"Daddy Issues" | Bishop C Shawn Tyson & Pastor James Tyson & Christ Church Apostolic | #YLCTV

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hey family what's going on listen we are currently on location of our new home we're back at 120 21 this year for the days of october 14th through the 16th listen we just want to check and remind you guys if you have not registered you need to register if anyone has been to back in one previous years you should not rob anybody to be here this year even though we were unable to see everyone last year we are meeting live and in person on this beautiful campus here in plainfield indiana and i want to make sure we see your face in the place listen registration is going quickly because our numbers are very very small this year because we have catered it to a smaller intimate group this year and if you want to receive what god has for you and you feel safe traveling make sure you are here october 14th through the 16th for back at one we love you guys we cannot wait to see you in the place to see your face take care we'll see you soon out of the ordinary for you to be here on a third sunday but we're glad that you that you came and you are willing to be a part of this conversation i'll give you the opportunity to greet the saints uh as you like thank you praise lord everybody and happy father's day to all of the fathers here in the sanctuary and those you know wide web we're just so grateful that god has allowed us to be together on this special day i said that i agree 200 in celebrating mothers but don't leave dad out the equation a lot of times we do a lot on mother's day and a little on father's day but we praise god for each and every father and before we go any further help me celebrate and thank god for the memory and the legacy of our spiritual father and our founder the honorable bishop james edison tyson [Music] god bless our bishop's memory on today and the late elder albert turner and elder joseph jarrod the first and second assistant pastors founding assistant pastors of christ church apostolic you may have your seats in the presence of the lord we're honored for all of our guests and our visitors that are here on today but pastor i want to give a special shout out to one of the great psalmists in all of gospel music indianapolis home rodney bryant minister rodney bryant has joined us on this morning give him a big christ church welcome home today he has been an integral part of our lives and our worship culture down through the years our choir sings many of his songs oh lord we give you praise oh lord we bless your name for your goodness and your mercy toward us written by the incomparable minister rodney bryant and many others that have blessed us so pastor we're just glad to be here on the day and i think this is a great idea yes sir um thank you how many are glad to have our bishop with us again everyone thank you i i want to get right into this conversation now what you are to experience here in in these next few moments we're really going to only go about do this for about 30 minutes um we recognize that many of you have um plans with your fathers and that you want to go spend time with your husbands or what have you whatever it is we want to give the opportunity to do that but we wanted to take these moments and have this conversation now bishop and i we have not rehearsed this this is a very candid conversation so really what you're about to experience as a conversa is a closed-door conversation between bishop and i and you all are just invited into that conversation as well um some of these questions um we have reviewed just a little bit but a lot of this conversation is really going to be a candid conversation for us to really be able to dive into the correlation between the father and fatherhood so we're going to be i'm going to be asking him questions he may be asking me questions and um i'll probably just deflect and turn them back to him in jesus name but i want to get right into the conversation so dad tell us or share with us if you will what does what does fatherhood mean to you and how has it shaped you not just as a natural father but as a spiritual father as well well my concept the father was given to me by your grandfather so when you say father to me that means covering when you say father that means prayer when you say father it means legacy father means direction and something that we don't really embrace much as much as we did in the past father means correction so when i think of father those are the four or five primary things that come to mind yes sir you mentioned uh granddad was the one that really taught you in reference to how you how you view fatherhood and even how you express it as well can you kind of share with us because there are uh some of our members that may not know who grand dad was or they may not be familiar um with who he is um can you kind of share with us who granddad was and how he was as a father not just to us but behind closed doors what was granddad like he was strong on work ethic as pastor saw walker can testify he was strong on men being men he was strong in his belief in education was in school up to the age of 78 taught at enid bible college until he couldn't teach anymore he was the type of man that believed that your prayer life was the key to every other area of your life so he wasn't so hyper spiritual that he was disconnected from natural things but he believed that your spiritual life affected every other area of your life vocationally your marriage your education but it all started with prayer he was a man's man in every sense of the word so there are fathers in the room or there may be others that may not have had the opportunity to be able to experience uh what a true father is i shared on mother's day that um fathers or rather mothers at that time it is not the same conversation for everyone there are some fathers that are celebrating or that are celebrated on father's day there are some fathers that may be in the room that may not necessarily be so thrilled about father's day because they are mourning a relationship that they wish they would have had with their children on other on other occasions there are there may be some that are sitting in the room that may have lost their