GOD OF WAR Walkthrough Gameplay Part 1 - INTRO (God of War 4)

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all right guys I'm uh I'm a little bit nervous right now but go ahead and just be honest first off Thank You Sony for hooking me up the game I if I wouldn't have gotten their code or whatever wouldn't better play this game early so thank you to them and thank you for you guys for being the best audience on YouTube over the years this is officially we're in April of 2018 and I am eight years strong on YouTube so thank you for that and it's been a while since we've had this happen I don't know I'm kind of curious at this point what the channel is like capable of but I was hoping and say like I'm just curious if we can somehow hit 50,000 likes in like a 24 hour period from this video going live I don't know if it's possible it's really just all you guys so it's kind of out of my hands at this point I wasn't a give away something and haven't done in a while as a console and that's going to guppy s4 pro if you had a chance to win see to like the video leave a comment of when you found my channel I'll actually announce the winner over on Twitter in a few days from this video going up so alright guys enough talking I'm gonna get the game started I'm really excited for this it's got like perfect tens across the board so let's do this guy's alright so check it out guys select difficult to give me a story give me a balanced experience to give me a challenge give me god of war I love that I would do ballasts cuz that's normal [Music] [Applause] [Music] Leviathan axe here we go hmm all right I'm already blown away by these graphics and the interaction I've been standing this vision for a while tell us what was gonna happen when I press Start Kratos being an old man is oh that's a big tree [Music] [Music] found some get in the boat boy [Music] [Music] [Music] tell you guys one time if this video does incredibly well I'm gonna be spamming this series until it is 100% done every single day even if I get sick I don't care man that is enough all right the journey the mark trees follow the river downstream oh man already this game just looks fantastic it feels like one of those experiences like you don't know you're in it did something change right off the horse feels different everything is boy yes sir it's like you don't know you're actually in the game this epoch until it's over and you're like you look back and again it was awesome game supposed to go right here getting a lot of last of us vibes right now just the dynamic you know this very well could be the best game I've ever played I'll have to see how the story goes but I'm I just have to see the reviews and stuff I'm just I'm pretty sure what we're about the experience is gonna be something I've never I don't maybe since the Last of Us I really don't know what the last time I played a game like this was the Uncharted series is also great I cannot wait to try out the combat for the first time this is honestly my first time playing the game too so I've never I don't know how to like I got the controls down a little bit but I'm glad it kind of tells you what to do that was the last [Music] well they're do I see my mother hole there do I see my father well there did they call to me oh there do they call to me [Music] well they're do they call to me oh they're do they call to me oh they do they got [Music] [Music] she's ready [Music] I do way home you are free [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I'm sorry [Music] squeeze Oh snarf [Music] who's hers now it is yours [Music] torchy taunt what she knew shall we now [Music] what are we hunting you aren't in deer which way in the direction of deer okay this way father why are we doing this now I need to know you can survive the journey then we leave for the mountain depends on you but what did you find tracks not dear though I'll keep looking this kind of snow disappears does it it's actually really sick so the guy that directed this quarry I think he worked on the first God of War in 2005 and then got a war too in 2007 I don't think he's worked on anything since then though I could be wrong no what is this Boston's found new artifact hold on let's check out the journal it's got that Uncharted vibe for that I haven't looked at any of the menu stuff either look at this near the house I used to have one like it we're part of a set find more okay let's look at the map what do we got skills haven't done any of the combat yet don't like this so you can change from the guardian shield Leviathan axe and then oh just those two things looks like a bow at the end armor what do we got oh yeah I've heard you can have different like gear sets and stuff in the sea I don't know if that's true or not so you pick the armor for your your son as well that's awesome equipped always got the horizon zero dawn type thing where it's got the level on it that is sick oh here we go more tracks yeah but they're too around it could be a wild boar good well now what this way boy oh wait do drugs they're fresh this way so far the game is incomplete smooth man like I haven't seen any kind of lag or anything slow down boy you are hunting deer not chasing it yes Father I was gonna collectable I'm sure gonna miss tons of stuff in this series already can I make this jump down oh no I'm scared to go down there let's do it happens if you do I guess you can't jump there never mind you broke our bridge how are we gonna get across step aside oh my god is gonna be sick that's so sick I was taking Crash Bandicoot when that happened oh it's so dirty hold on let me do that again I guess you know I guess there's nothing to aim at you can't just do it randomly what are you doing now its guard is up only fire only fire when I tell you to fire I'm sorry do not be sorry be better find it [Music] behind it oh my goodness just taking out anything you can lock on to a kiss gonna make things a lot easier this text again there we go I was pretty sick though I like how they did done you just can't do some ranged attack there [Music] comments honestly like reminds me of uh I think our Arkham City would be a good a good point of that like extremely smooth not a whole lot of like like a need taxi Abid [ __ ] got some ex-king I'll take it they've never come this close to our woods before keep moving yeah I love that it's my favorite thing in the