God Loved Us So Much That He Gave Us a Savior | LH Kids

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well good morning lh kids i'm peppy the penguin filling in for miss liz this morning i am so excited to be here we have some pretty amazing things happening soon like i don't know our happy birthday jesus jam which is our christmas eve service and it will be airing on christmas eve at noon we've created this service to be a family experience so if you missed out on picking up a jesus jam bundle to go along with the service don't worry we have a downloadable version you can prepare ahead of time to celebrate with us during the christmas eve service you can find the list of supplies at families.lighthouse.church what puppy that was so good you did amazing good job all right what do you say we pray now [Music] come on there you go peppy all right let's pray jesus thank you so much for today lord we love you jesus and the birth of your savior is something so big that we are so excited to celebrate this week lord jesus came to rescue us and we are grateful lord we love you and we pray that this service would glorify you in jesus name amen all right puppy what do you say we worship let's do it [Music] joy to the world the lord has come [Music] [Music] glory to [Music] glory to the king [Music] joy to the world the [Music] and floods [Music] is [Music] he yep [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] to is kings [Music] [Music] hi everyone i can't believe it's almost christmas i am so excited christmas is in like it's really soon yeah who else is excited [Music] all right well we want to hear your excitement so whether you're at home watching or maybe you're at our glen bernie in person gathering wherever you are we want to hear you scream i'm so excited on the count of three and we want to hear you yeah from where we're sitting you want to be like whoa they're so excited so are you guys ready okay one two three oh wow they're very excited they're really excited i heard some of that i did yeah at christmas we celebrate something super important christmas means celebrating jesus god's greatest gift i don't know about you but i like to figure out what kind of christmas gifts i'm getting like when i come out christmas morning and the gifts are under the tree sometimes i shake them i squeeze them and i feel how heavy they are i mean i know that in just a little bit i'll open them but i'm pretty good at guessing what might be in the box liz it is so funny that you say that because my family actually gave me a couple gifts early this year and i have them right here oh so maybe you could do your you know yeah really special skill and try and guess what they are i mean see what i got i don't usually do it in front of an audience but i guess i could give it a try okay let's do it okay this will be fun okay okay here's my first one okay heavy hmm squeaking around in there [Music] sometimes i smell them you never know be like a puppy or cookies no smell this is a watercolor set i hope you're right because i did ask for one of those a watercolor set right now wow okay liz hey one for one that's right but can you go two for two i don't know let's see here's number two a little heavy oh i thought i smelled something but i wasn't sure it smells sweet this is a box of lollipops see if she's right guys it's a box of lollipops uh-huh wow i'm just gonna uh yeah you want one take one yeah yep okay two for two two for two so this last one's really hard okay cause i i even shook it and everything and it doesn't make any noise not a whole lot of weight to it nope not a whole lot of movement [Music] no smell is it an empty box no there's something in there delaney [Music] this this is a pair of oven mitts just the regular kind not christmasy the detail let's see friends a set of oven mitts wow and this is exactly this is what i needed all of these gifts are things i asked for thanks family and thank you liz yeah i mean it's taken a lot of practice though i've been shaking christmas presents for like 30 years wow you're so good well on that note let's practice our december memory burst are you ready are you ready i'm ready i'm ready you ready yeah okay ready right hand right hand left hand left hand now bring it around down [Laughter] [Music] are you guys ready all right so how we're gonna do this is the first time you guys will watch aramis and i do the motions and the verse yeah the second time you guys and mr aramis will follow after me and the last time we'll do it all together all together let's say that again ah together all right are you guys ready here we go today in the town of david a savior was born to you he is the messiah the lord luke 2 11 all right yeah pretty good that's good are you guys ready all right are you ready i'm ready all right so i will say it and you guys will repeat it again i'll say it first and then you guys let's do this today today in the town of david in the town of david a savior a savior was born was born to you to you to who to you he is the messiah the messiah the lord the lord luke luke 2 11 2 11. great yes good job you crushed that dude all right now let's do it together all right are you ready yes are you ready here we go today in the town of david a savior was born to you he is the messiah the lord luke 2 11. wow awesome job you guys crushed it and we are so excited to spend christmas month with you all right let's kick it back over to liz and delink all right [Music] today we're hearing the story of jesus's birth speaking of our story liz do you think you could review how our friends at home could find the story in their own bibles like you did last week yeah yeah sure now if you have a bible nearby you'll want to grab it you'll probably need an adult's help too you can use these tips to look up anything in the bible including our memory verse or our story so follow along with us okay so the first thing we're going to do we're going to open the bible to our table of contents and you'll see there are a list of books in the old testament and a list of books in the new testament so we need to figure out where our story comes out of and it comes out of the book