God Has A Plan

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Jeremiah 29 for I know the thoughts that I think toward you says the Lord thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you a future and a hope a future and a hope my thinking towards you is about peace my thinking towards you is about a good future and it is about hope now the message Bible of Psalms 139 verse 13 oh yes you say you shaped me first inside then out you've formed to me in my mother's womb I thank you high god you're breathtaking body and soul I am marvelously made I worship in adoration what a creation you know me inside and out you know every bone in my body you know exactly how I was made it bit by bit how I was sculpted from nothing into something like an open book you watched me grow from conception to birth all the stages of my life were spread out before you the days of my life all prepared before I'd even lived one day your thoughts how how rare how beautiful God I'll never comprehend them I couldn't even begin to count them any more than I could count the sand of the sea oh let me rise in the morning and live always with you and please God do away with wickedness for good and you murderers out there all men and women who belittle you God infatuated with cheap God imitations see how I hate those who hate you God see how I loathe all this godless Riggins I hate it with pure unadulterated hatred your enemies are my enemies so investigate my life Oh God find out everything about me cross examined me Tessa me and get a clearer picture of what I'm about see for yourself whether I've done anything wrong then guide me on the road to eternal life let's read that in the New Living Translation you made all the delicate inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb thank you for making me so wonderfully complex your workmanship is marvelous how well I know it you watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion as I was woven together in the dark of the womb you saw me before I was born every day of my life was recorded in your book every moment was laid out before a single day had passed how precious us are your thoughts about me Oh God they cannot be numbered I can't even count them the outnumber the grains of sand and when I wake up you are still with me that's prayed thank you Lord for your word thank you that it is alive its alive in this room right now thank you for the ministry of your Holy Spirit that comes to teach and anoint our ears to hear let that be in this room today anoint us to hear your word to us I ask that you would communicate beyond my ability today in the natural realm and communicate in the spirit realm communicate and release and activate the apostolic anointing upon my life and I asked for the anointing of Samuel that not one word that I speak fall to the ground I pray Lord that you would that you would tie your heart to my my lips that I would proclaim your word and that God you would speak a fresh word a living word to to every heart here feed us today breathe your life in this message in Jesus name Amen may be seated last week one of the statements of King David that I read to you was sometimes David said I feel like I'm out of sight and out of mind no one notices me in other words I I sometimes feel like I just don't matter no one's paying any attention they don't care how I feel they don't seem to care about what I'm going through they they don't seem to care about what's bothering me they don't seem to notice I it's like sometimes I I feel like I'm invisible I'm the Invisible Man I'm the Invisible Woman and of course the that communicates a feeling of isolation and loneliness self-worth plummets into a passive abyss of why even try why why even keep going no one's paying attention anyway that feeling can can halt haunt someone with feelings of insignificance which of course something is something every person every man woman boy and girl desires they all desire we all desire significance it's a cry of everyone's heart we want to do something that is worthwhile something significance I'm not talking about grandiose things I'm talking about in general things of life that seemed to matter now self-worth is heightened it's heightened dramatically by someone that you respect someone of importance someone of authority that ascribes value to you they value you what they think and what they think about you can cause self worth to rise and potential that is inside of you can explode with passionate energy what what they say to you what they say can cause potential to be drawn drawn from you what someone says can draw potential from you or it can quench potential in you if you think about it too much and you don't cast it away someone of importance could speak into your life and it could quench your potential if they're the wrong words we call them abusive words abuse is far more than just physical it could just be a word that cancels or stifles the potential that is inside of you and you can't be who you you want to be because those words keep are acting as a barrier to you and you have to get rid of them you have to reset yourself what they think can cause self-worth to rise if you read the testimony or biographies of successful people and if you don't do that you should because they speak inspiring things to us but the testimony you know are the biographies of successful people you will find often that they say they did some things they never thought they ever could do simply because someone else thought they could simply because of a friend or a loved one or a mother or a dad that they thought they could or they said they said you could and you you you you have this energizing passionate feeling come forth that gives you hope that yes you can you can do this those are powerful words someone who valued them pulled success from them and and they they energized them why because someone they valued believed in them of course the greatest beings in the entire universe the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit and what what they would think then what they think of us went understood or what they would say to us or about us when understood can activate worth that calls us our potential to really indeed explode with passion and energy because you can't get bigger than God thankfully the old and the New Testament are filled consistently filled with how valuable the Godhead considers you to be it teaches our amazing worth to God Himself are amazing worth to Jesus are amazing worth to the ever-present Holy Spirit it's something that that none of us think about nearly enough and it's something that takes our gifts our talents our abilities to