"RESTORED" - Bishop Brandon Jacobs

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] grace and peace family bishop marvin sam and i would like to welcome you to the chosen vessel church we're excited to have you to be a part of our virtual experience i hope and pray that as you watch today that you are blessed not only through music but through ministry keep it locked why because we're about to go to our worship experience already in progress praise the lord everybody happy to be before you one more time we want you to join in with us by sharing and liking this is our final night of revival and all day long i don't know about you all but i have been sensing just a slain spirit about to take over tonight after you've given all you can give to god then there's just a there's we used to call this thing it was called a holy hush that will come in the room and everything that you've been believing and seeking god for he shows up and he gives it to you all at one time i just need all of you that are in this room to look at somebody and tell them these words say neighbor when i come through this come say i'm gonna have more victory i'm gonna have more praise come on i'm gonna have more money come on some of y'all need to come on claim this i'm gonna have more peace when i come through this everything is going to be all right stand on your feet and let's go into worship we serve a great big god i said we serve a great big god what you liking and sharing we want you to join in with us as we worship god come on how brave [Music] [Applause] [Music] everybody [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i pray [Music] [Applause] everybody [Music] forgive me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh i pray to you i am [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] in this house [Music] how great is [Music] i don't know about you but i want the king of glory to come and visit us tonight as this last night of our consecration and our revival god we just want a visitation from you does anybody just want to be visited by the [Music] lord [Music] says yes the world bow down [Music] feel this [Music] glory we need you to fill this place [Music] [Applause] so let's try right now [Music] i just [Music] if that's anybody's testimony [Music] yes [Music] so right now where you are [Music] no matter your situation in victory come on three points right here [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] i just wanna be with you hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is for me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] i just want to be with you [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] power [Music] thank you jesus this place just want to be with you i just want to be with you can you help me declare that saying i just want to be [Music] to experience do it again lord if i [Music] find paper in your sight [Music] lord [Music] i'll try [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] i wanna be where you are i gotta be where you are [Music] my [Music] oh [Music] just for his glory i will do anything [Music] just [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] i wanna say [Music] i wanna be where you are peace is where you are salvation [Music] is [Applause] [Music] if that's your desire if your desire is to be where he is i need you to lift those hands and just begin to declare and decree i want to be where you are come on open your mouth and say i gotta be i gotta [Music] come on declaring decree i gotta be where you are [Music] i just don't wanna be but i gotta be where you are [Applause] because where you are i can find peace where where you are i can find joy where you are i can find hope where you are i find happiness where you are there is tranquility where you are there is stresslessness where you are where you are god there is everything all that i need i want to be where you are [Music] gotta be where you are [Music] wanna be where you are [Music] you gotta be where you are come on put those hands together and begin to celebrate the king of kings the lord of lords the great i am that one that is high and lifted up he who is worthy of all praise our strength and our helper come on begin to celebrate the king of kings i need somebody that really loves him to show that you really love him come on if you love him i need you to show that you really love him i'm not talking to everybody but i'm talking to everybody if you really love him i would just show that you really love him [Music] come on come on come on everybody even while you're at your homes right now help me help me thank you jesus listen [Music] praise the name of [Music] jesus [Music] praise the name of [Music] jesus he's our fortress he's our deliverer in him will we trust praise the name of [Music] jesus jesus can y'all just sing that with me one time please [Music] praise [Music] jesus [Music] and he's our fortress our deliverer [Music] that sounds so good one more time one more time y'all praise the name singing with us [Music] praise the name of jesus christ [Music] [Music] is [Music] the name of jesus [Music] oh [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] jesus there is something [Music] about that name [Music] i'm trying to let y'all go master savior [Music] jesus a fragrance after the rain jesus jesus yes jesus [Music] let all little heaven and earth proclaim [Music] [Music] they will all pass away [Music] but there's something [Music] but there's something but there's something [Music] about that something about the name jesus something about the name jesus it is the sweetest name [Music] i know can y'all help me sing that oh something about the names [Music] it is a sweetest name hello said it's the sweetest thing [Music] [Applause] [Music] i said it is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] uh i gotta let y'all go listen [Music] i know [Music] for all of those that are watching we greet you in the massive name of our lord and savior jesus christ i'm bishop marvin sam i am the senior pastor of the chosen vessel church here in fort worth texas we greet you in the name of our lord and savior jesus christ those y'all are in the sanctuary you all are in for a an amazing treat we are in the fourth installment the fourth installment of our revival season come on y'all put your hands together for chosen vessel amen god is doing something great in this house if you have missed any night you can always go back to all of our social media platforms and just check out any of the worship experiences for the last four weeks my god these men of god have been preaching i mean a life altering a life challenging word not just changing but a life challenging work and we're going to put this man of god up in a few moments i mean we're going to put him up in a few moments and we're going to give him as much time as he needs um but but before we go any further y'all know what time it is right y'all know what i'm doing i need y'all to holler at me what time is it it's seed time in the hospital it's seed time and as always i say there's a multiplicity of ways that you can plant seed into the kingdom of god here in the kingdom of god but here at chosen vessel there are four specific ways uh you can give via givelife you can give me a give the five and all you gotta do is just look for the chosen vessel cathedral also you can give via cash app the cash sign tcbc ministries you can text the word give text the word gift to 833 948 1987 um and also you can give me a cash if you're in the sanctuary i would that you would lift up your hand high lift it up high so we can get an envelope in your hand if you need the envelope to give in the sanctuary hopefully