of luke which you can find under the new testament so we'll just run our finger down that's how we find luke and luke is on page number 1235 that that's a big number whoa that's a really big yeah so it might take you a little while to find it we have bookmarked ours so it's a little quicker for us but this is the title page of luke we found it so what we'll do is we'll look for the chapter number next open that book up so our story comes from luke chapter two the chapter number is the big number so i see a number one does anyone see a number two yet um i don't think so let's flip another page we're looking for that big number two one see it oh it's right over here [Music] all right so this is where our story comes from it's verse number one through seven the verse number is the teeny tiny numbers so you can look down one all the way through the teeny tiny number seven right there and that's where it ends awesome [Applause] so let's take a look and see what it says in luke 2 verses 1-7 check it out the bible it's 66 books of history stories letters and poetry that fit together to form god's one big story the epic adventure of how he created us and loves us so much that he made a way to rescue us as we travel through the bible from genesis to revelation we discover people who met god and found their lives changed forever now for an amazing story inspired by the book of luke chapter 2 verses 1 through seven mary's world had been turned upside down though she was an ordinary girl living in an unimportant town god had sent an angel to visit her god is very pleased with you me you're talking to me you will become pregnant and give birth to a son you must call him jesus he will be great and will be called the son of the most high god mary was probably shocked overwhelmed and maybe fearful but she chose joy she chose to trust that god loved her so much he had given her an important part to play in his story i serve the lord may it happen to me just as you said it would just as the angel had said mary became pregnant and the monks raced by mary and her new husband joseph prepared for the brand new baby to arrive a cradle i'll make him the most beautiful cradle you've ever seen joseph was a carpenter and took pride in creating smooth tables and sturdy cartwheels but his work was soon interrupted mary joseph and every person in the tiny town of nazareth streamed out of their homes a messenger on a dusty horse skidded to a stop in the small town market is this really a town it doesn't deserve a dot on the map as the people of nazareth watched from a careful distance the messenger pulled out a scroll and cleared his throat hear ye hear ye caesar augustus orders that everyone must go to their town of origin to be counted can't you just count us now one two three no no the counting must be done properly and in order so we can make you pay lots of taxes farewell and by that i mean good riddance mary and joseph and their neighbors were left coughing in the dust joseph we'll have to go to bethlehem where your family is from the i'll go you can't travel right now of course i can absolutely not a short time later mary and joseph set off on the long road to bethlehem perhaps they were called the words of the prophet micah bethlehem you might not be an important town in the nation of judah but out of you will come for me a ruler over israel it's possible mary rode on a donkey or she might have walked right alongside joseph either way the journey took nearly a week and camping wasn't very comfortable for a woman about to have a baby [Music] please tell me your cousins will have a bed for us great aunt aydah is the perfect hostess but when they reached bethlehem the little town was neither silent nor still it looks like everyone else came home too well if and ada doesn't have room there's always cousin gideon oh he makes an excellent pigeon pie but not a single one of joseph's relatives had a spare room or an extra bed please just anywhere this baby is coming soon at last someone found them room in a place where the animals stayed absolutely not we'll take it mary and joseph did everything they could to get the space ready for a new baby clean hay fresh water and in a short time mary's baby was born it's a boy his name is jesus mary tore a clean cloth into wide strips and tightly wrapped her baby to keep him warm and cozy no cradle where will he sleep put fresh hay in the animal's feeding trough we'll lay him in there what about the sheep they don't mind mary lay her tiny baby in the clean hay the king of the whole world sleeping in a manger next to the animals he's perfect yes he is in the most unexpected place at the most unexpected time god had shown his love he sent his very own son as a baby to rescue the whole world [Music] [Applause] friends this week is a special week this is the week that we celebrate the birth of jesus jesus is the ultimate example of god's love for us god loved us so much that he gave us a savior god showed us how much he loves us by sending jesus to rescue us he sent jesus to bring us hope joy and peace he proved that we can trust him no matter what one day jesus would die on the cross to pay the price for our sins if we believe and put our faith in him we can have a relationship with god that will last forever what a wonderful gift yes and what a wonderful reminder of god's love that's right christmas can be very busy there are a lot of things to be excited about from great food to fun gifts to pretty decorations but in the middle of everything else going on as you celebrate christmas take some time to think about how much god loves you he sent jesus as a gift for you god loved us so much that he gave us a savior let's spend some time right now to talk with our families about how special the gift of jesus really is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] okay yeah so i was at the store the other day uh-huh getting on my christmas present and i came across this really awesome game for us to play today and it's perfect because it's like christmassy uh-oh i'm not used to you picking out the games delaney i'm a little nervous you shouldn't be nervous liz it's gonna be so