Three Events That Take Place Before Christ's Return

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now what did he tell them going to happen number one this is what Jesus said he gives three essential points look at verse 15 of chapter 24 first the trouble leading up to Christ's coming kingdom rule will start with one man's actions in Jerusalem's holy place look what verse 15 says therefore when you see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet standing in the Holy Place whoever reads let him understand now that's a complicated verse Jesus is citing an Old Testament passage from Daniel and Jesus said a person he calls him the abomination that causes desolation and he says they're going to stand in a place well what's the let's just take on pack this what is the when it says they're standing in the holy place well that word is used I mean that expression holy place is use 54 times in the Old Testament a hundred percent of the time it's the temple or before the temple the tabernacle so all 54 in the Old Testament it's the tabernacle or the temple in the New Testaments used five times primarily in Hebrews every time referring to the holy place of the temple like Herod's temple Solomon's Temple using of the place where the Ark of the Covenant where the menorah where the bread the showbread in an altar of incense and the braves and all those things that was called the holy place now look what he says when you see this person the abomination that causes desolation spoken of by Daniel standing in the holy place the temple that's in Jerusalem now that's led to a lot of people saying wow this this has already happened that that you know that's Antiochus or that's the Romans when they came and because there's no temple there today yeah but God said there's a temple there in the tribulation it's in revelation 11 John says there's a temple he sees that he talks about it paul says there's a temporal pulse is the very same thing paul says in 2nd thessalonians that the antichrist is going to be in the temple what temple the temple that's in jerusalem so basically Jesus is the trouble that's going to cause his coming kingdom rule is when a certain person this abomination that Daniel talks about now real quickly just keep your place there and turn backs at Daniel chapter 9 remember we were an eight plus or seven last time skipped forward to chapter 9 I just want to do two verses in there chapter 9 verse 26 and 27 and we'll do a simple explanatory Bible study we'll read through it and talk about what it means it says after the sixty-two weeks Messiah shall be cut off what sixty-two weeks well it's the time between the the rebuilding of Jerusalem and Jesus being crucified it actually starts back in verse 25 and it says that that people are going to come back and are going to rebuild Jerusalem they're going to put up the wall they're going to put the streets down and after seven weeks and sixty-two weeks with seven is in chapter 9 verse 25 after those 69 weeks Jesus is going to be crucified how long is 69 weeks what's about 483 days if the weeks or days between Nehemiah's time and Christ's crucifixion is not 483 days so we know these aren't literal seven-day weeks now in chapter 10 in verse 2 whenever it has the number like three full weeks those are literal seven-day weeks but this word is actually hep tat it's actually seven so there's going to be 69 sevens well if you multiply 69 times seven years you get 483 years and it happens to be exactly how long it was from nehemiah until the crucifixion but what's interesting is it ends with one week outstanding now watch in verse 26 after the sixty-two and seven weeks Messiah will be cut off that's the crucifixion but not for himself that's the substitutionary atonement but look now here comes something beautiful and the people of the prince was to come shall destroy the city in the sanctuary who destroyed Jerusalem in the temple in AD 70 Daniel said somebody's coming the Roman Empire we all know that Titus and the Ninth Legion they camped on Mount Scopus and they leveled the place so look what it says in verse 26 the people who destroyed the city in the sanctuary are going to have a prince who is to come that's where if you've ever heard in your mind of the revived Roman Empire it doesn't come from Hal Lindsey John Walvoord or John Darby it comes from Jesus Christ and Daniel and God says that the Roman Empire is going to resurface in the future the same people that destroyed Jerusalem in AD 70 are coming back well actually they never left they've just kind of been fragmented and every piece of the old Roman Empire has had its day in the Sun every part of their own empires ruled a vast amount of this earth the last one being Britain who ruled bigger Empire than anybody's ever ruled but those people the revived Roman Empire is going to have a leader he's called the prince in verse 26 now look at him being talked about in verse 27 then he who is that the prince who is to come the revived Roman Emperor who the Bible calls the Antichrist he and look at this shall confirm a covenant with many for one week there's the other week and how many is it seven days no it's it's in context it's seven years one week of years seven years that's how we get the seven year tribulation right from here one week it's seven years but he will confirm a covenant with many for one week but in the middle of the week there's there's where you've heard of mid-trib this or that or you've heard of the three and a half years and three and a half years have you seen charts that's what it's from in the middle of the week he who is the