GOD Says There are 7 Events COMING

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[Music] now remember Matthew 24 is Jesus showing what the world looks like as he is coming in the clouds with all of his angels with him which he does in chapter 25 and verse 31 and all the holy angels with him and he's descending down in Matthew 24 is the most complete prophetic overview that Jesus gave and so basically when Jesus came what we see by looking at the the drone view are a lot of things that are going on in the earth that we're not going on in the first century or the second century or the third century or the fourth century and though all times the church is supposed to be ready at any moment for its coming these these trends we can call them weren't evident now what we see in Matthew 24 is in fact there's two verses I want you to see look at verse 8 of chapter 24 it says all these and it's a listing of the six events you know the wars and the famines and the persecution and and all of those things those six things all of these are the beginning of Sorrows in verse eight Sorrows literally birth pangs if you know anything about birth pangs the one thing about birth pangs are normally they start far apart and lighter and get heavier and closer and heavier and closer until it's paroxysm a you know it's just its birth pangs and that's what the Lord says he said you're always going to have all these things verse 6 wars and rumors of wars and nation you know national conflicts actually verse 7 says ethany Ethne against SNA ethnic group fighting ethnic group and it's interesting the the unraveling of all so many nations are kind of patchwork quilts of all these different ethnic groups and the closer we get the end the more the the quilt unravels and Kingdom against Kingdom it's almost like there's this you know balance in the world but the kingdoms all come loose and then the famines that we've always have had famines but they get just stronger and stronger and stronger and more deadly and pestilences will talk about and on and on so that's what says but keep going down to verse 33 so this is what Jesus says so you also when you see all these things oh now he says their trends he says look for these things and when you see them look what it says you know that it is near at the door that's very interesting verse 34 assuredly I say to you this generation what generation the generation that sees all these things interesting will not or will by no means pass away until all these things take place so basically what Jesus gives us is specific details now what is the sign the ultimate sign well it it tells if you've ever wanted to know the sign Jesus is a sign look at it says in verse 30 then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven and all the tribes the earth will mourn the only sign everyone sees is the sign of the Son of Man he is the sign but the trends you're gonna see them jesus said lining up and when you see them lining up when what I'm describing is finally possible the generation that sees that will by no means miss it it's near it's at the door and that generation verse 34 will by no means pass away till all these things take place so the list of the biblical trends of Christ's return are not actually full-blown till the tribulation time but you'll see them you'll see them coalescing and each of these signs are trends and the trends are speeding up at the last seconds of the countdown clock of Christ's return each day the prophetic picture that Jesus painted gets clearer each of these signs were captured by the apostles and prophets between 2,000 and 3,500 years ago and now they are happening in our lifetime in fact you can say that every single one of these is in some form on the horizon well I want to just give you a handful of the precise clear specific trends that Christ gave and and just remind you of what they are and the first one is Jesus said in Matthew 24 that that when you see these things when you start seeing them then you'll know it's near and that generation will see it so what signs do we see number one Daniel tells us that the end is marked and go to Daniel chapter 12 Daniel says some very sobering words Jesus cites him in Matthew 24 that's why we're using him he says as as Daniel the prophet said and so what did Daniel the prophets say verse 1 at that time Michael this is the last chapter of Daniel chapter 12 verse 1 at that time and what time is it it's when the Antichrist is coming into the glorious land that's chapter 11 verse 41 of Daniel the glorious land is God's way of talking about the Holy Land about Israel the the land the apple of his eye he calls the people of that land but at that time when you know Israel is is in the crosshairs of the Antichrist Michael shall stand up the Great Prince who stands watch over the sons of your people Daniel was a Jew Michael stands watch over the people and Michael is still standing watch over them at the end see this look what it says here and there should be a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation even to that time and at that time your people will be delivered everyone who's found written in the book this is an end times event and there's still a nation of Israel and there's still a Michael standing guard over them at the the direct command of God and so for those that think Israel is finished God isn't aware of it nor is his word only their traditions are because they can't figure it out because many people are still marked by the anti-semitism of the Reformers and they were Martin Luther was terribly anti-semitic sadly but all of us have problems and if God should mark iniquity none of us would stand and their problems were far fewer than ours but it is a sad one that's perpetuated through the denominations but keep reading to what Daniel says in verse 4 he goes through the resurrection and and the verse 3 the rewards those who are wise will shine like the brightness and those who turn many to righteousness but now look at the trend verse 4 but you Daniel shut up the words and seal the book until the time of the end ok now what is that how do we know it's the time of the end two things many shall run to and fro this is global travel look at this did you know that 3.8 billion people will fly in an airplane this year did you know a billion of them will be in America doesn't mean there are only 300 and some million Americans