The Rapture Vs. The Pre-Wrath View

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would you give a brief or a thumbnail some nail on why Calvary Bible is a rapture believing Church versus the pre-wrath view why that and they said would you give a thumbnail actually it was a four-page question and they asked me to give us thumbnail so I thought okay that's I love challenges and I always think in terms of references so I would just give you the references that come to my mind John 14 first Thessalonians of course four and five and second Thessalonians 1 and then x1 so let's just go through those for the rapture I mean personally I don't know if you know the the pre-wrath rapture view is actually just a restatement of of a historic position it was called the mid-tribulation of you it's also been called other things over the years but let's start in John 14 and basically for some of you who I have to always remember that there are some people that don't know Christians speak you know I mean you haven't grown up in the church so you know what we're talking about in rapture is a word that's not in the Bible actually the word that's in the Bible is a Greek word harpazo har pod so yeah that's not what it looks like that's just you know a anglicized version of it this word is the word that's used when Philip was sent by the Lord to intersect the Ethiopian eunuch if you remember that next chapter 8 and the eunuch Philip was walking and the unit comes driving along from Jerusalem in his chariot going back to Ethiopia and as he's going along he had purchased the big scroll of Isaiah which means the guy was loaded anybody could buy that thing which took you know a long time to copy and he was up in his chariot and he was reading it and in the ancient world I don't know if you realize people didn't read silently books manuscripts scrolls were so rare that that people read aloud or had reading read to them so that others could hear and so he the reason Philip knew where he was reading was he came up and listened because reading was allowed because reading is literally the the Greek word for reading is to know again what the person knew that wrote this and so reading wasn't you know I mean we see words everywhere I mean there's flashing signs and the billboards change and and we're just inundated and messages and everything else and so to us reading is is almost a labor because there's too many things to read it was so precious back then that their goal was to know again what the person knew when they wrote it and that's why the Ethiopian eunuch says understand it's heard the Philip said understand us how do you know what he was writing and so after he finished leading him to the Lord and baptizing him it says he was caught away Philip was by the Holy Spirit he was in the city of Gaza which is of course you know where that is because of the news it's down along the coast on the way to Egypt and he was found in Azotus that means that that God literally took him from one place and put him in another place that word is this word and that's the word that Paul said that we will be taken in from where we are into the Lord's presence so let's look at how that happens in why Calvary Bible and myself believe in the biblical rapture in chapter 14 most people talk about this in fact I was in if you've ever heard of a Marv Rosenthal or if you've ever heard of VanCamp and merit the company that owns Xerox I remember sitting in the 80s while I was on faculty at the Masters seminary and Bob van kampen who owned Xerox Corporation wrote a two-year Bible study about the the pre-wrath rapture view and gave it to Marv Rosenthal who later published it in his own name if you've ever read his works is actually Bob Bain camping that wrote it but I remember sitting and listening by the hour with all the faculty of the Masters seminary and they got into such complexities that most people would have just I mean started checking their email because it was so hard to explain the positions and so I I like to think simply and so I look at john 14 jesus is saying in verse 1 let not your heart be troubled you believe in God believe also in me in my father's house are many mansions that's a sad translation that's New King James actually it doesn't mean you know like Dolly Parton mansions you know down there in Nashville we're not talking about that not Texan oil mansions it's one house in many rooms so we're living in our father's house in our room under his roof and so in my father's house are many and that word mansions actually is used outside of this passage for nests birds have nests you know if you have a chicken coop you know the chicken has its own little place it's it's you know it's its spot that's what this word is so we each have a spot in our father's house if we're not so I would have told you now here it is I go to prepare a place for you and if I go and prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you unto myself what he's talking about here it's very interesting the rapture as is discussed here at Calvary and in literature popular literature is Jesus excuse me coming for believers and I like to say Zig watch out I'm gonna cough amplify mic off here I believe that that Bonnie always tells me honey that's confusing don't say that honey that's confusing don't say that I heard you say that I believe that there are two two raptures one is the most commonly repeated one where Jesus comes to wear one of his saints are at the instant of their deaths now I want you to think about this for a second David said yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou capital-t you God are with me if you couple that Psalm 23:4 with what it says in Hebrews chapter 9 it's appointed unto us once to die God does not send angels God actually sends his son our Savior to come and take us home because of this promise I go and prepare a place for you and Jesus coming for believers is a very personal in fact I personally have performed over 300 funerals I stopped counting kind of like that book my first 300 babies I did my first 300 funerals and I stopped counting since then but I always tell the families as I say as when I'm sitting with him I say what time did did grandma die what time did your dad die what time did your wife stopped breathing and and you knew that that she had died and they look at the clock and they say oh you know 2:27 I said you know what I know exactly where in the whole universe Jesus Christ was at 2:27 he came because he had prepared a place and I will come look what it says I will come I'm in in verse three I go if I go and prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you to myself the the rapture number one is the personal one the 1st Thessalonians 4 1 is a group that's where Jesus takes all of us who are alive and remain to be gathered unto Him same word right here