God is the Source of Good - Expecting the Goodness of God in Your Life, Part 1

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[Music] hello everyone i'm jerry savelle thank you for joining me today i appreciate you watching our broadcast and i want to say how much we appreciate you responding thank you for your letters your telephone calls uh bang our resources it's such a blessing to be able to come to you each and every week and we appreciate how that you appreciate the ministry of the word coming from this television broadcast today we're going to be talking about expecting the goodness of god as never before in your life god is a good god say that with me say it this way my god is a good god he has been so good to me that it makes me feel like i must be his favorite child and i hope you feel the same way god is a good god in fact i want to start this today from psalm 119 and verse 68 it says thou art good and doest good the message translation says you are good and you are the source of good god is the source of good everything good in your life has come from god everything bad has come from our adversary the devil so don't ever mistake that don't ever think that god is the one who's doing bad things in your life no god is the good god and he is the source of good everything good comes from him now i'm going to take you into our service here at heritage of faith christian center where i was teaching this and it is a powerful service so get ready to take notes watch closely listen closely because faith comes by hearing hearing by the word of god and then i'll be back in just a little while with some closing remarks i want us to open our bibles to the 11th chapter of mark and and i'm laying a foundation here by teaching first of all some of the basic principles of the god kind of faith the life of faith mark the 11th chapter jesus says in verse 22 have faith in god look at your neighbor and tell them have faith in god there are other translations that say have the faith of god and still another translation says have the god kind of faith have the god kind of faith so apparently it is possible for you and me to have the god kind of faith now one of the basic principles of operating in the god kind of faith is this you're not moved by what you see you're not moved by what you hear and you're not moved by what you feel that is faith 101. it's as basic as you can get first time i heard kenneth copeland say that back in 1969 i'm not moved now i didn't realize at the time he was quoting smith wigglesworth because i think smith wigglesworth was probably one of the first who made that statement and brother copeland said i'm not moved by what i see i'm not moved by what i hear and i'm not moved by what i feel i thought boy i am because at that time i was whatever i heard moved me whatever i saw moved me however i felt moved me but i didn't know any better i hadn't been taught the word yet but when he said i'm not moved by what i see i'm not moved by what i hear and i'm not moved by what i feel and then he added this i'm only moved by what i believe and i believe the word of god and i i wrote down in my notes i'm going to get to that place in my life where i'm not moved by what i see i'm not moved by what i hear and i'm not moved by what i feel i will only be moved what i believe and i'll believe the word of god so that's elementary that's that's that's as basic as the life of faith gets now jesus teaches that to be moved by your five physical senses is the same thing as actually being faithless go to john chapter 20 with me john chapter 20. and you remember the story when jesus was raised from the dead he appeared to some of the disciples and they went and told one of the other disciples and he said thomas he said i will not believe unless i see unless i feel look at john chapter 20 and verse 24. but thomas one of the twelve called didymus was not with them when jesus came the other disciples therefore said unto him we have seen the lord but he said unto them except i shall see remember what he says here except i shall see in the hands the print of the nails and put my finger into the print of the nails and thrust my hand into his side i will not believe so what is he saying if i can't see it i won't believe it so what is his faithless life built on seeing something feeling something hearing something and he said if i can't if i can't perceive it with my five physical senses then i will not believe i know a lot of christians like that today if they can't see it if they can't hear it if they can't feel it then they choose not to believe but jesus said to him notice this verse 22 he saith to thomas reach hither thy finger and behold my hands and reach hither thy hand and thrust into my side and be not faithless but believing so once again jesus teaches that if you have to see it first hear it or feel it before you believe then he considers you to be faithless thank you for your enthusiasm amen i'm talking to you about basic principles of the god kind of faith now another translation well let me let me go on with this second corinthians chapter 5 verse 7 says for we walk by faith and not by sight the amplified says not by appearance not by appearance the way things appear see if you look at how things appear right now it'd be hard for you to believe that the goodness of the lord is on its way unprecedented goodness goodness like we've never experienced before if you base everything on what you're seeing and hearing right now then it's going to be hard for you to accept this you won't believe it why because you're basing what you believe on what you can see and what you've heard that's contrary to the life of faith amen folks i'm not making this up it's here right in the bible this way i've lived for 52 years now amen now notice once again we walk by faith and not by sight or not by appearance appearance means the outward or visible aspect of a thing are the visible and outward aspect of an event if you look at all the events that are taking place right now not only in our nation but all over the world and that's final authority in your life because that's what they say then you will not be able to believe you will not choose to believe that on god's agenda in the days ahead is an outpouring of unprecedented goodness but i choose to believe it i receive it and i'm going to have it hallelujah lift your hands and say me too praise god now go with me to first samuel chapter 16. first samuel chapter 16. once again i'm laying a foundation i don't want to assume anything because you