some of us fly way more than others but there are 3.8 billion human beings that are running to and fro do you understand this is unbelievable the same the same way of travel that was in the Bible times persisted all did you know we had no advances in travel from biblical times all the way through the time of Ben Franklin in the American Revolution did you know when he solicited the help of France he went on a sailboat across the ocean a sailboat that's how Jesus went around the Sea of Galilee that's how the Phoenicians took Jonah stuff hasn't changed since Bible types but immediately after that after the turn of the the 1800s we had the invention of the steam engine and the steam boat and the steam locomotive and that went right from that into the internal-combustion and then we had all of that the automotive and then the Wright brothers took that that internal combustion they made the airplane and then Goddard made the you know and we all know all that when the rocket and now we're just traveling but it isn't just that look at the next the other half it's it's actually four B it says the the global explosion of knowledge knowledge would increase it says it says and knowledge shall increase what's interesting is it's just happening around us we're not thinking anything about it we have gone from kilobytes to megabytes to gigabytes to terabytes to petabytes to exabytes you probably don't even know about those and zettabytes and soon will be a yachtie bytes and they just have to have new names for all these things of what they're talking about is is what they're doing did you know that in the last year they calculated this and they're always behind because knowledge is exploding but basically four years ago the world produce for zettabytes I had to look that up and count that's 21 zeroes is a zettabyte okay Wow for zettabytes of information in 2013 that's a 1 with 21 zeroes or now to put it in terms young people can understand 304 million years not hours of 4k high-def video 304 million years that's 24 hours a day 365 you know that's I mean it would be like having an HD movie of the world you know and high-def for 304 million years of it or the equivalent you UCLA said of every human on earth getting the information of 348 newspapers every day dumped on to them so I mean you know to get a stack higher than me by a couple times of newspapers dropped on you every day is how much information we're producing and our world is Zetas biting this month we saw the introduction of a whole new generation of computer chips each generation is basically doubling you know that's that's the the old rule but the new chip is the AMD rise in its 14 nanometer architecture just in common talk that means the chip it's the size of a quarter that means it's an inch by an inch in that inch there are 1 billion lines of information this way and 1 billion lines of information that way that's an octillion on 1/4 and what's amazing is that daniel said in Daniel 12:4 that knowledge shall increase and since 2008 it's doubling and it's doubling and it's doubling it's amazing specifically it was referring to an understanding Bible prophecy but it's an increase in scientific knowledge that's implied and and what's amazing is that that we are living in the time where we don't even think about it you know let's go to exabytes and yota bytes you know it doesn't matter what else is going on well it says in Luke 21 you should turn there because it's fascinating to think about especially if you watch the cable news it says what's gonna happen is while people are watching the news and it's in chapter 21 and verse 25 something is going to start happening there will be signs in the Sun are we seeing that I mean I don't pay attention but I was standing in in a gas station all of a sudden the ATM machine in the gas station started going started putting out receipts not money receipts it was not trained well it should have been given out 20s but it was just giving out receipts and the clerk and all of us went found out later that a solar plasma jet had come across and had done something to one of the satellites that feeds the dish on the roof of the gas station and it confused the ATM machine there wasn't anything big but it was interesting that something from the Sun affected us in the gas station look what it says in verse 25 it says and there will be signs in the Sun in the moon and in the stars and on the earth distress of Nations with perplexity what's causing this distress and perplexity the sea and the waves roaring men's hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which were coming on the earth for the powers of the heaven heavens will be shaken so it's solar and atmospheric and even oceanic wildness that's going to affect people they're going to be watching the television of either the the latest solar flare or the latest tsunami or earthquake or whatever and it's all of a sudden it's not a movie you know where the rock whatever his name is you know comes in with a helicopter and saves his wife in Los Angeles crumbles all of a sudden it's really happening and it says that people I love the word it's a Greek word that's so descriptive it says verse 26 men's hearts and you know what the next word is op suco su ke as in psyche it speaks of the non-material part of us and Alpo means from and what it means is their spirits leave them they die of fright they just collapse in and have a massive heart attack or stroke on the spot and die from fear it's going to be amazing to be alive when there are global weather times going wild and it says the matthew 24:8 that's just the beginning and the the Greek word Sorrows the beginning of Sorrows in Matthew literally means birth pangs and it's all the creation is under the curse of sin so all of it is starting to have contractions in Romans 8:21 says because the creation itself will be delivered from the bondage of corruption and so what's happening is the whole universe is starting to feel the transition that it's going through its groaning because of sin and God says I'm gonna deliver you and it's just all these convulsions going on the Bible predicts that the entire world will see certain events unfold the invention of the television and the deployment of global satellite networks during the 20th century allow news to travel the world at the speed of light for the first time remember in the Apostle John's day news