Four Things That Will Inititate the Time of the End

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welcome to manna-fest hosted by international evangelist teacher and author perry stone enjoy unique insight into prophetic and practical truth it's time to feast on fresh manna so get ready to be blessed and encouraged and now here is your host and teacher Perry stone I'm coming to you today from Israel near the Dead Sea I'm going to be sharing with you a message that I think is extremely significant especially in the times that we're now living in I'm going to be discussing four things that will happen that when we see these things happen in a combinational forum it is absolute evidence that we are in the time of the end the time prior to the return of the Messiah it's very significant that I'm at the Dead Sea today for several reasons because directly behind me is what's called the northern section of the Dead Sea and far to my left it if you continued actually for about an hour to an hour and 10 hour and 10 minute drive or so you're going to come to the very bottom part of the Dead Sea the northern part of the Dead Sea is where the Jordan River empties into but the southern part of the Dead Sea has no outlet and thus the waters here have a high salt content a high mineral content and no life as in the Dead Sea at this present time but one day according to the Book of Ezekiel there will be fish in the Dead Sea and fishermen will come here and during the millennial reign and catch fish of many kinds but the significance of the Dead Sea has to do with the place that we call Sodom and Gomorrah according to the scripture there were five cities called the five cities of the plain that existed back in the time of lot sodom gomorrah admah zeboiim and zohar and so somewhere some believe it was the northern section of the sea and others identified as the southern section of the sea but some were in the valley that in the valley would be the area that runs between Jordan and Israel there are two valleys in the north and in the south and both regions were these five cities now the reason I'm standing here is with this prophetic message it has to do with something Jesus said in Luke because there are two timeframes that Christ compared his return to one would be the time of the days of Noah and the second would be the time of the days of lot now we all know concerning those days what the signs were the Bible tells us that they were eating and drinking marrying given in marriage until the day that Noah entered the Ark it also says that they were planting and building in the time of light please pay careful attention to that verse because it says things were continuing as normal and no one knew the day at the destruction of the flood and the fiery destruction of sodom and gomorrah would take place well what I would like to share with you and I know that many of you that have watched us over the years and that attend our yearly conferences in different parts of the country when you hear us teach on the prophetic word you've heard us teach on the restoration of Israel the reunification of Jerusalem the Jews coming back from around the world the desert blossoming like a rose and numerous other predictions that the prophets of the Bible have spoken of that have now come to pass but these four are very unique what I'm about to share with you are four unique concepts that when you begin to see them take place identify the time of the end I want to give you what the very first one is the first one is this when we get to the point where men are no longer repenting for sin and for iniquity we know we have arrived at the time of the end now while we as believers often read the Bible and we put sin and iniquity in the same category basically in the New Testament Greek the definition of sin means to miss the mark the figurative way of saying it is to shoot an arrow toward a target and it gets way off course and completely misses the target and so what sin is it's missing the mark of fulfilling God's will missing the mark of being what God would have you to be and missing the mark in the sense of not obeying God's word because sin is a disobedience of God's Word it's disobeying either the law of God and it can't be disobeying the law of man iniquity however is very unique because I did a Hebrew word study on the word on the word iniquity and iniquity is when sin becomes a perversion now someone would say that all sin it's perversion however if you look at different types of sins in the Bible there are some that are considered to be perversions for example when men are with men and women with women it's considered to be a perversion when a man has relationships with a child it's considered to be perversion if a father were to have incest with his daughter it's considered to be a perversion so sin all have sinned and come short of the glory of God meaning everyone has missed the mark however if sin persists in a person's life unrepented of if a person continues to sin and think nothing of it then what happens is the heart becomes hardened when the heart becomes hard and it moves to the higher level of what is called iniquity and iniquity again is when sin moves to the level of complete and outright total perversion you see in the Bible there's something which is called natural affection but we're told that in the last days men would be without natural affection I'll give an example of what natural affection is when a young man reaches maybe 13 years of age which is puberty and he gets 14 15 16 years of age God simply made the young boy's body with chemicals called testosterone and many of you that have a teenage son are very quite very much aware of what I'm talking about here but he began in the natural sense of God's creation that young boy will become interested in young women that's called natural affection when a young girl for