they'll give it to you before you come in now give it to you before you come in if you need an envelope ask for it but we're going to make sure that we get an envelope to you if you're giving via credit card online you want to make a call you can call the church and somebody is sitting there waiting and they're ready for you and they're ready to take your information if you don't get a response if you call and no one answers just leave your information not your credit card none like that just leave your information on our voicemail and they will contact you they will call you back as well as make sure we can get everything taken care for you last but not least if you want to send a check you can send a check make it payable to tcbc you can send it beloved brother and or sister to 4650 campus drive at the city of fort worth texas i never give you the zip code and the reason why i never give you the zip code because i want you to google the information find out where the church is you might want to come and visit uh when the doors completely open up or you might just want to come and visit anyway you might say you know what i want to come to chosen vessel i want to be put on the list or rather i'm a good chosen reservations and i'm gonna make sure that i'm able to get in and be a part of this worship experience i would love to have you come to be our guest amen amen amen amen i say all the time without question this is absolutely good ground to seed and sown into because this is the house that favor is building this is the house that favors building there's so many things that are going on so much that it's transpiring i'm excited about the direction in which god has given us to navigate our ministry in amen i'm excited about the direction that god has given us to navigate this ministry and there are some things that god has given us as a mandate as a responsibility not only to the minister inside these four walls but also to go outside these four walls and do impact and to make a difference in the community that is around us there are so many things that god has given all of us a responsibility to do and because you are connecting to this house that means that you are part of that responsibility as well as that means that you are a part of the individuals that's supposed to bring it to pass and make it happen while i'm talking to you i'm gonna challenge each and every one of you all to get your phones out for those that are giving in the sanctuary i need you to get your phones out and i need you to go to your facebook page or go to this facebook page and i need you to share this i need you to share this worship experience i believe very strongly and i've been in prayer today when i came to the church office before i took my nap i made sure that i fell on my face and i began to talk to god specifically about what i sensed is needed in this house i believe i believe and i'm a strong believer i believe it i believe that when you put a mandate on god when you put a mandate on god you say god listen this is what we need this is what we need to hear i believe very strongly that when you put that mandate on god that god pricks the heart of the man and or the woman of god that you can literally tap into that anointing and that you can pull out of there exactly what you need ask the woman with the issue of blood she would tell you emphatically yes i didn't ask him to lay hands on me i didn't need him to lay hands on me as a matter of fact my faith was at a level that what i needed i pulled out of him that's why he asked who touched me i wish i had some help up here i ain't preaching but i'm just telling you that if you want it you can pull it out of him tonight god help me just touch somebody look in that fact don't touch them just look them in the face just look at them from from across the room and just saying i'm going to pull out of him just what i need just say it say it some of y'all still looking at me just look and look at somebody and tell them say pull it out of him pull it out of him pull it out of there what what what i need it ain't your business what i need that's not your business what i've been dealing with it's not your business what i've been going through but i'm going to pull out of him what i need tonight because what i need tonight is greater than what you need to know amen amen amen so listen i need you guys to see i need you guys to sew but most importantly i need you to share share share share share share make sure you let everybody in your my and their mama know that there is a word there is a word that is nearer than you think there is a word that you need that is closer to you than you ever thought and this is the season right after this i'm putting up the preacher bishop brandon jacobs has introduced himself for the last three days and i've been getting texts and see let me tell y'all something let could y'all please let me pastor just please just just let me pastor the church i've been getting letters of invitation bishop you got to make sure that bishop brandon jacobs closes out the revival every year in january could y'all just let me pastor this church please i don't know how many texts i haven't got i want to throw my phone across the room because i'm like if y'all i got a lot of great preaching friends i do have a lot of great preaching friends and they said please just let bishop brandon please please let's just let him beat our closing our speaker [Music] so we're going to see we're going to see what the lord says we go see what the lord says but i'm introducing him now after the musical selection that is going to be presented by this ministry that believes that excellence is the standard and not the goal [Music] dr marwyn williams who is the pastor of music and arts and the team here at chosen vessel i just call them chosen vessels you know i do because because they and let me say this from the time the pandemic began to this point these individuals have been singing every sunday and every tuesday now one time not one time have they asked can i get a break or i'm sick of doing this so i'm tired of this this is stressful we ain't got no further folk that can sing come on you can come on then not one not one not if they have complained it ain't been to me so let me just say publicly i appreciate you all i do i appreciate your faithfulness i appreciate your commitment i appreciate the time that you see to do this y'all don't have to do this y'all could be listen i've been pastoring for 18 years and y'all have listen i i don't even know what to say but thank you on the behalf of this entire church chosen vessel and chosen vessel everywhere i'm taking y'all to dinner i don't know where yet but i'm gonna feed all y'all but i want y'all to know we greatly greatly appreciate you all thank you so much dr myron is in your hands and soon as he finishes we're gonna put it in the hands of our yearly revivalist the closer of closers bishop brandon jacobs [Music] [Applause] [Music] what came from is more precious [Music] [Applause] [Music] tragedy [Music] [Applause] [Music] he [Music] is [Music] tragedy [Applause] [Music] please [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] again one day [Music] [Applause] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] i am free [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] no uh [Applause] and it's all because [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it's all [Music] one more time [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] not being [Music] nothing [Music] hallelujah [Music] i know it was the blind thank you for the blood [Music] oh come on here i tell you just pass it down your rope and just tell somebody