he it's the he at verse 27 he shall confirm who's that it's the prince of verse 26 who is to come the Roman revived Empire leader he will bring an end to the sacrifice and offering so that means some in this week of years this seven year period the Jews are allowed to go back to sacrifice and offering boy will that take an amazing thing for the Moslems to let them do that in Jerusalem but but this leader is going to bring an end to their sacrifices and here's Christ's quote and on the wings of abomination shall be one who makes desolate so that is exactly what Jesus is talking about go back to Matthew 24 and look at verse 15 therefore when you see this man in Jerusalem in the temple that is causing this problem and stopping the the sacrifice in the temple and breaking his covenant with Israel then that's when everything is going to start happening so the first thing Jesus says is the trouble leading up to Christ's coming and verse 15 of chapter 24 happens when the Antichrist is in the temple and he puts up his image and we read that in Revelation now look in verse 16 where does all this happen let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains all this happens in Jerusalem that's in the region of Judea so all this happens in a literal place where the literal person second look at what Jesus says in verse 21 his coming kingdom rule will follow a global Holocaust look at verse 21 says it says for then there will be a Great Tribulation now we're finding where that term comes from where the seven years comes from it's from what Jesus said is in Daniel where does the term the tribulation come from it's right here Jesus is the one introduces us to the Great Tribulation you know a lot of people say well this is all describing 8070 okay let's let Jesus tell us if this is describing ad 70 jesus says for then there will be a Great Tribulation such has not been since the beginning of the world until this time nor shall ever be and unless verse 22 those days were shortened no flesh would survive have a million people ever been killed in a battle like were killed in the siege and destruction Jerusalem in AD 70 over and over again about 20 million to 50 million in World War two how many million World War one how many millions since I mean a hundred thousand already in Syria I mean the world did not end in AD 70 it wasn't the worst time it wasn't close to extinction of humanity jesus said this event is a singular event notice that Jesus uses extreme apocalyptic superlatives look at 21 and 22 he says it's great he said it's not nor ever shall be anything like it and he says no flesh will survive if I don't cut it short those are superlatives those are apocalyptic terms what Jesus is talking about here hasn't happened yet so no man has stood in Jerusalem in the temple yet and made the abomination that Jesus was talking about and no apocalyptic event like the tribulation has happened yet third thing Jesus says look at chapter 25 turn over to chapter 25 and verse 31 he's still talking about this in Matthew 25:31 the third point Jesus makes is his coming rule is going to be seen by every one of us this morning if you're a believer you're going to see this event number two by every saint that's ever lived number three by every angel look what it says in verse 31 when the Son of Man comes in his glory and all the holy angels with him have you ever thought about how many angels our god clears heaven of every angel that means all the cherubim all the Seraphim all the normal angels the Archangels all of them the seven that always face the throne all of them probably billions are all coming with Christ at the front now we see this in Revelation 19 it talks about at the front is Christ on a white horse and and it says king of kings and Lord of lords and he's coming and it says arrayed behind him you know every time every time I see the geese coming or going you know how they always have that one in the front that's breaking the the way for them so they can all fly in the the Airstream behind him I always think about that reminds me of that of Christ breaking the way through and that huge cloud of angels but Jude adds Jude the Lord's brother that wrote the book of Jude in verse 14 he says behold the Lord comes with miry Adam Miriam of saints myriads we get an English of myriads the word myriad was the largest number in the greco-roman world they didn't have a number higher than that myriad means an uncountable number and Jude records that Enoch said the Lord comes with myriads times myriads of saints that made me think how many saints could there be well I went to that trusty source the world population Bureau of the United Nations who is always on top of everything and they who are promoting zero population growth have estimated that since humanity emerged fifty thousand years ago they're off by one zero but it's okay but when humanity emerged when first humans started existence on earth until today the United Nations says between 46 billion humans have lived and a hundred and ten billion humans up through today so between fifty and a hundred billion and if even ten percent of those if even 5% of those have believed and repented not only are those billions of angels coming but it says all of the Saints are coming too so can you imagine verse 25 when the Son of Man comes with his glory I mean that's enough just his glory Paul says and second Thessalonians one that it's it's like flaming fire he's going to look like this this you know asteroid burning up in the atmosphere just in flaming fire he's coming and everybody's scared to death and behind him is the largest