Realize That Jesus Is The Lord Over Your Life | LH Kids

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hey families my name is liz seidel i am the lh kids director and this week begins a big week in lighthouse history why because for the first time ever what you see here on lh kids online you will also hear about if you're part of lh students and you will also hear about in our main services whether you're here in person sitting in the sanctuary or watching online for the first time ever kids students and adults will be working through the same curriculum the same sermon series for the next five weeks so if you can do everything you can to make sure you are part of this over the next five weeks whether you're online whether you're coming in person we will have resources to encourage you during this time we really want the family unit to gather around the memory verse to memorize psalms 51 10. so if you're not here in person to receive any of the resources we give out here grab a big piece of paper write the memory verse on it put it in the center of your home so that you guys can memorize it together psalms 5110 that's where you can find it you can also check out some of our merch that we're launching during this time all of it is about and has to do with the sermon series including a coloring book for kids how cool is that really cool and you can check out our webpage and look for the store to see all of that so are you guys ready to worship okay let's pray together and then we'll get right to that poor god thank you so much for today father for the for the air that i'm breathing right now lord for the the message that you've put on our heart as a church father i pray that you would breathe that into homes father that that they would watch week in and week out that they would have conversations around their dinner table all having to do with what you are leading us through in this season lord that we would be able to sit down in our homes start start brand new rhythms centered around you father because we know that you are our only hope father so i pray that families walk through this new school year with you following you lord letting you lead their homes it's in jesus name we pray amen all right everybody up on your feet and let's count down to worship [Music] my check one two one two are y'all ready yeah are y'all ready yeah y'all ready [Music] [Music] [Music] so sing along with me for all the joy he brings it's going down [Music] [Music] everybody that [Music] so sing along with me [Music] [Music] everybody [Music] everybody oh right all right all right we're gonna break it down one time y'all you gotta sing it out with all you got y'all ready come on come on clap your hands like this have confidence to get in the mix pop your heads like this have confidence to get in the mix now pop your hands like this like this have confidence to get in the mix now clap your hands like this [Applause] [Music] is [Music] press play [Music] liz yeah the city is so big it's so big and the buildings they're so tall i don't even i don't even know where to start exploring delaney there's so much to see yeah yeah you're right you know who i see what our friends oh hey friends yeah oh boy is it good to see you guys in a place this big it's always nice to see a familiar face yep all right liz yeah where should we start exploring today i mean we're only on this trip for a little while yeah so let's make sure that we use our time wisely to see as many things as we can good ideas okay so here's what we have we have central park uh-huh the empire state building yeah statue of liberty rockefeller center yep grand central station what are you thinking where should we start delaney yeah i think we're lost i mean we don't know where we are and if we don't know where we are then how will we know where to go that's a really good point liz i think that brings us to our word of the week you see this month we'll be learning how to connect with jesus every week we'll discover a new three word in our kids guide to connect with jesus and today's word drumroll please realize oh liz yeah i forgot yeah our grandmas they actually packed us a map that they said we could use if we didn't know where we were and i think oh just turn yeah okay that'd be really high it's right here oh perfect all right so i think yeah if we look okay here and we look at some of these uh holdings yeah i think we might um i think we might be able to realize where we are if we just look at that's a good idea delaney uh-huh [Music] right there [Music] wait a minute i think we're in times square oh yeah yeah all right well all this talk has me a little hungry yeah i think i'm ready to refuel with the bible story and as you guys could see our grandmas are pretty wise by packing this map for us and i think they have a bible story for us today so let's find something to eat and then tune in for a true story from the bible from ellen grandma elaine and granny gertrude [Music] hello look at you i'm granny gertrude and this is hey lane wake up wake up oh oh i'm here i'm here yes yes see our friends what what are you doing over there gartrude getting another blanket i see yes yes i'm knitting a blanket for my sweet sweet granddaughter liz oh she will surely love it yes let hey yeah let me show our friends my beautiful granddaughter delaney yes this is from her recent very recent photo shoot i'm i'm not sure that that's recent lane i think that's like 15 years ago there she is my delaney yes but enough about us gertrude yeah we've got to tell our friends