to block the block to block the block the block the block of blood to block the block the blood [Applause] i got blood all day [Music] thank god for the blood that's on my life hallelujah lord i just wanna thank you lord i just wanna thank you [Music] lord i just wanna thank you lord i just wanna thank you i wanna thank you for being so good to me help me say it lord i just wanna thank you thank you [Music] so good come on [Music] come on tambourine players this is the last night of revival let that country church come in here let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] i wanna thank you so good lord i just [Music] for me [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] i don't know [Music] thank you [Music] is with all power thank you thank you [Music] a [Music] come on tambourine players [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on texas i like high school come on [Music] look at your name backside questions say what do you want the lord to say he'll say he'll say now clap your hands like you're loving [Music] hallelujah welcome our good and faithful servant i bless you ah i give you the praise i give you the glory i lived your name i prayed tonight that you would do what you do best do what you've done all month have your way god move brandon jacobs out the way and have your way i just have one request tonight lord preach me jesus preach me until yokes are destroyed preach me until minds are changed preach preach me until somebody gets delivered from the bondage that david and lord preach me tonight preach me beyond my strength and i praise you for what you've done i praise you for what you're getting ready to do the spirit of the living god settle down in this house and god we can say we've been revived revival shown up came in last night lord now father let it take us over and i praise you for it forgive us of our sin and washes with your blood this will give you praise and we'll call it done in jesus christ's name all those in agreement said amen luke 6 luke 6 verse 6 i am honored to be here i love y'all i mean that i i swear if it wasn't no pandemic i would go right in that lobby and tell all y'all to wait till i come out so i can hug you amen i haven't fell in love with this church and i thank god for you and i thank god for your kindness you all have been so kind to me and i am grateful for amen your hospitality amen and for all of the great things that the lord is doing and that the lord is getting ready to do to my big brother tonight can we make some good holy ghost noise for the bishop marvin sapp that's it come on just one more time can you take it up we love him tonight luke 6 verse 6 we're going to read down to verse 11 where you found the signified by saying jesus by reading like this on the king james version bible it says and it came to pass also on another sabbath that he entered into the synagogue and taught and there was a man whose right hand was withered the scribes and the pharisees watched him whether he would heal on the sabbath day that they might find an accusation against him but he knew their thoughts and said to the man which had the withered hand rise up and stand forth in the midst and he arose and he stood forth and then jesus said unto him i will ask you one thing is it lawful on the sabbath days to do good or to do evil to save life or to destroy it and looking round about upon them all he said unto the man stretch forth thy hand and he did so and his hand was restored as whole as the other they were filled with madness and commune one with another what they might do to jesus tonight my brothers and sisters i don't have a sentence i don't have a phrase all i got is one word tonight this is the one word you're getting ready to leave here with tonight and i want you to look your neighbor in the face keep your mouths going keep your distance uh yeah but because your mask is on i need you to scream it at them and say neighbor your one word tonight is [Music] restored oh come on now i'm gonna give you 30 seconds to declare what shall be restored my home my mind my family when i leave it at night when i get off of this line it shall be restored [Music] somebody throw your head back and put a shelf on it you better leave that alone christian you better back up cause somebody getting a breakthrough and the message ain't even started yet [Music] take your seats if you can [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] our text has jesus on another sabbath day in the temple getting ready to have church and the man shows up who possibly has been coming to church week after week with the same situation his right hand is dry withered feeble one understanding of the word wither is drawn up no growth no nourishment lifeless ineffective powerless coming to church every week same sabbath and leaving with the same dry with it ineffective situation same preacher same church same praise team i'm coming to church because i believe god but my situation my situation is still dry with it helpless and ineffective they told me to stop coming a long time ago but something told me to keep bringing my drawn up dry hair don't worry about them looking at you just bring my dried up family bring bring my dried up marriage bring my dried up children bring my dried up finances and just keep on coming to church and the worst thing is nobody noticed my dried up with the situation came to church and nobody saw how ineffective and dried up i really was the worst thing about it my brothers and sisters was that his hand was drawn up not not his feet not his knee not his arm but but his hand that and it's very imperative that we understand the hand because the hand represents ability uh the hand represents hallelujah being able to do this is why my brothers and sisters hallelujah there is a lack when there is a lack of ability in a person's life even if it's in your leg or your knee or your hand or your back if you're if your foot is out they don't call you foot cap they call you handicapped if your knee is out they don't call you kneecap they call you handicapped if your hip is out they don't call you hip cap they call you handicapped because it is a sign amen that's something you used to be able to do you are no longer able your ability has been dry look can i talk to a real church in here and ask you have you ever been there where that that you were able to do you felt like it had now become withered you used to be able to sing until the glory of god would fall in the room and now it has become dried up you used to be able to pray until breakthrough what happened and now it has become dried up hallelujah you used to be able to lay hands on the sick and they recover and now it looks like what you were able to do you are no longer able to do and when i look at the text the text doesn't say that his left hand emery hallelujah was dried up but it says that his right hand hallelujah his right hand his right hand the right hand my brothers and sisters is the hand of power it is the hand of authority it is the hand of covenant my grandfather taught me growing up that you should never shake a man's hand with your left hand but if you shake a man's hand if you want to respect him and honor him you shake hands with the right hand it's the hand of authority the bible talks about two sons one by the name of manasseh and one by the name of ephraim the bible says that when they stood before israel and he was getting ready to give them the blessing the bible says that he crossed his hands and put the right hand on the younger releasing the right hand blessing releasing the blessing of authority on the youngest child in exodus chapter 15 verse 6 it says thy right hand o lord