example becomes interested in young men it's a perfectly normal or natural affection and unnatural affection would be anything that would draw a person away from the natural way which God created them in the original creation for example in the beginning God made one man and one woman and they they became a couple a husband and a wife that was God's divine order from the very beginning so when that divine order is broken then the covenant that God established between a man and a woman becomes broken so here's the point that I want to make there's natural affection and then there's unnatural affection there are certain things such as what the Bible talks about in the law of Moses when a man would lie with his daughter or when there would be bestiality this would be called sexual perversion and so that leads to the level of iniquity why telling you that because when men no longer repent of their sins that lead to iniquity then we know that we're in the last days let me give you some verses concerning that you know in the Bible here's what it says in 2nd Peter chapter 2 and verse 5 and spared not the old world but saved Noah the eighth person a preacher of righteousness bringing it bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly first Peter chapter 3 verse 20 which sometimes we're disobedient when once the long-suffering of God waited in the days of Noah while the ark was preparing wherein few that is eight souls were saved by water now consider this for just a moment if we look at the book of Genesis we will discover that Noah was five hundred years old when Shem ham and Japheth his three sons were born we assumed they were triplets because they were all three born when Noah was five hundred years of age then the Bible says in the six hundredth year of Noah's life that's when the flood waters came to the earth this means that Noah had approximately a hundred year period of time in which to prepare the ark during the hundred year period of time he preached righteousness to the people and he warned them of what was going to happen but imagine this after a hundred years of preaching and preparing the boat no one repented the only individuals that were in the ark were Noah his sons their wives and Noah's wife a total of eight Souls men in Noah's day got to the point where they no longer repented think about also the days of light in the days of lot we have a very interesting story and I want to share that with you and that is that in Genesis chapter 19 beginning at verse are actually in verse 14 no a lot lot was told by the two angels that the judgment was coming to Sodom and Gomorrah and God was going to destroy the city when lot went to warn his sons and laws who apparently had married his daughters the Bible said they mocked him in other words here's a man who's called a righteous man in the book of Peter and yet in this time of warning his own family he had lost influence over his daughters and the son in laws because they were now living in a very very wicked City called Sodom now let me show you something interesting about that because in that timeframe when God was about to send judgment the only people that escaped was lot his wife two daughters and then the Bible says that Lot's wife looked back and she became a pillar of salt of course if you know anything about the Dead Sea it's a very hot consistency of salt content that's in this water so here's the point Noah in his day before the flood was able at least to save his entire household in lot's day however in the time of sodom and gomorrah he lost over half of his family how do we know that well there were daughters-in-law I'm sorry sons-in-law plural and daughters that remained in the city that's why his wife looked back when the judgment was taking place let's go back to the original thought and that's this we know it's the time of the end but after the gospel is preached and after great tragedy happens and after you know cataclysmic events and earthquakes and famines and pestilences and all sorts of terrible things take place men no longer repent here's the verses I want to give you look at the look at the future tribulation what's going to happen revelation 9 verse 20 and the rest of the men not killed repented not of the adultery revelation 16 and 9 they blaspheme God's name and repented not to give God the glory revelation 16 11 they blaspheme God because of their pain and repented not of their deeds here's the point I'm making one of the first signs that we know that we're actually at the time of the end it's when people just won't repent and call on the name of the Lord any more I hate to say this but I almost believe that's where the United States is I believe people in the United States have become so hardened to things so hardened to the carnality of their lives that really church has become a mockery to so many Christianity has become a mockery men are no longer repenting when you see that nations will note will no longer turn back to God when you see nations like America as a whole will not turn back to God you absolutely know ladies and gentlemen it is the time of the end which leads me to point to how do we know it's the time of the end point to when the cup of iniquity becomes full in the book of Genesis we read something something very interesting and that is that God says to Abraham in the forth generation I'm going to bring you back out of a land of Egypt for the iniquity of the amorite s' is not yet full what does that mean the amur rights were a group of people that ruled all of this part of the Holy Land the children of Israel went into Egypt and they were going to be there for for 400 years the Bible says or for generations now obviously if it's for generations in 400 years that means every generation at Abraham's day was considered to be a hundred year time frame so in the fourth generation the inclusion of that God brought the