this this oh I left the are out there we go no one told me that I thought it didn't look right harp odd so it's like harp odds Oh harpazo this snatching out is being taken from one spot to somewhere else here in John 14 the context is I'm preparing a place for you verse 2 since I'm going to prepare a place for you when the place is done I'm gonna receive you unto myself that where I am there you may be also I remember Willard heck was his name founder of New Life Ranch and Tulsa Bible Church he used to always sit by the column that held up the balcony in that original building we used to be in and he got so old and weak that he ended up leaning on the column he couldn't even sit up straight he was not strong enough but he never missed Church and he would always be seen leaned from toppling over on that column and I remember talking to him as he finally could even come to church and he was in the hospital his last days until he died of emphysema or something along that line and and tears ran down his face and he said my whole life I have waited for the rapture my whole life I thought I was gonna get to go in the rapture and he just I mean my heart went out to him it was so sweet pasture to pasture and he just wept I said Willard you are going in the rapture you get the personal one the private rapture everybody else has to wait for the bus you are going escorted personally taken by the Lord Jesus Christ who's coming because your place is prepared and I want you to know if you get to choose between I mean which one do you think is better would you rather get on a bus or would you rather have a private escorted walk through the valley of the shadow of death it was so sweet he said oh you're just you know he said you're just doing that I said no that's what I believe so rapture this of Levani says I'm not saying that they're going to be too raptures cuz that's a whole different view that's called Christian triumphalism and they believe that the people that go in the 1st rapture only the ones that really living for the Lord and the rest need to kind of go through purgatory of the tribulation for a while and if they get it together they get to go in the second coming of Christ I'm not talking about that I'm talking about at death Jesus Christ comes to personally take believers to be with him because he's prepared a place for them and that means that if you wonder why you you we have many senior citizens that get to a point where they're so weak so limited so in pain they say why does the Lord let me stay and I always tell him thing right what it says and if I go and prepare a place for you I'll come and receive you to myself you know what's implied when your place is ready and so if we are struggling with physical infirmities and the Lord has not come or come to take us home then it's because like Anna in the account of Christ's birth we need to serve him by prayer and by fasting and those are the two things that the older you get you can do fasting because you don't have any appetite you're not hungry and nothing agrees with you and prayer because you can't sleep anyway and so you just pray and fast and pray and fast and and glorify God that way but let's talk about the group event John 14 talks about the the coming of Christ 1st Thessalonians 4 you already know this but let's just look at it I mean the wording of what what we're talking about the rapture which is Christ receiving his church unto himself these are the words 1st Thessalonians 4:13 onward I don't want you to be ignorant brethren concerning those who fall asleep lest you sorrow those who have no hope for if we believe that Jesus died and rose again even so God will bring with him those who sleep in Jesus for this we say unto you by the word of the Lord that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those were asleep verse 16 for the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout the voice of an archangel and with the trumpet of God and the dead in Christ will rise first then we who are alive and remain shall be and that word caught up is that word harpazo right there caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and thus shall we always be with the Lord therefore comfort one another and keep reading down through chapter 5 to verse 9 the the the second reference there 1st Thessalonians 4 and first Thessalonians 5 and verse 9 right here says the second pillar as it were of the rapture is God did not appoint us to wrath but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ who died for us that whether we wake or sleep whether we live or die we should live together with him comfort one another you notice again the the idea of Christ's coming was comfort not you're gonna have to endure all the horrors of the Antichrist and if you survive after you've endured that then I'm gonna come get you and then look at the second coming of Christ the description it's in across the page in second Thessalonians 1 and verse 8 just across the page this this is the second coming now see what we have to do is contrast and in the rapture if you notice is Jesus coming he's in the clouds were caught up into the air and into the air caught up to be with him and that's the rapture that's the the John 14 and first Thessalonians 4 and 5 comfort so it's a comforting thing now the second coming look at 2nd Thessalonians 1:8 the second coming what what is that well it's in flaming fire see what it says in flaming fire taking vengeance who do not know God and those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and it talks about the the coming of Christ which is harkening onto Revelation 19 when at his second coming that is the second coming revelation 19 talks about the second coming it's the same one that Matthew 24 talks about and Matthew 26 talks about which talks about him coming in the clouds and everybody mourning and and people crawling underneath you know trying to hide from him coming and the fiery vengeance and all that so the second coming he touches down if you if you actually read Zack riah he touches down zechariah 12 and 14 tells us where he lands on the Mount of Olives and when he lands there's this massive earthquake that splits the mountain and and it causes global topographical geological and Geographic and he consumes all the armies in that fire and everything else and immediately sets up this dividing of the sheep and goats and and and we know all that so there is quite a difference between this and this now back you know this is only review look at this see this is what's so neat I don't need to go into the tenses of some Greek word and try and compare Daniel to this and then look what x1 says this when people talk about the hope the Blessed hope in in Titus Paul continues this idea and in Titus 2 he says looking for the Blessed hope and the glorious appearing of our great God no Savior