God works the graveyard shift ( apostolic preaching)

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Jesus is here [Music] the Lord Jesus is here the Lord Jesus is here oh yes he is Jesus is in this house this morning just worship Him Jesus is in this house oh just worship him he's here Jesus is here Jesus is here today praise God praise God if it would be appropriate put your hand over on somebody beside you Jesus is here right now Jesus is here Jesus is here oh yes he is oh yes he is [Music] Jesus is here Jesus is here Oh hallelujah Jesus is here [Music] yes he's here yes he's here this morning he's walking the aisles he stopped in a never Pew Jesus is here right now undeliverable say hallelujah democracia [Music] Jesus is here Jesus is here [Music] Jesus is in this place the spirit is here [Music] the spirits here I want to tell you a few words that I hear the spirits say this morning let's say a few words I hear the spirit say I hear the Spirit of the Lord in my heart saying today I'm looking for the dead I'm looking for the dead here the Spirit of the Lord today in my heart saying I am aggressive I am aggressively looking for the dead he's here this morning and he's here for more than just the church to rejoice in his presence someone is here that is dead this morning he is aggressively looking for you this morning he is aggressively trying to seek you out this morning yes the church is going to rejoice and the church is going to dance and shout but the true purpose of him being here this morning he is aggressively looking for the dead that's here he's meeting on it he's looking for it he's searching it his eyes are running to and fro through this place did you allow me for just a few moments to do what I feel Jesus would have me do right now would you take your seat for just a few moments today and would you allow me to do what I feel Jesus would have me to do the Bible said mark 5 and verse number 1 and they came over the other side of the sea into the country they get her in and when he was come out of the ship immediately there met him out of the twos a man with an unclean spirit who had his dwelling among the tombs no man could bind him no not with chains because that he had been often bound the fetters and chains and the chains had been plucked asunder by him and the fetters broken in pieces neither could any man tame him and always night and day he was in the mountains and in the tombs crying and cutting himself with stones but when he saw Jesus afar off he ran and worshipped him and cried with a loud voice and said what have I to do with thee Jesus thou son of the Most High God I adjure thee by God that thou torment me not for he had for he said to him come out of the man that unclean spirit I want to teach preach a few moments God works the graveyard shift I said God works the graveyard we're in a time in our calendar when the world and the United States go crazy over Ohio over a day called Halloween where they glorify the dead all the different things that are associated with that pagan holiday so I decided that on this Sunday morning I'd like to preach about my God who works the graveyard shift seemed like God has done his best works in a graveyard he flinched his muscles in ezekiel's valley of dry bones and when my god got finished with his he keels valley of dry bones it had turned into a military camp of soldiers ready to do battle that's what God can do working the graveyard shift it was the Prophet Elisha that had requested that he have a double portion of the spirit that was upon his predecessor Elijah Elisha performs seven miracles but Elisha died only heaven to perform 13 miracles and some people believe they didn't get the double portion because Elisha had seven and Elisha only had 13 - one miracle but you got to understand our God works the graveyard shift old Elijah died and they buried him but they didn't close up the sepulchre sometime later they were carrying a dead soldier to a grave when the enemy attacked and they didn't have time to dig a grave and so they just saw an open set and they threw that dead soldier into that Oakland Sepulcher when they throw that dead soldier into that open Sepulchre the Bible said that dead soldiers body landed upon the bones of Elijah and when his dead body hid the bones of Elijah our God works the graveyard shift that young soldier resurrected came up out of that tomb and ran back onto the battlefield because my god works the graveyard shift my god stood at the cave the grave of his friend Lazarus and my God's voice was more powerful than death's grip and when my god said the words Lazarus come forth deaths grip upon him upon Lazarus had to let go and Lazarus come out of that tomb resurrected because my god does a graveyard it was Jesus that aggressively went over to the other side of the land of the gadarenes he went over there on a spirit purpose because there was a man in the tombs in the graveyard a man that had been demon possessed with legions hundreds of demons made their abode in the body of this man they along with their a destructive behavior this man was sentenced to a graveyard there in the graveyard night and day he stripped his clothes off of his body he had no decency about him he would take sharp stones and he would cut himself up and down his chest and up and down his arms because he was trying to end his life and there they kept brought educators out they tried to educate him into the proper behavior but the Bible said they could not tame him and then they brought the brute force out they brought men with chains and fetters to try to time and chain him up but the chains and the fetters were no match for the demonic power so that man was hopelessly on that Island in those tombs he was hopelessly day and night tormented you could open your window up in the nearby villages at night and you could hear him howling like a coyote you could hear the sounds of that man over the night air as he would cry out for help and he would cry out but nobody dared go near the graveyard but you see it on this beautiful Sunday morning I've come in the name of Jesus to tell somebody here today that my god works the graveyard shift man may have given up on you and you may have given up on yourself but there's one here among us this morning whose name is Jesus and he's aggressively prowling this audience today because I'm looking for the dead I'm looking for the hopeless I'm looking for the tormented is it you ma'am is it you sir I want you to know you need to throw up your hands because there's a cop that is aggressively seeking for you this morning he's not gonna let you sleep he's not gonna let you rest he's not gonna let you go on your merry way to hell he's not gonna let you forget about him I heard a testimony this week I heard a testimony of a pea aw the oldest oneness organization the United States they're their superintendent was brought up in church he was brought up by godly parents to live for God but he decided in his teenage years that he he was going to go another route and so he began to drink and he began to do all the things that the world does and he was somewhere out west in a bar one night he had him a drink in his hand and he was getting ready to hit the dance floor nobody can understand why the man on the piano instead of going back into the old blues song instead of singing some old some old song about the world for whatever reason that man hit