is become glorious in power thy right hand o lord hath dashed into pieces the enemy in leviticus chapter eight moses consecrated aaron and his sons and put the blood of the goat on the right ear on the right thumb of the right hand on the right big toe of the right foot jesus according to our bible sits on the right hand glory to god ain't got time to break that down because we would know that that spirit realm talking about the authority that we have with jesus in heavenly places he sits on the right hand and the bible says that this young man kept coming to church week after week with his right hand withered dried up no life ineffective he kept coming to church every week with his authority i dried up his power dried up his anointing dried up and withered and no life i i looked at the text and i had to ask the text some questions i said how in the world did this man get this way how in the world did his right hand become ineffective did something fall on him did his hands touch what it should not have touched was this the consequence of sin was it the beginning stage of another disease what happened how in the world did this man get him maybe he was hanging out in the wrong crowd maybe he had the wrong friends around him maybe he had got caught up in sin and iniquity how did he get here and as i kept reading the text one of the things i understood is i don't know how he got here but what i do know is that he was not born this way my brothers and sisters he was not born this way because the text doesn't say that jesus healed the man ah not that that's not what the text says the text doesn't say that jesus healed him but what the text says is that jesus restored he restored him the only time you can restore something is only if it had been lost glory to god i know he wasn't born this way i know that he hallelujah didn't come in the world this way but something happened in his life that allowed him to get in this place where the lord had to restore him let me put this in your soup while i'm in your kitchen tonight and let me tell you there are some things that you have lost there are some things that has left your life there are some things that you have found out you can no longer do anymore and if i can get a real church and if you ain't too sedenti to really tell the truth some of you all know there used to be a level of power that was on your life that's not there anymore and some of you all have gotten to the place where you've been trying to question god and ask god what's going on i'm praying but i can't get through we've been fasting and i can't feel you something's going on and i don't know where you are it feels like i'm by myself i'm in church and everybody got their hands lifted tears are rolling down their face but my hands are lifted and i can't feel you god i don't know where you are i don't know what's going on something is lacking on the inside well i stopped about to tell you my brothers and sisters you came to the right last night of revival because tonight god stopped me by here to tell you there's some things that you don't need a healing for there's some things you don't need a breakthrough for there's some things you don't need a ship for there's some things you don't even need me to turn around but what you need tonight is for me to restore some things that happen lord i hear you david lord restore the joy of my salvation i don't know who i'm preaching to in here but i tell you throw your head back and holler god is getting ready to restore [Applause] my brothers and sisters we live in this gifted knowledgeable generation a time where people want to be dangerously comfortable while being gratified by gifts my brothers and sisters this is the most gifted church and i'm not talking about this church i'm talking about the church at large the church across the world is so gifted you got people who can sing you under they can play instruments until it just makes your mind blow they can preach and find revelation until it feels like how have you found this where did you get this wisdom where did you get this understanding you got folks who could dance in church make you think they grew up in the nightclub they got crisscross and kicked the foot up and turned the foot over i mean you got all type of gifts in church hallelujah we didn't got so gifted whether ushers even have a dance to come in and come out marching in and marching out we have become gifted and i have no problem with the gift i think that we need to be gifted but if you are gifted and powerless then your gift means nothing hallelujah to god let me tell you if a gifted person if the only thing they make you do is hold your phone out and tape them while they're being gifted that don't mean nothing to me i don't need you being so gifted where you post me on your social media page hallelujah to god i'm beyond that phase when i come to church after all the hell i've been through after how the enemy has wrecked my life after what's going on in this cobia season i ain't got time to be taping you being gifted but in this season i need somebody with some anointing i need somebody why you're so anointed that before i can pull out my phone to tape you the glory of the lord hits my head or y'all ain't talking to me here the level of depression in the body of christ is mind-blowing hallelujah we have people that are committing suicide from the pulpit to the door gifted people are going home and blowing their brains out this is not the season to put your gift on parade but this is the season to say lord if nothing else happened send your oil send your anointing send your power let your glory be here if we never hear a rift if we sing it out of key if we never get the beat right i'm not concerned about that let your anointing be here until my mind changes until i text that negro i say pack your past brother when i come home i'm living right with my church i need a type of anointing that make me want to live something that makes me want to get my mind together i need that type of anointing that make me change my what oh come on check somebody throw your head and holler restore me instead of being intensely powerful my brothers and sisters we become comfortable with gratification around power but powerless around the found but lost around the joyful but depressed hallelujah among the blessed but still cursed there must be restoration there must be restoration how glory to god there must be there must be and in order for that to be restoration leads me to my first point and i'm getting out of here tonight in order for that to be restoration we've got to break the mold help me tonight look at your neighbor say neighbor we got to break the mold tell them break it break it break it break it break it there's some things that god's getting ready to break tonight we got to break the mold break it break it break it break it a mold is doing the same thing over and over again no freshness hallelujah when you look at a mold it is like clay that you put into something that has already been made and when you put the clay in it the hallelujah what's been made you press it together and it forms it it makes it to be something over and over again is something that shapes something to be the same way that it's always been and i know a lot of us we are comfortable with church just being the same old way we're comfortable with the ritual hallelujah we're comfortable with the spirit being absent from our plan we're comfortable doing it like this because we have always done it like this some of us don't like it when god comes in and disturbs things because when god comes in and disturbs things we don't know what to do oh but i like it when god come in church