confident new levels if we really get a hold of it and ponder it in several years ago now I was talking to the Lord one day I was just praying and worshiping and and I was gone through things that I was thankful for and just listing them and I begin to say things like this I believe in you God I believe in your character I believe in your nature I believe in your ways I I believe in your goodness I believe in your faithfulness your always faithful to me I believe in your word your word is always true I believe in your mercy I believe in your loving-kindness it is fresh every day I believe in your character my heart is set that's best I know how towards you and your ways I believe in you I believe in your abilities I believe in your creative abilities I believe in you my god and I'll never forget I'll never forget him saying back to me these words I believe in you too that that shocked me I it gave me pause I pondered that for several days probably weeks because I wasn't expecting that and I had never thought of God that way but I heard it and I heard it really clear it wasn't obscure it was very clear I I wish everyone in this room would hear it like I I heard it that day and I never expected to hear it wasn't something that I was pondering or even had ever thought about God said I believe in you too I knew he was not saying that I was perfect don't say Amen on that one but I knew he was saying you'll never make any mistakes I knew he he he was not saying you're never fail ever ever in your life fail it was just a very clear and for me profound statement from a loving father I believe in you up until that day I'd never thought about it it was always one-sided until that day I mean I'd heard plenty of times in my life believe in God I was raised in church I heard it all my art of time I was born believe in God but I had never thought that God might believe in me I had never thought that that I've never thought about God believing in us kids not because again not because we're perfect we know we're not and he knows we're not perfect but with a Father's heart that is filled with grace and unconditional love his heart reveals he believes in his kids he believes in his children he believes in their potential he believes in you he he believes in me he believes I'm gonna make it he believes you're gonna make it he believes I'm gonna succeed he believes you're going to succeed and because of of who he is because of how great he is because of his awesome valuable Worth and because of his thoughts towards us because of his words towards us his words towards me it has it has inspired me to press on to higher levels of my potential why because I absolutely want to please him one of the amazing traits of Father God that shouts from the pages of Scripture is this God lives and he has his being with me in mind with you in mind I'm on father's mind it's a freeing thought it's one of the traits of a loving caring Heavenly Father because just like a natural earthly father they're only there only portraying aspects of if they're a real if they're a good have an earthly father they're they're portraying an attribute of of the real perfect father God and one of those traits is he is proud of his children watch real fathers that have good character watch them they are proud of their children you can see it they almost swell with pride when they see their children and they speak that to them God think about that God is proud of you again I don't want to be that over the head but not because you're perfect because you're hiss that makes the difference my kids well Rachel's close but they're not perfect my grandkids they're not perfect but they're mine and I'm proud you're not perfect but you're hiss and he's proud he's invested in you he invests what does he invest in you himself himself he is proud of you and just as a natural father lives and works and and makes plans with their children in mind so does God father God thinks about his kids all the time he thinks about you think about that think about that God thinks about you most of us have have really never thought about God thinking about you he thinks about you he's constantly planning good things to come your way not bad things he's never planned bad things for you good things the word thoughts God says I know the thoughts I think about you that's in the scripture I know the thoughts I think about you so God must think about you just the thought that God thinks about us calls us self-worth to begin to rise confidence to begin to rise probably already in the room that is starting to happen because there is there is an affirmation that comes and something begins to penetrate these ears and goes down inside of us that begins to reshape and reform us towards purpose and Destinee the word thoughts there is the Hebrew word Makka shabath and it means imaginations or it means intentions or purposes plans inventions or skillful work what a what a fascinating promise God says there are plans i imagine you doing before you were ever born i thought through intentions and purposes that fit you perfectly i have plans for you there are some cardinal things that over the years i have tried to mention two to three times a year i throw them into a sermon somewhere two or three times a year why because they are cardinal things of doctrine that we have to focus on because life will cause you just drift right past them and you got to come back and see them again and one of those is purpose i like to bring it up two or three times a year because if you're not careful life will drift you right past where right past purpose right past things God planned and you you it's like you didn't see it we have to pause rethink because it resets and realigns us with something very valuable purpose is the greek word prothesis pro means before thesis is a written report before you were born God wrote your thesis there was a time in the eternities past there there is a counsel of God that occurs in the throne room we are told of it often in the scriptures and we think of it as God counseling among themselves the Godhead for some very important things like how they will make the heavens or the earth the you know verse spectacular things but we don't often thinks that think about how that council room was used to evaluate you and there was a time when the Godhead sat down in the eternities past before there was one day to your life and they discussed why you would be they discussed intentions that they had in mind for you and they wrote them down and they assigned two angels to help bring it up to pass a lot of time to go there but but it's in it's in the angel book you can see it they