know there's a lot of people that haven't heard the basics yet we we assume a lot of times they have but there's new people coming in all the time and they haven't heard the basics of the life of faith so look at first samuel chapter 16. and here's where the prophet samuel is going to jesse's house not to plant us another jesse and and he his assignment is to anoint the next king of israel and so he asked samuel to bring in all of his boys and so samuel brought all the boys in except david now why didn't he bring david he was one of his sons because he assumed it couldn't possibly be david he's just a shepherd's boy amen a shepherd boy so he didn't even bother bringing him before samuel so samuel went down the line and i'm paraphrasing this he went down the line and looked at all these boys and decided there there's not the the next king is not one of these guys and he says do you have any other sons and he says i have one more but he's just a ruddy youth he's out there with the sheep in other words it couldn't be him but samuel instructed him bring him to me and when he brought him to him it says in verse 7 behold the lord said unto samuel look not on his countenance in other words don't be moved by what you see look not on his countenance or on the height of his stature because i have refused him for the lord seeth not as man saith for a man looketh upon the outward appearance but the lord looketh on the heart so notice this basic elementary principle of operating in the god kind of faith you don't move on appearances you don't allow the appearance of something to be final authority amen amen you have to look through the eye of faith the ifa brother copeland tells the story and i heard him tell this back there 1969. he tells a story that he was preaching over at grace temple harold nichols and in those early days and he was doing several nights of meetings john and kelly were real young john being just a just a really young boy and john said daddy after listening to you isn't it wonderful we have three eyes brother copeland thought for a moment said where did he get that he said these two in the eye of faith now that came out of a child let your neighbors say what are you waiting on isn't it good we have three eyes these two and the eye of faith amen looking through the eye of faith amen and so notice here samuel was not to be governed by the outward appearance once again that is a basic principle of the life of faith now go to second corinthians chapter 4 ii corinthians chapter 4 and look at verse 18. while we look not at the things which are seen but at the things which are not seen while we look not at the things which are seen but the things which are not seen now how can you see something that's not seen through that third eye the eye of faith amen why because the things which are seen are temporal i was reading that one day brother copeland and i when i was working with him and he began having me teach the morning services in these meetings and we were in birmingham alabama and he was teaching that morning and then i was i'm sorry he was teaching that evening and the next morning i was to do the morning service and i'm i'm reading the word in my room before going out in that service and i'm reading this verse i said corinthians 4 18. things which are seen are temporal things which are seen are temporal i'm meditating on that temporal temporal temporary temporary not permanent not permanent and then i heard the holy spirit say this subject to change oh i come undone i got over that meeting and i started preaching on things which are seen are subject to change and brother copeland jumped up and said boy why didn't you tell me this a long time ago i said i just heard it [Laughter] things which are seen are subject to change oh i can't tell you how many victories i've won off of that one revelation things which are seen are subject to change hallelujah if you can see it if you can hear it if you can feel it if you can perceive it with your five physical senses it is subject to change [Applause] jesus proved this in his earthly ministry blindness was subject to change leprosy was subject to change mountains are subject to change that's the way he lived these are the basic principles of the life of faith can you say amen don't base your belief on what you can see [Music] in other words just because you can't see it doesn't mean that it doesn't exist there's a lot of things going on in the spirit realm right now we can't see this room is full of angels [Applause] how many of you have seen them lately [Music] i've been preaching at times and people afterwards would say i saw your angel tonight he's big i said thank god he is [Applause] remember we were in hot springs arkansas one time down there on main street and was in this building and you know hot springs is it's got a lot of street people a lot of drunks and alcoholics and so forth and i'm preaching and this this guy staggered in the room and he just come through there like this you know and and he and he laid down on two chairs up near the front just laid down passed out and and so i'm preaching along there and uh i said something and he and he he just woke up and responded to it in other words i was i was actually teaching on how the life of faith is like trying to go upstream in a canoe going against the grain and i said what do you need to do if you're in a canoe going against the stream he woke up and said get a paddle brother you know and then he would he passed out again everybody it just broke the place up you know but then he woke up and he got his eyes got about this big and i thought what in the world's going on with him and he come up and he said i saw somebody standing behind you i said who he said i don't know but he was big he said and he'd lean over and whisper something in your ear and you just come undone i said that was my angel a drunk saw my angel why aren't the rest of you seeing my angel every one of us have a guardian angel thank god for that i'd have been dead a long time ago it hadn't been for that guardian angel i know many times he saved my life when i was a young boy well there's nowhere in the bible says when you become an adult you lose him he's still with me he's still with you amen hallelujah how many angels do you suppose are in here right now because the bible says they hearken unto god's word well i'm preaching god's word they're listening they're listening wouldn't it be something we could reach out and touch them well we may not be able to do that but that doesn't mean they're