and everybody confused the prophet is confused the preacher is confused the deacon is confused we don't know what's happening hallelujah sometimes the spirit coming new zealand temple well i put the mic down and i just back up and i say lord this is your show you do what you want to do i ain't got to lay hands on nobody that's why i believe that god kind of caused this pandemic he's trying to show you that the power is in his hand you want everybody else to lay their hands on you you better get a strong enough relationship where you ain't worried about the preacher you can lift your hands in your seat and say anyway you bless me oh come on here i need somebody who said i'm not looking for the preacher i'm looking for god i'm looking for no famous person i'm looking for god i'm looking for you to call my name you ain't got to call my address when i've got to the point where i can sit in my seat six feet distance and say it's me it's me standing in me to pray it ain't my mother it ain't my father but it's me oh lord and here i am with my hands lifted and say touch me thank you bishop i'd like to work with the issue i'm going to put on your glory until you shake this house until my mind is changed i'm going to build me an altar in my living room and lay on my face and pull on you until the breakthrough coming oh come on i need somebody open your mouth and holler i'm breaking the tradition tonight [Music] let me make a texture the bible says that when we look at this text this text amen it shows us hallelujah ritualistic people people who kept patterns but not god my brothers and sisters the pharisees show us how you can have more respect for the ritual than you have for god but restoration is not coming to those who are ritualistic restoration is coming to those who have a determined mindset for the glory of the lord my brothers and sisters sometimes we can do things one way so long that we take the power away from what makes that thing effective but i come back to tell you don't dismiss your faith because you want to practice repetition and or religious acts but in this season hallelujah let god lead us to do something that's going to unlock the glory and that's what's happening here in the text and on another sabbath and on another sabbath and on another sabbath as you read from chapter five up until chapter six one of the things you'll keep seeing is jesus breaking the rule on the sabbath he said jesus we ain't supposed to be in the field picking grain but he breaks the ritual on another sabbath jesus you ain't supposed to be in here healing folks but he breaks the system on another sabbath can i tell you something about god god is a system breaker oh come on here i need you to know you serve a god who breaks systems political systems religious systems financial systems god will break the system he'll let you he'll let you think you're in control and he'll get in the stock market and just shake this oh y'all ain't talking to he'll shake the health care system to let you know i'm in full control and that's what god is doing in the text they've gotten so comfortable and doing things one way they got so comfortable and doing things the way it had always been done but god says i'm showing up to show you that your systems is not where the power is you've got to get out of that place you've got to get out of always trying to be in control you got to get out of it always trying to be your way you will lose things you controlling church folk you church that don't like church to run over a little bit you church folk that wanted to go just like this i come back to tell you that god will come in and shake your world he'll make it late on purpose because sometimes god has to break the system so he can see who see who do you love where are your passions are you more in love with position or do you want my presence are you more in love with the title or do you want my anointing are you more in love with the seat or do you want my glory are you more in love with being in control or do you want me to be in control god says i'll shake this system up until you ask the question what matter of man is this not even the wind and sea obey good god here i'm hastening to a clue in a minute but i need somebody to holler tonight god's getting ready to break this thing up even now you're going home with restoration because he's breaking some stuff up somebody about hey just how to break it come on here break it get that shot break it right now break [Music] it break it break break it until it break it until the time break it until something happened and going home cause god's getting ready [Music] oh i came here nobody throw your head back in halal not only not only i'm closing here watch not only i got to go not only does he says i got to break the mold but he says if you're going to be restored you got to black out the masses [Applause] watch me now some can't get restored because they're too afraid to move beyond their surroundings and again on another sabbath this suggests there were a whole lot of people showing up to church believing with no deliverance because they were too afraid of what people were going to think about them too afraid of how they will go look in front of others let me let me help you because you can you get ready to get restored tonight look in your section and tell everybody get a good look at me right now tell them get a good tell them look at me i'm look i look i look a little cute right now but come on tell him but tell him when god get done with me tell him i hope this lash on the other side oh come on here look at him and say baby tie that wig it down tie down real good tie it down real good cause listen after tonight i don't care what you think about me hallelujah amen i don't care how you feel about me i'm getting ready to let god breathe the change that i need in my life let me tell you tonight don't let the crowd set the temperature of your experience with god don't let those around you amen set the temperature of what god's getting ready to do in your life some people stay sick hallelujah because their surroundings are sick and they know coming out hallelujah i will change how those who are familiar with him are going to feel but sometimes god has to break your rest to give you rest he has to break your system to give you a system he has to break your mode to give you a mold but some of us will never have the power that god wants us to have hanging around the people amen that's trying to keep us bound i don't care what you heard sometimes your crowd can be your biggest problem sometimes your family can be your biggest issue sometimes the folk you sit next to in church can be your main hindrance sometimes you need to come in church and tell the usher i ain't sitting on that side today send me in another section set me in a place where i can be free send me in the place where god can give me the breakthrough that i want can i tell you what i've learned about people i have learned that people don't mind you doing good they just don't like you doing better than them oh but i come by to prophesy to somebody and tell you amen that if god's going to restore you the way he wants to restore you you got to get delivered from all those people that are in your space i declare tonight that you're gonna get delivered from people forget getting delivered from drugs some of y'all need to get delivered from people you need to get delivered from people's opinion you need to get delivered from how people feel about you and i stopped by to tell you tonight that god's getting ready to send the type of deliverance to your mind then we talk about that last night where when you come in the room you don't care what nobody