thought through why would you be why make you and when would you be well we know you're here for a new era and then having having planned that and thought that through then they made you with the potential to get that done there has never been an intention that God had in mind for you when he made you that he also did not give you the potential to bring to bring about to do now that doesn't mean you will doesn't mean I will because I can do the plans of God or not do them I have a free will I could I could drift right by it and never pay attention to it I could just avoid even thinking about it but if I do I'm aligned with a purpose that has been planned for me in the Godhead that will ultimately fulfill Who I am because only God knows who I really am he knows every bone in my body he knows the hairs of my head and he knows there's not as many as there used to be you are fearfully wonderfully made God says I've I've thought a lot about you and I've thought a lot about your potential I've made you with the potential to do my purpose know that the most brilliant the most intelligent mind in the universe pondered why me or why you is amazing but it's also comforting it's also challenging because it's inspiring to think I've been thought about in the Godhead father has thought about me son the son Jesus he has thought about me Holy Spirit has thought about me and it's true for every person that is here today or listening by media or any person period because no one is born on this planet no one is born on this planet without having spent time in God's mind no one your life has spent time in God's mind you your gifts whatever they are your talent whatever they are whatever level they are your abilities your uniqueness your callings your purposes have spent time in the brilliant mind of Almighty God which means you must be very important you must be very important for God to give you his time and his mind there there must be something about you that is very significant very valuable again we don't ponder that nearly enough David talks about it here in one of the most magnificent Psalms that was ever written and and it takes us on a biblical Odyssey that that gives us a good future and and is filled with hope see david ii was amazed at the sum or the number of thoughts that God had towards him and he writes of a sings it he's amazed about it he said well they're like the sand the sand in the the ocean and which is a hebrew ism meaning a whole lot because that's a lot of sand I mean you think about all the particles of sand it's simply a hebrew ism which means a whole whole bunch God has thought a lot about you he has thought about you a whole bunch and because he is independent of time it's never been a problem for him he's omniscient and I guess all knowingness he's not bound by time never has been he can think about billions of people at the same time because he transcends time he can give you he can give you all the time he needs he can give you all the time at the same time billions of people no problem his omniscience and his omnipresence it's timeless he's outside of time so he can equally think about us all at the same time he sits outside of time he can see on any millisecond of time that he wants to which blows our mind and we're not going to really understand that till we are unlocked from our three dimensions now and become timeless ourselves time it was created by God just like the universe was created by God and he only made so much time we're literally running out of it and then there will be another dispensation in that when he's coming back to to earth David brings that up in this Psalm 139 when he talks about the stages of time that's important again stop and think about what he's saying when he talks about stages of time only he personalizes it to his own life so David must have thought about this himself quite a bit and his thinking is that God had created and planned the universe father God oversees the stages of my life it's a magnificent promise most again we don't think about the stages of life he said in verse 16 like an open book you watched me grow from conception to to birth all the stages of my life were spread out before you before I even lived one day it's interesting observation that life goes through stages David saw life going through stages the longer I live the more I can look back and see the stages of life not so much on the front end but now yeah and and you think a bit different in every stage because of life's experiences and and the things that we've accumulated because of relationships we think different we we think different because of different knowledge that has come our way different education different maturity and because of of different family situations because the family keeps evolving and changing along and the most important thing that we've got to know in every stage is that we must trust God in every stage whenever mature past trust ever not in any stage you're never going to get so mature you don't you don't need to trust no trust really trust at every stage trust that he oversees all the stages of my life and if I trust him if I allow him to cross examine me in every stage of life adolescent stage or college and career stage or the parental stage the marriage in the parental stage or the grandparent stage a retirement stage a clearer picture of who I really am will begin to develop in that stage God will see to it who I potentially can be will emerge new purpose will unfold in that new that new stage new intentions will begin to unfold in that stage as father God guides me down the road to eternal life and the biblical understanding is in no stage is nothing planned something's planned in every stage God plans something in every stage in every stage there is purpose in every stage there is significance in every stage there are intentions he has in mind why so you can always have a future and a hope do you know what the Hebrew meaning of death is no future as long as you're alive then you have future as long as you're breathing today there are significance as long as you're here there are things that planned that God was to unfold to you and if he has to he would do it supernaturally you never come to a stage when there's nothing planned listen to David's words again Psalms 139 verse 23 message Bible if investigate my life Oh God find out everything about me cross examine and test me get a clearer picture of what I'm about see for yourself whether I've done anything wrong then guide me on the road to eternal life he says Father guide me in every stage lead me in every stage father oversee the stages and keep me growing into more of your