those notes on that piano in that smoke-filled bar and that man began to sing on that piano begin to sing oh the blood Jesus oh the blood brother Brooks a stirred set there at the bar with my liquor in my hand and he said I said these very words God leave me alone and let me go to hell on my own leave me alone but he said the more that man began to sing Oh blood Jesus oh brother Brooks knew that he was in the wrong place and God had his number and he gave his heart back to God he went back into the ministry and God as gloriously change his life today I'm telling you my god works the graveyard shift now nobody get it nobody get nervous today I'm not gonna make anybody come to the altar this morning but if you could see God in me today walking up and down the aisles of this church and he's looking for the dead he's looking for somebody to heal he's looking for somebody to deliver he's looking for somebody that wants to commit suicide he's looking for somebody you don't know when's the last time you had one ounce of joy on the inside of you but my god works the graveyard shift and my God is here my God is here to heal you today because he's aggressive he's aggressive he's being aggressive because he works the graveyard shift in hi anna maria yakushina bah-bah-bah bahah dragon works the graveyard shift he's fawning over things he's climbing over mountains of sin he's climbing over mountains of rejection he's pushing back spirits they tell you you're not worth saving you're nothing but a low-down dirty you're not worth saving you're not nothing but a dirty thing you're not worth saving but my God he's aggressive today my god he's steppin over things today spirits telling you you're trash spirits telling you you don't matter my god works the graveyard ship this morning come on Jesus is here right now if you're hearing you know you're dead why don't you put some live in your feet and woke up to this altar and embrace the love of God embrace the love of God this morning embrace the love of God and we'll show you something we'll show you something now the Bible said the Bible said that man saw Jesus afar off and he came worshiping but when he opened his mouth the devil took over you see there's a part of you that wants to come but this part right here the devil says as long as I can keep his tongue as long as I can keep her tongue because I don't want that tongue to say I need you Jesus I don't care if the emotions are moved [Music] come on come on Jesus is here Jesus is here Jesus is here right now [Music] I'm gonna show you something I want to show you something real quick I'm about to have sister Lauren sing a song that the vast majority of the denominator were land maybe a little bit of us have said we don't like this song because this song speaks of God being reckless being reckless and people have stood back to say oh my god my god it would not be reckless how many of you have ever got a phone call that your son or daughter is at the emergency room it's had a bad car wreck I can't help it today you don't get in your car you don't get in your car and practice all the safety features you should practice you break the speed limit I'm not advocating that I'm just telling you the barefaced truth that's what you do you'd even go through a few stop signs you'd you'd go through a lot a couple of Lights because why I'm not normally a little breaker but my boys up at the hospital and I got to get there to get you get to see him humanity is in the hospital this morning and God is being read to us [Music] dad is me reckless come online listen this is what God's doing right now holy never chase me down feisty [Music] Church let's go home from the altar right now let's go out from the altar right now [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] put your hand over on someone fry for him right now come on no shadow you will fight up mountain you will climb up coming after me why no shadow [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] address regression [Music] halleluja halleluja thank you Jesus thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord Oh God come on first Apostolic come on us rejoice in him [Music] oh yes [Music] [Music] first [Music] why don't we let his love overwhelm you why don't we let his love overwhelm us today [Music] [Music] brother harun sister Lauren step out here latest back into that dim back all the music out I want us to sing it aqua pillow today why don't we let God overwhelm us today for far too long we have him sitting on a throne and it's us trying to get to him the God's Spirit began to speak to me this morning and tell me I'm the aggressive one I'm the one initiating this no leaders [Music] come on can you get the words up on the screen please yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you know we're you know why I got the motivation here a singing tan Reinhart brother kept Karen Reinhart our women's esprit director whom had what the devil would like to have been the end of her a family problem landed her in jail accused of physically physically assaulting her daughter from that Karen got her taste of a first night in jail from that a prison ministry was birthed sister Reinhardt called me Thursday evening in the hotel room she said I have got a problem she said I need your permission superintendent I need your permission I said what he what do you need she said I'm teaching choir practice down here in the women's penitentiary a women's Correctional Center down here in Dayton Ohio oh if you could see that clip of those women's standing there and their prison garments and they're singing oh the overwhelming never-ending reckless love of God about a hundred fifty of them Oh it chases me down I guess it has fights till I'm found [Music] sister Reinhard what's your problem she said I don't let us baptize here so we came baptizing yours today it's that the part of their prison procedures nobody baptizing here I said the warden just come by and said Karen when you went when do you want to have a baptism day she said what said yeah I'll just go ahead and plan on having a baptismal day and plan on baptizing your wife oh the overwhelming [Applause] [Music] here's a problem she said all chaplain I'll get with my husband and see when he can come he said no no no no procedures is we don't let me in baptize women you have to baptize them she called me and she said superintendent what you want me to do I said you get in that water and you baptized every one of them you getting that watering baptized every one of them in Jesus Wow because it's the overwhelming [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my god works the graveyard my god works the graveyard brother hide I asked mr. Rhinehart since she's been going into the prisons how many have received the Holy Ghost she'd been going into the prisons now for almost two years she said over documented names churches that these ladies get connected to once they're let out there's been over 500 that have received the gift of the Holy Ghost no wall he cannot tear down no mountain he cannot climb up all the overcoming yawn you
Channel: mds
Views: 2,694
Rating: 4.8461537 out of 5
Keywords: fac maryville Apostolic preaching Holy Ghost Kenneth Caroenter
Id: W2hPO8eZjZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 7sec (1867 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 18 2019
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