thinks you don't care what nobody feels god's getting ready to make you a spectacle [Music] he's getting ready to make you a spectacle so that you can do something that you ain't never seen done before jesus tells the young man he says you who are in the crowd he says come out from the crowd he makes the man come stand in the middle as he makes the man stand in the middle if you read it right the bible says he did this lord i hope i make it to this point he did this because he knew the people wanted to see what he was getting ready to do hi i know you got your mask on but please holler this to somebody to help me preach and tell them neighbor sometimes god will let you be broken only so he can use you so he can show people he's able to mend some of y'all ain't sick because you've done something wrong some of you are sick because you've done something right and god wants to take your issue to show everybody else what he's able to do some of you didn't go through the divorce because she was a bad spouse you went through it to show the world i'm able to restore who you thought i couldn't restore some of you didn't lose your job and go broke and live in your car because you did something wrong some of you did it because god wanted to show the world that i'm able to do exceedingly and abundantly way above all you can actually think look at somebody tell them he was using me he was using me he was using me so that he can show people what he's able to do he said come on out here man he says standing in front of the people he says as you stand in front of the people he says i'm going to take you where you are and when i take you where you are he says i want the people to see you he says see you with your withered hand he says see you with your dried up power he says see you with your messy situation he says come on out of here he says i need you to come out from amongst them because i need the people to understand that where you are is in a place you've never been but i'm getting ready to take your place of stagnation and i'm getting ready to use it from my glory i don't know who i'm preaching to tonight but i need you to wave your head and i need you to give god glory because god is getting ready to take your place of stagnation and he's going to use it for his glory you've been in a rough place you've been in a place where you've been discouraged and you didn't know what to do and it looks like every week the people can see you in your messed up situation they're looking at you because you've fallen by the wayside but the lord wants to take you can i use you brother make sure your hand is with it when you come come on up here he'll take you looking with it you better stand six feet i don't know where you've been he'll take you with your hand with it coming all the time the people looking at you they're saying he don't pray like he used to pray they're saying he don't fast like he used to pass they're saying he's not anointed like he used to be anointed but he kept on coming can i take this moment and tell somebody i want to applaud you because you kept on coming you were withered but you kept on coming you were down but you kept on coming you had drama but you kept on coming and because you pressed in the midst of a struggle god says come out from the crowd he says come out from amongst the people he says stand and let everybody see you because if you're going to be delivered not only must you break the mode not only unless you black out the masses but lastly you've got to be bold in your movement you've got to be bold in your motion if god is ever gonna do a new thing in you you gotta do something you ain't never done before do you hear me tonight some of y'all wanna be delivered but you ain't gonna get there because you keep on doing the same old stuff but if you want god to bring you out you gotta do [Music] something you ain't never done you gotta move in a way you ain't never move jesus jesus jesus tells the man he says i know your hand ain't moved in a long time i know you ain't had no motion in a long time but he says hey brother i want you to do something you ain't never done he says stretch [Music] your hands he says stretch your hand out he says and as you stretch him he says i'm going to restore well they've never been restored before if you don't mind i need you to do me a favor and look at your name look at your neighbor look at your neighbor in the bishop and in this new season god is looking for you to break your motion and to go to stretching and he says as you stretch him he says i ain't got to touch you he says but it's in your stretcher that i'm getting ready to restore he says it's in your stretcher i'm getting ready to deliver he says it's in your stretcher i'm getting ready to bless you he says it's in your stretcher that i'm getting ready to stretch you if you don't mind i need you to stretch your hand and wave it in the air and as you go to stretch it god he's getting ready to restore you back to your rightful place you've been tried and withered but i come by to prophesy that that season is over the god you servant is bringing you restoration in your life the devil wanted you to think about you will always be willing the devil wanted you to think you would always be dying the devil wanted you to think you would always be stuck the devil wanted you to think he would always be alone about but you made him mad when you told that devil i'm going to do something i've never done before i'm going stretch you until my miracle comes i'm gonna stretch up until my breath will come i'm gonna stretch until the lord moves [Music] when that old devil wants you to think it's over and that old devil wants you to think you're broken when that old devil wants you to think you ain't gonna make it that demo [Music] [Music] and i stopped by to tell you that your freedom is here that your liberty is here that's your next level it's in this room the lord wants you to know that it might have been wrong in this past season you might have been crying in this past season you might have been down in this past season but i stopped by to tell you to be [Music] god will he'll give you joy you ain't had god will he'll make you what the enemy lived and tell them babe he managed for my girl but the voice was for my good the pain [Music] was the suffering was for my door the pasta was for my good the tail embarrassed before my goodness those who denied me it was for my good why did i leave that i needed it so i can count it all joy when i pray [Applause] [Music] but let patience but let patience have its perfect work yes he working on you he working on you he working on you he working is he working on me he's working on me so i can realize that i reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared to the glory that shall be revealed if you stretch here come glory if you stretch give him glory if you structure he'll come glory if you stretch his glory [Applause] here come glory i stretch shall i go i'm stretching the night i'm stretching the night i'm stretching the knife why are you stretching cause when i stretch i'm pressing is there anybody here where you pressing toward the mark for the price of the higher calling which is in christ jesus whatever you do stress whatever you do stretch whatever you do whatever you do whatever you do whatever you do [Music] look at your name tell them name i'm stretching all 21. i'm stretching i'm stretching through good things i'm stretching through bad days i'm stretching through painful tears i'm stretching with them talking about me cause i've learned that if i stretch i'll have some good days i'll have some bad days but no matter the days i have my stretch of teach me