fathers it's just a myriad of different ideas or different concepts regarding fatherhood how would you in your explanation or in your approach to fatherhood how would you discuss fatherhood and fathering to this multiplicity of concepts in the room because there are some people right now that are probably angry because we're discussing having a whole discussion around fatherhood well my daddy wasn't there or my daddy wasn't around how do we build conversation around that well to that challenge i would say we have to understand that father is not first biological father is a spirit father is spiritual so for those of us who did not have a relationship with a natural father god will send men into your life that can serve as that father figure you have to be willing to embrace them and not hold those men accountable for the absenteeism of your natural father so then god can place a spiritual man in your life to feel those voids to give that direction to provide that correction you cannot allow what you did not have to prevent you from embracing what you do have so because bishop was bishop james e tyson was a father to us all he released the spirit of fatherhood into the ministry so his spirit is still in this church when you see deacon paisley there you see the spirit of father when you see dad walker the spirit of father and many others that i could name in the ministry father jones bishop gardner elder welch the late elder uh elder burl rivers and down the line the spirit of fatherhood is in the ministry and those of us who were affected and influenced by that impartation have a responsibility to father other sons yes sir that's so good let's kind of talk about i want to get personal for a moment um i really invited you here so you could tell everybody how perfect of a son i was and um praise the lord you know god bless you in jesus name i know i was a stellar child until you punch me one that could do no wrong we're not going to talk about that you brought it up but what was it what was it like um what was it like as a as a father for you um raising a son raising a um not just me but there are other sons that you raise as well what was fatherhood like from a natural perspective specifically for you were you scared about anything were you excited about anything did you run from anything what was that what was that like well it was fun you know you randy pierre and my other sons that have been with me i enjoy being a father and being around young people keeps you young there was never any dull moments and your good son so it wasn't hard to father you seemed like god gave you a spirit of obedience but i will say the challenge for me as a father and i was thinking about this this morning since we're having a candid open conversation if i could turn the clock back 25 years you're going to be 30 i think in august right i don't know how you got to be 30 so fast seemed like you were just kayden over there in the choir stand and then i turned around and you were getting married so if i could turn the clock back i'd spend more time with you than i did i was on the road all the time preaching all over the country trying to provide a good living for you and your mother but what i've learned now is that life is about more than making a good living it's about making a good life so i want to apologize i want to apologize to our pastor and to my son for not being more present when you were growing up but i promise you i'm going to do better now and i'm not gonna make that mistake with my grandson the so one one thing that we'll share with you all is um as my father had mentioned um a great deal of my childhood let me circle back um i accept your apology thank you and here here's here's the thing that i i really want to share with um man i think that is important not just as um you know we we do this well in our in relationship with people that we don't know we're quick to apologize um but when it comes people that you're close to sons sons and daughters one of the things that i'll say is i will have to apologize to our bishop and to my father as well here's why because because my father was always on the road and because he was as he mentioned doing his best to create a living for myself for my mother or what have you as a result because of his absence although he was present it created i started harboring things against my father i was i was harboring being upset because he was always gone i felt like at certain points i felt like the church and your ministry meant more meant more to you than it did that me and mom did and i i knew that wasn't true i knew in my mind that you that you loved mom and that you loved me and that you loved you know your sons but i felt like at the same time it was like when wednesday came around i i knew i wasn't gonna see you again until monday because because you were on the road and because of preaching to everybody else and because you were helping everybody else um i told the lord at the beginning of this con i told the lord on the way here let this be a conversation [Music] that ends in healing and i was praying for it for y'all not realizing so what i what i don't want you to do is i don't want you to think that just because man this is going to the world yeah just because we get up here and preach every week and just because you're shouting and bucking and dancing and counseling you and and counseling your family that there aren't problems in ours and there are challenges in and daddy issues that we have to address within our own self so i have i apologize to you dad for harboring unforgiveness to you when i when i know your intentions were in the right place so i want to ask you how important is it how important is it not just for a father to be a provider but how important is it for a father to be present it is very important and i want to say to all of our fathers it is important for us to break cycles that perhaps we observed as children growing up now i i called myself being dedicated to god i was trying to emulate what i saw your grandfather doing so i never will forget when your grandfather called all of us in five of us bishop laverne craig kathy me and lisa and he said now i want you to know i love you guys but the church comes first wow he told us that and some of the saints