God of War Ragnarok - How to Beat Every Berserker

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foreign [Music] God of War 2018 was Infamous for its endgame Valkyrie boss fights and while none of them are lining up for a rematch in Ragnarok you'll find an equivalent challenge in the Berserker fights that you can find all across the Realms these vengeful Spirits are fearsome and defeating them all leads to one of the toughest fights in the game whether you just want some general tips for how to fight these photos or need a detailed guide for each one we've got you covered here's how to defeat every Berserker in God of War Ragnarok wow lemir before we get stuck into the meat of this video be aware that we will need to spoil a number of story details either through gameplay footage or in specific combat tips at the very least you'll want to complete the main quest called forging Destiny before watching more of this video but know that you can't defeat every Berserker without completing the main story first so you may want to avoid this video entirely until you roll credits we've included time codes in the description if you just need help with specific Berserkers too okay cool so without further ado I know that sword helped me tread carefully to summon the Berserkers you need to find the inert Hilt of scoffner in midgard while completing the main quest called word of Fate once you have this Hilt you can insert it into the other gravestones you may have seen across the Realms a number of the Berserkers share a basic moveset so let's discuss some of the more common dangers you will be facing and strategies to use in these fights while you can probably handle some of the first Berserkers that you encounter there are likely to be some that just stomp you from the outset for reference the color of their health bar denotes how much stronger they are than you green will be an easy fight while yellow is an even match Orange has them one level above you purple is for two levels above you and red is well not unwinnable but it definitely won't be a fair fight if you're struggling and their health bars are these more difficult colors there's no shame in coming back after procuring some better gear because these Warriors Dash and warp and jump all over the place using lock-on is a consistent way to keep track of your enemies but we also recommend knowing when to turn it off in fights with multiple enemies you need to be able to see as many of your incoming threats as possible so practice locking on four focused attacks and disengaging the lock-on when trying to keep your surrounding skin check since Berserkers have a ton of yellow parryable attacks that allow you to press the advantage if you time your blocks correctly our general recommendation is to go into fights with The Dauntless Shield if however parrying isn't your style you could use the Rond of deflection to increase the timing window on parries thus making parries easier or if you're more used to a different shield then you can try using that one instead The Stonewall shield for example is great for blocking those yellow attacks but your Shield will get knocked away if it stays fully charged on your next block see what works best for you finally you can also use side steps and Dodge rolls for most attacks in order to avoid relying on your Shield by the time you're ready to take on all the Berserkers you should be well versed in dealing with enemies with elemental Buffs unsurprisingly you'll come across poison lightning fire ice and bifrost Berserkers to ensure that you are protected from status build up we recommend using the Rond of purification for these fights which lets you cleanse a status effect by sending it back at your enemies with a shield bash uh parking remember there are also a number of amulet enchantments that deal with debuff management as well like the token of Elemental evasion and the remedy of the bifrost many Berserkers will use this one-two punch move it's a blockable attack so get your Shield up especially when fighting an elemental Berserker as these punches are imbued with their Associated elements making them hit that much harder these attacks are great opportunities to Parry and counter-attack but if parries aren't your style at the very least you can block them most Berserkers will have one or more of the following attacks this quad shot is a part of every Elemental berserker's toolkit and is unblockable you need to do a well-timed sideways Dodge to avoid this one as a forward or backward Dodge is likely to get you hit some Berserkers send out this encroaching wave of energy blasts that you can either avoid by running sideways or more simply just block this sudden volley of ranged attacks is similar to the 1-2 punch but at range these shots can be particularly deadly as they are cast without any yellow or red danger indicators meaning that while it is blockable it also can be easy to miss in a fight especially if you are fighting more than one Berserker at once finally watch out for these aerial magic attacks each one is different but the strategy is basically the same for each one run many Berserkers when they get close Will Blast you with elemental damage after a brief charge up this attack is an absolute pain as the Parry window is tough to catch and its range is huge meaning you need to have already been moving away from them if you don't want to block the damage our general rule for the Parry on this one is to defend as they lower their arms if your Shield is getting knocked aside then you need to block later so delay your Parry a bit more until you find the right timing the Berserkers have stolen A Move directly from the valkyrie toolkit where they leap into the sky before pouncing directly down on Kratos there is a smoky Shadow indicator under Kratos that starts cloudy and goes solid right before the Berserker strikes the timing can be tricky but dodging at the time that it turns solid is the best way to reliably avoid this attack this tip is mostly for the players who use Resurrection Stone sparingly and I may be talking to myself here use Resurrection stones for these fights now I know you want to save the stones for a rainy day but these are some of the toughest enemies in the game and your Resurrection can be the difference between finishing a fight this attempt or another half an hour of grinding if you're heading to a berserk fight and don't have one on you take the time to find a shop and buy the best stone you can also if you die