game so far yeah all right so those restore your health you can't let me go over here just look look around I was reading a lot with this could be a like a 30 hour game I don't know if that's true or not what is over here hold on what is all this should we be in here chess is luck okay fun and saw the three sills okay what else you just destroy the sills okay so you got to find each one I don't have to throw that but I did it anyways also gonna find the other one it's not in there hmm oh it's over here here so this is kind of where you have to use it at I see just sort of three of those you can unlock this I don't know what you're getting here baby yeah there's some money I guess purple okay look it's a legend there you collected one of the short that word is Apple's to increase your maximum health nice find nine whole apples in the world chess unlocked by magic Wow okay that's so glad I kind of took some time and looked around kinda want to explore a little bit more I know he wanted to go rights what about what's over here okay he wants to go that way the finest game is really incredible like I got nothing but I'm just kind of sitting here in awe we do what we please boy no excuses can I have my bow back now can you heat it from here I wish she'd get closer father of the year man I learnt handing his mother a bunch of times I never wanted to take me why now it was her wish and it was time okay now looking around not sure at all collectibles are in the game but this seems like something I might play several times just Miami health bar yeah so you throw a different quick throw that's a lot less damage alright so I can just do this I don't even need to walk on just yet I mean I guess you could but till that one Zoo bring it back okay Oh God how's that it's finished off in style okay the lock-on doesn't seem to be worsening oh then I just oh thanks let's see when they attack if you deflect the right moment we have a door behind us ooh look at a jerk oh man how let me go back this way I want to check where I killed some of those enemies that want to see what's down here first looks like a puzzle of some sort right here like you're supposed to break this chain or use it I mean he can crawl through there it looks like I think they could probably both fit through there on those chests I don't think that one's the same type though all right let's look back over here I think as far as the actual combat though whoever did it did a really good job there's another chest right there it's a different type of chest though Oh hold on oh let's back already possess there we go but the only way to get help back oh that's kind of scared me a little bit what does it feel like the strong attack doesn't do much more damage you Austin found not sure what's in these chests let me yeah let me look at the actual because we're getting all these things put in here and I'm not looking at any of them because we just kind of go along with everything resources no available resources we have this thing so that's the journey right now follow the river downstream we're supposed to hunt with him labor okay okay so you can carry 25 okay three out of 25 already enemies pent different types of kills so that does have some replay value for that so our skill points to go I haven't gotten anything yet really here we go let's see what this is it's just more collectibles I like that can no longer use it we can well I'd start heading back pretty sure that that was the only thing that you're supposed to come over here for gonna make this first video a little bit longer than my typical I guess videos I choose what I doing a part one at least so it's not gonna stay hold on every time I do that it's stained uh so throw it that was easy we also have this one over here I haven't checked just think of this jump you like the guy Koree that made like that's kind of weird it's like right there the guy that made the first God of War in 2005 made the second one and then just went away for a while it's like pretty awesome come back and make this there's another chest over here too why is there stuff behind us we can go check outs here I'm gonna go look at that as well I'm trying to hundred percent complete the game but I would love to not miss something important cuz I'm supposed to go that way let me see what's up here first oh he just yes on your back that's sick what's up here alright so we got something on the other side right there we're gonna go round to get there I think well let's see what's over here okay what's amazing is that all this is just out of the way like I guess when you make a single-player game you have to throw something in it completely what I've missed that channel if you're not careful hack silver okay tempted to destroy some of these I'm always like nervous my detonate on me here boy oh look its Scola naughty the giant wolves have chased the sun and moon where do they come from how did they get up there what's happening there at the end they eat the Sun and Moon and then everybody fights you get XP from just like discovering stuff that's awesome let me look at this thing says so that's just the world thing okay every shrine tells the story of a giant legend Oh a giant of legend shrines one of eleven get six thousand expeed you see that that's a lot hop down here yes you can't go that way okay maybe we have to hop down I didn't see any other way to get there that's all that's back there by itself hmm well damn I don't know where to uh where to even begin right here alright guys so the more I'm looking around this area so check it out thank you supposed to go through here takes care of that I guess awesome can't get burned right they're gonna be careful so I was actually looking because I was taking some time kind of messing around everything and it looks like let me show you as far as armor goes you basically upgrade the armor like normal but you also have these things called okay I don't know what the art is just like stuff you put on your weapons attack gems and stuff I guess they raise your attack level maybe give you a different element I have no idea first time gotta Wars done anything like this I'm not a shop I hope to show them that yet I think that is correct though alright we got everything in this area it looks like if you go back up top let me just make sure there's nothing else up here there is this thing that's gonna