I was working on that one for a long time [Music] nice hi hi can I help you yeah yeah I think we're lost oh well where are you guys headed Nicole Nicole get [Music] out there were two of them a shooter who was driving and a woman who spoke English and said that she was lost are you okay then the shooter who was blonde got out of the car what kind of car it was um kind of brownish burgundy in color yeah uh not a van like the one that Martha Drew Martha's numbers was a license plate number registered to the mother of a known MS13 member yeah we found that vehicle abandoned so they they they must be driving something else now Martha's rattled enough numbers in the kitchen she is yeah maybe she did it again maybe she memorized the plates Martha yeah yeah come here do you have numbers in your head from tonight yeah yeah are they from tonight the numbers that you were just saying to S yeah yeah yeah can you can you tell them again to me yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah no no go ahead yeah yeah yeah it's okay yeah don't get upset yeah don't get upset listen yeah yeah yeah I want to know the numbers because they can help us okay you can help the detective to find the people who are shooting at us tonight yeah yeah can you tell me yeah four million 8 8,6 31 4 4,8 8,631 different different cars different number different numbers different cars good mergen car she's quite a kid I'm going to go around these numbers just Kidd thank you wow good job when will the trees dance again in a few hours the sun will be up sorry that you got upset tonight more I thought I'm new at this you know just not very good at it yet when close my eyes I see M it hurts it hurts to see her when I think about what happened what I saw I know honey I'm so sorry I don't like changes in Nicole I want things to go back to to like they were before ice cream changes weather changes mom don't Chang I want I want things to go back to like they were before this we're going to be okay you and me I promise I love Nicole I love you too [Music] Martha I love you too so you going to be here all night right that's my understanding sir good and you got my number okay thanks right thanks what are you doing in here it's cool new car I like it it's oldfashioned built right but playful yeah maybe I misjudged them I misjudge a lot these days you've done a great job Martha her room is so cool you know I never imagined he could do something like that I so quickly you all thanks baby come on let's go inside what are you doing come on this go a [Music] poster so I have a confession to make I made a promise to Josephina that I would take care of Martha wow I have no idea I was afraid that I would never be able to keep that promise that it'd be too much for me to handle I'd be too ashamed if you knew no Nicole you're giving her something that only you can give her that's something [Music] special I love you [Music] [Music] dancing [Music] trees Nicole dancing trees are back are Nicole Nicole Nicole Nico Nicole [Music] ni Nicole Nicole Nicole Nicole ni Nicole Nicole Nicole [Music] come on Martha it's almost noon but it's Sunday so we can do something special [Music] Martha [Music] hey what she's gone no yeah get the idiot well look no look again all right I'll call you if I hear anything get back to the office pick up the paperwork and bring it right back here all right okay take off yeah we have to cover as much ground as we can before it gets dark and it gets dark early this time of year we have less than an hour so I am going to need more men and I want to I want to ask for an amber alert on this okay send that out Amber Alert I don't know what else to do well think again did she say anything last night anything last night last night go to bed ice cream changes the weather changes does light change ice cream changes what do that it's a metaphor ice cream melts it changes she wants her old life back well I understand that poor kid I still think she went back home are you sure she wasn't at josephina's house that's the first place that we checked I know but maybe we should look again listen we're out there and we're looking I just need you to stay calm all right and stay in touch with me okay okay [Music] and we indeed have some breaking news hot Frey right now there is a new development Amber Alert Martha Rooney disappeared earlier this morning from her cousin's go home if you are head is the daughter of Josephina Rooney who was shot on her way home when she stopped in to help a couple with car trouble Marthur was under police protection at the time just in time open the door sweetheart yeah come on must be B [Music] [Music] ni okay [Music] [Music] [Music] what [Music] [Music] Martha come [Music] on hello hello are you in here sweetie [Music] thank God Martha what are you doing in here sweetheart come on it smells like Mom in here I know sweetie here bring this with you if you want to okay let's get out of here I want to stay here no Martha you can't stay here all right come up with me right now I am so sorry about last night okay I fell asleep in the bookstore on accident didn't mean to leave you alone [Music] [Music] they're cold they're cold okay uhuh put your phone down now or she'll end up like her [Applause] mother shut [Music] up keep the cops away or she's dead no cops come on shut up come on you stay here [Music] shut off come [Music] on um 5066 old Yale Road it's an emergency he has a gun our thoughts are with the friends and family of Martha Rooney who we now and right now we have an update on The Disappearance of Martha Rooney who we reported disappeared earlier today she was last seen in West Seattle in the home she shared with her mother all access to the West Seattle Community and winess have reported seeing the man and victim enter the forest okay we have a witness she says she saw them men of the forest they're headed east towards the golf course sand all your men he's probably lost he doesn't know this place over spread out and follow the fence line I'll follow the creek what the hell is that supposed to me h11 death penalty the death penalty no one's going to get the death penalty but you unless you shut your mouth [Music] they're no [Music] no no no no no no fall go out anyone comes near and I'll kill her stand down stand down down I'm Bridge here oh God oh my God [Music] my go around behind him she's a shield please help him I think he's dying please stay out the side and quiet I see them but I don't have a clear shot I'm moving I'm sorry he's gone we too [Music] late we're sending a your [Music] away I've made contact he's coming on to the golf course this one is he clear take a [Music] shot no [Music] [Music] Martha Martha Nicole I'm here right here oh my God oh my God get away get away let's go he's he's died he's he's dying he's G he's gone what what happened is he dead come on I don't know going Nicole he's lock okay he's gone he's lock Nico safe with me I won't go home go home 37 turns 37 turns I won't go home honey it's not a good idea right now come here 37 turn go home let's get you out of here wait where do you mean home the the room the room with the dancing trees the room with the dancing trees i w go home yes that's where we're [Music] going bad bad things hej PJ bad things things yes he did we a lot of people why why do people do bad things I don't know honey maybe because people did bad things to them bad makes bad makes bad makes more bad only only good can make a difference only good only good can make things better that's right I love Nicole and I love you we're together we're together we're family we're partners [Music] 30 37 37 turns no no more changes no more changes [Music] we're home yeah this is good to be home [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: MyTime Movies Now
Views: 15,694
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Keywords: mytime movie network, mytime movies now, mytime movies, hallmark movies, full hallmark movies, mytime hallmark, full hallmark movie, full movie, full movies, lifetime movies, lifetime movie, full lifetime movies, best hallmark movies, best free movies youtube, best youtube movies, best free movies online, faith movies, full faith movies, best faith movie, dancing trees, dancing trees full movie, dancing trees 2009, dancing trees drama movie, dancing trees movie, drama
Id: xke7r-ysNFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 17sec (5417 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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