God of War Ragnarok - This Build Makes Kratos Unkillable Mid - Late Game!

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how's it going everyone welcome to my channel and welcome to another God of War Ragnarok video now for yesterday's video I did a god of time build which was an entire build based off of slowing down time and some of you guys like that video so I decided to make another one but in this video I think this build is even more powerful and this build will pretty much make you indestructible but before we jump into it slight spoiler warning this is a mid game to late game build you have to reach a certain part in the story before you can do this but the cool thing about this armor is that you can get it kind of early in your playthrough it really just depends on how much of the story you get accomplished before you decide to venture out and do the side missions so final warning if you don't want to be spoiled turn away now okay so getting right into it the first thing that you're going to need to have is the spear you have to get far enough in the story which is about Midway through the story you have to unlock the new spear because you're going to need the spear if you want to unlock the steinborne armor I probably butchered that I don't know how to say it and what it does is after significant damage is taken kratos's attacks will restore some lost health for some time so after you take some damage it activates and you basically can siphon health so I'm going to show you where to get this armor because the armor on itself is really good and if you're a good player it will make you pretty close to impossible to kill but I'm going to take things a step further and make it really impossible for you to die later on in this video uh but first you're going to need the spear and you're going to need to go to Mid guard and you're going to want to go to this little part of the map it's pretty close to the middle of the map you're going to see this big block that you're going to have to break open with your spear this is where you're going to find the mystical heirloom Relic and once you have that it says that it awakens something dormant deep down inside the bearer so this doesn't help you in combat in any way shape or form what you're going to use this for is to wake up these giants that are scattered throughout the lands so luckily for you one of them is already on midgard what you're going to want to do is go to the derelict Outpost I think by this point in the story you should already have this area unlocked you just want to keep traveling through the derelict Outpost and then you will come across this giant statue he's just kind of chilling here completely Frozen and he's going to stay frozen until you activate that Relic that you just got so once you activate the Relic it will awaken the Giant and then you just have to kill him like normal so once you kill him he's going to drop some resources but you're not done yet you have to kill three more of these Giants in other locations the next two Giants are both located at vanaheim so just go to where I'm at on the map and then once you get here there are two more Giants one is resistant to Fire and one is resistant to frost so fighting them both at the same time is pretty difficult I recommend you just fight one at a time otherwise it could be a bit tricky and then once you kill those two the final giant location is over in the Forbidden sands on alfine this just go to where I'm at on the map and once you kill him he's going to drop the final bit of resources for you and then once you've defeated all the Giants just go to the nearest blacksmith location and you can craft the full armor set so now that you have the armor set honestly the armor is so good it's going to be pretty hard for you to die anyway but I'm going to take things the next step further and I'm going to show you the build guide that I made to make myself pretty much indestructible alright so getting into the build to make you indestructible for the chest armor I went with the new chest piece that we just got after significant damage is taken kratos's attacks will restore some lost health for a time then for the wrist armor I'm going for the braces of Raven tears now you get this wrist armor by unlocking three of the Raven chest you have to go around throughout the game and kill enough Ravens to unlock three of the chests and once that third chest is open you'll have the full set of the Raven tears so for the wrist armor I'm going with the Raven tears because it increases the healing from hellstones Rage and gear and only have one piece equipped so that gives me a 15 percent in increase for healing Stones then for the waist armor I'm going with the surter's scorched girdle Kratos takes reduced damage and has increased stagger resistance during his basic attacks and skills and because I only have one piece of this equipped it's giving me a 20 damage reduction but the main reason I'm going with this as my waist armor is because it comes with such a high defense stat that it puts my overall Total Defense up to 497. so this right here is almost completely maxed out my defense meaning I could just truck tons and tons of damage because my defense is so high as you can see here based off of stats it says defense decreases incoming damage so the higher that number is the better and you get this girdle by completing The Crucible on Muscle Farm basically just do all of the combat trials and you unlock that armor set so my chest is steinborn my wrist armor is the Raven tears and then my waist armor is surter's scorched girdle so I'm wearing three different pieces of armor and then I'll go over The Amulet here in a second because I want to go over my weapons first for the Leviathan ax I went with the grip of the Fallen Alchemist it says High luck chance to Grant a health burst on any successful hit with the serpent snare skill and the serpent snare skill is just holding in the right trigger ability so anytime I use the right trigger ability and I get that big hit off it has a high luck Chance is going to grant me a health burst so anytime I use that ability it is going to heal me so that's a huge plus and then my abilities don't really make that much of a difference but I'm using Scotty's Edge and the Miss of halheim and then for the blades of chaos my pommel is activating the Furious immolation will trigger a realm shift so this will freeze time when I activate it but the reason I have this equipped is because of the different stats that it gives me not because of its ability I had to have high stats which you'll see why when I get to explaining the amulet and then my attacks I have Rampage of Furies and meteoric slam but the abilities aren't really too important for this build and then getting into the spear handle so I have the hind of volatile might this isn't too important either I mainly just equip this so that I would have higher defense and higher Vitality so I mainly have this equipped just for its stats then my light attack is Mountain splitter and then my heavy attack is the figure of Ruin and then getting into the shield this is kind of important I went