that have been around a while that remember when i was a boy saints would line up to speak to your grandfather after church 15 20. i'd be in the back of the line trying to say hi to my dad one time i tried to get up closer to the front of the line so i could say hi to him he was on on a bible class tonight because i hadn't seen him since sunday and one of the saints get back in the back of that line and i just put me in my place so it was reinforced that the church came first but one thing i say about your grandfather was he said learning is a lifetime occupation and as he got older he began to change that and he said well if i had my life to do over again i'd spend more time with you so from his example i am learning how to break cycles i hear that in this room today yes sir that god wants us to break some cycles in this among ourselves as fathers and sons unhealthy dysfunctional just because we've done it that way doesn't mean we have to continue to do it that way so now at the end of his life bishop was teaching god first family second and church third so presence is very important because i saw dad you know in the pulpit greatest pastor of all time as far as i'm concerned but he said son if i had to do this again i'd spend more time with you you know because when we were coming up playing basketball sports extracurricular and all that stuff dad wasn't able to be at none of our extracurricular activities because he was always at the church so it's important and i'm going to tell you what he said to me last conversation sean reverend z don't be a public success and a private failure he said you god has blessed you to preach all over the world but spend more time with jamie and his kids how does how does our you mention cycles how do those cycles in natural relationships how do they bleed over into our relationship with god because of course for those of us that know many of you are bible scholars and what have you so i'm not gonna die too deep into it term in the scripture refers to ghana's father there's a term called abba everyone say now that was very different that was very different in um how can i say in jewish religion versus what jesus taught jesus taught our father which art in heaven how it be thy name well in jewish culture they were offended by the teaching of jesus because they didn't see their relationship with god as intimate right it was ritualistic and it was religious so now how do we how do those cycles impact our relationship with how we see our father and how we see our lord very tangibly how can i say that i love god who i have not seen but i don't love you who i do see so as fathers it is incredulous to say that we love god but don't love our children yeah we spend all of our time with god i'm praying i'm fasting i'm consecrating but we don't spend any time with the family outside of a spiritual setting it's hypocritical so then gee the scripture said the things that are not seen are revealed by the things which are seen so then how we interact with each other on the interpersonal level is a direct reflection of the authenticity of our relationship with god could it could it be that we are too spiritual and not relational enough it could could it could it be that we are as you mentioned as many say we're so heavenly minded that we're no earthly good how do we properly balance that because there are a lot of people in in the room that may say well you know my relationship with god is you know is my everything that's my everything well your wife is suffering because you haven't taken her on a okay this is about five but your children are suffering because you're not developing relationship with them so how do we properly balance that um not lose our spirituality but at the same time maintain our natural relationship to that point i want to apologize to the christian world that is watching this webcast because we as apostolic people are particularly guilty of this these people do honor me with their lips but their heart is far from me we're great for speaking in tongues but not talking to each other so this is why i think it is the will of god it was inspired by god that you requested this dialogue so we can stop faking so we can take the mask off and be less worried about pleasing people and more concerned with pleasing god so when when your emphasis is on pleasing god then you don't have to walk around with this fake image like we have done for the last 60 years you know as far as the christian world apostolic world religious world is concerned they consider tyson to be one of the iconic names in the apostolic movement not recognizing the dysfunction of our family so yes we preach all over the world we sing all over the world we write music we have a record company we build churches but we don't talk to each other so in order for the body to be healed the head has to be healed and this is part of the healing for our family and for our church do me a favor will you please and tell somebody next year i want to get it right get it right come on on the other side tell them i want to get it right i want to get it right got to get it right i'll i'll have an honest conversation with with the congregation dad i've never shared this with you i shared this with desiree and no one else i was going to submit my letter of resignation as the executive pastor of christchurch because i i felt see the devil no uh see i i felt wrong can everybody hear me all right i felt so strong about strengthening our relationship that i was willing to tell you i would rather be your son than be your executive pastor i'm so sick thank you thank you i'm so serious i was i was going to give it up that doesn't mean i was going to leave christ church i was still going to be here still going to hell she's going to be on the front row i was still going to support but i was willing to give up this position because i felt like my role as a son to my father and to my mother was more important than being your pastor and i'm i'm i'm not saying i'm not saying that i'm not saying that for a um to expose myself or to well yeah or or in an effort to try to get hand claps and i appreciate those but i'm saying it to say that my i wanted to break a cycle i wanted to break a cycle and i felt as if um you see if you keep feeding