assemblage of anything that's ever been coming toward Earth and everybody's just fallen apart and then it says he sits on the throne of his glory and all the nations will be gathered before him and he will separate them as a shepherd divides a sheep I mean this is tracking right with what Isaiah said right was what Jeremiah said just what Habakkuk said just what every major and minor prophet said all the way to the Old Testament that he's coming to earth he's going to sit on a literal throne on earth he's going to gather everybody in front of me you can divide him up and he's going to invite the people to survive the tribulation to live on earth for 1,000 years with no carnivorous animals no poisonous spiders or serpents know it probably weeds will be abated wow you know I've spent too long yesterday weeding in my garden and all of that will be withdrawn and humanity will finally live in Utopia with Christ is king Christ coming Kingdom rule will be seen by every one of us every saint that's ever lived every human alive on earth at the closing moments of the tribulation of course we know that inescapable judgement comes jesus said in Matthew 4:17 repent or when I come you're going to face the fire jesus said in Matthew 7:21 2:23 not everyone who says with their mouths Lord Lord but those who do my will they go into the kingdom and Jesus said in Matthew 13 that at that day at the end of the age the angels will come and separate and cast the wicked into the place of wailing and gnashing of teeth but communion is where those two very diverse worlds combined at communion we primarily think of Jesus dying and being buried and risen and his blood cleansing us but jesus said don't forget at communion I'm coming and my kingdom is coming and you should long for that and I think sometimes we just love what he did on the cross and we don't realize the same one who died on the cross has to come back and write all wrongs did you read over the weekend the nigerians I forget the name of the Moslem terrorist group in Nigeria but they surrounded a little boarding school of a little mission thing and they took their jerry cans of gas and they they doused 5-gallon cans around the dormitories of the boys and girls and then they sat outside and shot them as they you know kind of like you know starting an anthill on fire and then killing ants they were they were murdering those children and you know we say why doesn't God do something he is he's coming back he knows who those terrorists are and he knows everyone the kids in the building too and they're all going to stand in front of him see we're just off on the timing but God is going to bring his kingdom to earth he is going to write all wrongs and that's what the Lord told us the communion reminds us Christ is coming Christ is coming to set up his father's kingdom Christ is going to reign on earth Christ is our king and every time we celebrate communion we're saying that we belong to him and it's a promise that he's made that he's going to return now one more thing look at Matthew 6 this this is the icing on the cake not only does communion connect revelations all of that prophesied future all the stuff we've been slugging through connecting it and saying that at communion we're supposed to remember that all that's going to happen and it's part of God's plan but you know what it says in Matthew 6 this is the final connection it says in Matthew 6 starting in verse 10 actually 9 in this manner therefore pray our Father in heaven Hallowed be your name look at verse 10 your kingdom come you know what we're supposed to pray now just think about a communion once or twice a month you know we're supposed to pray everyday do what you promised you're going to do in Revelation come like you said you're going to come right all wrongs come in flaming fire taking vengeance on the center's reward the righteous let us enter into your kingdom see at Christ's ministry he connected all this he said don't think a prophecy is detached and out there and it's kind of a non-essential every time you celebrate communion remember I'm not going to have communion until I get done with what I wrote about in Revelation and every time you pray ask me look at verse 10 your kingdom come come and rule on earth Lord Jesus that supposed to be on our hearts every day so when we read the news when we see the maskers when we see all the what's going on in Egypt what's going on wherever it's going to go on today we say thy kingdom come do what you told us you're going to do amazing blessing thy kingdom come means that we asked for Christ coming to rule we don't just ask for it in the future part of it is saying and I want to be doing what you called me to do because I'm your subject I seek your kingdom in my life today and that's the connection with communion so every time we celebrate communion your think about revelation every time you pray we're thinking about Revelation as we live our days where say Lord you know what's happening I want to be in sync with your plan
Channel: DTBM OnlineVideoTraining
Views: 746,707
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Keywords: john barnett, dtbm, prophecy, end times, revelation, events, pre-tribulation, antichrist, return, hell, heaven, bible, sermon, lessons, biblical, sermons, teaching, lesson, john, barnett, truth, scary, ending, world, terminate, savior, christ, lies, devil, evil, satan, demons, angels, godly
Id: CVbOt7JpyM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 19sec (1099 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2017
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