SoD Phase 3 Most Broken Classes with Leaked Runes

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today we're going to have a little fun and we are going to go over the specs most likely to be busted after taking a look at all the phase three runes okay first of all and this is crazy because we only got to see one run for it that is going to be the Resto Druid that's right let take a look at this this is a fluoresence engrave your casters with a fluoresence every time you Swift men sobody you turn into a bunch of AOE healing for free into the party okay this is deceptively huge because if you take a look at all the poti builds okay I'm just making up like a level 40 build right here this is what you would be taking anyway because this is all the good Resto talents now the thing is you're level 35 and you're kind of stuck here because like there is absolutely nothing good you can take here there is absolutely nothing good you can take here Omen maybe do you want to do that uh the only really actually good thing is Nature's Rich so you can throw rats better but that's pretty much it so having a reason to go Swift men to actually go deep into the Resto three you can do something like this reduce your threat get some cast time here there you go you got Swift M so now you got a decent way of using your talents of course you're also going to be taking improved rat oh wait phase three because you are doing rats because Fury of stone rage is broken of course you're going to be doing that and you got five points to spare these five points are still going to be wasted uh you can take Nature's Gras if you like it you can take I I don't know Nature's focus it doesn't really matter the last five talents are wasted no matter what you do but this looks a lot better than not going swift man and trying to go some sort of weird build like at level 60 at level 60 you can go here for Nature's Grace because this gives you like a super fast Gast time on on heels but right now you don't have that at level 50 you are not going to be able to reach this and get all the good Resto talents so being able to go Swift me is a huge upgrade if I were to bait on a class that is going to be able to solo healer ra next pH like a maniac it is probably going to be the Resto Druid the potential output for this kind of healing is insane also remember guys that life Bloom pops whether you dispel it or it pops normally so if you're doing a swift man you're dispelling it so that means it's going to pop so not only you get free AOE healing when you do this on the tank you also control now a very effective emergency heal a very strong triple life Bloom instant heal on you so you are now a very strong tank healer too Druids are likely to be the highest output healer the top in the MS healer the best AOE healer which they already wear the wild growth is broken and now you have a second one apparently they are the best base load healer for the tank and now they might be one of the best snap healers too they have everything they can do everything at the same time because Swift mending your tank is going to heal the whole raid so you can do AOE and tank healing at the same time now Resto Ruiz are going to be even more busted next class is what class that I successfully predicted that it was going to be busted this phas and look and behold it got busted this pH and that is the Warlock now I know that Reddit will not shut up about this Rune that makes your dot creit so of course the Rune that is broken is the opposite one not that one this Rit are are you surprised that ready got it wrong the sad part is Rit are the people that blizzard listens to for balance problems so yeah we're kind of screwed but anyway okay take a look at this and think for a minute conflagrate gives you 30% haste for 10 seconds conflagrate has a cool down of 10 seconds so now you can have 100% tap time on 30% haste 30% faster cast time of course the correlation is there 30% faster cast time that's 30% more spells that is about 30% more damage Meanwhile Back pandemic here okay your crits from your dots can can crit I did the M on a previous video I'm I'm just going to do the tldr here let's be generous let's assume that a warlock has 30% crit because of how the crit modifier on spells works that means that his dots if they are able to crit they are going to do on average 15% more damage at best in slot okay so This only affects your dots and it is 15% extra damage this right here affects any spell that you can cast because you can cast more of him and it is 30% also this is right here the 15% on average that's assuming you got 30% crit that's assuming you got a really good gear what if you got no gear there you go Backdraft it scales very well and it doesn't care if you got gear or not either so it is both good for the new player and the Very geared player so no I don't think the the shadow H spec warlock either demonology or either Affliction I don't think either of them are going to be doing very good right now but also another cool thing you know uh you might take a look at this the fail guard okay we are getting the fail guard the fail guard is from TVC it's a pet from TVC basically it it has an AO ability that's the cool part about it has like a cleaving thing so now warlocks are going to get even better at AOE as a matter of fact the bracers run they have two AOE abilities you can also get emol Ora this is a passive you put on yourself this was the demonology Warlock ability in r actually and you just put this on yourself and it is passive AOE it is like a consecrate on top of you basically so now tank warlocks are going to get insane AOE threat very similar to what a shaman or a paladin can get with the totems or the consecration so I am very bullish also on Tank Warriors tank warlocks sorry so tank warlocks are going to get really strong and DPS warlocks are going to get even stupider so yeah if I were to guess guys this number right here 30% they are going to roll this back okay 30% is way too much okay if this was 15% I would still take it over the pandemic okay uh like if it was nominally the same amount I would still take this one because it affects my cast and this one only affects my dots dots are half my damage spells are 100% of my damage also fire is stronger anyway and you really don't benefit from pandemic if you're fire match you only emate is like one that matters but right here if you're going for Backdraft and you're fire this is the best one anyway even if it was 5% I would take it not to mention if you're fire you're stacking crit anyway but if you are a shadow spec dot spec you don't really want crit anyway so you're kind of screwing your stats just to be able to abuse