the true story from the bible no good idea that's right that's right yes we've got to get them ready wow all right if you are ready for the story i want you to stand up no not you gertrude you stay sitting okay austin stretch your arms you can do this heart stretch stretch i needed that good stretch oh yeah now turn to your neighbor and ask are you ready for a story huh are you ready oh for a story yes yes i am all right now take a seat two claps and hands in your lap good right very good that's very good very good well our story for today starts at the very beginning yes in the book of genesis god had taken seven whole days to create the world around us in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth on day one god created light god called the light day and the darkness he called night very clever on day two god created the sky on day three god created land sea plants and trees he took all the water under the sky he gathered it to one place so that dry ground could appear oh it was land wow yeah then god said let the land produce vegetation seed bearing plants and trees on day four god created the sun moon and stars god set them in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth to govern the day and the night and to separate the light from the darkness on day five god created creatures that live in the water and creatures that fly in the sky then on day six god created animals that live on land he said let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds the livestock the creatures that move along the ground the wild animals each according to its kind you know what god said after all that what did he say tell us he said it was good but then on the sixth day he made a man and a woman named adam and eve in his image they would rule over the creatures and take care of the plants and trees then god looked at everything that he had created and he said it was very good very good then on the seventh day he rested oh i like the sound of that resting plain may not you not you talking about god he did a lot of creating so he rested afterward oh right i'll just save my nap for for later yes it's a good idea anyway god designed adam and eve in all of creation to live with him in paradise called the garden of eden there is just one thing god commanded of them god said you are free to eat from any tree in the garden but you must not from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil for when you eat from it you will certainly die oh yes do you think that they obeyed him do they do you do you think they were able to stay away from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil did they say something i think they did all right well the serpent which is another name for a snake tricked eve and she ate from the tree then she gave some to adam too then the eyes of both of them were opened wide opened they realized they were naked so they sewed just like you're doing over there lance fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves oh yes yes that's good yes then adam and eve heard the sound of the lord god as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day yes they hid from him yes they hid among the trees of the garden but but the lord god called to the man where are you adam answered and told god i i heard you and i was afraid so i hid now why do you think that adam and eve were afraid i'd like you to oh shout it out into my good ear on the count of one nice and loud two three wow you're right yes they felt shame for the first time ever they felt bad because they knew they had done something wrong yes have you felt that way lane i surely have got rude yes they sinned against god and immediately they felt separation from him gertrude yes don't forget what that's not the end oh i know that and you know that lane but do they know that i don't know well get on get on with it you better tell them all right hurry yeah i'm getting there gertrude okay don't too fast over there okay god made a way for us to be close to him again even though we me and you and our friends at home yeah we're sinners just like adam and eve so he sent jesus and jesus died for us to pay the price for our sin so we can be close to god again hmm he rose three days later defeated death and for those who believe we will live in eternity with him forever that is something to celebrate yeah come i'm gonna go get some bubblegum watch out gertrude yeah oh well can you even do that with your fake teeth it's okay okay [Music] wow if i don't realize how lost i am i won't know how much i need jesus just think in the beginning god created everything including adam and eve and then god the god of the universe commanded them not to eat the fruit and they ate it anyway [Music] when you think about it we do the same thing day in and day out maybe you disobey your parents or you fight with your brother or sister or maybe you say something hurtful to a friend at school these are all sins and they really break god's heart because they cause separation between us and god but when we realize that god is who he says he is we know there is hope deuteronomy 4 39 says today realize and carefully consider that the lord is god in heaven above and on earth below there is no other today remember this realize that jesus is the lord over your life because adam and eve disobeyed god and ate the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil god's original design was broken but not for long because he had a bigger better plan coming he sent jesus god loves you so much that he made a way for you to