after using one it takes you back to before you used it so you should only need to buy one of these after walking away from a successful encounter one of the best ways to deal significant damage is to fill up a berserker's stun meter Shield bashing after a Parry relentlessly attacking and consistently shooting Arrows with your companion will help to build and maintain their meter you can fight bare-handed in order to build their meter faster but this does a pretty small amount of damage with each strike unless you have bare-handed attack Buffs from lunda's armor set for example we would suggest using your ax instead as this builds a decent amount of stun while also dealing decent damage at the same time also if you're a player who relies on the blades Hyperion grapple ability to fill the stun meter you're out of luck your blades won't even Dent that armor of theirs that doesn't mean the blades are entirely useless of course their runic attacks are still solid damage dealers and you'll need them for breaking ice shields but the Berserker armor is strong enough to deflect the Blade's ranged attacks they still have their place and if they are your weapon of choice then don't let us stop you but our opinion is that they are outpaced by your other options for these encounters speaking of those other options one of them is a spoiler for the game so seriously if you want to experience this story Fresh then get out of here and come back later with that being said we recommend using either the Leviathan ax or the dropnia spear the ax as we just said deals decent health and stun damage and you can sometimes even freeze a Berserker if you hit them with enough Elemental attacks dropnia is useful in other ways by holding R2 with the right skill unlocked you can use Elemental siphon this lets you imbue your spear with the element of the foe you just struck allowing you to turn more obscure elements like lightning poison and bifrost back on your enemies if they don't have an element associated with them siphoning still empowers your spear with increased stun damage so it's worth doing whenever you use it if you throw or embed this spear just be aware that you will need to siphon again to get the effect back you can also use the embedded Spears as a Fairly reliable interrupt by detonating them it won't always work but when it does you can get a great opening for an attack whichever weapon you choose don't forget to take advantage of the permafrost immolation and Maelstrom abilities your weapons charge up from dealing damage without taking a hit and you can then activate this ability with L1 plus triangle to start dealing nearly double the damage the Berserkers will drop weapon attachments that even slow down time when you activate this ability so consider implementing these in your Loadout as you unlock them by this point in the game you will have an array of runic attacks to choose from using them in normal combat will almost always be like a get out of jail free card but you need to be more Discerning with when you use them in Berserker fights using one runic attack can be great when you have an opening or alternatively when you need to interrupt a strong attack but if you see this runic Shield logo beside their health also represented as a shimmering field on the Berserker you're not going to stun them with your runic attacks until it goes away so time your use of these attacks accordingly the Berserkers have a few blue circle attacks but unlike with normal enemies these attacks cannot be ignored it is vital that you Shield bash and interrupt these attacks as they do massive damage at a range that covers the whole field you've got a little more time than it looks like as once you initiate a shield bash your enemy will slow down briefly so it's always worth sprinting in to try and pull off the interrupt the alternative is just going to be you getting hit anyway the Hillcrest battle that grave will provide okay now that we've discussed the main things that these fights have in common let's break down each of these encounters we'll go through these in a rough order from least to most difficult located on the lake of Nine freakney the zealous is likely to be many people's first Berserker encounter the main things to watch for here is Frankie's Dash attack indicated by a red circle and her mid-air lunge attack indicated by a yellow circle both of these attacks have very reliable timing so they can become reliable attacks to dodge and block her only other dangerous move is a big slam attack which is dodged by moving to the side or just running away this fight can be found in the north of the Bay of bounty in svatotheim together uses lightning so watch out for all the elemental attacks that we pointed out in our general tips as well as his close range detonation and death from above attacks he has two different versions of this rolling blast where one is blockable and one is not so watch for the red indicator to know if you need to block or Dodge lightning is an element that when it builds up will leave you stunned in place meaning you won't be able to cleanse the status with the round of purification your best bet is to dodge and block as many of these attacks as you can thank you also in spots will find near the minecart behind durland's office is another gravestone Hatha feel is similar to frankly in many ways with the same yellow mid-air lunch attack while the red circle Dash is replaced with the death from above dive bomb in some ways harther feels yellow walking attacks are the most dangerous as the timing can be tricky to nail down and you're left vulnerable if you miss the Parry but if this is giving you trouble don't be afraid to sidestep or Dodge roll these strikes instead hyalti is another non-elemental Berserker found in the second section of the alfheim desert hyalti is the first Berserker we've discussed who has a blue circle charge attack so remember to rush in as soon as she starts charging her Shockwave she also has a similar attack to the quad shot magic strike except she throws her weapons instead it looks different so the timing can feel a bit off but once you get that down you can reliably Dodge roll it lastly her walking attacks are a longer string of four strikes that end in a slam so if you parry the first hit and don't stagger her hold off on Shield bashing until her combo is complete to avoid eating too much damage yourself south of freya's camp in vanaheim is this lonely gravestone near the river vid Circa presents