that monster it'll keep growing and then you wonder why as bishop was saying you wonder why your church is a wreck you wonder why the families in your church are unhealthy is because leadership is unwilling to put themselves on the line for the sake of their own reputation honestly i didn't i didn't i didn't care what they thought i love you all i really do i love you with all of our heart all my heart but it was more important to me to keep him alive see all this all this stuff it can can become you know your ministry can become busy work and and you can be and don't just apply that to ministry apply that to your job apply that to your other relationship with other people you can become so busy yeah that the one that are closest to you your relationships are dying because you're not willing to stop and get it right i was willing to stop teaching all bible studies stop preaching on sunday because i wanted my relationship with my father to be right before my relationship with y'all was right so i i want to challenge and then i'ma let bishop share i want to challenge all of us in the room i know we're talking about daddy issues but this isn't just for men right this is for women too i want to challenge you to be willing to stop what you think you're being successful at and address the things that are actually failing i'll say it again i'll say it again i'll say it again i don't care how good you preach i don't care how well you you do on the job if you are not man as bishop was said you can be a public success and a private failure so my question to us is are you willing to stop what is consistently successful to address what's consistently failing come on man bishop do you want to add anything to that sir there's nothing to add to it but amen yeah amen wow so as as a as a father we don't we don't get to see this side of bishop often so i really want to just for about the next five minutes or so i i want to get into this conversation just a little bit more that at any point as a father what scares you the most failing to leave you and cayden a legacy the future i want to be sure one thing i've been trying to do is put you and kaden in position to to do more to be more to have more so that your legacy that your grandfather i didn't want to be the missing link in that chain between you and your grandfather i consider myself to be the bridge between the past and the future so i wanted to make sure that i didn't fail god and fail you and kaden and make sure that we that granddad's legacy lives on sir how do we i i think this is a a healing conversation for us as well and all this of course you all are not going to hear what happens after this but how do we and and this is including everyone how do we forgive a father that has been absent that has been doesn't communicate how do we forgive a father and for some men in the room that they're not trying to be like i i we become so busy at trying to not be them that we failed to go through the ministry of forgiveness yeah so for and again as i was mentioning for everybody is different in the room so how do we forgive when we can't forget the first thing you have to do is be mindful of the forgiveness that god has given you for the mistakes that you have made for your shortcomings we can't be forgiven we cannot be forgiven by god unless we forgive those who have offended us the second thing is commit yourself to be for someone else what that person was not for you the way that you heal yourself is through healing others by pouring yourself into others it takes the attention off of you and your needs and your voids so be to someone else what you wanted that person to be to you i can't go into this publicly i can't go into the depths of this publicly but there are many young men in the church that were abused in the church that were taken advantage of in the church in our culture in the music culture there is a thin line between love and perversion especially in the realm of the arts in the arts you have to have a special sensitivity to spirits to atmospheres and that line can become blurred so i want to say to all of the young men who were affected who were molested in the church by men who were spiritual fathers today we are going to break that cycle we're going to break that cycle in the name of the lord jesus christ and god is going to redirect our affections in the right direction so that we can become the men and the fathers that god wants us to be and i'm not saying that on the basis of something i read in a book i'm telling the world that god can heal you and make you the man that he wants you to be everyone put this in the atmosphere god can heal me come on from the depths of your spirit everybody say god can heal me god can heal me have you enjoyed this conversation i i told us i told you that i i didn't want to i don't want to belabor your time christian come on man salim come on come on guys i don't want to i didn't want to belabor this conversation and i didn't want to hold us all day long but i wanted to start the conversation with us so that your healing can begin and everybody say i can be healed i can't be healed come on everyone say i can be healed i can't be healed we're getting ready to pray here in just a moment but in scripture one of the greatest things in the old testament that could be done at the end of a life of a father was a patriarchal blessing it was at the end of a life where the father would either pronounce blessings or curses create cycles or break cycles this prayer i cannot pray this prayer has to be prayed by our father because i believe that god wants to heal those in the room that have daddy issues now your issues may not be the same as someone else's your challenges may not be the same as someone else's well pastor james i i had a i had a great relationship with my father fantastic let's dig deeper now how do we develop a deeper relationship with our father pastor james i'm having a hard time trying to forgive my father because he's absent god can heal pastor james my father has passed away god can heal man everyone say god can heal [Music] um bishop and i had a very vulnerable conversation here neither one of us like to be vulnerable neither one of us do but i'm praying that our openness was an opportunity for you to be open