Represent Jesus To The World Around You | LH Kids

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hello friends welcome to lh kids online i am super pumped that you're here and why am i super pumped not just cause you're here but because this is the start of love week here at lighthouse church hey if you are here locally you still got a chance to sign up for a love week project there are tons of opportunities please make sure you check it out up this is an opportunity for us as a church to go out and love on the community around us and if you aren't local there may still be some opportunities for you to get involved from far away too but make sure you're a part of it we want to be the hands and feet together here as we represent jesus and who he is and how much he loves us so i want to pray for love week specifically and the people that may be touched by the efforts that we do here so let's pray lord god i thank you so much for who you are lord and that you've called us to go out and represent lord making disciples of all nations father so i pray we do just that during love week that we would just go out and simply tell people who you are and what you've done for us and how much you love them father i pray that we would speak boldly that we would show kindness and love lord that that we would be obviously set apart that we would be a light a beacon lord for the people that are that get to experience love week that are receivers of the projects of love week father i pray that you would just put your hand on all of those projects and that you would be glorified through each and every one and father i thank you for re and this whole series which is now coming to a close this week father i thank you so much for your faithfulness and your goodness and just calling us together to talk about these things and getting connected during this time we love you it's in jesus name we pray amen all right friends everybody up on your feet you know what time it is all right let's go count it down [Music] [Music] help me got to see what you you are see a great work in me i've decided i can stand still no you have given me purpose oh [Music] [Music] all my life is yours i [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] i'll take up the call to serve you forever you have given me a job to do i wanna love the world just like you yeah you have given me purpose [Music] for you [Music] all my life is [Music] make a move for you [Music] oh [Music] [Music] well hello friends and welcome back to the big city actually liz this is our last day in the big city but you know i started making an album of all the pictures and videos for our trip so let's let's take a look okay let's take a look oh oh the statue of liberty oh look at us we're so silly oh wow we got real close farmer's market fruit was so good so good oh the subway oh it's good for you know getting around yeah oh then times square yeah the fall foliage that's right i loved that that was so much fun look at us just dancing around wow wow this has been so much fun but we don't have one in front of here so let's okay okay oh okay perfect perfect right i'll add it to the album oh man wow we have had such a great time here but i think i'm ready to go home what do you think i think i feel the same way but we've still got some discovering to do today you know why because we still need to hear about the last three word in our kid's guide to connect with jesus do you know what it is well let's sing okay we realize that jesus is the lord over our life we repent and choose jesus over ourselves we renew our minds daily we remain in jesus and bear fruit and lastly this week's reword is represents that's right what do you think that could possibly mean represent well you know who can tell us granny gerchard and grandma elaine let's check in with them one last time for a true story from the bible oh hello there it's so good to see your faces i'm just waiting for my friend grandma elaine to join us she was down at the local food pantry this morning serving a hot home-cooked meal to some people who really needed it have you ever done that before maybe gave food to someone in need or donated it to the local food pantry or maybe you've served others by joining in on a love week project with your family let me set your hands if you've ever served others like that come on that's great oh here comes lane now i think oh well hello friends and hello gertrude hello i have had such a wonderful morning what a simple way yes to love god and love people by taking time out of your day to serve others it is a great way to represent oh jesus and how he lived well lane that sets us up perfectly for our story this morning today we're talking about the word represent yes you see it's not enough for us to just know jesus no we were created in his image which means we should try to act like him too we are image bearers you know gertrude yeah the word represent it it reminds me of what happened after jesus's resurrection oh this true story from the bible comes from the book of matthew chapter 28. after jesus died on the cross he was buried in a tomb but on the third day two women approached the tomb all of a sudden an angel of the lord came down from heaven and appeared to the woman wow he said don't be afraid i know that you are looking for jesus who was crucified he is not here oh he has risen just as he said he would oh