children of Israel back out to the Land of Israel because the cup of the amorite the iniquity of the amorite was not yet full what do I mean by the cup of iniquity being full sin in a nation is like a cup and the more people sin without repenting the more the cup becomes full once the cup of iniquity becomes completely full to the point it's running over that's when God initiates judgment upon a nation upon a city now we can find that because obviously when the amorite cup of iniquity again the tribal people that lived in the time of Abraham 400 years later they were still in the promised land when the children of Israel were in Egypt but when God saw the cup of their iniquity was full he sent a judgment and brought Israel in to remove the amorite from the land I mean the amur acts were involved with bestiality idol worship sometimes later on the Canaanites would offer their children through the fires of Moloch so there was a lot of iniquity and not just sin when the cup of iniquity becomes full ladies and gentlemen you and I know it's the time of the end and it is truly the last days now having said that let me give you an example in Revelation chapter 17 verse 4 the woman called Mystery Babylon has a golden cup with in her hand and in this cup it's full of the blood of the righteous that has been shed through this false religious system the Bible says that the cup is full of blood and this is when God sends his judgment upon Babylon upon this thing called Mystery Babylon the city's ruling over the kings of the earth and he does so because the cup of iniquity the woman has in her hand is full when does the cout become full Matthew 23 when when you shed innocent blood of infants and people your cup can become full Leviticus 26 when men and women began to break a covenant that God establishes with them as a nation the cup eventually becomes full number 3 Matthew chapter 24 and verse 34 this all happens usually within a generation of time in other words when God begins to judge a nation you'll start seeing that judgment early within and generation and by the time that generation concludes you'll see the climax of it a good example of this is in Matthew chapter 23 when Jesus said to the people of his day that because you've shed the blood of the innocent people and the prophets I'm going to send judgment upon the city of Jerusalem and and and it's going to be completely destroyed Matthew 24 one and two that happened in 70 AD Jesus gave the prophecy in Matthew possibly somewhere around 30 ad meaning that within 40 years everything was fulfilled we have to be careful because when the cup of America's iniquity becomes full that's when God initiates the judgment there's no way that a nation like America for example that has been founded on the documents of the Word of God the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution and the Bill of Rights that are based on the tour of the Psalms and the four Gospels according to former president Harry Truman there's no way we can have those documents that our nation's found it on and have founders who understood Christianity and understood Christ to be the king and turn entirely from that and expect God to continue to bless us when the cup of iniquity becomes full that's when the judgment of God is released number three and this is very important another very important point and I want you to hear me for a moment I'm going to try to explain this the best I can the time I have remaining the third thing we Lord begin to share with me us is when those who break the Covenant become violent against the righteous that's when things are going to change and God is going to pour out his wrath the example I give is Genesis chapter 19 verses 4 and 5 God said to angels they look like men but they were actually angels in the form of men we know the Bible says that we can entertain strangers unaware that our that are actually angels but God sent two of them to these cities below the Dead Sea especially the city of Sodom when the men enter the city the Bible said that there were sodomites these were young men involved with sodomy young and old men alike that saw the young men they must have been beautiful men because they desired him here's what the Bible says but before they lay down the men of the city even the men of Sodom compassed the house round about the old and young all people from every corner this was Lots house they called a lot and said to him where are the men which came into thee this night bring them out unto us that we may know them now that word know doesn't mean - no to shake hands with them to welcome them to the city it means to have carnal knowledge or to have a relationship with them so the old man I want you to imagine is there are only two angels they are only two men but all the men young and old all all wanted to have relationships with these two men you know what it actually means it was it was a gang rape they were wanting to gang rape these two men when Lotte walked outside and shut the door and said you can't do this this is a very evil thing I want to read Genesis chapter 19 and 9 I want you to look at this very carefully they said stand back then said they this one came in to stay here speaking of lot and he keeps acting as a judge now we will deal worse with you than with them so they pressed hard against the man lot and came near to breaking the door down do you realize what they're saying they're saying here hey mister lot your acting is our judge who are you to judge us we will treat you even worse and they're talking about treating him physically worse than what we're planning on doing to these two men because you're trying to judge us now you and I know that one of the abominations of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah was the actions of the old men in the city in the kernel relationships that they had become involved with now here