much fun reindeer loads of fun reindeer today we're playing reindeer ring toss [Music] okay so we will rotate each of us will get two rounds throwing the four rings okay okay so you have to try and get them on yeah antlers yeah yeah yeah and whoever gets the most rings on the antler huh wins oh perfect you ready all right maybe more more ready than i've ever been before this is a game i can honestly say i've never played before and you probably haven't either so yeah even playing field no okay so i'm going to go first so i'm going to give you the antlers and you're going to stand just right over there okay and i'm going to throw these rings here we go friends and try and get them on your head okay and you don't don't move don't try and catch them don't try it yeah do one of these okay they're they're perfect okay ready okay okay yeah oh oh oh we're gonna go oh so close touchdown yay oh did this one lay into my head no it went right through it was like a field goal okay all right okay grab my rings i like to consider that my warm-up rounds yeah that was that's pretty good delaney okay okay how's this um you look like a reindeer oh thanks liz yeah okay okay all right here we go we'll go over this one let's go for this one no oh you got it i get it oh it's not high enough we got to get them that was like our warm up okay okay here's your okay all right now i'm feeling good about this one are you okay this is the one come on delaney okay get those rings on the reindeers gotta do some practice swings kind of like in golf you know yeah oh i'm gonna go for that one okay bingo ready yeah oh i thought you had it oh okay okay well we got one that's not bad i can try and beat one whoa oh it fell behind you okay got it okay okay i believe you can get a ring on all right i believe in you liz oh thanks i'll even lean forward a little bit no thanks thanks for helping me okay ready i'm a team player okay ready yeah set go oh that was a good one i'm gonna try and get this one okay okay there we go oh that one was close huh oh it's close this one seems to be an easier step yeah okay oh two bar the wind took it i know this if i get this one on i beat delaney if i don't then we have to go in a tiebreaker yeah okay okay all right okay all right so all right i'm still in it you're still in it we're still in it okay so do we get four rings no two you get two rings okay okay you which one which ones do you want i'm gonna take green okay okay all right well you can't really hold this no i can't all right okay two rings time should we do them at the same time no oh that would that would mean no one wins because i think okay okay this one is it is pretty good okay ready yep ready oh that one was so close okay okay ready [Music] oh delete it literally it tipped it and then it fell okay all right i have to get these on all right liz this is your time this is my time all right i can do this all right it's the final countdown all right you have to stop bouncing you're bouncing the ears sorry it's like flapping ears i'm just getting excited for you okay real still all right ready here we go you win just do the last one though because you might be able to win by two okay let's see if i can win by two oh my hopes were a little bit too high that was if did you like it i mean it was rain deartastic wow it was fun that's good and you know what delaney what almost as fun as our christmas eve service will be you mean our happy birthday jesus jam i am so excited for our families to see this special service and to get to do the activities we've paired along with it yeah if you've picked up your happy birthday jesus jam bundle yesterday make sure you wait to use all those supplies until service yes and if you didn't get to pick up a jesus jam bundle we've created some downloadable activities for you and your family to use you just have to visit our family's webpage families.lighthouse.church kids to find them the service will stream at noon on christmas eve but you can watch it anytime you want after that too that's true well i guess we will see our friends on christmas eve i think we need to do one more worship song yeah what do you think i'm so ready okay i'm gonna wear my reindeer game okay while we worship all right we'll see you thursday [Music] before the day i took a breath you had a plan for my every step you promise to always be by my side i believe that you are the way you are the truth [Music] is i wanna be honest and true and do what's right the way you do you're teaching me to take a stand cause i believe that you are the way you are the truth you are the lies [Music] that you say is true i will trust you even in the moment [Music] that you're working [Music] every day [Music] and i know everything that you say is [Music] true [Music] every time i'm feeling down you pick me up [Music] [Applause] [Music] i wanna say thank you for the way you love me i just wanna say thank you [Music] i'm grateful for the way you've been a friend to me [Music] and even in the deepest darkest night you helped me [Music] thank you for the way you love me i wanna say thank you for the way you love me i just wanna say thank you for the way you love me i wanna say thank you just wanna say thank you thank you [Music] thank you [Music] for the joy that you give to me for the way that you made me free from my friends and my family i just want to say for loving me from the start for every beef in my heart for everything you are i just wanna say i just wanna say thank you for the way you love me i wanna say thank you for the way you love me i just wanna say thank you thank you [Music] thank you thank you for the joy that you give to me for the way that you made me free for my friends and my family i just want to say the love of me from the start of every big beat of my heart for everything you are i just wanna say i just wanna say [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Lighthouse Church
Views: 553
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: -Ix6CxMB-jY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 29sec (2129 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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