yes come and see the place where he was lying go quickly tell his disciples he has risen from the dead he is going ahead of you to galilee there you will see him yes so the women they did as the angel said and went to see the disciples there they they told them about what they had seen and what the angel had instructed them to do to go to galilee so the disciples they went to galilee to the mountain where jesus told them to go jesus said to them all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me so you must go and make disciples of all nations baptize them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit teach them to obey everything i have commanded you and you can be sure that i am always with you to the very end shortly after that jesus lifted his hands and ascended into heaven wow yes that sounds like a a big job that jesus gave the disciples doesn't it raise your hand if you think that's a big job [Music] me too the job jesus gave to the disciples was to love god and love others so that more and more people get to know and love jesus that means they had to represent jesus by doing and teaching all the things that jesus did and taught us while he was on earth yes you know what made that job a little easier jesus said you can be sure that i am with you to the very end whoa you know what that means well jesus told his 11 disciples to go and make more disciples right right so here we are yeah and we're disciples because someone came into our life and told us about jesus yeah which made us disciples yeah okay so if jesus gave that job to his disciples and now we are also his disciples because we believe in him that means that loving god and loving others it's our job too wow i know that that's so right liz yeah and we can tell our friends about jesus because that's what he created us to do to share his love with those around us this week remember this represent jesus to the world around you say that with me represent jesus to the world around you you see you are an ambassador sent by god from heaven to earth ambassadors are super important people that are sent to represent their country to other countries so you are representing god's kingdom and what jesus can do in the lives of those around you yes okay let's try this okay with everybody repeat after me i am i am an ambassador an ambassador sent by god sent by god from heaven from heaven to earth to earth all right one more time in case you missed it all right i wanna just remember guys you guys are doing this too not just me yes all right repeat after me i am i am an ambassador an ambassador sent by god sent by god from heaven from heaven to earth to earth how does that feel it feels so great so practically speaking how can we represent jesus in our day-to-day well maybe we take a better note of what's going on around us like let's say you notice someone who's playing all by themselves on the playground you can represent jesus by going up to them showing you care and asking if they need a friend to play with yeah or let's say your friends are sharing answers on a test and they offer to give you an answer too you can represent jesus by not cheating and doing the work yourself that's right or maybe a friend is feeling really down and discouraged take that opportunity to tell them what jesus has done for you represent jesus by sharing how maybe once you were discouraged and sad by the way you were living but now you can't just remember what jesus did for you and feel hope about what's going on around you you can tell your friend that jesus changes everything yeah and maybe the simplest way you represent jesus is by making sure to spend time with him daily whether it's reading your bible or praying remember you are ambassadors so represent jesus to the world around you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow i just got to talk to that person over there in the subway about jesus yes that felt so good to share how awesome he is with someone but more than that i know i was being obedient and truly living out how god told us to go and make disciples you know yeah i do know and we can live every day like that everywhere we go should be an opportunity to share the love of jesus or to go with purpose speaking of going uh-huh that sign over there says our train to home will be here in just a little bit what do you think we play to make the time go a little bit faster oh well i've got just the thing delaney today's dame an oldie but a goodie today we're playing tough fast [Music] okay all right i think i remember this one all right let's make sure our friends remember so basically what's going to happen is we each have 10 questions we'll break them up and do two rounds each ask each other five questions and then we'll go again and ask each other the other five questions the thing is we have to talk fast you have to think fast so you know whatever answer just comes right off to your head say it all right okay well safe i found this underneath the park bench oh perfect i think it will help us yes get the lighting that we need all right you got your questions ready up don't peek i won't no peeky all right are you ready yes all right let's play all right liz okay are you ready yeah question number one what is the best flavor of pop-tart cinnamon it's actually brown sugar oh man that's the one i meant in one sentence how would you sum up our friendship so fun all the