in America we're seeing something happen and I want to make this very clear I want to be bold about it when the men of the city of Sodom who had lived in this wickedness became violent and threatened to hurt the righteous that's when the game changed and that's when God Almighty Himself said enough is enough and as lot and his family escaped his two daughters finally left the city while they're going out along with Lot's wife something happened in the southern part of the Dead Sea many geologists believe there was an absolute sudden volcanic eruption that that through volcanic lava and stones up into the atmosphere and completely we know it did destroyed four of the five cities and here's the odd thing there was no sign it was getting ready to happen there was no rumbling of the earth to indicate it was going to take place the Bible said they knew not until the day of the flood and the day of the firey judgment that it was even going to happen and take place and so the third thing that God began to deal with me about was this covenant breakers God takes very serious his covenant this is why I'm standing in Israel here near the Dead Sea and I want to tell you something one of the reasons that God protects Israel the way he does is Israel has a covenant with God now I'm talking about the Covenant that God made with Abraham and sealed with Abraham when God walked in the blood of those animals long ago the City of Jerusalem is covenant King David and the Jewish people in the last days God said I'm going to turn your heart and bring you back to your land so when you and I'm talking to politicians or leaders that just might by chance be watching right now but when a politician or a leader passes a law that's contrary to the Covenant God will stand up and defend his covenant before you'll defend anything else so there are covenant breakers there are people who break the Covenant and they break the whether it be the covenant of husband and wife the covenant of children which is through abortion when you murder a child you're breaking the Covenant that God established for the blessing of your seed and so what happens is the game changes I want to say it again when ungodly and unrighteous people begin to physically attack the righteous and begin to threaten them as they did in Sodom and Gomorrah then God will use fire earth and wind the shaking of the ground ball can occur up shins and storms to actually just bring the judgment Selective judgment to a city a nation or even a state because you cannot mistreat the righteous the Bible said God knows how to deliver the godly and to reserve the unjust to the day of judgment and it's speaking of that verse about lot finally a number for the time I have remained the fourth thing that's going to happen and really I'm excited about this is when you see the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the sons and daughters you know that the return of the Lord is going to take place one of the reasons why the Lord has spoken to our heart about a place to build a place for a gathering place for young people a place of Reformation a place of restoration a place of revival a place of refreshing one of the reasons is because we know that we want to go the way God's going we want to go where God's going and let his he's going to the sons and daughters for he said in Joel 2 and x2 I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh your sons and daughters shall prophesy old men will dream dreams and young men will see visions your sons and daughters ladies and gentlemen are going to prophesy now the word prophesy there can mean to foretell the future but it means much more than that in the New Testament it means to to declare the Word of God it means to encourage others through the power of the Word of God and this is the reason why that we have been involved in mentoring and ministering to the next generation one of my partners was concerned about it he says are you giving up what you've done all these years in order to the other the answer's no the youth movement that God is sending is just another branch and arm of the great VOE ministry that God gave me when I was 18 years of age and I believe that this branch is significant because I want to be a part of what God is doing so here's my bottom line just remember this it looks really negative with a lot of things going on because it is the last days but always keep in mind that the gospel is going to be preached around the world and the Spirit of God is going to be poured out and you and I need to plan on being a part of what God is going to do in these last days because we want to be a part of what God is doing in this generation I have something very special that I want to present to you as a manifest offer so please keep watching right now do you have tough questions about endtime prophecy if so here are hundreds of answers Harry stones new Advanced Study working the apocalypse code difficult and controversial questions are answered in an easy-to-understand format as you see and here Perry stones teaching breaking the apocalypse code in this new 7-dvd Advanced Study series Perry cleans from thousands of hours of biblical research tapping into the break romantical insight special word studies and ancient temple information to present this landmark prophetic series the 22 chapters of the apocalypse are clearly explained in seven - our DVDs totaling 14 hours of eye-opening exciting prophetic insight with colorful prompts pictures and video footage from Israel maps and special charts you will see and hear the information that will carry you into the future from the catching away of the church to the descent of the New Jerusalem from heaven to earth at the conclusion of Christ's millennial reign these seven DVDs include the following subjects DVD number one reveals the mystery of the apocalypse code and a heavenly temple DVD number