a pandemic so it's kind of bit the purpose you know like you're getting damage on this side but to get damage on this side you got to sacrifice stats on this side so it kind of evens out really it's not like you gain much now there is one use for pandemic if you really look at it and that is buffing the Rogue oh yeah buffing the Rogue let's take a look at this own or among stes every time somebody in the party crits they get a combo point this has an internal cool down of 1 second this is really stupid okay if you got infinite combo points you got pretty much infinite damage I don't think your average Rogue is going to be able to abuse this very well but if you are intentionally stuck in a group for it like somebody that creats a lot putting like a bunch of good dpsers on it this thing is going to going to be really stupid for your average player it might not be a big deal but if you are stucking a group intentionally and intentionally abusing this you're are going to see a lot of damage okay so basically this is going to make so the top Rogues in the world are going to be right there on the top of the leader boards your average Rogue probably not much the next spec that I want to talk about actually class in general is going to be the Super annoying priest okay even in PVE and PVP this is going to be pretty pretty annoying and that is the Divine ages okay every time your heal crits you create a shield for 30% of the amount healed this is so annoying of course in PvP it's annoying because if you're a warrior and you try to whack somebody and they got a shield all the time that sucks but it's even worse than that okay Shields are the ultimate annoyance to a Healer in your raid because if sniping the heal is annoying okay how about sniping the heal before the damage goes through that's what a shield does okay it prevents damage from happening we are going to need no adapted healing meters to take into account how the shields are performing so overall if you get a normal meter it's probably not going to show like the healer is doing a lot but right here this is insanely good also it is going to like for the Healer side of course it is going to prevent overhealing because even if you overheal this damage is not going to be wasted with the shield this is very similar to the discipline pris in r King when they remove the internal cool down of power war shield and they were just spamming Shields all day this is going to be just like that again so they are going to be very strong even if the logs do not actually show it another really cool thing that they are getting is another crit related Rune let's take a look at that one right here surge of light every time a spell crits that makes it so your flash heel or your binding heel are going to be instant so not only they are getting like a a super scaling Rune that is going to prevent damage from happening every time they creit that at the same time that they are going to make their next spell so yeah if they stack enough crit they are basically going to keep the tank Shield at 24/7 so yeah I do not see how any other spec could possibly uh beat this as a tank healer okay the priest is going to be the strongest tank healer in the game I have no doubt about it I was kind of hoping this priest would be out of the meta by now but it's not going to okay blizzard will not allow Prest to be bad because all the girls that play this game are going to quit I'm just kidding there's a lot of boys that play girls on line and the last spe I want to talk about is going to be the red Paladin okay let's take a look at this your concentration damage can crit so that's very similar to the Warlock dots concentration is a DOT and now it crits so that's going to give them a decent amount of crit but the cool part here is that exorcism holy shock holy rat and concentration are going to be gaining additional Critical Strike chain equal to your melee Critical Strike chain okay let's think for a minute this doesn't mean that their spell crit is going to turn into melee crit that means that they're going to get their spell crit and melee crit at the same time for their spells of course no no same person gets critical spell chance on a paladin that's stupid but if you have intellect intellect turns into crit they have like I don't know 5% base crit chance so they are getting like 5% crit chance plus the melee crit chance that's really really strong they are also H gon remember you got some pieces of GE in the race that give you critical chance for for all spells and abilities okay so this is going to help a little more because I didn't explain myself very well okay this is for example a male piece you can get in noan increases your chance to get all critical strikes with all spells and attacks by 1% and if you take a look at the tool tip critical by one all let's see if blizzard actually thought this true and they actually put a work around on it before they messed up the whole thing but the way I see it uh the code the game doesn't think that you're getting like 1% quotequote General crit let's call it that the stat okay I think the game shows thinks that you got one spell crit and one melee crit separately so if you can stack them like this Rune the the amount of crit they are getting is going to be like double that's that's insanely stupid also if you take a look at the other Rune they are getting for the other slot that is going to be purifying power that reduces the cool down of exorcism and holy rat by by half and holy rat can Now cast at any Target so this is really strong because it's like an AOE that does holy damage which can now also crit with all your melee damage so yeah uh the Paladin became strong because it was able to ignore Arbor damage ever since the 27th of February changes right uh they made it so Crader strike is Holy damage instead of physical damage that's what catapulted the red Paladin really high because it's ignore armor and as you guys know there is no holy resistance in the game okay that's why I'm concerned about this there is no holy resistance so it means that aside from your Mis chance of course you're getting full damage on everything you do every time no armor reduction no nothing so when you get crit on your holy spells you don't get just crit you get like an insane amount of value for it so I think the red Paladin is going to get really strong take a look at it subscribe leave a like join the Discord and thank you for watching he
Channel: Sanmedina
Views: 11,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world of warcraft, wow private server, mmo, mmorpg, wow, asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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