All Berserkers in God of War Ragnarok Ranked Easiest to Hardest

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hello everyone and welcome to sunburned albino ranks every Berserker and God of War Ragnarok from easiest to hardest the main boss ranking is in the works but until then I'm doing what I did with the Valkyries of the previous game and sizing them all up next to each other to see which Berserker is berserkerer some of them work together which is cheating but oh well worth mentioning about normal difficulty because that's what most people will pick when they play for the first time there's 12 Berserkers but only 10 fights so don't get confused numerically and starting from easiest and working our way to hardest number 10 freakney the zealous I will be mispronouncing every single one of these names and I will not apologize freakney is the first Berserker you're introduced to so it's good that he doesn't automatically blow the doors off and wreck ass this guy's main thing is his unblockable full stage charge attack which you just roll to the side to dodge fine otherwise parrying their standard attacks is the best way to get openings and build up stunned in the process if any of your gold tier moves have a stun socket in place that'll definitely help with pretty much any fight going barefisted isn't a bad move either but certain Berserkers need you to throw an accent sometimes and you don't want it stuck in a wall for no reason for this one go for it though punch for a can eat a death like an unarmed badass Viking and prove your Superior manly strength number nine a hard refill the callus this do work at Starbucks what the [ __ ] kind of name is hard refill this one's main thing is jumping up in the air and splashing down in a shock wave of poison he tracks you when he's in the air until he's about to land so just wait for the circle to stop moving and then immediately roll out like an Autobot Berserkers can be buried super easily most of the time you just have to have a great track record because if you mess up your guard's probably gonna get broken and then nine times out of ten they follow up with an unavoidable hit while you're staggered unless you get some lucky Square mashing to where your companion's arrows actually stagger them out of punishing you I'm using the ROM that increases the Perry window and it definitely helps though sometimes I do a shield bash by accident because I'm flickering L1 too fast and a sort of purposeful Panic number eight clanger the bearded we went from zealous and kallus to just having a beard terrific calling card there watch out guys that do with a beer is coming things about to get hairy to be fair he does have some new tricks up his spectral sleeves he can give himself Elemental armor for you to chip away at and he does this big charge up AOE you've probably either gotta turn full around and Sprint away from or two backwards rolls tend to work as well I don't like the Berserkers with the big two-handed heavy weapons their wind-ups are a little slower and it throws off my instinctive Parry timing but I was even a little under leveled for hack clackter as you can see by the purple health bar and I still beat him either first or second try with no Resurrection Stone so he's not bad number seven begatter the feared it's the electric man begatter is a big Mage type Berserker which seems kind of not a real thing but he does also get up in there with fisticuffs so I guess he's just multi-faceted he teleports around the arena and launchers projectiles some are Parable and some will short-circuit your respiratory system if you try when he floats up in the sky and gets ready to launch his unblockable projectile swarm wait a beat and don't input Your Role until they hit the top of their Arc before they come at you I always roll too early and get clipped and it's a big pain in my lungs this is definitely the type of guy who did a magic build in Elven ring and cheesed everyone with comedies or kick his ass number six hyalty the stalid stolid that Stalin apparently means close to what Kratos is calm dependable and showing little emotion or animation but everybody's screaming in this fight anyway so you never guess hyalti adds a new wrinkle to The Fray an even bigger charge up AOE that needs to be interrupted with a shield bash or else it literally encompasses the entire stage unavoidably this means you have to stay close to him because if he starts flexing when you're too far away it's curtains for you mister I find the leviathanax moveset to be the most consistent and least punishable the other weapons have slower Dodge attack animations that you get locked into but the axes is fast so you can Parry out of it or do a quick Dodge and the forward Dodge attack is terrific at closing the distance and getting a few extra hits while they're trying to retreat after they stop getting staggered number five is ski authendi the unerring you hear that this dude never airs I bet that's not true considering I wiped my ass with all the mistake he made in this fight this is the last Berserker you get access to before the king but he's not that bad if you just don't get hit ever steal his namesake for yourself you deserve it more this man is a bifrost enjoyer so much so that it literally oozes out of every pore in his body sometimes and coats you with it while you're wailing on him the bifrost bar can douse 75 percent of your HP in seconds but if you don't get hit while it's happening it never detonates to actually do damage if you do get hit you're getting shredded and not in the way girls and guitarists like