not here amen how many of you know of situations in your life where it had to be your guardian angel that protected you or you wouldn't even be here today amen so just because you can't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist can you say amen uh let's look at an example second kings chapter six second kings chapter 6. once again i'm going to keep repeating this we're talking about the basic principles of operating in the god kind of faith because jesus said that's what we need have it second kings chapter 6 and this is the story of elijah and elijah is able to hear and see what this evil king is plotting and this king thinks it's somebody in his own camp that is betraying him because what elijah saw was exactly what was happening and so he this king wants somebody to find out who's the traitor here well nevertheless they sent chariots and horses and so forth and and they they had told the king that it's it's the prophet he knows what's going on even in your bed chambers so they sent after him and they sent chariots and they sent horses and so forth and then it says in verse 14. therefore send heather horses and chariots and a great host and they came by night and compassed the city about they've circled the city okay and when the servant of the man of god was risen early and gone forth behold a host compassed the city both with horses and chariots and his servants said unto him alas my master what shall we do and he answered fear not for they that be with us are more than they that be with them don't you know that servant thought there he goes again something that birds are bringing him that he's eating he gets a little nutty every once in a while how could there possibly be more of us than there are them and then he counts elijah and me two then he looks out there and sees the whole city compassed about with horses and chariots but then the prophet says lord open his eyes that he might see that's my prayer for all of you in here this morning lord open their eyes that they might see that there's more going on in the spirit realm than in the natural realm and what's going on in the spirit realm is about to manifest in the natural realm [Music] hallelujah lift your hands and thank god in advance for it praise god and the lord opened his eyes the eyes of the young man and he saw and behold the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about elijah now notice they were there all the time but this young man couldn't see it amen something was happening in the spirit realm yes and he couldn't see it something's happening in the spirit realm right now but i'm standing behind this podium and speaking to you something is happening in the spirit realm even though we can't see it but trust me it's happening god will never allow the devil to get the upper hand the bible even says when sin abounds grace does much more hallelujah in other words god is not going to allow the devil to have the final say in this can you say amen [Music] god is about to pour out his goodness on his people as never before today's special offer the expect god's goodness package contains jerry savelle's brand new three-part cd series expecting the goodness of god in your life his inspiring book expect the extraordinary and his revealing book experiencing more of god's presence and power in this package jerry teaches how you can walk in favor with god how to receive god's goodness how to see beyond your circumstances and god's plan for abundance develop a faith that isn't moved by what you see what you hear or what you feel become completely convinced that god's goodness is on the way call or go online now to jerrysavelle.org and request your copy of the expect god's goodness special package god is good and is the source of good order now to discover the life that god desires for you expecting his goodness all right praise the lord did you enjoy the message today i trust that you did and let me just encourage you to do this immediately after you watch this broadcast spend the rest of the day thanking god for his goodness you know psalm 107 there are four verses in that one psalm that says o that men would praise the lord for his goodness you know i think one of the reasons why so many of god's people miss out on more and more manifestations of the goodness of god in their life they're not grateful enough for what god's already done keep praising god for what he's done and also by faith praise god for what you're expecting him to do god is good and he is the source of good don't ever forget that say it with me my god is the good god and he's the source of good amen before we leave there let me share with you our special resource package today three cds on expecting the goodness of god expecting the goodness of god in your life you know the bible tells us in psalm 62 that my expectations come from him you know when you're operating in real bible faith you are expecting god to do something and i want to challenge you today just by listening to these series of messages expecting the goodness of god in your life that it causes your expectation to go to another level you know i've learned over the years that everything i expect god does for me amen i line up with the word of god what god's word says and then i expect that to come to pass and god always honors it so once again three cds on expecting the goodness of god in your life along with it comes my book expect the extraordinary god will make it happen in extraordinary ways and then finally experiencing more of god's presence and power that's all available today go online jerrysavelle.org or look on the screen right now for all the ordering information and don't forget join me again next week as we continue this study on expecting the goodness of god i'll see you then [Music] you
Channel: Jerry Savelle
Views: 13,695
Rating: 4.951417 out of 5
Keywords: Jerry Savelle, Jerry, Savelle, Favor, Faith, Blessed, Blessing, Gospel, Prayer, Heritage, Overcoming, Peace, Hope, Prosperity, Winning, Breakthrough, Glory, Christ, Christian, Christianity, Healing, Health, Harvest, Trusting God, Word of God, Faithful, God's Favor, Pray, Inspirational Message, How to have Faith, Holy Spirit, Don't Quit, Positive, Inspiration, Love, Motivation, The Word of God, Full Potential, Resilience, Positive Mindset, Abundant Overflow, God’s promise, Rise Above, Increase by Association
Id: 4o_IVkbz7OQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 34sec (1714 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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