with the Stonewall shield for its stats it gives me 130 defense and 26 Fatality and then for the shield attachment I went with the round of restoration it comes with 29 defense and 34 Fatality and it says on taking damage Kratos has a luck chance to gain defense for his next Shield strike double tap L1 hit to restore Health the chance increases with lower health so double tapping L1 with my shield will grant me some health if I'm in combat so right away I have two different abilities that can heal me if I hold in right trigger with my ax that can heal me and then if I double tap L1 with my shield that can heal me and then for Spartan rage I went with Valor because this is a health build and Valor is the rage mode that gives you more health press L3 and R3 to consume a chunk of Spartan rage and gain a moderate burst of Health time it right before being hit to negate incoming attacks gain additional bursts of healing and Grant a melee attack bonus so you get a burst of health and you can do more melee damage and then for The Relic I went with the hilt of Frozen brander I think's how you say it and it pushes enemies back with force and grants an aura of protection now you get this by completing all of the Raven chests once you complete and open all the Raven chest you're going to have like a boss fight and you defeat that boss fight and it will drop this Relic for you and anytime you activate it it's going to do damage to enemies and it's going to give you this Aura of protection which will negate a lot of incoming damage now getting into the amulet this is where things get interesting and this is where it makes you really op I have the greater regenerating Essence it adds a greater amount of constant Health regeneration and then I have the regular regenerating Essence which adds a small amount of constant Health regeneration so between these two I am just constantly passively regenerating Health at all times which is really great then we have the crest of desperate heroics when Kratos Health drops to a critical level it grants a short Invincible barrier buffed to strength and a health Burst when complete so anytime you get low on health it's immediately going to make you invincible for a couple seconds and then once that invincibility barrier is over it's going to give you a burst of Health but this is stacked with these two which is constantly regenerating my health so when I have that Invincible barrier up protecting me I'm constantly regenerating my health back and then when that Invincible barrier ends I'm getting a burst of Health back then next up we have the stone Idol of Souls using hellstone or rage Stone grants Soul steel during which a small amount of health and rage is restored when striking enemies so anytime you pick up a hellstone you're going to get health from the health stone and then you're going to get Soul steel which lets you siphon health and rage while you're striking enemies so you get health initially from picking up the stone and then you can siphon even more when you're attacking next up we have a very high chance to Grant a health burst on any successful runic attack kill so anytime I use one of my weapons runic abilities and I get a kill it has a very high chance that it's going to heal me when I do so so that's another way to heal myself then we have some damage resistance perks we have a 25 resistance to all status effects this includes Frost burn blind days poison shock and bifrost so 25 resistance to everything uh then I have this one poison protector increases resistance to Poison by 50 percent so I have even more damage resistance then we have the bright-eyed emblem increases resistance to Blind in Days by 50 percent so that's stacking with the other one so that brings me up to a total of 75 percent resistance to Blinded days and then the bottom one we have Spartan rage Valor that heals less but provides a powerful buff to strength and life steal for a duration so anytime I activate my Spartan rage it's going to give me this burst of health and then it's going to make me stronger and give me more lifesteal so as soon as I activate that I'm going to be siphoning Health from the enemies so when you combined all these different things at the same time all these different enchantments that are in my amulet my waist armor that reduces my incoming damage my wrist armor which gives me more healing from hellstones and my chest armor where anytime I take some damage I'm going to get this siphon ability and when you combine all these different ways that you can heal yourself with my 497 defense I am basically an indestructible Kratos and I say this because I tested it and the only way I was able to die is if I put down my controller and just didn't play because if you were playing this game at all and you're hitting your opponents and you're doing significant damage and you're using your shield and you're dodging and stuff if you're just playing the game like normal you're going to be getting so much health constantly during combat that it's almost impossible for you to die I tested it doing the kill 99 enemies Challenge and they didn't get me below half Health the entire time the only way they got me below half health is when I stop not playing and I just wanted to see how much damage they could do to me so I basically killed 99 enemies without getting below half health and then I tested it in the challenge mode where I faced the stronger enemy types which are like mini bosses and even they didn't get my health down below half health and then if you have a resurrection Stone which you could either bring you back to life with full health or bring you back to life with full rage if for some reason you did die using this build and then you just got brought back to life with a whole second chance there's no way that this build isn't going to defeat every single boss in this game this build is just absolutely broken uh now in this build I was playing on the second highest difficulty the only reason I wasn't playing on the hardest is because I'd have to start a new game but this build absolutely just wrecks everything on the second highest difficulty so I would imagine that it's really good on the highest difficulty as well but that is going to do it for my indestructible Kratos build this is what a late game Health build for Kratos is going to look like but like I said you can get the armor mid game and the armor by itself is really good and I highly recommend it and then there's a lot of room for Plug and Play you don't have to have this exact build that I have for it to be usable mid game this is just what I have after unlocking everything and this is what I was able to come up with late game Kratos so if you guys enjoyed this video please give it a thumbs up and be sure to hit the Subscribe button hit the bell for notifications and that is going to do it for me everyone and I will talk to you all in the next video foreign
Channel: SwanyPlaysGames
Views: 1,296,554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: god of war ragnarok
Id: naTAruRlyf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 11 2022
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