he'll keep those in perfect peace [Music] i've got stretch stretch stretch stretch stretch until you feel power stretch till you feel glory stretch till you feel anointed stretch till you feel god working in you i got the clothes i got the clothes i got the clothes but before i close i see you looking at me and you're saying bishop you don't understand i've been going through i've been ready to quit i want to throw in the time but i stopped by to tell you you can't quit now when you feel like you're gonna quit go to bed tonight and build those problems up above your head because we've been mighty [Music] in the morning [Music] [Music] get it get it get it [Music] [Music] hold it up hold it up [Music] come on hold it up by faith yeah that's it god's already doing it even now i ain't even setting them yet but i feel the anointing of restoration i know your hand is hurting that's all right it's supposed to because guess what that strength coming back that strength coming back come on that strength come on weather weather that pain of holding it up shrimp [Music] this is what i heard the lord say while your hand is up and you you're stretching i know [Music] when i follow jesus [Music] god says there's about 30 of you in this room and literally about 150 online that god says a fresh anointing is getting ready to knock you out and i'm not necessarily talking about physically but i'm talking about there's an anointing that's getting ready to hit you because god says for 30 of you the only way you're gonna make it in 2021 you're gonna need an anointing to do it hey the only way your business is gonna survive you don't need an anointing to do it the only way your family gonna survive you're gonna need an anointing to do it and when i holler jesus i want you to open your mouth and shout out of your belly like you know god's getting ready to send you restoration like you ain't never had you ready one two three [Music] come on check out your balance [Music] [Music] i see you i see you i see you i see you i see you restoration is here restoration is here it's here it's here it's here it's here what the devil thought he stole god said i'm giving it back to you double double double [Music] [Music] restoration is [Music] i don't know that young lady i don't know if that shirt is green black blue i don't have my glasses on right behind you want me to god in the orange she got a headband right there yeah she already know what's her name do y'all know her name huh alexis alexis baby girl if you can hear me i want to prophesy to you that things are changing i hear in my spirit it won't always be like this god's gonna perfect that concerning you sooner or later sooner than later god says it's getting ready to turn in your favor i need everybody who can leap over here i just need y'all to go to leaping meet is [Music] [Applause] [Music] buy some lexus [Music] [Music] do you have a cd out yet you too close to close to the anointing [Music] god's getting ready to anoint you to release another sound in this earth don't you be worried about people calling you old school god says there's a glory on your life god's getting ready to reward you for your faithfulness to him he's getting ready to reward you because you submitted to him he's getting ready to reward you for being a church boy and being unashamed i tell you today you are having sick you're [Music] play you don't need nobody you can do it on your own your restoration your restoration your restoration has come tonight somebody poisoned [Music] what is that [Music] that's it i see you right back there in the last row [Music] [Music] god said my glory is here my glory is here my glory church stay right there walk me [Music] we'll say rip jesus [Music] restoration restoration [Music] can i give one more prophetic word [Music] hear me please hear me please hear me the lord told me emory at the top of the year he said son i'm gonna use this pandemic to touch families [Music] he said i'ma lock them jokers in their house and i'm gonna restore families [Music] because the anointing that's coming in this season is coming to the family the man is getting ready to return as the priest of his home watch what i tell you god says i'm getting ready to touch feminists all over again church there's two praises i'm calling for this first one i need y'all to go ballistic for families you getting ready to praise them for your family i need everybody in here to do something if you don't dance you better leave if you don't leave you better clap if you don't clap you better shake you better do something but for the next 30 seconds i want you to go to praise and god for your family [Music] your heart is going to get saved your weight don't get saved [Music] you probably [Music] restoration is is let me go [Music] here [Music] [Music] let me [Music] let me praise the musicians praising trouble not the trauma praises not the trauma praise the drama yes lord jesus that's a great be coming to your family there's a breakthrough coming to your house this is your hour to be restored to be set free to go deeper in god what's gonna do [Music] [Music] [Music] this next phrase and i wanted to come out of your belly god says this last phrase has to be a shout out of your belly yes god says this praise is for somebody else [Applause] [Music] it's not for you yeah it's not for your family god said do you love me enough to shout for somebody else to be restored do you love me enough to shout for somebody who couldn't be here tonight who you don't need all over this building tonight this room has the power [Applause] to shake the lives of people all over this world in your home in this room i'm going to give you 45 seconds 40 is the number of revelation 5 is the number of grace i need you to shout until you feel that breakthrough hit you for somebody else you ready one two three cheetah [Music] hey [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] sound like you would want somebody to shout for you [Music] holla like you would want somebody to holla for you lift those hands straight up yes [Music] yes yes [Music] yes [Music] the lord says some of you all are so anointed stay there don't worry about my voice go back and listen to it if you have to you stay right here in this place some of you all are so anointed that you're gonna be able to walk in places and you're going to see the brokenness of that place and your presence is going to bring restoration you're going to walk into other families homes and restorations are going to come that's going to fill your mouth with wisdom don't you worry about your children i don't know who you are but god says i'm gonna bring that child in is there anything too hard for me yeah i'm talking to you [Music] but bishop they're living an alternative lifestyle he says don't worry about it i got it i got it i got it i had to give them their own testimony i got it i had to give them their own story i got it [Music] i got it i got it i got it i got it god says i'm gonna reveal myself to your child right in the mess i got it i got it i got it i got it i got it i got it i got it yes i got it i got it i got it i got it i got it i got it i got it i got it i'm gonna handle it i'm gonna handle it yes yes yes crazy that's the sound of [Music] deliverance trust me church trust me trust me how dare you just hold up that right hand one more time [Music] hold it hold that right hand come on god says when you pull it down everything you're believing for me to restore i'm going to give you the remedy for restoration you ready you ready i want you to cut your hands like this and then pull that hand down [Music] not thank you for it yes [Music] trust [Music] trust [Music] trust me [Music] i