two examines the creatures and people in the throne room the priesthood and the beginning of the tribulation DVD number three explains the mysterious two witnesses the Bema judgment the Great Dragon and the kingdom of the Beast DVD number four gives amazing insight into the future Islamic Antichrist and false prophet and the Empire of the Beast DVD number five explains with clarity the coming mark of the beast 666 the mysterious harlot and Mystery Babylon DVD number six priest from Israel called the millennial code explains the 1000 year reign of Christ in Jerusalem DVD number seven gives prophetic insight into your eternal future when Satan is bound and heaven comes down when you order Perry will also include his personal outlines from these teachings which have been compiled into this study syllabus with over 100 pages this study syllabus is available only when you order the 7 DVD series to request the breaking the apocalypse code DVD series and study syllabus call one eight eight eight two two one bread that's one eight eight eight two one two seven three two three or go online to you may also write to us at perry stone PO Stoff is box 3595 cleveland tennessee 37320 and enclose your gift of $95 or more and request gift offer ac 95 shipping and handling are included spend hours in study with perry stone one of America's foremost recognized prophetic teachers and hear the latest updates in this dynamic series we look forward to hearing from you soon thank you for joining me today on manna-fest you know I'm surrounded by banners here in the studio in front of me that you can't see are just absolute the whole room is filled with props that we used for the teaching on breaking the apocalypse code directly behind me here you can't see this because there's a blue curtain if you move that curtain there's this whole beautiful throne room with 24 elders painted on there and those of you that have been receiving this and watching it have said that there's more information in that than anything you've ever gotten in your life and I thank you for the comments like that and how many of you have said already the first three or four DVDs that hundreds of questions just seemed like answered one after the other well that's the best the goal the goal was to produce this to where it would answer questions for people you know one of the things I'm finding very intriguing and I guess this is one of the reasons the Lord had me preach the prophetic word and put a stirring in my heart for it when I went to Israel back in the early night or mid-1980s was that in the last days in the time of which we're living in a lot of these things are going to align themselves and unsaved people have a lot of questions and one of the best ways of getting an unsaved person or so we call them an unbeliever in some instances to to hear a word or hear a message is to show them things that's predicted in the future there's a great interest in this and there's so many voices out there but we want to go into the Word of God and do it and so I want to say to the Lord I'm grateful to him for allowing me the opportunity of giving me the desire to research these things now speaking of researching if you go to our conferences you will hear messages that are not on the TV program messages that are not on DVD and CD these are a lot of messages the Lord gives us for a now word so let's look at some of the places we're coming to our first conference this year big conference is in Griffin Georgia the First Assembly of God Wednesday through Sunday March the 14th through the 18th there'll be two services on Thursday through Saturday morning also on Sunday morning two services ten services all together and we're gonna be preaching a prophetic word plus some real practical word that God has given us and it's all basically from what I can see it's just about all new messages that were preaching there so come and join us there on Wednesday the 21st redemption point Metro Chattanooga Tennessee pastor Kevin Wallace I'll be preaching at the church there then Thursday through Saturday marks the 22nd to the 24th Reformation three weekend at the TL our global foundation ministry center myself mark Casto Karen we can chosen and KC dasa this is going to be a great time you do not have to be a youth to attend but we have a little registration fee a thing on the internet no fee to attend but we would like for you to register so that we know how many are coming church on the rock in Berea Kentucky Sunday and Monday March the 25th on the 26th and then another big conference in Michigan at Resurrection live Church Wednesday through Sunday April the 18th of the 22nd can't wait for that great Church there in Michigan and I want to tell you this I'm hosting a prophetic summit here in Cleveland Tennessee Thursday through Sunday morning April the 26 of the 29th gonna have a book signing gonna have a question answer session it's gonna be very personal and so it's at the TL our global foundation Center all the information is on the web site at for all of these meetings so please check it out and if you have an opportunity come and join us the fellowship the altar services and meeting God's people and hearing that word are well worth your time and traveled I'll see it next week god bless you travel to Israel with Perry stone for his 2012 prophetic tour the date is November 20th through 29th go online at or call one eight eight eight three two one three six to nine for more information and how to register seating is limited so call today
Channel: Perry Stone
Views: 378,665
Rating: 4.8282647 out of 5
Keywords: End Times, Return of Christ, Rapture, Tribulation, Biblical Prophecy, Prophetic Insight, Perry Stone, Manna-Fest, Voice of Evangelism, Omega Center International
Id: q8ffNRdYUrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 02 2012
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