go nowhere so I think we've got everything in this area that we can get I'm gonna head back to where we were going such a great game I did not know this game was gonna have like gear systems and stuff how sick is that hard to get that over there alright here we go back on track guys I should say thank you for being a amazing audience by the way wait for my mark relax do not think of it as an animal it is simply a target clear your mind feet solid steady yourself I can do this other side to help him out I'm not actually shooting it [Music] exhaling hey ya good pretty sure that one arrow wouldn't it taking it all the way down it's still alive [Music] your knife No finish what you started [Music] I can't [Music] [Music] [Music] I [Music] oh my goodness go check it out we have no choice what first command shoot arrows hold it all the weak spot to a maybe kind of let it auto locks for you so my guess is little Boston Celtics okay let's figure this out a little bit are my guesses Oh what's up no he's run it in there man extra damage I don't think we supposed to actually do anything I thought maybe for a second [Music] oh here we go like you have infinite stamina what how did that hit me how did that hit me come on bring it on man he's got mine down halfway the photo let me look around where's the help thing at it's like a little here just call to the health pack there we go [Music] I love the bike the bus fight stuff in this game is really sick - I'm really scented see how they do the other fights cuz you know that every got a war game as like huge bosses [Music] I feel like oh I'd do it mine hello good shake I think it closed up that time dinner I can't wait to see how this ends like this fights gonna end probably a pretty cool way of it and Kratos doing something print we're really tripping the guy's head off or something [Applause] thank Wow boy boy look at me look at me boy boy look at me [Music] you are not ready what are you serious I found the deer I proved myself how men are a we are going home [Music] I haven't been sick in a long time I can do this you are not ready [Music] I am right do not speak again wait check this out so we need to kill two more to unlock that 250 XP shows you how many you've done of each one to our war feels like a free roam area in this game how can you go down here that would be sick like I he's in like Auto run mode right now so it doesn't give you full health but I'll hold on we got something up here stunning enemies okay stun bars located below their health attacking an enemy and quick it's like stun damage causing a bar to fill once the bar is filled the enemy is stunned pressing to grab a stun enemy huh try it let's get it man that's so sick touch of death yep little things to collect along the way it looks like now I'm doing that every time I can now how thick is that now I can control him just shooting everyone that's what I'm talking about what's up here hold on like we're supposed to go to that door obviously hold on let me see what happens you go over here hidden chambers still can't get the doors open huh quiet can we come back to it later fine and enter all the Chamber's we found we haven't opened anything yet okay so we know where it's at on the map so if we come back to it later on I'm not sure if there's like a way you can do anything is there something I press okay just throw an axe at it might even work it's like Thor's hammer I love it no that's so sick I'll just decide get it coming back to me and all the way back all men if you can parry us just in time it's all you need man combat is super smooth I love it what is this thing all about oh oh boy well his arrows do you now what do I do let's put it up hand ahead take me baby [Music] stop any man hitting with the people's elbow here in a minute can I deflect his attack curious that's uh this is sparta kick right there Reavers doom one of 75 250 for the gold and I told you not to speak I'll return to the house let's kind of look around this area we haven't really seen everything yet I do not know now be silent we are almost home inside boy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we've only been in here through a cutscene so look around and see what we got you lost control that thing was trying to kill us just like you don't get anger in a fight anger can be a weapon if you control it use it you clearly cannot when you haven't been sick in a long time I'm better now five come on in he want me to hate I wanted to try Oh [Music] will you try again why are you doing do slow dry again yeah week again again your anger you can get lost in it batter head is difficult and you are trace are clearly not ready no use hiding anymore I know who you are what's going on do you know it more importantly I know what you are boy beat the floor now well you told me never to go down there who is that get in just tell me what I want to know no need for this to get bloody that's how it should be bigger gently the one long way from home aren't you what do you want or you already know the answer to that whatever it is you seek I do not have it you should move on and here I thought your kind supposed to be so enlightened so much better than us so much smarter and yet you hide out here in the woods like a coward [Music] you do not want this fight I'm pretty sure I do leave my home you are going to have to kill me for that to happen I reward you I know you would not listen might oh [ __ ] so guys I wanted to thank you so much for watching the first part of this series if you want part two quickly just destroy that like button I'll upload as fast as I'm able to and man just thank you again Sony for the game it really means a lot and I will see you guys in part two take it easy
Channel: theRadBrad
Views: 9,953,539
Rating: 4.9344916 out of 5
Keywords: God of War, God of War 4, God of War Gameplay, God of War 4 Gameplay, God of War Review, God of War 4 Review, God of War Gameplay Part 1, God of War Part 1, God of War 4 Walkthrough Part 1, God of War 4 Part 1, God of War 4 Gameplay Part 1, God of War PS4, God of War PS4 Gameplay, God of War Ending, God of War 4 Ending, God of War 2018, God of War Walkthrough, GoW 4, GoW 4 Gameplay, GoW 4 Part 1
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 53sec (2873 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 19 2018
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