want to obey god i want to challenge everybody who can to show a jubilee seed see the favor seed of grace all over this place and i and bishop if i'm about to do something wrong please rebuke me but if you have cash i want you to throw it on the steps because i don't get no hold it high they'll come get it all right hold it high they're gonna come [Music] got it going got it if you got cash i want you to put it in the box in the back but i want you to hold it in the air before you leave here you hear me [Music] you ready get your jubilee safe if you're showing cash app the given information is on the screen for those of you watching if you're throwing cash out lift that green screen because i'm calling finances to your green screen in the name of jesus [Music] for those of you online that's sewing holla i'm sewing let me know online i'm sewing bishop i'm sewing i'm sewing i'm sorry i'm sorry on giblify i'm sewing i'm sewing i see the green screens come on i'm sewing i'm sewing i'm sorry [Music] thank you the jubilee seed is the number 50 it's the 50 seed it's the seed of release [Music] it's the seed of release when you sow this seed god's getting ready to release the tension that has had you bound and god's getting ready to give you the victory and restoration that you're believing god to send you somebody holler my releases here my restoration is here my release is here my restoration is here hallelujah my release is here my restoration i see you i'm sewing shawnee sykes amen chanel coleman rhonda wheaton come on hallelujah we're praying for you uh doris hallelujah cynthia dunn says i'm sowing amen lauren bouncer i'm sowing laura farr i'm sowing that's right come on let me know your soul let me know your song from all over i trust you lord come on that's it hallelujah i'm sewing i'm sowing i'm sowing i'm sowing release that seed right now i'm sowing a seed of restoration and release 50 my jubilee seed a seed of restoration and release i see the restoration and release they're still sowing thank you rosemary i see you shamika i see you glory to god uh bye hallelujah i see you some of your names i can't pronounce but i see you thank you lord mary and i'm sowing so so so so kendrick gray i'm so and you go to giblif gibla five the chosen vessel cathedral cash app dollar sign tcbc ministries if you're going to text to give 833-948-1987 or you can send your gift in he's he's he's sending you release somebody my release is here my restoration is here the lord gave me three words for you all this week number one build it don't talk but what don't talk just build then he said last night god's got my mind i'm going to be able to build in silence because my mind is in him and after i get done building with a sound mind by the time this season is over i'm going to see total restoration did you hear god this week did you hear him this week did you hear him receive it in jesus name keep sewing keep sewing even now we [Music] we appreciate your seating you're sowing i'm looking at all of these people that are giving online we thank god for each and every one of you all there may be someone in the sound of my voice and or even who is in the sanctuary or watching us and chosen vessel everywhere you may not know the lord to save jesus christ in the part of your sins and you need to establish a relationship with him the bible declares if you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart lord and savior jesus christ you're going to be saved yes we're an apostolic church we believe in the baptism and water thank god for you can trees however we want to get you on the road started just pray this prayer with me say lord jesus i am a sinner in need of a savior i recognize that you shed your blood and dying that you got up with all power in heaven and earth in your hands i confess them to my mouth and i believe in my heart that you are my lord that you are my savior save me now in jesus name we pray amen now listen if you prayed that prayer with me tonight i want to connect to you if you bring that prayer i just need you to quickly in the sanctuary or watching via streaming i need you to text quickly chosen to seven seven 817-442-6775 again text chosen to eight one seven four four two six seven seven five you're already in right relationship and you're looking for christ in the ministry that you connect to you're saying bishop marvin i want to be a member of your church but i'm not close or i live in the area we're one church two locations family we're one church two locations we have our local assembly and we have our virtual assembly if you're not in the area and you want to be a member of chosen vessel everywhere it's very simple to become a member and become a part of new members classes and all of that just text the word vessel text the word vessel to 817-442-6775 text the word vessel to joining 817-442-6775 vessel cathedral you ain't got to wait till the church doors open you can join now if you're in the sanctuary if you're watching us via streaming you can join choice and vessel right now how do i join bishop just text the word vessel text the word vessel to 817-442-6775 listen i thank god for this entire month my god what a word if we've learned nothing we've learned that we're living in a pivoting season where god is restoring god is restoring i thank god for my covenant brothers who have been watching tonight a man from all over from jacksonville and atlanta and denver colorado i love you guys to life thank you for logging on and being a part of what we have been experiencing what a powerful word what a powerful month from bishop daryl hill to elder mark moore to superintendent brian nelson bishop brandon jacobs what a mighty move of god we have had this month i'm looking forward to being here on sunday first sunday in the month of february i'm going to start our series on detoxing in this particular season and we're about to leave in a moment so everyone let's stand as we prepare to go i don't know what to say ain't y'all glad i didn't get a benediction every night close this anointing out ain't no way in the world it's messed up if you have your seed in an envelope if you have your seed and envelope there should be a box or something in the back that you can plant seed into on your way out uh they're gonna make sure one of the brothers is going to make sure i think one of the deacons are so are going to make sure that they grab your seed before you leave and we're going to put you in the hands of our directors as they direct you all out safely thank you all so much did y'all enjoy this should we do this again in january 2022 amen okay let's pray father we thank you we honor you and we worship you god we thank you for these your people now god as we leave this place but absolutely not from your presence go with us all take care of us put your loving arms of protection around us keep us all from hurt harm and or danger until we assemble ourselves together again for such a time as this so we can lift up our hands worship you in the beauty of holiness now god as we travel to our separate destinations we pray that you would give us traveling mercies that you would take us home safely that you would keep us covered with your blood we thank you we worship magnify and adore you until we assemble again once more to give you more praise more honor and more glory in jesus name we pray amen can see yourself dismiss family you
Channel: The Chosen Vessel Church
Views: 14,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6X4tvVRqW4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 149min 40sec (8980 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2021
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