travel at the speed of horse there's a period of time when the army was still fighting and their Emperor had died and a new Emperor was in and the war was over but for months they they kept fighting because the horse had to ride and in the boat and in the courier and they got waylaid and it never made it and they kept fighting and now now people on Twitter know things before the news networks know them because the world is connected it's never been before the 20th century and what did Jesus say in Matthew 24:14 he said that this gospel the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness the nations and then the end will come this gospel must first be preached to all the nation today portions of the entire Bible been translated into 2,300 language and dialects covering ninety percent of all the world's population never before the sign of global evangelism and then pestilence I mean we could go on and on about this we've we've heard and thought about it despite an increase in scientific knowledge deadly disease which the Bible calls pestilence will be prevalent verse seven of Matthew 24 says nation will rise against nation Kingdom against Kingdom and what we have is famines and pestilences and then he said there's going to be this global tracking and positioning with digital money we don't even think anything of it look these are our friends look this is our friend everyone has one in their pocket or most everyone did you know these only work if they can instantly go to your account from the gas station and see whether or not you're legit and any suspicious holder on you then it comes all the way back to gas station and approves it and then you put in the gas and then it goes all the way back to that bunker under Omaha where all this is capped the during house and they knew exactly the geographic spot you use that card and then how about you know then Moe and PayPal and square cash and I could fill the board with them I mean these are really neat it's gonna be possible what it says in Revelation through digital money global tracking positioning through Apple pay and he pay and PayPal and venmo and on and on instant access to our money is making one person able to control the world you see we can control people financially and then I mean these are the old ones the sign of weapons of mass destruction I mean look at this this is add line I clipped the doomsday clocks most dire warnings since the Cold War this is the closest to midnight the Doomsday Clock has ever been in the lifetime of almost everyone on this in this room and that was stated January 26 2017 now that was an a negative response to our current president but it's a reminder that both the United States and Russia have enough to kill everybody over and over again and the the horrible weapons of mass destruction are proliferating and we don't even need to talk about that we know that and then global religion in the return of the wandering Jew's the promised land that is the hard to miss event that the focal point of the United Nations and most news services have become the Middle East and if it's not Islamic something it's Israeli something and this is what the world wants they want us to coexist and and they want the the islamics to get along with the the Jews and they want us all to you know kind of be very smoothly oriental you know with Hinduism and Buddhism and all the Eastern religions and they want the cross to fit in there along with the drug culture and the peace and everything else in Satanism and we want to get along and there is coming a global religion where there's going to be a proponent of getting along and he's gonna promise peace and safety and everybody's going to listen to him and what Jesus did not accomplish he couldn't get everybody to worship Him the Antichrist will get everyone except those that are sealed by God and all the rest of will worship the other Christ not the real one sadly when the worst events of all time and then there's this global desire for peace and prosperity and materialism Jesus said that the world is going to be just like in the days of Noah and it will be God says there's seven events coming in the future the next one is when he comes for his church and the only thing Jesus told us is to be ready and Paul repeated it he said live every day ready as if it was your last how long is it since we've thought about that that's what we're think about all day long we're supposed to be saying even so come quickly Lord Jesus let me not be ashamed before your coming the Apostle John said and then comes the judgment seat of Christ be holy Christ will test our lives some that turn many to righteousness will shine like the Stars forever and some who don't will be saved yet so as through fire the Tribulation be thankful Christ will keep us from that hour the second coming be patient Christ is gonna write all wrongs even the every ethnic wrong every environmental wrong every every wrong in this world all the secret sins and all the wicked things that have gone on he said I'm gonna write them all don't worry be patient be focused Christ is gonna perfect the earth yeah I seen so many Christians are trying to save the earth don't worry Jesus is going to okay he's gonna fix it all back and nothing's gonna be polluted and nothing's gonna be poisonous and nothing's going to be bad and the rivers are gonna be life-giving and the the death and destruction is gonna roll back as well as warfare and everything else be patient don't don't focus your life on something Christ says I'm in charge of that [Music] you
Channel: DTBM OnlineVideoTraining
Views: 1,979,875
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Keywords: god, dtbm, holy spirit, revelation, end times, prophecy, john barnett, accountability, jesus, friend, save, saved, holy, spirit, above, trinity, godly, life, partner, verses, memorize, discipline, help, remember, remind, bible, biblical, verse, scripture, hell, heaven, lesson, sermon, church, christians, real, truth, lie, false, purpose, meaning, passion, meaningless, meaningful, mean, truths, true, unsaved, worldly, sin, sinner, sinful, sinning, die, death, burn, doom, heavenly, angel, angels, angelic, demonic, john, barnett
Id: 8ZiCGpjxThk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 54sec (1314 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 21 2018
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