about what god needs to heal you from and so i'm going to ask everyone in the room close your eyes for a second please i'm gonna ask everyone in the room that has daddy issues on any level on any level with your eyes closed ain't nobody paying attention will you stand so we can pray with you daddy issues stand so we can pray with you sin so we can pray with you [Music] stand so we can pray with you it's hard i get it you got to be vulnerable i understand i understand i understand [Music] fathers if you're in the room i want to be a better father to my children you stand you stand [Music] you stand oh my hallelujah i even feel god doing something in the room for single mothers i feel god doing something in the room for that anyone in the room now that you know you know someone that is challenged with daddy issues and it's affecting their relationship with god stand for them stand for them stand for them stand for them stand for them i'm gonna relinquish this moment to our bishop so that he can pray over us and so that he can lead us as the lord is leading him racially our father we give you glory and we bless you [Music] everybody [Music] [Music] let me give you [Music] we give you [Music] many times when we come to the altar we begin to share [Music] with the intercessor the gap dweller those things that we have been carrying and have been burdened with but today there's only one mediator between us and god today the lord himself is going to be our mediator whatever the challenge has been whatever the problem whatever the cycle whatever the burden when you lift your hands [Music] god is going to lift that heaviness off of your soul when you lift your hands right now you're saying to god i surrender but i have not been able to fix myself when you lift your hands you're letting god know i need your spirit to come in and heal me [Music] you are worthy [Music] we've got to get ready to go but i will pray father we thank you for this divinely ordained moment [Music] father you have [Music] allowed this moment to come to manifestation that you might bring forth the healing the renewal the restoration and the cleansing that so many of us are in need of on this father's day now lord we thank you that we can come boldly to the throne of grace that we do not have to come with a mask on but we come to you with our deepest secrets our deepest unhealed emotions we bring our pain we bring generational dysfunction we bring disappointment hurt and guilt and in the name of the lord jesus for whatever we have done or whatever we have said thought or felt that was contrary to your will or to your word we thank you for and we receive your forgiveness right now in the name of the lord jesus if we have been negligent in our relationship with our children we thank you for your mercy and for your grace and i pray now in jesus name that the power of the blood of jesus would cleanse us from within break every demonic cycle i rebuke every generational curse in the name of the lord jesus christ i come against the spirit of witchcraft i come against the spirit of sorcery i come against in the name of the lord jesus the spirit of abandonment i come against the spirit of abuse in the name of the lord jesus christ you will not rob us of our godly image you will not rob us of our godly character you will not rob us of our godly spirit now father in the name of jesus break up every heart of stone those that have turned against god and turned against the church may they feel the love of god and the grace of god and the mercy of god now father from this day forward in the name of jesus we embrace the responsibility of fatherhood we embrace the accountability of fatherhood and in the name of the lord jesus i pray a special blessing over every father every grandfather every godfather every uncle every big brother those that are serving in the roles of father anoint us and mantle us to fulfill this assignment in the name of the lord jesus now father i conclude this prayer by invoking the blessings and the prayers of our spiritual father bishop james e tyson that he has prayed over us and over our families and over our futures may they all manifest in this season and in this time i thank you that the yoke is destroyed i thank you that the burden is lifted and i thank you that the cycles are broken in jesus name all over the building i want everybody to give god a shout out [Applause] come on [Music] and we will [Music] i want all the fathers lift up your voice in the house of god [Music] new strength new strength new strength in the name of jesus bless god's name [Music] hey family what's going on listen we are currently on location of our new home for back at 1 20 21 this year for the days of october 14th through the 16th listen we just want to check and remind you guys if you have not registered you need to register if anyone has been to back it once previous years you should not rob anybody to be here this year even though we're unable to see everyone last year we are meeting live and in person on this beautiful campus here in plainfield indiana and i want to make sure we see your face in the place listen registration is going quickly because our numbers are very very small this year because we have catered it to a smaller intimate group this year and if you want to receive what god has for you and you feel safe traveling make sure you are here october 14th through the 16th for back it went we love you guys we cannot wait to see you in the place to see your face take care we'll see you soon you
Channel: YLC TV
Views: 221
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: ylc, young leaders conference, elder mark moore, praise break, the clark sisters, bishop lambert gates, bishop noel jones, pentecostal, cogic, bishop sheard, preaching, whooping, apostolic church, kierra sheard, bishop jakes, praise and worship, spirit and truth, yoli, anwa, old school church, mark moore jr, bishop brandon jacobs, glenn gibson, elder marissa farrow, new zion temple, karen clark sheard, dorinda clark cole, pastor mike todd, chandler moore, maverick city music
Id: SyFclfytW-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 9sec (3249 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 29 2021
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