live with him forever in paradise someday he sent his only son jesus to pay for your sins by dying on the cross and rising three days later jesus offers us hope because we can be forgiven of our sins through what he did for us on the cross hmm wanna know something else really cool he wants a relationship with you the son of god wants to give you wisdom he wants to guide your life he wants to give you grace for when you mess up when i mess up yep he wants to share his joy his peace and his love with you i don't think that there is anything better when you realize that jesus is the lord over your life you can have a relationship with him it's simple just talk to him you can pray on your own maybe with your mom or your dad or with a leader at church and ask him to be the lord over your life trust me it changes everything [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] i am so glad grandma gave us that map we realized where we were and we made it to the subway station yeah now we're on to the next step only thing is now we have to wait for the next train oh i know yeah let's play a game with these m m's do you happen to need some more m ms for the game yeah because look grandma packed me some too that's awesome all right okay let's play eminem slurp okay okay here's how we're gonna play all right i'm gonna i got some plates here in my backpack yep open up your m m's okay okay and then hmm we got some plates okay you need two and you can just sprinkle some m m's on it mm-hmm [Applause] and then we're gonna need some straws did you have some in your backpack no oh strawberry from our coffee [Music] okay good idea delaney it's gonna be like eminem and coffee okay now what do we do well we only have like a minute but um we have to take the m ms and slurp them off this plate put them on this plate and we only have a minute we only have three minutes we gotta get this straight okay ready set ready come on okay i'm gonna have to use my hand ready go i can taste the coffee oh it's over i can hear you slurping oh no so much air you're fast [Music] oh man oh well wow i'm gonna say you won you did really good you did so good that was fun that was really fun but um oh yeah yeah i see the train that's our train here just dump everything in here okay let's go all right hey ryan i try it's study time and last month's test was just so hard oh uh well do you know what today is study time actually it's bring your dog to school day how about gracie gracie friends say hi to gracie you're such a good girl yes she is well it's actually time for grayson to eat okay and you know what we should do we can do that later we should definitely do our memory verse yes yes yes let's do that let's go good break all right friends it's time for our memory verse and this month we have a brand new memory verse yes are you guys excited yes all right get up on your feet come on all right get on up give you a little bit of time make some room yep all right here's the deal the first time we go through this aramis and i are just gonna save the memory verse okay so you guys just listen are you ready here we go create in me a pure heart oh god and renew a steadfast spirit within me psalms 51 10. all right nice yes i like this verse yeah yes all right so now that you heard it we're gonna do the motions and you guys are just gonna watch all right so we need your eyes this time listen some but watch the motions all right here we go create in me a pure heart oh god and renew a steadfast spirit within me psalms 51 10. all right i think they can do that i think they can do it do you think you can do it all right because you know what time it is it's time to do our memory first all together here we go create and be a pure heart oh god and renew a steadfast spirit within me psalms 51 10. great job guys they pressed that all friends we're gonna get back to school and we will see you next week [Music] [Music] help me got to see what you see you are doing a great work in me i've decided i can stand still no you have given me purpose oh my all my heart is [Music] all my yours is yours i will i will make a move for you for you oh my all my heart is yours oh my all my life is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] just like you yeah you have given me purpose oh my all my heart is yours [Music] [Music] oh my all my life is [Music] [Music] make a move [Music] [Music] whenever i need some answers god i turn to you you are my help when i need wisdom you always see me through to know that you're chasing love to me it makes me wanna run to where you are to make this journey worth [Music] when i don't know what to do you help me figure it out god i'll run to you when i need a solution i have no doubt that i will run to you i run to you i run to you i run to you [Music] wherever there is freedom i know that's where you'll be you make me wanna do what's right and be the best version of me to know that you're chasing me it makes me [Music] when i need a solution i have no doubt [Music] i don't wanna [Music] [Music] [Music] when i don't know what to do you help me figure it to out [Music] when i need a solution i have no doubt that i will run to you when i don't know what to do [Music] i need a solution i have no doubt that i will run to you [Music] you [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Lighthouse Church
Views: 3,770
Rating: 4 out of 5
Id: wfQngGBobfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 0sec (2160 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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