Jesus Christ what is that that's in Acts chapter 1 it says verse 9 now when he had spoken these things x19 they watched he was taken up and a cloud received him out of their sight now we've already talked about that I mean that that was in our Titus 2 when we looked at that and and talked about how Jesus left the earth Luke 24 tells us he was blessing the disciples verbally his st. Peter Peter you're amazing keep on don't forget what I taught you keep your foot out of your mouth Peter you know don't and Thomas hold on don't doubt anymore John you know and he was just blessing them and just giving his blessings to each of the the Apostles that were there and as he was blessing raining down blessings on them he had said he began to rise see what it says and while when he had spoken these things in in Luke 24 says while he was speaking these things actually he's still talking and he starts rising up and and they're looking up at him watching him rise from the Mount of Olives and he was taken up out of their sight until a cloud you know kind of disappeared in the clouds and went away and while they just kept watching you know hoping he'd come right back because they loved it best when he was there behold two men stood by them in verse 10 in white apparel which also said veer Galil that's what the Latin says there's a church called that they actually have built a church on this spot veer Galil men of Galilee why do you stand gazing up into heaven now this is what I wanted to get to verse 11 this same Jesus who was taken up from you here's here's the rapture you don't need to try and squeeze what Paul said into what Jesus said in Matthew 24 this is the final word Jesus just went up blessing them raining down blessings only seen by believers did you think about that after the resurrection Jesus was never seen except by loving eyes he was never touched except by loving hands Jesus only spent time with believers after his resurrection he didn't go around and show off to the Roman soldiers that they didn't do a good job crucifying him you know he that he was a lot he only was seen by believing eyes and touched by believing hands but look what it says verse 11 this same Jesus who has taken up for you into heaven shall so come in like manner so the Angels explained the second the the the return of Christ the second coming of Christ for believers and the more you study this there are two to two completely differently describes second comings the like manner for believers the angels said in verse 11 believers the second coming of Christ is going to be just like his ascension what was it like it was only for believers it was a blessing it was Jesus coming in a way that comforted them that that remember he says you know don't let your hearts be troubled don't worry about this he blessed him on his way just the way you saw him go into heaven you're going to see him return the same way that's why it began to be known as in Titus back up here in Titus 2 right there it began to be known as the Blessed hope of the believers what is the Blessed hope now that we're going to endure the the greatest outpouring of deception and of Satan on overdrive and having the false Christ that that is coming as you read about in Revelation but that the one who went to prepare a place for us is going to come and receive us and bring with him all the saints whose bodies are going to come out of the ground and be they are going to be their bodies resurrected and our bodies changed in that instance so they and us will get first Corinthians 15 says our bodies at the same time so one thing because this is only supposed to be a thumbnail need to work on that description look at first Corinthians 15 because now you see why it was a four-page email because there's a lot of details but Paul said this in first Thessalonians 15 what I didn't mark this behold I show you a mystery we shall not all sleep what verse is ab say it again 51 there we go thank you who said that good job Elizabeth right I thought I can see you through the lights 51 behold I show you a mystery I tell you a mystery we should announce all sleep but we also be changed in a moment in the twinkling of the eye at the last trumpet the trumpet will sound the dead will be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed and on and on he goes this so so this is the first time that this event is mentioned a mystery means it was heretofore not previously revealed so this doctrine is classified in the Bible as a mystery in other words you can't find it in the Old Testament and you also can't find it in the Gospels and the question that the Dave Scott asked you know a couple weeks ago what about Peter saying you know and Jesus telling him that that he's going to be crucified upside down you know they're gonna stretch out your arms and carry you where you don't want to go and they're gonna do what you know want him to do to you which was predicting his death then how could Peter have believed in the any moment return of Christ because when Jesus talked in John 14 they didn't understand what he was talking about they just heard it they they weren't processing all this stuff Jesus was telling them truth that would not be understood until Paul in first millions 15 says let me clarify this this is something that wasn't pieces did not comment now you can look back and you can see the rapture all the way through the Old Testament I mean it's it's so so interesting at the flood there was someone that was taken out prior to the flood there was someone that was preserved through the flood and there was everyone that was destroyed by the flood Enoch represents the church Noah represents Israel that are kept through the tribulation and the world is the world I mean the same is true of a lot being dragged out of Sodom and and Sodom being destroyed but before the destruction lot was full I mean you can see all these things that you can read into them but personally the reason I believe in the rapture is because jesus said that he's going to prepare a place and come and get us he Paul describes it as a mystery and Jesus said what believers look forward to is the personal coming of Jesus Christ to receive us unto himself so that's my thumbnail
Channel: DTBM OnlineVideoTraining
Views: 107,598
Rating: 4.6812463 out of 5
Keywords: john barnett, dtbm, belief, rapture, pre-wrath view, wrath, pre, view, holy, difference, end, times, tribulation, revelation, world, ending, destroy, devil, dragon, evil, satan, god, jesus, angels, battle, fight, earth, heaven, sky, violent, truth, divide, john, barnett, dr, bible, biblical, teaching, sermons, learn, church, verses, answers, questions
Id: DP6YwIHf7-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 42sec (1662 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 23 2016
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