a unique fight as not only do you have to deal with his poison damage but also the small army of safer Warriors that he summons as quick as you can get your blades grab the nightmares and throw them at the other soldiers none of these enemies are particularly strong but they do inflict poison and generally complicate the fight so clear them out swiftly while watching out for ranged attacks from the Berserker this is the one fight where the blades might be the most useful considering that your fighting groups of enemies so see if they work for you here defeat Circa himself is no joke on his own as his poison attacks will leave you slowed damaged and weakened if the status bar gets filled this is when the round of purification comes in handy so you can dispel the effect at will you can then pair this Shield strike with the elemental siphon on dropnia to reliably deal poison damage on defeat Circa himself which can help to even the odds you still need to run to avoid his area of effect spells but the tricky thing with these is that creatures spawn in the middle of each danger zone presenting obstacles for you to get stuck on if you're not careful this next Berserker requires you to have completed a number of quests first after completing the creatures of Prophecy main quest in vanaheim a new side quest will be available called scent of survival this will lead you to a new area far in the north of Anaheim where the next gravestone is to reach it you will first need to release the dam in The Jungle by completing the return of the river Quest you could do this by turning left as you enter the crater and following the quest marker to the dam once you reach the jungle there it is Odin's eyesore let's go investigate shall we surely that's on John the wheel let's see what changed with the river flowing again you can ride a boat around the sinkholes area meaning you can now access the gravestone Huck longer's main gimmick is that he can cast his own Elemental Shield at will he can choose any of the three different shield elements so be ready with whichever weapon you need to use to dispel the armor once you break it he will be briefly stunned which is a great time to use a runic ability watch out for his yellow thrust attack it's pretty fast and easy to get surprised by and beware his repeated Hammer swings the first one should be dodged or parried but the subsequent strikes are far more difficult to continually avoid so just hold up your Shield before dodging the final slam attack haklanga also has an area of effect spell that is difficult to avoid unless you're already far away so if you don't think you're going to dodge the blast try using one of your light runic attacks to quickly interrupt him now these final encounters coming up are really tough so you might want to leave these for the end game back in the first section of the alphaim desert is a fight involving three Berserkers at once the sisters of ilska share a health pool and they are the Fire and Ice Elemental Berserkers they like to stay back and use a variety of range spells whilst fifth dug of the cold rushes towards you with her axes swinging you could approach this fight a number of ways but we suggest focusing on Fifth dagger first as she's so relentless that she will almost always be in melee range fifth dagger uses a number of difficult yellow attacks that require precise timing one of them follows a fast normal attack after which it has a long windup her other yellow attack is the opposite and is a swift strike with nearly no warning learning when to block or Dodge these is crucial because they're both designed to trip you up and keep you guessing she also has the consecutive spinning strikes attack that we've seen with haklunga and Hilti keep your Shield up for those blockable hits she doesn't have many more attacks than this but the real difficulty lies in juggling the offensive while also staying aware of the attacks coming in from the sisters we've seen nearly all of the sisters attacks already so once you learn the difference in their aerial strikes there's not too much that's new remember to watch for the one two volley of projectiles as these can do a lot of damage if you're not ready for them and also take care to destroy the glowing orbs that they summon as they will seek you out and detonate on impact you can sometimes Dodge them for long enough until they dissipate but the much more reliable way to avoid these is to hit them with a ranged attack this will be tricky while you're juggling multiple combatants but hopefully you get an opening to make the strike once its fifth dagger is down the fight isn't over as you still have to take out the sisters it seems that they don't take more damage from particular weapons despite their Elemental Affinity so keep using whatever you're most comfortable with they will continue to trade their focus between you and your companion but whoever is focusing on Kratos will be much more aggressive and get right in your face they will now use their close range one-two punch attacks as well as the death from above dive if the one that you are fighting jumps into the air and vanishes they're most likely going to have their other sister trade places so get ready for an attack from whoever has been leaving you alone up until now also if you're struggling to find the time to pick up Health gems use the time during this aerial ice attack to position yourself in the arena to pick some up once you've taken their health bar down they will both be stunned allowing you to take them out one after the other the last gravestone in svatotheim is way back through the other side of the apple core mine where you found Tia and the only way to get there is to retrace your steps back through the mine from the first mystical Gateway take the ferry to the other side and follow the path there are plenty of difficult enemies here on your second visit as well as other shortcuts and mystical gateways to unlock once you're inside the mine you need to get back out to the open air on the other side of the mine to find the gravestone once here you will find budvar the Fierce and star Alpha the Troublesome these two have their own health bars but they fight in a way that is similar to the sisters where they will trade back and forth between you and your companion this strategy of theirs makes it difficult to build up the stun meter on one particular Berserker leaving you with a couple of options you can accept that you are unlikely to fill one berserker's