purpose in every stage keep me growing into your thoughts concerning me the idea here is to grow on grow on through the stages keep growing the the Hebrew idea is so different than our Western mindset most in our culture and perhaps even here today most in our culture at least accept a wrong mindset most are even trained any wrong mindset in their public education but most have a wrong mindset and and we let life's time stages wind us down the Western mindset often parallels our vocation because for many their job is their identity so as they retire the mindset is wind down wind down and typically that's what is done but the the Hebrew the biblical mindset is different life's clock is different in a true biblical worldview it's wind up not lying down I like that better I'm winding up for a new stage I'm doing it right now I'm winding up for a new purpose I'm winding up for fresh new destiny I'm winding up for new intentions and my father thought through about me I'm winding up for intentions purposes that he thought through before I was ever born I'm not going to finish life in some kind of empty stage because I know that in every stage there are intentions he had in mind and I'm gonna find I'm gonna find purpose in the next next stage of life until I die I'm going to find new meaning in the next stage my unconditional loving Heavenly Father has seen to it that is there and if I will pursue him he'll unlock it for me he'll show it to me just like he did in the stage before and the stage before and the stage before and the stage before so the idea of the Hebrew people the the biblical concept is you're supposed to bloom in every stage bloom produce your few fruit the fruit of your life in every stage every stage father wants us to live he wants you to live till you die live-live not exist live then come to live with him forever but if we brace a wrong worldview of the scripture then we just keep winding down when I supposed to but if that's your mindset then you then you see it unfolding as you think so are you you've got to think different what does God have for me in this stage what does he have for me to do in this stage what did he think about and I know it was good doesn't mean everything happens to us in every stage you know that from the past few weeks and everything that happens in every stage isn't good but everything he's planned for me is trusting father God is so important at every stage of your life you never again you never just never read immature past it I got to trust him I gotta trust him today just as much as I did in stage two or three because there is something about his purpose and intention in every stage that is going to push you to trust him you can't get it without faith you just can't do it he'll challenge you in every phase you know I went through I've thought a few times years ago I thought you know I'm I hope I finally get there because I everything that's like I'm fighting for the next thing all the time then I realized because I'm alive there are new things fight for him there's new success out there they all have challenged you they challenges you in every stage I'm challenged I sometimes think he challenges me more in this Dage than he did in the first ones why because in his mind he knew by the time he sees the end from the beginning he said about now okay by the time he gets here he will have known this and he will have put that together and he will have done this so let's challenge him to do this so he grows until I take him home so I'm challenged in in every stage once I embraced that worldview I was liberated it was such a freedom in it because I saw the loving grace of a father with me his son that says you're always going to live in every breath I'm gonna allow you on this planet I'm going to allow you to live it with potential and potential bring significance when I live in my potential I feel significant I almost feel sorry for people that they just exist does that mean that I it every every stage has challenges now my my challenge is physically in the first few stages they were not the challenges I have today I don't run as good as I used to I don't like steps there are challenges but and I'm aging but I'm here this I'm not aging here and I'm not ageing here physically okay but I'm not aging here and I'm not aging here I'm accepting the challenge of my father I have more for you I have more for you there is no person in this room that God hasn't thought through more for you in every stage there is purpose in every stage there is significance say I got physical challenge well let's win them and let's go on when them and go on the idea is abloom in every stage trusting God no matter what stage you're in whatever phase you're in whatever you're going through Trust is a must because at every stage we encounter challenges to our purpose that's another thing that you have to learn about life and and David if he had time we could go through his life and see it at every stage of his purpose there were challenges at every stage in your purpose there are challenges adversity comes physical challenges come financial challenges come demon challenges come relationship challenges come as we've seen the past three or four weeks we live on a fallen planet it's sin ridden yes David said in Psalms 139 the godless arrogance appalled him it's appalling me to noticed any godless arrogance or ungodly arrogance going on hmm we're not in heaven yet so Trust is a must but one of the reasons Trust is a must is because there are some stages there are some times when it appears to us that there is no plan but the truth of Scripture is in every face there is a plan there is purpose there is significance there is hope there is peace and you were made knitted by God in such a way that you can do it father thank you that your love for us is so magnificent I've often declared the potential and the people that I've spoken to is so great it's here today what potential it does this room but we got to go back to win you purposed them and then made them with the ability to get it done so help us pause today and think about you thinking about us and stop allowing the petty things to to drive us to obscure our significance or callings or giftings in any stage or except alike ally of society that there's nothing for us in this stage no breeze breathe fresh life passionate energy into every person we thank you we praise you halleloo
Channel: Oasis Church
Views: 1,358
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: zjBAlt95_0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 53sec (2693 seconds)
Published: Wed May 02 2018
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