time right what is your life's catchphrase like nike or whatever don't think about it just do it why is winter because it cold true all right last one what is the weirdest fact that you know that um snakes slither oh i don't know any weird facts all right okay well all right that's good oh my god are you ready whoa [Laughter] okay okay ready yeah name a roller coaster that starts with the letter m mountain [Music] mountain i don't know okay what face would you make when you walk into a party [Laughter] accurate okay how many steps would it take to climb the side of this building 57 wow okay who stole the cookies from the cookie jar you i did how many people can fit inside of a fire truck um i feel like there's a lot of equipment so probably what's your answer 20. wow check me that's a lot of people okay okay all right oh these i had my questions facing up you weren't looking i wasn't looking i was so focused on your amazing answers okay liz yeah what should i say elizabeth yep what is one of the fruits of the spirit joy good how does a cheese puff curl they bake it and it goes like this what's the mascot for your life zebra riding off into the sunset all right if your dog if your dog could talk what would he say all the time please feed me all the time all right last one if lh kids online wasn't called lh kids online what would it be called most fun place to talk about jesus ever love it i think we should change the name i think we should change okay are you ready yes last round name and ice cream combination you would not want to try anything with mint chocolate chip [Laughter] yodel your full name elena [Laughter] who invented the bicycle [Laughter] why do kangaroos hop because they don't know how to walk tell me how you feel about animals that crawl along the ground is that your answer i don't like them oh gosh turn that thing off huh all right enough of that oh oh man delaney i think our uh train home is i think it's time to go home yeah i've had a lot of fun with you though this has been a good trip me too we better not forget things we learned i know we have to continue to remember today is test day it is test day oh what do you think it's gonna be on i don't know i oh you know what he has the book of the memory verse covered and last month we were tested on what was covered yeah friends we know exactly what is the book great question um friends do you know oh wait i have an idea let's do our memory verse such a great idea yeah yes come on all right friends we'll figure this out and we'll figure it out all together come on get on out stand up we're gonna do our memory verse are you ready here we go create in me a pure heart oh god and renew a steadfast spirit within me psalms 51 10. we got it we got oh mr smart's coming sit down let's clear that's clear this clear desk okay okay it's test day oh i see that you got your desks all cleared and ready yes we do but are you ready for the test well actually mr smart we already know the answer it's psalms 51 10. that is impressive but you don't just need to know what the verse is you actually need to find it oh no oh yes [Music] whenever i need some answers god i turn to you you are my help when i need wisdom you always see me through to know that you're chasing love to me it makes me wanna run to where you [Music] when i don't know what to do you help me figure it out god i'll run to you when i need a solution i have no doubt that i will run to you i run to you [Music] we're there is freedom i know that's where you'll be [Music] you make me wanna do what's right and be the best version of me to know that you're chasing me it makes me wanna run to where you are [Music] when i don't know what to do you help me figure it out but i run to you when i need a solution i have no doubt [Music] you [Music] for you i don't wanna stop [Music] i don't want to stop [Music] [Music] my source for everything [Music] when i don't know what to do you help me figure it out i run to you when i need a solution i have no doubt [Music] i have no doubt that i will run to you i love [Music] [Applause] my check one two one two are y'all ready yeah are y'all ready yeah y'all ready jesus we know we belong here because of your love for us that goes jesus we know you are with us wherever we so sing along with me for all the joy he brings it's going down [Music] [Music] jesus we know we've been long here because of your love for us that goes on forever [Music] it's going down [Music] [Music] everybody all right all right all right we're gonna break it down one time y'all you gotta sing it out with all you got y'all ready come on come on clap your hands like this have confidence to get in the mix pop your hands like this have confidence to get in the mix now clap your hands like this like this have confidence to get in the mix now clap your hands like this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] press play i am with you to the very end [Laughter] we we are you more than ready yes we are and actually we already know the answers it's psalm 510 well actually it's great that you know what the book of the bible is uh-huh but cut [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Lighthouse Church
Views: 7,765
Rating: 3.509804 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 12sec (2112 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 10 2021
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