stun meter and just fight whoever steps up to the plate or alternatively you could focus all of your attacks on one Berserker even when the other one steps into fight so long as you can keep locking and defending the other fighter at the right time you can keep that stun meter up on your Target and they will quickly swap rolls again if you keep striking the more defensive Berserker this is the method that we would suggest as it removes one fighter from the equation faster but see what works best for you woodfar has a number of Dash attacks one of them red and one of them yellow both can be dodged while the yellow strike can open him up for retaliation if your Parry is timed correctly he also uses another blue circle charge ability which must be prioritized when it is in play meanwhile starolfer attacks very similarly to Swift dagger with her red pounce attacks and consecutive weapon strikes her biggest difference in attacks is her range spell she jumps into the air but unlike all other hovering spell attacks this one is blockable so just keep that Shield up when necessary aside from that be on the lookout for opportunities where you can hit them both simultaneously with a runic attack this will keep the stun up on your target while also giving you a head start on the other Berserker 4 later this is the only Berserker that cannot be reached until after you have finished the game and rolled credits once you have speak to ratatasker to be given a pouch of egressil seeds that open up a variety of Mystic gateways across the Realms open the new Gateway that you have access to in niffelheim and follow the linear path until you see the gravestone scaffendi is the elemental Berserker who utilizes bifrost damage this makes her dangerous in a number of unique ways she will occasionally enshroud herself in a cloak of bifrost that will passively inflict bifrost damage on you while you were in her vicinity this makes it really challenging to do damage as you're putting yourself at risk with every second that you are close to her we suggest just waiting out that field at a distance and sticking to ranged damage until she stops glowing purple when you're back to a normal fight you still need to watch for her by Frost attacks any of these spells that you can normally block will leave you with bifrost in your health bar so you either need to be very precise with your Parry timings or be quick on the Dodge button to avoid them altogether we strongly recommend using the Valor rage to cleanse your health meter as needed and the round of purification can dispel your bifrost damage and send it back to her as well pair this with drop near's Elemental siphon and you can make bifrost as big a problem for her as it is for you in this fight scurthendi also has an area-wide bifrost blast that you need to cancel as she Rises into the air and charges up hit her with a spear ax or Arrow attack to send her back down to the ground always prioritize canceling this attack over anything else as the blast is pretty devastating with these tips and the attacks that we've covered in the rest of this guide you should be in a good place to kill this Berserker and unlock the final confrontation King horse gravestone it's reformed yes there's only one thing left to do once you have defeated all 12 Berserkers you will unlock a final fight with the so-called king of Lyra King Roth kraki you can find his gravestone in midgard where you found the sword hilt in the first place at King's grave Prof is the toughest fight in this whole guide so if he's giving you trouble gather some resources do optional missions and level up your gear we completed this fight at level 8 and we were one level below him but going against an orange health bar compared to a purple one made a big difference made gimmick is using the attack patterns of every Berserker that you have already defeated every fast and slow swipe is in play here and while these are all attacks that you have bested already you need to be on your game to be ready for whatever he decides to throw at you next this goes for melee and Magic attacks meaning you will also be contending with poison bifrost lightning Fire and Ice Elemental attacks at random you will also need to contend with more unique abilities like haklunga's Elemental Shields and scothendi's by Frost aura King Ralph has a few attacks that are particularly devastating any blue circle attack that he charges must be interrupted as per usual and you will also need to watch out for this ground slam ability that he borrows from haklunga either interrupted with a runic ability if he doesn't have his runic Shield or run the other direction is charged by Frost blast is also in play here although it is as easy to interrupt with a ranged attack as before really one of the biggest challenges with Rolf is that it's an endurance match Valor rage is great here as you can use it as an interrupt and it's a renewable way to restore your health health gems function similarly although it's usually best to pick these up during a quick breather between strikes your runic attacks are likely going to recharge multiple times through this fight as well so while we still don't recommend spamming them as fast as possible try to rotate through them every 20 to 40 seconds or regularly use them as interrupts so that you can use them repeatedly throughout the match just don't get punished by that runic Shield finally finally after defeating all of his Berserker Companions and getting through this long Fight King Ralph is no more our gifted thank you brother still not sure if that was Justice or vengeance but you'll be rewarded with a trophy and the remade Hilt of scoffnung as a relic to use in battles going forward there aren't many battles Tougher Than This One in Ragnarok so rest easy knowing that you bested one of the game's hardest challenges for more on God of War Ragnarok check out our video on the broken prison a hidden side quest available in the post game and for all other things gaming and more keep it here on IGN hang on a minute is this a prison it would seem so let's continue
Channel: IGN
Views: 592,638
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Action, God of War, God of War: Ragnarok, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Santa Monica Studio, Sony Interactive Entertainment
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 30sec (1530 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 24 2022
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