but his attack patterns are pretty predictable you just have to have good execution on reading every situation people ask about builds I never really committed to one by endgame I was just stacking strength and defense with the dragon armor after I committed a vanheim genocide on all the draconic creatures living there skill Fendi might be a DPS machine but he's still just one guy which puts him below most of the rest of this list coming up number four let's go the Bold wow you really wasted your adjective on Bold when you could have been of it Circa the Berserker and made Dr Zeus shed a tear from Beyond the Grave this guy is toxic for real like I banned him for my Discord server because he kept covering me in poison and lowering my power level if you don't get poisoned it's not bad but the poison is devastating because of how vulnerable it leaves you to subsequent attacks which will be coming frequently because he invited a bunch of guests to dinner without asking which is even more toxic yeah he's a mob spawner bring those Blades of chaos out and spin them half-assibly in any given Direction They also seem to do great single Target damage on the boss so it's a win-win number three badvar The Fierce and stare around for the Troublesome Troublesome indeed they should have both been named that if they were always going to fight together like siamese twins this fight can be a pain because you want to fill stun meters out here but once you do some damage to a single Target while the other one is focused on Freya they switch Partners like a tag team a wrestling Tango and all of a sudden your original partner with 75 of its centimeter full has decided to see other people while this new broad jumps in and aggroes the hell out of you so you can't even really chase the other one down without risking getting clapped from behind so as much as it hurts to watch a stun meter that's almost full drain itself with neglect you're better off from a less risky standpoint just engaging with whoever comes your way sometimes they both attack at the same time and three is definitely a crowd so just make sure you're always facing both of them at the same time and maneuver yourself so you're not about to get Eiffel towered on your period by two bloodthirsty Berserkers number two a s VIP dagger the cold and sisters of ilska who's ilska and why are her unnamed sisters doing the dirty work out here if you've got any big AOE runic attacks that actually stagger people this would be a great fight to use them both sister health bars go down at the same time regardless of who you're hitting as long as it's a sister and most of the battle will be them throwing [ __ ] at you while spit bagger and rushes you down I've tried taking them out first but it's a lot tougher to dodge more frequent melee attacks aimed at your back than the occasional projectile because it's a 3v1 encounter Freya doesn't count because her son's dead did you know that by the way she never mentions it but because it's a 3v1 encounter there are going to be RNG situations where two are more unblockable attacks you at once and you can't avoid damage so if that happens just get [ __ ] and try again I tried not to use Resurrection Stones mostly because they always get wasted when the Overworld mobs have worn you down and then you enter a big encounter with a third of your health to begin with but I had to go buy one for this because they're already cheating numerically so I might as well give myself an extra life to even the odds number one king Ralph cracky King Dothraki out here trying to emulate the imposing legendary encounter given to us by the valkyrie Queen in the last game the culmination of all Berserkers leading up to this point and while he does succeed at being the hardest of them I mean he ain't no sick run this dude does everything you've ever seen a Berserker do and every element imaginable if you can only imagine like three elements that means the super AOE charge attack is on the table so you have to stay close to him the shield bash that means he occasionally gives himself Elemental armor yet to break through and when he gets down to his last two segments of Health he coats himself in bifrost like skill Sandy and stays that way until you kill him or he kills you or both if you have a resurrection Stone which I almost didn't need I got so close but I had to pop it on his last bar be confident in your Parry counter attacks because they'll always stagger any follow-up he's attempting to do and make time for picking up the hell Stones he drops even if you're only missing a chunk of Health but don't over commit and completely disengage to do it like keep locked on to him and carefully make your way over to wherever they are put it this way a Mad Dash to a hellstone will usually lead you to needing even more hellstones but you don't want to wait till you're a hit away from Death to start scrambling for him either king of Ralph is chunky so you'll be at this a while but when you win it certainly feels like you killed your 12th Berserker well that's gonna do it for this video hope you enjoyed it if you did you can like share and subscribe and stuff watch all my other videos without thinking or blinking and I'll see you guys next time
Channel: Sunburned Albino
Views: 401,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sunburned Albino, Boss Ranking, God of War, Ragnarok, Berserker, Comedy
Id: ByrTQlVn3Tg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 47sec (527 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 12 2022
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